Die Helden erleiden einen schlimmen Verlust und trauern um einen Freund. Barnaby trifft endlich auf den Mörder seiner Eltern.
As the heroes mourn Kotetsu's apparent death, Maverick sends in several more H-01 androids to attack them, but they are shut down thanks to a safety mode implimented by Barnaby's parents. As Maverick kills Rotwang and boasts that he won't be found guilty, Agnes, who has also regained her memory, reveals his intentions to the public. Pushed into a corner, Maverick takes Kaede hostage, but she is saved by Kotetsu, who had only been passed out. After revealing that he is not actually the leader of Ouroboros, Maverick uses his powers on himself, leaving him braindead. As Maverick is taken into custody, only to be killed by Lunatic, Kotetsu announces his retirement, with Barnaby deciding to retire too, so he can start his own life. A year later, Kotetsu, despite his decreased powers, returns to his hero duties, shortly followed by Barnaby.
Les héros ont battu H01, mais Maverick en a encore bien d'autres en réserve. Après s'être vaillamment défendus, les héros se retrouvent acculés. Kotetsu serait-il mort pour rien ? Maverick va-t-il réussir à s'en tirer sans payer pour ses crimes ? Et après toute cette affaire, quel avenir pour Hero TV et Barnaby ?
코테츠는 안드로이드를 제압하는데 성공해 바나비에게 자신이 잡고 있는 동안 빨리 공격하라고 소리친다. 그리고 공격을 피하려던 순간, 능력이 소진되어버린 타이거는 안드로이드와 함께 공격을 정면으로 받고 마는데. 의식이 없는 그를 붙잡고 우는 바나비의 앞에, 매버릭이 다수의 안드로이드 부대를 이끌고 나타난다.
Gli eroi subiscono una perdita incredibile e devono piangere un compagno caduto, mentre Barnaby si trova finalmente faccia a faccia con l'assassino dei genitori.
Los héroes sufren una pérdida inesperada y deben decirle adiós a un compañero. Mientras tanto, Barnaby al fin se encuentra de frente con el asesino de sus padres.
Os heróis sofrem uma perda terrível. Barnaby finalmente fica cara a cara com o assassino de seus pais.