A doctor puts Andrew on testicular rest, Nick asks Jay to help him get in shape for high school and Jessi becomes fascinated by Caitlin's breastfeeding.
With no distractions, Andrew's schoolwork improves — winning his father's praise. Jessi goes a little too far when trying to emulate cool, mature Leah.
While Andrew and Nick follow Judd to Brooklyn to score drugs, Jay gets jealous of Kurt and Lola's relationship, and Jessi oversteps at Matthew's house.
As graduation day nears, Nick must decide if he will attend Cobblestones Academy while Andrew goes on an apology tour after being voted "Grossest Human."
At their first high school party, Andrew discovers his talent for drinking games, Nick hopes for a shot with Danni, and Missy meets a potential rebound.
The Big Mouth kids start high school! Andrew looks inside himself to solve his problem with Pumbaa while dread stops Missy from attending her first day.