With discovers strawberries...and girls.With falls head over heels of a lop eared bunny and Daisuke is blind of that love. When With takes a strawberry to her, the shop was already closed. The next morning, With's girlfriend was gone and With ran all around the city looking for her. A storm brews up and as Daisuke changes into Dark. Dark says how its amusing for Daisuke trying to save With, cause no matter how long they are apart, With always comes back to Dark. Daisuke and Riku have to ease the pain of a lost love.
When Dark goes to steal The Eternal Guide statue, a 'sealer' placed by Satoshi causes Dark, Risa and Takeshi's souls to be trapped inside a stone. To rescue them, Daisuke has to travel into what appears to be the future with Towa. However, it may have just been an illusion of Daisuke's wishes, which is what occurred in a similar situation in the manga. While there, he stumbles upon someone special.
Riku revisits her childhood memories after finding an old teddy-bear in her closet. Dark goes to steal a piece from the "haunted" Old Clover Mansion... which is where Riku lost the teddy-bear when she was younger, that it was later rescued by a boy. Riku figured out later that it is Daisuke who retrieved her precious thing, the teddy bear. This teddy-bear was given to her by her grandmother. Risa also was given a rabbit stuffed toy. Risa also discovers a secret close to Dark's heart.
Daisuke has to create an artwork for the cultural festival. Satoshi discovers his father's scheme to capture Dark. Risa uncovers secrets of the love between Dark and her grandmother, in a letter hidden at the Harada mansion. Meanwhile, the boys in Daisuke's class are to be performing the play "Ice and Snow", with Daisuke and Satoshi filling the lead roles.
Kosuke enlightens Daisuke with the story of "Ice and Snow". Daisuke completes his piece for the festival - a painting of a snowscape, where the shadows on the purest snow are blue instead of gray. Mio must make a very important decision. As Riku gives Daisuke the pendant of friendship instead of love, Mio sacrifices herself in the end.
Once upon a time the Hikari family created a living artwork, known as The Black Wings. The Niwa family, a family of phantom thieves tried to steal the artwork. The artwork must now be sealed forever. Krad and Dark fight, and at the end they both are sealed into the Black Wings, from which they came from. Daisuke realizes who his sacred maiden is, and Dark and Krad disappear.