On board the Gekko, Ao discovers that the Eureka before him is a past incarnation of her, from the time she was still pregnant. Soon the ship is surrounded by the Japanese and Okinawan armed forces, all desperate to take possession of both the past Eureka and her Nirvash. While trying to figure out how to send Eureka back to her own time, Ao and the others are attacked by Truth.
스카브 속에서 나타난 우주선, 그리고 또 한대의 니르바슈 거기 타고 있던 사람은 아오의 생모, 유레카였다.
전에 왔던 때보다 더욱 과거에서 찾아온 그 배 안에 있는 건...?
A bordo del Gekko, Ao descubre que el Eureka ante él es una encarnación pasada de ella, desde el momento en que todavía estaba embarazada. Pronto, el barco está rodeado por las fuerzas armadas y las fuerzas aliadas de Okinawa japoneses, todos desesperados para tomar posesión de ambos el pasado Eureka y su Nirvash. Al tratar de encontrar la manera de enviar Eureka volver a su propio tiempo, Ao, Equipo Pied Piper y los contrabandistas son atacados por la Verdad.