Sebastian Cabot narrates the adventures of bumbling bear Winnie the Pooh as he battles a nest of vicious bees over a trove of honey, weathers a terrible wind storm and endures the foibles of the hyperactive tiger Tigger, all while singing and bumbling his way through the Hundred Acre Wood. Kanga, Piglet, Owl, Rabbit and Eeyore round out the menagerie in this trio of animated tales adapted from A.A. Milne's celebrated series of children's books.
Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin are best friends who wish they could be together forever. However Christopher Robin needs to go to school. Christopher Robin has trouble telling Pooh that they will be separated, so he leaves him a note. Pooh, misunderstanding and believing that Christopher Robin has gone to Skull and needs his help launches a rescue mission with the help of Rabbit, Tigger, and Piglet
It's a rainy day, and Pooh and his friends are spending it in Christopher Robin's attic. Two stories from the delightful animated series follow: "A Knight to Remember," which finds the timid Piglet transported to a magical kingdom, where he fights a dreadful dragon, and "Rock-a-Bye Pooh Bear," in which Piglet has a nightmare and is afraid to go back to sleep. That leaves it up to Pooh, Rabbit, and Tigger to show how bad dreams don't have to come true. As always in the Pooh series, the animation is better than average for TV/video (and even charmingly quaint), and the characters are great fun to be with.
After watching a monster movie, Pooh and his friends decide to make their own movie, with Pooh being cast as the hero, Tigger as the monster and Piglet as the victim. But things go awry when Tigger’s monster costume is mistaken for a real monster by the others, and Piglet is particularly terrorized. More than the usual, that is.
Pooh has been borrowing too much honey from Rabbit lately. This makes Rabbit mad to the point where he says that Pooh is “eating him out of house and honey”. Desperate, Pooh and his friends try to retrieve honey from a beehive, so Rabbit won’t have to move away. Nevertheless, this proves to be a daunting task. When Piglet shows sympathy for Eeyore always being so sad, Rabbit, Pooh, Tigger, Owl, Roo and himself decide to do various activities to cheer him up. Piglet is upset by the fact that there is nothing he can do to try to cheer Eeyore up, but it turns out that Eeyore is not as gloomy as they all thought.
Pooh is looking through his closet and happens upon a spring from a Jack-in-the-box. He gives this to Piglet as a ’friendship present’. To show his thanks, Piglet, along with Tigger and Rabbit, set out to gather honey to give to Pooh in return. Since there is currently a honey shortage in, they decide to travel to the Land of Milk and Honey. Meanwhile, Pooh battles honey-nappers he thinks are stealing honey.
Every honey pot in the Hundred Acre Wood is disappearing. At first, the Wood inhabitants suspect of Pooh, but a simple investigation reveals that the real thieves are heffalumps and woozles, which are the legendary honey thieves, cowardly Heff the Heffalump and his grumpy boss, Stan the Woozle. Now Pooh and his friends must find ways to protect their honey and foil the thieves.
While walking along a trail, Rabbit, Pooh, Tigger and Piglet find a trail of feathers, and when Owl falls from the sky and lands on Rabbit they believe that the feathers belong to Owl and that he is going bald. Owl falls to despair because of this, and Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore try to help him. Meanwhile, Piglet’s having trouble trying to learn to do magic tricks.
Eeyore sits atop his hill, wishing to be a cloud, whilst a large school of trout rush by. They scare Piglet too, and crash through Rabbit's drain and through Gopher's tinners, by dingy! Rabbit chases them out and Gopher decides to move in until the annual migration. Rabbit wants to clear the trout out of Gopher's tunnels to Gopher can go home and leave his house alone! They try to trap the trout, but trap themselves whilst the trout push up out of the tunnel. The gang decides to make it rain and put poor old Eeyore on a kite and tell him to pour water into the clouds because he knows more about clouds than anyone. The water lands on Rabbit's head. Eeyore finds that the clouds are more springy that he'd imagined, rather nice he says. Rabbit is frantic to get rid of Gopher. Poor Eeyore's caught in a thunderstorm and thinks the clouds are mad at him. The gang is worried about him. He wants to get down, but the balloon on his tail keeps him up. Pooh decides to get the cloud down. A very go
It was a dark and Blustery night... The Glockenspiel diamond has been stolen... But before Owl can finish the story, he says he loses his glasses... Tigger points to then on his head. Owl is amazed - he lost his glasses two weeks ago. Tigger proclaims himself ""Private Ear"" and goes in search of Mysteries. He decides to make a mystery and solve it when none comes to him. He sneaks into Piglet's house and steals his nose warmer, then alerts Piglet to the theft - and he promises to find it. That morning, he calls Pooh and Rabbit to the scene... Piglet was dreaming about Daffodils, which Piglets are allergic to so sayeth Tigger, and he points to the ceiling where the nose warmer was 'sneezed' off. The next thing he decides to do is take Pooh's Honey... he breaks one and takes one from Rabbit. In the morning, Tigger 'finds' Pooh's hunny pot. Rabbit runs to Tigger and begs him to find his hunny. They 'find' the hunny at Piglet's house. Now Rabbit and Pooh think Piglet took it. Tigger wants t
Rabbit’s five hundred relatives are coming to visit him and there is little time left to do the preparations. He asks Pooh, Tigger and Piglet to help him by distracting his guests while he arranges the party. When Roo tells Tigger that Kanga wants to give him a bath, they hatch a plan to switch Roo with Piglet before he is given a bath. At first, it succeeds, but when Tigger and Roo get into a sticky situation (literally), will they resort to taking a bath?
Roo bounds through the 100 Acre Wood, terrified. His mother wants to give him a bath... Tigger and Roo hide out in Piglet's house. Kanga comes to borrow some bubbly bath, which she puts in her pouch, and she finds Roo in the flower pot. Tigger gets Pooh to help him save Roo from this terribbibble fate... Tigger plans to distract Kanga with the help of Pooh and switch Piglet with Roo. Oh dear... Tigger snatches Roo from Kanga's pouch whilst Pooh is distracting Kanga with a tree with a bird in it, or is it a fish, whilst Tigger plonks Piglet in Kanga's pouch... Kanga places 'Roo' into the tub with the bubbles. Kanga pretends not to know, whilst Tigger and Roo get down and dirty and blow the biggestest bubble gum bubbles... Boom! Pooh goes to Kanga's house and says ah-ha! Piglet is terrified that Kanga doesn't know who he is and tries desperately to say he's not Roo, he's Piglet. A gum tied Tigger and Roo come to Kanga's house to get cleaned up and unstuck.
Piglet is singing to himself, setting a lunch table for Pooh, although he gets a bad case of the hiccups. Pooh thinks he's playing, but Piglet tried to tell him he's not playing. Poor Piglet is jumping around like Tigger, trying to tell Pooh that he has the hic... ic!... He wants to apologize to Pooh, but the hiccups come back... an unidentified flying Piglet... Tigger vows to get rid of the hiccups. Drink a barrel of water. Owl gets him to stand of his head. Rabbit sets a hiccup trap, by tricking them out with a choc/vanilla gateau, but it traps Eeyore instead. He likes cakes you see. Pooh is trying to figure out what is wrong with Piglet and decides to gibe him... hunny! Tigger decides to scare the hiccups out. He says that hiccups are cowards and Piglet says he is too! Pooh has eaten the hunny on the way to Piglet's and gets his nose trapped in the Hunny jar. The others think he's the real Stumpidy Bumpidy. Piglet's go cart goes right down the hill and he crashed into Pooh. He gets
Ahoy, me matey swabs! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Through the 100 Aker Wood! Yo ho, everyone knows a pirate's life is free! Pirates is what we'll be! However Rabbit doesn't want them digging for treasure in his garden. However he's not going to get mad - he's going to teach them a lesson! He decides to let them find some worthless treasure, by means of a message in a bottle... A treasure map... supposedly belonging to his Great uncle Long John Cottontail... The only Rabbit pirate... They find the 'treasure' under the black X. Piglet and the gang decide to take the treasure to Piglet's house and try to pry the lock open. What's inside? Fun stuff? Hunny? Or rocks...? Rabbit hails himself as a genius, but he has a nightmare about tricking his friends and decides to get the chest back so his friends won't hate him. He douses himself in flour and dresses up as the ghost of Long John Cottontail... However he gets flattened by the drawbridge... Rabbit is upset and decides to leave the 100 A
Hunny jars are only good for so many smackerels. Pooh is going to go to the tip with his old Hunny jars. Tigger thinks he's leaving the 100 Aker Wood and goes and tells everyone. Tigger decides to throw Pooh a surprise going away party. Pooh is indeed surprised. He didn't even know he was going away. Piglet gives him a jar of hunny, carrots from Rabbit, but he hides them, distracts pooh and gives him one of the hunny jars. Piglet is very upset, but pooh can hardly believe he's moving away. He doesn't want to disappoint his friends by staying. He leaves with a tribe of large and small Hunny Pots. He stays away for short while, then goes back, b finds Eeyore in his house. Pooh goes to Piglet's house and Piglet insists he stays with him. However, Pooh's hunny gobbling and snoring, talking in his sleep keeps Piglet awake, and he accidentally breaks Piglet's very small bed. When Pooh's finally asleep, Piglet tried to get some shut eye, Pooh waked up. Pooh tried to help out by doing some hou
While Tigger, Piglet and Pooh are making the biggest bubbles ever, Tigger gets Pooh literally trapped inside a mega-big bubble. Because Pooh cannot escape, he bumps into everything he sees and breaks things. Will Tigger and Piglet be able to get him out? Meanwhile, the wind blows Gopher’s hole away, and he must find it.
Gangway! Tigger's skiing where no Tigger's skied before, although there's no snow, even although it's the first day of Winter, or is it? Rabbit's cleaned his house. Tigger and Piglet burst in, blowing leaves everywhere and Rabbit's house too. They want to know when it's Winter. Rabbit tells them it's Groundhog day, the day a groundhog day... It he sees a shadow, it's six more weeks of winter, but it he doesn't, Spring is here. But they missed it... They need to find a groundhog to ask him. Gopher is insulted when they think he's a groundhog. However they make Piglet into a groundhog, however his beanie covers his face and doesn't see a shadow... so Spring is here... Or is it? Piglet is pleased his friends are happy with him. It starts to snow. Unusual weather for Spring. Rabbit is cross and he blames Piglet. Rabbit puts a scarf on his scarecrow Rabbit and kisses his gently. Rabbit finds some calendar pages and discovers it's November. Nowhere near Groundhog day. Piglet has left a note
Rabbit, Piglet, Pooh, and Eeyore are throwing pennies into the well and making wishes. Pooh wished for more Birthdays and Tigger wants to have a birthday so he could make wishes that come true. However he doesn't know when it is? Piglet suggests to give Tigger a birthday. Tigger wants one today and bounces off wondering wish for. Piglet decides to gibe Tigger a Tigger preserver, a ducky life saver, Rabbit an unbouncy Tigger suit. Eeyore says it's the thought that counts. Tigger is busy practising and wishing for everything under the moon - oh yeah and that too! Tigger is happy on his birthday and blows his cake over Rabbit. He excitedly opens all his presents. Pooh gives an empty box and Eeyore couldn't think of what to give him, so he gives Eeyore him. Tigger likes his presents, but he's upset he didn't get anything he wishes for... No banana sticks and pogosticks... and the moon. Pooh goes to get the moon for Tigger. He drops a penny into the well and wished the moon will come down.
Due to the fiasco last year, all those cards clogging up the woods... oiy... Rabbit blamed Pooh for the mess. Pooh says he can't help it, loves to show how much he cares... Rabbit has banned valentines day, following the Eeyore's example by giving no cards. Everyone promises not to give Valentines. Pooh is washing his hunny pots, when he hears a knock at the door. Someone had left him a full pot of hunny as a valentines gift. Pooh thinks it's from Piglet, but it's not. He gives the pot of Hunny to Piglet, and now Piglet feels he has to give Pooh a valentines gift. Pooh is disguised as a mailbox for secret valentines. Piglet had baked Pooh a valentines cake, and is carrying it to Pooh when Tigger bounces him. The cake bounces onto Owl. Owl thinks Piglet sent him the cake. However no one wants Rabbit to find out. The cake lands on Tigger and Tigger thinks Owl gave him a cake. Rabbit stuffs all the last year and discovers in horror that someone left him a valentine carrot. Pooh's disguise
Pooh is looking and looking for... It's easier losing something than it is finding it. Pooh is looking for Rabbit's hammer, while Piglet is trying to tell Pooh he's trying to learn how to sing. Rabbit comes looking or his hammer and leaves in a huff when Pooh tells him he's almost found it. Piglet wants Pooh to hear him sing... However he misunderstands Pooh when Pooh tells him his losing things upsets the others very much. Piglet leaves upset and Pooh thinks he's misplaced Piglet, Pooh tried to trap the hammer with nails... Rabbit comes to Pooh, but he still hasn't found the hammer. Rabbit comes to Pooh, but Pooh's still looking for the hammer and Piglet. Rabbit tried to help him, but Pooh ends up losing himself. Piglet's leaving with a mobile shower to practice his singing. Rabbit enlists the help of Gopher while Pooh gets Tigger to help. Pooh thinks he's lost Rabbit too. Pooh leaves Tigger and Tigger thinks Pooh's lost him too. The logical thing is for Pooh to be lost too, so he'll
Rabbit is madly trying to whack caterpillars out of his garden. However the pesky critters turn on his hose and shoot him. Eeyore thinks it's a wild dance party, and thinks he's not invited. He's got twice as many feet as anyone else and he goes along, his tail keeps him back as it's stuck in the bridge. he decides to leave it behind, always keeping his back, while the bugs and Rabbit are waging war. They corner Rabbit. Rabbit backs off and grabs Eeyore's tail. The lead caterpillar is mesmerized and runs to it and kisses it. Eeyore tried to convince Tigger that he's better with a tail, but Tigger says a tail's a friend and Eeyore agrees, so they go to try and find Eeyore's tail. Never fear, Tigger, Private Ear is here! Rabbit has made Worm wrangler and sends the worms off on an imaginary dream boat cruise down the river. Pooh asks what Rabbit's think is and goes off to find an important use for Eeyore's tail. Eeyore's tail is gone. Tigger interrogates Rabbit. He's always got a tail to
Piglet is putting a small brown shoe and displays his favorite daffodil. The gang are curious about it and wonder what it is. Owl says it's a running trophy, everyone thinks Piglet is a champion Runner. They decide to have a race. Piglet wants to tell them the truth. Pooh says he's seen Piglet run away from things when there aren't any things to run away from. Owl suggests there should be a race. Piglet wants to give the trophy away. The gang go off to train. Piglet doesn't want to put things right, but the gang think he's a fantastical runner. Even Eeyore enters in blue running shorts. He doesn't want the trophy. Just the flower. Piglet wants to set things straight, but Owl says go before Piglet can say anything, and they're off! Pooh sits minding the trophy - he doesn't think it will hold much Hunny. Piglet thinks the others will be so disappointed if he doesn't win. Rabbit falls into the river and surfs, Eeyore looses his tail, when Piglet puts it on, he takes off. Gopher's running
The gang are having a fire drill... Tigger is playing the big bad fire and Piglet has to jump... He can't act any more scared, as they fumble around with Gopher's ladder... and now the net... But Piglet bounces off. Pooh Bear is late to the drill and the gang are angry that he's late again. Pooh never knows which is the last minute. Gopher plans to get the Bear movin' begins construction of... something. Rabbit gives Pooh a schedule that blows away. Piglet advises him to take shortcuts, but it confuses Pooh... Oh dear... Tigger gives Pooh racin' stripes. Gopher ties a pillow to Pooh and a helmet with a spring on his head... and Sets him off... Ohh boooooother!!!! Pooh speeds all over the 100 Aker Wood... but on the other hand... The fast Pooh Bear rockets through the 100 Aker Wood. Gopher tries a stop sign, a rickety bridge... a mattress blockade. Beautiful day, says Eeyore, birds, flowers. Pooh crashed into Eeyore. He stops and the fast stuff comes off him and Pooh apologizes for bein
Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, Tigger and Gopher are camping out at night, making popcorn and telling stories. Pooh tells stories of the Honey Moon, while Tigger tells stories about the Grab-Me Gotcha Monster. When Pooh and Piglet are separated from the others, they find they have landed on the Honey Moon, while the others think the Grab-Me Gotcha has got them.
Again the setting is Rabbit's garden... Do you know what happens in just one more day? It's the most wonderful day of the year - harvest! Vegetables at the peak of their tastiness... But Pooh hears his tummy calling out for hunny... That wonderful harvest day is almost here... but the crow know it too. Rabbit has to keep the beasts away until after the harvest... And he can see he needs help. He gathers the others, dresses up Pooh as a crow to familiarize them with the enemy... but it doesn't go according to plan... as Rabbit gets them to guard his garden from the crows. He gets Pooh to guard the garden ad he and the others follow the crows leaving them on a wild crow chase. The crows paint themselves red and trick Pooh. Pooh thinks they're the help that's arrived to help Rabbit. They begin to take Vegetables and dance, distracting Pooh bear, as he follows them. The others are lost, still following crow feathers, as the crows take all their vegibibbles into Rabbits house and set down t
Avast there, first mate Pooh, take the wheel... Although it's been taken... and a walnut left in place. They shall fight till the last man and the last bear - although it's been taken too. The must protect the treasure map, from the pesky Packrats. Christopher Robin writes a message on the map, puts it in a bottle and the Packrats go after it eager to find the treasure, but Piglet is fishing and he catches it. He's off to ask Pooh about it, but the Packrats nab it, but flee when Tigger comes. Everybody's somewhere that's not here. Tigger finds the note and thinks he's lost... Piglet goes to Pooh's house. Pooh tells him that it's very interesting. He thinks the note is from Christopher Robin and that he's in trouble. Tigger finds himself in Rabbit's garden. Rabbit tried to read the map, and they go to Owl. He says it's written in an Ancient language, likely thousands of years old. When Pooh tells him it may be from Christopher Robin and Owl declares it's Coconut Cream Pie. Tigger thinks
Rabbit is counting his tomatoes... 32... I had 33 yesterday! It can only mean vegetable napping crows! Rabbit starts whacking them with the broom, but gets his head trapped in his pumpkin head. Owl starts talking about his family, but Rabbit says he doesn't have time to hear about Owl's non existent relatives. Owl gets upset, thinking about how much he misses his family. Pooh decides to throw a family reunion. Owl over hears and thinks Pooh knows his relations are and excitedly starts getting ready. Pooh sends air mail letters to Owl's family, via balloon. Rabbit is still guarding his garden. Owl has gotten lots of food, exciting the crows. Pooh thinks they're Owl's relations. They start gobbling up all the food messily and gleefully and messing up Owl's house. He puts 'his relatives' to bed, but they want food, but they decide to meet Rabbit's garden before they meet Rabbit, though they set off the alarm and Rabbit thinks Owl robbed his garden. Rabbit is confused... crows Owl's relati
Pooh is starting the day with breakfast... hunny... and then desert... More Hunny, but Pooh for some reason has lost his appetite. The others come to him with hunny, and try to help him find his appetite. Owl asks if he is in fact Pooh Bear. Pooh Bear's lost too? This is a job for Tigger private ear! Spill the beans, Pooh... Pooh doesn't have any beans to spill - maybe Rabbit has some in his garden... Tigger tried to find out which one if Pooh... Pooh can't resist hunny. He spills the hunny on Owl and things Owl's Pooh. Oh Bother. So where's Owl? So Gopher's Owl... So where's Gopher... So Piglet's Gopher. Rabbit cant be Piglet, what would happen to his garden? Oh d..d...d dear... They have to find Pooh's appetite to find each other, before it gets too confusing that even Tigger can't find it. Gopher... Piglet is cross - how's he going to find anything with folks dropping in on him. They discover Pooh's apatite with Owl... Gopher... Owl drops in... He takes them to a hunny tree where he
Tigger, Rabbit, Pooh and Tigger are going to have a piglet, but whenever Rabbit's ears waggle, there's going to be rain. Tigger bounces up into the clouds and does not come down, Rabbit races off in his vegetable masterpiece, carrot ala carte, and Pooh disappears into his hunny pot. Piglet is terrified as all his friends have gone, as it starts to rain and he runs off screaming for help... But it's just a dream and Pooh is there. He tells Pooh about his dream, hoping it never comes true. This day is coming to an end and Piglet is scared to go to bed because he doesn't want to dream. He tries to stay up all night. Tigger says when they're done, they can celebrate with a picnic, and Rabbit's ears start to twitch. Piglet runs to his house... Pooh comes to him to say good night and pleasant dreams. Piglet is afraid to dream, because when he wakes up all his friends will be gone. Pooh stays to help Piglet stay awake, but staying awake all night is hard work. Piglet says they can't sleep, be
Another peaceful sunny Spring Day in the 100 Aker wood... Rumble... Rumble... The gang are playing ball... Collapsing Eeyore's crisscross house... Pooh had to decide the important stuff of the games. He has the ball, then sees the others coming and throws the ball - right onto Eeyore's new house... Pooh, the referee says he's on the ball's side. Gopher, the goalie is complaining that the game is taking too long and he has things to do... Time out, but not for smackereling, for a team meeting. Gopher is arguing that they should work, Rabbit is arguing that they play. They decide to help Gopher work while he helps them play. Pooh accidentally dislodges Gopher's pride and joy boulder, which chases them through the tunnels... Indiana Pooh?... It eventually crashed out of the tunnel, and created a shortcut for Gopher. Eeyore's made a new house, shaped like a house, all the modern conveniences... but Gopher's boulder makes short work of it... Not too sturdy. Gopher gets the ball, and they st
Tigger bounces Pooh through his window to play, but Pooh is cleaning his empty Hunny pots so he can fill them again... Tigger goes off to play with Piglet... but something is mysteriously disintegrating the wood of the 100 Aker Woods... First Pooh's handle, his table... Tigger startles Piglet as he's writing out his Christmas list... It's only half past Springtime, but he has a lot of friends... Tigger goes off to find Rabbit, as Tigger finds himself with a new skylight... But Rabbit doesn't want to play either, he's very busy with his gardening. Rabbit gasps as his scarecrow crumbles to the ground, and then his fence... Tigger is upset that no one wants to play with him - even his door won't open for him. But it mysteriously disappears... Tigger wonders if it's a bug. The bug goes into a match box, which Tigger puts wheels on. He declares that he and the bug are going to be best friends and have a ton of fun and them some. Rabbit is suspicious about the wood disintegrating as Tigger i
The gang are going swordfish hunting, but Rabbit has too many things to do. There's no dust, but there's no dirt... Now onto the gardening, but there are no weeds, the trees don't need trimming or leaves raking and watering... a cloud appears... There's nothin left to do. He might as well have a vacation... He's never had one... he doesn't want to tell the others that he's going away, because they'll mess up his house and he'll have to work. But Pooh comes back to borrow Hunny. Rabbit tells Pooh he's going on a vacation for a day, and for no one to come near his house and garden. The others haven't caught any swordfish. Pooh sort of remembers that Rabbit was going away and for them to take care of everything. They make Piglet into a scarecrow, but he doesn't seem to scare anyone. Tigger picks the tomatoes - they're turning green! Gopher's going to replant the trees, Tigger pulls down the apple trees... He tried to water the garden, but the hose has knot... Gopher dynamites the ground f
Christopher Robin and Pooh are cloud watching... There's a whale... and a hunny pot... Christopher Robin tells Pooh that the clouds from a cloud machine... There's a dragon carrying a hunny pot... Cloud watching has given Pooh an apatite and he tried to whack a bee hive to get some hunny, but he gets a blue eggshell... Tigger thinks he broke the sky... They go to warn everybody... Pooh tells them how it happened. Eeyore thinks with one piece gone, the rest of the sky may fall too. The gang get scared that the whole sky will fall down on their heads. Eeyore isn't surprised that the sky is falling, just surprised the it didn't happen yesterday. The gang start preparing, Eeyore's built a house, built to withstand everything, except butterflies. Piglet has made a balloon sun... Very small animals are afraid of the dark. Tigger has made muddy puddles... Pooh's gathering hunny, not nearly enough... He has a whole mound... Rabbit has put umbrellas up all over his garden. The gang decide to mo
Christopher Robin's house - they're outnumbered 10 to 1! However Christopher Robin's mother is coming up, warning that she'd better not find a mess... However the Gang wish to explain their story... It all began you see... Pooh's settling down to an after breakfast, yet before lunch and nowhere near dinner smackerel of hunny when a bee eats his hunny and flies off. Oh Bother. Pooh takes precautions, but the bee seemed to be eating out of house, home and Hunny... Pooh goes to Piglets with his hunny, but the bee finds him and Pooh makes a mess of Piglet's house trying to catch it... Pooh goes to Tigger's, to find a home that the bee had not been, but Tigger's home was not that home, so off to Rabbit's, but Rabbit doesn't want them there messing up his house - but the bee perches on Pooh's mound of things he's moving with and crashes through Rabbit's house, and ends up at Gopher's... Rabbit declares war on the bee. They have made a fortress and Rabbit teaches them to know their enemy... B
Pooh is in bed and dreaming of guess what? However when he wakes up his hunny pot is empty - his dream must've had a midnight snack without him. However he has no hunny in his cupboard... There's a pot of hunny on his table, but the 'hunny' is grey and very, very sticky... There's lots of pots of hunny outside ho house. ""April Fool"" calls Christopher Robin. Pooh wonders if this April Fool is someone to be afraid of or not... Piglet calls for help. Piglet has goggles and a floatee on and towels... He's terrified that his place is underwater, but his floor is not wet... However at Piglet's windows, gold fishes are seen swimming... Maybe the flood is hiding somewhere. Pooh finds out that it's a trick. Pooh tells him that this April Fool likes to play tricks and this is his day. They look for the April fool at Tiggers. However Tigger's got spots... His beautiful stripidies, nowhere to be seen, but Pooh notices it's a PJ suit... Rabbit goes into his garden and sees and enormous carrot and i
It's a dark and blustery night. Christopher Robin is away, but he lets the gang play with his fun stuff... Piglet and Tigger are playing hide and seek... Tigger says there's all sorts of fun hiding around this place, all they have to do is seek it. Pooh finds Piglet and Tigger asks Pooh to seek some fun. Pooh says up. Piglet is scared to go into the attic, closer to the thunder... However the gang go to the foreboding looking stairs leading to the attic. Tigger says they're going to have fun just getting there. Pooh goes first... creak... The gang run off, and are spooked by lightning and run up the stairs... They hear a knock on the door... But it's only Pooh... Finally they're all there and they're going to have some fun if it's the last thing they do! And they begin playing with the things in the attic. Piglet finds a chess piece... and the way to spend the rainy day. But some of the pieces are missing... No Magician and the bishop and the knight... The gang go to look for the piece
Rabbit wishes the snow would fall neatly. Piglet wished it would fall in the Summer when it's warmer. Pooh wants to stop for a small smackerel. Tigger bounces them, looking for fun! Rabbit angrily says they're working... and wishes there was something to make snow shovelling less work. Tigger vows to invent some stupendous thing! Accepting a challenge is what Tiggers to the best! Woo hoo hoo hoo! He's off to invent something the likes of which nobody's never seen! He's been inventing for seven whole days... Now it's Spring and he's still inventing... But Tigger has no time for picnics. He's been inventing all Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn... Now his invention is invented! Behold the dawn of a new error! He unveiled his contraption! No more back breaking work for 'ol Long ears... No more picking vegebibbles! No more climbing hunny trees for Pooh... It beings the tree to you... It house cleans... House messes more like. Rabbit calls a meeting to do with you know who... He derails Tig
Pooh has offered to baby-sit Roo and Dexter (owls highbrow cousin) But it's not baby sitting, they're not babies... They mess up Pooh's place with a pillow fight and would be delighted to assist in any recuperative maintenance Pooh may require, but Pooh just asks them to clean up... Pooh takes them to Christopher Robin's house - it's larger to untidy. Chris is showing them his science project... a box with holes in. It's outside... but it's inside... and there's a big caterpillar! The buggie flees, and the gang are happy that they saved Christopher Robin's science project... but the bug was Christopher Robin's science project... And they go off to find the bug. Any bug worthy of a name is usually bugging Rabbit... Rabbit is chasing them away with a broom. They go to Rabbit and ask for a bug. He tells them there aren't any good bugs and tells them they can take them, but they've fled. Roo and Dexter want to go too to find a bug. Dexter tells them that Pooh that he'll keep them safe on t
Rabbit is digging a ditch with Piglet and Pooh to save work. he plans to fill it with water to fill it with water to water his garden, but Gopher fills it in... He tells Rabbit he almost ruined the work of a life time and shows them a special blackboard - an equation for The Ultimate Tunnel... His Grandpappy once accidentally tunnelled into the Grand Canyon and ever since then he's had the dream... Gopher's tunnel is to start at... Rabbit's house... Pooh accidentally smears hunny on Gopher's blackboard... Much to Rabbit's delight... And he puts some bogus equations on the board. However the equation involves Piglet's house... Tigger's house... Pooh's hunny tree... Pooh confesses to Tigger, and Piglet... They try to change the equation back... Rabbit is trying too, but he doesn't know how, but they try their hand at Tiggernometry anyway, and they try to dig Grandpappy's Ultimate Tunnel... ut is caves in and splits the earth around... Gopher says that their homes were important and they
Tigger is swinging into the lake! Pooh's rather take a nap in the warm sun. Tigger says there are a gazillion things to do on a Spring day... Like chasing a stripedy butterfly... But who knows what may be lurking in the bushes... Piglet emerges, adding to his very small collection of very small rocks. Tigger is worried about him saying it's days like today that they Jagulars are out collections of very small animals and Spring is their favorite time of year for springing out unexpectedly at collectibbibbiles. Piglet rushes off to his house until fall... Tigger's off to ward Pooh of the Jagulars. Pooh had woken up and leaves the sleepy spot. Tigger is horrified and thinks that Pooh had been collected by the Springing Jagular. Pooh goes to Piglet's house - by way of the bedroom window. Piglet had furniture backed up against his door. Piglet tells Pooh that they have to rescue Tigger from the springing Jagular. Tigger is afraid, but feels he had to ward him friends, despite the danger...
Piglet is painting a picture of Pooh, who's wanting to eat the hunny he's holding... However, the wind blows his painting away...Tigger thinks the white sheet looks like polar bears eating marshmallows in the snow... However no one was there to steal the painting, but nobody was there and Tigger is going to find that nobody! Tigger bounces a long eared nobody... But Rabbit doesn't believe in nobodies... He turns to see some carrots disappear... But it's crows in Gopher's tunnels... Nobodies steal anything that isn't tied down... even voices... The same nobody took Tigger's voice as took Piglet's painting... Rabbit is wondering about his carrots... Gopher's tools are gone. Pooh, Piglet and Tigger fall down the hole and Gopher thinks they've stolen his tools and is going to dynamite the north and south Tunnels... And Rabbit's carrots keep disappearing and Rabbit thinks Tigger took his carrots. Pooh asks Rabbit if he's not seen a nobody, but annoyed Rabbit says he doesn't see them all the
Rabbit's house... Rabbit is fussing about organizing his house for Kessie's homecoming. However there's a Woozle and Heffalump on the prowl. Pooh brings lots of hunny. Piglet brings dandelions, but they make Rabbit sneeze... He will not have the party ruined! Rabbit is delighted to see Kessie all grown up. Rabbit is upset that the party didn't go as planned, but Kessie says it's all right that she's happy to be there. Rabbit says she will always be her little baby bird. Rabbit thinks she's come back forever, but she's just come back for a visit. Stan the Woozle and the Heff, Heffalump are planning to kidnap Kessie to ransom her for hunny. Rabbit thinks it's going to be just like old times, but Kessie wants Rabbit to realize she 's grown up. Kessie approaches the Heffalump and the Woozle asking if they knew of any vacant nests... Rabbit thinks she's playing hide and seek. He starts getting worried and he finds her with the Heffalump and Woozle. Rabbit says he won't ransom Kessie, becaus
Welcome to The Magical World Of Winnie The Pooh, a wondrous place where imagination begins and the fun never ends! Join all your pals from the Hundred Acre Wood as they laugh, play, and learn important lessons about caring and sharing in four enchanting animated adventures. What do you give a Tigger who has nothing and wants everything? Turns out, it's the thought that counts in All's Well That Ends Well. Then, Christopher Robin learns about responsibility when Kanga puts him in charge of Roo in Babysitter Blues. Next, Rabbit's unbending schedule threatens to turn him into the ultimate Party Poohper, and Tigger's wild imagination puts a little too much bounce into Piglet's Poohetry! Whether you're young or young at heart, there's more to explore inside The Magical World Of Winnie The Pooh, where it's always A Great Day Of Discovery!
Christopher Robin's mum's telling him to go to bed... He pretends to sleep... and prowls into the lounge room, tied to the pillow and is greeted by Pooh and Piglet. Pooh's over to look for something sweet and Piglet's come to keep him company and they're going to watch TV. Tigger's come to join the fun too... However the gang fall asleep, and wake up to a Slusher film, much to Piglet's distress. During a commercial break, C. R rings to order a pizza. Pooh wants a hunny one, Piglet a small one with no tomato, no cheese and no crust and Tigger wants one with the lot! However the gang are talking so loud, Christopher Robin accidentally gives them the address next door, but when he rings back, he rings a wrong number and wakes up the recipient who is not impressed. Tigger's angry at being spoken to and rings him back and accidentally gives the address to the guy. The gang flee into Chris' bedroom and barrel up the door - but what if the Slusher's already in the house? Piglet's trying not t
The gang's playing ball... with a twist of lemonade... The gang go to find Christopher Robin. They go to find Christopher Robin to find where he is. They don't recognize him... He's dressed up for a party - a grown up girl's party! He doesn't want to go, but his Mum said he has to... And he pretends to be sick. Tigger paints spots on him... But his Mum says watercolor spots aren't contagious... Rabbit painstakingly tries to instruct Christopher on social graces. Tigger tries to help Christopher learn to dance, but first he jumps into a muddy puddle to get his feet prepared! He thanks them for all their help and says he won't feel so shy around girls. He says he can't take the gang with him. The others are upset that they may never see him again because he's going to have fun with his new friends. They are afraid that if Christopher meets a girl... he'll become an adult! This is what happens - he'll move into a big house, he'll ignore his old fiends, dressed in a suit and ask how was yo
An adventure away from the 100 Aker Woods, this time... Christopher Robin's house... Pooh and Piglet are watching Tigger's magic tricks... Making things disappear with into the land of enchantment... which looks like the Gopher's vacuum cleaner... Piglet disappears into the land of the enchantment... When he gets blown out with the handkerchief... and he gets liked by a white monster dog... Gopher takes back his land of enchantment, telling Tigger he's not responsible, but Tigger argues he's responsibibble - for them having fun. Christopher Robin comes back and says he's responsible for looking after the shaggy Sheep Dog Skippy, though Piglet is nervous. Skippy has an extensive appetite, loves walks and jumping on people. Christopher is finding Skippy a bit more than he can handle. Pooh finds a horn which makes Skippy obedient. He fetches the horn when Christopher throes it, but when he throws it over the fence, Skippy jumps over the fence, into the pond, and comes back all muddy. Chri
Yipp-yi-oh bother! The gang and Christopher Robin are playing with his train set... but the thing had no rudder or propeller... Chris doesn't want them to touch the train until he gets back from lunch. But Piglet suggests a sleeping game. Piglet and Rabbit go off to sleep. Tigger says he's not touching the train, just the controls! Tigger puts more tracks down... but the train runs off. Piglet and Rabbit come back from sleeping and discover that Pooh and Tigger have taken the train. Train robbers... Dressed in bad guy like black threads, running away with the train... Gopher gets chased by the train, running through the mountain tracks... Rabbit runs off to find Sheriff Piglet. Tigger asks Pooh to feed the train's furnace until he figures out how to stop the train. Rabbit tells Piglet he has to catch the desperados. He makes Rabbit and Eeyore his deputies. The train runs through the cactus covered land and through the western town, of which Piglet demands they stop, as Sheriff of this
Christopher Robin's Mum won't let him go out to play until after he's cleaned up the living room. She tells him she's going shopping for an hour, plenty of time for him to tidy up and to be extra, extra careful around Great Grandfather Youstas, a head and statue of him on a pillar. It's a kid's right to go out and play... Oh bother... there's no sadder sight than the bottom of an empty hunny pot, Pooh says. The gang were expecting Christopher Robin to go and help them catch a blue faced yellow bellied house flies. Time's fun when you're havin' flies... Chris tells them he has the clean up. What's the use of havin' a mess if you've gotta clean it up? Tigger asks. The gang offer to help Christopher. He tells them to be careful around his Great Grandfather. Tigger gets the toys to march to tidy places, however it seems that they want to play... and the mess is slightly messier than it was before. You've got to make cleaning fun... so it'll be fun... Kick soldiers in the place, train the t
A large box had arrived... Gopher's package. You have to unwrap them just so, careful... rip, rip, rip! Lucille! He's about to propose to her. She's an electronic shovel... Piglet suggests he digs with her. Gopher excitedly makes Rabbit a carrot cellar - a hole in the middle of his house. He's going to build Pooh an olympic sized swimming hole... Of course you have to fill it first... He's off to renovate Tigger's house... Tigger comes to them, bandaged up. Piglet wants to talk to Gopher - he's only trying to help... He's only doing what he's supposed to do with a shovel... Piglet's house disappears beneath the earth... Maybe this has gone too far. Gopher is sleeping and dreaming about Lucille when Piglet sneaks in and takes the shovel - but an alarm sounds as he makes off with her to Gopher's horror. Piglet decides to bury her then explain to Gopher, but Lucille digs a really big hole... Gopher gets the gang to help him. Tigger thinks it's the tracks of a yellow bellied shovel and Pig
Piglet is worried that he's forgotten Pooh's birthday. Rabbit is upset about his tomatoes looking more like olives when he's jumped by Tigger. Piglet goes to them and they decide to throw him a party, with games and a birthday cake, and balloons and a birthday cake - a birthday without a cake is positively unbirthdaical. Rabbit and the others all have spare candles and put them all on the cake... They think that The Bear of very little brain must be very old and smart with all these candles... Pooh didn't know he was so old or so smart. Rabbit is both sceptical and cross. Rabbit asks where he should plant his tomatoes. Pooh says it depends on how the tomatoes feel... Tigger asks him how to cover more ground with his bounce... Pooh tells him to spend less time on the ground. Piglet asks him how long he would take with his spring cleaning. Pooh tells him a very long time because there's an awful lot of it out there... They all go about Pooh's advice. Pooh's now a bear with a very large b
Tigger is bouncing, bouncing and bouncing... He could do it blindfolded with his ears in his mouth. he's trying to teach Pooh Boy to bounce. You don't become a skilled bouncer overnight. It takes at least twelve hours, you know. He is about to bounce a large tree - and it's just the right light. He gets ready to bounce, when a little cloud appears, casting a gigantical shadow. Shoo, go away! Amscray! Don't show your fluffy face around here again, Tigger says. However the cloud gets angry and turns grey with rage. He tried to bounce the tree and bounces into the cloud. The cloud starts to rain on Tigger, or is it crying? It starts following Tigger around, raining only on him. Tigger goes to Rabbit clad in yellow rain gear. Maybe the cloud wants to be a storm when he grows up. Rabbit wants Tigger to stay in his Garden, watering his garden. Tigger is disguised as an apple to hide the cloud and he apologizes to Pooh for not being a cleverly disguised bee hive... The cloud finds Tigger him
Rabbit is watering his prize Rutabaga Potato. He puts an umbrella up fir him to protect him from the sun, he fans him, gives him something to read... The most wonderful plant he's grown... Gopher's tunnelling under the garden... and popping up all the carrots... Rabbit is frantic about his Prize Rutabaga Potato and stops Gopher just in time - with a shovel. Gopher is angry at the doozy of a roadblock at first, but excitedly tells Rabbit he's got a letter from his Grandpappy, the Gopher to end all Gophers... Rabbit is fretting about his fragile plant, while Gopher is rambling about his Grandpappy, who's going to build an above ground/underground city and win the pewter pickaxe award this year... Rabbit is fretting about having two Gophers about. He warns the others. Pooh suggests giving Gopher's Grandfather a party, but Rabbit wants him kept busy so as not to run roughshod all over the 100 Aker Wood. Pooh Bear's in charge of keeping Grandpa happy by doing nothing. Tigger hugs Pooh sayi
Piglet comes to Pooh and Tigger at Pooh's house to read his poetry, much to Tigger's dismay. Piglet starts to read his poem, but Tigger finds it too sissy and begins to rewrite it, having Piglet fall down holes, chased by bumblybees and off cliffs... Now the poem i done, thank old Tigger for all the fun. Piglet runs off when Pooh asks him to read another. Later Piglet reads a poem about being small to Rabbit, Pooh and Eeyore. Piglet's blocked the house and locked himself in a cage to take precautions against Tigger who saws himself in through the roof, breaking Piglet's cage and he invades Piglet's poem again, but makes himself small instead... is chased by bugs and falls into the raging sea... Suddenly he's grabbed by a big bird beak... High in the sky he does soar... and falls onto an Eeyore ... And falls into Pooh's hunny... Tigger grows smaller... But Piglet says for him to grow tall and Tigger promises never to mess in Poohetry again... And now Tigger, you can go far, far away...
It is a peaceful morning in the 100 Aker Wood, blue birds happily chirping, as we are take to Rabbit's fresh garden. He loves the birds of the dawn chorus... What could possibly be more beautiful!! What the?! Piglet and Pooh and Tigger are also spooked by the noise. Crooo...eee...oooreeoeoeoe!!!!! Rabbit finds it's Owl screeching, while the crows sneak into Rabbit's garden. Rabbit is cross when the crows make off with his vegetables, Rabbit wants Own out of his garden, effective immediately, if not sooner! Owl leaves, indignant. Piglet tried to help Owl sing... Tigger sets up some traps to catch the crows, but they end up helping the crows and hindering Rabbit. Pooh tries to help Owl by giving him hunny to make his voice sweeter... Tigger is making a super stupendious trap, with the secret ingrediment... Swill... Absopasitivelylutely guaranteed to work. But just to be safe, Rabbit wants Tigger to guard his garden tonight. But the crows are on the prowl. Pooh asked the
It's Thanksgiving time in the Hundred Acre Wood and Winnie the Pooh and his friends bring food for the big dinner. Piglet brings haycorns(acorns), Pooh brings honey, Owl brings biscuits, and Tigger brings ice cream. But things change when Rabbit informs them that Thanksgiving is a special time of year that should include things special items, so Pooh and the gang set off to find those very items.
When Christopher Robin is seen writing a Valentine note to a girl, Pooh and the gang fear that he has been bitten by a "smitten".
Christopher Robin has invited Winnie the Pooh, Roo, and all their friends to a potluck. Each guest must bring 10 things to share at the party — but how many is 10? On Roo's eager quest to find out, he and Tigger discover numbers, counting, and easy memorization techniques. After his remarkable day of learning. Roo will surprise everyone — even himself! — with his special party offering! WINNIE THE POOH 123's is an enriching story that starts with general number concepts and moves toward concrete strategies that children can learn and use. Your preschooler will find learning irresistibly fun with Winnie the Pooh and all his pals in never-before-seen stories developed by Disney and leading educators! Discover Disney Learning Adventures, and give your child the priceless gift of learning that lasts a lifetime.
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day is a 1968 animated featurette based on the third, fifth, ninth, and tenth chapters from Winnie-the-Pooh and the second, eighth, and ninth chapters from The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne.
Three marvelous cold-weather stories from Disney's popular Pooh television series are combined into one video. A slight error in judgment has led the gang in the 100 Acre Wood into spring in "Groundpiglet Day." Rabbit's rushing about defeats the true purpose of the holidays in "A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving." Rabbit is also the center of "Find Her, Keep Her" when he adopts a wayward bird.
A heffalump is heard trumpeting in the hundred acre woods. Winnie the pooh, tigger, and piglet are scared and rush to Rabbit's house for advice. Roo joins them and they all agree that heffalumps are nearby after finding a huge footprint. They decide to set out on an expodition to catch the heffalump. Roo is not allowed to come along because he is too little.
Your favorite friends from The Hundred Acre Wood are back in the all-new original feature, POOH'S HEFFALUMP HALLOWEEN MOVIE. It's a hilariously haunted Halloween in the Hundred Acre Wood, and Roo's best new pal, Lumpy, is excited to trick-or-treat for the first time. That is, until Tigger warns them about the dreaded Gobloon who'll turn you into a jaggedy lantern if he catches you. But if they catch the Gobloon before it catches them, they get to make a wish. When Pooh eats all the Halloween candy, Lumpy and Roo decide to be "brave together, brave forever and catch the Gobloon. Celebrate the bumpity and spookable Halloween season with Pooh and his pals in their first Halloween-themed film in eight years
Welcome toThe Magical World Of Winnie The Pooh, a wondrous place where imagination begins and the fun never ends! Join all your pals from the Hundred Acre Wood as they laugh, play and learn important lessons about caring and sharing in four enchanting animated adventures. InWhat's The Score, Pooh?, Gopher thinks games are a waste of time until he discovers that work and play areboth important! Next, "Sheriff Piglet" must hunt down two familiar desperados inThe Good, The Bad And The Tigger. When Pooh gets intoBubble Trouble, everyone learns an important lesson about standing by your friends, and when someone's been playing silly tricks on them, Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Rabbit set out to find the culprit inApril Pooh. Whether you're young or young at heart, there's more to explore insideThe Magical World Of Pooh, where every day, IT'S PLAYTIME WITH POOH!
Welcome toThe Magical World Of Winnie The Pooh, a wondrous place where imagination begins and the fun never ends! Join all your pals from the Hundred Acre Wood as they laugh, play and learn important lessons about caring and sharing in four enchanting animated adventures. InWhat's The Score, Pooh?, Gopher thinks games are a waste of time until he discovers that work and play areboth important! Next, "Sheriff Piglet" must hunt down two familiar desperados inThe Good, The Bad And The Tigger. When Pooh gets intoBubble Trouble, everyone learns an important lesson about standing by your friends, and when someone's been playing silly tricks on them, Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Rabbit set out to find the culprit inApril Pooh. Whether you're young or young at heart, there's more to explore insideThe Magical World Of Pooh, where every day, IT'S PLAYTIME WITH POOH!
It's the first day of autumn, and Christopher Robin has written a book of rhymes about all of his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. But when the pages of the book scatter in the wind, everyone must help put it back together. Now if Pooh can only remember how to rhyme, it just may save the day! WINNIE THE POOH ABC's provides an age-appropriate introductory lesson in literacy by conveying basic information about rhyming, highlighting the value of writing down words, explaining the connection between sounds and letters and familiar names, and illustrating how to form basic letters. Your preschooler will find learning irresistibly fun with Winnie the Pooh and all his pals in never-before-seen stories developed by Disney and leading educators!
Owl has organized an elaborate and fun series of races in the forest. In order to reach the finish line and earn a medal, the gang must figure out word games and perform a series of opposite moves. But what are opposites? Eager to win, everyone soon discovers that when one way of moving doesn't work, moving in a contrary way usually does! After an exciting day of games, one friend in particular will surprise everyone, including himself, when he wins the most special medal of all.
With Harvest Day just around the corner, Rabbit needs Pooh's help to find boxes, baskets, and crates of all shapes and sizes in order to organize his garden goodies. The trouble is, Pooh isn't sure which shape is which and what size is what. But with a little help from Owl and some fun-filled observation of things around the Hundred Acre Wood, Pooh learns how to fit different vegetable shapes into right-sized baskets in time for a very unique and special harvest feast!
In the Wishing Bear, Pooh gets tired out when he tries to make his friends' impossible wishes come true. Then, Rabbit gets a true Pooh gift from the heart in Honey For A Bunny. Everyone's favourite donkey takes up gardening, with hilarious results in Eeyi, Eeyi, Eeyore, and Pooh and the gang mistakenly assume they're not wanted when a flashy new toy arrives in Monkey See, Monkey Do Better.
Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo, and Rabbit are preparing a suitable winter home for Eeyore, the perennially dejected donkey, but Tigger's continual bouncing interrupts their efforts. Rabbit suggests that Tigger go find others of his kind to bounce with, but Tigger thinks "the most wonderful thing about tiggers is" he's "the only one!" Just in case though, the joyously jouncy feline sets out to see if he can find relatives.
In this animated feature, Piglet (John Fiedler) is the smallest of all his friends, which doesn't account for his big heart and bold attitude. But, try as he might, Piglet cannot convey his personality to his friends -- not even to Winnie the Pooh (Jim Cummings) ! Piglet becomes fed up after being excluded from a honey-thieving scheme, so strikes out on his own to do some thinking. But when Piglet's friends discover he's missing, the only clue they have to go on is a scrapbook he left behind.
Spring has sprung, and baby Roo is excited to get out and explore and make new friends. But Rabbit seems preoccupied with spring cleaning, instead of embracing his usual role of playing Easter Bunny. Leave it to Roo to show Rabbit -- through love -- that it's more important who you love and not who's in charge.
It's a hilariously haunted Halloween in the Hundred Acre Wood, and Roo's best new pal, Lumpy, is excited to trick-or-treat for the first time. That is, until Tigger warns them about the dreaded Gobloon who'll turn you into a jaggedy lantern if he catches you. But if they catch the Gobloon before it catches them, they get to make a wish. When Pooh eats all the Halloween candy, Lumpy and Roo decide to be "brave together, brave forever and catch the Gobloon.
Four episode compilation from the series - A Very, Very Large Animal, No Rabbit's a Fortress, Stripes, and Tigger's Shoes. Released in 1989.
Three episode compilation from the series. Includes All's Well That Ends WIshing Well, Babysitter Blues and Party Poohper. Released in 1991.
Winnie the Pooh's Spookable Fun is a Walt Disney video release containing five terror-themed episodes of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Despite its supposedly frightening content, the shows are, like most Winnie the Pooh productions, rated G and suitable for children of all ages.
in: Winnie the Pooh, Sing Along Songs videos Winnie The Pooh: Sing a Song with Pooh Bear EDIT COMMENTS SHARE 51GJTZ3H8PL Winnie the Pooh: Sing a Song with Pooh Bear is a Disney Sing Along Songs video released on February 23, 1999.
Christopher Robin presents Pooh with an interesting new gift—a calendar. Pooh has never seen one before, and Christopher Robin explains that it's a way of keeping track of the days, weeks, months and seasons. The calendar stops at each season, as we watch Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit and Owl in the Hundred Acre Wood exploring the world around them and noticing the changes. Among them: the water in the pond becomes hard and slick when it gets cold.
Compilation of four episodes from the series. In 'What's the Score, Pooh?' Gopher thinks games are a waste of time until he discovers that work and play are both important. 'Sherriff Piglet' must hunt down two familiar desperados in 'The Good, the Bad and the Tigger'. And when someone's been playing silly tricks on them, Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Rabbit set out to find the culprit in 'April Pooh'.
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: The Story Behind the Masterpiece is a behind-the-scenes documentary narrated by Corey Burton on the making of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. It was originally made to commemorate the film's 20th anniversary and was included with the film's subsequent home video releases. The special was made in 1996 (then subsequently copyrighted in 2001 on the 2002 25th Anniversary release onward) by TV is OK Productions and was directed by Harry Arends.