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Season 1

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Chariots, Gods & Beyond

    • July 30, 2009
    • History

    What if life on Earth began in outer space? Millions of people accept the theory that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago and were worshiped as gods by primitive man. Are monuments like Stonehenge and Easter Island the last remains of an ancient alien visitation? From unexplainable super structures, to knowledge of the solar system, mathematics, and even the ability to make electricity, this special explores evidence of super-human influences on ancient man and embarks on an around-the-world search for answers. It's an investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.

  • S01E01 The Evidence

    • April 20, 2010
    • History

    If ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their legacy, and did they leave behind clues that exist in plain sight such as sophisticated aircraft, complex electrical grids, and intricate construction machinery? Indian Sanskrit texts, dating back to 6000 B.C., describe in varying but vivid detail flying machines called Vimanas. Megalithic stone structures in Egypt reveal evidence of precision saw work. Interpretations of the Jewish Zohar writings offer depictions of a life-sustaining manna machine, eerily similar to chlorella algae processing systems today. Are these examples of modern technology, or is there evidence that these incredible mechanisms existed on Earth thousands of years ago?

  • S01E02 The Visitors

    • April 27, 2010
    • History

    If ancient aliens visited Earth, who were they, and where did they come from? Possible historic evidence and beliefs are examined around the world. The Dogon people possess knowledge of a galaxy they claim was given to them by a star god named Amma. The Hopi and Zuni people celebrate Kachinas, gods from the sky, whose headdresses and costumes appear to resemble modern helmets and protective clothing. Halfway around the world, Chinese legends tell of the Han leader, Huangdi, arriving on Earth on a flying, yellow dragon. Was this dragon more likely a spacecraft? Ancient astronaut theorists believe that these are far from chance encounters and that extraterrestrials not only interacted with us, but changed the course of human history.

  • S01E03 The Mission

    • May 4, 2010
    • History

    If ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their mission, and is there evidence that points to when they will return? Ancient Sumerian tablets describe an alien race, known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine for gold. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict hybrid creatures that were part man, part animal. Mysterious crop circles and unexplainable crystal skulls are thought to contain messages that man has yet to decipher. Strange evidence may exist in multiple cultures throughout history suggesting that aliens came here to explore, excavate raw materials, experiment on human beings, and even for pure conquest.

  • S01E04 Closer Encounters

    • May 18, 2010
    • History

    Reports of encounters with strange beings and sightings of mysterious objects in the sky have occurred throughout history. A 13th century historical book, Otia Imperialia, includes an account of a creature descending from a flying craft over Bristol, England. The log from Christopher Columbus' first voyage to America contains a report of strange lights in the sky. Medieval art pieces depict disc-shaped objects floating in the heavens. Sightings of flying cigar-shaped crafts were reported during the Black Plague. And there were even discussions of extraterrestrial life among America's Founding Fathers. Could these sightings, coming from every part of the world, from biblical times to present day, be evidence that aliens have been with us all along?

  • S01E05 The Return

    • May 25, 2010
    • History

    There is evidence that suggests we experienced 20th century alien contact. In 1942, the Battle of Los Angeles involved the US military and Air Defense allegedly fighting a UFO. WWII Allied Air Force planes were buzzed by balls of light that some think could have been extraterrestrial. And the alleged crash of a flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 propelled the world into the age of UFOs. For decades, some people have been searching for the sounds of extraterrestrial intelligence, while others have been sending messages out into deep space. What would happen if aliens answered... or came calling? What protocols exist to determine who would speak on behalf of mankind, and how might we communicate? What happens if they return? Some believe they already have.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Mysterious Places

    • October 28, 2010
    • History

    Mysterious places can be found around the Earth, and, inexplicably, UFOs are often sited near these mystical areas. Planes and ships unaccountably disappear in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Strange magnetic anomalies in Mexico's Zone of Silence have not only drawn missiles off their course, but seem to pull meteorites out of the sky.

  • S02E02 Gods & Aliens

    • November 4, 2010
    • History

    Myths and legends have long been regarded as fantastic stories that describe powerful gods, mutant giants and fearsome monsters. But why do so many different cultures, separated by vast distances, tell the same stories? Is it possible that myths and legends were really eyewitness accounts of ancient astronauts descending to Earth?

  • S02E03 Underwater Worlds

    • November 11, 2010
    • History

    Ancient underwater cities can be found around the globe, but could these aquatic worlds be the ruins of unknown civilizations--or even proof of extraterrestrial visitations? The infamous tale of the long lost city of Atlantis may be a preserved memory of an ancient alien metropolis.

  • S02E04 Underground Aliens

    • November 18, 2010
    • History

    If extraterrestrials influenced human history, can evidence of their existence be found in hidden tunnels and caverns around the world? Could a cave in Ecuador contain metallic books inscribed with secrets of alien technology? Was an ancient underground city in Turkey built with alien help... or as a refuge from an alien attack?

  • S02E05 Aliens and the Third Reich

    • November 25, 2010
    • History

    If ancient aliens visited Earth in the remote past, could they have given us advanced technology, past down through human history? And could this technology have helped the Third Reich build mysterious weapons and crafts far beyond the limits of 20th century science?

  • S02E06 Alien Tech

    • December 2, 2010
    • History

    Super-heated death rays... High-tech rockets... Powerful sonic weapons... Are these examples of modern day science or could these technologies have originated thousands of years ago? Is it possible that early man possessed scientific knowledge far beyond that of our own century? Ancient texts, folklore and art suggest humans witnessed disc-shaped flying machines and fire-spewing chariots. Could these be accounts of flying saucers and rocket ships? And if so, was advanced technology left here by visitors from the stars? Did mankind's quest to unlock the secrets of levitation, anti-gravity and laser technology merely spring from our imaginations or did these ideas come from otherworldly beings?

  • S02E07 Angels and Aliens

    • December 9, 2010
    • History

    Biblical texts and ancient lore frequently describe winged creatures carrying messages from the heavens. But are angels merely the product of mankind's imagination - or do they really exist? If so, where do they come from?

  • S02E08 Unexplained Structures

    • December 16, 2010
    • History

    If ancient aliens visited Earth, can evidence of their existence be found in the mysterious structures that still stand throughout the world?

  • S02E09 Alien Devastations

    • December 23, 2010
    • History

    If ancient aliens visited Earth, were they responsible for catastrophes, wars and other deadly disasters to control the fate of the human race? The story of the Great Flood sent by deities to destroy civilizations exists in many prehistoric cultures.

  • S02E10 Alien Contacts

    • December 30, 2010
    • History

    If ancient aliens visited Earth, were they responsible for catastrophes, wars and other deadly disasters to control the fate of the human race? Did aliens leave messengers for us to find years later. ..

Season 3

  • S03E01 Aliens and the Old West

    • July 28, 2011
    • History

    Ancient Astronaut theorists believe aliens have been visiting earth for thousands of years. If so, might we find evidence of this even in the stories of America's Old West? In Aurora, Texas, the local cemetery claims to hold the body of an alien whose ship crashed there in 1897. In Utah, petroglyphs depict strange beings wearing what look like space suits. In southern California, 19th century ranchers reported seeing an otherworldly creature emerge from Elizabeth Lake. And even in Tombstone, Arizona, the home of Wyatt Earp and the site of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral, cowboys claimed to have shot at a giant, metallic bird Are these simply campfire tales, or did the cowboys and native people of America's Wild West actually come in contact with alien beings from another--much more distant--frontier?

  • S03E02 Aliens and Monsters

    • August 4, 2011
    • History

    Hindu scripture describes an enormous flying creature called a Garuda that shook the ground when it landed on Earth. Is it possible that this monster was actually a misinterpreted alien craft? Are hybrids like the Centaur, the Minotaur and Medusa just mythical creatures of fantasy–or could these ancient depictions of terrifying monsters have been the result of advanced extraterrestrial transplantation procedures?

  • S03E03 Aliens and Sacred Places

    • August 11, 2011
    • History

    Are sacred places the product of man's reverence for God--or the result of contact with ancient space travelers? Jerusalem's Temple Mount has been called a heavenly gateway. Islam's shrine at Mecca displays a Black Stone believed to have fallen from heaven. And the temple at Baalbek, Lebanon was built on a massive stone structure resembling a landing pad. Did man encounter divine beings at these holy places, or might they have met ancient extraterrestrials?

  • S03E04 Aliens and Temples of Gold

    • August 18, 2011
    • History

    Could gold be the ultimate link between humans and aliens? A church in southern France is said to hold the key to alchemy--and a gateway to another part of the universe. Locals in Cusco, Peru believe UFO sightings are connected to lost gold at the bottom of Lake Puray. And some believe underneath the Great Sphinx of Giza lies an entire library left behind by extraterrestrials--a library stored on gold.

  • S03E05 Aliens and Mysterious Rituals

    • August 25, 2011
    • History

    Throughout the world, ancient rites and rituals are believed to connect humans to another dimension. But just who--or what--are we communicating with? Could today's rituals, such as festivals, coronations and funerals, be based on early man's attempts to emulate ancient alien visitors? If so, what other ancient rituals might find their roots in a kingdom--not of this world?

  • S03E06 Aliens and Ancient Engineers

    • September 1, 2011
    • History

    Might the tools and technology of ancient builders have come from distant galaxies? Evidence suggests that an ancient mountaintop fortress in Peru was constructed with laser-like tools... temples at Vijayanagara India were built to harness cosmic energy... and an acoustic chamber in Malta enabled interplanetary communication. If the ancient builders did use advanced technology, could it prove that aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago?

  • S03E07 Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics

    • September 8, 2011
    • History

    Scientists are continually challenged by unidentified strains of bacteria with mysterious origins. Could some of our most crippling plagues and epidemics be traced to the darkest voids of space--or even extraterrestrial intervention? During the Black Death of the Middle Ages, people reported bronze flying ships emitting a strange mist. As recently as 2011, NASA scientist Richard Hoover published evidence of life in meteorites. Is it possible that ancient aliens--as small as microbes--have shaped human history?

  • S03E08 Aliens and Lost Worlds

    • September 15, 2011
    • History

    Mysterious legends and crumbling ruins are all that is left of our planet's lost worlds. But could there be proof of ancient alien visitors hidden among the artifacts of civilizations that have long vanished? Strange carvings suggest the Mayan city of Copan was ruled by the descendants of otherworldly beings. And some believe the ancient Nazca people altered their bodies--and their lands--to signal the star gods to return. Are the astounding accomplishments of lost civilizations merely the products of ancient folklore--or could they have been something... out of this world?

  • S03E09 Aliens and Deadly Weapons

    • September 22, 2011
    • History

    Iron swords forged in blazing hot fires... Gunpowder with the power to tear apart human flesh... And rockets capable of destroying entire cities... Throughout history, advances in technology have lead to the development of powerful weapons--each more deadly than the last. But were these lethal weapons the product of human innovation--or were they created with help from another, otherworldly source?

  • S03E10 Aliens and Evil Places

    • September 28, 2011
    • History

    For thousands of years, there have been places around the world considered dangerous to humans. Might these locations hold the key to an otherworldly connection? At Australia's Black Mountains, local myths speak of ancient serpent gods and hikers disappearing. Every year hundreds are drawn to a dark forest at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan--to commit suicide. What causes these places to be evil? Could there be evidence that past extraterrestrial activity lead to the negative energy in Earth's evil places?

  • S03E11 Aliens and the Founding Fathers

    • October 5, 2011
    • History

    What is the meaning behind secret messages found throughout Washington, D.C.? Did America's Founding Fathers know something about ancient aliens that the general public did not? And if so, could this knowledge have been incorporated into the symbols, architecture, and even the founding documents of the United States of America?

  • S03E12 Aliens and Deadly Cults

    • October 12, 2011
    • History

    Mass suicides. Human sacrifices. Unholy rituals. Throughout history, people have claimed to have otherworldly knowledge, and have led followers to commit horrific acts of violence. Are they con men? Are they insane? Or might the voices in their heads really be of an extraterrestrial origin? And if so, did they simply misinterpret the messages they received? Or might there be extraterrestrials with a sinister agenda?

  • S03E13 Aliens and the Secret Code

    • October 19, 2011
    • History

    Megalithic monuments linked together by electromagnetic energy... Prehistoric ruins arranged across vast distances in straight lines... And advanced mathematics carved into landmarks more than 5000 years ago. Were ancient man's spectacular structures built by humans alone? Or do they bear evidence of being designed--and interconnected--by otherworldly visitors?

  • S03E14 Aliens and the Undead

    • October 26, 2011
    • History

    Zombies rising from their graves... Blood sucking vampires damned for all eternity... and humans trapped in a life and death struggle between heaven and hell. For thousands of years, mankind has told tales of encounters with strange, soulless creatures. Are these beliefs merely manmade fabrications--or could there be extraterrestrial origins in earthly encounters with the undead?

  • S03E15 Aliens, Gods and Heroes

    • November 16, 2011
    • History

    Superhuman strength... Supernatural powers... And the awesome ability to fly. Throughout history, mankind has told incredible tales of gods with extraordinary powers. But are these accounts merely tall tales, or could they be based on factual events? If mythical gods really did exist, were they, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, extraterrestrial beings? And could this help to explain the enduring popularity of gods, titans and other so-called "super-heroes"?

  • S03E16 Aliens and the Creation of Man

    • November 23, 2011
    • History

    Why are humans so different from every other species on Earth? Did we evolve from ape--or is our intelligence the result of contact with an otherworldly source? Could unexplained advances in human evolution be the work of interstellar beings? 10,000-year-old petroglyphs link our ancient ancestors with star beings. Might evidence of alien contact help unlock the mystery of the Creation of Man?

Season 4

  • S04E01 The Mayan Conspiracy

    • February 17, 2012
    • H2

    The Mayan civilization dominated Central America for nearly 2000 years, but by the 9th century A.D., the great Mayan cities were abandoned, and the Mayan people vanished. What could have happened to this advanced culture? Might the Maya have left clues as to how they surpassed other cultures in science, mathematics, time keeping, and most importantly, astronomy? In recent years, hieroglyphs have been decoded to reveal that the Maya were able to accurately predict shifts in the Earth's axis every 26,000 years. Inscriptions on the sarcophagus of their most prominent ruler, King Pakal, tell of a journey to the Milky Way. And a sophisticated calendar foretells of the end of the world in 2012. Most striking is their belief that knowledge was passed to them by otherworldly beings who descended from the sky. Could the ancient Maya have actually conspired with extraterrestrial visitors to plan the future--and even the very end of the world?

  • S04E02 The Doomsday Prophecies

    • February 17, 2012
    • H2

    The Maya created the most sophisticated calendar systems in the ancient world, and according to many scholars their Long Count Calendar will come to an end on December 21, 2012. What does this mean for mankind? Some researchers believe it will usher in the return of Bolon Yokte--a mysterious god associated with creation and war. Could this god actually be an extraterrestrial as some ancient astronaut theorists believe? Other scholars believe the end of the calendar will bring about a series of catastrophic events that may threaten the very existence of mankind. They point to a rare galactic alignment that will coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar as proof of an impending geological catastrophe. If these doomsday prophecies prove to be true, will it mean the end of the world as we know it? Or could it reveal some profound truth about the origins of the human race?

  • S04E03 The Greys

    • February 24, 2012
    • H2

    Who are the beings with big heads and giant eyes that seem to have been visiting our planet for millennia? Known by researchers as the "greys," these mysterious beings have been depicted in rock-art and carved stone figures throughout the ages and all over the world. Who are they, what planet do they come from, and what do they want?

  • S04E04 Aliens and Mega-Disasters

    • March 2, 2012
    • H2

    There are numerous historical, religious and mythic accounts of ancient civilizations being wiped out by volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and meteors. Did god, or nature bring about such disasters? Or is it possible that celestial beings had a hand in the ancient world's catastrophic disasters?

  • S04E05 The NASA Connection

    • March 9, 2012
    • H2

    NASA scientists, former astronauts and secret government files all point to the conclusion that there has been contact with extraterrestrial life in the past. Researchers examine this and other recent scientific evidence that may provide proof of alien contact in both the recent and ancient past.

  • S04E06 The Mystery of Puma Punku

    • March 16, 2012
    • H2

    At nearly 14,000 years old, the ruins of Puma Punku are the oldest and most baffling on the face of the Earth. No one knows who designed and built this complex of sophisticated inter-locking blocks, and then vanished. Researchers investigate the ruins on-location in Peru and present new computer analyses. Forensic evidence on the ground, together with local myths and legends, suggest this site may have been designed and even once inhabited by a species of extraterrestrials.

  • S04E07 Aliens and Bigfoot

    • March 23, 2012
    • H2

    People on every continent have claimed to see the footprints of Bigfoot. And ancient myths and legends speak of an ape-like giant stalking the earth. What if, as Ancient Astronaut theorists believe, there is evidence to connect Bigfoot with an alien species that once visited Earth in the distant past?

  • S04E08 The Da Vinci Conspiracy

    • April 6, 2012
    • H2

    Might an examination of Leonardo Da Vinci's masterful paintings, highly technical hand-drawn sketches, and private journals reveal knowledge of otherworldly technology and extraterrestrial beings?

  • S04E09 The Time Travelers

    • April 27, 2012
    • History

    Is it possible that sightings of alien beings or UFOs may actually be evidence of time travelers from the future? And might ancient astronauts actually be time travelers from our future? Scientists explore the theoretical possibility of time travel. How can it be achieved? And what might people from 10,000 years in the future look like?

  • S04E10 Aliens and Dinosaurs

    • May 4, 2012
    • H2

    Angkor Wat, Cambodia, is the world’s largest ancient religious temple. Within its megalithic ruins, researches have discovered a depiction of a species of dinosaur – a stegosaurus. But how could the ancients have had knowledge of animals that mainstream science says died out millions of years ago? Why are dinosaurs extinct? Did an alien race of beings kill off the dinosaurs to make room for humankind?

Season 5

  • S05E01 Secrets of the Pyramids

    • December 21, 2012
    • H2

    For thousands of years, pyramids were the largest structures on Earth. The best known were constructed in Egypt and Central America, but others have been found all around the world, including in China, Africa and Indonesia.

  • S05E02 Aliens and Cover-Ups

    • December 28, 2012
    • H2

    In 1980, three young military men were sent into a UK forest to investigate strange lights. They reportedly encountered a spacecraft of unknown origin.

  • S05E03 Alien Power Plants

    • January 4, 2013
    • H2

    Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the use of light bulbs in tombs and secret chambers. And batteries may have been discovered among artifacts from Mesopotamia. Did the Ancients understand electricity, and if so, how did they discover this technology?

  • S05E04 Destination Orion

    • January 11, 2013
    • History

    Why were ancient civilizations around the world so focused on the Orion constellation? While scientists site many earthly connections, researchers suggest this point in the night sky may have been a so-called Stargate.

  • S05E05 The Einstein Factor

    • January 18, 2013
    • H2

    Was Albert Einstein a genius? Or was he superhuman? Was his genius "of this world," or was it "otherworldly?" Is it possible, as Ancient Astronaut theorists believe, of an extraterrestrial connection to the scientific genius of famous historical figures such as Albert Einstein, Galileo, Archimedes, and Aristotle?

  • S05E06 Secrets of the Tombs

    • January 25, 2013
    • H2

    Across the globe, archaeologists have uncovered ancient tombs filled with strange items and writings. Remarkable similarities have been found at each of the sites. How is it possible that the burial chambers of distant cultures were so similar in design? Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that some of these complicated and technically advanced tombs were designed with the help of extraterrestrials.

  • S05E07 Prophets and Prophecies

    • February 8, 2013
    • H2

    They were the messengers of divine knowledge and seers who shared visions of the future. For thousands of years, human civilization has been guided by the words and deeds of ancient prophets, but just who--or what--were these prophets communicating with? Might the experiences of history's prophets be evidence of communication with a heavenly source--or were seers like Elijah and Joseph Smith actually communicating with extraterrestrial overlords? And if so, are there similar prophets at work today?

  • S05E08 Beyond Nazca

    • February 15, 2013
    • H2

    Erich von Daniken's landmark book, Chariots of the Gods, brought attention to the mysterious phenomena of the Nazca Lines. Hundreds of gigantic lines, some in the shape of animals, geometric patterns and even an alien-like being, extend for miles throughout a remote Peruvian desert. Scholars are divided as to who built them, and why. Some Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that the massive markings have an extraterrestrial connection, and perhaps the ancient people of the region created these gigantic figures in tribute to the gods who visited them. And with one of the largest deposits of nitrates in the world--a key ingredient in rocket fuel and weaponry--could Nazca have been a mining operation for advanced beings in the distant past?

  • S05E09 Strange Abductions

    • February 22, 2013
    • H2

    In 1975, Travis Walton claims to have been abducted and taken aboard a space ship inhabited by extraterrestrial beings. Several people witnessed his encounter and nearly 40 years later Walton's story of alien abduction, missing time and mind-telepathy manipulation has not wavered. But researchers say that abductions are not a modern phenomenon. The Hebrew Bible is filled with stories of abductions by otherworldly beings. Jonah, Moses, Ezekiel and Enoch all depict what can best be described as physically being taken to other dimensions and then returned. Is it possible that extraterrestrial beings have been abducting humans for thousands of years and if so, might there be an alien agenda behind the phenomena?

  • S05E10 The von Daniken Legacy

    • March 5, 2013
    • H2

    Examining author Erich von Daniken's controversial theories about alien life.

  • S05E11 The Viking Gods

    • March 12, 2013
    • H2

    Examining a theory that aliens helped guide Viking voyages.

  • S05E12 The Monoliths

    • March 18, 2013
    • H2

    Exploring a potential link between ancient monoliths and extraterrestrials.

Season 6

  • S06E01 The Power of Three

    • September 30, 2013
    • H2

    The ancient Egyptian design of the three pyramids of Giza; diverse cultures worship the all-knowing triads; an ancient tablet noted the power of the number three; the language of human DNA is written in a pattern of threes.

  • S06E02 The Crystal Skulls

    • October 7, 2013
    • H2

    Luminous relics in the shape of human skulls. Otherworldly artifacts believed to harness the secrets of the universe. Are the Crystal Skulls part of an elaborate hoax? Or do they possess a great, perhaps even otherworldly power?

  • S06E03 The Anunnaki Connection

    • October 14, 2013
    • H2

    In ancient Mesopotamia, the Sumerians make advances in agriculture, science, medicine, and astronomy, crediting these achievements to winged gods known as the Anunnaki.

  • S06E04 Magic of the Gods

    • October 21, 2013
    • History

    Wondrous wizards... Mysterious sorcerers... And heavenly beings... possessed of unimaginable power. Throughout the ancient world, magic was used for everything from healing to communicating with the gods. But did magic really exist in the ancient times? Not as a form of theater - but as a means of replicating the power of the gods? Do ancient accounts of magic suggest evidence of advanced, otherworldly knowledge? A knowledge given to early humans as a means of helping them unlock their own - some might say "divine" - potential?

  • S06E05 The Satan Conspiracy

    • October 28, 2013
    • H2

    He is the evil one, the Prince of Darkness, the ruler of Hell. Satan conjures up horrifying images of a horned beast whose sole purpose is to destroy humanity. Yet there is evidence that the fallen angel we know as Satan may be misunderstood.

  • S06E06 Alien Operations

    • November 5, 2013
    • H2

    Mysterious surgeries performed by early humans... Strange beings with miraculous powers... And a cover up--destroying centuries of scientific knowledge. Are recent breakthroughs in medicine the result of years of research?

  • S06E07 Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs

    • November 8, 2013
    • H2

    Powerful monarchs ruling by divine right. Centuries-old dynasties amassing enormous wealth. And legendary leaders wielding powerful weapons of mass destruction. Is it possible that ancient rulers were, in fact, connected with divine or, some would say, extraterrestrial forces? And, if so, what was their purpose? Ancient emperors, kings, and pharaohs were often attributed with otherworldly strength, ability, and wisdom; many were even considered gods by the people they ruled. Who were these exceptional leaders, and how did some accomplish so much in their time? Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that these great rulers throughout history were "chosen" and guided by extraterrestrials. Is it possible that the world's legendary leaders might have shared a common genetic trait? A so-called, "leadership gene"? And might this gene have been--not a product of genetic evolution--but inherited by mankind from some otherworldly source?

  • S06E08 Mysterious Relics

    • November 16, 2013
    • H2

    Sacred bones... Golden hats... And fragments of sacred objects thought to possess healing properties. All around the world, archaeologists have uncovered mysterious relics revered by ancient cultures for thousands of years. Now on display in museums, temples and churches, millions of people travel great distances just to be in their presence. What is it about these ancient objects that draws people to them? Could the truth of mankind's origins be found in the fabric, metal, stone and bones of our distant past? And could these mysterious relics really provide us with the ability to access divine or otherworldly power?

  • S06E09 Aliens and Forbidden Islands

    • November 29, 2013
    • History

    Legends of lost and mysterious islands, advanced civilizations and Eden-like paradises have been told by sailors throughout human history. Is it possible these stories are more than just the myths of imaginative seafarers? Might evidence of our Ancient Alien origins be found by exploring the world's most remote islands–strategic spots where extraterrestrials may have once made their earthly homes… and possibly still visit today? Unidentified submersible objects going at lightning speed… strange crafts coming out of water near remote volcanic islands… and mystifying megalithic ruins in the middle of the ocean. Is it possible UFO activity could be hidden deep underwater and off the coasts of islands? Could this explain why so many islands around the world have stories of unexplained sightings of objects both overhead and beneath the sea going back centuries?

  • S06E10 Aliens and The Lost Ark

    • December 6, 2013
    • H2

    The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most sought after religious relics of all times and far more than just a box that contained the Ten Commandments. The biblical stories surrounding the Ark speak of a device with divine powers that was able to produce food, take down stonewalls, kill those that come in contact with it, and provide direct communication to God. Are these stories mere myth? Or did the Ark of the Covenant possess extraordinary powers? What happened to this incredible relic? Could it still be hidden? Are we getting close to a rediscovery–and reactivation–of the Ark? And if so, will the Ark of the Covenant reveal a long, lost connection to our extraterrestrial past?

  • S06E11 Aliens and Mysterious Mountains

    • December 13, 2013
    • H2

    Across ancient civilizations, the world's mountains were viewed as the sacred home to all-powerful gods. Why would so many different cultures share this belief that mountains had a connection to otherworldly beings? The Greeks believed their most powerful gods, the Olympians, waged an epic war for control of the universe from Mt. Olympus. Ruins of a 4000-year-old observatory discovered on a mountain in Macedonia reveal that the ancients tracked celestial movements from on high with remarkable precision. And in Peru, the descendants of the Incans continue an ancient pilgrimage tradition in order to commune with mountain spirits known as Apu. Could these gods have been extraterrestrials? Did they use remote mountain peaks to interact with early man? Might this explain why humans have been drawn to mountains for thousands of years?

Season 7

  • S07E01 Aliens and Stargates

    • January 24, 2014
    • H2

    Legends from around the world speak of sacred entryways to the land of the gods. Gates that allowed instant passage not just beyond the confines of Earth, but beyond space and time. Are such passages--or stargates--just inventions of myth, or might this kind of interstellar travel have existed in the ancient world? In Turkey, researchers uncover a mysterious and toxic cave that the ancient Greeks described as a physical gateway to Hell. The Incas believed their empire began when divine beings stepped through portals in a mountain. In Northern Mexico, legends describe strange, otherworldly creatures appearing and disappearing within the remote ruins of an ancient civilization. As science continues its quest to create technology that would allow humans to travel to the stars, is it possible that these celestial pathways already exist?

  • S07E02 Aliens in America

    • January 31, 2014
    • H2

    Strange rock carvings from 8,000 B.C. Unexplained sightings in the new world. And a frightening anomaly plaguing the American West. Is there more to America's past than is found in our history books? Could the mysterious stories and relics found throughout the United States be evidence of extraterrestrial contact in the distant past? In 1909, the Phoenix Gazette reported the finding of a strange man-made cave filled with ancient objects and mummies. Could there be a connection between the mysterious cave and the legend of Native American ancestors called "Star Beings?" Strange lights and unexplained weather anomalies were documented throughout colonial America. Is there evidence that early American settlers had close encounters with extraterrestrial entities? Could UFO sightings and reports of alien contact be part of America's untold history?

  • S07E03 The Star Children

    • February 7, 2014
    • H2

    On every continent, there are stories of children who "stand out" for their strange abilities and advanced knowledge. They are said to have knowledge of things they shouldn't or couldn't know. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and many other cultures have legends about exceptional children who are the offspring of humans and the gods. Could the stories be more than mere myth? Is it possible there are children being born on Earth today who can access their alien DNA–a connection that endows them with special gifts and the power to transform society?

  • S07E04 Treasures of the Gods

    • February 14, 2014
    • H2

    Sealed vaults possessing a strange and deadly curse, mysterious relics believed to be under otherworldly protection, and riches so priceless, it has cost men their lives. On every continent there are stories of incredible treasures that have been lost for centuries. Is it possible that the world’s greatest ancient relics are hidden on purpose–and protected by an extraterrestrial source?

  • S07E05 Aliens and the Red Planet

    • February 21, 2014
    • H2

    Throughout human history, the planet Mars has captured our imagination. Ancient Egyptian astronomers were the first to record the red planet on a chart of the cosmos known as the Senenmut star map. Scholars believe Mars played an important role in Maya astrology that's described in the Dresden Codex. And modern translation of Sumerian and Babylonian origin myths record a cataclysmic event occurring on Mars. Is our fascination with Mars simply because of its striking red color and prominence in the night sky? Or might we have a more profound extraterrestrial connection? For nearly 40 years, probes have been sending information about Mars back to scientists here on Earth. Photographs of the mysterious planet reveal mountain-like formations known as Twin Peaks and a strange, humanoid face carved into Martian rock. Has NASA found definitive signs of life on Mars that they're intentionally keeping from the public?

  • S07E06 The Shamans

    • February 28, 2014
    • H2

    Throughout history, spiritual leaders known as shamans have healed, protected and advised their people. But are they simply putting on elaborate ceremonies? Or could they be in contact with extraterrestrial realms? The Mongol army crushed their enemies and built a massive empire with the help of powerful shamans who could manipulate the weather. Amazonian shamans believe otherworldly beings taught them how to create a powerful brew that allows them to travel beyond Earth to gain knowledge. And on the desert plains of the Kalahari, the San Bushmen practice elaborate trance dances that unlock supernatural capabilities in their healers. Can shamans really communicate with otherworldly beings? Is it possible that through these spiritual mediators, extraterrestrials were able to influence mankind in the distant past? And could such celestial communication continue even today?

  • S07E07 Aliens and Insects

    • March 7, 2014
    • H2

    Earth is home to 10 quintillion insects. In cultures throughout the world, insects have been honored, feared and even revered as gods. But might these strange creatures that have inhabited Earth for hundreds of millions of years provide a link to extraterrestrial beings? Is it possible the ancient Egyptians encountered alien beings that had an insect-like appearance? Are the scorpion-tailed locust described in the Book of Revelations some type of advanced weaponry wielded by an extraterrestrial being? Might the Ant People that appear in both Greek and Native American mythology really be grey aliens? Is it possible that there is a connection between insects and aliens? Are insects related to beings from beyond our world, as some Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest? And if so, might they have a secret purpose we have yet to discover?

  • S07E08 Alien Breeders

    • March 14, 2014
    • History

    Demonic seduction… hybrid offspring… and strange abductions. In cultures throughout the world, there are tales of intimate encounters with otherworldly beings. But could these stories be more than just mythology? Scientific deconstruction of human genetic makeup has revealed that our origins are not what we once believed. Biologists have determined that early humans mated with several other species of intelligent hominids. Neanderthals, Denisovans, and a third–as of yet unidentified–species may also be represented in our DNA. Is it possible that tales spanning from fallen angels to Greek gods, medieval incubus and succubus to today's extraterrestrial sexual encounters are all one in the same? And if so, is it all part of a greater agenda? Might examining these experiences provide not only evidence of extraterrestrial sexual intervention in the remote past, but also reveal the true nature of mankind's origins?

Season 8

  • S08E01 Alien Transports

    • June 13, 2014
    • H2

    From ancient accounts of fiery chariots in the sky in the Bible and flying carpets in Ethiopian texts to fire-breathing dragons in Chinese mythology, a look is taken into the possibility of the phenomena being extraterrestrial.

  • S08E02 Mysterious Structures

    • June 20, 2014
    • H2

    Theorists explain how alien technology may be responsible for massive structures like the 3,000 megalithic stones in the French village of Carna, precision-cut blocks at Puma Punku in Peru and the Gobekli Tepe's 12,000-year-old circular structures.

  • S08E03 Mysterious Devices

    • June 27, 2014
    • History

    A potential link between alien technology and mysterious devices from ancient cultures is examined.

  • S08E04 The Reptilians

    • July 25, 2014
    • H2

    The Reptilian alien is a fixture of science-fiction, from H.P. Lovecraft's tales of Valusians to the Cardassians in Star Trek, to the Visitors of the television series V. But could ancient myths about reptilian creatures provide evidence that they are more than just a pop-culture creation? Legends of serpent beings can be found on every continent. The Bible, the Quran and the ancient texts known as the Nag Hammadi codices all describe reptilian entities interacting with humans. In Central and South America people worship the feathered serpent god called Kulkukan or Quetzalcoatl. In India, the Nagas are half-human half-reptile gods who live underground in a place called Patala. And in China and Japan, many emperors claim to be the descendants of dragons. Could these stories represent real Reptilian beings that people all over the world actually encountered in the ancient past?

  • S08E05 The Tesla Experiment

    • August 1, 2014
    • H2

    He is one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th century--and the man that actually electrified the world. Nikola Tesla shepherded mankind to a new industrial era and laid the groundwork for today's technological age--but could that have been by some otherworldly design? A man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, Tesla would speak about obtaining insights in a flash of genius, how he could visualize his inventions in full-detail and manipulate them in his mind, and his compulsion to invent the future. But he also claimed to have direct communication from intelligent beings on other planets. Is it possible that this alleged mad scientist, so far ahead of his time, was actually a human "receiver"? A being tapped to advance mankind--and pave the way for a future reunion with our alien ancestors?

  • S08E06 The God Particle

    • August 8, 2014
    • H2

    It has been called the key to the universe and possibly the most important scientific breakthrough of all time. Could the so-called "God Particle" reveal the truth about our origins? And might clues to its significance have been left here on Earth thousands of years ago by extraterrestrial beings? The age-old question, "where did we come from?" remains a mystery, but in 2012, scientists at CERN laboratory announced the discovery of the "God Particle"--the subatomic particle that is believed to give mass to matter--and offers a closer understanding of just how the universe began. The discovery seemingly pitted science against religion. But could science and religion actually be kindred spirits? Many ancient religions and mythologies describe the origins of the universe in ways very similar to today's scientific explanations and proclaim that this information was given to them by otherworldy beings.

  • S08E07 Alien Encounters

    • August 15, 2014
    • H2

    Stories of strange encounters accompany many of history's major events. Is it merely coincidence? Or might it be evidence of extraterrestrial intervention? In ancient myths from cultures around the globe, gods are often portrayed intervening in human affairs. The Sumerian gods are said to have created mankind; the Hebrews believe God gave Moses man's first laws, the Ten Commandments, and the angel Gabriel reportedly shared divine wisdom with the prophet Muhammad. But is it possible that these supernatural visitations were not actually the work of the gods--but rather a race of extraterrestrials using advanced technology to create and shape our civilization? Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe aliens may have helped guide mankind in the remote past--and that evidence for this stunning conclusion can be found sprinkled throughout human history.

  • S08E08 Aliens and Superheroes

    • August 22, 2014
    • H2

    From the beginning of recorded history, humans have told stories about beings with super-human strength, super-sonic speed, and supernatural abilities. The ancients had heroic tales about Zeus, Thor, and Hanuman while today we have superhero stories about Superman, Batman, and Spider-man. Mythologists say these epic stories resemble each other because they may have all come from a common set of oral legends created eons ago by our earliest ancestors. But might there be another, more otherworldly reason that the world's heroic myths are so similar? Is it possible, as many Ancient Astronaut Theorists contend, that these stories are actually based on extraordinary-- and possibly extraterrestrial--beings that lived on Earth in the distant past?

Season 9

  • S09E01 Forbidden Caves

    • October 21, 2014
    • H2

    Could the darkest recesses of our planet contain important information left by our ancient ancestors? And within Earth’s mysterious caves, might we find evidence of otherworldly contact? Throughout human history, some caves have been considered sacred places for spiritual encounter and enlightenment, while others have been feared as true portals to purgatory. What happens in these subterranean spaces that has the power to influence religions around the globe? Could some of Earth’s deepest caverns be secret conduits to supernatural realms? In Charma, India, archeologists recently discovered 10,000 year-old prehistoric artwork of what appears to be extraterrestrial beings. Could these paintings be a visual record of alien encounters in the distant past? Or might there be knowledge actually stored within the crystals and minerals that cover the walls of caves, as some Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest?

  • S09E02 Mysteries of the Sphinx

    • November 7, 2014
    • H2

    The Great Sphinx in Giza is the largest and most studied monolithic sculpture on Earth, yet it remains one of humanities greatest mysteries. This ancient monolith defies explanation, pre-dates our earliest known civilizations and may hide the secrets of our very origins. While mainstream archeology theorizes that the Sphinx was built around 2500 BC, geological evidence suggests it is much older. If this is true, then who--or what--created the Sphinx? Researchers are now proposing the existence of a second, twin Sphinx on the Giza Plateau. If so, has it been ...

  • S09E03 Aliens Among Us

    • November 14, 2014
    • H2

    There are those who believe that the evolution of technology is not entirely of our own making. Ancient Astronaut theorists contend that it is by extraterrestrial design that we have become so technologically interconnected--and that we are being watched by beings from beyond our world. Do stories from the ancient past hold evidence of alien overseers? The Book of Enoch describes divine entities called the Watchers descending to Earth to monitor humankind and aid in our advancement. Inca legend states that the god Viracocha created humans and taught them astronomy,

  • S09E04 The Genius Factor

    • November 21, 2014
    • History

    Throughout history, many of the world's greatest thinkers have helped push civilization forward with their profound insights and extraordinary abilities. But the majority of these master minds say their brilliance comes from a place they don't understand-and arrives at times they're not expecting it. In antiquity, people in nearly every culture around the world believed they did not possess genius, but that genius possessed them, like a spirit. Could it be that the forces of inspiration that the ancients attributed to the gods really did emanate from an otherworldly ...

  • S09E05 Secrets of the Mummies

    • November 28, 2014
    • H2

    For thousands of years, in cultures throughout the world, people have practiced elaborate techniques to preserve the human body after death. The ancient Egyptians believed mummification ensured entrance into the next life. Buddhist monks in Japan practiced a shocking self-mummification process that began before death in the hopes of becoming a “living Buddha.” And the Incas consulted the mummified remains of their kings to discuss affairs of state and the future. Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the global practice of mummification is not a coincidence, but proof that highly advanced extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past. Could our ancestors have witnessed a form of biological hibernation and then mimicked it with mummification? Could mummification have been an attempt to recreate suspended animation so often connected to extraterrestrial space travel? Or could the intention have been to preserve the body for future DNA removal?

  • S09E06 Alien Resurrections

    • December 5, 2014
    • H2

    Throughout history, incredible stories have been told of the dead rising from their graves, mummies journeying into the afterlife, and people on the brink of death mingling with deceased relatives in a celestial netherworld. Are they simply legends--or could some of these stories actually be true? From Jesus and Elijah to mummies and zombies, our culture is filled with accounts of beings who are able to lift the veil between life and death. And even today, scientists are trying to mimic this by suspending death in the operating room for hours at a time. Haitian priests continue the ancient practice of raising "zombies" from the grave. And microscopic organisms have been found that can resuscitate themselves after lying dormant for weeks. Are we on the verge of decoding the mysteries of life, death, and resurrection?

  • S09E07 Alien Messages

    • December 19, 2014
    • H2

    There are those who believe that embedded in our most sacred religious texts, as well as in the design and location of ancient monuments, are secret messages–messages that may reveal the purpose behind our very existence. Could it be true? Strange and cryptic communications with unknown meaning have been discovered all across the globe throughout every known civilization. Might the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe be found hidden in numerological, geometrical, and geological puzzles left for us to solve by extraterrestrial beings that came to Earth thousands of years ago? Are humans being tested? Have we learned enough to crack the codes necessary to decipher these messages? And if so, might our understanding of them allow us to finally be reunited with our celestial ancestors?

  • S09E08 The Great Flood

    • December 23, 2014
    • H2

    It is a story told in more than twelve hundred cultures around the world–the gods sent a great flood to wipe out humanity for its disobedient and wicked ways. Do these numerous creation myths point to an actual deluge, one that engulfed the world and spared only a chosen few? New evidence suggests that many fabled aspects of these flood myths may, in fact, be true. From traces of a major meteor impact in the Indian Ocean, to a worldwide ash layer, and even remnants of Noah’s grave site, scientists are starting to put the pieces of a very deadly puzzle together–a puzzle that some believe was created by extraterrestrial beings. Did humanity narrowly escape extinction? And are the ancient stories correct–that alien beings are the reason we survived? Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe they are–and that celestial beings are poised to save us again when another catastrophe sweeps across the Earth.

  • S09E09 Aliens and the Civil War

    • April 10, 2015
    • History

    The Civil War nearly destroyed the great experiment known as the United States of America, but is it possible that the preservation of the republic was influenced by extraterrestrial beings? Abraham Lincoln described strange visions and premonitions that occur before pivotal moments in his presidency. Union officer Ambrose Bierce wrote about mysterious disappearances and inter-dimensional travel. And a ghostly image of George Washington was witnessed by hundreds of soldiers at Gettysburg–prompting an official government investigation. Is it possible that extraterrestrials were present during the Civil War? If so, were they simply passive observers, waiting to see if our fragile democracy could survive this test? Or did they take an active roll in order to preserve the Union?

  • S09E10 Hidden Pyramids

    • April 17, 2015
    • H2

    With infrared satellite technology detecting pyramids hidden underneath the sand in Egypt and airborne laser sensors discovering long lost pyramids beneath the jungles of Central America, many believe we have entered a new pyramid era--an age of discovery that will be marked by unimaginable new findings. 21st century excavations are also revealing fascinating new facts about pyramids that could potentially rewrite history. Archaeologists now believe the ancient pyramids in Peru are older than the Egyptian pyramids, and a recently surveyed megalithic site in Indonesia is now suspected to be a step pyramid built by a long lost civilization 20,000 years ago. But what can explain ancient man's apparent obsession with building pyramids? Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the world pyramid phenomena is not a coincidence, but evidence that Earth's earliest inhabitants may have had help from extraterrestrials.

  • S09E11 The Vanishings

    • April 24, 2015
    • H2

    Stories of civilizations large and small disappearing without a trace can be found throughout history and across the globe. From a previously unknown civilization in China, a vanished race of giants, to the unexplained disappearances of the Classic Maya and the Anasazi--elements of these disappearances cannot be completely explained by conventional scholars. Although these cultures have vanished from the face of the Earth, they have left behind intriguing clues--clues, some say point to an otherworldly explanation. And if entire groups have been taken off planet, might there be a connection with sites connected to mysterious vanishings of people, planes, and boats in various locations throughout the world? Could examining these disappearances lead us to not only uncover evidence of extraterrestrial intervention in our remote past, but also reveal the consequences for the future of the human race?

  • S09E12 The Alien Agenda

    • May 1, 2015
    • History

    Many of humanity's most significant turning points have bore witness to unexplainable events. Is this merely coincidence, or could it be evidence that the course of human history is being manipulated by an alien agenda? Ancient Astronaut theorists have long proposed that extraterrestrials played a pivotal role in our past, and some believe they continue to keep a careful watch over the progress of mankind. Even high-level government officials have made claims that extraterrestrials are visiting our planet with an interest in our technological advancements, including former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, who stated that that the cosmos are teaming with life. Could the UFO phenomenon be real? Have extraterrestrials been monitoring human progress for thousands of years--at times helping us to advance, and at other times holding us back?

Season 10

  • S10E01 Aliens B.C.

    • July 24, 2015
    • History

    Enormous manmade caves... Unexplainable structures... And underwater discoveries that challenge everything we know about the past...Is it possible that an advanced civilization inhabited Earth thousands of years ago? And if so, were they human, or something out of this world? Modern archaeologists are continuously unearthing artifacts and sites that defy the conventional timeline of human history. Throughout the world we find megalithic stone monuments that are attributed to mysterious ancestors, strange humanoid figures that date to pre-historic times, and evidence of ancient underground shelters hewn out of solid rock. Could it be that a sophisticated culture existed on here Earth--thousands and even tens of thousands of years earlier than we believe? Could the stories of a time when gods and otherworldly beings inhabited the planet be more than just mythology?

  • S10E02 NASA's Secret Agenda

    • July 31, 2015
    • History

    When German aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun joined the U.S. military and space programs after World War II, he quickly became one of the foremost scientists credited with developing the ballistic missile, the first American satellite and the enormous Saturn V rocket that enabled man to reach the moon. Von Braun's bold predictions that we would explore Mars and build a space station have become reality. But how is it that von Braun--whose contemporaries included such scientific geniuses as Nikola Tesla, Robert Oppenheimer, and Albert Einstein--was so far ahead of everyone when it came to rocketry? Did he have secret information collected by the Nazi party during WWII--or access to advanced technology recovered from the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? Or is it possible that the greatest rocket scientist the world has ever known found his inspiration not on our world, but another?

  • S10E03 Aliens and Robots

    • August 7, 2015
    • History

    Incredible strength... Superior intelligence... And even the ability to reproduce. In the 21st century, robots are being programmed to do everything from performing surgery on humans--to exploring other planets. And humanoid robots are rapidly reaching a level of sophistication that was thought to exist only in science fiction. But what are the implications of creating robots that are increasingly intelligent and independent? Is the obsession with creating counterfeit humans really pointing the way to mankind's future... or to its past? Greek stories dating to 2000 B.C. tell of the god Hephaestus creating robots to build weapons, as well as the bronze giant Talos. In Egypt, the Pyramid Texts say that the god Osiris was dismembered, then reassembled and brought back to life just like a machine. If sophisticated robots really did exist in the ancient world--what function did they serve? Who built them? And what happened to them?

  • S10E04 Dark Forces

    • August 14, 2015
    • History

    Good and Evil. Light and Dark. God and Satan. In nearly every culture there are stories of opposing forces at work here on Earth--forces of a supernatural or otherworldly nature. Could these forces really exist? And if so, what is the true nature of the dark forces? Throughout history, there have been individuals accused of being in league with agents of darkness. The infamous mad monk Rasputin believed he served as a conduit for an otherworldly realm, the Nazi SS were said to have tapped into dark powers through ancient symbols, and famed occultist Aleister Crowley claimed to have summoned a non-human entity through the use of dark magic. Is it possible the entities these men claimed to be in touch with were, in fact, extraterrestrials? And might humans serve as the pawns in a cosmic battle between the forces of light and dark?

  • S10E05 Alien Evolution

    • August 21, 2015
    • History

    Ancient Astronaut theorists have suggested that many of the divine beings depicted in cultures throughout the world are not really divine--or mythological--but instead reflect extraterrestrial visitations that our ancestors did not understand. If true, what can account for all the different types of beings that are depicted, from anthropomorphic birds and reptiles, to gods with blue skin to multi-limbed humanoids? Might there have been numerous alien species inhabiting Earth? Could the accounts given by modern day alien abductees be evidence that these otherworldly entities continue to visit Earth to this day? And is it possible that they all have a common ancestor? In 1928, archaeologist Julio Tello discovered the Paracas skulls of Peru--elongated heads with cranial volumes at least 25% larger than the largest known human skulls. Some believe that these remains are of extraterrestrial origin.

  • S10E06 The Other Earth

    • August 28, 2015
    • History

    Billions of dollars have been spent in our quest to find an "other Earth." Since the launch of the Kepler Telescope in 2009, scientists have identified thousands of planets capable of supporting life. Is it possible that this discovery finally answers the age-old question: "Are we alone in the universe?" Could it be that just as we seek out other habitable planets, advanced extraterrestrials from distant galaxies did the same with Earth in the remote past? Throughout world mythologies, there are tales of beings from the stars coming down to Earth. The Dogon tribe in Africa believes their gods came from the Sirius star system. The Maya associated their gods with the Pleiades star cluster. And according to the Hopi tradition, life itself was seeded by celestial beings. Ancient Astronaut theorists propose that not only has our planet been visited by extraterrestrials, but that they are responsible for our very existence.

  • S10E07 Creatures of the Deep

    • September 4, 2015
    • History

    In August of 2014, Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station discovered something incredibly unexpected covering parts of the windows--living sea plankton. If sea life can thrive in space, might the reverse be true as well? Might there be alien life forms that inhabit our seas? Throughout history, there have been tales of strange creatures hiding in Earth's waters. While many discount stories of sea monsters as purely mythological, it is estimated that Earth's oceans are home to between 700,000 to one million species--and shockingly, two-thirds of those species still remain unknown. Considering the recent discovery that some sea life can survive in outer space, is it possible that tales of giant creatures like the Kraken and The Loch Ness Monster are evidence of extraterrestrial entities taking refuge beneath the seas?

  • S10E08 Circles from the Sky

    • September 18, 2015
    • History

    Over 10,000 crop circles have been reported worldwide, appearing in 50 different countries, and nearly every continent on Earth. These strange designs pressed into crop fields range from simple circles to elaborate pictograms thousand of feet long. The phenomenon has been associated with scientific anomalies, strange lights, and even UFO activity. But critics say that they are all part of an elaborate hoax. But are they? Crop circles have been making modern headlines since the 1960's, but their history can be traced back hundreds--if not thousands of years. The designs themselves often contain encrypted messages and complex mathematical, geometric, and astronomical equations that perplex our top mathematicians and scientists. Ancient Astronaut Theorist, Giorgio Tsoukalos travels to England to meet with researchers and scientists to investigate the phenomenon both on the ground and in the lab to find out what we haven't been told.

  • S10E09 Alien Wars

    • October 2, 2015
    • History

    On March 19th, 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested for hacking into 97 Pentagon and NASA computers over a 13-month period, in what authorities call the "biggest military computer hack of all time." McKinnon claimed that he found evidence of a secret American space fleet, by way of a list of dozens of "non-terrestrial officers" and their assigned spacecraft, replete with USSS (United States Space Ship) monikers. Might the United States military really have a secret space program? And if so, are we preparing for a space-based war with other nations... or other species? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that there are numerous factions of alien races with competing agendas visiting Earth, and that there is evidence they have been in conflict with each other for thousands of years. According to these theorists, there is evidence that these wars actually took place here on Earth in the distant past--not between gods, but between extraterrestrial visitors.

  • S10E10 The Forbidden Zones

    • October 9, 2015
    • History

    Due to warfare, instability, and inaccessibility--there are specific regions of the world that are off-limits to exploration. These forbidden sites are often ground zero for chaos and the destruction.

Season 11

  • S11E01 Pyramids of Antarctica

    • May 6, 2016
    • History

    Antarctica is Earth's most remote and least explored continent. It is buried under as much as three miles of ice in some places, but recent satellite imagery has revealed what appear to be the tops of man-made pyramids scattered throughout the ice-covered landscape. But how is that possible? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that an ice-free Antarctica may have been colonized by extraterrestrials in the remote past, until a global catastrophe plunged it into the ice age. Is there a greater history on the continent than what mainstream scholars suggest? Scientists have reported strange magnetic anomalies radiating from beneath the ice, the Nazis allegedly made secret expeditions to the continent in search of a lost civilization, and government whistle blowers have come forward with claims of strange sightings. Perhaps hidden beneath the ice of this frozen continent lies the truth about our extraterrestrial origins

  • S11E02 Destination Mars

    • May 13, 2016
    • History

    Within 20 years, we are expecting to send the first colonizers to the Red Planet. Astronauts will brave the six-month journey to become the first extraterrestrials visitors to Mars--where they are expected to live and die there, never to return to Earth. But why have we always had a strange fascination with this particular planet? The latest NASA research has revealed that not only is there evidence of liquid water on the planet, but that life on Earth was most likely seeded on Mars. Ancient Astronaut theorists even suggest that the development of life on Earth may have similarities to how scientists are currently planning to keep humans alive on the red planet. Could extraterrestrials from Mars have colonized Earth in our remote past? Could our voyage to Mars not only unlock the mysteries of our ancient, extraterrestrial origins--but also be the key to the long-term survival of the human species?

  • S11E03 The Next Humans

    • May 20, 2016
    • History

    In the 21st century, technology is heading in a radical new direction--the merging of man and machine. Smart drugs, nanorobots, and machine-printed organs are just a few of the cutting-edge innovations catalyzing the evolution of humankind into an entirely new species. Transhumanists envision a future in which we become cyborgs, achieving far superior intelligence, the ability to survive beyond Earth's atmosphere without a spacesuit, and the possibility of immortality. But might similarly superhuman beings have walked the Earth once before? Beings that our ancestors regarded as gods? Ancient Astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest that we are simply following the course they set us on from the very beginning of mankind--to transcend our flesh and become like our extraterrestrial creators.

  • S11E04 The New Evidence

    • May 27, 2016
    • History

    Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. What if it were true? This is the question Ancient Astronaut theorists have posed since Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods was first published in 1968; examining scientific, archaeological, astronomical, and historical evidence to find the answer. In recent years, more new evidence has been revealed than ever before that suggests there was extraterrestrial intervention on Earth in the distant past. Satellite images have exposed geoglyphs resembling Nazca lines in Kazakhstan. Ground penetrating radar has detected remnants of ancient technology in Machu Picchu. And thermal scanning has uncovered hidden chambers behind King Tut's tomb that may hold the remains of extraterrestrial beings. Could we be at the tipping point where the overwhelming evidence outweighs any last shred of doubt?

  • S11E05 The Visionaries

    • June 10, 2016
    • History

    Scientists theorize that when mankind encounters extraterrestrials, we'll need to speak to them through the universal language of mathematics and binary code. But is it possible that extraterrestrials have already been communicating with our greatest mathematicians and engineers? Might they have somehow aided them in bringing about the space age and computers? Ancient Astronaut theorists say yes. As evidence, they point to the true father of the space program, Nikolai Fyodorov, a "Cosmist" who believed that human civilization had its origins in outer space and that it was our destiny to return to the cosmos. Wernher von Braun was greatly influenced by Fyodorov and he was motivated by a similar, secret belief when he ran the mission that put the first man on the moon. Is it possible that humanity's greatest visionaries have been carrying out an extraterrestrial master plan?

  • S11E06 Decoding the Cosmic Egg

    • June 17, 2016
    • History

    Theorists suggest that the iconic religious symbol of the cosmic egg demonstrates that human ancestors possessed a knowledge of the DNA double-helix spiral and human biological coding.

  • S11E07 The Wisdom Keepers

    • June 24, 2016
    • History

    The Aborigines of Australia are the oldest, continuously surviving society on Earth. The stories preserved in their oral tradition are said to date back over 60,000 years, to an era they call the "Dreamtime" and contain fascinating descriptions about how life began and our planet was seeded by extraterrestrials. Linguistic experts have just discovered that many of these indigenous legends can be scientifically verified by examining the geological record. Ancient Astronaut theorists propose that if the Aboriginal's oral traditions are indeed this accurate, then perhaps the tales they tell about sky gods visiting Earth in large, fire-spewing crafts are true as well. Could the ultimate evidence about our extraterrestrial past be found within the sacred stories, sites, and rituals of Australia's Wisdom Keepers?

  • S11E08 The Mysterious Nine

    • July 8, 2016
    • History

    In 2013, former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, made a shocking claim--that there is a federation of extraterrestrial beings monitoring and guiding humanity. But why would such an esteemed politician make such a controversial announcement? Ancient Astronaut theorists believe evidence can be found throughout history to prove his claims are true. Stories of emperors, kings and pharaohs consulting a pantheon of nine gods can be found in virtually every culture across the globe. Even channeling sessions conducted by CIA scientists in the 1950s connected with an otherworldly group of entities called "The Nine" -- extraterrestrials here to influence the events on Earth. Could there be an intergalactic council of nine secretly working behind the scenes, dictating the course of humanity?

  • S11E09 The Hidden Empire

    • July 15, 2016
    • History

    Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that evidence of extraterrestrial visitation exists in every corner of the Earth, but some say the most compelling can be found in one of the world’s least accessible places–China. China is the cradle to one of mankind’s earliest and most influential civilizations. The advents of gunpowder, paper, the compass, and countless other major innovations form the technological base on which our modern societies function. But historically, China has also had a policy of isolationism. From the Great Wall erected thousands of years ago to the “Great Firewall” of today, China has long prevented both people and information from entering or exiting its domain. While China has long been a secretive and isolationist country, new evidence suggest that aliens walked among us in the ancient past, and may have been with us all the way up to today… hiding among us.

  • S11E10 The Prototypes

    • July 22, 2016
    • History

    Recent archaeological discoveries reveal a very different picture of what life on Earth looked like in the remote past. It was a real-life version of "Lord of the Rings," where humans shared the planet with various different types of intelligent human-like species, such as Neanderthals, Denisovans, and even hobbits. But how is it that these various hominid species developed separately in isolated pockets of the globe? And why does no fossil evidence exist suggesting a slow gradual delineation from a common species? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest these different intelligent species seem to have come straight out of the incubator, and that Earth itself may have served as an extraterrestrial laboratory. A laboratory where different human prototypes once existed--but only one species was chosen to survive. Is mankind the result of an extraterrestrial experiment?

  • S11E11 Space Station Moon

    • July 29, 2016
    • History

    Is there a space station on the moon? If so who put it there? Is it still there?

  • S11E12 Russia's Secret Files

    • August 12, 2016
    • History

    The old Russia and some citizens have loosened their grip on secrecy. Revealing some UFO activity. Disclosed is some information about ancient artifacts that were found, the artifacts are too advanced by even todays standards.

  • S11E13 Beyond Roswell

    • August 19, 2016
    • History

    The U.S. military has long denied that the infamous 1947 Roswell crash was anything other than a weather balloon, but FBI files released in 2011 include a memo to J. Edgar Hoover regarding the recovery of not one, but three "flying saucers." Could the U.S. government really have extraterrestrial crafts in their possession? Ancient Astronaut theorists say yes, and claim that Roswell is just the tip of the iceberg. Over a dozen other UFO crashes were reported all across the world around the same time as Roswell, and it is rumored that the wreckage from these incidents was retrieved and hidden away at secret military bases like Area 51 in Nevada, Kapustin Yar in Russia, Pine Gap in Australia, Rudloe Manor in England, and even in the remote hills of China. But if true, what happened to these alien spaceships?

  • S11E14 The Returned

    • August 26, 2016
    • History

    Ancient mythologies tell stories of humans being abducted by otherworldly beings, even as thousands of people continue to report being taken by aliens and then returned with implants and genetic mutations.

  • S11E15 Shiva the Destroyer

    • September 2, 2016
    • History

    Theorists suggest that Shiva, an important Hindu god, may have been the leader of an extraterrestrial faction that came to Earth wielding advanced technology, pointing to an ancient rock-cut Hindu temple as proof.

Season 12

  • S12E01 Alien Hunters

    • April 28, 2017
    • History

    Starting in 1947, a series of unexplained events and sightings prompts U.S. government officials to become alien hunters; theorists offer evidence that similar endeavors were made thousands of years ago.

  • S12E02 Forged by the Gods

    • May 5, 2017
    • History

    Theorists speculate about metal artifacts that could provide physical evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth in the distant past; in Jacksonville, Fla. a strange metallic sphere falls from the sky; an ancient aluminum wedge baffles historians.

  • S12E03 The Mystery of Rudloe Manor

    • May 12, 2017
    • History

    In the southwest corner of the Wiltshire, England countryside lies the mysterious structure known as Rudloe Manor. On the surface, it appears to be nothing more than a quaint English manor house, but researchers have argued for years that it has been the epicenter of British research into UFOs since World War II. British Ministry of Defence (MOD) insiders claim that an astounding 2.2 million square feet of vast caverns divided into many smaller chambers lie buried underneath Rudloe Manor. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and Nick Pope explore the possibility that important files related to the history of the UFO phenomenon are being kept under lock and key here. Might recovered extraterrestrial craft be stored and analyzed there as well? Could the evidence of extraterrestrial contact from the Berwyn Mountains incident in 1974 and the Rendlesham forest encounter in 1980 be hidden in this highly protected facility?

  • S12E04 The Alien Architects

    • May 19, 2017
    • History

    Many of the architectural marvels of the ancient world bear striking similarities to one another, even though they were built by civilizations that were separated by thousands of miles and are believed to have had no contact with one another. Separated by more than 7500 miles, the Giza pyramid complex in Giza, Egypt and the Avenue of the Dead in Teotihuacan, Mexico contain pyramids that are aligned with the constellation of Orion's belt. An ancient pyramid temple in Cambodia known as Baksei Chamkrong is an almost identical match for the Temple of the Jaguar in Guatemala. Many structures built using stone slabs that weighed over a hundred tons. But how did primitive people achieve such extraordinary feats? And why do we see such similarities? Could these sites have all been designed by alien architects?

  • S12E05 The Pharaohs' Curse

    • May 26, 2017
    • History

    According to legend, a curse was placed on the tomb of King Tutankhamun; researchers theorize that the curse came about as the result of alien technology with the purpose of protecting the truth about an otherworldly event as well as an alien device.

  • S12E06 The Science Wars

    • June 2, 2017
    • History

    Archaeologists and anthropologists make discoveries that receive no notice because they don't fit into the accepted scientific paradigm, such as an ancient hammer found in Texas or elongated skulls found on nearly every continent.

  • S12E07 City of the Gods

    • June 9, 2017
    • History

    Researchers suggest that the ancient site of Teotihuacan in central Mexico was once home to a highly advanced, perhaps extraterrestrial, civilization; excavations at Teotihuacan have unearthed discoveries out of place in the ancient world.

  • S12E08 The Alien Frequency

    • June 16, 2017
    • History

    The use of mantras and chanting to connect with a higher plane has existed in cultures all over the world dating back thousands of years, but why would people who had no contact with each other all subscribe to this practice? Could there be certain frequencies that connect us with greater--perhaps extraterrestrial--forces? Researchers have found that dozens of megalithic sites stretching across the globe--like the prehistoric Newgrange monument in Ireland, the chiseled labyrinths underneath the island of Malta, and the giant temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia--were all designed to emanate the exact same frequency. The planets in our solar system each give off a distinct sound, and certain places on Earth, like Taos, New Mexico, have been found to produce a hum from an unknown source. Might the best evidence of alien intervention on Earth be found not with our eyes... but with our ears?

  • S12E09 The Majestic Twelve

    • July 7, 2017
    • History

    A roll of film surfaces containing pictures of a memo informing president-elect Dwight Eisenhower about the existence of a top-secret group of scientists, government officials and military personnel who investigate reports of UFOs.

  • S12E10 The Akashic Record

    • July 14, 2017
    • History

    Researchers ask if Cloud computing represents the rediscovery of an ancient repository of knowledge known as the Akashic Record; neuroscientist Dr. Dario Nardi measures the brainwaves of Dr. Deepak Chopra as he enters a state of deep meditation.

  • S12E11 Voices of the Gods

    • July 21, 2017
    • History

    India's Sanskrit texts are filled with incredible stories about advanced technology in the ancient world. Highly complex building techniques, brain surgery, flying crafts, and even nuclear physics are described with uncanny accuracy. Hindu scholars attribute this knowledge to a time when "gods" walked among men. Might this period of time actually be referring to an age when extraterrestrials inhabited the planet? Giorgio A. Tsoukalos travels to India to further explore the Sanskrit texts, as well as the structures and technology that have stood the test of time. From a temple that inexplicably survived a major earthquake to evidence of ancient brain surgery and instructions for advanced flying machines, Giorgio studies the sacred knowledge that is said to have come directly from the voices of the gods.

  • S12E12 The Animal Agenda

    • July 28, 2017
    • History

    Extraterrestrials are almost always envisioned as humanoid, but is this an egocentric concept? Could it be that intelligent alien life looks much different from us, and that some extraterrestrials more closely resemble other animals? And is it possible that many of the animals that roam the Earth have otherworldly origins? By examining ancient cultures around the world, we find that nearly all revered certain animals and depicted their gods with animal traits. The Sanskrit epics of India feature gods in the form of elephants, monkeys, and snakes. The Sumerians depicted gods with bird heads and wings. And in Egypt, not only did they portray many of the gods with animal features, but they even went so far as to mummify their animals. Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that certain animals may not have developed through Darwinian evolution, but were planted here by alien visitors.

  • S12E13 The Replicants

    • August 4, 2017
    • History

    While more than 1.5 billion people believe in reincarnation, ancient astronaut theorists suggest that extraterrestrials designed the human body to be a vessel for otherworldly entities.

  • S12E14 A Spaceship Made of Stone

    • August 11, 2017
    • History

    Japanese legend states that the Ishi-no-Hoden megalith, carved from a single rock and weighing roughly 500 tons, was built to depict a sky ship made of stone that the ancient people witnessed descending from the heavens.

  • S12E15 The Alien Disks

    • September 8, 2017
    • History

    In China, hundreds of strange disks are discovered in a cave that appear to tell the story of an ancient extraterrestrial crash on Earth; shortly thereafter, the disks are confiscated by the Chinese government and dismissed as a hoax.

  • S12E16 Return to Gobekli Tepe

    • September 15, 2017
    • History

    The ancient site of Gobekli Tepe challenges what archaeologists believe about the past; the megalithic stone complex was built over 12,000 years ago, 5,000 years before the first known civilization was said to have emerged in Mesopotamia.

Season 13

  • S13E01 The UFO Conspiracy

    • April 27, 2018
    • History

    In 2017, news breaks that the Department of Defense recently spent millions investigating reports of UFOs; the latest disclosure about a series of secret government UFO projects dating back decades.

  • S13E02 Da Vinci's Forbidden Codes

    • May 4, 2018
    • History

    Researchers claim hidden messages can be found within the works of Leonardo da Vinci, and other art throughout history, that may reveal an extraterrestrial influence.

  • S13E03 The Alien Protocols

    • May 11, 2018
    • History

    In 2017, a strange, cigar-shaped object enters the solar system from another star system, traveling in such an unusual trajectory it causes some astronomers to suggest that it could be an extraterrestrial craft.

  • S13E04 Earth's Black Holes

    • May 18, 2018
    • History

    Theorists speculate about the existence of black holes on Earth, which may explain strange disappearances and other inexplicable phenomena.

  • S13E05 The Desert Codes

    • May 25, 2018
    • History

    Researchers study giant ancient drawings found etched into the desert floor, which may be a part of an ancient alien code.

  • S13E06 Area 52

    • June 1, 2018
    • History

    A look at whether or not Area 51's notoriety acts as a cover-up to much bigger, top-secret extraterrestrial experiments taking place at multiple locations.

  • S13E07 Earth Station Egypt

    • July 20, 2018
    • History

    Ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio A. Tsoukalos explores the latest scientific discoveries at some of the world's most ancient places to find evidence that extraterrestrials visited Egypt in the distant past.

  • S13E08 Island of the Giants

    • July 27, 2018
    • History

    Treasure hunter Marty Lagina and Ancient Astronaut theorist Giorgio A. Tsoukalos explore the bizarre statues, mysterious pyramids and gigantic structures left behind by one of the most mysterious cultures in the ancient world in Sardinia, Italy.

  • S13E09 The Taken

    • August 3, 2018
    • History

    Millions of people around the world claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials; whether or not these extraordinary accounts are some form of mass psychological delusion still remains unanswered.

  • S13E10 The Sentinels

    • August 10, 2018
    • History

    Seven stone giants stand guard over a Pacific island. But what are they protecting--and from whom? Ancient Astronaut theorists Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and David H. Childress explore a Polynesian land of bizarre figures and forbidden places in search of what could be the ultimate evidence of mankind's extraterrestrial origins.

  • S13E11 Russia Declassified

    • August 17, 2018
    • History

    A secret alliance hidden in plain sight. Joint space missions with undisclosed agendas. Have the United States and Russia been working together from the very beginning of the Space Race--in preparation for the ultimate extraterrestrial encounter?

  • S13E12 They Came from the Sky

    • August 24, 2018
    • History

    Ancient cultures from around the world believed that meteorites were sacred stones imbued with the power of the Gods; Ancient Astronaut theorists ask whether or not these space rocks could be pieces of extraterrestrial technology.

  • S13E13 The Artificial Human

    • August 31, 2018
    • History

    A look at whether or not intelligent robots are a threat to humanity or the next step in human evolution; as man and machine begin to merge, humanity could be fulfilling a destiny prepared for by aliens thousands of years ago.

  • S13E14 The Alien Phenomenon

    • January 4, 2019
    • History

    Erich von Däniken's "Chariots of the Gods?" suggests that aliens visited Earth in the distant past, and there are those who believe that he will be proven right.

  • S13E15 Return to Mars

    • January 7, 2019
    • History

    An examination of possible encounters humans could have once colonies are established beyond Earth.

Season 14

  • S14E01 Return to Antarctica

    • May 31, 2019
    • History

    Has Antarctica served as a home base for extraterrestrial visitors to Earth for thousands of years? As human exploration of the frozen continent increases, are we about to come face to face with both the ruins of an ancient civilization buried under the ice -- and perhaps even aliens that still inhabit the frozen continent to this day?

  • S14E02 The Badlands Guardian

    • June 7, 2019
    • History

    Satellite images have revealed a giant face that appears to be carved into the Earth in Alberta, Canada, which has now become known far and wide as "The Badlands Guardian." Could it be part of a cosmic communication system? One that when deciphered will link our planet to its extraterrestrial origins?

  • S14E03 Element 115

    • June 14, 2019
    • History

    According to physicist Bob Lazar, Element 115 is the fuel source for an alien spacecraft he was hired to reverse-engineer by the U.S. government to find a way to harness its power.

  • S14E04 The Star Gods of Sirius

    • June 21, 2019
    • History

    Did aliens from the tiny star Sirius B visit humans in the distant past, imparting the knowledge of civilization to peoples thousands of miles apart? And did they leave behind a vital clue in the form of a word that's embedded in languages all over the globe?

  • S14E05 They Came from the Sea

    • June 28, 2019
    • History

    Lurking in the oceans are creatures that defy explanation, such as octopuses that can edit their own DNA or animals that can regenerate their entire brain; examining if the oceans are acting as a giant petri dish for alien genetic experimentation.

  • S14E06 Secrets of the Maya

    • July 5, 2019
    • History

    When Spanish Conquistadors obliterated the historical record of the Maya in the 16th century, did they wipe out evidence that ancient people traveled to the Americas from all over the world – and in flying craft provided by extraterrestrial visitors?

  • S14E07 The Druid Connection

    • July 19, 2019
    • History

    Did ancient Druids travel to New England and New York's Hudson Valley centuries ago, bringing with them the beliefs and technologies of their alien mentors, the Shining Ones of Irish myth? And did they leave behind vital clues in the form of mysterious stone structures still visible on the landscape?

  • S14E08 The Reptilian Agenda

    • July 26, 2019
    • History

    Serpent gods are found in the traditions of Mesopotamia, Central and South America, India, China, Japan and the Bible; a look at if these stories describe a race of reptile-like extraterrestrials instead.

  • S14E09 The Alien Infection

    • August 2, 2019
    • History

    A look at if ancient aliens could have shaped human evolution by introducing viral epidemics on Earth.

  • S14E10 Project Hybrid

    • August 9, 2019
    • History

    Extraterrestrials could be altering human DNA and repopulating the Earth with alien/human hybrids; following the trail of evidence from ancient cultures to modern-day animal mutilations and alien abductions.

  • S14E11 The Trans-Dimensionals

    • August 16, 2019
    • History

    According to some Ancient Astronaut theorists, entities that have been described as ghosts, angels and extraterrestrials are actually visitors from unseen realms and they walk on Earth.

  • S14E12 Islands of Fire

    • August 23, 2019
    • History

    The native Hawaiians trace their ancestry to beings from the Pleiades star system called the Akua; a look at these islands and if they once had been inhabited by extraterrestrials.

  • S14E13 The Constellation Code

    • August 30, 2019
    • History

    Throughout the ancient world, structures were built to mirror the constellations in the night sky and this is only apparent when they are viewed from high above; a look at the possibility that these structures were designed as messages.

  • S14E14 The Nuclear Agenda

    • September 6, 2019
    • History

    Ever since the first atomic bomb was detonated in 1945, UFOs have been reported at nuclear facilities all over the world. Is it possible that extraterrestrials are monitoring humanity's nuclear capabilities? But why? Does this constitute a threat? Or are they trying to ensure humankinds survival?

  • S14E15 The Alien Mountain

    • October 4, 2019
    • History

    A mysterious mountain in northern Italy has stood witness to strange sightings in the sky and unexplainable phenomena for hundreds of years but could it be attracting extraterrestrial visitors and there could be technology within its rocky slopes.

  • S14E16 The Alien Brain

    • October 11, 2019
    • History

    A look at the possibility that the human brain possesses extraordinary untapped abilities granted by extraterrestrial beings -- such as telepathy, precognition and psychokinesis; abilities that will enable the next step in the evolution of humans.

  • S14E17 The Secrets of Stonehenge

    • October 18, 2019
    • History

    A shocking study reveals that the original builders of Stonehenge mysteriously vanished; but Stonehenge's mysterious Bluestone circle could have activated a portal that transported the ancient culture back to their former home among the stars.

  • S14E18 Food of the Gods

    • November 1, 2019
    • History

    Divine substances were consumed by the gods but sometimes gifted to humans to impart great power or wisdom; could the food of the gods be sustenance for alien visitors and does it lend insight into humanity's future.

  • S14E19 Human Hieroglyphs

    • November 8, 2019
    • History

    Tattoos, piercings, and body modification account for a nearly one-billion-dollar industry, but are these practices a bold form of self-expression or could they be motivated by a profound link to ancient ancestors.

  • S14E20 The Storming of Area 51

    • November 15, 2019
    • History

    In 2019, millions responded to an internet post advocating to storm the gates of the world's most top-secret military installation -- Area 51 but when they did, the U.S. military vowed to defend the base with deadly force.

  • S14E21 Countdown to Disclosure

    • November 22, 2019
    • History

    A look at if governments around the world are preparing mankind for the most startling event in human history, the official disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

  • S14E22 Secrets of the Exoplanets

    • November 29, 2019
    • History

    Examining some of the thousands of potentially habitable exoplanets discovered over the past 20 years and whether some of them could be home to intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Season 15

  • S15E01 The Mystery of Nan Madol

    • January 25, 2020
    • History

    Giorgio Tsoukalos and David Childress explore the mysterious chain of manmade islets in Micronesia's Nan Madol; built from 250 million tons of volcanic rock, there are local legends that strange visitors floated the massive rocks through the air.

  • S15E02 The Relics of Roswell

    • February 1, 2020
    • History

    In 1947 the U.S. military collected the debris of what they claimed was a crashed weather balloon outside of Roswell, New Mexico. But new evidence may prove the conspiracy theorists right--that the wreckage actually belonged to an extraterrestrial spacecraft. If true, could remnants of it still exist that the recovery teams overlooked?

  • S15E03 Destination Chile

    • February 8, 2020
    • History

    The Chilean government questions whether new footage from a Navy helicopter indicates a connection to geoglyphs in the Atacama Desert.

  • S15E04 The Real Men in Black

    • February 15, 2020
    • History

    An investigation into the rumors that the U.S. government is working covertly with space aliens to create alien-human hybrids.

  • S15E05 The Mystery of the Stone Giants

    • February 22, 2020
    • History

    From Egypt to Easter Island, towering figures built by ancient man stand watch over the Earth. Are these stone giants simply a testament to humanity's past or could they depict visitors from another world' And do they serve a technological purpose that modern man is just now unlocking'

  • S15E06 The World Before Time

    • February 29, 2020
    • History

    Shocking new evidence reveals that advanced civilizations might have existed on Earth tens of thousands of years ago. Is it possible that a technologically advanced society thrived on Earth then’ And did they leave behind a record that they lived alongside extraterrestrial beings’

  • S15E07 They Came from The Pleiades

    • March 7, 2020
    • History

    In numerous ancient cultures throughout the world, stories were told of ancestors that came to Earth from the Pleiades star cluster, but could new scientific findings reveal that humankind's true origins lie not on Earth but 400 light years away.

  • S15E08 The Immortality Machine

    • March 14, 2020
    • History

    In the Mojave Desert, there is a structure built to bestow everlasting life and according to the architect, the blueprint was provided by an extraterrestrial visitor known as the Integratron, could it actually provide the key to immortality.

  • S15E09 The Shapeshifters

    • March 21, 2020
    • History

    Accounts of creatures that can shape shift from one form into another can be found, but could similarities between the ancient stories and modern-day alien abduction accounts reveal that shape shifters are real and have come to Earth.

  • S15E10 The Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch

    • March 28, 2020
    • History

    Nestled within a remote valley in Utah, is a ranch that some believe is a hotbed of strange, inexplicable phenomena including terrifying creatures, paranormal apparitions and lights in the sky. Could the bizarre activity have a connection to an alien entity known as the Skinwalker'

  • S15E11 The Ultimate Guide to UFOs

    • April 11, 2020
    • History

    UFO witnesses have reported a wide variety of objects in Earth's skies, and not only in modern times, but for centuries. What might we learn from examining their shapes, sizes, and the way they maneuver. Could they offer important clues about other intelligent life in our galaxy.

  • S15E12 Aliens and the Presidents

    • April 18, 2020
    • History

    The White House has consistently denied having any knowledge of alien craft visiting Earth, but presidential encounters with UFOs and other strange phenomena can be found going all the way back to George Washington.

Season 16

  • S16E01 The Divine Number

    • November 13, 2020
    • History

    In numerous sacred traditions, the number 12 holds a divine significance; it can be found repeated in ancient architecture, groups of 12 wisdom keepers and even the latest scientific principles.

  • S16E02 The Lost Kingdom

    • November 20, 2020
    • History

    According to the earliest Tibetan traditions, hidden high in the Himalaya Mountains is a kingdom of the gods--Shambhala. Is it possible that this mystical realm truly exists, and can be reached through ancient practices designed to access other dimensions?

  • S16E03 The Galactic Keyhole

    • December 4, 2020
    • History

    The mysterious symbol of the keyhole exists in mystic texts, sacred architecture and ancient artwork found all over the planet; exploring if this cryptic shape represents a profound connection to the cosmos.

  • S16E04 Giants of the Mediterranean

    • December 11, 2020
    • History

    Ancient cultures recorded stories of enormous beings that descended from the sky; exploring if massive megalithic structures and reported discoveries of towering human-like skeletons reveal that the world was once inhabited by giants.

  • S16E05 The Forbidden Bible

    • December 18, 2020
    • History

    Rebellious angels, giant hybrid beings, and humans taken up to a heavenly realm above the Earth; examining the possiblility that The Book of Enoch was stricken from the Bible because it documents humanity's extraterrestrial origins.

  • S16E06 William Shatner Meets Ancient Aliens

    • February 12, 2021
    • History

    In this extraordinary two-hour special, Shatner will bring thought-provoking questions to the leading experts of the show. Ancient Astronaut theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos, Erich von Däniken, David Childress, William Henry and Linda Moulton Howe will be joined by former British Ministry of Defense investigator Nick Pope, rocket scientist Dr. Travis Taylor, theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, and religious history experts Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok and Reverend Michael Carter. They will explore everything from human origins to groundbreaking archaeological finds, new understandings of the cosmos and the profound possibility that we are not alone in the universe.

  • S16E07 Impossible Artifacts

    • February 19, 2021
    • History

    Throughout the world, ancient objects have been found that leave archaeologists at a loss. Could these impossible artifacts suggest that advanced--and perhaps even extraterrestrial--civilizations existed on Earth thousands of years before our own?

  • S16E08 The Space Travelers

    • February 26, 2021
    • History

    It is humankind's most profound achievement: blasting off into the stars. But is it possible that our voyages into the cosmos are really a return to our true origins? And if so, as we venture out further into outer space, will we encounter space travelers from other worlds?

  • S16E09 The UFO Pioneers

    • March 5, 2021
    • History

    In the 20th century, pioneering scientists, journalists and investigators defied convention and began documenting UFOs. Now, with incredible new UFO accounts coming to light, will their work finally culminate in undeniable proof of extraterrestrial visitation?

  • S16E10 The Harmonic Code

    • March 12, 2021
    • History

    Archaeologists have discovered that many ancient sites were built with an acoustic purpose, and often resonate at a frequency that has a profound effect on the human brain. Could ancient people have been aware of a harmonic code? One that put them in contact with alien beings?

Season 17

  • S17E01 The Lost City of Peru

    • August 6, 2021
    • History

    Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, David Childress and William Henry examine a recently discovered lost city in Peru that has upended the historical timeline of South America, revealing that civilization emerged thousands of years earlier than previously thought.

  • S17E02 Top 10 Mysterious Sites

    • August 13, 2021
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the world's top ten most mysterious sites, from the towering Moai statues of Easter Island to the enormous megalithic blocks of Stonehenge to the precision cut stones of Puma Punku. Could these extraordinary places provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

  • S17E03 Top Ten Alien Cover-Ups

    • August 20, 2021
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the world's top ten alien cover-ups, from the famous Roswell Incident to a secret military base rumored to be housing ET technology to recently released UFO videos captured by cameras on Navy fighter jets. Has there been a massive cover-up regarding the truth about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth?

  • S17E04 The Mystery of Mount Shasta

    • September 17, 2021
    • History

    Examining the unique geology and location of Mount Shasta in northern California, to determine why it is known as a hotbed of strange events, from Bigfoot sightings to UFO encounters to hikers vanishing without a trace.

  • S17E05 The Human Experiment

    • September 24, 2021
    • History

    Scientists now know that seven human-like species lived alongside Homo sapiens for thousands of years. But why is it that only humans survived? Is it possible that we were the product of extraterrestrial experimentation? Ancient Astronaut theorists Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. David Childress and William Henry will be joined by Rabbi Ariel bar Tzadok and filmmaker Caroline Cory to investigate the mystery of the Human genome. in an attempt to determine if human beings are the product of an extraterrestrial experiment. Might the ultimate proof we are not alone in the universe be hidden in our own genetic code?

  • S17E06 Top Ten Alien Encounters

    • October 1, 2021
    • History

    We're counting down the world's top ten alien encounters, from the first reported abduction event to mass UFO sightings over New York's Hudson Valley to an incident in ancient Rome that changed the course of human history. Could these incredible accounts be actual encounters with visitors from the stars?

  • S17E07 Top Ten Alien Artifacts

    • October 8, 2021
    • History

    An ancient figurine of a modern-day airplane. A primitive statue of a man in a spacesuit. Mysterious crystal skulls whose origins are entirely unknown. For more than a decade on Ancient Aliens, we've traveled the globe and investigated strange objects found on every continent on Earth. We're counting down the top ten alien artifacts. Objects that could provide evidence that extraterrestrials once walked among us.

Season 18

  • S18E01 The Disclosure Event

    • January 7, 2022
    • History

    In 2021. the United States government broke a 70-year precedent of denying UFOs and released a groundbreaking report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Are we on the brink of full government disclosure about the strange objects witnessed in our skies? And if so, will we soon discover that they are, in fact of extraterrestrial origin?

  • S18E02 Mystery of the Standing Stones

    • January 14, 2022
    • History

    It is one of the greatest mysteries of the prehistoric world: why did people on nearly every continent erect giant standing stones? According to Ancient Astronaut Theorists, the placement of these monoliths and their geological makeup could point to extraterrestrial intervention--and. quite possibly, a technology that once existed on Earth far more advanced than our own.

  • S18E03 Beneath the Sacred Temples

    • January 21, 2022
    • History

    Some of the world's most iconic sacred temples were built atop the ruins of structures that are far more ancient. What compelled early humans to rebuild in the same places again and again? Do these locations hold special power? And could they be points of ancient alien contact?

  • S18E04 The World on Alert

    • January 28, 2022
    • History

    Across the globe, high-ranking government officials are openly talking about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. But why now? Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest the evidence has become too great to ignore--and the truth about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth will soon be revealed.

  • S18E05 Recovering the Ark of the Covenant

    • February 11, 2022
    • History

    Some 2,600 years ago, the most sacred relic of the ancient world suddenly disappeared from history: The Ark of the Covenant. Could descriptions of the Ark's incredible power reveal that it was a highly advanced technological device? And if found, will it provide undeniable proof of humanity's extraterrestrial past?

  • S18E06 Secrets of the Star Ancestors

    • February 18, 2022
    • History

    In the traditions of native peoples across North America are stories of the Star Ancestors--powerful beings who descended to Earth in the distant past and are sometimes present even today. Might the ancient accounts and depictions of these visitors reveal profound truths about both humanity's origins ... and its future in the stars?

  • S18E07 Alien Air Force

    • February 25, 2022
    • History

    Since 2017, the Navy has been releasing photos and videos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena--and Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest the incredible images are nearly identical to accounts from centuries ago. Could flying pyramids. bell-shaped craft and cylindrical objects represent alien craft that have been roaming Earth's skies for thousands of years?

  • S18E08 The Shadow People

    • March 4, 2022
    • History

    Millions of people around the world have reported encountering shadowy entities who instill fear, shortness of breath, and even paralysis. Is it possible that the so-called “Shadow People” are more than mere figments of the imagination? Could they be visitors from other worlds… or even other dimensions?

  • S18E09 Decoding the Dragon Gods

    • March 11, 2022
    • History

    Throughout the ancient world, tales were told of fire-breathing dragons. Though fearsome, they were often worshipped as the bringers of great knowledge and credited as the founders of civilization. Is it possible that what our ancestors described as winged monsters descending from the sky were visitors from other worlds?

  • S18E10 The Time Benders

    • March 18, 2022
    • History

    Today, more people than ever before believe that Unidentified Flying Objects are of alien origin. But if extraterrestrials have come to Earth from lightyears away, could they be capable of bending both time and space? Might it even be possible that the UFOs in our skies are not visitors from other planets, but from our own future?

  • S18E11 Ancient Aliens on Location: Incredible Structures

    • July 8, 2022
    • History

    Ancient Aliens has traveled to many mysterious sites that seem to defy explanation. Now, Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at some of the most incredible structures we’ve visited all over the world. Structures that, as far as Giorgio is concerned, provide undeniable evidence of extraterrestrial contact.

  • S18E12 Ancient Aliens on Location: Extraordinary Encounters

    • July 15, 2022
    • History

    Ancient Aliens has followed investigators across the globe as they've gone directly to the sites where unexplained incidents have been reported. Now, Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at the most extraordinary encounters that, as far as he's concerned, provide evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

  • S18E13 Ancient Aliens on Location: Decoding the Alien Glyphs

    • July 22, 2022
    • History

    Ancient Aliens has examined the oldest and most mysterious rock art on Earth–up close and in person. Now, Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at the incredible hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, and geoglyphs that he believes tell a worldwide story–of alien visitation.

  • S18E14 Ancient Aliens on Location: The UFO Investigations

    • July 29, 2022
    • History

    Ancient Aliens has met with eyewitnesses and traveled to the sites of incredible UFO incidents reported all over the world. Now, Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at the most compelling investigations of all, and events that he believes represent real encounters with extraterrestrial visitors.

  • S18E15 Ancient Aliens on Location: Mysterious Artifacts

    • August 5, 2022
    • History

    Ancient Aliens has investigated the world’s oldest and most incredible relics up close and in person. Now, Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at the most mysterious artifacts from all over the globe – artifacts that he believes provide undeniable proof of extraterrestrial contact.

  • S18E16 Ancient Aliens on Location: Evidence of Alien Life

    • August 12, 2022
    • History

    Ancient Aliens has followed investigators across the globe as they've gone directly to the sites where signs of alien life have been found. Now, Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at the most incredible evidence ever uncovered that could offer definitive proof that we are not alone in the universe.

  • S18E17 The Shining Ones

    • August 19, 2022
    • History

    In Ireland, the notion of the fairy folk dates back thousands of years and originates with stories of powerful shining beings who came down from the sky. Could these tales have been inspired by ancient alien visitation? And if so, do the Shining Ones still inhabit the Irish mounds, existing in a parallel dimension?

  • S18E18 The Journey to Immortality

    • August 26, 2022
    • History

    Ancient cultures around the world often referred to the gods as the "Immortals" - but could they have encountered extraterrestrial beings that had achieved eternal life? And if these visitors genetically engineered the human race, as Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest, is it our destiny to become immortals as well?

  • S18E19 Secrets of Inner Earth

    • September 9, 2022
    • History

    In the nearly 2,000-year-old text called "The Zohar," there is a curious passage that describes hidden realms beneath the surface of the Earth, each of which is said to be populated by both human and non-human intelligences.

  • S18E20 Return of the Egyptian Gods

    • September 16, 2022
    • History

    In the 20th century, a mysterious British woman who claimed to be the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian priestess shocked Egyptologists by accurately locating countless structures and artifacts in the Nile Valley.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 Aliens and the United States

    • October 24, 2022

    Thousands of UFO sightings are reported in the United States every year, and many of them center around U.S. military operations; the United States government has officially acknowledged that it is investigating unidentified aerial phenomena.

Season 19

  • S19E01 UFO Hotspots

    • January 6, 2023
    • History

    Studies have shown that up to 70% of all UFO sightings happen in so-called 'hotspots' where reports of visions, mysterious lights and unusual phenomena are regularly witnessed--and not only in modern times, but dating back thousands of years. Could there be something about these locations that attracts extraterrestrial visitors?

  • S19E02 The Crop Circle Code

    • January 13, 2023
    • History

    More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been documented in over 50 countries, and many display properties that defy conventional explanations. Are they of otherworldly origin? And if so, what is their purpose? Could it be that reconnection with our alien ancestors will only come when we finally crack the crop circle code?

  • S19E03 Mystery of the Lost Civilization

    • January 20, 2023
    • History

    The discovery of the ancient megalithic site of Karahan Tepe in southern Turkey turned the world of archaeology on its head, displaying engineering skills far beyond what the people of the time were thought to be capable of. But could new evidence reveal that this more than 11,000-year-old complex was built not by humans…but giants?

  • S19E04 The Power of the Obelisks

    • February 3, 2023
    • History

    The towering obelisks of ancient Egypt weigh hundreds of tons and each was perfectly carved from a single granite rock. While mainstream scholars identify them as monuments to the pharaohs, Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest they may have served a technological purpose–they powered a technology that allowed for communication with the gods who came from the stars.

  • S19E05 The MUFON Files

    • February 10, 2023
    • History

    The Mutual UFO Network is an organization devoted to the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena and other unexplained encounters; with more than five decades of investigations, MUFON's extensive database could contain proof.

  • S19E06 Cosmic Impacts

    • February 17, 2023
    • History

    Meteor impacts have significantly altered our world, creating the perfect environment for the rise of humankind and delivering metals essential to the development of an advanced civilization. But could new evidence reveal that celestial objects have been directed to Earth by an alien intelligence?

  • S19E07 Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

    • February 24, 2023
    • History

    The Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence defines a “Close Encounter of The Fifth Kind” as direct human contact and communication with extraterrestrial life. But is this a classification that will only be useful in the distant future, or have such encounters already taken place… and within the highest levels of the U.S. government?

  • S19E08 The Mysteries of Alaska

    • March 3, 2023
    • History

    The vast Alaskan wilderness is well known for mysterious disappearances, electromagnetic anomalies, stories of strange creatures, and is a hotspot for UFO sightings. Could Alaska’s many mysteries be due to a presence that is not of this world?

  • S19E09 Aliens in Our Airspace

    • March 10, 2023
    • History

    Terrifying encounters at 40,000 feet. Pilot accounts of UFOs taking control of their aircraft. Entire jumbo jets disappearing into thin air. Since the dawn of aviation, pilots have experienced unexplainable events in the sky. Could they have witnessed aliens in our airspace?

  • S19E10 The Giants of Malta

    • March 17, 2023
    • History

    Enormous, megalithic structures of mysterious origins. A vast underground complex containing the remains of what some believe to be otherworldly beings. Could the ancient mysteries that exist on the Mediterranean islands of Malta be connected to local legends of alien visitation–and giant hybrid beings?

  • S19E11 The Top Ten Pyramid Sites

    • June 30, 2023
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the world’s top ten pyramid sites, from a valley in Peru with over 250 hidden pyramids to an ancient Greek city with mysterious 4800-year-old ruins to Egypt’s famous Giza Plateau. Could the extraordinary structures that stand at these sites provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

  • S19E12 The Top Ten Mysterious Devices

    • July 7, 2023
    • History

    Counting down the world's top 10 mysterious devices, from strange, grooved disks found in a cave in China to an ancient Greek computer to an incredible crystal skull unearthed in Mexico...

  • S19E13 The Top Ten Mysterious Islands

    • July 14, 2023
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the world’s top ten mysterious islands, including sites said to be home to giants, remote landmasses that are home to massive megalithic structures, and even islands that disappear into thin air. Could these incredible sites provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

  • S19E14 The Top Ten Alien Craft

    • July 21, 2023
    • History

    Around the world and throughout history, people have reported seeing very similar types of unidentified objects in the sky. Now, Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten alien craft, from V-shaped objects to orbs of light to flying saucers. Could the ubiquity of these sightings provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

  • S19E15 Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet

    • August 4, 2023
    • History

    In the early 1900s, a modern-day prophet from the hills of Kentucky became a worldwide sensation: Edgar Cayce. He claimed to receive visions of both the past and the future while in a trance, he healed the sick, and alleged to have encounters with otherworldly beings. Could it be that Edgar Cayce was a vessel used to carry out an alien agenda?

  • S19E16 The Gods of Greece

    • August 11, 2023
    • History

    More than 3,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks built an empire that is considered the birthplace of Western Civilization, and they credited their most monumental achievements to gods like Zeus, Apollo, and Poseidon. But is it possible that these powerful beings from Mt. Olympus were, in fact, extraterrestrial visitors to Earth?

  • S19E17 The New UFO Hunters

    • August 18, 2023
    • History

    In the 21st century, UFOs have gone from fringe science to mainstream obsession. A new generation of UFO hunters is employing incredible technology, and Unidentified Flying Objects are being openly investigated by the government. Are we closer than ever to understanding the strange events happening in our skies?

  • S19E18 Power of the Talisman

    • August 25, 2023
    • History

    For thousands of years, people have held the belief that everyday objects can possess hidden energy. Talismans are seen as providing protection, good fortune, and some are even thought to embody a higher power. Could it be that what fuels our faith in talismans is not superstition, but a real connection to something beyond our world?

  • S19E19 The Top Ten Mysteries of the Deep

    • September 8, 2023
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten mysteries of the deep, from sunken continents to puzzling ruins on the ocean floor and even artifacts that might be remnants of Atlantis. Could these underwater mysteries provide a record of extraterrestrial visitation?

  • S19E20 The Top Ten Alien Petroglyphs

    • September 15, 2023
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is looking at alien petroglyphs around the world; from strange, human-like figures to flying craft and carvings of what appear to be astronauts...

Season 20

  • S20E01 The Top Ten Alien Influencers

    • January 5, 2024
    • History

    Did a biblical patriarch receive instructions from 200 angels high above the earth? Were the ancient Greeks taught how to work metal by a race of fish-people? And might Egypt's most controversial Pharoah have been an extraterrestrial being? Giorgio Tsoukalos looks at mysterious teachers who have appeared throughout history--and reveals The Top Ten Alien Influencers who he believes provide the ultimate proof of extraterrestrial contact...

  • S20E02 The Top Ten Extraordinary Creatures

    • January 12, 2024
    • History

    For more than a decade, Ancient Aliens has collected dozens of reports of encounters with strange and mysterious beasts. Now, Ancient Astronaut Theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos takes a look back at The Top Ten Extraordinary Creatures we’ve investigated–creatures that just might provide compelling evidence of extraterrestrial visitation...

  • S20E03 The Top Ten Hidden Alien Bases

    • January 19, 2024
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten locations around the world that just might be hiding alien bases, including a cavern beneath the ice of Antarctica, a lake in China that is a hotspot for UFOs, and a pyramid under the slopes of Mt. Denali in Alaska. Are these locations proof that extraterrestrials are not only visiting our planet… but are hiding in plain sight?

  • S20E04 The Top Ten Scariest Encounters

    • February 2, 2024
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten scariest encounters that just might be evidence of extraterrestrial visitation. From an encounter in rural Texas that left onlookers with unexplainable injuries, to mysterious cattle mutilations, and a man who was abducted in front of a group of people. Are these frightening encounters proof of extraterrestrial contact?

  • S20E05 The Top Ten Alien Codes

    • February 9, 2024
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down ten of the most intriguing–and mysterious–symbols and codes found across the globe that just might contain proof of otherworldly contact. From glyphs in the Peruvian desert, to spiral petroglyphs embedded with advanced math, and a language with an otherworldly origin, could these codes unlock the secrets of our extraterrestrial past?

  • S20E06 The Top Ten Alien Disasters

    • February 16, 2024
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten most devastating disasters ever documented that might have an otherworldly connection, from a flying monster at a nuclear incident, a meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, and a deadly virus that might be from another world. Could these disasters be proof of extraterrestrial contact?

  • S20E07 Secrets of the Sumerians

    • February 23, 2024
    • History

    More than 7,000 years ago, the ancient Sumerians established what is considered the world’s first civilization, and they credited their extraordinary achievements to their gods, the Anunnaki. But is it possible that these powerful beings were, in fact, extraterrestrial visitors to Earth?

  • S20E08 The UFO Superhighway

    • March 1, 2024
    • History

    Along the Earth's north 37th parallel there have been so many reports of unidentified flying objects, animal mutilations, and other mysterious events that it has been dubbed The UFO Superhighway. Could there be something about this latitude that is attracting extraterrestrial visitors?

  • S20E09 Mysteries of Scotland

    • March 8, 2024
    • History

    For thousands of years, Scotland has been an epicenter of otherworldly phenomena; it is home to mysterious ancient stone circles, stories of strange beings, and is a major hotspot for UFO sightings.

  • S20E10 Mystery of the Stone Spheres

    • March 15, 2024
    • History

    Throughout the world there are mysterious ancient stones shaped into perfect spheres; many of them show clear evidence of being man made and some completely defy explanation; the mystery of the stone spheres could provide clues about humankind's past.

  • S20E11 Mysteries of the Maya

    • June 28, 2024
    • History

    Considered by many to be the greatest civilization in the history of the Americas, the Maya thrived for more than 2,000 years. Now, new evidence is being discovered that completely upends our understanding of this ancient culture... and might provide evidence that the Maya came in contact with extraterrestrial visitors.

  • S20E12 Unlocking the Stargates

    • July 5, 2024
    • History

    For thousands of years, cultures around the world have held a belief in stargates through which beings have traveled to Earth from distant points in the universe and even other dimensions. Could such portals truly exist? And if we obtain the key to unlocking the stargates, will we find a cosmos teaming with life?

  • S20E13 The Whistleblowers

    • July 12, 2024
    • History

    For decades, incredible claims have been made about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and the government has gone to great lengths to discredit them.

  • S20E14 The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence

    • July 19, 2024
    • History

    For thousands of years, humankind has attempted to make contact with beings from beyond Earth; now, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is ramping up, with new technologies allowing individuals to explore the universe.

  • S20E15 Jacques Vallée: UFO Pioneer

    • August 9, 2024
    • History

    Dr. Jacques Vallée holds multiple scientific degrees, is a best-selling author, and is one of the fathers of the internet. But he is best known for his revolutionary work in the field of UFOs, and his bold theories challenge our notions of alien life. Will Dr. Vallée's incredible work soon lead to answers about what has been happening in our skies for thousands of years?

  • S20E16 The Teachers

    • August 16, 2024
    • History

    Throughout ancient cultures there are stories of god-like beings providing instruction to early humans, helping our ancestors to establish the first civilizations and teaching them in various disciplines. Could it be true? And do mysterious figures who appear throughout history provide evidence that these otherworldly teachers have been with us all along?

  • S20E17 Egypt's Giant Tombs

    • August 23, 2024
    • History

    Deep beneath the sands of Egypt lie 24 enormous sarcophagi--and every one of them is empty. What purpose might these giant tombs have served? And is it possible that the perfectly carved stone boxes--each weighing more than 70 tons--were designed not by humans... but by otherworldly visitors?

  • S20E18 The Linda Moulton Howe Files

    • August 30, 2024
    • History

    For more than four decades, award-winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe has covered the most mysterious phenomena on Earth. Could her investigations on everything from bizarre animal deaths to crop formations and alien abductions lead us to a profound new reality?

  • S20E19 The Chosen

    • September 6, 2024
    • History

    From biblical patriarchs to modern day alien abductees, throughout history, there have been people who claimed to have contact with otherworldly beings. And often bearing important messages for humanity. Could it be that they have been chosen to help carry out an extraterrestrial agenda?

  • S20E20 Resurrecting Puma Punku

    • September 13, 2024
    • History

    Puma Punku in Bolivia features some of the largest stone blocks on Earth, each carved with incredible precision. But the blocks lie scattered across the landscape, baffling archaeologists as to what the ancient site might have been. Could new advancements in technology help to solve a centuries old puzzle-and offer proof of alien intervention on Earth?

Season 21

  • S21E01 The Top Ten Extraordinary Discoveries

    • February 7, 2025
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down ten of history's most astonishing discoveries-breakthroughs that challenge traditional beliefs about human history. From a lost city hidden in the Andes to mysterious metal spheres that are not of this world and a sunken city that was said to be the home of the gods, could these discoveries provide proof of extraterrestrial contact?

  • S21E02 The Top Ten Mysterious Monoliths

    • February 14, 2025
    • History

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the world's top ten most mysterious monoliths, from a 500-ton stone believed to represent an ancient UFO, to giant statues said to have been created with advanced technology, and ornate pillars that depict otherworldly visitors. Could these extraordinary standing stones provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

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