Cuenta la historia de un padre que descubre que su hija pertenece a un grupo neonazi, al que tiene que acercarse para intentar rescatarla y comprender qué la ha llevado hasta ahí. Durante un enfrentamiento violento pactado entre los aficionados radicales de dos clubes de fútbol, Salvador Aguirre, conductor de ambulancias, rescata herida a su hija Milena, miembro del grupo ultra, que defiende valores racistas, violentos y homófobos, totalmente opuestos a los que él le inculcó.
Tells the story of a father who discovers that his daughter belongs to a neo-Nazi group, which he must approach in order to try to rescue her and understand what led her there. During a violent confrontation arranged between the radical fans of two football clubs, Salvador Aguirre, an ambulance driver, rescues his daughter Milena, injured and a member of the ultra group, which defends racist, violent, and homophobic values, completely opposed to those he instilled in her.