While Nick Walker is playing on the computer there is a short-circuit and Nick finds himself catapulted into Cyberspace. All his sister Lissie and neighbour Albert can find are Nick's footprints - on the computer monitor. Nick meets the clever, friendly e-mail messenger Twipsy, a creature made of pure energy, who shows him the exciting world on the other side of the computer monitor.
Twipsy and Champ are traveling in cyberspace. But even in this hyperactive electro-cosmos, Champ is overcome by fatigue, and goes to sleep on the Information Highway. Mr Neat and his Tidy Team find her. As they don't know who or what Champ really is, they think they've discovered a virus, and take her off to the Cyberdump.
A robbery in cyberspace: the E-Mail Snatchers snatch an e-mail from Mosey, the laid-back e-mail messenger. It's from Albert to his school friend Rachel. The e-mail falls into the hands of Rumor Rumor and Miss Information. They distort the stolen e-mail to make it say that poor Albert's madly in love with Rachel - only Twipsy can save the day ...
There's a talent show in the cyberworld. Twipsy plans to sing a song and accompany himself on the guitar. Unfortunately a guitar string breaks just before the competition begins Nick has a bright idea: he offers Twipsy his new tennis racket. Twipsy sings the song to tennis racket accompaniment, and as none of the cyber-beings has ever seen a musical instrument, they all think it's wonderful ...
Champ meets a skunk. The Walkers try all sorts of ways to get rid of the horrible smell, but in vain. The old dog will have to be banished from the house and live outside. Fearing that Champ will be lonely, Nick and Albert send her off to Twipsy in cyberspace. But even the cyber-beings can't stand the smell. This is a case for Mr. Neat and his Tidy Team ...
Twipsy needs plenty of money to buy papaya smoothies, his favorite drink. He thinks up a good way to get it - if other people will pay him, he'll do their work for them. The idea pays off, and soon he's busy counting his money. But there's a drawback: Twipsy's friends are cross - he is working so hard he has no time left for them ...
The creepy Data Eater has captured Twipsy. Albert bargains with them to get his friend released: Twipsy will be freed in exchange for a "juicy" bit of information. Albert sets to work ...
Champ, the rather decrepit family dog, slips into cyberspace. It's the day of the "E-mail Messenger of the Month" race in the cyberworld. Champ notices that the nasty messenger Gazonk has switched the direction arrows for the race, and she warns Twipsy. All the other messengers are running the wrong way - but Twipsy finds another, faster route.
Mr Neat and his Tidy Team think it's time they spruced up Cyberspace but the team gets some important cables and credit cards confused, and there's information chaos. Lissie's credit card number is attached by mistake to Internet orders from all over the world, and as a result all kinds of packages she never ordered are delivered to her home.
Dr. Walker, Nick's mother, gets into the cyberworld by mistake and meets the depressed cyber-messenger Flit, who can't bear to be sending bad news around on the Net. Dr.Walker gives the melancholy messenger therapeutic treatment. When Albert fetches her back with the Print-o-Scan, she bumps her head, and decides that her "illusions" were all the result of this accident.
Albert is too shy to tell his school friend Rachel that he's in love with her. When other children at school tease him, it's just too much - he goes into cyberspace to have an intellectual discussion with Know-It-All. But Know-It-All turns out to be just a silly windbag, showing off by providing any amount of unnecessary information. Disgruntled, Albert goes back to the real world, and Rachel ...
Herbie, Albert's brother, tries his luck as a reporter of sensational news. He takes a photo of Twipsy and sells the story to Art Abrash, a disreputable TV producer. Reporters besiege the house, hoping for a sight of the famous "extraterrestrial". Lissie meets the TV producer and tells him the truth about the cyber-messenger Twipsy. Of course he doesn't believe a word of it, and cancels the show.
A black day in cyberspace: Rumor Rumor and Miss Information think the world is coming to an end. Lissie suddenly appears in cyberspace - with her beloved doll Frieda. Rumor Rumor and Miss Information take Frieda for the goddess Opxerevonnahs, whose arrival they have been hoping for - they think she can save them from the end of the world. They steal the doll.
Twipsy falls in love for the first time in his life - with a light bulb. But it's a short-lived affair, because the light bulb breaks. Twipsy discovers the meaning of unrequited love, and suffers badly. Once he is over his grief, he realizes that there are still a great many interesting things in the real world, for instance "real" food - Twipsy's new passion...
Twipsy is just crazy about food. But enough is enough, and he stuffs himself until he falls sick and has a temperature. He has to get back to cyberspace fast, because after a certain time in the real world he would turn into another form of energy. Making one last raid on the refrigerator, he falls into a mousetrap and can't get out. Nick, Lissie and Albert find him at the last moment ...
Twipsy borrows Nick's new bike and takes it into cyberspace, to show it to his friends there. They have a great time with this strange mechanism - until the E-mail Snatchers come and steal the bike. Nick is beginning to wonder why Twipsy isn't back, and sets out into cyberspace himself ...
Lissie is stuck in the cyberworld because the Print-o-Scan has broken. Twipsy can't help, since he has transported some stolen information for his friend Mosey without knowing it, and is now kicking his heels in cyber-jail. Mosey, always lazy, quite likes the idea of having a really good rest, and gets himself exchanged for Twipsy. But Albert has already found a substitute: chewing gum ...
Hypno the Great bets Twipsy that he can make anyone computer-addicted, and he plans to try it on the first person mentioned in an e-mail. The victim happens to be Champ, the Walker family's decrepit old dog. Sure enough, Hypno wins his bet: Champ will do nothing but stare at the computer. Lissie asks Twipsy to help her turn Champ back into a normal dog again.
The e-mail messengers are kicking up a fuss. They want better working conditions, time off, and a school. When the cyber-bosses refuse, the cyber-messengers go on strike. Twipsy tries to save the day, but time is short. On his travels in cyberspace Twipsy gets stuck in a kind of parking orbit. The Cyber Police won't let him through to see the other messengers.
Even cyberspace has its dangers: Lissie lands in a black hole when she is trying to transport data along the Information Highway. The only person who can help her is Twipsy. But he has gone off to Gameland to amuse himself ...
Lissie acts as an agony aunt, Cybergirl, sending advice by e-mail, and mixes up two letters by mistake. She goes to see Twipsy in the cyberworld to put things right. Too late - Blitzo, head of the cyber-messengers' training school, is demonstrating the best way to communicate data just as the friends arrive, using Lissie's e-mails. Twipsy has to appeal to the E-mail Snatchers for help.
Nick, Lissie and Mr. Walker go on a camping expedition. The family dog Champ can't go with them because she has fleas. But by mistake Champ lands in cyberspace, where she spreads her fleas around to everyone, including the nasty Data Eater who has just stolen some information from Twipsy. Twipsy promises to get rid of the fleas, but only if he gets the stolen information back ...
Henry, the little boy next door, mistakes Twipsy for his stuffed toy mouse. Since Henry has lost his own "Googy", he takes Twipsy home. Nick and Lissie try to rescue Twipsy, but Henry won't give up his new Googy. Only when they find the original Googy can he at last be persuaded to give Twipsy back.
On her way into cyberspace Lissie is only incompletely digitalized; her mother has interrupted the application by mistake. As a result, Lissie is invisible in cyberspace. That way she isn't noticed when she steals back the information previously snatched from Twipsy by the Data Eater. And it's very important information because it gives instructions for restoring incompletely digitalized data ...
Lissie has to look after the school guinea pig, Trouble, for the night. Trouble, the guinea pig escapes from his cage and really does get into cyberspace, where he creates confusion. Twipsy catches Trouble, brings him back to the real world, and leaves him in the classroom. Meanwhile Lissie has bought a new guinea pig looking just like Trouble...
Twipsy has gone fishing, and he caught himself a friend, the trout Wanda. Meanwhile, he is wanted in cyberspace because his messenger license has run out. Twipsy takes Wanda back to the cyberworld with him, but it's soon obvious that cyberspace is definitely not the right environment for a fish called Wanda...
Twipsy eats the delicious cookies Dr. Walker made specially for her club meeting. Suspecting Lissie, her mother grounds her. The furious Lissie beams herself and Twipsy into the cyberspace and off to the Cyber Mall. But when they want to come back, Lissie and Twipsy are in trouble, because neither of them remembered to pre-set the Print-o-Scan for their return journey ...
Albert wants to write Rachel a romantic e-mail, but he isn't sure how to set about it. So he and Twipsy travel to the "Blabber Zone", where all kinds of e-mails assemble for collection. As soon as they arrive, however, the two friends are caught by Anti-Hackers and imprisoned. There's worse to come - Herbie takes advantage of his brother's absence to spread nasty, lying stories about Albert.
Herbie installs a virus on Albert's computer. It makes Twipsy lose some data he has to transport urgently. Fearing punishment by Information Control, Twipsy goes to see Albert in the real world, and they try to work out an anti-virus program together. They succeed! Twipsy recovers the lost data, and there's a surprise waiting for Albert ...
Herbie is a real pain: when he lures Twipsy into a trap it's just too much. Herbie must mend his ways! Nick, Lissie and Twipsy persuade Hypno the Great to hypnotize Herbie by computer. Soon Herbie changes into the nicest brother in the world - in fact, he's much too nice for the liking of Nick, Lissie, Albert and Twipsy. They try to reverse the transformation ...
Nick gets news by e-mail, saying he can't take part in the school soccer game. He has been training hard to be ready for the game, so he is very sad. Twipsy feels sorry for him, and begins wondering if the transfer of data and information is such a good thing after all, since human beings get hurt. He starts a rebellion in cyberspace: no one is to transport or distribute any more bad news.
Lissie creates a great sensation when she takes Twipsy to school with her. There's tremendous excitement when her friends see the cyber-being for the first time. It is all too much for Twipsy. He disappears, goes for a stroll in the real world, and causes a good deal of confusion. Meanwhile Lissie is sent to see the school psychologist...
Nick is madly in love with the pop star Elsa Hair. The singer is all the teenagers' heart-throb, and famous for her enormous hairstyle. Nick sits down at the computer and writes her elaborate fan mail. He even enters a competition to win a meeting with Elsa Hair. With the aid of Twipsy and Lissie, Nick does win, but the meeting with his favorite star is a great disappointment ...
On her birthday, Lissie's parents give her a new computer and printer. Twipsy likes this idea, and tries to discover the date of his own birth, so that he can have a birthday too. After researching in cyberspace, however, he has great difficulty getting back into the real world, - Twipsy is stuck between worlds, and no one knows how to rescue him - or do they?
While Nick is playing tennis with the cyber-messengers in the cyberworld, a storm is raging in the real world. It causes a short-circuit that makes the lights in cyberspace go out. Now Nick has a problem: how can he get back to the real world in time for supper without any electric current?
Nick, Lissie and Albert have discovered a new computer game, and are enthusiastically playing it. Twipsy beams himself into the computer game to attract his friends' attention. When Mr. Walker closes the family's Internet account, thus interrupting the game. But Lissie, Albert and Nick have seen on screen that Twipsy is being pursued, and is in great danger...
Gazonk and Flit are sorting out the weather news. Nasty Gazonk changes the data to say that there will be lovely sunshine instead of the hurricane that has been forecast. The Walkers decide to go camping because the weather prospects seem so good, and the storm takes them by surprise. Twipsy recognizes the danger, and informs the police by e-mail. All is saved at the last moment ...
Lissie builds a website for Champ - or rather, it is built by Jack and Jill, the cyberspace online construction workers. Just for fun, they change the home page to say that all the pet owners in town are invited to a party at the Walkers' home. This is no laughing matter for Nick and Lissie's grandfather, who has come to visit, because he's allergic to animals. But Twipsy has a good idea...
The cyber-messengers are holding a party. Since all the cyber-people have to be there, no data can be transported - and that includes Albert's e-mail love letters to Rachel. He waits in vain for Rachel to reply, and decides that she doesn't care. Feeling frustrated, he goes off to cyberspace. He arrives just in time to get the cyber-messengers out of a hole...
Nick's marks in school aren't too good, and he's threatened with being left out of the soccer team. Over in cyberspace Nick, Twipsy and Lissie find the answers to a test that will be set in school tomorrow, and the temptation is too much ... Nick takes the answers home. In the end Twipsy helps Nick out of his dilemma, although only indirectly ...
There's a violent storm in cyberspace, and Lissie has to stay in the Cyber Mall. Then, suddenly, everything's in confusion. The evil Data Eater is after Lissie, and Twipsy has to step in. The storm has a bad effect even in the real world: it's Technology Week in school, so the children's marks are being sent out by e-mail - and they get mixed up because of that wretched cyberspace storm ...
Mr. Walker and Dr. Walker go on vacation for a few days. Mrs Turner the piano teacher is looking after Nick and Lissie while their parents are away. This is no fun for the two children, because Mrs. Turner spends most of her time playing scales. Only Twipsy, who is spellbound by the music, thinks it's great. He is so enthusiastic that he wants to play the piano himself...
It's Environmental Awareness week at school, so Nick and Lissie try to save as much energy as possible. Twipsy, introduced to the subject of environmental pollution for the first time, is shocked by the results of wasting energy on earth. He immediately starts an energy-conservation program in cyberspace. However, his project has major effects on the whole of the Net.
Albert is sick and has to stay in bed, or so his ever-anxious mother thinks, anyway. By now, however, Albert is feeling fine again, so he slips away and beams himself and Nick into cyberspace to go to a party. In their excitement, they take a short cut by mistake, and end up in the cyber-dump. They almost fall into the Obliterator, but Twipsy intervenes.
Albert's soccer team loses a game and it's all his fault. Albert feels so bad that he decides to stay in cyberspace for good, and lead a quiet, intellectual life there. But instead of the peace and quiet he's expecting, he finds himself in the middle of an exciting adventure: he has to protect Twipsy from the E-mail Snatchers and save him from the clutches of the dangerous Data Eater.
Little Henry hits a key on the computer so that Twipsy gets duplicated during data transfer from the real world to the cyberworld. Unknown to Twipsy, his double is a trouble maker, and the other messengers think Twipsy himself up to no good. But the trouble really starts when Twipsy 1 and Twipsy 2 meet in cyber-jail. Because in the real world, Henry is busy at the computer again ...
Nick orders a pair of hockey pads on the Internet, but they never arrive. Jack and Jill, the website online construction workers, are so bored they have mixed up several orders, creating confusion in the real world. A new car is suddenly delivered to Dr. Walker instead of the ring she was to have had for her wedding anniversary. Twipsy sorts out the chaos and gets the orders straight.
Love conquers all, even in cyberspace: Miss Information is only too keen on reading other people's e-mail love letters, and she falls madly in love with Twipsy herself. In the end Lissie has to travel into cyberspace to save poor Twipsy from a very awkward situation - just as Lissie arrives, Miss Information is pressing him to marry her! But Lissie introduces herself as Twipsy's wife ...