Die anderen Helden können Jake nicht besiegen. Also liegt es an Barnaby, Stern Bild und die Bewohner der Stadt zu retten – und den Tod seiner Eltern zu rächen.
Barnaby begins his fight with Jake, but is unable to hit him. Kotetsu awakes injured in the hospital, but has a realisation about Jake and leaves to find Barnaby, who is on the verge of losing. Kotetsu tells Barnaby he has figured out that Jake can read people's movements using a second power, super hearing, and gives him a sound grenade as a countermeasure. Barnaby uses the grenade, which initially seems ineffective; however, it turns to be a stun grenade, causing Jake to drop his guard and letting Barnaby defeat him. Kotetsu reveals that Jake's second power is in fact mind reading; he proposed a fake plan to Barnaby in order to mislead Jake. Kriem threatens to blow up the city using the mechs, but they have been taken out of commission by Blue Rose, Fire Emblem and Dragon Kid in the meantime. Jake tries to escape, but when he shoots at Kotetsu, he hits Kriem's helicoper instead, causing it to crash on him. At the end of the episode, Barnaby adresses Kotetsu by name, a sign that he now trusts him as his partner.
Barnaby s'en va au combat contre Jake Martinez. Malheureusement, il subit le même sort que ses compagnons et ne parvient jamais à réussir une seule attaque face à Jake. Pendant ce temps, les brouilleurs radar ont été mis en place; Fire Emblem, Blue Rose et Dragon Kid partent neutraliser les robots dirigés par les Mad Bears qui sont plus nombreux que prévu.
제이크의 능력을 정확히 알 수 없어 히어로들은 고전을 면치 못하고 쓰러진다. 그리고 4번째로 지목된 바나비. 그는 복수를 불태우면서 제이크 앞에 섰지만 제이크는 바나비의 공격을 모두 막아내는데... 이 위기의 상황에서, 가까스로 혼수상태에서 깨어난 타이거는 제이크의 진짜 능력을 알아냈다며 전장으로 향한다.
Dopo che gli altri eroi non sono riusciti a sconfiggere Jake, Barnaby si fa avanti per proteggere Stern Bild con i suoi abitanti e vendicare la morte dei genitori.
Cuando los otros héroes no consiguen derrotar a Jake, Barnaby da un paso al frente para proteger la ciudad de Stern Bird y vengar la muerte de sus padres.
Quando todos os outros heróis são derrotados por Jake, Barnaby resolve proteger Stern Bild – e se vingar do assassinato de seus pais.