After being cornered by the crab, Myke and Amy are rescued by the circus folk. Myke, still pining over lunch, wants to rescue his parents, but Tiny Tim (a seven-foot strongman) insists they have to get to the teleporter. Also, he says Myke has something on his shirt. After teleporting onto the Federation Rescue Ship G7X92B42 Hydra, or "Binky", they are told to prepare for Gravitic Warp, which Myke interprets as a performance by his favorite band, Gravitic Warp. On the Bridge, the Captain eventually manages to get the ship away from the planet. Myke and Amy are resting, Myke still waiting for the band, and confusuing his lunch with the robot attack. Suddenly, the warp engines shut off, and the ship is attacked. The Captain orders power to the shields, but is eventually forced to give the order to abandon ship. And to not look out the window, as it might make you panic. Myke and Amy are separated, as it is one per escape pod. As the survivors are ejected from the ship, Binky explodes, and the episode ends.