All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Friendship Is Magic (1)

    • October 10, 2010
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight Sparkle, a reclusive student of Equestria's ruler, Princess Celestia, is tasked with supervising a special event in Ponyville and to make some friends in the process. There, she meets fellow ponies Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy. However, she is too focused on trying to prevent an ancient prophecy involving an evil pony who was banished to the moon 1000 years ago, and would return during the "longest day of the thousandth year". Subtitle: Mare in the Moon

  • S01E02 Friendship Is Magic (2)

    • October 22, 2010

    The evil Nightmare Moon is free from her imprisonment, vowing to shroud the world in eternal night, and Princess Celestia has gone missing. Twilight and the other ponies must find six magic stones called the Elements of Harmony, hidden in the mysterious Everfree Forest. Through every obstacle they face leading to the artifacts, Twilight discovers a secret that can unlock the Elements' power and relight the world. Subtitle: The Elements of Harmony My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic - Season 1, Song #1: "Giggle at the Ghostie" A. K. A. "The Laughter Song"

  • S01E03 The Ticket Master

    • October 29, 2010
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight receives two tickets from Princess Celestia to the Grand Galloping Gala, which leads to an argument among her friends who all want to go, each with their own personal reasons. As if things could not get any more complicated for Twilight to make a choice, she notices them doing her favors to get on her good graces. To make matters even worse, the population of Ponyville learn of the spare ticket as well. My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic - Season 1, Song #2: "Pinkie's Gala Fantasy Song" My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic - Season 1, Song #3: "The Ticket Song"

Season 2

  • S02E01 The Return of Harmony (1)

    • September 17, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    A chaos-causing creature named Discord escapes from his stone prison. Twilight and her friends must stop him by using The Elements of Harmony... if they can find where Discord has hidden them.

  • S02E02 The Return of Harmony (2)

    • September 24, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight's friends have been corrupted by Discord, and all of Equestria is about to fall into total chaos. Twilight remembers about the riddle of finding the stolen Elements of Harmony. However, even after obtaining them, can she and her friends defeat their most powerful foe yet with almost all hope lost?

  • S02E03 Lesson Zero

    • October 15, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    Hyper-organized Twilight panics when she can’t find a lesson about friendship for her weekly letter to Princess Celestia.

  • S02E04 Luna Eclipsed

    • October 22, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    It's Nightmare Night and the macabre celebrations are in full swing when Luna herself shows up in Ponyville, determined to change her frightening public image.

  • S02E05 Sisterhooves Social

    • November 5, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    After fighting about what it means to be a sister, Sweetie Belle disowns Rarity and tries to join Applejack's family. Rarity might be able to win her back at The Sisterhooves Social, but only if she learns something about being a sister first.

  • S02E06 The Cutie Pox

    • November 12, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    Apple Bloom finally gets her Cutie Mark! But joy turns to panic as she gets a second, then a third, then a dozen cutie marks.

  • S02E07 May the Best Pet Win!

    • November 19, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    Rainbow Dash hosts a flying race to see who will be her pet. My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #1: "Find a Pet Song"

  • S02E08 The Mysterious Mare Do Well

    • November 26, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    There is a new hero in Ponyville who is masked and stealing Rainbow Dash's thunder.

  • S02E09 Sweet and Elite

    • December 3, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight arranges for Rarity to stay with the Princess during a visit to Canterlot, but after Rarity gets to hobnob with Canterlot's social elite, she must choose between important social connections and spending time with her friends. My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #2: "Becoming Popular"

  • S02E10 Secret of My Excess

    • December 10, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    After Spike's 10th Birthday gifts activate his greedy dragon instincts, he undergoes an outrageous growth spurt that threatens to destroy all of Ponyville, so he must find a way to stop growing and save the inhabitants of the city.

  • S02E12 Family Appreciation Day

    • January 7, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Apple Bloom doesn't want Granny Smith to embarrass her by speaking in her class.

  • S02E13 Hearth's Warming Eve

    • December 17, 2011
    • Discovery Family

    The six friends are in a play about the founding of Equestria for the Hearth's Warming Eve's holiday pageant. My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #3: "The Hearth's Warming Eve Carol Song."

  • S02E13 Baby Cakes

    • January 14, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Pinkie Pie tries babysitting The Cakes Parents' twin toddlers but finds it harder than she thought. My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #4: "The Wiggle Your Snout Song"

  • S02E14 The Last Roundup

    • January 21, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    After reading a note from Applejack stating that she will not return to Ponyville after competing in the Equestria Rodeo Competition in Canterlot, the friends go on a journey to find her.

  • S02E14 The Last Roundup - (UNDERPED Version)

    • Discovery Family

  • S02E15 The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

    • January 28, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    The Flim Flam brothers challenge the Apples to a Cider Making Contest and the winner of the showdown gets to take Sweet Apple Acres, so with the farm in peril, the Apple ponies must come together and muster all their cider making skills. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #5: "The Flim Flam Brothers Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Song"

  • S02E16 Read It and Weep

    • February 4, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    After mocking it as an 'egghead' pursuit, Rainbow Dash discovers the joys of reading while laid up in Ponyville Hospital. Can she finish her book before her friends discover her secret?

  • S02E17 Hearts and Hooves Day

    • February 11, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders create a strong love potion in the hopes of making Miss Cheerilee and Big Macintosh fall in love, but when they discover the serious side effects of their concoction, they quickly regret their actions. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #6: "The Perfect Stallion"

  • S02E18 A Friend in Deed

    • February 18, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    When Pinkie Pie meets Cranky Doodle Donkey, she becomes flummoxed about what to do when the donkey refuses her usual offer of lifelong friendship, so she must decide what to do next about the first creature ever to do such a thing. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #7: "The Smile Song" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #8: "The Cranky Doodle Donkey Song" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2, Song #9: "The Welcome Wagon Song"

  • S02E19 Putting Your Hoof Down

    • March 3, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    When Fluttershy becomes tired of being pushed around for too long, she decides to seek some assertiveness training from self-help guru Iron Will. With the help of her new teacher, she quickly transforms her unsure ways.

  • S02E20 It's About Time

    • March 10, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    When Twilight Sparkle receives a strange and vague warning about impending doom and disaster from her future self, she drives herself nearly mad in an attempt to stall a cataclysmic event, but her uncertainty makes finding answers difficult.

  • S02E21 Dragon Quest

    • March 17, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Spike joins The Great Dragon Migration to discover his true identity, but it might not be what he really needs.

  • S02E22 Hurricane Fluttershy

    • March 24, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Fluttershy struggles to overcome her fear of public humiliation so she can help Rainbow Dash and the other pegasi create a tornado powerful enough to lift the water required for rainy season in the cloud-producing city of Cloudsdale.

  • S02E23 Ponyville Confidential

    • March 31, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    In order to become the gossip columnist for their school paper, the Cutie Mark Crusaders adopt the name "Gabby Gums," but when they land the job, their happiness is cut short by the pain they cause to other ponies with their hurtful stories.

  • S02E24 MMMystery on the Friendship Express

    • April 7, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    A cake Pinkie Pie is guarding for a contest is ruined on the way to Canterlot and an investigation begins.

  • S02E25 A Canterlot Wedding (1)

    • April 21, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight Sparkle is upset that her older brother, Shining Armor, didn't tell her that he's getting married. Twilight is relieved to learn that he is marrying Princess Cadance, but becomes suspicious when Cadance doesn't remember her. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2: Adventures in Canterlot, Song #10: "B.B.B.F.F" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2: Adventures in Canterlot, Song #11: "B.B.B.F.F - Reprise Version" Songs in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2: Adventures in Canterlot, Episode 26: A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2: Adventures in Canterlot, Song #12: "This Day Aria" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2: Adventures in Canterlot, Song #13: "This Day Aria - Reprise Version" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2: Adventures in Canterlot, Song #14: "Love is in Bloom" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 2: Adventures in Canterlot, Song #14: "Love is in Bloom - Extended Version" - (Exclusive Song in My Little Pony: Frendship is Magic - Season 2 - DVD Box Set | Released By Shout! Factory)

Season 3

  • S03E01 The Crystal Empire (1)

    • November 10, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Northern Equestria's Crystal Empire has once again made an appearance after being afflicted with a curse that made it vanish for 1,000 years, and Princess Celestia commissions Twilight Sparkle to keep the empire from disappearing again. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Song #1: "The Failure Song" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Song #2: "The Ballad of The Crystal Ponies."

  • S03E02 The Crystal Empire (2)

    • November 10, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    After Princess Celestia commissions her to keep The Crystal Empire from vanishing again, Twilight Sparkle realizes that she must find the missing Crystal Heart in order to restore The Crystal Empire's strength and reputation before it can disappear again. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Song #3: "The Success Song"

  • S03E03 Too Many Pinkie Pies

    • November 17, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Overwhelmed with having to choose just one friend to spend time with, Pinkie Pie uses a magic pool to clone herself.

  • S03E04 One Bad Apple

    • November 24, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders are crushed when Babs Seed rejects their invitation to become a fellow Crusader and instead becomes a bully. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Song #4: "Bad Seed"

  • S03E05 Magic Duel

    • December 1, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    When Trixie returns to Ponyville, she defeats Twilight in a battle of sorcery and banishes her from town, and enslaves Ponyville.

  • S03E06 Sleepless in Ponyville

    • December 8, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Over a campfire, Rainbow Dash decides to share some imaginative and spooky tales, causing Scootaloo to have frightening, vivid nightmares; Scootaloo wants to get rid of her nightmares but doesn't want the others to think she is spineless.

  • S03E07 Wonderbolts Academy

    • December 15, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Rainbow Dash receives an invitation to attend the Wonderbolts Academy, but after struggling to keep up with the fast and reckless Lightning Dust, Rainbow questions whether she is Wonderbolt material.

  • S03E08 Apple Family Reunion

    • December 22, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    Granny Smith agrees to let Applejack lead the Apple Family reunion but Applejack loses sight of what is truly important. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Song #5: "Raise This Barn"

  • S03E09 Spike at Your Service

    • December 29, 2012
    • Discovery Family

    After Applejack saved Spike, he insists on fulfilling the Nobel Dragon Code by repaying her with excessive help around the farm.

  • S03E10 Keep Calm and Flutter On

    • January 19, 2013
    • Discovery Family

    Princess Celestia has decided that the rambunctious Discord needs to be tamed and commissions the ponies for the job; Fluttershy believes that Discord deserves a second chance but she faces opposition as the only one who thinks so.

  • S03E11 Just for Sidekicks

    • January 26, 2013
    • Discovery Family

    Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems. Note: The ending for this episode takes place after My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Episode 12: Games Ponies Play.

  • S03E12 Games Ponies Play

    • February 9, 2013
    • Discovery Family

    In the hopes of proving that the Crystal Empire is more than worthy of being selected as the next venue for the upcoming Equestria Games, Princess Cadance commissions Twilight to work her magic with the deciding Games Inspector. Note: The last scene in this episode takes place before My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, Episode 11: Just For Sidekicks.

  • S03E13 Magical Mystery Cure

    • February 16, 2013
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight Sparkle accidentally casts a spell that switches the Cutie Marks and destinies of all her friends, and the only way she can reverse the spell is by writing her own magic. Little does she know that by achieving this great accomplishment, she will fulfill her destiny and emerge as a Alicorn Princess.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Princess Twilight Sparkle (1)

    • November 23, 2013
    • Discovery Family

    Now a Princess, Twilight Sparkle's Summer Sun Celebration plans are put on hold when Princesses Luna and Celestia go missing.

  • S04E02 Princess Twilight Sparkle (2)

    • November 23, 2013
    • Discovery Family

    In order to save Equestria from the Everfree Forest, Princess Twilight and friends must bring their Elements to the Tree of Harmony.

  • S04E14 Filli Vanilli

    • February 15, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    When Big Macintosh of the singing group, The Ponytones, has to drop out of an important performance, Fluttershy takes drastic measures to ensure that the show goes on. Song: "Music in the Treetops" Song: "Find the Music in You" Song: "Find the Music in You" - (Reprise Version) Song: "Music in the Treetops" - (Reprise Version)

  • S04E17 Somepony to Watch Over Me

    • March 8, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    Apple Bloom has to prove to Applejack that she doesn't need her to constantly watch over her. Song: "No Time For a Song"

  • S04E20 Leap of Faith

    • March 29, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    When the Flim Flam Brothers promote a new kind of tonic that supposedly cures any and all ailments, Applejack is immediately suspicious but has second thoughts after Granny Smith claims that the tonic has relieved her various pains. Song: "The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic Song"

  • S04E21 Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

    • April 5, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    Rainbow Dash wants more than anything to become a member of the prestigious Wonderbolts Reserves, but worries that she may not be able to pass the entrance exam; Rainbow Dash goes to extreme measures to prepare for The Wonderbolts' test. Song: "The History of The Wonderbolts Rap"

  • S04E22 Trade Ya!

    • April 19, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    When the trip to the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange doesn't go as planned, the girls learn just how valuable their friendship really is.

  • S04E23 Inspiration Manifestation

    • April 26, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    Rarity loses her creativity and Spike finds a spell to help her get it back.

  • S04E25 Twilight's Kingdom (1)

    • May 10, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    Synopsis: Princess Celestia chooses Discord over Princess Twilight to help track down a villain. Song: "You are a Princess, You' ll Play Your Part"

  • S04E26 Twilight's Kingdom (2)

    • May 10, 2014
    • Discovery Family

    The other princesses transfer all of their magical power to Twilight in hopes of saving Equestria. Song: "Let the Rainbow Remind You"

Season 5

  • S05E01 The Cutie Map (1)

    • April 4, 2015
    • Discovery Family

    As Twilight Sparkle and her friends get used to her new castle, they find that when they each sit on their respective thrones, they activate a map that shows trouble across Equestria. Traveling to one point, they find a town where all the ponies have the same cutie mark, an equals sign. All of the ponies except Fluttershy suspect something is wrong with the town's creepy smiles and over-the-top joy, particularly after meeting their leader, Starlight Glimmer. Starlight shows that all the ponies living there have given up their cutie marks, leaving them stored in a nearby cave, as by being equal with no special talents, they all can achieve friendship better. Twilight and her friends secretly meet with other ponies who recognize that Starlight's vision for the town is not normal and ask for their help. When the six try to retrieve the cutie marks, they are lured into a trap and Starlight is able to take their marks.

  • S05E02 The Cutie Map (2)

    • April 4, 2015
    • Discovery Family

    Without their cutie marks, the six ponies are trapped in the village while Starlight waits for them to accept their fate. The six send Fluttershy, who has been the most open to the townspeople, to act as though she has accepted Starlight's ways in order to help the others escape. That night, Fluttershy sneaks out and discovers that Starlight has never given up her cutie mark, using paint to mask her real one, and has taken her friends' cutie marks to her house with larger plans for Twilight's mark. When Starlight frees the others the next day, Fluttershy exposes Starlight's ruse to the townsfolk by splashing water on her. As Starlight flees with the six's marks, the townsfolk reclaim their own marks and chase Starlight down, successfully recovering the six marks. Starlight manages to escape, while everyone returns to the town to celebrate getting their individuality back.

  • S05E03 Castle Sweet Castle

    • April 11, 2015
    • Discovery Family

    The ponies try to make Princess Twilight's castle feel more like home after finding out she's been avoiding it. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 5: Cutie Mark Magic, Song #2: "Make This Castle A Home"

  • S05E06 Appleoosa's Most Wanted

    • May 2, 2015
    • Discovery Family

    Infamous outlaw Troubleshoes Clyde returns to terrorize the Appleoosa rodeo and the Cutie Mark Crusaders set out to bring him to justice, hoping it is the key to finally getting their cutie marks

  • S05E25 The Cutie Re-Mark (1)

    • November 28, 2015
    • Discovery Family

    Starlight Glimmer, hoping to obtain revenge against the Mane 6, acquires a spell that could change the past, present and future of Equestria forever.

Season 6

  • S06E01 The Crystalling (1)

    • March 26, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    The Mane Six attend the Crystalling of Cadence and Shining Armor's new baby at the Crystal Empire; Twilight gets the chance to present Starlight with her first friendship lesson.

  • S06E02 The Crystalling (2)

    • March 26, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    The Mane Six scramble to save the Crystal Empire from an eternal winter; Starlight struggles after the failed reunion with her old friend.

  • S06E03 The Gift of the Maud Pie

    • April 2, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    Rarity and Pinkie Pie are in Manehattan looking for an ideal location for Rarity's new store and searching for the perfect gift for Pinkie Pie's sister.

  • S06E04 On Your Marks

    • April 9, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    Now that they've finally received their cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders struggle with the question of what's next; the friends do not all agree on how to embrace their destinies. MLP; Friendship is Magic - Season 6: Explore Equestria, Song #1: "Out on My Own"

  • S06E05 Gauntlet of Fire

    • April 16, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    In order to save his friends, Spike is forced to compete in a perilous Gauntlet for the title of Dragon Lord.

  • S06E06 No Second Prances

    • April 30, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    When Starlight Glimmer starts becoming friends with a fellow formerly-bad pony. Twilight tries to stop her.

  • S06E25 To Where and Back Again (1)

    • October 22, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    Without the help of Twilight Sparkle and the other Mane Six, Starlight Glimmer assembles an unlikely team of heroes to defend Equestria from the return of one of its greatest threats.

  • S06E26 To Where and Back Again (2)

    • October 22, 2016
    • Discovery Family

    Starlight Glimmer leads an unlikely squad of rescuers against one of the ponies' oldest and greatest foes in order to save her friends and Equestria.

  • S06E26 The Cutie Re-Mark (2)

    • November 28, 2015
    • Discovery Family

    Princess Twilight and her friends continue to fight against Starlight's attempts to alter the past, but they fear that their efforts may be in vain.

Season 7

  • S07E01 School Daze (1)

    • March 24, 2018
    • Discovery Family

    When the Friendship Map grows bigger to reflect the world beyond Equestria, the Mane Six realize they'll need a way to spread the message of friendship far and wide. Luckily, Twilight knows just what to do- open a School Of Friendship! My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 8: Beyond Equestria, Song #1: A School of Friendship

  • S07E01 Celestial Advice

    • April 15, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight Sparkle agonizes over Starlight Glimmer’s future and receives some much-needed advice from her very own mentor – Princess Celestia. MLP: FiM - Season 7: The Guardians of Harmony, Song #1: "MLP: FiM - Season 7: The Guardians of Harmony - Opening 1; TV Version"

  • S07E02 School Daze (2)

    • March 24, 2018
    • Discovery Family

    When the School of Friendship is closed by Chancellor Neighsay of the Equine Educational Association, Twilight Sparkle must reunite her students, inspire her friends and buck the rules to stand up for what she knows is right for every creature, pony or not. Song #2: Friendship Always Wins - Reprise Version

  • S07E02 All Bottled Up

    • April 15, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    While the Mane 6 are on a friendship retreat, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon lose Twilight Sparkle’s friendship map. Afraid her anger might get out of control, Starlight Glimmer casts a calming spell to contain her anger while they search for the lost map. MLP: FiM - Season 7: The Guardians of Harmony, Song #1: "Best Friends Until the End of Time"

  • S07E03 A Flurry of Emotions

    • April 22, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    After planning a jam-packed day, Twilight Sparkle also agrees to babysit her niece, Flurry Heart. But with Flurry Heart along for the ride, Twilight Sparkle struggles to maintain her title as "The Best Aunt Ever" while keeping Flurry Heart out of trouble!

  • S07E04 Rock Solid Friendship

    • April 29, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Pinkie Pie learns that Maud might move to Ponyville, she does everything she can to make sure her sister sees that it has more to offer than just rocks.

  • S07E05 Fluttershy Leans In

    • May 6, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Fluttershy is determined to make her career dreams come true with the help of some very special ponies. But when her true vision is not being executed properly, she must find a way to stand up and fight for her ideas.

  • S07E06 Forever Filly

    • May 13, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Rarity surprises Sweetie Belle with a special day together filled with all of her favorite activities, she quickly learns that her little sister is no longer the little foal she used to be.

  • S07E07 Parental Glideance

    • May 20, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Rainbow Dash's parents discover she's a Wonderbolt, they show up at every event to cheer her on. However, their unabashed enthusiasm proves to be rather embarrassing and pushes Rainbow Dash to the brink.

  • S07E08 Hard to Say Anything

    • May 27, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When the Cutie Mark Crusaders discover that Big Macintosh has his first crush, they vow to help him win Sugar Belle’s heart before Feather Bangs does it first. MLP: FiM - Season 7: The Guardians of Harmony, Song #2: "Battle for Sugar Belle"

  • S07E09 Honest Apple

    • June 3, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Rarity asks Applejack to be a judge in a fashion show, Applejack learns that an opinion, however honest, can still be hurtful.

  • S07E10 A Royal Problem

    • June 10, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Starlight Glimmer is sent to solve a friendship problem between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna; when it's clear that the problem is that the royal sisters don't appreciate one another, Starlight impulsively switches their cutie marks!

  • S07E11 Not Asking for Trouble

    • June 17, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Pinkie Pie visits Prince Rutherford and the Yaks for Yickslurbertfest. While there an avalanche falls on the entire rustic village of Yakyakistan. Pinkie Pie suggests that she go to get the other ponies to help but the proud Prince and the Yaks refuse.

  • S07E12 Discordant Harmony

    • August 5, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Discord invites Fluttershy to his realm for tea, he worries she won't be comfortable there and begins to change it and himself with disastrous results.

  • S07E13 The Perfect Pear

    • August 5, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    The Apple Siblings learn about their parent's love story and find out that they're half Pear.

  • S07E14 Fame and Misfortune

    • August 12, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight Sparkle's publishing of the friendship journal has unintended consequences when ponies start to argue over who wrote the best lessons.

  • S07E15 Triple Threat

    • August 19, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Spike accidentally invites Ember and Thorax to Ponyville on the same day. He's sure the two new leaders are not going to get along so he does all he can to keep them apart and cover the fact that the other is there.

  • S07E16 Campfire Tales

    • August 26, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When their sister camping trip is ruined by Fly-ders, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash tell Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo the stories of their favorite legends; inspired by the tales, the girls make the most out of their new situation.

  • S07E17 To Change a Changeling

    • September 2, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Starlight Glimmer and Trixie try to get Thorax's brother Pharynx to accept the new way by sharing love and transforming so he doesn't undermine Thorax's leadership, and that the hive will ultimately accept him.

  • S07E18 Daring Done?

    • September 9, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Rainbow Dash’s favorite author, A.K. Yearling, announces her retirement, she convinces Pinkie Pie to go on a quest to find out if the Daring Do book series will be closed forever.

  • S07E19 It Isn't the Mane Thing About You

    • September 16, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Rarity's shampoo is accidentally switched with Zecora's magical remover potion, she does everything she can to fix her devastated mane in time for an upcoming photo shoot.

  • S07E20 A Health of Information

    • September 23, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    While helping Fluttershy gather supplies, Zecora comes down with a terrible disease called Swamp Fever; even though a cure has not been discovered, Fluttershy makes it her mission to heal Zecora no matter what it takes.

  • S07E21 Marks and Recreation

    • September 30, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Wanting to help as many blank flanks as possible, the Cutie Mark Crusaders start a Cutie Mark Day Camp, but are surprised when one of their campers doesn’t want a cutie mark!

  • S07E22 Once Upon a Zeppelin

    • October 7, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    Twilight is torn when she discovers the cruise she and her family are on is a themed vacation experience in which ponies have paid for the privilege of spending time with her, and she must please both her family and the cruise attendees.

  • S07E23 Secrets and Pies

    • October 14, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Pinkie Pie thinks she sees Rainbow Dash throw away one of her pies, she suspects the worst - that Rainbow Dash secretly hates her pies; Pinkie Pie attempts to catch Rainbow Dash in her web of lies.

  • S07E24 Uncommon Bond

    • October 21, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Starlight gets a visit from Sunburst, she discovers that he has tons in common with her friends and starts to wonder if he still has anything in common with her.

  • S07E25 Shadow Play (1)

    • October 28, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    When Sunburst discovers the lost journal of Starswirl the Bearded, Twilight becomes obsessed with saving her magical idol from a thousand-year-old prison.

  • S07E26 Shadow Play (2)

    • October 28, 2017
    • Discovery Family

    With Starswirl and the other Pillars of Old Equestria back from limbo (where they’ve been trapped for a thousand years), Twilight and her friends must work together to defeat the Pony of Shadows.