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  • TheTVDB.com List ID 16528
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 0
  • Created October 16, 2024 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified February 4, 2025 by
    toni kaku

The Girl Who Wasn’t Dead


Follow the story of 15-year-old Erica who vanishes without a trace. Authorities believed Erica might be the victim of a local serial killer, but her mother, Carrie refused to believe the worst. In an incredible turn of events, Erica emerges from the shadows at her own murder trial, three years after her disappearance. Erica wasn’t abducted but had run away and chosen to live in seclusion with her 21-year-old boyfriend, Andrew, near her mother’s house.

KRANK Berlin


Als ihr Privatleben aus den Fugen gerät, übernimmt eine junge Ärztin auf der Suche nach einem Neuanfang die Notaufnahme in dem schwierigsten und chaotischsten Krankenhaus Berlins. Im Kampf gegen den Widerstand des Personals und ein veraltetes System muss sie ihr eigenwilliges Team vereinen, um Leben zu retten.

Tim Dillon: This Is Your Country


Comedian Tim Dillon chats with everyday Americans about cryptocurrency, OnlyFans and other outrageous issues they face in this comedy unscripted special.

聖者無双 ~サラリーマン、異世界で生き残るために歩む道~


ガルダルディアの大神との少額の賭けに負けた後、地球の運命の神は、報酬として10個の低品質の魂をライバルに渡しました. 彼の勝利を利用して、ガルダルディアの神は、彼が監督する世界の1つである魔法の世界でそれらを再生しながら、これらの魂を新しい体に吹き込む機会を得ました. 選ばれた10名の中から、長年の苦労の末に昇給を目前にした元サラリーマンが、前世の記憶と鋭い営業力だけを残してルシエルの体に転生する。 このばかげた状況に直面して、私たちの男は自分自身に約束をします:彼の次の死は甘く、老年になります。 これを行うために、彼はヒーラーになることを決心しますが、この仕事が簡単ではないことを知りません...

A Very Merry Beauty Salon


The story follows the lively women of an Atlanta beauty salon owned by Sienna who must prepare for the annual Tinsel Ball, but is Sienna also prepared for love when Lawrence arrives to town?

ととのえ!サクマくん by &sauna


北海道文化放送のメディアブランド「&sauna」は、マスコットキャラクター「さくまくん」が主人公のテレビアニメ「ととのえ!」の制作を発表した。 11月に北海道文化放送チャンネルと&sauna YouTubeチャンネルで公開予定の「佐久間くん by &sauna」(Prepare Yourself Sakuma-kun! by &sauna)。

A Kidnapping in Amish Country


When Lena (Cadence) – an Amish woman with a checkered past – realizes her daughter has been abducted, she is forced to turn to the only person who can help: her estranged best friend, Skye (Bauman) who’s renounced the Amish way of life and found fame on social media.

A Carpenter Christmas Romance


A novelist escapes to her family farmhouse to write, reuniting with her former crush, a carpenter rebuilding the town. Sparks fly as they collaborate to revive the Christmas spirit.

Searching for a Serial Killer: The Regina Smith Story


A single mother determined to provide a safer world for her daughter, Regina joins the Dallas Police Department. As a rookie, Regina and her partner Eddie stumble upon the first victim of what would be many murders of female prostitutes by the notorious serial killer, Charles Albright AKA “The Eyeball Killer”. Regina risks everything to get involved in the case. She discovers crucial evidence missed by FBI and city homicide detectives that lands her on the doorstep of a satanic killer.

Husband, Father, Killer: The Alyssa Pladl Story


Alyssa and Steven have an intense relationship and move in together when Alyssa is an impressionable teen. After they have a daughter of their own, their path takes a dark turn when Steven becomes physically abusive toward the infant. Alyssa senses the situation is dire and puts the child up for adoption…little does she know, that 18 years later their daughter, now named Katie, would seek them out. After an instant connection when they reunite, Steven convinces Katie to move in with him, Alyssa and their two young daughters, promising her opportunities to pursue her passions.

If Walls Could Talk


When her father dies, Olivia moves home to help her mother, who claims there is a ghost in the house. When she breaks her hip, Olivia hires a health aide who seem too good to be true.

Delivering Christmas


After a little girl tells her mailman that her widowed mother is sad, he decides to bring them gifts in honor of the 12 days of Christmas.

Dying to Dance


A young man must teach a woman to dance - at any cost.

Hunting Housewives


Four friends head for a much-needed spa retreat weekend away from their husbands, children and busy schedules when suddenly they find themselves downed in a plane crash. With no knowledge of basic survival, the housewives must use their wits and whatever is in their designer bags to try to survive in the rugged wilds. When they realize they are not alone, even frenemies must align to outwit their hunters.

Mormon Mom Gone Wrong: The Ruby Franke Story


Together, six adorable kids, a loving husband, and Ruby made up “8 Passengers,” a web series documenting the group’s everyday life and Ruby’s LDS-influenced parenting style. To viewers, Ruby had the perfect life, but everything took a turn for the worse when Ruby’s marriage counselor Jodi Hildebrandt, entered their lives. After Jodi moves into Ruby’s home, the environment becomes toxic and Ruby’s husband is forced to move out. Jodi and Ruby’s views of disciplining children were not “strict parenting” but abuse.

Sweet Dreams


Adaptasi kisah cinta fantasi karya novelis popular, Acik Lana yang menggabungkan dua watak berbeza ratu kacau, dan seorang lagi superhero cool dengan aura misteri. Superhero ialah seorang pelukis yang sentiasa mengimpikan seorang wanita yang kekok, dan beberapa perkara berlaku apabila adiwira itu bertemu dengan mereka yang malang.



『がんばっていきまっしょい』は、敷村良子による私小説、およびそれを原作とした映画・テレビドラマのタイトルであり、愛媛県松山市の高校を舞台に、ボート部の活動に打ち込む5人の女子高校生たちの姿を描いた物語である。 タイトルの「がんばっていきまっしょい」は、敷村の母校である愛媛県立松山東高等学校で1960年代前半ごろから使われている「気合入れ」の掛け声で、入学式や体育の授業前のランニング時に実際に使用されている。ラグビー部顧問だった教諭が、学校に一体感を作るべく考え出した掛け声だという。

A Day of Fire: A Novel of Pompeii


Adaption of the book "A Day of Fire: A Novel of Pompeii". The book takes place in the lead up to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which utterly destroyed Pompeii and killed many of its residents. It tells a series of overlapping stories of people living in Pompeii and what their lives were like before fire rained down from the sky.

코미디 리벤지


지금 대한민국에서 가장 핫한 코미디언 18인이 또다시 치열한 웃음 배틀을 펼친다. 코미디 대부 이경규 팀이 주최하는 코미디 컴피티션. 물불을 가리지 말고 오직 세상을 웃게 하라!

Liza Treyger: Night Owl


Treyger's stand-up explores the struggles of new parenthood, venting frustrations about others' spouses, and self-deceptions around substance use.

妻、小学生になる。 (2024)


累計部数300万部突破の村田椰融が描く家族再生の物語。 10年前、妻を亡くした愛妻家の新島圭介はずっと失意の中にいた。 だがある日、小学生の女の子、白石万理華が、自分は他界した妻、貴恵だと言ってやってくる。 こうして、小学生の姿をした妻との人生が再び動き始める… 2022年にTBSにて堤真一主演、石田ゆり子共演で実写ドラマ化もされた本作。 2024年、TVアニメとして再び日本中を愛で包む――。

Prime Target


A brilliant math student is on the verge of a major breakthrough when a shadowy enemy tries to stop him. Fighting for answers — and his life — he teams up with a government agent to unravel a high-stakes conspiracy.

Diddy Do It?


Documentary investigating sexual assault and trafficking allegations against hip-hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs. Follows the ongoing probe into the alleged misconduct.

Mariah: The Diva, The Demons, The Drama


In 2003, Mariah was the most successful female recording artist of all time. Her marriage to Tommy Mottola in 1993 was a turning point in her life, which all began to fall apart when she started to struggle with her mental health.

The War Between the Land and the Sea


When a fearsome and ancient species emerges from the ocean, dramatically revealing themselves to humanity, an international crisis is triggered. With the entire population at risk, UNIT steps into action as the land and sea wage war.



「SAND LAND: THE SERIES」は、深刻な水不足にあえぐ砂漠の国・サンドランドが舞台の冒険ファンタジー。ワルだけどピュアな悪魔の王子・ベルゼブブと、正義感溢れる人間の保安官・ラオ、王子に振り回されるお目付け役のシーフが、水不足にあえぐ人々を救うため、砂漠のどこかにある“幻の泉”を探す旅へと向かう。

Hollywood Squares (2025)


Hollywood Squares involves two contestants who play tic-tac-toe to win money and prizes. The “board” for the game is a vertical stack of open-faced cubes, each occupied by a celebrity seated at a desk and facing the contestants. The celebrities are asked questions and the contestants judge the legitimacy of their answers to win the game.

エデン (2021)


数千年後の未来を舞台に、唯一生き残っていた人間の子供を育てるロボットの物語を、「鋼の錬金術師」の入江泰浩監督と「イノセンス」の3D CGクリエイターが贈る。




Nekopara Ova extra


About half a year before the opening of the patisserie, La Soleil where the catgirls work with Kashou. Back when Chocola and Vanilla were still kittens when they first arrived at the Minazuki household and before they opened up to the other catgirls.




Les Siffleurs


Capitaine au sein de la cellule enlèvement de la police judiciaire, Marianne Kacem est chargée de l’enquête sur la disparition à Paris d’une jeune étudiante, Lila Rivière. La veille, les deux femmes s’étaient croisées alors que Lila, à la tête d’un blog « @lesSiffleurs » visant à dénoncer le harcèlement de rue dont elle est régulièrement victime, était venue porter plainte pour agression. En cherchant la trace de la jeune Lila, Marianne va se confronter à une autre génération, mais également à sa propre histoire.

Custodia repartida


Cris y Diego, tras separarse, intentan mantener la cordialidad por su hija, aunque todo se complica cuando ambos regresan a vivir con sus padres. Lo que comienza como una separación amistosa se transforma en un caos lleno de tensiones, mientras los abuelos disfrutan inesperadamente del revuelo familiar.

El Juicio


Sigue a una adolescente y a su padre en su lucha por la justicia después de que ella es agredida sexualmente por el descendiente de un exitoso hombre de negocios. El padre y la hija no solo tendrán que lidiar con un sistema judicial fallido, sino que también deberán enfrentarse a un adversario adinerado empeñado en usar todo su poder para proteger a su hijo.



Family's world turns upside down when 13-year-old Jamie Miller is arrested for murdering a schoolmate. The charges against their son force them to confront every parent's worst nightmare.

Aaron Rodgers: Enigma


Follow NFL legend Aaron Rodgers as he bounces back from an Achilles injury in this sports series chronicling the defining moments of his life and career.

Ali Wong: Single Lady


After a whirlwind couple of years, Ali Wong returns to the stage to dish on the joys of post-divorce life and how the media juiced up her dating roster.

Glitter and Greed: The Lisa Frank Story


A nostalgic look at Lisa Frank Inc., the iconic '90s brand that defined girlhood, exploring its psychedelic illustrations and the company's hidden world.

Love Never Lies: South Africa


The South African edition of the international reality show produced by Rapid Blue will focus on six couples who must test their trust with an eye-scanning lie detector. In this reality series, deception costs money, and the truth comes with a prize.



内村伝之助は、ベトナムに出向させられるまで、ごく普通の日本人サラリーマンだったが、ひき逃げ事故で亡くなる。内村は転生し、魔王によって別の世界に召喚され、魔王軍の四天王の一人として新しい仕事をオファーされる! 内村は断ることのできないオファーに直面しているが、彼はその仕事をこなせるだろうか?

Shannon Fiedler: Thirty, Flirty & Crying


The special is described as a smart and sometimes silly exploration of what it means to be a woman who’s recently turned that number after 29.

Ilana Glazer: Human Magic


Human Magic, a new stand-up special from Ilana Glazer, is set to premiere on the streamer on December 20, launching on Disney+ internationally.

The Undervale


A single mother of two struggles to run a haunted hotel with the help of her estranged brother, who is now one of the ghosts and thinks the other ghosts have some pretty good ideas.

Catherine Cohen's: Come for Me


Part stand-up comedy, part cabaret, Come for Me is billed as an openly glamorous, decidedly horny exploration of what it means to be a woman entering her 30s.




Phil Wang: Wang in There, Baby!


Wang In There, Baby! is about “being British, being Asian, octopuses, America and the trappings of minor fame"

マジック・メイカー ~異世界魔法の作り方~



Outrageous (2025)


Outrageous is the true story of six sisters who refused to play by the rules and whose often-scandalous lives made headlines around the world. Set against the gathering storm clouds of the 1930s, Outrageous will bring the full, uncensored story of the Mitford sisters to the screen for the first time - a story of family betrayals, public scandal, political extremism, personal heartache and even imprisonment. Refusing to conform to a world order that was collapsing around them, explore how and why these women were so ahead of their time - and what drove them to take their very different, complex and often extreme paths. A family saga like no other, this is the Mitfords as they really were: unapologetic, outrageous and utterly human.

Selling The City


A team of stylishly savvy New York real estate agents hustle to seal multimillion-dollar deals while stirring up drama in this soapy reality series.

Francisco Ramos: Venezuela’Merican


Francisco Ramos, the Venezuelan American stand-up comic known for his unique perspective on the immigrant experience, took to YouTube on Tuesday to unveil his debut comedy special, Venezuela’Merican, via 800 Pound Gorilla.

Pop Star Academy: KATSEYE


Twenty aspiring pop stars undergo a K-pop training program in this docuseries about the creation of HYBE x Geffen's first global girl group, KATSEYE.

How to Die Alone


Mel is a broke, fat, Black JFK airport employee who's never been in love and forgotten how to dream, until an accidental brush with death catapults her on a journey to finally take flight and start living by any means necessary.



A rootless and enigmatic genius, Iris Nixon who steals a code from charming philanthropist Cameron McIntyre and goes on the run.

Celda 211


México estrenará esta serie limitada protagonizada por Diego Calva que presenta la historia de un abogado especializado en derechos humanos que pretende ser un prisionero para salvarse a sí mismo, luego de quedar atrapado en un disturbio en la cárcel.

Reggie Watts: Never Mind


Kevin Garcia directed the new hour, which is described as a step back into a simpler time. Set in the mid-’90s, Watts covers what the future may hold — how instant delivery service is not far away, Y2K, the potential of the internet, The X-Files, Windows 98, and the new Beastie Boys album — all through his original, improvised, musical lens.

The Au Pair


George, a diabetic father who moves next door to daughter Zoe Dalton. Zoe seems to have it all, including successful husband Chris, but when she hires an au pair, Sandrine, the beguiling young French woman triggers an unsettling shift in the household as instincts and suspicions arise, hinting at hidden agendas.

Jen Kober: No Flies On Me


Stand-up comedian Kober humorously narrates encounters with small-town folks, pesky insects, and illicit sweets peddlers. In the special, taped at Brad Garrett’s Comedy Club at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV, Kober brings audiences together with stories about dealing with hometown hicks, unforgiving fruit flies and California candy cartels.

MILF of Norway


Nasjonalerotisk humordrama om midtlivskriser, nakenbilder og selvrealisering.

Sonny Boy -サニーボーイ-





成績優秀でゲームが趣味の16歳の高校生・白柳啓は普通の日常に退屈していた。そこへ突然現れた謎の包帯男の襲撃を受け、ゲーム感覚で撃退することに成功したが、その後現れたマジシャン風の女に殺されてしまう。 病院風の謎の施設で啓は目を覚まし、同様の境遇の者ばかりが集められた会場に例のマジシャン風の女、魅音が登場。それぞれに与えられた「能力」を使って戦うことを説明される。 一対一での戦いの1stプログラム、5人グループが一対一で戦う2ndプログラム、チーム戦の3rdプログラムを経て、舞台は監視者1名を含む12人の6グループが戦う4thプログラムへと移っていく。 (wikipedia)






完全な女たらしとハンサムな男、そして高校のオタク少女。 彼女は一度彼の命を救い、彼は彼女のために倒れ、彼女のストーカーになります。 それらは一致しませんが、それらの間で何が起こりますか?

All Her Fault


The suburban-thriller limited series is set in Chicago and revolves around “Marissa Irvine, who arrives at 14 Arthur Ave., expecting to pick up her young son Milo from his first playdate with a boy at his new school. But the woman who answers the door isn’t a mother she recognizes. She isn’t the nanny. She doesn’t have Milo. And so begins every parent’s worst nightmare.

WHAM!: Last Christmas Unwrapped


A documentary chronicling the meteoric rise of Wham!'s "Last Christmas". Features new interviews with Andrew Ridgeley and archival footage of George Michael.

Do It Yourself!! -どぅー・いっと・ゆあせるふ-


女子高生 × 工具 = ものづくり DIY “ 初心者” 女子の日常物語、 活動スタート! これは、家具や友情や、ひいては人生までも、 考え、工夫し、苦労し、失敗し、それでも諦めずに自分の手で完成させて、 未来を切り開いていこうとする少女たちの、その最初の一歩を描く物語である―――

Chad Powers


When bad behavior nukes hotshot QB Russ Holliday's college career, he disguises himself and walks onto a struggling Southern football team as the talented and affable Chad Powers.

Amsterdam Empire


Jack van Doorn, de rijke en beruchte oprichter van het coffeeshop imperium Jackal, heeft zijn hele carrière moeten vechten tegen criminelen, concurrenten en absurde Nederlandse wetten om uit te groeien tot de grootste van allemaal. Wanneer zijn affaire met een bekende journaliste uitkomt, blijkt dat zijn gevaarlijkste vijand al die tijd onder zijn dak woonde: zijn verraden vrouw Betty, een ex-popdiva die al zijn zwakke plekken en geheimen kent en niet zal rusten voor ze hem alles heeft afgepakt.

Beyond the Gates (2025)


Follows the lives of a wealthy Black family living in a posh, gated community.



An aging and down on his luck private investigator in 1930s New York is forced to grapple with his past life as the city's one and only superhero.



彩香ちゃん(加藤史帆)は同じ職場の弘子先輩(森カンナ)のことが大好き。 日々、アピールするも相手にされず...。 一方、実は相当の“女好き”の弘子先輩は彩香ちゃんの積極的なアタックにドキドキしっぱなし!! しかし過去にあるトラウマを抱え素直になれない弘子先輩は、彩香ちゃんの行動に更なる勘違いを重ねていき...!? 絶対に諦めない後輩×絶対に落とされない先輩の究極のすれちがいオフィス・ガールズラブコメディ!!

Little Disasters


When Jess takes her baby daughter to hospital with a head injury that she can't explain, her close friend and on-duty A&E doctor Liz must make the excruciating decision of whether to call social services on her longtime friend. This decision sets in motion a chain of events that show how one moment can fracture and nearly destroy entire families and friendships.

Baylen Out Loud


Baylen Out Loud follows the journey of Baylen Dupree, a young woman living with an extreme case of Tourette Syndrome. Despite her daily challenges, Baylen and her family aren't afraid to laugh and embrace the chaos that makes their everyday lives in West Virginia unique. With Baylen yearning for independence, she'll need to rely less on her family as she takes steps toward being in the world on her own.

Dream Productions


Dream Productions is focused on the movie studio where Riley’s dreams are made.

Con Esa Misma Mirada


Cuenta la historia de una mujer que tras una dolorosa infidelidad y separación después de 25 años de matrimonio, se ve enfrentada a replantearse la vida que había dedicado a su familia, reactivando sus sueños profesionales y redescubriendo el amor y su sensualidad con un hombre menor que ella.

Law, Love & Betrayal


The series follows a tough township lawyer who forces her way into a slick, family-owned firm in Sandton, where she finds that everyone has secrets, just like her.



Nai-Rich follows five influential Kenyans, giving a glimpse into the glitz and glam of their daily lives in the entertainment industry. Nai-Rich takes viewers on a thrilling journey into the lives of five influential figures that have made their way to the top against all odds and are now making a killing out of it. They share their lives behind the glitz and glam of social media, giving viewers a glimpse behind the curtains of their drama-filled lives as they navigate friendship, love, family and business in the Kenyan entertainment industry.

False Glory


This is a three-part documentary series that delves into those moments when sporting figures did the unthinkable for personal gain.

Shebeen Queens


A reality show that follows the shebeen queens as they try to balance parenting with keeping their businesses afloat in a cut-throat, all-hours industry that is filled with liquor and laughter – and has historically been male-dominated.

Die Ondernemers


Die Ondernemers volg drie entrepreneurs in die begrafnisonderneming. Die Ondernemers volg drie entrepreneurs in die begrafnisonderneming: Candice Austin, eienaar van Goodall & Bourne Funeral Undertakers; Jano van der Berg, eienaar van Van der Berg Begrafnisdienste; en die voormalige Stormers-rugbyspeler Ramone Samuels, besturende direkteur van SamWill Funeral Services, mede-eienaar van sy broer, die Springbok-heelagter Damian Willemse.



Ho boloka seea-le-moea sa bona sa sechaba hore se se ke sa koaloa, li-DJ tse peli tse shebaneng le libaka tse mahlo-mafubelu li itokisetsa ho qothisana lehlokoa le ntoa ea mananeo a seea-le-moea-moea-le-moea - ba sa tsebe hore sehlopha sa sehlopha se kene ka har'a seteishene.



A collection of these dreams, shared by personalities we have grown up with and dreamt of being. These personalities either inherited, won or were awarded sums of money beyond their wildest dreams. But these dreams turned into a nightmare, and once they hit rock bottom, all that was left were hard lessons learned.

Born Into Fame


Living up to the legacies of your famous parents, while discovering your own, unique path to success.



Troukoors speel Jessica, 'n troubeplanner wat verlief is op liefde, maar sukkel om dit vir haarself te vind. Dit is 'n snaakse, hartlike en stoute romcom oor liefde, familie en vriendskap.

Princess on a Hill


The naive Zara Ozara is thrust into the dangerous high stakes world of business and makes her debut at the head of the most powerful boardroom in the country after winning the Lawson Group’s Leading Ladies reality show. She must now save the company from further decline while resisting the dark influence of its enigmatic tyrant who is pulling her strings.

Convict Conman


A small-town "model boss" preys on the hopes and dreams of young girls. When journalists delve into the case, they uncover a chilling truth, revealing the predator's crimes but also a sinister alliance with a media businessman.

The Republic


South Africa's first female president is tough-talking Lufuno Zandile Mulaudzi. She's on a mission to fight corruption and restore dignity to the country she leads and loves

Ballade vir 'n Enkeling


Handel oor die joernalis, Carina Human wat op die spoor van die enigmatiese skrywer Jacques Reynard is. Jacques daag nie op om ’n letterkundeprys wat aan hom toegeken is te ontvang nie. Tussendeur word vertel van Jacques se kinderjare, sy vriendskap met Jan-Paul Otto en sy liefde vir Lena Aucamp.



A law firm in South Africa takes on various cases, while the partners and associates need to balance their personal lives and keep the firm alive.

Rosemary's Hitlist


Rosemary's Hitlist is a true-crime documentary series about cop-turned-serial-killer Nomia Rosemary Ndlovu, who was sentenced in 2021 to six concurrent life terms for the murders of her live-in-lover and five of her family members.

Tracking Thabo Bester


A journalist unmasks an inconvenient truth: Thabo Bester is alive and at large, working with his lover, Nandipha. Their crimes involve stolen bodies and multi-million-rand scams. The investigation reveals disturbing secrets.

Bae Beyond Borders


Four single South African ladies are on a quest to find love in Nigeria. During the first round of dating, Southie babes jump on online dates with 12 Nigerian bachelors.

Astérix & Obélix : Le Combat des Chefs


Quand Panoramix ne se rappelle plus comment préparer la potion magique, Astérix, Obélix et les irréductibles Gaulois doivent redoubler d'ingéniosité pour résister à l'envahisseur.

Secret Level


Adult animated series of original short stories which are set within the worlds of beloved video games. Each episode serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds from beloved gaming classics and highly anticipated new titles.

Io e mio Fratello


Sofia è la pecora nera della famiglia. Ha 28 anni, è una sciupafemmine e ha lasciato la Calabria, sua terra d'origine, per trasferirsi a Milano, dove vive con il suo coinquilino Alessandro.

Mid-Century Modern


Three best friends — gay gentlemen of a certain age – who, after an unexpected death, decide to spend their golden years living together in Palm Springs where the wealthiest one lives with his mother. As a chosen family, they prove that no matter how hard things get, there’s always someone around to remind you it would be better if you got your neck done.

Mafalda (2025)


La nueva vida de "Mafalda": se convertirá en la serie latina animada más importante de Netflix



Maisha ya wasichana wanne katika mitaa ya Jeriko, makazi ya watu wa kipato cha chini jijini Nairobi, ambao wanalazimika kuingia katika maisha ya uhalifu ili kujikimu. Julz mwenye umri wa miaka kumi na minane atafanya lolote ili kutunza familia yake. Ndugu yake mdogo anapokubaliwa katika shule ya kifahari ya kimataifa, yeye na marafiki watatu huchukua kazi nyingine na mfalme wa Yeriko, Makali, na kusababisha matokeo mabaya ambayo yanabadilisha maisha yao milele.



犬のように見えて、犬のように振る舞い、自分は犬だと主張するなら、それは…犬? 多分? とにかく彼女はそれを引き取り、この「犬」との生活は決して退屈にならないでしょう!

Songs Inside


Most women leaving prison eventually end up back inside, but one musician and and her guitar want to prove that music can be a powerful tool for change and rehabilitation, behind bars and beyond. Will music open the door to a different future and set this these women prisoners free?

7/7: Hunting the London Bombers


The untold story of one of the most devastating terror attacks on British soil - and the three weeks of panic, paranoia, and manhunts that changed Britain. 20 years ago, four bombs exploded in London killing 52 people and injuring more than 700. This multi-perspective series will track the frenzied weeks that followed and the hunt to find those responsible.

Boyzone: No Matter What


Boyzone and manager Louis Walsh reveal the conflict, rivalry, betrayal and tragedy that played out behind the scenes of one of the most successful and iconic boybands of all time.

The Lazarus Files


McGough’s book is a deeply reported account of a Los Angeles cold case murder that remained unsolved for decades until DNA evidence identified a shocking suspect: an LAPD detective.

Greg Fitzsimmons: You Know Me


You Know Me finds Fitzsimmons reflecting on 34 years of sobriety, sex with a 57-year-old woman, convincing your children that you’re cool, and combating loneliness on the road. And he realizes, he’s happy where he is.

Jay Pharoah: Jared


In his new hour, Pharoah delivers a fully charged performance, ripping the lid off pop culture, his suburban upbringing, and run-in with the law, all while sharing his unique perspective on self-discovery and resilience in a world that never stops laughing.

Heather McMahan: Breadwinner


It contains material like the pressure of McMahan’s financial support, the perils of being a golf widow, planning a wedding on an overblown budget, relating to in-laws and more.

A Dickens of A Christmas


Follows Zara, a lawyer haunted by Christmas memories, who attends a Victorian dinner where she meets Rafe, a renovator. His ghostly ancestor plays matchmaker by giving Zara a book of love stories, challenging her skepticism about romance.

There's a New Killer in Town


Alice's small town routine is upended when writer Ronnie sweeps into her life. But with this new friend comes a series of inexplicable events that soon plunges Alice and her entire town into danger.

Mamen Mayo


La historia sigue a Mamen Mayo y su equipo de mediación en su intento por resolver los conflictos de intereses dentro de familias enredadas en disputas por herencias.

Las Pelotaris 1926


Chelo, Idoia e Itzi son tres jugadoras de pelota que luchan por alcanzar sus sueños en los años 1920. Las exitosas deportistas profesionales tendrán que asumir las consecuencias de romper moldes.

Bread & Roses


The powerful window into the seismic impact on women’s rights and livelihoods after Kabul fell to the Taliban in 2021. The film follows three women, in real time, as they fight to recover their autonomy. Mani captures the spirit and resilience of Afghan women through her raw, intimate depiction of their harrowing plight.



'인플루엔자'는 서울의 고층 빌딩 방공부대를 배경으로 군인 재윤과 방금 이별을 통보받은 그의 여자친구 영주가 좀비 떼와 사투를 벌이며 서로를 향해 달려가는 과정을 그리는 드라마. 한상운 작가의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한다.

NR. 24


Ung lærling Gunnar Sønsteby fra Rjukan bestemmer seg for å gjøre motstand mot Nazi-Tyskland på invasjonsdagen for senere å bli leder for «Oslo-gjengen» som utfører utallige dristige sabotasjehandlinger som gjør ham til Norges største krigshelt.

Mica è Colpa Mia


Due fratelli sommersi dai debiti escogitano un piano per truffare una ricca ereditiera e salvare la loro casa a Napoli, ma presto un amore inaspettato complica il piano.

Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem


A continuation of the story told in the Daft Punk music videos "One More Time," "Aerodynamic," "Digital Love," and "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger."



 ミドリマキバオーは、白い毛並みの小さな競走馬。ロバのように小柄なからだと、不釣合いな大きな鼻の穴、サラブレッドとは思えぬ珍妙な姿をした彼は、激しい闘争心と持ち前のスピードを武器にあらゆる大レースで活躍する!  マキバオーは最初、その容姿と数々の欠点のため、競走馬としてデビューすることさえ危ぶまれる。だが彼にはどうしても競走馬として戦いたい相手がいた!それはマキバオーの最強にして永遠のライバル、同い年のスーパーホース・カスケードである!牧場の借金返済のカタに、幼い頃に引き離された母馬を、もう一度、故郷の牧場に連れ戻すため、ライバル・カスケードを越えるため、今日もマキバオーは走り続ける!  競馬を題材に、ギャグありシリアスありのメリハリある物語と、特徴的な観客や言葉をしゃべる競走馬などの奇抜なアイディアが目を引く、異色のスポーツアニメーション。

The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga


When an eccentric Elvis impersonator makes a shocking discovery in a morgue, he goes to the internet and down a rabbit hole into a world of conspiracy. His mission to expose the dark underbelly of Tupelo sparks a rivalry that starts local but climbs to the highest office in Washington, D.C.

SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night


A behind-the-scenes look at the creative process of legendary sketch comedy "Saturday Night Live," with fresh insights into the show's history.






Homicide was Australia's first major drama series, and the most influential by any measure. Based around murder cases investigated by the Homicide squad at Melbourne's Russell Street police headquarters, Homicide single-handedly established a viable TV drama industry in Australia. Over 11 years and 510 episodes, Homicide acheived massive ratings (peaking at an incredible 54 at one point), made household names of its stars, spawned two sister series- Division 4 and Matlock Police- on rival networks, and still outlived them both! In the twenty-two years since it was last broadcast (in afternoon re-runs), the series has become renowned for its frequent car chases, slightly shonky 1970's fashions, and occasionally stilted dialogue. Some of Australia's best-known actors, writers, and directors got their start on Homicide, and without it- and the successors it generated- Australian drama would be very, very different.

Pulse (2025)


While the staff of Miami’s busiest Level 1 Trauma Center navigate medical emergencies, young ER doc Danny Simms is unexpectedly promoted to Chief Resident amidst the fallout of her own provocative romantic relationship.

Chop Shop


A group of car thieves in Los Angeles as they rise from the criminal underground to become big-time international players.

A Thousand Blows


The drama follows the fortunes of Hezekiah and Alec, two best friends newly arrived from Jamaica. Fighting for survival in the violent melting pot of Victorian London’s East End, they come up against Sugar Goodson, a dangerous, veteran boxer played by Graham.

Brian and Maggie


Dramatisation of the infamous 1989 interview between journalist Brian Walden and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which triggered the downfall of the Iron Lady.



見えてはいけない「!」の標識— それは、そこに“怪異”があった証。 とある街の書店員で、作家志望の緒川菫子は、 今日も同僚の化野蓮と、不毛な無駄話に花を咲かせている。 しかし化野には、菫子の知らない秘密があった。 人々が噂する怪談、都市伝説、現代怪異の一部は実在する。 ある日、書店にいつの間にか増える“逆万引きの本”をきっかけに、 二人は街で次々と起こる不可思議な事件に立ち向かっていく。 これは現代社会に巣食うミステリーに挑む凸凹コンビの、 ささやかな友情と別れの物語。



私が雇ったばかりのメイドには本当に奇妙なことがあります! 普通の人はこんなに美しい人も、こんなに美味しい料理を作ったり、私が尋ねる前に私が何を望んでいるのかを正確に知っている人はいないでしょう。 彼女は魔法を使っているに違いありません。そうです、私が彼女を見るたびに私の胸がとてもきつく感じる理由を説明できるのは呪文だけです。 私は誓います、私はこのメイドをとても...神秘的なものにしているものの底に到達するつもりです!



佐藤亮太は、突然別の世界に運ばれ、若くてかわいらしい冒険家のエミリー・ブラウンの手に渡りそうになったとき、彼の人生に驚きを覚えます。 この新しい世界は、モンスターを倒し、食べ物、お金、アイテムなど、ドロップしたものから利益を得ることを中心に展開します。リョウタにとって残念なことに、彼は話すスキルがありません...彼がレアドロップを取得する能力を持っていることを知るまで! 突然彼の運は好転します...それともそうですか?



20世紀初頭から突然世界中に出現し始めたユニークなモンスター。 当初、人間は抵抗しようとしましたが、その巨大な力に直面して、完全な絶滅は不可能であるという結論に達し、モンスターの監視と分析に彼らの知恵を集中させました。 国連怪獣天文台(通称クーロン)が誕生しました。 不屈のリーダー、怪物生態学の権威である海道雄一郎、怪物機能分析の才能である小林敏、怪物防災の異端者であるクレア・コールマン、怪物戦略の貴族であるニキータ・タルコフスキーが率いる。 モンスター言語学への道を開いた新世代のルル・デ・ピカードと、モンスターの生命科学の大物であるギレルモ・マルケス。 モンスター科学の専門家は、何百ものモンスターを監視および分析し、モンスターと人類が共存する世界を探索し続けました。



大山まひろは普通のエロゲーム好きの男だった...ある朝、女性として目が覚めるまで! 彼のマッドサイエンティストの妹、ミハリは、マヒロに関する限り、彼に彼女の新しい実験の1つを試しました...悲惨な結果をもたらしました! しかし、ミハリは彼の閉ざされたゲームプレイの生活に戻ることを決意しているのと同じように彼を研究することを決意しています、そして確かに1つのことは...人生はこれからずっと奇妙になるでしょう!



入ってください:彼らがその近づきがたい盗品を手に入れたように見えるたくさんのかっこいい男たち。 しかし、現実になりましょう。それは真実ではありません。 彼らは、見せかけの日々を持っているただのドークの束です。 だから、座って、ポップコーンを手に取って、たくさんの間抜けな男が毎日一日中クールに見えようとしているのを見て楽しんでください。 Play It Cool、Guysは、同じ部分がクールで、同じ部分が愛らしいぎこちない男をフィーチャーした楽しいストーリーのコレクションです。



疑わしいカルト指導者の息子である雪兎は、カルトのばかげた訓練慣行のために命を落としました。 驚いたことに、彼は別の世界に生まれ変わりました! それは彼にとって「神」や「宗教」の概念のない理想的な世界でしたが...! ユニークな「他の世界で生まれ変わる」冒険が始まります:神のいない世界で「宗教」を作成しますか?!



25歳の冒険家であるRenttFainaは、10年間モンスターをハッキングしてきました。 しかし、その仕事に多くの才能がないため、レントは毎日わずかな量のコインを求めてスライムとゴブリンを狩りに行き詰まっていることに気づきます。 彼はほとんど知りません、彼が月の反射の迷宮で一見発見されていない道に出くわしたとき、これはすべて変わりつつあります。 しかし、道の終わりで彼を待っているのは、宝物でも富でもありませんが、彼を丸ごと飲み込むのに時間を無駄にしない伝説のドラゴンです! しばらくして目を覚ますと、レントは自分自身が完全に死んでいないことに気づきますが、あまり生きていません。彼は骨の山にすぎません! 信頼できる剣、ツールベルト、そして恐ろしい新しい外観だけで武装したレントは、存在する進化を達成するために新しく生まれ変わったスケルトンとしての探求に着手し、いつの日かより人間的な形で文明に戻ることを望んでいます。 レントは成功するのでしょうか、それとも迷宮が彼の残りの死を食い尽くすのでしょうか...?



中学3年生の秋、バイオリンの天才である青野肇は、個人的な理由でバイオリンの演奏をやめました。 しかし、彼が有名な学校のオーケストラを持つ高校について彼に話した女の子と知り合ったのもその年でした。 突然、青野の人生の時計の歯車が再び回り始めた。 音楽と心の調和を生み出す青春ドラマの物語です!



休業中のパチンコホールを引き継ぐことになった新米店長・東雲ムサシ。 だけどその店には、擬人化したパチスロ娘たちがいた。 ムサシはハナビたちと共にパチスロホールの建て直しに奮闘するが…。 ハナビ、バーサス、サンダーV…。 遊技機業界を盛り上げてきた、あの名機たちによる、ザンネン系お仕事コメディ、開店!



誰もが魔法の呪文やドラゴンのような不思議を当然のことと思っている世界で、ココは単純な夢を持った女の子です:彼女は魔女になりたいです。 しかし、誰もが魔術師が生まれたのであって、作られたのではないことを知っています。そして、ココは魔法の贈り物を持って生まれたのではありません。 彼女の非魔法の人生に辞任したココは、魔女になるという彼女の夢をあきらめようとしています...彼女が神秘的な旅の魔術師であるQifreyに会う日まで。 キフリーが今までにない方法で魔法を実行するのを密かに見た後、ココはすぐに誰もが「知っている」ことが真実ではないかもしれないことを学び、彼女の魔法の夢は見た目ほど遠くないかもしれないことを発見します...

Celebrity Bear Hunt


Holly Willoughby hosts this action-packed competition series that sees a group of unlikely British celebrities dropped into the Costa Rican jungle as prey for the 'hunter' - Bear Grylls. Their will to survive is tested as Bear puts them through their paces, those who fail to impress will face the dreaded ‘Bear Hunt’ – a brutal game of cat and mouse where they’ll be hunted down by Bear himself and, if captured, eliminated from the show.

Carpe Diem


À 48 ans, Tom Villeneuve est enfin libre. Accusé à tort du meurtre de sa femme, Tom vient de passer 17 ans en prison. Combatif, il étudie le droit en prison et lorsqu’il est libéré, il devient avocat. De retour dans sa ville natale, Nice, il est bien décidé à découvrir qui est le véritable meurtrier. Il ouvre son cabinet de « jeune » avocat et défend ceux qu'il croit injustement accusés de crime, comme lui.

The Gray House


The story of the three women General Ulysses S. Grant credited as helping the North win the Civil War.

Bronx Buds


Follows a Bronx-based youth baseball team called The Pinstripes, navigating challenges of school and sports through teamwork and friendship.



将棋初心者・田中歩は 八乙女うるしに一目惚れして将棋部へ。 「勝ったらセンパイに告白する!」と意気込むが 実力は遠く及ばない。 一方、歩の“攻めの姿勢”にうるしは内心タジタジで… 2人しか部員のいない将棋部では 今日も盤上と盤外の駆け引きが展開され…!?

Fatal Game


The engagement party of a group of friends turns deadly when someone is murdered.

Good American Family


A Midwestern couple adopts what they believe is a little girl with dwarfism. As they begin to raise her alongside their three biological children, they slowly start to believe she may not be who she says she is. As they question her story, they’re confronted with hard questions of their own about the lengths they’re willing to go to defend themselves, falling into a battle that’s fought in the tabloids, the courtroom, and ultimately their marriage.

Cold Mind


Your series (Cold Mind) has been removed by akritter reason: Insufficient data. SOURCE: https://deadline.com/video/cold-mind-trailer-ai-crime-drama-mipcom-cannes/ | https://deadline.com/2024/04/jos-vantyler-niahm-mccormack-cold-mind-ai-action-series-1235880149/

The Housemaid


Millie is a struggling woman who is relieved to get a fresh start as a housemaid to Nina and Andrew, an upscale, wealthy couple. She soon learns that the family’s secrets are far more dangerous than her own.

Gabriel Iglesias: Legend of Fluffy


From breaking stereotypes to home break-ins, Gabriel Iglesias brings comedy to life's unexpected twists in this stand-up special.

The Secret Lives of Animals


Discover the clever and creative ways animals navigate life’s most extraordinary challenges, from leaving home to finding a partner.

Karma's World


The series follows 10-year-old Karma Grant, an aspiring musical artist and rapper with big talent and an even bigger heart. Smart, resilient, and deeply empathetic, Karma pours her soul into songwriting, channeling her feelings into whip-smart rhymes with passion, courage and her signature brand of humor. She doesn’t just want to share her music with the world—she wants to change the world with it!



A single woman who, after getting pregnant from a one-night stand, leans on her married best friend and mother of two to guide her through gestation and beyond.

The Front


A detective in a Boston suburb is assigned by his female district attorney to reopen an old murder case, which throws his life into grave peril.

At Risk


Win Garano, an Apache nicknamed "Geronimo", is working for Monique "Money" Lamont in the Boston DA's department. Lamont is running for Governor of Massachusetts using the concept of "at risk" to try to gain votes, saying that everyone is at risk from crime but when she becomes governor it is the criminals who will be at risk. To promote her political campaign she re-opens and assigns Garano to a cold case concerning the murder of a 90-year-old woman 35 years previously, demonstrating to voters that she can clear up old crimes as well as new ones.

Bill Maher: Is Anyone Else Seeing This?


Comedian Bill Maher addresses societal issues and taboo topics in their stand-up routine, pushing boundaries while aiming to resonate with a large audience.

StreetDance 2


To beat the world's best dance crew at a dance-off in Paris, France, streetdancer Ash (Falk Hentschel) and new friend and manager, Eddie (George Sampson), gather the greatest streetdancers from around Europe, whilst hoping to add a Latin dance element courtesy of salsa dancer Eva (Sofia Boutella). After a rough start, the group all agree to incorporate this element and have fun adding Latin to street dance; whilst doing this, Ash and Eva grow closer. Two days before the big dance-off, Ash rejects Eva on the dance floor and refers to their fusion dance as a "Little Latin Experiment" when they're up against "The Surge" (Flawless) in a friendly dance-off. The police come and break up the dance-off and Eva runs away. Ash chases her but she doesn't want to know. The next day Ash goes to apologise to Eva but meets her Uncle ((Tom Conti)) who tells Ash to leave. Ash comes back to explain when he finds Eva's Uncle on the floor. He is rushed to the hospital where Eva meets him and Ash. When Eva's Uncle wakes up, he tells Ash that he should go to the dance-off. Ash and his crew leave for the dance-off and are frustrated to find the gates locked. Ash gets them in wearing popcorn sellers' clothes. They battle Invincible until the last dance where they need Eva. She appears and does the dance as planned. Ash and his crew finish, and are estatic to find they have won. Invincible's leader then hands the trophy to Ash. As everyone celebrates, Ash and Eva share a kiss.



Honey Daniels holds down jobs as a bartender, a record store clerk and a dance teacher at a community center run by her mother in New York. Honey's dream is to make it as a renowned choreographer.

Criminal (2025)


An interlocking universe of crime stories based on the graphic novel series created by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Leo is an exceptional thief, capable of thinking like a chess player to design the plans for his heists. He also follows the rule of not resorting to violence during his thefts. For this, some other criminals see him as a coward, especially after his father Tommy was sent to prison for killing the most feared man in town, Teeg Lawless.




Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy


Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy is a raw, exclusive look at Sean Combs long before he was known as Puff or Diddy. Featuring never-before-seen footage and stories from those who know him best, Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy sheds light on his childhood, rise to fame, and recent criminal allegations, challenging viewers to rethink everything they thought they knew about the mogul behind the music—and the mugshot.

中禅寺先生物怪講義録 先生が謎を解いてしまうから。





時は西暦1333年、武士による日本統治の礎を築いた鎌倉幕府は、 信頼していた幕臣・足利高氏の謀反によって滅亡する。 全てを失い、絶望の淵へと叩き落とされた幕府の正統後継者・北条時行は、 神を名乗る神官・諏訪頼重の手引きで燃え落ちる鎌倉を脱出するのだった…… 。 逃げ落ちてたどり着いた諏訪の地で、 信頼できる仲間と出会い、鎌倉奪還の力を蓄えていく時行。 時代が移ろう大きなうねりを、「戦って」「死ぬ」武士の生き様とは反対に 「逃げて」「生きる」ことで乗り越えていく。 英雄ひしめく乱世で繰り広げられる、 時行の天下を取り戻す鬼ごっこの行方は――。



毎朝一番に会いたい人がいる一 中高一貫のスポーツ強豪校・栄明高校に入学する、男子バドミントン部の一年生・猪股大喜。 大喜は毎朝、朝練で顔を合わせる一つ上の先輩、鹿野千夏に恋をする。 千夏は女子バスケットボール部のエースで、校内外問わず人気の高嶺の花。 部活に恋に勉強に、大喜にとって忙しい高校生活がはじまる、そんなある日――

逃走中 グレートミッション


アニメの舞台は、地球の気候変動により人類が月に移住した未来。 江戸時代の日本やロンドンなど、国や時代を曖昧にする多様なフィールドでのサバイバルの人間ドラマなど、アニメ独自の要素を盛り込んでいます。

The Institute


Luke Ellis, a 12-year-old genius, is kidnapped and awakens at The Institute, a facility full of children who all got there the same way he did, and all of whom possess unusual abilities. Former police officer Tim Jamieson's story and Luke’s are destined to collide.

North of North


A young Inuk mother wants to build a new future for herself, but it won’t be easy in her small Arctic town where everyone knows your business.

The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives


The scandalous world of a group of Mormon mom influencers implodes when they get caught amid a swinging sex scandal that makes international headlines. Now, their sisterhood is shaken to its core. Faith, friendship and reputations are all on the line. Will #MomTok be able to survive and continue to give the rulebook a run for its money, or will this group fall from grace?

Your Friend, Nate Bargatze


In his third Netflix special, Nate Bargatze tackles pizza-ordering strategies for guys' night, wanting a second dog and relying on his responsible wife.

Chris Brown: A History of Violence


Explore the biographical film that delves into the controversial personal life of Chris Brown, an iconic singer while exploring allegations of domestic violence, assault charges and sexual misconduct.



‘Nevermind’ is gemaakt voor en door jongeren met een label. Welke vooroordelen komen deze jongeren tegen? Ze delen hun verhaal door hun leven te filmen, met hun eigen gsm.

Devil In The Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke


When popular vlogger Ruby Franke is arrested for child abuse in August 2023, it quickly becomes one of the biggest trending stories in America. For years, the Frankes' YouTube channel had documented a wholesome, happy family life, with 2.5 million subscribers tuning in at its peak. But happy families are rarely what they seem. As the cracks began to show, the family turned to counselor Jodi Hildebrandt for guidance - and rapidly found themselves trapped in a nightmare. Only the Frankes know what went on inside their home.

Good Cop/Bad Cop


Siblings working as detectives in a small town navigate quirky locals, limited resources, their strained relationship, and their father, who's the police chief, in this comedic crime procedural.

Sadako vs. Kayako


A social worker visits the residence of an elderly woman, only to find her strangled by an electric cord. A nearby video player suddenly turns on and begins playing the infamous cursed videotape. As the social worker watches, Sadako Yamamura manifests behind her. The social worker is eventually killed with a knife slitting her throat.



10年前に結婚を約束した美少女のことを思い続ける高校生の三平太。ある日、彼の前にちっとも美少女じゃない人型ロボットのケメコが現れ、結婚を迫った!! 次々と三平太に襲いかかる謎の敵。かわいい幼なじみや無責任なクラスメイト。はたしてケメコは敵か味方か嫁なのか? 三平太のデラックスな日々が幕を開ける!!

Movie 43


A series of interconnected short films follows a washed-up producer as he pitches insane story lines featuring some of the biggest stars in Hollywood.

Mr. Dressup: The Magic of Make-Believe


Take a detailed look about at famed, iconic television show from Canada that impacted multiple generations across its 39 year presence on television and its on-going legacy.



Kaķis ir izteikts vientuļnieks, bet tad, kad viņa mājas iznīcina milzu plūdi, viņš atrod patvērumu nelielā laivā kopā ar citiem dzīvniekiem. Lai izdzīvotu, Kaķim būs jāiemācās sadarboties. Kopā ar Kapibaru, Lemuru, Suni un Putnu viņš ceļo cauri noslēpumainām ainavām, mācoties pielāgoties jaunajai, cilvēku neapdzīvotajai pasaulei.

想星のアクエリオン Myth of Emotions


「思い出して、翅があったころのことを」1万2千年前の想いに応え、繋がったのは欠けたこころ。太陽と月と火星が出会うとき、新たな合体の調べが流れる――!湘南の海に浮かぶ小島、江の島。美しくのどかなその浜辺に、〈私立江ノ島学園〉はある。学園には、全国から優秀な子どもが集められ、最新の機器を使った英才教育が施されていた。特殊強化クラスの生徒〈エレメント〉に選ばれたサッコ、リミヤ、トシは、感情の力で動く戦闘機〈ベクターマシン〉の操縦を命じられ、謎の侵略兵器〈神話獣〉との戦いを余儀なくされる。戦いのさなか、不可思議なヴィジョンに導かれ、サッコは叫ぶ――。「想星合体!GO、アクエリオン!」繰り返される輪廻の果てに、現れた機械天翅アクエリオン。 宿命を背負った少年少女は、得体のしれない団体〈宇宙たまごの会〉や大人たちの思惑が交錯する中、この宇宙の真実と向き合っていくことになる……。これは、おのれの感情と宇宙の存亡を賭けて紡がれる、壮大な愛の神話。




火の鳥 エデンの宙





サクが野良猫を連れて行ったとき、彼女は彼がハウスキーピングライフパートナーに相当することになるとは思っていませんでした。 しかし、サクにそびえる巨大な猫のユキチは、普通の猫ではありません。 彼は料理のスキルに大きな誇りを持っており、スーパーマーケットでの良いセールは常に彼のひげをひきつらせます。 サクはまだ一緒に行動していないかもしれませんが、少なくとも彼女にはユキチがいます!

Suits LA


Ted Black, a former federal prosecutor from New York, has reinvented himself representing the most powerful clients in Los Angeles. His firm is at a crisis point and to survive he must embrace a role he held in contempt his entire career. Ted is surrounded by a stellar group of characters who test their loyalties to both Ted and each other while they can’t help but mix their personal and professional lives.

Happy Gilmore 2


Sequel of "Happy Gilmore" ordered by Netflix

Super Team Canada


Six little-known Canadian superheroes try to save the world from evil giant robots, an unemployed octopus and needy hardware store clerks. The stakes are high for the stereotypically underdog Canadian super-unknowns, who are called in as Earth’s last resort when all other superheroes have been destroyed.

La Quête d'Ewilan


La vie de Camille, orpheline de 13 ans, bascule le jour où elle est projetée par accident dans le monde de Gwendalavir. Elle découvre une terre peuplée de créatures aussi extraordinaires que dangereuses, qu’elle va devoir explorer, accompagnée de son ami Salim, pour découvrir non seulement son véritable nom, Ewilan, mais aussi la vérité sur ses racines et sa destinée. Originaire en réalité de ce monde parallèle, elle est l’héritière d’un don prodigieux, le Dessin, qui s’avère être une arme décisive dans la lutte de son peuple contre les terribles Ts’liches. Elle seule semble pouvoir libérer les Sentinelles capables de protéger Gwendalavir de leurs ennemis.

Roy Wood Jr.: Lonely Flowers


In this stand-up special, Roy Wood Jr explores how lack of connection has sent society spiraling into a culture full of guns, protests, rude employees, self-check out lanes, and why some of us would rather be alone rather than be connected.

The Auction


The film is set at Aztec Corp., a company that auctions off ancient antiquities and semi-distinct wild exotic animals.

るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚- (2023)


幕末の動乱期、“人斬り抜刀斎”と恐れられた志士がいた。 その男は、新しい時代の到来と共に人々の前から姿を消し去り、「最強」という名の伝説と化していった。 時は流れ――明治十一年、東京下町。 逆刃刀を腰に下げ、不殺を誓う旅の剣客・緋村剣心は、神谷活心流の師範代・神谷薫と出会う。 剣心は、活心流を騙る辻斬り「人斬り抜刀斎」の事件を解決したことをきっかけに、薫のもとに居候することとなる。 東京府士族出身の明神弥彦、喧嘩屋を称する相楽左之助といった仲間たちとの出会い 過去の因縁によって戦うこととなる宿敵たちとの対峙。

Piste Noire


Dans les Alpes, la station des Clairies fête la victoire de son champion de descente, Boris Arnoux, enfant chéri du pays. La fête bat son plein lorsqu'un incendie se déclare plus bas dans la vallée, dans un campement de fortune. Une caravane brûle en enfermant dans ses flammes un saisonnier mal logé. Cet "accident " est le point de départ d’une enquête menée par Emilie Karras une jeune gendarme de Lyon, originaire des Clairies où elle a grandi mais qu’elle a aussi quitté il y a 12 ans pour se sauver elle-même. Elle est contrainte de rester et de collaborer avec le Major Servoz, un gendarme local et désabusé. Ils vont découvrir les méandres et les faux-semblants de cette station phagocytée par un projet immobilier luxueux qui divise les gens autant qu’il dévisage la montagne.

Como Agua Para Chocolate


Tita de la Garza y Pedro Muzquiz, son dos almas enamoradas que no pueden estar juntos debido a arraigadas costumbres familiares. Entonces Tita es obligada a navegar con tintes y sabores mágicos entre el destino dictado por su familia y la lucha por su amor, mientras la acompañamos en su mayor refugio: la cocina.

Hard Truths


Pansy is a woman tormented by anger and depression, hypersensitive to the slightest possible offence and ever ready to fly off the handle. She criticises her husband and their adult son so relentlessly that neither bothers to argue with her. She picks fights with strangers and sales clerks and enumerates the world's countless flaws to anyone who will listen, especially her cheerful sister Chantal, who, despite their clashing temperaments, might be the only person still capable of sympathising with her.



「…今夜は一緒に寝ませんか?」 狭いテントで行きずりのドキドキ密着、 無防備すぎる女子4人と一夜限りのハーレムきゃんぷっ! と思いきや、再会したのはまさかの学園!? キャンプ部を結成した彼女たちとの 羨ましすぎる日常がいまスタート♡



世界とその住民に与えたすべての破壊と損害の責任者である「あの男」との最終対決に挑みます。ソル・バッドガイ、ライバルのカイ・キスク、そして合計 15 人の個性的なキャラクターたちとともに、20 年にわたる物語の驚くべき結末に立ち向かいましょう。

Solo Leveling: ReAwakening


Over a decade after 'gates' connecting worlds appeared, awakening 'hunters' with superpowers, weakest hunter Sung Jinwoo encounters a double dungeon and accepts a mysterious quest, becoming the only one able to level up, changing his fate.




Jouer avec le feu


Pierre élève seul ses deux fils. Louis, le cadet, réussit ses études et avance facilement dans la vie. Fus, l’aîné, part à la dérive. Fasciné par la violence et les rapports de force, il se rapproche de groupes d’extrême-droite, à l’opposé des valeurs de son père. Pierre assiste impuissant à l’emprise de ces fréquentations sur son fils. Peu à peu, l’amour cède place à l’incompréhension…

Better Man


Follow Robbie Williams' journey from childhood, to being the youngest member of chart-topping boyband Take That, through to his unparalleled achievements as a record-breaking solo artist – all the while confronting the challenges that stratospheric fame and success can bring.



"RUNN" is a heartfelt portrayal of one man’s, Nedd Brockmann’s, extraordinary mission to make a difference. As he runs across Australia raising money for homelessness, we witness Nedd's humour, grit, mullet and profound humanity, reminding us that even in the vastness of the Australian landscape, one person's determination can ignite a movement and change lives for the better.

Other People's Money


source: https://www.berlinale.de/en/2025/programme/202507058.html

L'armée des Romantiques


Plongez au cœur du Paris bouillonnant du XIXe siècle dans les pas des plus grands artistes de cette époque tels que Victor Hugo, George Sand ou Charles Baudelaire. Ils ont brisé les conventions grâce à leurs mots, leurs plumes ou leurs pinceaux. Cette série d’animation révèle les plus intimes secrets de la génération des Romantiques. Leurs combats font plus que jamais écho dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.

One for the Money


Unemployed and newly-divorced Stephanie Plum lands a job at her cousin's bail-bond business, where her first assignment puts her on the trail of a wanted local cop from her romantic past.



この街、ただの街にあらず。 笑いあり(プププッ) ラブあり(キュンキュン♡) ホロリあり(ホロリホロリ????) 住人たちが織りなす予測不能な平凡ライフ! ワクワクが連鎖する CITYへようこそ。

The Pitt


A realistic examination of the challenges facing healthcare workers in today’s America as seen through the lens of the frontline heroes working in a modern-day hospital in Pittsburgh.



高校2年、学校を中退して単身東京で大学を目指すことになった主人公。仲間に裏切られてどうしていいか分からない少女。両親に捨てられて、大都会で一人バイトで食いつないでいる女の子。 この世界はいつも私たちを裏切るけど。何一つ思い通りにいかないけど。でも、私たちは何かを好きでいたいから。自分の居場所がどこかにあると信じているから。だから、歌う。

Super Mâles


Quatre amis quarantenaires affrontent difficultés amoureuses, crises existentielles et galères de boulot à Paris. Depuis quand les hommes ont la vie dure ? Remake de la série espagnole Machos alfa.



13 年前、悪の極悪軍団が地球を侵略しようとしたとき、ドラゴン キーパーと呼ばれるスーパー戦隊とその超兵器であるディバイン ツールが直面していました。 しかし、邪悪な軍隊は 1 年以内に敗北し、その幹部全員が一掃され、生き残った (そしてほぼ不滅の) 歩兵は、毎週日曜日に大勢の観客の前でキーパーズに敗北を再現することを余儀なくされました。 . シャレードにうんざりし、これが奴隷制にすぎないことに気づき、歩兵の1人が反乱を起こし、組織に潜入してドラゴンキーパーを倒すことにしました。




Roy Wood Jr.: Father Figure


Roy Wood Jr. tackles freeway protests, examines the origin of the blues and explains why the Confederate flag is sometimes helpful.



明浦路司がフィギュアスケートの世界に挑戦することを決めたとき、アイスダンサーになることは目標ではなかった。 しかし、本当のソロスケートの夢を追うには「始めるのが遅すぎた」ため、彼はそこに行き着いたのです。 何年もの間、彼はかつての野心の抜け殻であることに満足していましたが、ある少女に出会うまでは、自分の中に自分自身を見出していました。 スケートがしたくてこっそり練習していた小学5年生の結束いのりさんは、母親と一緒にレッスンを求めて司のリンクを訪れていた。 彼女は周囲から役立たずの烙印を押され、始めるには「遅すぎる」、他のスケーターに追いつくのは不可能だと言われた。 新たな信念と、他の情熱的なスケーターを自分と同じ道に歩ませたくないという思いから、つかさは指導の責任を引き受け、いのりをメダリストにすることを約束する。

Ali Siddiq: The Domino Effect 4: Pins & Needles


Ali Siddiq delivers the final chapter in his comedy special series with The Domino Effect Part 4: Pins & Needles. This 2 hour special tells the true stories of Ali Siddiq’s last few years of incarceration for drug trafficking, how he started doing comedy and his eventual release from prison.

Familier som vores


Den stigende vandstand kan ikke længere ignoreres, og regeringen beslutter, at hele Danmark skal evakueres. Al ejendom er med ét værdiløst, og huse og institutioner lades ensomme tilbage, mens familier, venner og elskende tvinges i hver sin retning. De, der har råd, rejser til velhavende lande, mens de mindre velstillede er afhængige af det statsfinansierede program og må flytte hen, hvor der er plads. Kaos, splittelse og magtesløshed banker på hos danskerne. Men trods afskeden med hjemlandet drejer jorden stadig rundt. Mange steder vokser også kærligheden frem, mennesker forsones, og håbet om at blive genforenet lever.

Lucky Luke


Lucky Luke, le légendaire cow-boy solitaire, se lance dans une quête à travers l’Ouest sauvage pour retrouver la mère de Louise, mystérieusement disparue, tout en déjouant un complot qui pourrait changer le cours de l’Histoire des États-Unis.

La roue de la fortune (2025)


Des candidats vont tenter leur chance pour dénicher les mots et expressions cachés, tout en espérant décrocher les plus gros gains offerts par la roue de la fortune.

The Forsyte Saga (2025)


A wealthy solicitor becomes obsessed with a woman who rejects him despite his riches. After they marry, she remains distant, driving him to extreme lengths to control her in this epic early-20th-century family saga

The Sanctuary


The Sanctuary follows Hunter, an eccentric American billionaire hiding in New Zealand. After selling an innocuous app, he discovers it was sold to a Russian-affiliated private military company and can be weaponized. Hunter finds himself caught between the FBI, Russian assassins, and New Zealand’s most passionate bird conservationists. His solution? Transform his luxury island retreat into a Department of Conservation sanctuary for our feathered friends. As his private paradise becomes overrun with both birds and bird-lovers, Hunter discovers that being a billionaire on the run isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Malcolm in the Middle (2025)


Life isn’t that unfair, it turns out.

Countdown (2025)


After a suspicious murder in broad daylight, LAPD officer Mark Meachum is recruited to join a secret task force of undercover agents from all branches of law enforcement to investigate. But as the truth of a more sinister plot comes into focus, the team must overcome their conflicting personal agendas to unite and save a city of millions.

Sandokan (2025)


Sandokan è un pirata della Malesia che, insieme al suo amico Yanes e alla sua ciurma, attacca le forze Britanniche dalla sua isola di Mompracem. Durante le sue avventure, s'innamora di Lady Marianna Guillonk, un'aristocratica inglese-italiana.

Burden of Guilt (2025)


Based on the hit podcast of the same name. A woman haunted by her baby brother's mysterious death decades ago discovers she was blamed for the tragedy. Her quest for truth leads to an exhumation that finally reveals what really happened to Matthew.

Bananas (2025)


High-profile drama series.

Lucky (2025)


A young woman who left behind the life of crime she was raised in years ago, must now embrace her darker, criminal side one final time in a desperate attempt to escape her past.

The Assassin (2025)


A retired assassin reunites with her estranged son, but her dangerous past catches up with them, forcing them to go on the run together while uncovering a dark conspiracy that threatens their relationship.

Idaho Murders (2025)


The chronicles of the murders of four University of Idaho students in November 2022 and the subsequent investigation, arrest and trial of suspect Bryan Kohberger.

Nova (2025)


A series from Marvel Studios adapting the Marvel Comics superhero Nova.

Sirens (2025)


Devon thinks her sister Simone has a really creepy relationship with her new boss, the enigmatic socialite Michaela Kell. Michaela’s cult-ish life of luxury is like a drug to Simone, and Devon has decided it’s time for an intervention. When Devon tracks her sister down to say WTF, she has no idea what a formidable opponent Michaela will be.

Walking With Dinosaurs (2025)


Walking With Dinosaurs is an upcoming six-part dinosaur television documentary series set to air in 2025. It is being produced by BBC Studios, ZDF, and France Télévisions

Tango (2022)


The series traces the 18 months before, during and after the production of Last Tango in Paris, exploring the story through the lens of the three participants at the center of events: actors Maria Schneider and Marlon Brando and director Bertolucci.

The Guest (2025)


Ria has never had the time or opportunity to think about what she might actually want from the world. So, when she starts cleaning for successful business owner Fran, she's intoxicated by this confident and self-assured woman who encourages her to take control of her life and, when Ria flourishes, an intense friendship is forged. However, when Fran’s advice leads to a shocking event, the lives of these two very different women become intertwined by shared secrets and dangerous plots.

Área de Serviço (2021)


Nascido no Brasil, mas criado desde criança em Portugal, Jacinto é um homem de negócios que volta ao país em busca de informações sobre a mãe, que ele não conheceu. Hospedado na mansão de uma tia, começa a conviver com os vários funcionários que trabalham lá, e se envolve em situações incríveis e divertidas.

Star (2021)


Bertan Başaran'ın yönettiği dizide gündüzleri oyunculuk yapan, geceleri ise seri katile dönüşen Yasemin'in hikâyesi anlatılıyor.

Lockerbie (2025)


Follow the investigation into the crash of Pan Am 103 from both sides of the Atlantic and discover the devastating effect it had on the small town and the families who lost loved ones.

Lazarus (2025)


Follow a man who returns home after his father’s suicide and begins to have disturbing experiences that can’t be explained. He quickly becomes entangled in a series of cold-case murders as he grapples with the mystery of his father’s death and his sister’s murder 25 years ago.

Bergerac (2025)


The modern re-imagining will honour the iconic detective drama, but with a contemporary twist, as Bergerac is thrown into a knotty, high-stakes police investigation and challenged to his very core. He will be forced to confront his demons, while trying to save his family and career.

Vale Tudo (2025)


A íntegra Raquel Accioli é o oposto da filha Maria de Fátima, jovem inescrupulosa que vende a única propriedade da família e foge com o dinheiro para o Rio de Janeiro. Raquel vai atrás da filha e passa a vender sanduíches na praia. Enquanto a mãe batalha para sobreviver, Maria de Fátima se alia a César, um mau-caráter que a estimula a seduzir o milionário Afonso, filho da poderosa empresária Odete Roitman.

The Americas


This incomparable project will employ revolutionary filmmaking technology that will showcase the wonders, secrets and fragilities of the Americas - Earth's largest landmass and the only one to stretch between both poles - and reveal extraordinary, untold wildlife stories that deeply connect with millions around the world.  

Freedom (2025)


It follows the story of Patty and Walter Berglund, a St. Paul, Minn.-based couple described as “hands-on parents” and “avant-garde.” But their world has eventually been turned upside down.

Dood Spoor (2025)


Ed Bex heeft een eetstoornis: van zodra hij iets in zijn mond stopt, ziet hij wat ermee gebeurde. Hij gebruikt deze bijzondere gave in zijn niet alledaagse job: met ‘De Laatste Groet’ helpt hij nabestaanden om de laatste uren van hun dierbare overledene te reconstrueren. Wanneer inspecteur Adams een lijk in een luchtdichte zak vindt, roept hij Eds hulp in. Maar Ed twijfelt: wil hij zijn gave wel inzetten bij een moordzaak? Als hij zich toch vastbijt in de zaak raakt hij verstrikt in een mix van absurde situaties, persoonlijke chaos en bakken gewetenswroeging. Malin-Sarah Gozin, die ook ‘Tabula rasa’ en ‘Clan’ voor Caviar schreef, regisseerde de tragikomische thriller samen met Hans Vercauter.

Underbelly (2025)


Officer Henry Roland takes off on a quest to safeguard the life of his best pal, Tommy Hawley. The latter gets embroiled in a case related to missing illegal things. Amid this chaos, May Ferguson, is also tailing behind the missing cargo and Hawley.



Follow Goldie as she shakes up her beloved town of Boysenberg with her best friends. Together, they learn that being different is something to celebrate—and it's a whole lot of fun.

Weather Hunters


Weather Hunters entertains and educates kids about the impact weather has on our daily lives, and inspires young kids to pursue a future in STEM. Understanding that representation in the media matters, the series includes diverse cast, helping to make science accessible to all viewers.

The American Revolution (2025)


Ken Burns 6-part series on the American Revolution

IMPERO (2021)


Quando lo sport diventa una questione di potere, il business può diventare un Impero.

National Parks (2022)


An up-close and personal look at some of America's grandest national parks, from mountain lions on the precipice of the Grand Canyon to the active volcanoes in Hawaii.

The Red Zone (2022)


This is a comedy about football, but also not about football. Mainly it's a story about the people and the surfaces that collide in the orbit of this strange, obsessional world of bluffers, sharks and genuine talent. It's about friendship, trust and families, in a world where no one is actually your friend, where there is zero trust and where families tend to devour each other every six months.

Grenfell (2025)


The three-part series, will dramatise the events surrounding the night of 14 June 2017, when 72 people died as a result of the blaze. It will piece together the stories of survivors, bereaved family members and firefighters, using interviews and evidence from the public inquiry.

The Wood (2021)


The Wood is an honest look at friendship and dating from the perspective of three young Black males born and raised in the gentrifying L.A. suburb of Inglewood, fondly referred to by locals as the City Of Champions.

Casper (2022)


Live-action which reimagines the origin of Casper in a coming-of-age story that explores what it means to be alive. In it, when a new family arrives in the small town of Eternal Falls, Casper finds himself entangled in a mystery uncovering dark secrets that have been buried for over 100 years.

East of Eden (2025)


In the farmlands of the Salinas Valley in California, successive generations of two families, the Trasks and the Hamiltons, are destined to reenact the fateful story of Cain and Abel.

Playdate (2023)


A seemingly ordinary decision turns the world of Elisa, mum to two young kids, upside down when she agrees to let her nine-year-old daughter have a sleepover at her new best friend's house.

Love is Blind : L'amour est-il vraiment aveugle ?


Dans des capsules, des célibataires se séduisent et se fiancent... sans se voir. L'amour est-il vraiment aveugle ? Une expérience sociale présentée par Luthna Plocus et Teddy Riner.

Zorro (2025)


Follows Diego De La Vega, who after a family tragedy returns to El Pueblo de Los Angeles. There, he encounters a system of injustice and corruption that inspires him to adopt the identity of Zorro, a masked vigilante.



A security service team gets assigned to safeguard a former president.

Speed Racer (2022)


A live action series based on the classic 1960s manga.



Incêndios florestais devastam uma aldeia na fronteira entre a Galiza e Portugal. A jornalista Lucía investiga, descobrindo verdades escondidas pelo incêndio destrutivo à medida que a sua investigação se torna pessoal.



Documentary in two sections goes into depth with Schmeichel's 22-year-old football career and his life next to the sport. The documentary provides an unprecedented insight into the life of the international sportsman with a mix of personal footage that has never been shown before, interviews with Peter Schmeichel, his family and key figures such as Sir Alex Ferguson, Eric Cantona and Gary Neville, all of whom have been part of his journey both on and off the field.






営業部に異動したばかりの佐藤楓は、夜の会社でうっかり廊下に閉め出されてしまう。 偶然通りかかった片想いであこがれの先輩・塩谷大輔に助けられひょんなことから、彼の家に行くことに。まさかの展開に焦る楓だったが、そこに戻ってこないはずの塩谷のルームシェア相手が帰宅。とっさにクローゼットに隠れる二人。 実は塩谷のルームシェアの相手は何と楓のもっとも苦手とする先輩だった…!? 声を出したらバレてしまう状況で密着する体にドキドキが高まる二人。その時、塩谷のくちびるが楓の目前に……。



DI Thomas Lynley and DS Barbara Havers, an aristocratic police detective and maverick sergeant from a working class background, become a formidable team, bonded by their desire to see justice done, while the series tackles issues around personality, gender and class.

I, Jack Wright


When the provisions of Jack’s final will and testament are made known, his third wife Sally and sons are shocked to discover they have been largely cut out of his enormous fortune. As DCI Morgan and DC Jones delve further into the case, they realize Jack’s cause of death was in fact murder. Their sights turn to the Wright family, where the mother of all feuds is beginning.



Based on the podcast of the same name. Tells the story of Amanda Riley — a wife, mother, blogger and Christian — whose tragic cancer tale captivates thousands. But Amanda has a secret that she’s dying to keep, and after an anonymous tip to an investigative reporter, her own words may prove to be her downfall.

Het Conclaaf van 2024


Eric Goens brengt bekende spilfiguren van 2024 samen in ‘Het Conclaaf van 2024’ De mensen achter de meest spraakmakende momenten van het jaar vertellen hun verhaal, vanaf zondag 8 december om 21u00 bij VTM

Devil May Cry (2025)


Sinister forces are at play to open the portal between the human and demon realms. In the middle of it all is Dante, an orphaned demon-hunter-for-hire, unaware that the fate of both worlds hangs around his neck.



Ema Garay, una reportera famosa por atrapar criminales, enfrenta un dilema cuando el sospechoso de la desaparición de una adolescente resulta ser alguien cercano.




Les Bodin’s partent en vrille


Depuis sa naissance, toutes les fêtes d’anniversaire de Christian Bodin ont été de véritables catastrophes ! Mais, cette fois-ci, pour les 50 ans de son fils, Maria Bodin va tout faire pour que cet anniversaire soit inoubliable. Mais il reste un objectif de taille : trouver un cadeau à Christian... Pourquoi pas une petite amie ? Maria n’est pas au bout de ses peines, ni de surprises...

ターミネーター 0



僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ユアネクスト


次は、君だ―—。 超常能力“個性”を持つ人間が当たり前になった世界で、“平和の象徴”と呼ばれたかつてのNo.1ヒーロー・オールマイトが“悪の帝王”との死闘を制した直後に発した言葉。 オールマイトがNo,1ヒーローの座を退いた後も、彼のヒーローの意志は、出久たち雄英高校ヒーロー科に受け継がれた。 出久たちが雄英2年目の春に勃発した、ヒーローvs敵<ヴィラン>の全面戦争。出久は恐るべき力を手に入れた死柄木弔と対峙、激しくぶつかり合う。ヒーローと敵<ヴィラン>の双方が大きなダメージを受け、死柄木の撤退により戦いは一旦の終結を見るが、再び相まみえる決戦の時は刻一刻と近づいていた。 そんな全面戦争の影響で荒廃した社会に突如、謎の巨大要塞が現れ、次々と街や人を飲み込んでいく。 そして出久たちの前に、“平和の象徴”を思わせる男が立ちはだかり……



オカルトに興味を持ち、事実上奴隷にされている学校のグループ「ローマクラブ」は、相場英雄にとって退屈なものになっていた。 実際、彼は自分の存在自体がとても退屈だと感じていますが、ある日、紗花くるみという女の子が現れて参加したいと言いました。 クラブの教室で二人きりになったとき、くるみは秀夫に特別な「お願い」をし、秀夫は(当然のことながら)慌てる。 何を考えるべきかは分からないが、一つだけ確かなことは、ヒデオの人生は退屈なものではなくなったということだ。

The Z-Suite


Set at a boutique New York ad agency where generational divides see the established C-Suite and rising Gen Z employees collide. After a company decision spirals out of control, the agency's reigning executives are pushed out and the Z-Suite employees are suddenly put in charge, ultimately testing both generations' skills and patience.

警視庁 特務部 特殊凶悪犯対策室 第七課 -トクナナ-



switch (2008)


関東信越厚生局麻薬取締部の新人捜査官、衛藤快(カイ)と倉林春(ハル)は、個性的な上司や同僚とともに、麻薬中毒者や密売組織の摘発、検挙に携わっている。彼ら麻薬取締官(通称「麻取」・「麻薬Gメン」)は、薬物犯罪に関しては逮捕や家宅捜索など、警察とほぼ同等の権限を持つ。加えて警察にはできない「麻取の専売特許」であるおとり捜査や、身分を偽っての潜入捜査などを駆使して、時には危険に身をさらしながら犯罪者たちを追い詰める。 一度は日本から撤退した中国の密売組織龍玄が、再び国内で活動を始めた。捜査を進めるうちに、やがて"switch"という単語が浮かび上がってくる。それは16年前、捜査線上に浮かんだ関係者に次々と死をもたらし、ついには捜査官の命までも奪ったうえ、一切の捜査資料とともに忽然と消えた「幻のドラッグ」の名前だった…



Running drugs is a family affair for Etta Tiger Jonze. But when her family is slaughtered before her eyes, Etta sets out to exact justice on those responsible – avenging her blood family. At the same time, she builds her chosen family, igniting her series journey from powerless orphan to South Florida's most powerful criminal Queenpin.

Among Us


An upcoming animated series based on the video game of the same name.

King & Conqueror


King & Conqueror is the story of a clash that defined the future of a country – and a continent – for a thousand years, the roots of which stretch back decades and extend out through a pair of interconnected family dynasties, struggling for power across two countries and a raging sea. Harold of Wessex and William of Normandy were two men destined to meet at the Battle of Hastings in 1066; two allies with no design on the British throne, who found themselves forced by circumstance and personal obsession into a war for possession of its crown.

Debriefing the President


The first American to interrogate Saddam Hussein slowly starts to realize that the US invasion of Iraq is not as cut and dry, nor its outlook as positive, as Washington believes.



A life-long housecat decides that he doesn’t want to live with people anymore. Loosely inspired by a real break-up and the cat caught in the middle, Kevin dares to ask himself, "Is there a world where I don’t do the owner thing and am just… single for the rest of my life?"

The Paper (2024)


The documentary crew that immortalized Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch is in search of a new subject when they discover a dying historic Midwestern newspaper and the publisher trying to revive it with volunteer reporters.

Phineas and Ferb (2025)


The great return of Phineas and Ferb with new adventures and great special guests.

The Son (2024)


A tale of vengeance set amid Oslo's brutal hierarchy of corruption. The story follows Sonny Lofthus, an escaped convict: an opioid addict who can't recall his past, on the run from the law toward an unknown truth.

The Boroughs


In a retirement community, a group of unlikely heroes band together to stop an otherworldly threat from stealing the one thing they don’t have: time.

Long Story Short (2025)


A show about a family, over time. It's about the shared history, the inside jokes, the old wounds. If you've ever had a mother, father, sibling, partner, or child, this is the show for you and by the way would it kill you to call them?

Can You Keep a Secret?


Debbie Fenton is a granny, lawn bowler, tinpot dictator, who will stop at nothing to make sure her family’s protected. Unfortunately, most of the time the person they really need protecting from is her. When her hermit-like husband William unexpectedly dies, she makes an outlandish decision that will put the family under more pressure than ever before.



Nines, una ama de casa conservadora en Valladolid en 1998, se ve obligada a hacerse cargo del videoclub familiar cuando su marido entra en coma. Descubre que el negocio está en quiebra y que el único género que les da dinero es el porno, y decide especializarse en ese género. Trabajando con el malhablado empleado Chon y un cinéfilo empedernido, convierten el local en el primer “videoclub porno” de la ciudad.

The Runarounds


A high school band graduates and attempts to achieve fame and success in the music industry.

Office Romance


Rom-com about an office romance.

Under Salt Marsh


Morfa Halen is a tight-knit Welsh town precariously nestled between towering mountains and a fast-encroaching sea that threatens its very existence. As a once-in-a-generation storm begins to gather far out at sea, former detective turned teacher Jackie Ellis discovers the body of her 8-year-old pupil, Cefin, seemingly drowned. The discovery sends shockwaves through the community, reviving the ghost of an unsolved cold case: the disappearance of Jackie’s niece, Nessa, which cost her career.



The Madison


Wealthy matriarch Stacy Clyburn and her family leave New York City and head to Montana in the wake of her husband and brother-in-law’s tragic deaths.



Follow Elle Woods in high school as we learn about the life experiences that shaped her into the iconic young woman we came to know and love in the first Legally Blonde film.

Mortelle Adèle


Mortelle Adèle met en scène une héroïne au caractère bien trempé, dont les aventures abordent autant les fantaisies de l’enfance que la question de la norme et des différences.

Death by Lightning


Based on the true story of James Garfield and on the novel "Destiny of the Republic" by Candice Millard. It will bring to life the stranger-than-fiction true story of James Garfield, reluctant 20th president of the United States, and his greatest admirer Charles Guiteau — the man who would come to kill him. Garfield had a very short run while in office from March 1881 through September. Despite only being elected president for that short period, he managed to change America in his short months in office. He was shot by Guiteau, who felt he had played a major role in Garfield’s election.

Forever (2024)


An epic love story of two Black teens exploring romance and their identities through the awkward journey of being each other’s firsts.




The Liar Hunter


A divorce lawyer has a keen eye for weeding out lies. As she gains fame for her work, she finds that she has a lot to learn when it comes to her own marriage.

Sons and Daughters


Jeff and Anita are students at Southwest High in the 1950s who find themselves falling in love. They bond over family problems as Jeff's father has recently died and Anita's parents are divorced. Stash and 'Moose' are their pals.



Comedy series about a fictional golf legend.

Die, My Love


Set in rural France, a mother struggles to maintain her sanity as she battles with psychosis.

Haven (2024)


A typical work day at a pension fund investment company, Lochmill Capital, is upended when a gang of violent thieves burst in and force Zara and her best mate Luke to execute their demands. But who would steal billions of pounds of ordinary people’s pensions and why? DCI Rhys is determined to find out, but as a recently relapsed gambling addict, Rhys must keep his own money problems at bay while dealing with the secret agendas and competing interests at the center of this far-reaching crime.

Margo's Got Money Troubles


Follow Margo Millet, the daughter of a Hooters waitress and an ex-pro wrestler. Now an unemployed single mother in her early 20s, Margo is struggling to make ends meet, leading her to launch an OnlyFans account. When her father reenters her life, she starts incorporating his lessons from the pro wrestling world into her OnlyFans work, leading to unexpected success.




Secos & Molhados


Série sobre a carreira da banda brasileira da década de 1970, Secos & Molhados.



Four New Yorkers face life's challenges , illness, death, unemployment, hope; all while living in close proximity, their complicated lives intertwining as if part of a secret web.

กุหลาบเล่นไฟ (2024)


ธิปไตย เจ้าของบริษัทโฆษณาชื่อดัง หนีความวุ่นวายจากกรุงเทพฯมาพักผ่อนที่เกาะสมุย และได้รู้จักกับ ปริตา ที่เดินทางกลับมาเยี่ยมบ้านในช่วงปิดเทอมสุดท้าย การพบกันครั้งนี้ ทำให้มิตรภาพของทั้งสองเริ่มก่อตัวขึ้นอย่างลึก ๆ ในใจ ปริตามีเพื่อนสนิทในรั้วมหาวิทยาลัยเดียวกัน คือ รัญชิตากับปัทมาศ ทั้ง 3 คนมีบุคลิกและนิสัยที่แตกต่างกันอย่างสิ้นเชิง ครอบครัวของสองเพื่อนสนิทไม่ค่อยชอบปริตาเท่าไหร่ ไม่ว่าจะเป็น คุณหญิงชาลินี แม่ของรัญชิตา ที่รังเกียจฐานะและไม่พอใจที่พลศิษฏ์ น้องชายของรัญชิตาชอบในตัวปริตา

The Miniature Wife


Based on the short story written by Manuel Gonzalez, The Miniature Wife is a high-concept marital dramedy examining the power balances between spouses, Lindy and Les, who battle each other for supremacy after a technological accident induces the ultimate relationship crisis.



Follows an enigmatic outsider as they navigate from 1970s campus life to 1980s Fleet Street, forever haunted by an unsolved mystery surrounding a fellow student during their university years.

Julio Iglesias (2024)


Julio Iglesias became the first non-English artist to enter the American and Asian markets and turned into a universal star who is among the five biggest record sellers in history. Throughout his more than 55 years of artistic career, Julio Iglesias has recorded and sung in 12 languages and has connected fans from all over the world, becoming the first Spanish artist with universal reach to have his songs sung all over the planet.

Victoria (2024)


Since becoming a household name in the ’90s, Victoria Beckham has been one of the most recognizable women in the world. Now Beckham is on a journey to build a fashion empire — and now, fans will be able to see the story behind it all.

American Gladiators (2024)


Reboot of the classic competition series.



Carol Blevins, a heroin addict and “Aryan Princess featherwood” (property of a gang member), became one of the FBI’s most important informants during an epic, six-year investigation into the murderous neo-Nazi crime and drug syndicate known as the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas.



Veronika é uma advogada negra e moradora de uma favela, que se tornou uma profissional de sucesso – até que se envolve com o crime organizado. Então, histórias do seu passado começam a vir à tona.



서로 다른 인생을 살던 사람들. 벗어날 수 없는 악연으로 얽히다.

It’s Not Like That


Lori is freshly divorced with two teens. Malcolm’s a minister and recently widowed dad of three. Their families once did everything together, but now Lori and Malcolm must navigate their newly minted singledom, parenthood and the complexities of Malcolm being a modern-day minister. Is this the beginning of a love story? It’s not like that. Or is it?

Matchroom: The Greatest Showmen


The documentary series will dive into the drama of the family empire that has become synonymous with British sporting culture.

Project OneLeaf



Projekt UFO


Początek lat 80., po rzekomym lądowaniu UFO w Truskasach na Warmii, dwóch mężczyzn – upadająca gwiazda telewizyjna i entuzjasta istot pozaziemskich – wyrusza na intelektualną misję, aby ustalić pochodzenie obcych istot, jednocześnie wciągając w dyskusję wszystkich w swojej orbicie. Kiedy dwaj bohaterowie starają się przekonać świat do swoich teorii, potężny polityk próbuje wykorzystać zjawiska paranormalne, aby przejąć władzę nad krajem.



La conmovedora historia de Fernando Aguilar y su familia que luchan por rehabilitar a su esposa Agustina, tras encontrarla en estado delirante a su regreso de un viaje familiar.

Relative Secrets


The investigative series, part true-crime and part genealogy, will delve into participants’ family histories—and discover the dark truths buried in their bloodlines.

Summer Break (2024)


Profitez de l'ambiance estivale et rêvez aux aventures d'un groupe d'amis proches dans une station balnéaire ensoleillée en Turquie. Dans la série de bien-être Summer Break, Tess et Yasmin, deux amies de 16 ans, travaillent pendant les vacances dans la station balnéaire de l'oncle de Yasmin en Turquie. Avec les autres jeunes de l'équipe d'animation, elles forment un groupe d'amis proches et vivent de grandes aventures avec les jeunes clients de l'hôtel.



Tous les soirs, lors de son sommeil, Terrence se retrouve transporté à Dreamland, le monde des rêves, où il y mène de nombreuses aventures.

Farma (2024)


Natjecatelje čeka farmerski život pun iznenađenja, teškog rada, ali i zabave. Suvremeno seosko imanje koje se prostire na više od 14 hektara na tajnoj osamljenoj lokaciji, postat će na nekoliko mjeseci dom odabranima. Svi oni koji budu spremni savladati prirodu, brinuti o farmi i uhvatiti se u koštac sa ostalim natjecateljima, imaju priliku za osvajanjem do 50 tisuća eura. Na putu do pobjede morat će svakodnevno dokazivati jesu li vrijedni ostanka.



Death Valley (2024)


Follows the unlikely crime-solving partnership between eccentric national treasure John Chapel, a retired actor and star of hit fictional detective TV show ‘Caesar’, and disarming Welsh detective sergeant Janie Mallowan. Thrown together by the murder of John’s neighbour, John and Janie are an odd, yet hilarious duo with opposing instincts. Every week, they get to the bottom of gripping murders, with various stunning Welsh locations providing a backdrop to their investigations. When John and Janie are not arguing about a case, they’re inevitably up in each other’s personal business. Despite their differences, they soon realise they are the closest thing each other has to a best friend, and unwittingly help one another move on from the past.

Dope Girls


It is the end of World War One. As Britain celebrates the Armistice on the streets of London, men return from the front expecting to rejoin society and pick up where they left off - but a newly empowered generation of women are loath to simply return to the kitchen. Using Soho’s expanding illicit underground clubland scene as their playground, women explore previously unimaginable opportunities on either side of the law.

The Choice


When the British Prime Minister’s husband is kidnapped and the visiting French President is blackmailed, the two political leaders both face unimaginable choices. Forced into a fierce rivalry where their political futures, and lives, might hang in the balance, they must work together to uncover the plot that threatens them both.

Shuggie Bain


A mother-son relationship in Glasgow, Scotland, where Shuggie's mother battles alcoholism while dreaming of the glamorous life she was supposed to have had.




Being Gordon Ramsay


The MasterChef USA presenter will chronicle his plans to open culinary experiences in London’s second tallest building, 22 Bishopsgate. Cameras have also been granted access to Ramsay’s family, including his wife Tana, as he juggles home life with professional commitments.

The Ministry of Time (2024)


A newly established government department, is gathering ‘expats’ from across history in an experiment to test the viability of time-travel

A Motel


Brian A. Metcalf is behind the show about a group of outcasts working at a seedy motel who find themselves in danger when they accidentally uncover a drug smuggling plot for the mafia.

Trust (2024)


When a wealthy financier reads a novel based on his own life and is dissatisfied by his and his wife’s portrayal, he asks a secretary to ghostwrite his memoir and set the record straight. She, however, grows uncomfortably aware that he is rewriting history—and his wife’s place in it.

트리거 (2024)


총기 청정 국가 대한민국에 출처를 알 수 없는 총이 풀리고, 분노에 찬 사람들에게 하나 둘 총이 쥐어지며 벌어지는 일을 그리는 액션 재난 스릴러

궁 (2024)


그 시절 우리가 사랑했던 드라마 이 돌아온다! 대한민국이 입헌군주국이라면?! 왕세자 이신과 정략 결혼을 하게 된 여고생 신채경의 상상초월 황실 로맨스

Dona Beja (2024)


Na trama original, Dona Beija era baseada em uma história real e trazia Maitê Proença como Ana Jacinta de São José. A personagem se apaixona por um homem conversador, interpretado por Gracinco Júnior, mas sofre uma grande decepção e acaba abrindo um bordel. A Nova versão será protagonizada por Grazi Massafera.

Chief of War


A thrilling, unprecedented telling of the unification of the Hawaiian Islands from an indigenous perspective. A Hawaiian war chief joins a bloody campaign to unite the warring islands in order to save them from the threat of colonization.



Tech moguls engage in cutthroat rivalries and obsessions as they vie for dominance in one of the world's most powerful industries.

The Dispatcher


Police detective Ian Hunt’s life fell apart 10 years ago when his young daughter Maggie disappeared without a trace. Now working as a police dispatcher, the only thing that has kept him going is his implacable refusal to accept that she might be gone forever. When he receives a distress call from a young girl he is certain is Maggie, he will stop at nothing to find her and reunite his broken family, whatever the cost.

Subject to Change (2022)


A desperate college student signs up for a clinical trial that begins a wild, harrowing, mind and reality-bending adventure.

Butterfly (2025)


A character-driven spy thriller that centers on David Jung, an enigmatic, highly unpredictable former US intelligence operative living in South Korea, whose life is blown to pieces when the consequences of an impossible decision from his past come back to haunt him, and he finds himself pursued by Rebecca, a deadly, sociopathic young agent assigned to kill him.

Motel Transylvania


Drac and Mavis open a monster-human resort in the California desert, trading Transylvania for sunshine. However, blending vampires with sunlight presents unexpected challenges.



La vie ordinaire de Paolo bascule lorsqu’il recroise la route de Téophane, un ancien camarade d’école, qui brigue aujourd’hui la mairie de sa ville et qui a semble-t-il tout pour lui. Ce qui commence par une simple admiration et une volonté de soutenir la campagne se transforme en une obsession dévorante…. Un thriller psychologique intense et mordant, empruntant aux codes d’un Ripley enlevé.

Brother from Another Mother


It follows McConaughey and Harrelson as they try to live together on a Texas ranch. That close space puts their friendship to the test.



Adèle, une jeune détenue, trouve une chance de réinsertion dans les coulisses d’un grand Palace parisien, avec le soutien de son tout-puissant directeur Édouard Galzain. Mais quand elle découvre que sa liberté a un prix, une lutte dangereuse pour sa survie commence, entre manipulation, jeux de pouvoir et trahisons.

Just Cause (2023)


Miami reporter Madison “Madi” Cowart, a struggling reporter for a Florida newspaper, is sent to cover the final days of an inmate on death row.

Æon Flux (2022)


Set in a post-apocalyptic near future where countries no longer exist, reduced to Spartan like city-states locked in perpetual war, where children are turned into lethal soldiers and every citizen carries a gun, one young woman rises up to rebel against her Orwellian government as she becomes the hero known as ÆON FLUX. A live-action TV adaptation of the animated series.

The Other Bennet Sister


It's the story of Mary Bennet – the seemingly unremarkable and overlooked middle sister in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Unlike her sisters, Mary isn’t your typical period drama heroine. She is awkward, anxious, preachy, full of facts, and overlooked by her mother. She is seemingly destined to an empty dance card for the rest of her life, until Mary takes matters into her own hands.

Too Much


After a breakup, New York workaholic Jessica moves to London planning on being alone. She meets Felix who causes her to reconsider finding love again.

Pai Herói (2026)


“Pai herói” narra a luta de André Cajarana em busca da verdade sobre seu pai, Malta Cajarana. Ele é criado em Minas Gerais pelo avô paterno, que acaba morrendo. A partir daí, o protagonista viaja para o Rio de Janeiro, na tentativa de saber o que aconteceu com o pai, e descobre que ele era um criminoso.



Spy High


A high school student battles his Pennsylvania school district in court after discovering surveillance software on his laptop, igniting a debate about student privacy rights and digital monitoring.

Plaine orientale


Quand Reda sort de la prison de Borgo, il espère renouer avec ses amis corses de toujours. Mais le nouveau parrain ne veut pas de lui, trop arabe pour les corses. Dans la cité, on se méfie aussi de lui, trop corse pour les arabes. Sa demi-sœur qu’il connaît à peine, nommée juge au nouveau Pôle anti-mafia à Bastia, lui propose un marché à haut risque pour tous les deux.

Duck Dynasty: The Revival


“Duck Dynasty” is heading back to A&E, eight years after the hit unscripted series ended its run on the network. The new series, dubbed “Duck Dynasty: The Revival,” has been given a two season, 20 episode and will premiere this summer on A&E.

Every Year After


Six summers to fall in love. One moment to fall apart. A week to get it right. Every Year After, is a fun, sweeping, romantic story that asks the question, what if your first love actually was your soulmate?

The Road


The Voice alum and Yellowstone creator have teamed up for The Road, a new singing competition that has been roped in by CBS. The network will launch the series as part of its fall 2025 schedule.



On 21 October 2024, Aardman Animations announced that a new revival of the series is in the works with Mattel.

The Witness (2025)


New resident witnesses a crime in his apartment complex but stays silent when police seek an eyewitness. His choice allows the crime to go unsolved, leading to escalating danger.

Zero Star


A documentary centered on Miami quarterback Cam Ward about thriving athletes who were once considered “zero star” recruits, meaning they were unranked and unscouted.

Art Detectives


Dr. Bendor Grosvenor and Jacky Klein uncover hidden artworks by renowned artists in local museums and country houses across Britain.



The series follows the story of a detective who investigates a case that leads him to a world divided into two parallel universes. Moving back and forth between the two worlds, he finds out that his love may be gone in one world, but she’s very much alive in the other. While tracking down the truth behind his love’s death, he simultaneously tries to protect her in the other, uncovering the connection between the two universes. British adaptation of the 2020 South Korean series.

Travels with Agatha


David Suchet will retrace Christie’s footsteps on a journey known as the “Grand Tour,” which she took in the 1920s. He will visit five countries that were part of the British Empire during Christie’s era: Canada, Hawaii, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.



Following Gabriel Book, an “erudite and unconventional” sleuth who cracks mysterious cases from his antiquated bookshop, using the thousands of books that line his shelves to provide him with the knowledge that he needs. Around him are a gathering of “loveable, damaged misfits who he informally protects, cajoles and mentors.”

David Blaine: Do Not Attempt


David is on a quest for real magic, seeking out remarkable individuals worldwide to uncover their secret techniques and elevate his craft. Each episode, David explores unique cultures to discover the history and rituals behind their skills. The journey ends with David showcasing a new, extraordinary feat inspired by his discoveries.

Mix Tape


Daniel and Alison meet in 1989 Sheffield and fall in love as teenagers before life takes them in different directions. They reconnect years later through shared musical memories, wondering if they're meant to be together.

Silent River


It explores the cracks of small-town America in the wake of discovering a serial killer among them.



Claudia, a bi-racial lawyer, journeys to Jamaica's haunted Connaught plantation to fight an inheritance claim. Uncovering dark historical secrets intertwined with modern injustices intensifies her nightmare.

Rise of the Empress


A fantastical ancient Asian Empire is on the verge of destruction, torn apart by insidious rivalry. The only hope: a marriage between the handsome Heir to the Throne and a Princess from one of its feuding Kingdoms. As the competition to win the Prince's hand heats up, chaos reigns when a dazzling peasant girl named Xifeng is thrown into the romance wars by a vengeful sorceress. In this fairytale of love and power, will Xifeng be able to save not only herself…but the whole Empire?

Highly Favored


It explores the clash between tradition and modernity through the point of view of a charismatic yet old-fashioned pastor faced with the challenges of modernizing his church to keep up with the times, while dealing with a quirky cast of characters and an outrageous but well-meaning family.

Who Killed Diana?


This series will explore the circumstances surrounding the death of the Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997. It will feature rare and, in some cases, the first ever interviews with several key sources connected to the accident that caused Diana’s death. It will cast new light on the case that has captured the world’s attention for decades.

The Rumour


Joanna is a mother who moves to a quiet town with her young son looking for a fresh start. But she soon finds herself in an unsettling dynamic when she becomes entangled with a group of local mothers.

Riot Women


Five women along with two riotous backing singers come together to create a makeshift punk-rock band in order to enter a local talent contest, but in writing their first original song, soon discover that they have a lot to say - and this is their way to say it.

Eva Longoria: Searching for Spain


Searching for Spain follows Longoria on a gastronomic pilgrimage across the rich tapestry of Spanish cuisine. Spain is an international culinary mecca with its rugged coastlines and fishing ports, countryside vineyards and alpine mountains bearing fruit to world-class produce and the finest quality ingredients.

Holland, Michigan


A teacher starts an affair with her coworker and discovers her husband's dark secret life.



Till ett litet avfolkat samhälle någonstans i Sverige återvänder beteendevetaren och kriminologen Lejla. Hon har dubbla känslor till platsen. Någonstans i samhället har hon som flicka hållits fånge av en okänd gärningsman. Men det är också platsen där hon tillslut fick ett hem, hos nu mera pensionerade polischefen Valter. När Lejla nu återvänder dröjer det inte länge innan en flicka försvinner. I takt med att Valter och Lejla gräver i försvinnandet tvingas hon även gräva i sitt allra innersta mörker - en plats hon länge försökt hålla stängd. Det ska visa sig att hela bygden bär på hemligheter. Kan det vara så att historien upprepar sig?

Obsession (2025)


Follow Oliver and Ciara, who, after meeting randomly in a supermarket, fall for each other fast, and dangerously hard. Fifty-six days later, homicide investigators arrive at Oliver’s apartment to find an unidentified body—brutally murdered and intentionally decomposed.

RoboForce: The Animated Series


RoboForce: The Animated Series is set in 2089. The latest version of Soraya Aviram’s RoboForce debuted with plans to assist a new intergalactic society on Earth. Unfortunately, the same day as the announcement, Soraya’s rival, Silas Duke, revealed his new Utopia Aegis 101 line of bots, which made RoboForce immediately obsolete. RoboForce split up and was forced into menial jobs for 15 years without hope of ever being heroes… Until mysteriously, a rogue code infected the Utopia Aegis 101’s to turn on humanity, and no one else besides Maxx 89 and the rest of RoboForce has a chance to stop them.



Moscow, 1977. Two 'PONIES' ('persons of no interest' in intelligence speak) work anonymously as secretaries in the American Embassy. That is until their husbands are killed under mysterious circumstances in the USSR, and the pair become CIA operatives. Bea is an over-educated, Russian-speaking child of Soviet immigrants. Her cohort, Twila, is a small-town girl who is as abrasive as she is fearless. Together, they work to uncover a vast Cold War conspiracy and solve the mystery that made them widows in the first place.



Follow Pryce Cahill, an over-the-hill, ex-pro golfer whose career was derailed prematurely 20 years ago. After he gets fired from his job at an Indiana sporting goods store and his wife walks out on him, Pryce hedges his bets entirely on a troubled 17-year-old golf phenom.

Murdaugh Murders


Follow Alex Murdaugh's stranger-than-fiction family drama, tale based on Mandy Matney's hours of reporting as well as exclusive insights from years spent on the case.

The Spot (2025)


A successful surgeon and her school teacher husband suspect she might be responsible for a child's hit-and-run death. While looking into the matter, dark secrets are revealed that will test their relationship as they confront the possibility of hidden guilt and betrayal.

Wear Whatever The F You Want


Clinton and Stacy return to television in this new style transformation show, giving people the confidence and style savvy to wear whatever they want. Over the course of a couple of days, they will empower each client to live out their fashion fantasy and find their style truth in the journey of a lifetime.

Celebrity Traitors


A nine-part celebrity version of the multi-award-winning hit psychological game format The Traitors.

How To Kill Your Family


Grace is the forgotten child of Simon Artemis, a merciless billionaire. After a heartbreaking rejection, Grace decides to exact revenge. But will this deadly scheme take even more from Grace than she’s already lost?

Maschi Veri


Mattia, Massimo, Riccardo e Luigi sono quattro amici di lunga data di Roma che si sentono smarriti in un mondo di donne indipendenti e cercano di orientarsi a modo loro. Remake della serie spagnola Machos alfa.

Sneaky Links


For those unaware of the phenomenon, a sneaky link is essentially a regular late-night casual hook up. The ten-part show will ask contestants ‘Is your sneaky link ‘the one’ or are they getting in the way of you finding the one?’

Building The Band


Building the Band seeks to discover the next great music group without bandmates initially meeting face-to-face. The series brings together 50 of the most talented singers to compete for a chance to form their own band without ever seeing each other. ll they have to go on is musical compatibility, connection, chemistry and merit. What will happen when the bands finally meet and… looks, choreography, and style come into play?

Something Very Bad Is Going To Happen


An atmospheric horror series set at a wedding, following a bride and groom in the week leading up to their ill-fated nuptials. That's not a spoiler – just read the title…



Un espía retirado es convencido de volver a la acción después de las muertes de cinco espías que trabajaban en distintas ciudades del mundo.

Young Sherlock (2024)


At age 19, Sherlock Holmes is disgraced, raw, unfiltered, and unformed, when he finds himself caught up in a murder mystery at Oxford University which threatens his freedom. Diving into his first-ever case with a wild lack of discipline, Sherlock manages to unravel a globe-trotting conspiracy that will change his life forever.

The Girlfriend


Follow Laura, someone who wants for nothing. She has a great career, a loving husband, Howard, and her beloved only son, Daniel. Cracks begin to show on the surface of her seemingly perfect life when Daniel brings home a girlfriend, Cherry, who Laura becomes convinced isn’t who she says she is. Wanting to protect Daniel, Laura will do anything to prove he is being deceived. When things go from bad to deadly, the question is, is Cherry a manipulative social climber? Or is Laura paranoid and possessive? The truth is a matter of perspective…

Aurora Rising


La Comtesse de Monte-Cristo


Adaptation féminine du roman d'Alexandre Dumas.

Vought Rising


Irish Blood


A woman discovers herself and confronts her past after traveling abroad unexpectedly.

À l’ombre des forêts


Franck et ses amis de longue date aiment passer leurs week-ends à chasser ensemble, mais un dimanche, ils tombent sur un autre groupe de chasseurs qui commence à les prendre pour cible sans explication. Lorsque l’un d’entre eux se fait tirer dessus, les amis de Franck ripostent, envoyant l’attaquant au sol. S’en sortant de justesse, les quatre amis gardent le secret sur cet événement. Franck tente de reprendre sa vie normale avec sa femme Krystel, mais dans les jours qui suivent, il commence à avoir l’impression que lui et ses amis sont surveillés, ou pire, traqués par des chasseurs qui ont désormais la ferme intention de se venger.

The Good Daughter (2024)


In The Good Daughter, sisters Charlotte (Biel) and Samantha Quinn have spent the last twenty-eight years trying to piece together the lives that were fractured by a single night of violence. When another attack splinters the small town of Pikeville, Charlotte is the first witness on the scene. Now a lawyer like her father, she’s forced to confront her own demons as the case twists through one shocking revelation after another. In the end, both she and Samantha find themselves wondering if the price of being the good daughter was worth it after all.



Set in London and Greece, this psychological thriller is full of dark family secrets, manipulation and betrayal and it asks the question, why does Adam despise Jamie Tanner so much?



Pour être l’héroïne de sa propre vie, elle va briser celle des autres. La jeune Isabelle de Merteuil, humiliée par Valmont, perd son honneur et son rang. Ivre de colère, elle se lance dans une vertigineuse ascension, défiant toute morale et tout pouvoir, des bas-fonds libertins jusqu’à la cour de Louis XV. Au bout de sa lutte pour la liberté, un choix l’attend, déchirant, entre l’amour et la vengeance.

Une amitié dangereuse


Deux femmes, jeunes et belles, se lient d'une forte amitié. Marie de Rohan, duchesse de Chevreuse, vive et enjouée, libre de corps et d’esprit, qui collectionne les aventures, et Anne d’Autriche, reine de France, prude et timide qui, mariée trop jeune et délaissée par son mari le roi Louis XIII, souffre de neurasthénie.

Revival (2025)


When local Officer and single mother Dana Cypress is unexpectedly thrown into the center of a brutal murder mystery of her own, she’s left to make sense of the chaos amidst a town gripped by fear and confusion where everyone, alive or undead, is a suspect.



Two unlikely friends – and even less likely heroes – become swept up in a cartel’s plot to transport uranium across North Africa. The pair face a monumental decision: save themselves or risk everything to prevent a nuclear bomb getting into the wrong hands. Pursued by Cassie Elliott – a highly skilled CIA agent whose life mission is to prevent terrorists from acquiring a nuclear bomb – along with MI6 and a network of traffickers, Max and Mohammed find themselves in the absurd situation of, for once, having to be the good guys.

Ink (2025)


the fantasy thriller series will follow estranged half-sisters Esther and Joanna, who grew up immersed in magic and raised by a father who dedicated his life to protecting an ancient library of spells. When their paths cross with Nicholas, the world’s last living scribe, they’ll realize that the business of magic is much bigger and more sinister than they ever expected and will find themselves at the center of a global conspiracy to control magic and those born to wield it. A conspiracy that has been perpetuated by members of their own families… and that will destroy them if they don’t destroy it first.

Super Mutant Magic Academy


Marsha is a sarcastic transfer student with a mysterious past who ends up at a high school that includes mutants and human students attempting to navigate friendships, relationships and their burgeoning powers.



Set in the Scottish village of Coldwater. It follows John, a repressed man suffering from an identity crisis who moves his wife and children far from London. He is quickly befriended by a neighbor, who harbors horrifying secrets. John’s long-repressed rage comes to a head with disastrous results, he soon finds himself unexpectedly indebted to his new friend.

Legends (2025)


Based on extensive research and interviews with those involved, the story follows an unlikely group of British customs employees sent undercover to infiltrate some of the country’s most dangerous criminal drug gangs.

The Honesty Box


A nine-part reality dating experiment for E4, from Mettlemouse Entertainment and GroupM Motion Entertainment “which will test if honesty is the secret to finding true and everlasting love.”

Hope (2022)


With suspense, mystery, tragedy and humor, the series HOPE will chronicle twelve days of a family’s Christmas together, the unravelling of a marriage, with six children between them, in this large complicated blended family drama. Hope is a falling in love again story.

Vampirina (2025)


Follow a tween vampire girl who leaves the safety of Transylvania to attend a performing arts boarding school. Living amongst humans for the first time, she pursues her passion for music while keeping her vampire secret, something that’s made more challenging when her overprotective father charges an overzealous ghost to live with her at the school.

Fairy Tale (2026)


Charlie Reade, a 17-year-old, inherits keys to a hidden, otherworldly realm, and finds himself leading the battle between forces of good and evil.

Paradise Lost (2026)


Set on the island of Themyscira, a.k.a. Paradise Island, the birthplace of Diana Prince and home of the Amazons, the show will focus on "the genesis and political intrigue of an island of all women

Twisted (2026)


A steamy new adult series that follows the lives of four best friends and their brooding love interests, riddled with dark secrets from their pasts, as they overcome the obstacles keeping them apart to fall in love.

His & Hers (2025)


Set in the sweltering heat of Atlanta, Anna lives in haunting reclusivity, fading away from her friends and career as a journalist. But when she overhears about a murder in Dahlonega – the sleepy town where she grew up – Anna is snapped back to life, pouncing on the case and searching for answers. Detective Jack Harper is strangely suspicious of her involvement, chasing her into the crosshairs of his own investigation. There are two sides to every story: His & Hers, which means someone is always lying.

Todas las veces que nos enamoramos


Septiembre de 2003. Irene llega a Madrid con ganas de comerse el mundo y de convertirse en directora de cine. Allí conocerá a sus mejores amigos y también a Julio, que sería el protagonista perfecto para sus películas y también para su vida. Pero la vida siempre tiene otros planes.

The Bluff


Set in the Cayman Islands in the 1800s and follows Ercell, a Caribbean woman whose secret past is revealed when her island is invaded by vicious buccaneers.

La belle et le boulanger


Un boulanger et un mannequin qui n'auraient jamais dû se rencontrer. Et pourtant, le hasard les fait se croiser furtivement. Une rencontre fortuite qui va bouleverser la vie bien ordonnée du boulanger.

Home is Where the Heart Is (2025)


Luke Macfarlane follows families who invite him inside a once-glorious house that has either been inherited or holds special meaning to them but is long overdue for some TLC.



In the future, washed-up hacker Henry Case is hired for one last job, which brings him in contact with a powerful artificial intelligence.

The Narrow Road to the Deep North


Burma Railway in 1943 and across the Pacific during World War II, charts the cruelty of war, the tenuousness of life and the impossibility of love, as seen through the eyes of an Australian doctor and prisoner of war.

We Were Liars


The wealthy, seemingly perfect Sinclair family spend every summer sitting gathered on their private island. However, not every year is the same: when something happens to Cadence during the summer of her 15th year, she and the other three “Liars” — Johnny, Gat and Mirren — re-emerge two years later to prompt Cadence to remember the incident.

Frotter Frotter


Solange, la gouvernante malienne mère de famille nombreuse, Fanny, la bourgeoise déclassée au bout du rouleau, Michèle, la militante queer grande gueule… Trois femmes qui n’ont rien en commun et vont pourtant s'unir autour d'un combat : une grève de femmes de chambre, a priori perdue d'avance, qui va chambouler leurs vies, leurs principes, leur vision d’elles-mêmes, les sortir de leur solitude en rendant enfin visibles et audibles leurs sœurs d’infortune.

Zero Day


A former U.S. President is called out of retirement to find the source of a deadly cyberattack, only to discover a vast web of lies and conspiracies.



Dans la vie, au début on naît, à la fin on meurt. Entre les deux, il se passe des trucs, bref, c'est l'histoire d'un mec entre les deux.

Caddo Lake


When an 8-year-old girl mysteriously vanishes, a series of past deaths and disappearances begin to link together.

Marcello Mio


Chiara Mastroianni, cernée de toute part par la figure de son père, décide de le faire revivre à travers elle. Elle se fait appeler Marcello, s’habille comme lui et tient à ce qu’on la considère désormais comme un acteur. Autour d’elle, on croit à une blague temporaire, mais Chiara est résolue à ne pas abandonner sa nouvelle identité…

Wish You Were Here


Charlotte finds herself in a rut, searching for a spark that seems just out of reach. After she has a whirlwind night of romance and imagining a future with a man named Adam, he ghosts her. When Charlotte finally discovers that Adam is terminally ill, she helps him spend his last days living life to the fullest.

The 'Burbs


A young couple moves back to the husband's childhood home, only to face threats from new neighbors and uncover dark secrets of their cul-de-sac.

The Greatest


The Greatest intimately explores the incomparable life of Muhammad Ali. The amazing victories and defeats that made Ali a legend, both in and out of the ring, have been well documented and while those landmark events will live in The Greatest, the heartbeat of the story is fueled by all the moments that took place outside of the spotlight. The world remembers an icon, but The Greatest is about a man, a husband, a father, a brother, and a son.

Jay & Pamela


Follows a couple, Jay and Pamela, who happen to share the same rare brittle bone disorder. With plans to marry and a goal to live more independently, Jay and Pamela are determined to build the life of their dreams together.

L'Amour est dans le pré


Les agriculteurs ont un emploi du temps très chargé, et dans cette vie accaparante il reste souvent peu de place pour l’amour. Le principe de l'émission est de présenter au public plusieurs agriculteurs célibataires. Les téléspectateurs peuvent ensuite envoyer une lettre à l'agriculteur de leur choix dans l'espoir de se faire choisir par ce dernier. Parmi ces courriers, l'agriculteur choisit dix lettres, et leurs signataires ont un rendez-vous organisé avec lui à Paris. Lors de ce rendez-vous, l'agriculteur sélectionne deux personnes pour passer une semaine dans sa ferme afin de mieux se connaître.

Vietnam: The War That Changed America


The reunion of old friends, first-person accounts, and rarely seen footage paint an extraordinary and deeply profound picture of what it was like to live through one of history's longest wars.



Dans l'Europe de Napoléon en plein bouleversement, Antonin Carême, un orphelin doté d'un talent exceptionnel, ne rêve que d'une chose : devenir le chef le plus célèbre au monde et donner ses lettres de noblesse à un nouvel art, la Gastronomie. Mais pour cela, il va devoir passer un pacte avec le diable et devenir espion au service d'un homme machiavélique qui, lui, a élevé la politique au rang d'art : Talleyrand. D'après une histoire vraie, Carême nous entraîne dans un monde où la misère et la dureté des cuisines côtoient l'opulence des hôtels particuliers, où les vrais sentiments sont abîmés par les faux-semblants, et où la manipulation est reine.

Imperfect Women


When Nancy Hennessy is murdered, she leaves behind two best friends, an adoring husband and daughter, and a secret lover whose identity she took to the grave. Nancy was gorgeous, wealthy, and cherished by those who knew her―from the outside, her life was perfect. But as the investigation into her death flounders and her friends Eleanor and Mary wrestle with their grief, dark details surface that reveal how little they knew their friend, each other, and maybe even themselves.

Animal Friends


Two animals become unlikely friends.

Atlas: The Animated Movie


An animated revival of golden-era superhero Atlas, which tells the story of timid office clerk Jim Randall, and his journey to become the fabled Man of Might.



将来立派な絵師になる夢をもつ、高校1年の岡倉てんこりん。実のところ、気持ちとは裏腹に、やる気ゼロ、才能ゼロ、サボってばかりのダメダメ女子高生だった…。 そんな彼女の前に突如現れたのが“風神雷神図屏風”の雷神。「あんたの夢をかなえに来たでー」と言って雷神が呼び出したのは、尾形光琳、高橋由一、狩野永徳、などなど…歴史に名を残す日本美術界のスター絵師たち。時空を超え、「夢をかなえるためのとっておきの秘訣」を次々とてんこりんに伝授していく。 目指すはデッサン甲子園の優勝!果たして、てんこりんは、自らを変えて、夢をかなえることができるのか?!

Les femmes au balcon


Trois femmes, dans un appartement à Marseille en pleine canicule. En face, leur mystérieux voisin, objet de tous les fantasmes. Elles se retrouvent coincées dans une affaire terrifiante et délirante avec comme seule quête, leur liberté.

Refúgio do Medo


Segue a história de Soffia, uma detetive islandesa que tenta resolver um assassinato dentro da comunidade portuguesa nas Ilhas Vestmanna, Islândia. A vítima, Maria, é uma jovem portuguesa que chegou à ilha para trabalhar na pesca do bacalhau. A trama se complica quando Soffia descobre que um dos suspeitos do crime é seu próprio filho.

La Rebelle : Les Aventures de la jeune George Sand


En 1831, Aurore Dupin quitte Nohant pour échapper aux violences de son mari et rejoindre Paris, en pleine effervescence romantique après la révolution de Juillet, où elle mène une vie de bohême avant de publier son premier roman, sous le pseudonyme de George Sand.

How to Get to Heaven From Belfast


The series follows longtime friends Saoirse, Robyn and Dara, who are now in their late 30s. According to character descriptions, Saoirse is a “successful writer with a compulsion to hit the self-destruct button,” Robyn is a “sweary, stressed out mother of three young boys” and Dara is the “full-time carer of an elderly parent, who hasn’t managed to move out of her teenage bedroom.”

Motor Valley


Arturo, Elena e Blu hanno perso quasi tutto nella loro vita, ma una cosa li accende ancora: l’amore per le auto e l’adrenalina. Elena, giovane rampolla della Dionisi, proprietaria di una famosa scuderia, deve riconquistare un ruolo nell’impresa di famiglia, ora nelle mani del fratello; assolda Blu, giovane testa calda con un’attrazione fatale per la velocità, e Arturo, un famoso pilota ormai decaduto, per allenarla. Ognuno di loro ha un motivo per correre più veloce degli altri.

Oni: Thunder God's Tale


In a world filled with the oddball gods and monsters of Japanese mythology, one of the creature's free-spirited daughters, Onari, is determined to follow in the footsteps of the mighty heroes of lore, but her unique powers are yet to be revealed. Does she have what it takes to protect her peaceful village from the encroaching presence of the mysterious "Oni" who threaten the gods?

小林さんちのメイドラゴン さみしがりやの竜





Employé modèle, Yann a été mandaté par son patron pour découvrir la taupe qui tente de saboter l'entreprise. Une position délicate qui va lui amener son lot de problèmes. En parallèle, il doit faire son possible pour empêcher son frère cadet, fraichement sorti de prison, de retomber dans ses travers. Enfin, côté cœur, son quotidien n'est pas plus tranquille, puisqu'il entretient une relation tumultueuse avec une jeune escort-girl.

コードギアス 奪還のロゼ


光和7年、ネオ・ブリタニア帝国に占領された合衆国日本・旧ホッカイドウブロックに、「ナナシの傭兵」として知られる傭兵兄弟がいた。 非常に優れた運動能力とナイトメアフレームの高い操縦技術を持つ兄のアッシュ、頭脳明晰で情報収集、作戦指揮を担当している弟のロゼ。 シトゥンペバリアと呼ばれる難攻不落のエネルギー障壁により4年間、 黒の騎士団の解放作戦を退けてきた第100代皇帝カリス・アル・ブリタニアと、 彼に仕えるノーランドら皇帝直属の騎士アインベルク達は、再び世界を混乱へと陥れようとしていた。 依頼を受けたロゼとアッシュは、日本人レジスタンスの七煌星団と共に、皇サクヤ奪還のため、ネオ・ブリタニア帝国に立ち向かう。

Sight Unseen (2024)


Tess Avery, a top homicide detective who is forced to quit her job after nearly killing her partner and being diagnosed as clinically blind. Reluctant to accept help, Tess uses an assistance app and connects with Sunny Patel, a professional seeing-eye guide and an agoraphobe living 3,000 miles away. Using a hidden camera and earpiece, Sunny remotely steers Tess through life’s obstacles and the unsolved cases she left behind.



コメディの新境地を切り拓く鬼才・涼川りんが描く ヤングアニマルで大好評連載中のJCガールズコメディ 「あそびあそばせ」が待望のTVアニメ化決定! 日本生まれ日本育ちでまったく英語ができない 金髪の美少女・オリヴィア、真面目で知的な雰囲気を漂わせながら 英語がまったくできないショートカットの眼鏡っ娘・香純かすみ、 そして明るいけれど、リア充になれないおさげ髪の少女・華子はなこ、 3人の女子中学生が作ったのは「遊び人研究会」!?  最高に可愛くて最高に楽しい抱腹絶倒の JCガールズコメディが今、幕を開ける!

NCIS: Tony & Ziva


When his security company is attacked, Tony and Ziva must go on the run across Europe, try to figure out who is after them and maybe even learn to trust each other again so that they can finally have their unconventional happily ever after.

Marble Hall Murders


The story picks up with Susan returning to England where she is drawn into a new Atticus Pünd mystery — this time written by a new, young writer. “Pünd’s Last Case” is a story set in 1955 in a villa in Corfu – but the identity of a real killer is hidden in the book.

Yellowstone to Yosemite with Kevin Costner


Follow Kevin Costner as he traces the footsteps of the pivotal 1903 Yosemite expedition of 26th President Teddy Roosevelt and environmental advocate John Muir. Through spectacular visuals of the geology, flora, and fauna of Glacier Point to El Capitan, Yosemite Falls and more, Costner brings the fascinating journey and long battles to preserve the American frontier to life.

Deli Boys


A pair of pampered Pakistani-American brothers lose everything when their convenience-store magnate father suddenly die. They are forced to reckon with their Baba's secret life of crime.

Go Back to Where You Came From (UK)


Six opinionated Brits experience refugee life up close in some of the world's most dangerous places. But will their eye-opening journey change hearts and minds?

Die Falle


Am I Being Unreasonable?


A twisted comedy thriller about obsessive friendship, maternal paranoia and a dead cat. A brilliantly warped tale about how lives can unravel.

Les Lionnes


Dans les quartiers populaires du Sud de la France, quatre femmes aux profils assez différents et en difficulté financière se rendent compte qu’il n’est pas si compliqué de braquer une banque. Elles vont vite se retrouver dans un engrenage infernal.

American Manhunt: Osama Bin Laden


This docuseries will give an in-depth look at how the world mobilized to hunt down Osama Bin Laden after his orchestrations of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the United States.

Live from the Other Side with Tyler Henry


Celebrity guests connect with tyler Henry, "America's #1 medium," through emotional readings, finding hope, healing and answers about life's great mysteries.

Black Rabbit


When the owner of a New York City hotspot allows his chaotic brother back in his life, he opens the door to escalating dangers that threaten to bring down everything he’s built.

The Gringo Hunters


An elite Mexican police unit hunts fugitives, many of them American, on the run to Mexico.

Grown Ups


Based on three couples – Nell and Liam, Cara and Ed, Jessie and Rory, like most families, the Caseys are a complicated bunch. Ever-shifting politics. Old and new resentments. Arguments that blow over quickly and hurts that are nursed forever. They’re loyal. Noisy. And bound together by a whole lot of love.

Storia della mia Famiglia


Questa serie è descritta nel materiale promozionale come “la storia di un uomo di nome Fausto nell’ultimo giorno della sua vita”. Ma è anche la storia di un’improbabile famiglia allargata che riemerge dopo la sua morte. Di un clan amato al quale Fausto impone responsabilità inaspettate.

Highland: Thailand’s Marijuana Awakening


Thailand's complicated history with marijuana continues to play a role in its policies and laws, as well as the health and security of its citizens.

Lava Ka Dhaava


Actor Jaaved Jaafferi brings his signature humor to this Hindi dubbing of the show where teams creatively navigate rooms flooded with make-believe lava.



En el CAR Pirineos entrenan los mejores atletas del país como Amaia, la capitana de la selección nacional de natación artística, una chica autoexigente y que no se permite fallos. Pero cuando Núria, su mejor amiga y compañera de equipo, la supera por primera vez, Amaia se da cuenta de que algunos deportistas están mejorando su rendimiento de forma inexplicable... Tras años de poner su cuerpo al límite y sacrificar su vida por el deporte, se enfrentan al dilema: ¿hasta dónde están dispuestos a llegar?

Crazy, Lovely, Cool


TV series that takes a fond look at the lives, joys and struggles of a group of charismatic students whose paths cross on the campus of Nigeria's largest university via the shocking revelations of an eponymous gossip blog.

Hi-5 House


Join your favourite Hi-5 friends in a brand new adventure as they welcome you into their Hi-5 House - it's the place to be... and it's where dreams really can come true! Lauren, Stevie, Ainsley, Dayen and Mary explore the most amazing places and meet some brand new friends along the way... even our chatty friend Chats welcomes you into her home 'The Chatterbox' where you'll get to meet some cool new Hi-5 friends. There's plenty of stories, cheeky animal fun, groovy new ways to be healthy and active and magical adventures (and even some Super Hero ones) so get your dancing feet ready and let's get grooving in the Hi-5 House where anything is possible!

Il Mostro


Otto duplici omicidi. Diciassette anni di terrore. Sempre la stessa arma. Una beretta calibro 22. Una delle più lunghe e complesse indagini italiane sul primo e più brutale serial killer della storia del Paese: Il Mostro di Firenze. Una serie basata su fatti realmente accaduti, testimonianze dirette, atti processuali e inchieste giornalistiche. Tutto terribilmente vero. Perché crediamo che il racconto della verità, e solo quello, sia l'unico modo per rendere giustizia alle vittime. In una storia dove i mostri possibili, nel corso del tempo e delle indagini, sono stati molti, il nostro racconto esplora proprio loro, i possibili mostri, dal loro punto di vista. Perché il mostro, alla fine, potrebbe essere chiunque.

En el barro


Mientras son conducidas a la prisión de La Quebrada, Gladys Guerra, 'la Borges', y otras condenadas sin experiencia en prisión, son atacadas. El vehículo que las traslada se hunde en el río y las presas, abandonadas a su suerte, enfrentan una muerte segura. Pero Gladys se libera, y libera a las demás. Minutos después, cinco sobrevivientes alcanzan la orilla, cubiertas de barro. Unidas por la adversidad, este grupo de mujeres enfrentará la hostilidad del régimen carcelario y el desafío de las diferentes 'tribus' que manejan el cotidiano de la prisión. Usando las armas que cada una trae por su historia personal, descubriendo sus propias fortalezas y debilidades, sabrán construir su lugar en el universo de La Quebrada






A boarding school for the global elite where underground gambling determines the social hierarchy is upended by the arrival of a mysterious transfer student.

Bad Crimes


Kara and Jennie, two FBI agents, travel across the country to solve grisly crimes while juggling their friendship, career ambitions, and as many men as possible.

F1 Academy


A behind-the-scenes look at an all-women driving series, chronicling the races, personal stories, stakes for drivers, teams, sponsors, and families breaking barriers in an extreme sport.

Our Water World


The series explores the incredible freshwater systems that help our planet thrive and, without which, life could not exist. From Earth’s icy realms, to its rushing rivers and epic waterfalls, to magical cloud forests, this is the mysterious, surprising and captivating story of our planet's extraordinary freshwater worlds.

Afrobeats: The Backstory


Music pioneers Kenny Ogungbe, Dayo "D1" Adeneye, Paul "Play" Dairo and others dive into the rise of Afrobeats, the Nigerian global music phenomenon.



A new docuseries focusing on one of the most successful football managers of all time, Jose Mourinho



The show is a thriller set in a bucolic but sinister town that explores the insidious underbelly of the troubled teen industry and the eternal struggle between one generation and the next.






서울의 패권을 놓고 벌어진 싸움에서 살아남은 두 개의 조직, 그리고 복수를 위해 돌아온 한 남자.

은중과 상연


일생에 걸쳐 얽히고설킨 두 친구의 이야기



วันหนึ่งขณะที่พุดตานกำลังคุมงานจัดสวนที่ จ.อยุธยา เธอได้ขุดเจอหีบโบราณใบหนึ่งที่ถูกฝังอยู่ใต้ดิน ภายในมีสมุดข่อยโบราณเก่าแก่เล่มหนึ่ง เพียงแค่เธอสัมผัสกับสมุดข่อยเล่มนั้นเธอก็รู้สึกเจ็บปวดคล้ายจะเป็นลม เกิดแสงสีทองสว่างจ้าและร่างของพุดตานก็หายวับไปพร้อมกับสมุดข่อย เมื่อพุดตานลืมตาขึ้นมาอีกครั้ง เธอก็พบเห็นชายหนุ่มรูปงาม แต่งตัวแปลกตาอยู่ตรงหน้า เขาคือหมื่นมหาฤทธิ์ ลูกชายฝาแฝดคนเล็กของออกญาวิสูตรสาครและเกศสุรางค์ สองคนยื้อแย่งคัมภีร์กฤษณะกาลีที่ต่างจับกันอยู่ พุดตานเชื่อว่าสมุดข่อยจะต้องพาเธอกลับบ้าน ในขณะที่หมื่นมหาฤทธิ์ไม่ยอมเพราะคัมภีร์กฤษณะกาลีคือสมบัติล้ำค่าของตระกูลที่ถูกพ่อของเขานำมาฝังเอาไว้นานแล้ว หมื่นมหาฤทธิ์แปลกใจที่พุดตานมีใบหน้าที่ละม้ายคุณแม่ของเขามาก ส่วนพุดตานจะใช้ชีวิตอย่างไรในสถานที่ที่เธอไม่คุ้นเคยแม้แต่น้อย คนแปลกหน้าสองคนที่เพิ่งพบเจอกัน...แต่กลับรู้สึกผูกพันกันอย่างไม่ทราบสาเหตุ ฤๅจะเป็นพรหมลิขิตที่ทำให้เขาและเธอได้กลับมาพบกันและจะไม่มีวันพรากจากกันอีกชั่วนิรันดร์

Giant Jack


Six-year old Hank and his best pal, a giant trash truck, explore the world around them on fantastical adventures with their animal friends.



Sigue a Bárbara, quien regresará para descubrir quién intentó matarla.

TaeTae’s Kitchen


멕시코에서 트럭 사업을 시작하는 인턴 태형의 여정

시크릿 쥬쥬


동화 나라에 사는 요정이라면 누구나 참석하는 만월의 밤, 즐거운 축제가 열린다. 쥬쥬는 축제에서 공연할 노래를 연습하다 축제에 늦고 마는데, 그 사이 두 마녀 포이즌과 메두사가 동화나라를 공격해 동화나라는 요정들까지 모두 회색의 돌이 되어버리고 만다. 메두사와 포이즌은 동화나라의 신비한 힘을 하나의 시크릿 스톤에 모으고 동화나라를 영원히 어둠속에 묻으려고 든다. 축제에 늦어 돌이 되지 않은 쥬쥬와 룰루는 그 광경을 보고, 마녀들의 손에서 스톤을 빼앗는데 성공한다. 하지만 현실세계로 도망치는 과정에서 마녀들의 공격으로 시크릿 스톤이 산산이 부서지고, 현실세계에 그 파편이 흩어져 버린다. 돌이 된 동화나라의 영향으로 현실세계도 삭막하게 변하고 쥬쥬의 친구들도 쥬쥬에 대한 기억을 모두 잃어버린 상태. 하루빨리 시크릿 플라워 밴드를 모아 동화나라를 되찾기 위한 쥬쥬와 룰루의 모험이 시작된다.

The Seven Dials Mystery


Seven Dials is one of Agatha Christie’s lesser-known works and tells the story of Eileen “Bundle” Brent, an amateur detective attempting to solve the murder of a man who slept with eight alarm clocks only to turn up dead one morning.



Cuenta la historia de un padre que descubre que su hija pertenece a un grupo neonazi, al que tiene que acercarse para intentar rescatarla y comprender qué la ha llevado hasta ahí. Durante un enfrentamiento violento pactado entre los aficionados radicales de dos clubes de fútbol, Salvador Aguirre, conductor de ambulancias, rescata herida a su hija Milena, miembro del grupo ultra, que defiende valores racistas, violentos y homófobos, totalmente opuestos a los que él le inculcó.

레이디 두아


가짜일지라도 명품이 되고 싶었던 한 여자의 욕망을 추적하는 범죄 미스터리 드라마

Da Jammies


Da Jammies is 3D animated sitcom that follows the musical journey of five talented and colorful tweens who attend a performing arts middle school where they have formed a group in hopes of, one day, achieving fame, fortune and more fame.

Serpientes y Escaleras


En una escuela de renombre, una profesora se ve envuelto en una disputa entre dos alumnos.



Fabułę "Lovzone" zdominuje z kolei temat nastoletnich miłości i przyjaźni. W centrum tej historii znajduje się kochająca kino nastolatka w spektrum autyzmu, która wraz z najlepszym przyjacielem rusza nad polskie morze. Mają tam zamiar nakręcić romans, który pozwoli im dostać się do wymarzonej szkoły filmowej. Wtedy na horyzoncie pojawia się jednak pewien chłopak ze szkoły sportowej. Jego przybycie na zawsze zmieni relację między dwójką przyjaciół. Pomysłodawczyniami serialu są Kamila Tarabura i Nina Lewandowska.

The Four Seasons


Comedy series based on the 1981 feature film about three couples who vacation together every season.

Hija del camino


Sandra Nnom lleva demasiado tiempo sin encontrar su lugar en el mundo, un sitio donde no atraiga las miradas, en el que pueda ser ella misma sin que nadie la etiquete. Recién instalada en Londres, echa la vista atrás. De pequeña, cuando en su barrio madrileño le preguntaban de dónde era, afirmaba orgullosa que era guineana y se inventaba cómo pasaba los veranos en África a partir de los relatos de su padre, aunque nunca hubiera salido de España. Las preguntas sobre su identidad siempre han sido una constante desde entonces. Huyó a Guinea para disipar esos interrogantes, pero el viaje no le aportó las respuestas que ella esperaba. Ahora, esta viajera insaciable ya ha perdido la cuenta de cuántas veces ha empaquetado su vida para encontrar una tierra a la que llamar hogar. ¿Será en Londres donde por fin encuentre su lugar? ¿O todavía tendrá que recorrer más camino hasta encontrar su destino verdadero?



In this series, mountain pasture life is a little too peaceful for former globetrotter Trico. Luckily for him, he always has tons of ideas, and objects from his travels, to share with his fellow sheep to shake things up! All this new ruckus is at Biscotte's expense, a tough ewe whose job is to keep the flock safe. An especially hard task with the Wolf lurking around, waiting to make the most of this newfound chaos by catching a few sheep here and there. Fortunately, we can count on Trico and Biscotte's friendship to overcome these challenges and keep the Wolf from snacking on their wooly companions!

Anjaan: Rural Myths


Spine-chilling stories of malevolent spirits unfold in villages, jungles and haunted buildings across India.

Halva Malmö består av killar som dumpat mig


Följ 31-åriga Amanda på hennes spännande dejtingäventyr i jakten på kärleken.



Follows Kyle Turner, a special agent for the National Parks Service who works to enforce human law in nature’s vast wilderness. The investigation of a brutal death sends Inman on a collision course with the dark secrets within the park, and in his own past.






Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter


A tenacious mother unravels the complex mystery surrounding the 1989 disappearance of the daughter she placed for adoption.



يضطر فنان مزيف، وهو أب أعزب أيضًا، إلى العمل مع عشيقته السابقة لصياغة الورقة النقدية المثالية بقيمة 100 دولار، كل ذلك لإنقاذ ابنته المحتضرة.

Aitana: Metamorfosis


Aitana tiene talento, es ambiciosa y está descubriendo quién quiere ser. Vive en exclusiva el día a día de su transformación a través de su docu-serie.



O tânără mamă e nevoită să folosească o identitate secretă pentru a scăpa de banda din București care o urmărește după ce i-a ucis logodnicul.

더 비팀


자신의 의사없이 초능력을 구사하는 '하자 있는 초능력자'들을 다룬 드라마다.

Girl Eat World


ดาหลา บุปผา ฆาตกรรม


เมื่อลูกค้าต้องมาตายก่อนจะได้ลั่นระฆังวิวาห์ สาวนักจัดดอกไม้จึงต้องตามหาตัวฆาตกร และเปิดโปงความลับอันเลวร้ายในวงสังคมชั้นสูง... ขณะที่ต้องหาทางปกปิดความลับของตัวเอง



Oyunu değiştirebilen kazanır. Bir yanda, hayata sıfır noktasından gelmiş, çok sert ve güçlü hamlelerle, oldukça varlıklı ve başarılı olmuş Osman... Diğer yanda, nesillerdir varlıklı ve denizci bir ailenin temsilcisi, diplomasi üstadı Nihal... Bu hikaye, eski para ile yeni paranın savaşının, güçle aklın çarpışmasının ve iki sert karakterin aşık olmalarının hikayesi.



Las maldiciones


En el norte argentino, la hija del gobernador es secuestrada por su hombre de confianza mientras se vota la sanción de una ley crucial de explotación del litio. A medida que se revelan las motivaciones del secuestrador, sale a la luz una trama secreta que empezó a gestarse hace 13 años y que desnuda la verdadera naturaleza del poder y las maldiciones de la filiación.

Forever, Interrupted


Elsie and Ben’s whirlwind romance is electric – within months they’re married and living happily ever after – when Ben’s unexpected death forces Elsie to come face to face with Susan, the mother-in-law who doesn’t know that she exists.

America's Team: The Gambler and His Cowboys


Tells the story of team owner Jerry Jones and his unique journey in transforming the Cowboys franchise, leading a historic set of players and coaches to three NFL titles in the 1990s and searing his imprint into the global sports business landscape. Along the way, Jones has become one of the most innovative and influential leaders in sports, with his team being the most valuable sports franchise in the world.

餓狼伝: The Way of the Lone Wolf



Tylko jedno spojrzenie


Kiedy szczęśliwie zamężna projektantka biżuterii odkrywa niepokojące stare zdjęcie, jej życie pogrąża się w chaosie, a na jaw wychodzi mroczna tajemnica z przeszłości jej męża



Leanne's life is upended when her husband of 33 years leaves her for another woman. Starting over when you’re a grandmother and in menopause isn’t exactly what she had in mind, but with the help of her family, she will navigate this new chapter with grace, dignity and jello salad.



1504, Sud de la France. Traqué par ses ennemis, un assassin doit retrouver sa fille qu'il avait abandonnée. Il va devoir choisir : sauver sa peau ou sauver son enfant... et le monde.



조선 제일의 바람둥이, 요부가 정절녀를 타락시키기 위해 발칙한 사랑 게임을 벌이면서 펼쳐지는 이야기를 다룬다.



귀(⻤)의 세계를 넘나드는 구천, 귀신의 소리를 듣는 궁녀 생강. 궁궐의 저주를 풀기 위한 왕의 비밀스러운 부름을 받다.

グラス ハート


『グラス ハート』は、ドラマー志望の大学生、西条茜が突然バンドから追い出されてしまう物語です。しかし、天才音楽家の藤谷直樹が彼女の才能に気づき、彼の新しいアンサンブルに誘われたことで事態は一変する。



舞台は武士時代の終焉を迎えた明治。 無意味に生きる愚か者たち。殺し合え、最後のひとりまで。

Toughest Forces on Earth


Three adventurous veterans train alongside some of the world's most elite military units, getting an inside look at their tactics and weaponry.

천천히 강렬하게


드라마는 6·25 전쟁 직후 급성장한 쇼비지니스 세계를 다루면서 무대 위 스타와 그를 만드는 사람들의 이야기를 그린다.

Baking for Blood


Recently divorced Anne Thomas is a mother of two and a baker. When her one-night-stand ends up being a leader of one of the highest mafia groups, he threatens to shut down her bakery unless she murders their top threat. Now she must locate and kill him or else Anne’s life will fall apart while maintaining a professional, family, and love life.

미친맛집: 미식가 친구의 맛집


고로상과 성시경이 밥 친구이면 좋을텐데... 근데 그 일이 실제로 일어났습니다.





Little House on the Prairie (2026)


A transformed adaptation of Wilder’s semi-autobiographical books is part family drama, part epic survival tale, and part origin story of the American West. The series will offer a kaleidoscopic view of the struggles and triumphs of those who shaped the frontier.

Man Vs Baby


After a disastrous experience housesitting a high-tech mansion hampered by an inconvenient insect in Man Vs Bee, Trevor Bingley now finds himself looking after a luxurious London penthouse, with another unlikely companion he didn't ask for...

I Will Find You


An innocent father serves a life sentence for the murder of his own son. When he receives evidence that his son my still be alive, he is determined to break out of prison to discover the truth.

Bir İhtimal Daha Var


İsa, bir gazetede spor bahisleri yazarı olarak çalışan bir adamdır. Babasından miras kalan bu yeteneği ile bahis dünyasında adını duyuran İsa'nın şansı son zamanlarda pek de iyi gitmez. Yaptığı bahislerin artık tutmaması üzerine İsa hem işinden olur hem de kendisine düşman kazanır. İsa, tam hayattan umudunu kaybettiği sırada karşısına Refik adında ünlü bir iş insanı çıkar. Refik, İsa'yı tüm dertlerinden kurtarabilecek tek kişidir ancak sorun şu ki Refik ölüdür. Refik'in ruhu İsa'nın hayatı için bir yol sunar. İsa'da bu sırada Refik'i öldürenleri bulup, ölümünün ardındaki gizemi ortaya çıkarmaya çalışır.

Carlos Alcaraz: A mi manera


Jorge Laplace dirige la docuserie española titulada Alcaraz que llegará a Netflix para contar la travesía de Carlos Alcaraz, la persona más joven en convertirse en el número uno en la historia del tenis durante la temporada de 2024. Mostrando su vida tanto dentro como fuera de la cancha, conoceremos la experiencia de un tenista a través de sus propios ojos.

당신이 죽였다


벗어날 수 없는 현실 지옥, 친구의 남편을 죽이기로 결심했다

Midnight Sun


Animated series based on the novel of the same name, which is a retelling of Twilight from the perspective of Edward Cullen.

Out of the Dust


A psychological thriller set in a conservative Christian sect about a dutiful wife who is set on a dangerous path of emancipation and sexual awakening when she encounters an escaped convict.

Cheaters: Unfinished Business


Where ex-couples reunite to confront each other after their relationships ended due to cheating.



An original story with new characters, showing the world of Minecraft in a new light.

İstanbul Ansiklopedisi


Nesrin ve Zehra. İki farklı kuşak, iki farklı hayat.



A inicios del siglo XXI, un cometa revolucionó la escena mediática en España, desafiando las reglas de la fama y el éxito al desdibujar la línea entre lo popular y lo underground. Por un par de años, figuras de otra dimensión conquistaron portadas y horarios estelares, desafiando la burla y el desprecio. Este relato mágico incluye conspiraciones esotéricas, noches interminables, elementos cuánticos, supervillanos coloridos y una estrella improbable: Tamara.

The Undertow


Suffocating in a loveless marriage to Adam, Nicola's life takes a dramatic turn when Adam’s long-estranged identical twin brother Lee comes crashing back into her life, and their tangled romantic past threatens to destroy the present.

FIFA World Cup: The Greatest Show on Earth


The series gives a behind-the-scenes look at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022 with access to all 32 teams.



A trama é centrada em três personagens cujas vidas se entrelaçam de maneira inesperada nos rios da Amazônia atlântica.

That Night (2025)


Durante unas vacaciones familiares en República Dominicana, Elena atropella a un hombre con su coche. Desesperada y asustada, llama a sus hermanas, Paula y Cris, pidiendo ayuda. Al llegar, deben decidir cómo afrontar el accidente, porque no pueden soportar la idea de que su hermana menor vaya a la cárcel, dejando a su único sobrino sin su madre. ¿Hasta dónde estarán dispuestas a llegar para ayudar a proteger a su familia? That Night obliga a tres hermanas a enfrentarse a la profundidad del amor, el peso de la lealtad y los límites que se pueden alcanzar por la familia.

동미새: 동호회에 미친 새내기


데프콘이 동호회 찾아가면 도매상인 줄 알고 회비 비싸게 받아요?

추라이 추라이


주먹으로는 챔피언, 이젠 입담으로 승부한다! 게스트와 나누는 솔직한 대화와 예측 불가 미션까지, 링 위의 강자 추성훈이 토크쇼에 도전장을 내민다.



The Afrikaans series revolves around a widowed chef who loses her restaurant and house overnight and is forced to move in with her mother in Wildernis with her daughter.

Everybody's Live with John Mulaney


John Mulaney unleashes his one-of-a-kind comedic genius on late night with this spontaneous and sidesplitting live series.

Super Subbu




Nie uwierzysz, kto zostanie nową królową osiedla.

She the People


After winning the election for Lieutenant Governor, Antoinette Dunkerson must figure out how to thrive under a sexist and condescending governor, while attempting to keep her family in line now that they’re all in the public eye.

Katrina: Come Hell and High Water


The story of how a brutal coastal hurricane turned into a cataclysmic disaster thanks to human error.



Gone Girls: The Long Island Serial Killer


Examines the grisly murders of young women in New York City and Long Island that went unsolved from 1993 to 2011, until the arrest of Rex Heuermann in 2023. He has been charged with the deaths of seven women and is suspected of committing more murders.

Yokohama Black


A specialized assassination team belonging to the Sagamimutsumi syndicate declares all-out war when rival factions start closing in.



Join host Patrick Seleka Jr. as he ventures across South Africa eating - and replicating - dishes prepared by celeb chefs using farm-fresh ingredients.

Son of a Donkey


We meet Theo just as he moves out of his home to claim his independence — until he’s faced with the harsh realities of adulthood. From driving fines and daddy issues to internet scams and a lot of therapy, Theo and his best friend Johnny get up to their usual antics as they come to terms with what’s most important: family.

Montir Cantik


Indah, seorang mahasiswi manajemen yang menyukai dunia otomatif, harus membuktikan kepada ayahnya yang mempunyai trauma pada dunia balapan dan otomatif bahwa dirinya bisa menjadi montir profesional.

Alejandro Sanz


Un acceso exclusivo al backstage de la vida de Alejandro Sanz, quien es reconocido a nivel mundial y es el español con el mayor número de premios Latin Grammy en la historia.



Verlaat Yolanthe Cabau de Nederlandse spotlights voor een nieuw begin in Los Angeles met haar zoontje Xess Xava.



Federico Seligman se retira de sus empresas de comunicación para recuperarse de una enfermedad que le tiene dos años al margen. A su vuelta descubrirá que sus hijos se han convertido en unos desconocidos y están llevando los negocios por un rumbo que él detesta. Federico hará todo lo inimaginable para que sus hijos no destrocen su legado.

Masumiyet Müzesi


Tekstil zengini Basmacı ailesinin 30 yaşındaki nişanlı oğulları Kemal ile 18 yaşındaki uzak akrabaları Füsun'un yasak aşkını.

Ayrılık da Sevdaya Dahil


Tefeci bir ailenin tahsilatçısı ve kuvvet komutanı Kemal, senaryo yazarı ve mecburi lokantacı Afife’nin borcunu tahsil etmek üzere harekete geçer. Ancak genç kadınla birlikte erdemin ve aşkın zannettiği gibi bir şey olmadığını öğrenir.

Geleceğe Mektuplar


Dört kişilik liseli arkadaş grubunun öğretmenleri Fatma'nın isteği doğrultusubnda 20 yıl sonra ellerine ulaşacak mektupları yazmalarıyla birlikte gelişen olayları takip ediyor.



Yıllar sonra bir araya gelen iki kardeş ve çocukluk arkadaşları, çalıntı bir servete rastlar, ancak kısa sürede kendilerini bir kedi-fare oyununun içinde bulurlar. Sadakat, kefaret ve hayatta kalma mücadelesi arasında sıkışan bu üçlü, mantığın sesini mi dinleyecek yoksa hayatlarını sonsuza dek değiştirme şansı için her şeyi riske mi atacak?

Ciudad de Sombras


Un macabro crimen ha ocurrido en La Pedrera - Casa Milà: un cuerpo quemado ha aparecido en la fachada del emblemático edificio de Gaudí. El inspector Milo Malart, hasta ahora suspendido por indisciplina en los Mossos, regresa a la actividad en la ciudad condal para, de la mano de la subinspectora Rebeca Garrido, tratar de dar con el autor del crimen.

Os Donos do Jogo


A máfia da contravenção carioca entra em ebulição com a iminente legalização dos jogos de azar, o interesse de um grupo criminoso estrangeiro no mercado local e a rápida ascensão de Profeta, novo aspirante ao trono da cidade.




Un fantasma en la batalla


Inspirada en las vidas y experiencias de varios miembros de la Guardia Civil directamente involucrados en la lucha antiterrorista y cimentada en el contexto histórico, político y social de los años 90 y los 2000, Un fantasma en la batalla cuenta la historia de Amaia, una joven guardia civil que permanece más de una década trabajando como agente encubierta dentro de ETA, con el objetivo de localizar los zulos que la banda tenía escondidos en el sur de Francia.

American Murder: Gabby Petito


What happened in the final days of Gabby Petito's life? In this gripping true-crime series, her loved ones reveal the untold story of her tragic murder.

A Woman of Substance (2026)


From servant's quarters to business empire, Emma Harte's indomitable spirit propels her rise from poverty to riches, yearning for one unattainable love.

Why Did I Get Married Too?


Four couples find themselves struggling to save their marriages once again on their annual marriage retreat, while each of them battle through financial, physical, mental, and emotional issues.




Lil Kev



Bastion 36


Contraint de quitter la BRI, un policier tourmenté décide de mener sa propre enquête quand ses anciens équipiers sont victimes d'une série de meurtres.

My Friends


Manon, Djena, Aurore and Marie are four friends who dream of winning the Défi dance, an inter-school hip-hop competition.

Dying for Sex


Diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, a woman leaves her husband of 15 years and begins to explore her sexuality.

Adieu, Jean-Pat


Étienne, 35 ans, bloqué dans un amour platonique et n’est pas vraiment sûr de s’engager. Il décide donc de retrouver son amour d’enfance et cela, il recontacte son ancien rival « Jean-Pat » qui décède brusquement pendant le coup de fil. Étienne se retrouve malgré lui embarqué dans l’organisation des obsèques.

Le million (2025)


Pensant à tort qu'il ne va pas être promu par son entreprise, Stan craque et décide de voler dans le coffre de son patron une valise contenant 1 million d'euros d'argent sale. Direction l'aéroport avec sa copine... Mais en route, un coup de fil lui apprend qu'il obtient la promotion dont il rêvait. Il a alors une nuit pour rattraper son erreur et remettre le million dans le coffre. Pour cela, il va faire appel à Hippolyte, un serrurier peu regardant sur la déontologie…

Braqueuses malgré elles


Trois copines dans une mauvaise passe personnelle et professionnelle, parties pour une expédition punitive dans un supermarché où l’une d’elles s’est faite malmener par un vigile libidineux, se retrouvent “par hasard” en train de faire un braquage…

Chasing the West


The Property Brothers will help families who wish to escape hectic city life or own land discover the incredible attributes and unique challenges of ranch living, including adapting to a slower pace, tending livestock and growing produce.

The Inheritance (2025)


12 strangers arrive at a grand English country estate, lured by the opportunity to inherit a chunk of a fortune. The fortune belonged to a glamorous benefactor known only as The Deceased who has left video messages for the players from beyond the grave. To release money from The Inheritance, players must work as a team to complete a series of challenges. To win the game they must persuade all others that only they should be entrusted with the money.







Kill Jackie


Ex-cocaine dealer Jackie Price lives luxuriously selling art through tax schemes. After 20 years of anonymity, her peaceful life ends when The Seven Demons, elite hitmen, are hired to kill her.



陰気な容姿のせいで霊感があると恐れられ、「貞子」というあだながついている黒沼爽子。 周囲に避けられることに慣れてしまっていた爽子は、わけへだてなく接してくれる風早翔太に憧れている。 自分を変えたいという爽子の背中を押してくれる風早や、矢野あやね、吉田千鶴、真田龍といったクラスメイトたちとの関わりの中で、爽子は少しずつだが自分の殻を破っていく。 ピュアな爽子が友情や恋、ライバルや友達の失恋などいろんな「初めて」を知っていく過程を、丁寧に描いていく学園青春ストーリー。



Two fates that never should have crossed paths... Asemu Asuno, son of the Earth Federation Forces commander Flit Asuno. Zeheart Galette, a warrior who throws himself into battle for the sake of the Vagan people. For a brief while they spent time together, formed a friendship, and sometimes quarreled, even as they looked up at the same cosmos. But the time has come for a bitter parting.



Yrehn, une Osamodas qui a en horreur les Hommes en raison de leur cruauté envers les animaux et autres êtres vivants, n’est autre que la gardienne d’Elante : une créature légendaire convoitée par de nombreux opportunistes en raison de ses puissantes vertus magiques. Un jour, Elante est capturée par le gang des viandards, un groupe de mafieux bien décidés à tirer profit de ses capacités uniques ! Yrehn se lance immédiatement à son secours, et entame alors une grande aventure aux côtés de son nouvel ami Tim, au cours de laquelle elle s’apprête à découvrir que tous les Hommes ne sont pas nécessairement mauvais, et que le monde est en réalité composé de multiples nuances de gris…

Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue


Follow the tale of nine strangers who find themselves lost in a remote Mexican jungle after their small plane traveling from Guatemala to the U.S. crashes. One by one, the survivors are murdered, leaving the remaining passengers to solve the terrifying mystery before they too fall victim to the killer.




Aaron Weber: Signature Dish


Shot at Zanies in Nashville, Weber’s first hour, directed by Mike Lavin, is exec produced by Bargatze and and Adrian Kulp on behalf of Nateland Entertainment. The logline is under wraps for now.

Rosebud Baker: The Mother Lode


The special intercuts between Baker before and after giving birth. With the juxtaposition of these experiences, she unpacks navigating the unknown in the evolving journey of parenthood, delving into the decision to have kids, the indignities of childbirth, the pros and cons of losing your identity in motherhood, generational divides of upbringings, along with coming to the difficult decision to retire from giving blow jobs, and more.

Adrienne Iapalucci: The Dark Queen


Comedian Adrienne Iapalucci takes aim at our public figures, awkward tribute tattoos, virtue signaling and more in this unfiltered stand-up special.

Adam Ray: Read the Room


Recorded at the prestigious PUNCHLINE COMEDY CLUB in San Francisco, CA, Adam Ray drops an hour of hilarious jokes about his nieces, dreams of being in the NBA, pot brownie freak outs, and loving drunk couple fights.

The Parenting


A couple rents a countryside house for a weekend with their parents and then discover it's inhabited by a 400-year-old poltergeist.

Sin City Gigolo: A Murder in Las Vegas


A GIGOLOS reality TV star's arrest for murdering a client in 2020 exposed dark truths behind the once-popular Vegas show. The documentary blends series footage with crime investigation, exploring sex work, fame, and reality TV's impact.

劇場版 忍たま乱太郎 ドクタケ忍者隊最強の軍師





まめこはニート。犬のこまち、猫のタビ・シンバ・メロと暮らしている。 「明日からは頑張る!」と神様に約束しても、翌日には「神様が寝ろと言っている…」と自分に負けてしまう。 そんなまめこたちの、なにもないようで、なにかおかしな、日常のおはなし。

Go-Go Mystery Machine


While visiting Japan on the ultimate foodie adventure, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo unwittingly unleash hundreds of mischievous mythical monsters that are now causing trouble all over the country.