In Stern Bild gibt es zwar keine Todesstrafe, doch Lunatic, der Verbrecher tötet, gewinnt immer mehr an Zuspruch und wird von der Bevölkerung als Antiheld gefeiert.
As Lunatic continues to kill criminals, the public start to question the need for heroes, which start to worry the sponsors. Thus, they start having the heroes help out with the community in order to gain the people's trust, with Kotetsu and Barnaby visiting a school alongside Ivan "Origami Cyclone" Karelin, who has a lot of self-doubt about his worth as a hero with only shape-shifting powers. He and Barnaby hear of Ivan's closest friend, Edward, who was the top of his class until an incident where he accidentally shot a hostage he was trying to save led to him being charged with murder. However, Edward escapes from prison and attacks Ivan, blaming him for hesitating to back him up during the incident. After rescuing him, Kotetsu encourages Ivan that he needs to be the one to stop Edward from committing more crimes. As Ivan goes to confront Edward, Lunatic appears and targets Edward. Ivan stands to protect Edward before Kotetsu and Barnaby arrive on the scene. As they fight Lunatic, they learn his targets are not members of Ouroboros, but murderers, later escaping after Kotetsu breaks a little of his mask. After Edward is put back into police custody, Ivan is commended for his rescue and vows to move out of the background, whilst Barnaby wonders why Kotetsu does so much for him. At the end of the episode, it is revealed that Lunatic is Yuri Petrov, TV Hero's curator.
Alors que Stern Bild n'applique pas la peine de mort, Lunatic, un héros qui tue les criminels, a fait son apparition. Si bien que la population commence a soutenir cet anti-héros. Dans le cadre d'une campagne visant à regonfler la cote de confiance des héros, Kotetsu et Barnaby se rendent dans une école de héros accompagnés d'Origami Cyclone. Ce dernier, lui-même formé dans cet établissement, fait de son mieux pour assurer le spectacle devant les élèves. Mais retrouver son ancienne école fait ressurgir en lui le souvenir d'un incident tragique...
히어로 앞에 나타난 수수께끼의 넥스트, 루나틱이 범죄자들을 차례차례 죽이고 다닌다. 살인범만 노리는 루나틱의 행적에 시민들도 그의 사상에 동조하며 히어로들의 존재 의미마저 의문시하게 되는데... 이 상황을 보고만 있을 수 없는 히어로 측은 신뢰회복 캠페인 활동을 제안한다.
A Stern Bild non vige la pena capitale, ma con l'uccisione dei criminali Lunatic inizia a guadagnarsi il sostegno degli abitanti, che lo celebrano come antieroe.
En Stern Bild no existe la pena de muerte, pero los actos de matanza de criminales de Lunatic empiezan a ganar el apoyo de la gente, que lo aclama como antihéroe.
Em Stern Bild, não há pena de morte. Mas Lunatic continua matando criminosos e ganhando o apoio da população, que o considera um anti-herói.