Kotetsu und Barnaby geraten aneinander, als ein NEXT einen Verbrecher tötet. Daraufhin eröffnet Barnaby, dass er den Mörder seiner Eltern sucht.
Barnaby tells Kotetsu and Nathan about the Ouroboros syndicate who killed his parents, becoming frustrated that he has lost another lead. Nathan theorizes that the mysterious NEXT user is killing members of the Ouroboros syndicate to keep them quiet. With Barnaby not answering his calls, Kotetsu is temporarily paired up with Karina to stop a hostage situation. Afterward, the CEO of Kotetsu's company has him and Barnaby try out some prototype chambers to try and relieve their nerves, though Barnaby still has nightmares. Afterward, the heroes are called in to head into a crime syndicate hideout for a live broadcast, but just as they are about to move, the mysterious NEXT attacks the hideout. As the other heroes unsuccessfully try to save as many as they can, Barnaby pursues the culprit, who identifies himself as Lunatic, preaching his own type of justice. Although Lunatic escapes, the heroes manage to revive one of the criminals as a witness, despite not being a member of Ouroboros.
Le mystérieux Next au feu bleu a tué le criminel que Kotetsu et Barnaby poursuivaient. Kotetsu reproche à Barnaby de s'être emporté et d'avoir compromis la capture du malfrat, entrainant au final sa mort. La raison du comportement de Barnaby est à chercher dans son passé. Alors qu'il n'était qu'un enfant, ses parents ont été tués sous ses yeux par l'organisation Ouroboros. Depuis, il n'a eu de cesse de les pourchasser et ce criminel était son unique piste. Mais Lunatic, le mystérieux Next, apparaît à nouveau. Est-il lié à Ouroboros ?
교도소 살인범을 쫓다가 부모님을 살해한 범죄조직의 단서를 찾게 된 바나비. 오랜 기간 동안 실마리 하나 잡을 수 없었던 범죄조직 ‘우로보로스’의 마크를 가진 범인 앞에 감정을 주체하지 못 하는데... 그러나 그런 유일한 단서인 범인이 그만 불에 타 죽고 만다.
Barnaby è criticato da Kotetsu per aver permesso a un NEXT di uccidere il colpevole a cui davano la caccia e rivela la sua ricerca dell'assassino dei genitori.
Kotetsu critica a Barnaby por dejar que un NEXT mate al culpable que estaban persiguiendo. Barnaby revela que está en busca de la única pista del asesino de sus padres.
Kotetsu critica Barnaby por permitir que um NEXT matasse quem eles estavam caçando. Barnaby revela sua investigação para encontrar o assassino de seus pais.