With the aid of a timeline, Paul and Graham give the past, the present and the future of LoadingReadyRun.
After three rounds and six plus cans of Diet Lime Coke a winner is declared.
With the help of a Cosmo Girl we find out just how sexy Paul is.
A la Jackass, tennis balls are hit and thrown at James, hitting him in the ass, back and sack.
With the help of a Cosmo Girl we find out just how much a pain in the butt Paul is.
For the first holiday special the crew terrorize Victoria with pumpkins on their heads. Pumpkin dodge ball and basketball do not work so well but throwing a pumpkin disc, pumpkin phone sex and invading Safeway all work.
Jer prepares Chef Boyardee.
To get around the do not call list, marketers are forces to kidnap James off the street, drag him off and ask him many silly questions.
To eat fries you may: toss them around you back; be sophisticated with knife and fork (but off a frisbee); juggle them; use sheer force of will; knife them like Crocodile Dundee; pass them off to a friend; the Sam Raimi; snorting lines of fries; fling them out of a toaster; force feed them to your roommate; use a corkscrew; grate them; bake them; Tiger Woods Style;
With the help of a Cosmo Girl we find out what do guys like about Paul.
To drink Coke you may: have a cokesicle; be a connoisseur; use psychic powers; be a mad scientist and use a series of straws; the classic - drink it from a glass coke bottle in a coke glass; drink it out of bowl on the floor like a dog; balance the can on its edge; do big shots; spray it like a winning racecar driver; drink it out of a paper bag like a hobo; the Sam Raimi; the Freudian shower; play Russian roulette; no really don't;
Graham and Morgan follow James home to surprise him by throwing a Frisbee at him.
December is filled with obscure holidays that should all be recognized: Wear Brown Shoes Day, Bathtub Party Day, National Bouillabaisse Day, and many others. Morgan gorges himself on the many foods celebrated, growing larger and larger over the month of holidays.
To make someone leave a room you may: recite goth poetry; make an empty threat; threaten someone; make vulgar thrusting motions; use a machete wielding serial killer; drop your pants; pull your underwear out of your pants; use the force; show them the goatse; be a space cadet; use the full power of your THX sound system; channel surf; the Sam Raimi; call in a favor from a friend.
Morgan is offered a choice to upgrade some software when Paul and Graham appear to argue for and against. Graham is able to convince Morgan not to upgrade. However, by pretending to be Graham, Paul is able to trick Morgan into upgrading which promptly causes the computer to crash.
Gareth gets his hair redone by eleven people.
Paul and Graham attempt the unthinkable: a documentary about itself. As the two narrate various incidents that took place during shooting, such as the microphone cutting out, crew hi-jinks, and clever talking head editing, those things actually happen.
To end a movie you may: leave a sequel possible; have an early video game epilogue; have a man armed with a gun kill a man with a sword a la Indiana Jones; have Matrix style bullet time; the Sam Raimi; leave it unresolved; have the badass shoot the person behind him; show the shadow of the action and with a long pull back Film Noir style; end with a double cross by the girl.
To ruin a first date you may: have a stinky palm; have a chainsaw; be a hoser from Langford; be delivered like a robot; be off your rocker; train hard right before the date; have a limited wardrobe; have a very limited wardrobe; be bleeding internally; have her do your laundry; the Sam Raimi.
Graham abuses his powers as an interviewer for the Martlet (the UVic Student newspaper) by having Gob plug LoadingReadyRun and throw an apple at him.
Andy sings a song he wrote proclaiming the true name of the man with the nickname 'Bob' as his real name is far too long.
Graham has somehow become trapped in a mirror. It's not completely terrible, though - there are certain compensations. Like mirror cookies. And dates with hot mirror girls. Paul points out a possible drawback to hot mirror girls that Graham hadn't considered.
The Arrogant Worms plug Loading dash Ready dash Run dotcom. It's like porn but better.
The cosplay at Kei-Kon, the UVic anime convention.
Bill is challenged to drink a rank mixture of Pam, cake icing, lemon juice, plum sauce, tartar sauce, ketchup, Dijon mustard, Worcester sauce, vodka, regular mustard, soy sauce, Purple Stuff, salsa, pickled jalapeño, relish, sour cream, Kool Aid powder, lite Italian dressing, corn syrup, tea, peanut butter and a wedge of cheese.
Paul can not decide how he wants Agent Zero dealt with.
Several houses are moved through the streets of Oak Bay onto a barge. Graham and Paul there to report on one of the most exciting things to ever happen in Oak Bay.
Before setting out on a adventure Graham and Paul replace Gejorn with a mule, Fred. Then it is all clear sailing....
Graham and Paul use Cosmo Girl to find out what coffees are most like Derek, Bill and Morgan.
To save the day James, the Guy who is Super, can: remember your wallet; act as a writing surface; provide you with pants when you are pant less; soften your fall; supply you with toilet paper; blow your nose for you; replace your date; turn off the TV; provide you condoms; bring you groceries; give you ear plugs to block out bad conversation; get you out of awkward social situations; remember your anniversary and get a gift; prevent the Sam Raimi;
In a parody of 24, Paul sleeps; Graham calls a sleeping Bill, drinks milk, then falls asleep; Pat plays KotoR; Morgan sleeps; Jason and Kayt stagger along and pass out.
Paul philosophies about death and kill while he should be fighting. After the fight is over a larch (Bill) is summoned but is not long needed. A discussion of the stereotypes of RPG is interrupted by a scream.
Make sure there is a sufficient number of people. Mosh with people your own size, use friends if necessary. Respect the boundaries of the mosh pit and wear appropriate headgear. Cell phones are a bad idea in the pit, as is drinking. Keep sweat to yourself and keep your car out of the mosh pit. Do not mosh on a concrete floor.
With the help of Cosmo Girl Derek's rockstar soulmate is 50 Cent, Bill's rockstar soulmate is John Mayer and Morgan's rockstar soulmate is Justin Timberlake.
Whose Line is it Anyway? plugs LoadingReadyRun.
Paul briefs the new recruits to Evil Corp. about his plan to steal the standard kilogram.
Mr. Atkinson, Graham's grade eight science teacher, offered an automatic A to anyone who could memorize and sing to the class Tom Lehrer's "The Elements", a list of the chemical elements set to the tune of the Major-General's Song by Gilbert and Sullivan. Graham, seeing this as an easy way to get a good grade, memorized the song and has still not forgotten it. Being a man of his word, Mr. Atkinson did give Graham his A, but the school's science teachers no longer make that deal with students.
Canadians are responsible for the invention of the telephone, the gramophone, the zipper, and Trivial Pursuit, among other things.
The LoadingReadyRun crew bring their N64 into the Bay Centre to play GoldenEye. Although the old lady is interested a security guard kicks them out.
Joe (Chris) yanks Graham off an Acura lot to show him his selection of "vintage cars". Joe uses all his tricks to sell one packed with "features". After closing the deal, Joe jumps off the roof where his "car lot" located.
After buying an unlabelled can for nineteen cents, someone chosen at random gets to eat it. Eric ends up getting to eat what turns out to be dog food.
The guards wonder what the greatest military minds are discussing. Little do they know that the leaders are discussing what wood the table is made out of.
Using odds and ends, including many hats, found at Chris Nohr's place the four boys perform several short skits. Andy reappears several times as El Pollo, a Mexican wrestler who plays many instruments.
Kathleen pulls up to the drive thru and asks for a chocolate shake and a dickin. After being informed that there are no male employee available to perform the dicking she asks for a chicken dickin which is also refused.
Steve Notley talks about his creative process and plugs LoadingReadyRun.
As part of Graham's film class, he shoots a time lapse video of Victoria's Inner Harbour.
Paul watches movies. He pays good money to watch them, even Battlefield Earth. So why must he sit through an anti piracy ad?
Morgan, James, Bill and Allen eat a hot sandwich Ash prepares containing jalapeno cheese foccacia, pepper salami Frank's RedHot chili sauce, Heinz chili sauce, Grace pepper sauce, Tabasco sauce, cracked black pepper, red crushed chilies, jalapeno cheese, Louisiana hot sauce, tomato and jalapenos. As the sandwich is good but not hot enough they, add more chilies and stuff peppers with red crushed chilies. People do cry but Bill is the first give up and eat yogurt. Eventually they have shots of hot sauce.
Paul and Graham act out some of the spam they have received.
After receiving a tip about a crop circle, they get lost in the woods and are attacked by ants. After finding the meadow they eventually find a crop circle.
Paul and Graham try to get Morgan to accept Satan as his personal lord and master. Unfortunately the Book of Stan does not help the argument and Morgan points out Satan is rather pointless without Christianity.
Introducing Jangle and Jones. The dynamic duo chase a criminal through suspiciously similar-looking streets. Jangles is incapacitated by a blow to the head, and, after a short coffee break, the criminal looks set to escape. Fortunately, Jangles is already inside the car he chooses to flee in, and captures him. Unfortunately, the criminal takes advantage Jangles and Jones's celebratory freeze-frame high-five to make his escape.
Paul and Graham look back at: A Brief History of Lame; Tennis; the Girly Magazine Quizzes; the 2003 Halloween Special; The Alternative to Telemarketers; Ways to Eat Fries; the 2003 Holiday Special; Hair; Quantum Documentary; Andy: Esq.; Arrogant Worms; Drink; The Dungeoneers; 42; Mosh Pit Etiquette; Whose Line is it Anyway?; Who Watches Movies?; Sandwich of Fire; Door to Door;
Introducing 64K, G*Star's Commodore 64 is in need of the LoadingReadyRap.
A guide to Homo Mortuus, more commonly known as the zombie.
Graham provides us with a fascinating look into the process behind the creation of LoadingReadyRun's videos - except that the "process" seems to consist mostly of Graham changing the script to give himself more screen time and writing out everyone else's parts. When Paul discovers that Graham is making the latest video entirely by himself, starring himself, the process of vengeance begins!
In revenge for being cut out of the sketches for The Process, Morgan decides to prank Graham, "Punk'd" style, by having Conor call him and say someone was found dead. The dead body will be Paul and Graham will be progressively humiliated. When Graham appears, Conor acts in an increasingly shocking fashion, doing things such as raiding Paul's corpse for his wallet and suggesting taking his possessions. Eventually Morgan appears and reveals the whole thing is a hoax, except that Paul really is dead, and Conor runs off.
Myke and Amy are happily on vacation, and after lunch the two visit the circus, where Myke has his shirt signed by one of the performers. The performer reccomends the resort's virtual reality games, so he two try it out, with Myke and Amy both choosing "wired" caharcters - themselves. After the computer has loaded the simulation, and pointed out that Myke has something written on his shirt, all the power goes out, and the computer warns of an attack on the planet. After several attempts, she manages to communicate this to Myke, and he and Amy flee the resort. They meet up with Myke's parents, and the four are told to run for the rescue ship, whilst the guards try to hold off the spproaching attackers. Myke and Amy are separated from Myke's parents, and are cornered by a robotic crab. While Myke wonders if he had lunch, the episode ends.
Graham, Geoff, and Conor are watching TV when Paul suddenly appears, much to their surprise. The three attempt to explain to Paul that his death was a prank that went horribly wrong. A series of flashbacks shows that they tried to resuscitate Paul with CPR, only to break his ribs, and then they tried to revive him using a car battery and some jumper cables, which they applied somewhere very awkward. This leaves Paul able to smell nothing but burning. Then they dumped Paul off in the Homo Mortuus Reserve and now Paul is a zombie. Unimpressed, Paul vows to eat the trio's brains in revenge.
The first of three shorts based on the popular comic 'Bob the Angry Flower'. Bob is feeling down, so his friend tries to get him to talk to "Mr Happy Puppy" the puppet. Initially angrilly rejecting the idea, he puts the handpuppet on, and it quickly takes him out of his comfort zone. In response, Bob hits it, injuring his own hand.
The second of three shorts based on the popular comic 'Bob the Angry Flower'. Bob buys 'meteor repellant' charms and makes money by selling them to the U.N. Meteor Deflection Task Force at an inflated price. As far as he knows, they don't even work.
One of three shorts adapted from Bob the Angry Flower. Bob may have drunk all the beer in the fridge; he may not have. Until the fridge is opened, the number of beers drunk is indeterminate! The problem is that the wavefunction doesn't collapse no matter how much Bob observes.
After being cornered by the crab, Myke and Amy are rescued by the circus folk. Myke, still pining over lunch, wants to rescue his parents, but Tiny Tim (a seven-foot strongman) insists they have to get to the teleporter. Also, he says Myke has something on his shirt. After teleporting onto the Federation Rescue Ship G7X92B42 Hydra, or "Binky", they are told to prepare for Gravitic Warp, which Myke interprets as a performance by his favorite band, Gravitic Warp. On the Bridge, the Captain eventually manages to get the ship away from the planet. Myke and Amy are resting, Myke still waiting for the band, and confusuing his lunch with the robot attack. Suddenly, the warp engines shut off, and the ship is attacked. The Captain orders power to the shields, but is eventually forced to give the order to abandon ship. And to not look out the window, as it might make you panic. Myke and Amy are separated, as it is one per escape pod. As the survivors are ejected from the ship, Binky explodes, and the episode ends.
It's Christmas Eve, and Graham's forgotten to do his gift shopping. While he runs off to the gas station, Paul does his shopping online - but both have some unexpected problems. The only place open is a Gas Station, so Graham buys people oil, whilst Paul seems unable to create a password for his account that the website will accept.
Paul and Graham have composed new lyrics to a traditional holiday tune. Unfortunately, getting everyone else to actually sing "The Twelve Days of Giftmas" is like herding cats, as the cast get distracted by Halo, and bored of singing the same lines over and over.
Kathleen confronts Graham - she thinks he's cute, and it's high time they took their relationship to the next level; however, Graham is oblivious, and Kathleen needs to spell it out. Her attempts to do so are interrupted by a hostile interjection from Graham's computer, which considers its own relationship with Graham to be all he needs. Kathleen and the computer argue until Kathleen becomes convinced that the computer is indeed romantically superior and absconds with it. Graham turns to his Commodore 64 for comfort and is rebuffed.
Myke's Escape Pod sets a course for Landel VI, the nearest habitable planet, 100 hours away. He is driven slowly insane by the Computer's entertainment programs, 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, available in over 5,000 languages. The Pod eventually comes to Landel VI, but Myke crashes the pod by trying to land it manually. Myke notes a strange energy reading, and requests a weapon, but the computer refuses to replicate him any weapon more advanced than a sword, as the planet is technologically undeveloped. He sets off in search of lunch, but soon passes out from hunger. If only he hadn't skipped lunch... He wakes up in a nearby village, populated by "creepy elf children", who found him unconscious. They tell him there is very little food in the village, but after a long and complex thought process, Myke realizes the Escape Pod's replicator could create some food for him. He hurries back, but finds the Pod has been attacked, and the distress signal cut off. As Myke comes to the horrifying realization that this means no food, the episode ends.
LRR acts out spam, such as "Goranga!" and "Mail-away College Degrees".
Alex, the Reebester, Dave and Mr. Satan/Stan face off in an not-so-epic battle for a small carton of pocky.
Andy performs a showtune he wrote himself.
In a parody of Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Graham and Paul mock an old documentary. George brings in a new girl, Joan, who annoys Betty the older more experienced employee with her new ideas on filing.
Paul must enter a mindscape and confront a being of malignant evil that will summon up spectres from his past to destroy his psyche. It doesn't go quite like he expects, though...
Myke follows the strange energy reading to a basement where he is captured by Lance Fabulous after meeting an escape pod thief.
As females are little understood by men Loading Ready Labs gives this guide. Do: show off your muscles, impress her with your knowledge of Shakespeare, show her your collection of 18th century art, compliment her outfit, tell her that she is sexy, play fun video games, impress her with your puppeteering skills, woo her with your ideals of courtly love, and ask her to marry you. Do not: show off your wrestling moves, impress her with your knowledge of Star Trek, show her your collection of 18th century pornography, suggest another outfit that makes her look less fat, tell her that she is smelly, play competitive video games, impress her with your meat puppeteering skills, woo her with a mating dance you saw on the Discovery channel, or ask her to start popping out babies.
Graham and Paul act out a sketch as it is being written. Algernon and Sedgewick face off in some kind of thriller.
Graham and Paul welcome you to LoadingReadyRun 3000! Today's video is a social engineering filmstrip from 1952, presented complete with funny commentary.
Rick Mercer (This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Talking to Americans & The Rick Mercer Report) plugs LoadingReadyRun.
Since Pat finds musicals absurd Andy uses the power of song and dance to change his mind.
Myke manages to crash the ship just by pressing a button. After crash landing they quickly give themselves up and they are thrown in a dungeon.
Yummies presents cinnamon chew snack cakes. Yummies snack cakes. Evil Corp. holds the worlds supply of oatmeal and apple snacks cakes along with Evil Corp.'s favorite cinnamon chew. Jangles and Jones are on the case and Yummies snacks solve the case. 64K give mad props to Yummies, The original golden cake.
Graham submits his interview in video form. He gets his rejection in video form as well.
A documentary about a fictional children's television show staffed entirely by puppets. Not just starring puppets, staffed.
What do newscasters do when there's no news to report? Absolutely nothing is happening - time seems to have stopped. (For some reason, this isn't considered news.)
An advertisement for a school that aims to education and sharpen the autocratic skills of dictators. Turn your brutal reign into an inhuman one! Learn how to purge, oppress, and tyrranize with the best!
Our film-noirish protagonist needs to deliver a pizza in thirty minutes or less. Can he navigate the city's shadowy underbelly to get the information he needs, or will the gritty underworld rub him out?
If you don't vote, it's like letting the guy who loves anchovies order the pizza - you'll pay for it later.
LRR presents a helpful guide to the 2005 British Columbia provincial elections.
The commentary track for a turn-of-the-century film.
For those of you who saw the earlier episode on "How to Impress Women" and now want out, LRLabs offers a helpful presentation on how to end a relationship, with special host Olive Snarfelburger. Relationship end techniques include: lying, telling the truth, breaking up using the phone and/or email, talking about who you are dumping them for, faking your death, getting your friend to do it, freaking them out with horrid poetry, act mentally unstable, fake bizarre fetishes, or if all else fails, murder.
Jer and Ash attend the first Victoria Air Guitar Championship where Pat rocks out to a second place finish.
Myke is tortured. Myke and Lance are rescued by the local freedom fighters and are able to escape.
LRR Labs presents a basic tutorial in the natures and propitiation methods best suited for some of the more obscure deities of forgotten pantheons.
Five people decide to stay awake for forty-eight hours, and they're chronicling it all for Sheer Stupidity. At first, the video is shot like a reality-TV show, hosted by Jeremy Michaels, but as the hours pass no one wants to bother. The cast slowly loses their ability to parse grammar, keep track of time, and think intelligibly, although they manage to keep themselves distracted. Morgan even works a scheduled shift at work. Eventually, they're so exhausted that they all pack it up. Bill lasted the longest with a whopping forty-five hours.
Graham and Paul present an animated music video for a song by The Arrogant Worms.
Television just doesn't work for movies when you've got to edit them. Swearing, sexual content, drug references, time limitations, screen formatting, violence and commercial breaks all impede the correct portrayal of 'Who's Jacket is It', the LRRie winning film.
After viewing "Revenge of the Sith", two Star Wars fans begin a discussion about whether the film can serve as a political metaphor for any society or whether it's incompatible with Canadian politics. Conversation quickly turns to the industrial capacity of Naboo and the implications for democratic monarchy. Despite some subtle use of Force suggestion, one of the fans simply won't drop the subject, despite the other pointing out how his obsession with economic and political details has gotten them banned from conventions. An argument develops, and cans of whoop-Force are opened, culminating in a lightsaber duel.
Evil Inc. is looking for a few good men - well, it is now, after its previous henchmen all perished in various peculiar ways not at all related to their own incompetence.
"You are watching Loading - Ready - Run." It's more interesting when celebrities say it.
Four Shorts: Cheese: Jeremy stops cutting the cheese to sharpen a knife and accidentally cuts off a finger. He phones the hospital with bad results. Future: Jeremy encounters himself from one minute in the future, who is attempting to save the universe. Hummmm: A minute might seem like a pretty short amount of time for a video, but LRR wants to see just how long they can make it. Terminal: A man in the hospital receives some bad news. He has one to live. Minute, that is.
A traveling salesman tries to sell his wares, but his prospective customer seems to take umbrage at everything he says, does, or displays. (She does seem to like the cats.) Everything is somehow wrong, insulting, or inherently offensive. Eventually he just can't take any more.
LoadingReadyRun pokes fun at the old Superman cartoons and the motifs of its specific genre.
Uwe Boll doesn't just make bad movies, he threatens the reputation of video gamers everywhere - and he must be stopped! Graham reviews the history of Boll's cinematic atrocities, analyzes the international legal loopholes that make the horror-that-is-Boll possible, and interviews one of his countless victims.
Graham woke up as normal - and found he's out of sync with reality. Like a badly dubbed kung-fu movie. "Look, there's Godzilla!"
The Story Guy makes his first appearance, detailing that the recipe of the grilled cheese sandwich that he makes when the Sultan of Brunei drops in, was found by his grandfather, a pilot in the Kenyan Air Force, when he was shot down over Germany at the end of the Second World War. Oh and he forgot his wallet when he went to the store to buy more cheese.
The forum member known as "Johnny_Lunchbox" has foolishly agreed to become an intern for our favorite Internet comedy group, and that means LRR has a new gophermonkey! His real name is already taken by Bill, so he is quickly renamed "Johnny". They set him to important tasks like acquiring beer and waiting outside for thirty-six hours straight.
Our most horrifying display of stupidity yet, Bill goes the distance for eating gross things.
Graham rips people who cultivate an air of superiority on the subject of independent music a new one.
Billy (played by Graham) never gave combine harvesters much thought, but when he listened to the Narrator's voiceover, he found they were going to play a big part in his future. Ted (Bill), the school bully, tries to get Billy to smoke some cigarettes.
Myke and Lance escape in cart and on foot as they are persuaded by dragons, golems and beasts. They reach the freedom fighters camp and they agree to help at the front lines.
64K is back with the history of video games.
James "feels like less of a man" due to his 1962 Klammath semi recliner. It is up to KillahByte (Morgan) and the crew at North West Customs to pimp his chair out with Ultra-Fur, a PS2, an LCD screen, rims and a fire extinguisher.
There's such a thing as being 'too' cautious, as Paul and a mysterious Narrator demonstrate for us quite effectively.
For whatever reason they sing "Jingle Bells", "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" while trick-or-treating.
If you over did it last night, this morning you can: Drink the classic - hot sauce, pepto bismol and tomato juice; Drink the new and improved - raw egg and coke; Drink the hair of the dog that bit you both with and without hair; Cool off in the freezer; Scare your hangover away; Eat lots of fruit and fiber; Pray; Un drink; Sub contract it; Beat up some who feels great then take their liver to replace yours; The Sam Raimi with pepto bismol.
In the list of the top hundred stand-up comedians, there were only eight women. What is responsible for this disparity? Women aren't funny! Kathleen delivers an insightful analysis of the problems with gender-specific humor and offers specific suggestions for improving female comedy.
Graham's been burned too many times before. He's not going to buy a console system, wait desperately for games to be developed, only to have the console discontinued again. He's breaking the early-adopter habit - although he did pre-order one. He can't be expected to go cold turkey, after all. But he's not going to pick it up, no matter how hard Morgan tries to talk him into it. Then Paul begins unpacking his new XBox 360...
The Story Guy makes his second appearance as he discusses his love of pig Latin translations, Irish giraffe herding, the goings on at the Russian Embassy, the Fifth Street Slasher and the Amateur Aeronautics and Tolstoy Appreciation Club in no particular order.
LRR takes a more serious turn as Graham splices together archival film footage to examine attitudes towards adolescence, puberty, homosexuality, and social norms in the 1950s.
You'd better watch out and think twice, because someone is monitoring what you say. If your speech isn't inclusive enough - if you refer not to the "Holiday Season" but a specific religioethnic celebration - they'll find you. They'll take you away. And then the re-education will begin. With candy canes!
In this LRR-style retelling of "The Night Before Christmas", Jangle and Jones are just about to go to sleep when a terrible noise from their kitchen alerts them to the presence of evil - the head of Evil Inc., that is. And he's kidnapped Santa Claus! A valuable lesson is learned by all, followed by a rap from 64K.
Graham is out begging when Andy comes along. Only he does not have any change. Or any bills. Or two pieces of photo ID, the closest bank is closed .... The only solution is for Andy to sit down next to Graham and beg to pay him.
To get rid of your Christmas tree you may: abandon it on someones porch; replant it; sell it at a yard sale for a quarter; toss it off your house; eat it, ... all of it; take it out back and take it out of its misery; just ignore it; will it away with force of you mind; trade places with it; tell it "it's not you, it's me"; hide it in the chesterfield; repurpose it as a lamp.
The elite ghost squad is on a mission of national importance: stop Pac-Man from eating another year's supply of dots. But after they quickly defeat him, Paul switches to Space Invaders.
Graham returns from a job interview. Paul asks how it went, to which Graham responds that he is unsure, but can check with his black box. He holds up a black case and explains to Paul that it records everything he does, similar in fashion to a black box recorder on an aircraft. Graham gives examples such as if he "strikes out" while meeting a girl, or if something goes wrong while in a shop, or even when a moment has to be recorded for posterity. Paul is won over and decides to listen to the recording of the meeting. It starts off well enough with Graham explaining to the recruiting manager the purpose of the black box he is carrying, and that he is trying to set it up correctly. The manager grows impatient from Graham's prolonged fiddling with the black box, and warns Graham that his time is limited, only to be insulted by Graham. Graham is then heard being ushered out of the interview later in the recording. Paul is exasperated and tells Graham the black box cost him the job, but Graham is adament that without it he would not have been able to understand where he went wrong. Paul then gets angry and assaults Graham. The fight isn't seen but can be heard on the black box as Paul and Graham nurse their wounds.
Some of LRR's videos will be appearing in a film festival being held in Nanaimo. The problem's that LRR is in Victoria. Solution? Road Trip! Fun is had by all (Operation Chemainus is a complete success) and LRR picks up some awards.
The Story Guy makes his third appearance, explaining how it became necessary for him to do his laundry while providing a bounty of digressions.
Jeremy Michaels (Jer) hosts a dating program in which three guys (Morgan, Bill and James) vie for the attention of two girls (Lissette and Jessica). Jeremy and Doctor Gibb give terrible dating advice as the three males commit various gaffs. By the end of the show both the girls reject the three and leave with Jeremy.
A dental approval board is discussing the accreditation of a new type of gum on the market. The conversations drifts to one of the member's personal problems with using "male enhancement products", which disturbs the chairman of the board. One member suggests approving the gum on the basis of the packaging, but the chairman reminds him that packaging is something the board does not deal with. The chairman then notices that some of the gum is missing. The member who ate the gum complains he is hungry. The chairman caves in and decides to get some pizza. The board then decides to approve the pizza, much to the exasperation of the chairman who points out the pizza is not good for dental health. Finally, one of the members suggests approving the gum if it had pizza flavour. The chairman gives up and decides to write it down as a suggestion.
Graham and Morgan make a bet that Graham can go for twenty-four hours without talking. After Graham fails to make Paul understand what's going on with a series of charades, he breaks the bet out of sheer frustration, then resolves to start over. Paul decides to see how many times he can get Graham to talk - and he does get Graham talking through a series of clever tricks. The frustration eats at Graham's sanity until he loses all control, proclaims he'll never stop talking, and runs gibbering into the night. Morgan congratulates Paul on his manipulation skills and concludes the private bet they'd made between them.
Gibb explores the world of Kei-Kon, interviews various cosplayers, and learns a very important lesson.
Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the 2006 Lr- lurr?- lrries. LRR presents a selection of this year's movies and gives them a series of funny awards.
Mr. Tiddlywinks (Bill) may kill you in a horror movie if you: answer the phone, answer the door; say any cliched horror movie line including: 'It's okay; he'll never find us in here.', 'It's okay; there's no way he could've gotten here before us.', 'Don't worry: it's all over.', 'Don't worry: he has a pathological fear of closets.', 'Don't worry: he's dead. No one could've survived being hit be a cement truck, having all of his limbs severed, being burned to a crisp, and then being crushed to death by a marching band.', 'Okay, don't worry. I'm not worried. Oh.', 'Okay, don't worry, I have a turkey and Havarti sandwich.' and 'Okay, we managed to escape, but we're still in terribly grave danger... but I think we'll be okay.'; split up; ignore the warnings; be the ethnic minority (in this case South American); wear a red shirt; the Sam Raimi; by infighting.
The creative team behind "Snakes on Plane" gets together to brainstorm ideas for a sequel. Snakes on a bus! Snakes on a train! Snakes on a boat! Snakes on a thane! Snakes with Green Eggs and Ham! (Well, no, but you get the idea.)
LRR makes amends for its horrible slander of Uwe Boll in an earlier video.
If you work on engines or machinery and do not think of your personal safety, you shake hands with danger.
In exchange for Bill eating all kinds of weird stuff, several of Bill's friends agree to eat something he makes - and his unholy creation is truly horrible.
The mysterious individual known only as the Story Guy packs for a holiday and tells a story about the origins of his name - which he fails to mention.
Guy Phillips (Graham) hosts Hagiography Today, your weekly look at the patron saints. Besides answering last weeks mail in quiz, the Saintdown is given, the ranking of saints which is topped by St Marry. The roving Saint Cam with Hal (Paul) is out asking the man and woman on the street who is patron saint of hemorrhoids. Finally there is the Representation Game where you can guess which saint is represented by the given symbols.
Morgan shows up at Graham's place and finds him playing Oblivion. Graham admits he has been playing for 70 hours and is "celebrating no pants day". Morgan then tells Graham that Nintendo have announced their new console system's name, which is the "Wii". Suitably impressed, Graham decides to go out and preorder one and asks for his pants, only to be given a man thong. Outside, Graham cries out "Wee" only to be accosted by a lawyer claiming to be from Nintendo and is warned that he can not shout "Wee" without paying royalties. Graham is skeptical only to be handed a subpoena. Outraged, he asks Morgan for his actual pants and visits a campaign group, Families Against Ridiculous Trademarks. The leader of the group goes off into a tirade about console manufacturers trademarking "monosyllabic expressions of jubilance". The group is joined by a mysterious gentleman who asks if the leader of FART is not afraid of legal action. The leader claims to have a anti-lawyer charm that was bought for $200. He then proceedes to make a prank call to Nintendo only to be traced and found out. Surprised at how they could do so, the mysterious gentlemen reveals himself to be Nintendo's lawyer, who accosted Graham earlier. The FART leader then dispatches him with the anti-lawyer charm. The lawyer melts in a puff of smoke and Graham is left somewhat confused and surprised. The video ends with Graham back at his house playing more video games.
Graham finds Morgan sitting around only wearing underwear. Morgan initially claims it is because he has the right to do so, but when Graham calls his bluff he admits it is because all his clothes were too dirty to wear and are in the wash. This includes the "Billy the Bear costume". He then explains that Bill was doing his washing since he was owed a favour. Morgan also mentions he has been banned from the laundromat, not for doing his laundry in his underwear but for reacting badly to another patron using his machine to clean her clothes. This reaction being covering her clothes in a mixture of "aerosol cheese and his own urine while laughing like a crazed hyena". Morgan then admits it was more fun to stay at home and answer the door as it allowed him to freak out various numbers of people who appeared at the door such as the milkman, paper boy, postman, Jehovah's Witnesses, and girl guides. Graham is amazed and remarks that it's almost a full set. Morgan agrees and notes only the pizza boy is needed to establish a new record. After a training montage of epic proportions, a news broadcast says that Morgan has indeed set a new world record for scaring off people at the door. It also mentions Bill has been arrested for reacting badly to another patrons use of his machine. It appears he also copied Morgan's actions of spraying cheese and urine.
Tired of summer camps that only leave your children with macaroni pictures and a terrible sunburn? At Camp Crush Your Dreams, they can learn valuable life lessons while having fun! CCYD - It's as much fun as grownups have!
Kathleen has a fantastic new money-making idea that she must share with Graham; however, Graham is less than enthusiastic about her plan to register and operate websites catering to obscure nun fetishes, particularly when she reveals her intention to have him dress as a nun. Further ideas involving cats being shot down, Kathleen talks Graham into not only inquiring about a new idea, but going along with it for a trial period before he hears about it. He is then forced to wear a bear costume for her new Rent-A-Furry website.
Graham insists that he and Kathleen need to go hiking, but Kathleen is concerned about bears, and she has a list of totally rational reasons why she should be. The two argue, referencing increasingly obscure but fairly reliable Internet sources regarding the danger posed by bears, ursine and piscine legal counsel, and the centuries-old agreement between bear and shark to remain on land and in sea respectively. Graham has brought enough anti-bear supplies to overcome even Kathleen's resistance, though. The next day, a news anchor reports that the bodies of two hikers have been found in the woods, mauled by sharks.
Paul has an important announcement: thanks to the purchase of a new camera, LRR will now be seen IN HD!!! Well, it would be if they had the hosting and bandwidth to present HD, and we had the time to download and computer power to watch it, anyway. The team goes on to demonstrate all of the exciting new features of the camera, including a tripod (no more balancing on Matt's back) and humour enhancer (all jokes are 13% funnier). It's so advanced that it can practically shoot LRR's videos by itself - so Paul and Graham will just leave us alone with it.
Paul and Morgan discuss various similes for life, then walk through a fair, discussing how various elements of the carnival might be considered as aspects of life. They establish that life is like a metaphor - it doesn't have to make sense.
The skits performed in this episode of Rapidfire include: - An extended joke involving a clown wig and nose - Several Twisted Fairy Tale Morals - An interlude at the Antique Street Show - An Explanations scene about the teaching of the Theory of Evolution - Audio Trouble - Officer Rodriguez and Detective Riley
A mysterious stranger is handing out petitions full of extremely ambiguous phrasiology regarding Quebec's potential succession from Canada. The arrival of Canadaman reveals him to be none other than the infamous Jaques Francois! The two nearly come to blows, but a bystander directs Canadaman's attention to the petition. Jaques reveals that he has enough copies for everyone in Canada - and he's shipped them Canada Post! Canadaman must rush to stop the petitions from being mailed, but the office has closed early (as it is six-o-clock PM, not seventeen-o-clock). Fortunately he locates the postal worker at Tim Hortons, and the two share doughnuts after stopping the nefarious plan.
The skits performed in this episode of Rapidfire include: - An extended joke involving free association and the TV show "Lost" - A failed attempt at innuendo - An interlude at the Antique Street Show - An Explanations scene on the subject of Relativity - Twisted Fairy Tale Morals - Another Audio Trouble broadcast
Bill and Morgan attempt to rob a grocery store at gunpoint, but Bill neglected to paint his toy gun black to make it more realistic-looking (and loaded it with a suction cup dart to boot). This provokes a fit of laughter from the clerk, and the two flee. They try again at another store and fail miserably due to projectile porn. Deciding that they need to think bigger, they go for a break-in at WalMart, but it's a bad idea to rob a place that locks the cleaning crew in overnight. Next they try to rip off a video store's ATM, but it was too heavy. They end up taking loose change from a beggar's cap. And who says crime doesn't pay?
Graham notices that Morgan is cooking bacon at an odd time; Morgan reveals that James is a hampire and must consume pork products or die. His condition was triggered by eating cursed meat, leading to a host of unusual attributes and weaknesses. Morgan recounts the failed attempts at curing James. Paul makes a jam sandwich, but he uses similarly-cursed jelly and becomes a jampire. Graham wonders what could possibly be next; Bill then enters, singing "Wake Me Up" by the band Wham and complaining about the absence of bacon and jam in the fridge.
Motherfucking Snakes on motherfucking everything in town!
The skits performed in this episode of Rapidfire include: - An extended joke involving headphones and beets - An interlude at the Antique Street Show - An Explanations scene on the subject of the Internet - Officer Rodriguez and Detective Riley
Matt and Jer act out a series of rejected "Get a Mac" advertisements with help from a few friends.
Priceless artifacts are on display at the museum, and our two favorite criminals have hatched the perfect plan to acquire them: enter the building, evade the laser web, get what they need, and get out. Everything is prepared. Except the driver, whom Bill failed to call. So Morgan and Bill take the bus... and leave their carefully labeled plans on it. No problem - they'll steal them back! So that night, they break into the local transit depot by cleverly claiming to sell Girl Guide cookies, then knocking out the guard. Another guard is neutralized by luring him into a closet with a cache of Timbits Bill somehow carries on his person. Plans reacquired from the lost and found, they beat it to the Royal British Columbia Museum... only to find that the "Priceless Treasures of the Old World" exhibit closed the day before to make way for the "Taudry Baubles of the New World". They'll have to pick up a calendar on the way home.
For the first time before a live audience 64K provides a preview of LoadingReadyLIVE!. This rap was performed at each LoadingReadyLive show.
Kathleen explores the Vancouver Zombie Migration 2006. She watches zombies, fights zombies, interviews zombies, meets several interesting varieties of zombie, and has her brain eaten by zombies. Grrrr... bwar...
The skits performed in this episode of Rapidfire include: - An extended joke involving French language tapes, an inflatable Lemming, and a lava lamp - Two interludes at the Antique Street Show - An Explanations scene on the subject of computers - Officer Rodriguez and Detective Riley
Kathleen is looking for employment and only finds jobs which are, according to her friend Mike, scatological in nature. Annoyed at the lack of help from him and the lack of fulfilling jobs, Mike suggests a visit to the careers counselor. Kathleen reluctantly agrees to this after declaring she is up for anything except testing horse urine for drug use. The trip turns out to be unhelpful as the counselor suggests Kathleen "help people actualize their material nationalism...in flag form". After finding out about Mike's fancy walking skills and his persuasiveness, Kathleen decides to first start a street side psychology business, then a grammar analysis business. After both fail, Kathleen gets annoyed and tries to chase after Mike, only to be thwarted by his fancy walking skills. Eventually Kathleen ends up at the flag shop that Mike works at.
Paul has been receiving angry letters from people in the gay community, upset that homosexuals are underrepresented in LRR. Graham explains that Morgan is in fact gay, to Paul's astonishment. A series of flashbacks show how this was revealed, and demonstrate that Morgan is in fact the worst homosexual in the world, ever - but a homosexual nevertheless.
We learn more about the Story Guy and his attire than is probably healthy for us.
An evil madman and his henchman have kidnapped characters from LoadingReadyRun's past, marooned them on an isolated island, and implanted explosive devices in their brains. If they don't fight to the death, they'll die!
64K keeps it real to talk about their former member CoreUnit's battle with a World of Warcraft addiction.
LRR presents a trailer for a '50's-style horror film. An experiment seemingly funded by Evil Inc. goes terribly wrong, unleashing zombies across the world, a problem that only worsens when the experimental data is released across the 'Net. Chock full of enticements like "Bladder Draining Terror!" and promises of "Mystery! Suspense!! Acting!!!", the trailer doesn't present a rating for the movie, as the reviewers were too frightened to see it.
Other than the obvious one can use condoms for many things: as boxing gloves, as a banana protector, for bondage on a budget, as saran wrap for butter, to hit someone in their balls, as a garrote, as an elastic, as a slingshot, as a speed bag, as a piñata, as a doo-rag, as fake breasts, as waterproof socks, as friendship bracelets, as hair ties, as an iPod protector, as spoon-chuks, sink-sized water-filled projectiles - up to tub-sized, as a halo.
Two mimes go at each other in an invisible duel with weapons ranging from basketballs and record players, to lightsabers and puppies, to lions and cannons. Top that with a dance-off, and this video contains just about every verb in existence!
It's the night before PS3 launch day, and Gibb goes on location with the brave souls waiting in line for their chance at glory.... or maybe a quick buck.
Graham tries to bolster the morale of Paul and James so they can better tackle the problem of the kitchen, but they don't enjoy wearing dirty pots on their heads. Kathleen has an idea, and enlists the aid of Bill to kidnap an unsuspecting stranger to clean the kitchen for them. Unfortunately, their victim would rather take his chances with torture than go anywhere near that kitchen. After being forced to do Bill's WoW grinding, he wants to try the kitchen, but Bill will have none of it.
The skits performed in this episode of Rapidfire include: - An Explanations scene about American cable news. - A joke involving manual transmissions and cheating husbands. - Several Twisted Fairy Tale Morals. - An interlude at the Antique Street Show - Officer Rodriguez and Detective Riley - Audio Trouble
Ever have ninja or non ninja related trouble pouring milk, juice or beer? Then Greg (Graham) and Jeff (Matt) from EZ Industries have the products for you! The EZ milk spout, the EZ juice spout and the EZ beer spout work just like magic.
Paul and Graham's latest video is interrupted by a 1337 h4ck3r who has a bone to pick with society and seized control of the transmission to air his grievances. Then his transmission is hacked by another 1337 h4ck3r, who tries to expose the previous hacking as a fraud. Then things start to go downhill.
Paul has three PlayStation 3s and you have none. Therefore, Paul gloats.
Steve can't get past World 8-3 of Super Mario Brothers, and he's thinking of giving up on the game altogether. Can a little astral intervention set things straight, or will he be plunged into a horrible nightmare world of his own creation from which there is no awakening? (Hint: it's Christmas.)
To get in shape for the new year you may: keep junk food out of reach; go for a walk; drink water instead of a snack; eat health food; do leg lifts; do jazzercise; play Wii Boxing; do cat curls; abuse laxatives; be more active; attempt amateur liposuction; the Sam Raimi; use mind powers; just sleep until fat is in style. Drinking Water is a recurring theme for this video.
Morgan has some trouble remembering what happened during New Year's Eve. Morgan thinks there was lots of beer; there was - until he drank it all before anyone else showed up. Morgan thought he made out with a hot chick - only she was only doing it to get back at her ex-boyfriend. He only learned that he lost a fight to the ex-boyfriend the morning after. Morgan thought that he fulfilled every man's fantasy: to go home with two women - only he was dragged home by two of his female friends.
It takes more than needing to answer a call of nature to get into the Gentlemen's Room, as a very desperate individual learns to his detriment.
Matt is looking for a diagnosis of his symptoms. What symptoms? That's what he'd like to know. In exasperation, the doctor diagnoses him with stomach cancer, which Matt then uses as his excuse to skip work for the Burning Crusade release. Too bad he didn't think of lockjaw.
On the way to 2007's Festival at Nanaimo, LRR splits into two teams, battling to accomplish three tasks chosen by the opposing team.
Little Timmy's been hanging out with the wrong crowd. When his parents find evidence of his illicit activities, they take action immediately: it's time for an educational film on the Dangers of Dungeons and Dragons. To be turned into a responsible adult, Timmy must play World of Warcraft endlessly.
Brad has been taken to collections for the ten dollar import duty on a blender. Not just any blender: a new BlenTec Total Blender capable of shredding brooms. Brad is astoundingly broke and unwilling to give up his principles or his pop-can model of the Great Sphinx. Although Kathleen is willing to lend him the money to cover it, the collection agency adds some very large fees. Only bartering away the blender allows them to settle Brad's debt.
Ways to abuse Shaolin: Block, Deflect, Protect, Project, Blow, Sense, Focus, Chop, Ignite, Speed, and Meditate.
Paul is a really hungry dinosaur, but doesn't quite know what to eat. He goes to Neil's Pet Emporium to get some help, and ends up getting a tasty meal indeed.
Gibb reports from Kei-Kon again.
The cast is shooting a LoadingReadyLabs video on brain transplants, but Jer doesn't think the topic is realistic enough. Paul agrees: actual transplants are unnecessary when you can just overwrite personalities, as he demonstrates with a souped-up Dreamcast. Hilarity ensues.
Best Picture? Best Foreign Film? Those are boring categories. We deliver the awards that are really important.
Paul hasn't been able to contact Morgan, and it turns out it's because Morgan's got a little something that's been going around. Bill and Graham have it too. Who could ask for anything more? (Drumroll.)
Matt is sitting at home playing on his 360. Part of his subconscious (Graham) manifests itself as a man who could be flirting with Matt's girlfriend. The figment of his subconscious entices Matt to call his girlfriend (Ash) who is also playing video games and wants to know if he wants to come over to play Guitar Hero.
Graham and Paul meet to conduct a drug deal. Unfortunately this is there first time they have done this and both have the money. They are able to buy two Tylenol from Morgan but are unable to complete the deal until officer James comes looking to bust a drug deal and unintentionally trades a bag of drugs for a suitcase full of cash.
After successfully installing Linux on his computer, his PDA, and his iPod, Paul wonders what he should install on next. Before Graham and Morgan can stop him he has installed Linux on their Wii and heads off to do the same to Graham's PS2 and XBox 360. Graham's DS and cell phone are next. Somehow Paul installs Linux on the microwave which makes cooking pierogis (even) more difficult for Graham, turns the toilet into a file server, and connects the front and back doors to the network printer. When he installs Linux on Graham there are a few driver problems but he'll make a good web server once he is hooked up to the dishwasher/router.
To hide a body you may: the classic - bury it; the Weekend at Bernie's; stash it in a chesterfield; it is just playing World of Warcraft; the Weekend at Bernie's 2; Taxidermy; test whether it will blend; feed it animals; fatality; resort to cannibalism; leave it in the Homo Mortuus reserve; hide the body in a locker like Solid Snake; just walk away - watch out for the Sam Raimi.
An act of vandalism goes horribly wrong, and a horde of onlookers witnesses the aftermath.
For some reason the length of day has been greatly shortened. Graham tries to tell everyone that it is the rotation of the Earth which is off but they still think the Sun is broken.
Josh Zetlan (Morgan) is Canada's best hope for the gold at the 2010 Olympics in Slacking. Participating in the solo freestyle and the four-man synchronized slouching, he hopes that long hours of sleeping in and snacking will pay off.
Alex reports from the Newmindspace Pillowfight 07 on a massive pillow fight in downtown Toronto.
Games that did not quite reach Nintendo's high standards.
Being stuck in a car for too long grates on everyone's nerves, especially when you're with your friends.
Morgan does not feel so good. After eating 'tacos' the night before, he has some major gastrointestinal discomfort. While he tries to relieve himself, his SED is too much for him. Graham does not want to clean up the mess the late Morgan has left behind. The story turns out to be part of a charity drive, as Paul Kennedy (Jer) asks us to donate, since Shrieking Explosive Diarrhea is not fun for either the unfortunate victim, nor the friends and loved ones left behind to clean up.
If you can not wait for the iPhone to come out, some duct tape, a cell phone, a video iPod, and an internet device will give you the next best thing.
Paul wakes up and he is GORGEOUS! With no idea how he got this way Paul sets out to take advantage of his gift. However the government can not let the Antarcticans get their hands (or flippers) on what ever made Paul this way.
In 1991, Heritage Minutes were created to combat the growing ignorance of Canadian children about their history by capturing their short attention spans and utilizing their love of television. Thanks to Canadian content rules, Canadian Heritage Minutes have become a part of our heritage.
Graham attempts to explain the classic "Who's on first?" skit to Paul, using an actual baseball team to eliminate confusion. Does it help clarify matters? I don't know. (Yeah?) (Shut up!)
It's hot. They're not. Ask them how! Ways to keep cool: run in the sprinkler; be the sprinkler; use fan power; start an arms race; public nudity; take an ice bath; the Loony Tunes; use liquid cooling; no pool, no problem, use the toilet; use an heat sink; use an ice cube suppository; Blizzaga; the Sam Raimi; make this video.
Students at Hogwarts wait eagerly for the release of the final chapter of the Harry Potter saga - but even more eagerly to find out which of the hated protagonists/their fellow students will kick the bucket.
On the drive down to Comic-Con clad in their new Christian T-shirts, some of the crew need energy drinks immediately, so they shotgun them. Smashing the cans on their heads is less successful, however.
Questions are answered, secrets revealed, and the funny is displayed for all.
Since Morgan is not man enough to do it himself, Ben shaves his legs.
Graham and Morgan cannot stop speaking in sentences which end in words rhyming with jellin', driving Paul mad. Little does Paul know this is merely a cruel plan to get back at him for The Bet.
The crew has a large amount of trouble not all wearing the same shirts. Even with all their trouble they still look like a team as they are each wearing one of the colors of the rainbow.
Graham must travel through time to stop Kathleen from falling in love with the keytar (and its inventor, Steve Masakowski), but previous egg-related time travel and a future Graham disguised as Matt persuade him not to. This does not prevent time travel being used to win the lottery, but technical glitches are a persistent problem.
Paul decides to build his own 1950s underwater city.
In his rush to get to work Matt abandons his Toast on the bus. After tripping up a bank robber the Toast is given the key to the City where he meets a female reporter, Tally. Romance blossom between Tally and the Toast. The Toast is discovered at a karaoke night and given a recording contract. With a successful award winning first album the Toast asks Tally to marry him and they move in together. However his second album bombs and he loses his contract causing him to turn to hard alcohol and cocaine. After the Toast becomes abusive, Tally leaves him for a piece of rye bread. Left in the street the Toast realizes that he is meant to be eaten and returns to Matt on the bus. Matt takes a bite of the Toast then throws him away.
Jer accidentally leaves different aspects of his personality at everyone else's homes. Odd things occur shortly afterwards.
Archival footage from the mid-21st century reveals how the release of HALO 3, and its subsequent sequels, both created and destroyed the future of gaming, coming close to obliterating human civilization in the process.
Graham's had enough, and he wants a divorce from Morgan - which comes as a complete surprise, especially since Morgan isn't married to Graham.
Two burglars (Morgan and Graham) break into a house despite some disagreement of the correct possessive pronoun to use. Their attempt to leave with a large flat screen television is foiled by a duck (voiced by Jer) who must have followed them in. Paul is awakened by the commotion and attempts to called the police only to find his phone dead. A police officer (James) arrives and seems to be more concerned about the presence of the duck than anything else. The duck attacks (and ostensibly kills) James, Morgan and Graham, allowing him to sit down and watch the television.
The crew are celebrating the site's fourth anniversary by having Graham eat 4 pounds of bacon. But 30 years later, at the 30th anniversary reunion party, Graham disputes this, stating that it would be fatal. He then tries to recall actual season 4 finale. First Jer suggests that it was a LoadingReadyLanguage video on "How to talk like a Klingon", but this is disputed as well (it is claimed that the crew never made such a video). Matt claims to know the finale, which is the "LoadingReadyRumble"...except Matt takes Paul's place in the recollection. Paul suggests his "23 PS3s" video was the finale. But Graham disputes this as Paul never had 23 PS3s, plus he wants to avoid video games as it turns out some predictions in their "Halo" video almost came true. All Graham can remember that it was shot at his place, it involved the entire cast "plus Morgan" and it involved a human pyramid.
Jer performs a little musical number to show that even videogame fanboys have a romantic side, even if it can only be expressed in terms of video games.
Canadaman may have foiled Evil Inc.'s plan to increase animosity between English and French speaking Canadians by titling video games in French first but he can not stop operation Trick or DOOM. Too bad Paul has not though of what operation Trick or DOOM is yet. His ideas of spoiling the pumpkin crop and disrupting the firework supply are somewhat impractical as it is Halloween night already. Even his plan of swapping kids candy is foiled by Canadaman.
CSI investigates its own after the brutal theft and consumption of a lab tech's sandwich inside CSI headquarters.
The Warriors of Darkness and Steve aren't getting along as well as they used to, and the friction is building up.
To ruin one's employment prospects one may: fail to show up on time; be over dressed; be under dressed; be undressed; have too firm of a hand shake; have too soft of a hand shake; have too silly a hand shake; have too urban a handshake; be too eager; be too violent; inflate past service jobs to sound important; have poor phone manner; not be a team player; lack self motivation; be irresponsible in handling cash; be unprofessional in dealing with customers; fail to complete work in a timely manner; make terrible use of time; display a lack of tact in difficult situations; be unwilling to take on new tasks; fail to take directions; show a disregard for loss prevention; lack suitable references; fail a drug test; use the Sam Raimi
Receiving bad news over the phone is never fun. Especially when it's this sort of news. We are shown the many stages of grief experienced when you learn that your penis is broken.
A surprisingly thorough review of Desert Bus.
Paul the Photoshop Wizard appears to help James through his art project. Too bad it is an art history paper.
While James and Morgan discuss Paul's shocking weight gain, Paul makes a discovery: their hotel keycards don't work. Jer's exit provides a quickly-fleeting opportunity for entry, and he's no longer allowed to have keycards after ninja-flicking everyone in the head. Graham has the only other key, but it's been confiscated for his bad behaviour. What Would Wil Wheaton Do?
These fragments of Christmas Day TV broadcasts will bring jagged shards of joy into your heart.
On Action 9 News Graham and Paul announce that LoadingReadyRun is going on strike against the Writers Guild of America strike.
Graham desperately needs to leave his current residence, but most of the options aren't very appealing. Then he finds an opportunity that's almost too good to be true...
Working on a Sunday sucks, but what The Boss wants, The Boss gets. Especially when The Boss created the heavens and the earth.
When your boss' computer has an irreparable error and your job is on the line, to whom can you turn? That's right, Ned Bitterman!
Matt and James drop the ball over LoadingReadyRun's secret announcement: Updates are now on Mondays!
A parody of a FOX News' segment on Mass Effect, Action 9 News interviews an expert on children and video games (Paul) and a video game expert (Matt) on the sex in Mass Effect
Graham can't download anything because Matt is using up all the internets.
Paul is seemingly appalled by the lack of effort displayed by his class.
For those days when you can never seem to be warm enough. Ways to keep warm: overclock a lighter; light a fire; light self on fire; friction; shared body heat; hot coffee; Hot Coffee mod; shared body friction; red ring; shared body friction fire; pyrokinesis; defeat Heatman; liar liar; space heater; spaaaaace heater; wrap up warm; positive thought; time travel.
At Kei-kon 2008, Kathleen attempts change Graham's mind about anime. Despite watching Dragon Ball Z as a child Graham does not like anime. Neither inplasable premises or hentai cause Graham to change his mind. He makes the mistake of broadcasting his dislike and is chased from the convention.
James is an alcoholic, Morgan is a coke addict, Ash is a kleptomaniac, Ben is deathly afraid of stuffed animals, and Paul has anger management issues. Too bad their town is too small to have separate support groups.
In the name of doing things 'just because they are awesome', LoadingReadyRun put everything you should not put in a microwave into a microwave.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. So we have to pick sides in the Format Wars.
Graham makes sure that potential employee Morgan is the right man for the job via several unconventional tests.
A multinational corporation notorious for making poor decisions sees its main resource, Phail, mined clean. They face the frighting prospect of making good decisions.
Ever wonder how call centers work or utterly fail to? Well, now you know!
Mr. Jones (Paul) goes to meet the bishop (Graham). Too bad a fan (Matt) cuts in claiming that he is '1337' since he thinks that he is the first to view the video because the view counter is at zero. Graham and Paul are forced to break the forth wall to explain that the view counter is updated irregularly and that likely hundreds of people will see the video while the counter is still at zero. Mr. Barnes (Paul) goes to see the bishop. The bishop is happy to inform Mr. Barns that he has been accepted into the priesthood and is unlikely both to molest someone or be taken up on a molestation offer. Mr. Barnes however learns that the priesthood is not what he was expecting, what with secret bible with the naughty pictures, the Pope's steel chair cage match with the Muslim Pope over Indonesia and the cherry flavored diet Blood of Christ drink. He flees before he can learn about naughty nun Fridays, John the Baptist moistened condoms and Body of Christ snack cakes.
Action 9 News reports on the petition to force Uwe Boll to stop making movies. Graham weighs in, reversing his earlier statements, to say that Dr Boll should be allowed to continue to make movies since his movies are so useful they are useful as weapons, as a form of torture and as a way to keep Jehovah's Witnesses away.
A spoof of this trailer for Grand Theft Auto Four.
A parody of the Iron Man trailer.
Matt presents his three easy steps to becoming a son of a bitch: firstly, use my toothpaste; secondly, use my goddamn toothpaste; thirdly, use my goddamn fucking toothpaste.
James has failed to understand Paul's pictographic shopping list, and has purchased bagels instead of doughnuts. Paul explains that certain bagels are the cause of household accidents. Hilarity ensues.
Graham interviews Uwe Boll. No, it's not a skit - it's really Uwe Boll. Boll talks about the movie industry and his movies and to the surprise of many does not come across as a raving lunatic.
Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition has received criticism for "dumbing down" some key aspects of gameplay, but Scott Rouse and Mike Mearls confirm that this was not their intention; Wizards of the Coast intend to dumb down all aspects of gameplay.
Several unlikely candidates try out to be a boss in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4 game. Some of them we have seen before.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we can't make up plausible excuses to tell our boss.
Success has gone to Graham's head, and he's become a total jerk. Paul must carry out the sacred duty entrusted to him if ever this dark day should come...
Graham and the crew present their reasons why the Canadian national anthem should be abandoned in favour of their new (more accurate) version.
This film explains how Scrumbridge Farms goes Right to the Source and mines their ice cream from underground deposits in the Canadian Arctic, the natural, organic way of producing ice cream.
Bill makes his triumphant return from fighting ninjas to kill Jer as a test of his loyalty.
Even unannounced video game mascots deserve an even break.
Take a look behind the scenes of one of this year's most exciting XBox Live Arcade games.
Two colonels (Morgan and Matt) are too interested in the new iPhone to pay any heed to the imminent warnings of impending doom.
The horror of seeing roommate Skeletor's penis is immortalized in this epic song.
Violations include: public nuisance: clothing too loud; encouragement of douchebag; failure to adequately restrain douchebag; douchebaggery (excessive); improper use of pelvis; failure to display booty; possession of a booty by a minor; wear hat with out due care and attention; gettin dun told without insurance; failure to provide 'oh snap'; operate defective robot; dance fighting in public view; failure to remain at the scene of a dance fight; contravention of men's room etiquette; failure to close the deal; bribing an office with a mediocre cocktail; commit justifiable party foul; commit extreme Sam Raimi; impersonating an officer.
The portentous and terrifying appearance of "ghost bears" in "Too Human" leads to a discussion of anti-bear tactics in the inevitable inter-species war. Guest starring Future Matt, Future Graham, and iKathleen.
If you actually enjoyed those 'Movies', here is combination of these with even lower production values and even less humorous jokes.
Paul is hiding something under his ridiculous hat, a tiny family of somethings in fact.
Sketches include: Officer Rodriguez and Detective Riley, It's a Bird, Bad Pick-up Lines, Professor Plackett, Elect Andrew Shepard and Warriors of Darkness.
Jer attempts to practice for an open-mic-night, while Matt tries to beat Morgan at his own game.
Sketches include: Officer Rodriguez and Detective Riley, James vs Bill, Transformers, Bad Pick-up Lines, Shush Guy, Cynical Professor, Elect Andrew Shepard, and being 'fridged'.
The Action 9 News Team returns to dazzle you all with it's thorough scientific knowledge and understanding. Also: Hamsters.
Sketches include: Officer Rodriguez and Detective Riley, Bad Pick-up Lines, Shush Guy, Elect Andrew Shepard, the Warriors of Darkness, Church bells, Explanations and being 'Fridg'd!'.
Ice Tray walks out on 64K, so they run a gameshow to find a replacement. Jeremy Michaels hosts, and contestants include KillahByte, the Warriors of Darkness, HazMatt, Paul, Nerf Gun Bongo & Flatulence Goldfish, Muscles Santa, and Toast. Killahbyte wins out over Paul and HazMatt, to the surprise of all involved, especially since he was eliminated 5 weeks ago and since Evil Inc. tried to fix the vote for Paul....
Judging from the movies, this seems like as good a strategy as any.
Comedy so fast it has trouble forming meaningful relationships. Spare a tear for this Rapidfire's comedy.
With modern technology advancing so fast, even He must move with the times.
Comedy so fast it's undetectable by most scientific instrumentation.
What a week it was. But now the busing is over, and the healing can begin.
Comedy so fast Mythbusters tried to prove it wasn't possible. It was Confirmed. Then they blew up a car.
Was it jolly Saint Nick who left us this sign? Or a beast of pure evil with purpose malign?
And money is time. Or is it the other way around? It all gets very complicated.
When you need a job done very, very thoroughly.
What would Miss Manners say?
Can Elway catch the balls short of a flip pair, or will Lamont pull out an under-crutch moonsault?
It's like Armageddon, but with CAPITAL LETTERS.
This is why no one likes the police. Always to uptight about their "laws."
Raymond and his microwaves return to further the pursuit of marshmallow-based science.
You got your EULA on my TOS!
Finally, the age-old question (and lazy movie-critics' lame headline joke) is answered!
We put the FUN in "Collapse of the Financial Infrastructure FUNdamental to our Society."
Welcome, Willkommen, Bienvenue, Bork.
When you're having a rough day, escape is always an option. Just not the best option.
In cases like this, it's easy to avoid wearing the same outfit as the hostess.
The people who fail in commercials aren't highly-skilled actors, they're just making the best of a disability.
Confused about the upcoming BC election? Then this video won't help you in the slightest.
Protects you from mosquitoes. Actually, perhaps the word "protect" isn't strong enough...
Funny story actually, I had a roommate just like this once...
The direct feed of the LRRtech E3 press conference. You won't want to miss this revolutionary announcement.
When it comes to the economic downturn, it pays to support local businesses. Sometimes.
One of history's most beloved professions has its own unique philosophy.
While technically accurate, this is probably not the pub you are thinking of.
You may not believe it, but it's true.
If sheer force of will fails you, perhaps these solutions can do the trick.
Things like this never really work out the way you plan them.
Sometimes, a nice clean reset is your best option.
It's what's on the inside that makes us tick. Literally for some people.
It's times like this that children's television needs better quality control. But it's not like the children really care.
Whoever wins, it's gonna be messy.
The 2009 holiday gaming release, seen here, is one of the rarest video games, in the world.
If you can't tweet something nice, at least make sure you're appropriately snarky about it.
Really? We spent all meeting discussing a new name and this is the best we came up with?
Action 9 News give an in-depth look into how we're all totally screwed.
Thankfully, other aspects of the game don't transfer to real life. Like the zombies, for example. Or the controls.
Please be advised: Results shown may not be typical.
Once again, Johnny is drawn back into the grim world of pizza.
It's been an exciting season, but the housemates still haven't guessed who the zombie is! Let's watch!
Finding a new apartment is difficult for everybody.
In an X2Y retrospective, we go back 6 years and add a brand new X to all those Ys.
Kane and Crowthorne will solve any of your tactical depopulation problems.
Andy + Desert Bus, what's not to like!
Adding a little extra something to an otherwise boring business call.
Somewhere, there are people qualified to tell good ol' Graham Stark what Christmas is all about. These may not be them.
Any money-making plan that involves the word "thaw" is on shaky ground to start with.
It's nice to know your friends care.
Graham and Paul assemble a crack team of professionals to take on what might be the most difficult job ever.
Fine dining has been taken to a whole new level.
A fugitive runs, or at leat rides, to escape his pursuers.
Apple announces the latest in vegetative technology.
When two guys want the same thing, sometimes they take it to the extreme.
Action News covers one of the most hotly contested events of the 2010 Vancouver Games.
A very special episode of Man Cooking, for vegetarians.
Phone calls in public places have a way of getting weird.
Sometimes being green just isn't enough.
If you're having trouble sleeping, try these simple cures.
It's always a good idea to have a backup.
French restaurants have never been more French.
Logos can be so confusing.
A scientist's rebuttal to the Insane Clown Posse.
Everything you ever needed to know about graphs.
The military has very strict guidelines on the makeup of a squad.
Employment agencies can find a job for anyone.
Linux is the perfect OS, isn't it? This week: PAUL@lrr:$ fdisk /dev/toaster/
Paul invents the Time Watch.
Sometimes, nature isn't so majestic.
Making news isn't all it's cracked up to be.
The much anticipated counterpart to the hit episode "Ways to Fall Asleep."
Crom can be a very convincing deity.
Everything you never knew about apologies in this PSA from Canada.
There are bad morning DJs. And then there are these guys... who are ALSO bad morning DJs.
Admit it, you went and bought one. Now that no one cares about football anymore, what do you DO with it?
Underground super-fighting tournaments have super-competition.
Gaming bad guys have it tough. Whenever they try to relax, there's another problem.
How many marketers does it take to save a toothpaste?
See? Being an air traffic controller isn't THAT stressful.
Please watch our news. We need your ratings to live!
Hopefully someone at Blizzard knows what's going on.
It all starts out simply enough...
When you're completely stumped, recruit some unwilling help.
You would cry too, if it happened to you.
Even the world's most badass soldiers of fortune have occasional money trouble.
It's not about electing the best candidate; it's about electing YOUR candidate.
Coming home is almost as nice as going on vacation. Sometimes.
LoadingReadyRun returns to the basement, but will they leave?
Make sure to stretch ahead of time.
What do you do when you've got too much money for golf and cricket?
While the LRR crew toils away raising money for charity, they make liberal use of iMovie's trailer-maker to present some trailers.
A visionary director, directs his vision... of a direction. That direction is "left."
Frankly, we're surprised you're even able to watch this video.
Judging by when the mall started playing carols, we're about two months late on this.
Your inner child doesn't care about your grownup problems.
You don't have to be a nut to work here, and you're sick of that joke.
For all the latest tech news, check out the Consumer Electronics Expo.
All the fun of LRR with the added irritation of changing CDs every 10 minutes.
Don't even think about changing the channel. We'll find you, and laugh at you.
College: Training you to combine passiveness and aggression.
Protect your information online, but do it responsibly.
H. J. Lovecarp approved! When you don't have the funds, Frank is there to help.
Sometimes the client needs a little encouraging.
It's truly a lost art.
When your satellite signals get crossed, nothing good can happen.
It pays to be on time.
Truly, the information superhighway's most intrepid explorer.
The First Rule is that Fight Club jokes are overplayed.
Or it could be Girl Wonder, gender isn't really the main qualifier here.
Whether it be due to a party, or sheer laziness, you'll have to deal with the mess eventually.
They aren't just mere ideas, they're envisioneering.
Your data isn't going to back itself up; that much is certain.
Nigel Fitzgerald Brouwer takes us on a journey through the history of pressed meat.
Science means never having to say you're sorry.
Some people just know exactly what they want, and how to get it.
You've stayed up far too late if you've hit infomercial hour.
When you absolutely need a room to sound like a room.
Your conscience is at odds with your decisiveness.
Some problems create bigger, stupider problems.
I can't stand Brian... he's such a whiner every time he respawns.
We assure you the cameras have your best interests at heart.
The good ideas get done to death because the bad ideas are stupid.
Sometimes you need a little motivation to make the poor choice.
Fighting for your rights you didn't even know you wanted to have.
All viable possibilities. Viable, but maybe not ideal.
Truly the best option, in the face of any adversity.
Alternate payment plans can be helpful.
Nigel Fitzgerald Brouwer returns to tell you the hows and whys of fire hydrants.
Hey, it's a dirty, thankless job, but somebody has to do it.
Quests abound.
Always decide in advance what you'll do in case of future you.
Is there, in fact, an upper tolerance for buffets?
It's not just when you back is turned either, this is happening right in front of you!
Social networks, by their nature, aren't really that social.
Turns out everything is corporately owned these days.
Learn the length and breadth of this horrible game's history.
What happens at Desert Bus evidently gets fully realized a week later.
When you need something moved in a little less time than it probably ought to take...
When you've got a complaint of this magnitude, a bakery seems like a good a place as any to take it.
Santa's first choices were probably busy, so he called Graham.
Now that we've got Christmas out of the way, it's time to party!
With the amazing power to kind of... just... y'know. Right? It's cool. Go with it.
He rests as he lived: kinda neurotic and odd.
Everyone wants to help people. For some, those people are themselves.
Seriously. I've to tell you this story. You won't even.
Yes, we get it. People say the darndest things.
Sometimes you need some extra convincing before you'll accept the truth.
College bathrooms seem to be a good place to meet new people.
Listen you guys, edible perennials are serious business.
Yer boy J-Man is back and you should've been there.
It's that time of year again, and LRR won't help at all.
Where do assassins come from? And why does this one look so awesome?
Rarely are parents and teachers on the same page.
Some types of geek should not cohabitate.
Game design is a process, and the process can be slow.
J-fresh returns to prove that, the more people change the more... something. I forget.
The most important thing is to stay outside their vision cone.
Much like their previous episodes, the LRR crew takes a week off from sketch comedy to bring you this.
Nigel Fitzgerald Brouwer returns to take you on another historical journey.
Some punctuation marks should remain firmly on the page.
Always, always read the fine print.
A sneak preview from Apple's upcoming developer conference.
The LRR crew dispenses some indispensable advice for getting online.
Mark Sauceman reveals a new breakthrough in car technology.
Hard up for a way to waste your leisure time? We can help.
A video of four-letter words, and words of other lengths too.
The ups and downs of the world's least consistent airline.
In his penultimate video, J-man takes a step backwards.
There are always ways to make a tough job a little easier.
Not going anywhere for a while?
When you go into the woods don't forget your phone.
I can't believe nobody's thought of this before.
The LRR crew gives you some helpful pointers to surviving PAX.
When you find yourself in over your head, you can call Seth McDebit.
The economy is even affecting the Fairy industry.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
So many maiden choices. Which suits your personality?
Some people will go to any lengths to be on Reality TV.
The sooner you have the talk the better.
Not all activities have to be paranormal.
LoadingReadyRun assaults your senses in this barrage of hilarity.
Take this shot of hilarity.
Can you handle the non-stop barrage of hilarity?
In case you needed a quick recap of this year's Desert Bus.
The Canadian alert system has been going a little haywire as of late.
Jonny gets back to us concerning his trip abroad.
In a very special episode Bob Ross shows us how to paint some very happy trees.
Why are you wasting your time reading this when you could be watching the episode already?
This week you get the chance to experience Narnier in all of its glory.
This puts the entirety of the NASA program in a new light.
The mob doesn't like people who talk. At all. About anything.
Have you ever wanted to win the Tour de France? Who hasn't, and now you're one step closer.
Wizards can be quite helpful when it comes to fashion.
Tips for surviving Valentine's Day when you're solo.
Just eating your food is for losers. Taking ugly pictures of food is where it's at.
To be fair, it isn't a space station either.
Frank Miller's SimCity makes the city much darker than before.
Being a good DM is harder than it looks.
Learn more about pants and their rich history.
Spending time with family is overrated - watch the MEN network instead!
The folks at LoadingReadyRun give us an inside look into political commentary.
A trip to the ATM could turn into something much more sinister.
Muggings are getting so cliché these days.
Only a team of specialists can track down a killer this twisted.
Travel plans become more and more difficult with the dangers and inconveniences of the less than odern world.
Spring is basically the best season ever, bro.
LoadingReadyRun uses its 500th weekly update, to reflect on the first 499.
Sometimes it may sound like a trick question and other times the villain just has terrible foresight.
Forget summer jobs, we've got your vacation budget covered.
Business lesson #85: Roll with the punches.
The movie studios are getting pretty desperate for ideas.
Learn about the strange creatures that inhabit this wild land.
The emotional perils of an open relationship don't end when it does.
Sometimes, it's pretty obvious when you've made a poor choice.
Move forward, while looking back. Looking back, at a rabbit.
In the quiet expanse of space, loneliness might be preferable.
Some men will stop at nothing to unearth the world's secrets. Others will.
Newer, better timezones for our modern age.
Learn more about batteries -- how they were invented, what they're made of, and how many people they've killed...
Xannathor, the H is silent. It's probably right for you.
Please be ready to declare all of the funny with this very special episode of Loading Ready Run.
You can't beat our meat! But you can try.
Because nothing is more relaxing than a giant floating head.
What happens when the meth runs out?
When the cat's away, the mice will eat candy and screw around all weekend.
Mark Sauceman shows you how to get the advantage on your enlightenment.
Look on in awe at the amazing adventures of Guy with a Cell Phone Man!
The newest installment in the Murdercide saga will shake you to your damp core.
Among all the options you could choose for a Halloween costume, some are far worse than others.
The most important public service announcement on the internet.
Some Pokémon are less able-bodied than others, and we're here to help.
Hey all you cool dudes and dudettes, check out this tubular new track from the Desert Bus Crew. It's the hippest new jam of the fall.
The arms race for the hottest of sauces knows no end.
Find out all the latest goings on, from your favourite local television personality.
He's back, and he's upgraded his collection.
Our favourite children's show host tells us the story of Canada's biggest holiday.
64K is back, just like they said they'd be, but the new generation is a disappointment.
The first sketch of our KS-backed year of sketches... well, 2014 was fun(ded) while it lasted.
He's back, he's mobile, and you need to hear what he has to say.
After years in "hiding" they have returned to exact their revenge.
The developers are always striving to make the best game for their fans.
It can't be much fun to be the party that gets included for the amusement of the other parties.
Deep into the very true and real history of everyone's favourite Olympics.
Sometimes, there's only one way to do it.
She has all the answers...
New innovations in charging more for movies.
Just calm down okay, everything is fine.
He can fix your problem. Or something approximating your problem, anyway.
Thank goodness for remote satellite technology.
Everything old is old again.
You may know him from The Internet. He knows what's right, so you don't have to.
It always pays to be the first out the gate with new innovations.
It's brilliant! Think of the savings!
When you need some money right. Like RIGHT now.
They have to come from somewhere. Now you all know our secrets.
A frank discussion of all the ways drugs can and will kill you.
More heads are better than none!
This is not covered by your insurance.
With all the excitement surrounding the World Cup, it's important to consider the humble, prisoner-related origins of this now noble sport.
Look, game development isn't as easy as people seem to think it is.
On paper: Brilliant. In practice... ehhhhh?
Doing laundry has never been so briefly exciting, and then so enduringly embarrassing.
It's the most vigorous contest of our age.
The best kind of roommate is the one you barely notice.
Finally, a social network that does everything we want.
Antique sales is a tough business.
Sssssh! They're listening!
A bicycle is way more stable than a tricycle, right?
It's the hot new craze sweeping the nowhere.
Our apologies. So sorry. Once again, this is our bad.
The latest operating system brings us a variety of new, "useful" features.
Venture into the rich world of Bungie's Destiny. Rich with problems.
This means something... this is important...
All I'm saying is, no one LIKES getting robbed... right?
This game looked much better in the pre-rendered video they showed at E3.
We haven't thrown ourselves off anything tall or flaming recently...
Don't worry, even you won't know you're wearing this thing.
Remember this gem from your childhood?
You can do your part to make things still be fun.
Also known as: Ways to End "X Ways to Y"
This seemed like such a great plan on parchment.
As our 11th complete season comes to a close, we decided the best way to remember everyone's favourite sketch characters was to have them brutally kill each other for our amusement. Or something.
The Quantum Documentary returns as one of the three classic videos voted by viewers to receive a remake as part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations.
A new take on our earliest “scripted” sketch The Alternative to Telemarketers returns as one of the three classic videos voted by viewers to receive a remake as part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations.
The third of our 20th anniversary sketch remakes, it's the return of The Professor's Funhouse.
Everything seems so different since before we had Pokémon GO.
Ugh, the fandom is at it again.
Figure out how to do the thing, and then don't do it and watch Netflix instead.
Get creative, or don't. The description box isn't your dad.
He's back again.