Ash und seine Freunde sind auf der Überfahrt zur Zinnoberinsel. Auf dem Schiff treffen sie Ashs Rivalen Gary. Er sagt ihnen, dass es auf der Zinnoberinsel nur noch Touristen gibt und keine Pokémonarena. Ash kann es nicht glauben. Als er auf der Insel Wiggy trifft, der ihnen immer Rätsel stellt, muss er erkennen, dass Gary recht hatte. Auch das berühmte Pokémon-Forschungslabor ist nur noch eine Touristenattraktion. Er und seine Freunde sind sehr müde, doch leider ist die Insel total überfüllt. Sie gehen zu Wiggy, der Touristen zwar nicht besonders mag, aber ein Hotel hat. Sie essen gerade etwas, als Wiggy erfährt, dass das Labor von einem Ballon angegriffen wird...
Ash and the group are sailing towards Cinnibar Island, and they happen to meet Gary on the boat. Gary tells them there is no gym on Cinnibar Island anymore, and that they were wasting their time going. When they arrive, they meet a strange looking guy who gives information in riddles. He shows them the gym. It is a broken down piece of debris, and hasn't been used in a long time. The gym leader Blaine was sick of battling tourists who came on vacation, rather than for a Pokémon match. The group try to find a place to stay the night. Unfortunately, all the places are packed with tourists. Ash is beginning to get very hungry, just as he smells something good cooking. They find Gary staying in one of the hotels and they even have an Electabuzz for entertainment playing some music. Gary decides to offer Ash some leftovers from their banquet if he will spin around three times and say "Pikachu". Ash refuses, but Pikachu does it hoping to help out Ash. Ash stops Pikachu, just as the star of their show arrives. It is Jigglypuff going to sing them a song. The group run away to safety, just as Jigglypuff begins to sing accompanied by the Electabuzz's music. The whole crowd falls asleep and get some lovely Jigglypuff squiggles on their faces. Ash and the group find the riddle man's hotel, and he offers a free stay as a reward for solving a riddle. Meanwhile, Team Rocket attempt to steal the Pokémon inside the lab on the island. Ash stops them as usual, with help from his Pokémon. They get to a hot spring, when Togepi jumps on a lever that opens a secret passage. They follow it down to see a hidden Pokémon gym. The riddle man is there to greet them, as he reveals his true identity. He is Blaine, and is ready to battle Ash. The battle is tough with Squirtle first losing, and Charizard refusing to battle. Pikachu makes a comeback, by defeating Rhydon through a direct shock to its horn. Blaine then calls Magmar, who Pikachu is unable to beat. Magmar uses a Fire Blast attack, w
Sacha défit le champion de Cramois'île. Il choisit Carapuce, et Auguste choisit Feunard, qui gagne. Sacha utilise Dracaufeu, et Auguste change et utilise Rhinoféros. Rhinoféros gagne parce que Dracaufeu ne veut pas combattre. Sacha choisit Pikachu et Rhinoféros est K.O. Auguste met Magmar, Pikachu ne peut rien faire, il finit K.O.
אש והחבורה שטים לעבר האי סיניבר בכוונה להתחרות על התג השביעי של אש לקראת ליגת הפוקימון. אבל התוכניות שלהם עולות באש כאשר הם מגלים שהמקום נהפך להיות מקום נופש למטיילים.
הם פוגשים את איש החידות ומשתכנים בבית המלון שלו, במהלך שהותם הם מגלים שצוות רוקט תוקף את המעבדה המקומית. אש מציל את המצב ואיש החידות מגלה להם שהמכון עדיין פעיל, ושהוא נמצא בהר הגעש. במכון אנחנו מגלים שאיש החידות הוא מנהיג המכון, וכך אש ובליין נלחמים על התג ומצבו של אש נראה לא טוב.
Ash, Misty, Brock y Gary están en un barco rumbo a Isla Canela en donde Ash planea ganar una medalla pero según Gary allí no hay ningún gimnasio y es sólo un centro turístico.
Giunti all'Isola Cannella, dove Ash spera di conquistare la Medaglia Vulcano, i nostri eroi si imbattono in un enigmatico personaggio che gli indica con un indovinello dove trovare la Palestra in cui Ash affronterà un Pokémon sconosciuto!
Vore helte rejser til Cinnabarøen, hvor Ash håber på at vinde et Volcano Badge. En besynderlig type giver dem gåder, som skal vise dem vej til Salen. Ash og Pikachu kæmper en voldsom kamp mod en helt ukendt Pokémon!