Home / Series / Ancient Aliens / Aired Order / Season 6 / Episode 17
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The God Particle

It has been called the key to the universe and possibly the most important scientific breakthrough of all time. Could the so-called "God Particle" reveal the truth about our origins? And might clues to its significance have been left here on Earth thousands of years ago by extraterrestrial beings? The age-old question, "where did we come from?" remains a mystery, but in 2012, scientists at CERN laboratory announced the discovery of the "God Particle"--the subatomic particle that is believed to give mass to matter--and offers a closer understanding of just how the universe began. The discovery seemingly pitted science against religion. But could science and religion actually be kindred spirits? Many ancient religions and mythologies describe the origins of the universe in ways very similar to today's scientific explanations and proclaim that this information was given to them by otherworldy beings.

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Name Type Role
Coll Metcalfe Writer
Max Thompson Writer
Ruth O'Neill Producer
Kristina Djokic Producer
Deepak Shimkhada Guest Star Self - Professor of Hindu Studies, Claremont Lincoln University
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos Guest Star Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine
Maria Spiropulu Guest Star Self - Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology
Ariel Bar Tzadok Guest Star Self - Founder, KosherTorah School
Subhash Kak Guest Star Self - Quantum Theorist and Historian of Science
Sabina Magliocco Guest Star Self - Folklorist, California State Univ., Northridge
Michael Dennin Guest Star Self - Physicist, Univ. of California, Irvine
David Wilcock Guest Star Self - Author, The Synchronicity Key
Robert R. Cargill Guest Star Self - Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Iowa
Jason Martell Guest Star Self - Author/Researcher
William Henry Guest Star Self - Author, The Secret of Sion
David Childress Guest Star Self - Author, Technology of the Gods
John Brandenburg Guest Star Self - Plasma Physicist, Orbital Technologies
Edwin 'Ed' Barnhart Guest Star Self - Director, Maya Exploration Center
Robert H. Frisbee Guest Star Self - NASA Physicist
Richard 'Ric' Rader Guest Star Self - Lecturer of Classics, UCSB
Jonathan Young Guest Star Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives
Kevin Burns Executive Producer
Kim Sheerin Executive Producer
Max Thompson Executive Producer
Susan E. Leventhal Executive Producer for H2 Network