All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 RHLSTP 1 - Tim Minchin

    • May 8, 2012
    • YouTube

    The podcast with the most unwieldy acronym yet RHLSTP (rhlstp) starts with a bang with flame-haired multi-talented genius Tim Minchin chatting about self-penetration, bad reviews, whether Karma has payback and if you can choose your own songs on Desert Island Discs. There's chat about the best revenge to take on a critic, eating face meat, eating lip balm, the effect of shower gel on genitals and the homoerotic subtext of a man helping another man put on his tie. Find out who should really be playing Matilda on stage, how Rich would improve it and his other ideas of which Roald Dahl stories Tim could copy. Also Judas, Jesus and whether atheists and religious people can ever be friends. It's an hour and twenty minutes of incite and silliness, but if you want it to be less then just stop it when you get bored.

  • S01E02 RHLSTP 2 - Jonathan Ross

    • May 15, 2012
    • YouTube

    How did Rich manage this? He's got a proper TV star and interviewer on his show and the pressure is making him tongue-tied, but at least he can pronounce the letter R. There's plenty to chat about from It Ain't 'Alf Hot Mum to the most popular piece of Paul Ross merchandise on Amazon to how on Earth did potty mouth Ross get an OBE? There's so much to discuss that Richard forgets to ask Ross if he's ever tried to suck his own cock? Luckily later on Twitter Jonathan wrote, 'No, I suspect I could have reached, but never been that hungry!' Another episode recorded tonight will be available later this week.

  • S01E03 RHLSTP 3 - Francesca Martinez

    • May 17, 2012
    • YouTube

    Rich is angry about the Fringe programme censoring the entry for Talking C*ck (what can that word be?), but luckily Francesca Martinez is on hand to talk about the power of language, whether Ben Elton is stuck in the 80s and whether the concept of 'normal' exists anywhere but on a washing machine. She also reveals how Richard attempted to corrupt her in 2003 in Melbourne, but luckily she's still talking to him and speculates on whether Jonathan Ross has ever tried to suck his own penis. And Richard recounts the embarrassing interactions that he's had with his childhood hero Ben Elton and how awkward Sunday's gig for SCOPE (not what Elton calls it) at the Hammersmith Apollo on May 20th might be. Someone in the audience is going to win tickets to see the Stewart Lee podcast but what are the chances of them being related to someone on stage?

  • S01E04 RHLSTP 4 - Charlie Higson

    • May 22, 2012
    • YouTube

    It's podcast number 4 and Rich still can't pronounce his own acronym, but he's got his old 90s rival, Charlie Higson from The Fast Show, which some people might argue was more successful than Fist of Fun. But only some people (the others would not be aware of Fist of Fun). Jonathan Ross fell asleep whilst interviewing Higson, so Rich has his work cut out for him in this long chat with the Frome born comedian and author and ex-popstar. But only a very few bits of this long chat could be used by Felicity to induce insomniacs into the arms of Morpheus as we examine the career of the man responsible for Loadsamoney, Swiss Toni and Young James Bond. Funnily enough we prove that pretty much anything can become a catchphrase and determine as best we can who is worse, Hitler or Ricky Gervais. Both comedians are hoping to get a cheese named after them, but only one of them has won the Chortle Internet Award and is thus the best. It's 100 minutes of fun, so more like Fist than Fast. And some of the running jokes will only make sense if you were one of the brave few who made it down to see the secret (astonishingly brilliant) first half.

  • S01E05 RHLSTP 5 - Charlie Brooker

    • May 29, 2012
    • YouTube

    This weekend Rich has been working with 88 year-old Nicholas Parsons and Charlie has been working with 81 year old William Shatner, but now they've ditched the octogenarians to create this long and fairly filthy podcast. They chat about the humiliation of losing a BAFTA to Stewart Lee, what order you should have sex with the women from the Russian entry to the Eurovision song contest, the vengeance Rich wishes upon Charlie's young family and who Dominic West should really have been thanking. Plus some terrific tips for terrorists and some obscure stuff about archaic adverts and 50 year-old spoilers... It goes on for ages. But that can only be a good thing. In fact it might never end. It might still be happening now... Doesn't matter. We are all just a collection of atoms and everything we do is meaningless. Enjoy!

  • S01E06 RHLSTP 6 - Nick Frost

    • June 12, 2012
    • YouTube

    The sexual morals of Edwardian penguins are at the fore this week, as Richard interviews the star of Man Stroke Woman, but not Fatso in Casualty. We will hear the Star Wars impression that led to Frost's big break as well as spending an inordinate amount of time on his career as a waiter, where other interviewers might have been more interested in the big stars that Nick has worked with. But then no one else would ask him about self-fellatio either. There's a lesson in medieval history, protesting dwarves and criticism of a film scene involving comedy rape (from a man happy to discuss necrophiliac cloaca violation) and an attempt to drive a wedge between Frost and Pegg in the hope that Herring can appear in the next film in the Cornetto trilogy instead of Frost. It's Frost:Herring and it's electric stuff, so funny at one point that Rich himself wasn't sure he'd be able to continue. Hope you like it enough to continue listening.

  • S01E07 RHLSTP 7 - David Baddiel

    • June 15, 2012
    • YouTube

    Two tired men from the 1990s talking about sexy Jews, travelling with your cleaner, how David pronounces his own name wrong and the consequences of using people's real names in comedy routines. Rich talks to David about the viciousness of some of the reviews he's received, whilst Baddiel turns the tables to quiz Herring about his murky and seedy sexual past. It's scintillating stuff as long as the exhausted host can stay awake long enough and no Victorian children come into the venue and arouse the double first Cambridge graduate. Find out David's middle name and if Kenneth Kendal is still alive. Fun for all the family... This might not be true.

  • S01E08 RHLSTP 8 - Stewart Lee

    • June 20, 2012
    • YouTube

    Lee and Herring are back together, but they're old and chilled and less likely to talk about moons and sticks and all the other catchphrases that they used to do that they are now too addled to remember. There's some serious chats about comedy, but also some stupid stuff about being wanked off by the hand of a 100 year old ventriloquist dummy, egg obsessed crows and whether a satirist can accept an honour from the Queen. Cluub Zarathustra, a 1987 pact about what not to do in comedy, Jerry Springer and the changing status of the character Stewart Lee who is not the same as Stewart Lee also figure. But who smashed the kitchen cupboard doors in Edinburgh 2002? Will we ever know? No. It's chilled and relaxed and there are no rods of effluent, but I think you might like it. Hope so.

  • S01E09 RHLSTP 9 - Armando Iannucci and Graham Linehan

    • June 26, 2012
    • YouTube

    It's the last in the series, but what a way to end with the creators of Ted & Ralph, Father Ted, Malcolm Tucker and Alan Partridge on stage together (but who created which?). There's talk of tax evasion, OBEs, fantastic new plots for Last of the Summer Wine, Goodfellows and a surprising departure for the Birmingham Six. Find out how many people on stage have been wanked by a ventriloquist dummy operated by Stewart Lee. It goes on for AGES, but I don't think it's hyperbole to say that this is better than the hyper-bowl. The only way it could have been improved is if we'd put a Shrek in it. Back in October for more. In the meantime there will be 25 or so RHEFP in August to keep you busy. Be lovely to see you in the audience of one of those!

Season 2

  • S02E01 RHLSTP 10 - Rob Delaney

    • October 2, 2012
    • YouTube

    Twitter sensation and top stand-up Rob Delaney has just landed in the country and has a proper gig to get to, but he's still found an hour to chat about suing Kim Kardashian, crashing his car into a building, Mitt Romney and whether he's ever seen a Big Foot. If you've ever wondered what he'd do if he was a ghost then you're in for a treat. Richard is a bit obsessed with Pukka Pads to be paying proper attention but he has all kinds of emergency questions lined up so there should never be a dull moment! It's back. You know you've missed it!

  • S02E02 RHLSTP 11 - Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith

    • October 9, 2012
    • YouTube

    With the world in shock about the accusations about an ex-BBC employee with long hair and an odd home life who raised money for charity, Richard is keeping his head down, but he is joined by the slightly odd men behind such hits as The League of Gentlemen and Psychoville, Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton. They chat about the unlikely character of Davey from Henry IV part II, what it's like to work with Woody Allen, as well as a RHLSTP exclusive - the name of the duo's next TV project. Find out where the inspiration for Papa Lazarou and the Psychoville Tina Turner tribute act came from, and the ghostly real-life occurrences that Reece has experienced. If you've ever wondered whether this pair would prefer a ham hand or a sun cream armpit then wonder no more. Have they seen a Big Foot? You'll have to listen to find out. Although if you don't have time to listen then the answer is no. This was a lot of fun to be a part of. I think you will like it. Prove me wrong if you dare.

  • S02E03 RHLSTP 12 - Peter Serafinowicz

    • October 16, 2012
    • YouTube

    Rich and his wife have made the ultimate commitment: they've been through their DVD collections and are getting rid of any duplicates. Some lucky audience member is going to win them all! But before that it's time to talk to the star of The Calcium Kid, Peter Serafinowicz. Fans of Star Wars will be creaming out of their arm pits when they hear his tales of working with George Lucas and having to pay to go the premiere. Astonishing stuff. Rich provides an alternate reading of Darth Maul for the next director's cut. There's talk of zombies and Tony Wilson, Terrance Stamp and Will Arnett and lots of inside gossip about working on US and UK TV. And someone is going to win a copy of East is East. C'mon it doesn't get better than that.

  • S02E04 RHLSTP 13 - David Mitchell

    • October 23, 2012
    • YouTube

    Slightly worse for wear after having lunch with Alice Cooper at the Q Awards, Richard is delighted to welcome a man he thinks might be him from another time stream, David 'Mitch' Mitchell. He's certainly met his match in pedantry and both men accidentally reveal some shocking details about their respective psyches. Never have two men discussed at such length the vagaries of choosing between a ham hand and a sun lotion arm pit. And that is GUARANTEED. The Peep Show stationery cupboard, romantic subterfuge and the Daily Mail readers' internet comments are all up for discussion and we'll find out how an early discussion about Eric Morecambe almost brought the pair to blows. Did Rich really meet some Shreks and a Justin Lee Collins in the street? And what was Tim from The Office like before he became Tim from The Office? Is Richard as bitter and mean as he seems and will he ever get a Googlewhack audience? What's it like to play Aerosmith at table tennis? Will Rich ever forgive his mum for her Brideshead Revisited Alfresco trump? Why don't the audience understand any of Richard's obscure 1980s references? What would you do if God granted you the power of having exactly the same hands as Hermione from Harry Potter? And just how many David Mitchells are there anyway? It's a marathon of a podcast, but there's no cheating and we both stay in it for the whole thing. It'd be nice if there was a happy ending. But there's a slightly unhappy ending. See if you can make it to the ending.

  • S02E05 RHLSTP 14 - Dave Gorman

    • November 6, 2012
    • YouTube

    The a Shrek joke may have run its course but that won't stop Richard running it into the ground. After all he is in Slytherin even if his hands will always be in Gryffindor. He's joined by the red-nosed presenter and wee-smeller, Dave Gorman and they chat about terrorist attacks, blindfolded boys choosing leaders, psychics and the history of the Mormon church. And they try to get to the bottom of confusing reviews of Dave Gorman, Frankie Boyle, Mick Jagger and Ringo Starr. Essays are welcomed.

  • S02E06 RHLSTP 15 - Adam Buxton

    • November 20, 2012
    • YouTube

    It's the longest RHLSTP yet with Rich upstaged by his new butler, Siri and worrying about all the libel he has committed to the Internet in the past. But all the unpleasantness is quickly forgotten as the hair-loving, mane-biting star of The Persuasionists, Adam Buxton arrives. He has stories of his disastrous audition for Hitchhiker's Guide, being a bully in a china shop and how to quell a Dutch oven. The two small men swap stories about their funny and embarrassing dads, the humane imprisonment of children and discuss how much information you can get into a half hour TV show. Some new and contrived emergency questions and discover how putting a Tim from The Office in something does not always guarantee success. It's really lovely stuff, but it's loooong! Imagine if you needed a wee.

  • S02E07 RHLSTP 16 - Russell Howard

    • December 4, 2012
    • YouTube

    It's the podcast so funny that it can make you go into labour. Even if you're not pregnant. Maybe one day it will eject a future monarch into the world. Rich is concerned about having his identity stolen the very week that he has bought an embarrassing item on the Internet. But clean-dicked Russell Howard has popped by to discuss the stuff that got cut from Banter, how he learned the facts of life, Badgerline and how he almost lost a thumb (and he didn't even have a ham hand!) There's a special surprise guest and some audience interaction and some quite specific heckle put downs. It's a cornucopia of West Country based comedians with the initials RH and find out the real reason Rich was sacked from Good News and what he nearly stole from Nick Grimshaw. Thanks for listening. The podcast will be back in May 2013.

Season 3

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Pappys at Machynlleth

    • May 7, 2013
    • YouTube

    Special edition recorded at the Machynlleth comedy festival with the Pappys trio.

  • S03E01 RHLSTP 17 - Chris Addison

    • May 29, 2013
    • YouTube

    He's snogged someone who used to be a dead child and worked with Gail Porter, but did he punch a cupboard? Richard is back with guest Chris Addison. It's the usual mixture of incompetence, awkwardness and petty jealousy, but luckily there's some funny stuff too! Which film is shitter, Sliding Doors or The Truman Show? Why must we all be grateful for the slaughter of World Wars? How do you make a merkin? Is cupboard cheese more dangerous than cocaine? You'll also find out a novel way to use a pencil. You've really got to see it to believe it!

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Waiting for Stephen

    • June 4, 2013
    • YouTube

    Here is Rich's audience warm up set from Monday night. As he goes on stage, he is slightly nervous as Stephen hasn't shown up yet, so he's looking for alternative guests in the crowd. And there are rich pickings, two butlers, a nuclear physicist and a bizarre pair of shifty men, one wearing an 'I Love London' hat. What are they doing? What are they planning? Will Stephen turn up? (Spoiler: yes.)

  • S03E02 RHLSTP 18 - Stephen Fry - Hit It Bitch

    • June 6, 2013
    • YouTube

    In a frankly extraordinary, must-listen, funny, poetic and heart-breaking podcast Richard interviews quintessential Englishman (take that EDL) Stephen Fry. Find out what the Spice Girls said to Prince Charles about Prince Albert, the favourite expletive of Lionel Jeffries, why Fabian is the best character in Twelfth Night, why Richard is going to graffiti Fry's grave, which women Steve wants to have sex with, Richard's clunky attempts to audition for QI (will be more of that next week). Richard's clunky attempts to refer to Mr Fry as Steve, whether you have to read The Hobbit to be in The Hobbit, the commercial possibilities of an Ann Widdecombe sex tape, what happened when the Bishop of Bath and Wells went to a prison for young offenders and the insecurity of John Travolta. Some brilliant additional questions by Ben Evans age 12. And properly poignant revelations about mental illness. It is mind-blowing and moving. If you end up killing David Cameron after this podcast then that is not our responsibility.

  • S03E03 RHLSTP 19 - Mary Beard - Fattening Dormice

    • June 13, 2013
    • YouTube

    After last week's headline-grabbing show, Richard feels under pressure to coax revelations from his guest, classicist Mary Beard, but is a bit distracted by transport and atrocity based magazines. Instead he mainly talks about penises in Pompeii, realising that if only he could travel in time that he would be the most popular comedian in that knob-obsessed empire. But all the big historical questions are asked - why is Pan having sex with a goat? What did the people of Herculaneum use to wipe their bums? Where did Ancient Romans sleep? What were Julius Caesar's real last words? Is having sex with a statue the worst thing you can do? Mary also talks about Anus Arsehole Gill and how she fought back against the trolls, what words you can't say on Women's Hour and meeting the Queen with Bruce Forsyth. Back to normal then!

  • S03E04 RHLSTP 20 - John Lloyd - It's Not Personal

    • June 14, 2013
    • YouTube

    Richard continues with his mission to get to be a guest on QI with top TV producer John Lloyd, though Lloyd seems intent on demonstrating why Herring is too thick to get on the programme with increasingly difficult questions about how many chemicals there are in a carrot, how to define art and if God wears sandals. Or something. It gets brain-hurtingly deep and philosophical as both men attempt to discover the meaning of life. Plus there's some great behind the scenes stories from Not The Nine O'Clock News and Blackadder Goes Forth, Doctor Snuggles and the world of advertising. Does everything happen for a reason? Why does Richard Dawkins waste his time retweeting praise? Where else could you hear a quite clever man being bamboozled by a very clever man, before asking him if he'd prefer a ham hand or a suncream armpit? Nowhere.

  • S03E05 RHLSTP 21 - Russell Brand - Richard Carpenter Punishment

    • June 23, 2013
    • YouTube

    In a theatre that one suspects is stuffed to the rafters with journalists hoping to steal a scoop, Rich is left wondering, what do you ask the man who has already admitted everything? Obviously you mainly ask him about ham hands. But that can only fill 40 or so minutes, so as well as that they discuss the author of Catweazle, how many hours of childhood they jointly wasted playing one-player Subbuteo, why on earth Russell wanted to appear in a remake of Arthur, how to be good at sex (though you'll have to study the video version to find out), what's beyond the boundaries of comedy, if throwing rat gizzards into an audience is comedic lunacy or genius, Jimmy Savile, wanking off a man in a toilet, plus an attempt to get an exclusive about Katy Perry's wee. The audience show their ignorance of how to make bronze and Richard Carpenter (not that one). The Welsh children question writers continue to demonstrate that their Stephen Fry triumph was a flash in the pan. There's jokes and philosophy from this complex, brilliant, ridiculous, fragile, eloquent, beautiful man. Also Russell Brand is in it (I am funny).

  • S03E06 RHLSTP 22 - Edgar Wright

    • June 26, 2013
    • YouTube

    At last it's the podcast that addresses the burning issue of modern Britain - which is the best Somerset based show cave complex? Cheddar Gorge (obviously) or rubbishy old Wookey Hole. It'd be a shame to have Britain's most exciting film director on the show without wasting most of the time talking about this and the obscure and sexist Roald Dahl short story - Switch Bitch. And Richard hates to disappoint. Luckily he occasionally manages to blunder into discussing Wright's canon of work, from A Fistful of Fingers through Asylum, some ideas for a new series of Spaced, right up to the amazing new film The World's End. But there's still time to talk about what it's like to be taught by both parents, desecrating the graves of your former employers and Rich's ideas to reboot Goodnight Sweetheart and We Will Rock You before Edgar has to dash off to finish off his new film. But is there time to add a shrek?

  • S03E07 RHLSTP 23 - Mark Thomas

    • June 30, 2013
    • YouTube

    It's time for a bit of politics, but that's no reason not to discuss huge, ageing wrinkly ballbags, because tonight's guest is that rarest of things (if you're a journalist or a TV commissioner) a political comedian. It's the delightfully subversive Mark Thomas. There are tales of working for the legendary Dave Allen, getting in the Guinness Book of Records, being spied on, heckling anti-abortionists, the funny side of funerals, opera-loving builders, gigging in a cattle market, trying to get trolls for all London bridges, how the police force deal with the spirit of Winston Churchill and bringing Ireland to the Apple store. You'll also find out what prompted Mark to stop working for Channel 4 and how he lost his religion. And more proof that bronze is better than silver and gold.

  • S03E08 RHLSTP 24 - Isy Suttie

    • July 4, 2013
    • YouTube

    It's the clash of the vaguely gold coloured Sony Award winners, but who will come off as comedy king (or queen). The shamefully uncompetitive and relentlessly cheerful Isy Suttie isn't even entering into it. But she is prepared to perform her own fire-based stunts (check out the video podcast to see this in all its burning glory - Many questions that will be answered in this penultimate episode of the series: Why do Indian call centre staff know how to pronounce Isy's surname? When should a mother stop breast-feeding? Can you communicate with your own ghost via a ouija board? How are relations between Rich's grandma and grandad in Heaven? Also advice on how to fail to seduce 12 year old boys, heckles from a Olympic gold medal winner and a delightful musical finale.

  • S03E09 RHLSTP 25 - Sean Hughes

    • July 8, 2013
    • YouTube

    The guest for the final RHLSTP of the series has had a drink with Morrissey, seen a member of Madness drying his bum hair and has failed to discuss time travel with Gary Sparrow's best mate. It's Sean Hughes. Was Never Mind The Buzzcocks the most badly named panel show ever? Is it ever the wrong thing to do to refuse to take down an old man's swimming trunks? Will the cast of Robbie the Reindeer: Close Encounters of the Herd Kind ever be reunited? How did Irish Republicans get secret messages to the inmates of Lincoln Gaol? Can Richard be persuaded to discuss all the secret work he does for charity? Can a vegetarian eat a ham hand? And what is the valve on the suncream dispensing armpit actually like? There's more fire, more singing and exotic fruits in misted spray form.

Season 4

  • S04E01 RHLSTP 26 - Shappi Khorsandi

    • October 8, 2013
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP (rhlstp) is back and Richard has stories from Armenia and the Amalfi Coast and is threatening to reveal the plot to the final episode of Breaking Bad (no spoilers, don't worry). His guests today are Shappi Khorsandi and a load of flies that have invaded the theatre (you don't get this on Graham Norton). Whilst trying to kill flies, the human beings in the show discuss how to check for car bombs, Tucker Jenkins, what English people smell of, dating rock stars and telling Julian Fellowes to fuck off.

  • S04E02 RHLSTP 27 - Rufus Hound

    • October 16, 2013
    • YouTube

    Richard's guest is ex-moustachioed comedian and actor, Rufus Hound. The initial twins chat about what it's like working for Claire's Accessories, Peter Wyngarde's ill-judged pop career and a protracted and fascinating insight into the reasons that Rufus really left Celebrity Juice (including an incredible stand-off with the woman off of How Clean is Your House?). Also see who comes off best in a fight between Rufus and a chair.

  • S04E03 RHLSTP 28 - Miranda Hart

    • October 23, 2013
    • YouTube

    Richard's guest this week is Miranda Hart. The pair last appeared together in the short film, A Very British Cult, in which Richard was the STAR, so let's just remember that and none of the stuff that's happened subsequently. They also chat about the different comedy they have created from falling into graves, being mistaken for the wrong gender, laughing at inappropriate times and Miranda's trial for QPR. There's a further exciting evolution for the ham hand/suncream armpit question (which leaves ham and armpits behind) and a treat for fans of the opening credits of some of the series of Not Going Out (that's just Richard then).

  • S04E04 RHLSTP 29 - Miles Jupp

    • October 30, 2013
    • YouTube

    Richard tells a story of a terrifying prediction made by an Armenian fortune teller and is needlessly insulting to a dead broadcaster before introducing this week's guest, Miles Jupp. Although Jupp has appeared in films with George Clooney and Jon Stewart and won plaudits for his stage and TV work, Richard is keen to talk to him about the children's television show, Balamory, and NOTHING ELSE. The audience do not share the host's fascination with this lazily acted, repetitive show for pre-schoolers, but Herring's view is clouded by watching it in a fun of alcoholic despair, so it made him question the very nature of being. Don't worry, the Balamory part only lasts about 25 minutes, so there's still at least an hour of chat about divinity, the Harry Potter franchise, tea tasting and fly fishing, Miles' suspiciously late booking for the podcast and a bizarre phobia of lettuce. You'll also find out some of the good things that terrorists have said and done and witness Richard losing the ability to speak and the will to live as his half-marathon exhaustion finally overcomes him. At least he's not an Imp Pervert.

  • S04E05 RHLSTP 30 - Dara O Briain

    • November 6, 2013
    • YouTube

    Richard is stuffed to the gills with giant chocolate buttons and recounts the time he got lost in Buckingham Palace, and still on the prowl for flies to murder. There is a beef with his guest, Dara O' Briain, who still remembers the scathing review that Herring gave him in an online diary back in 1998. And there's more online comment as the pair discuss the sexual fantasies that comedy fans harbour on Dirty Britcom Confessions. There's also chat about how to cope with fatalities on aeroplanes, whether it was worth almost dying on the Zambezi to stop African children being able to play, the paradoxes of digit based time travel and the truth about goose rescuing myths. And Dara has definitely seen a Bigfoot. If you take nothing else away from this podcast then let it be that.

  • S04E06 RHLSTP 31 - Ross Noble

    • November 13, 2013
    • YouTube

    The company director with the sexiest voice in the world is in the front row and Richard is needlessly rude to his less sexy fans. His guest is one of the world's greatest improvisors, Ross Noble and Richard shows how hard interaction can be by failing to find anything funny to say about the rest of the front row. But luckily from there on in he is not going to get a word in edgeways as Ross talks non-stop for approaching 100 minutes about TAI Fridays, what it's like to own a tank, convincing his daughter that he's a wizard, why you can't trust Twitter to provide medical advice, why he's more Geordie than Cheryl Cole and how difficult it is to peel potatoes when all your possessions have been destroyed. There are also pyres of burning animals and mad cow leather trousers and criticisms of a hopefully still living Bruce Forsyth. Can Ross get comedy gold where Richard failed by interrogating a child therapist in the front row or can it only end in disaster? Can the pair keep the podcast going forever? Is it still going on now? Will you ever be able to catch up?

  • S04E07 RHLSTP 32 - Simon Pegg

    • November 20, 2013
    • YouTube

    Richard has just returned from Vienna, burdened with ice-cream disappointments and further worries about his wife's insensitive choice of cheese. But he's got a blinding guest to cheer him up, a man who has appeared in the triumvirate of sci-fi classics, but that won't mean anything until he's learned to jaunt, Simon Pegg. They discuss what Tom Cruise is really like, the pressures of being a godfather to a superstar baby, playing pranks and throwing up on the set of Star Trek, what it's like working with your teenage film star crush, time-travel cock rings, Ben Dover's merchandise and Richard suggests a new sitcom which might provide an opening for the return of Spaced. It probably won't though. And Richard dares to ask Simon what he himself considers his worst film. There could be fireworks!

  • S04E08 RHLSTP 33 - Stephen Merchant

    • November 26, 2013
    • YouTube

    Richard gives his surprise mystery (to the audience at least) guest possibly the worst introduction known to mankind, but gigantic Stephen Merchant is more than a match for this tiny Somerset hobbit. The pair discuss big foot-based anal sex, the disappointing lack of shenanigans in the bar at the 1997 reboot of Blockbusters, setting up Jack Bauer's Facebook page, penis-length anxiety, how Stephen accidentally ended up shooting a porn film, the Wookey Hole paper-mill, what it's like picking up Ricky Gervais' Bafta and the rigours of filming with Halle Berry. Tim from The Office might get a mention. Due to Richard getting a bit overtired and overexcitable it goes a bit weird towards the end, but Stephen has achieved a lot of success through the comedy of embarrassment, so it's nice for him to witness some at such close quarters. You are going to enjoy Richard trying to dig himself out the hole he creates and doesn't seem to want to escape. It's an awkward end to a fun series of which Richard is both proud and ashamed.

Season 5

  • S05E01 RHLSTP 34 - Adam Buxton

    • February 17, 2014
    • YouTube

    You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore. Rich is back for an unprecedented 5th series of this stupid podcast, worried that he might have the same effect on this week's guest as he did with Stephen Merchant. But it's unlikely as it's a welcome return for the man with the pink bicycle, Adam Buxton. What is the ethical age for a dog to be before you have sex with it? How much does the cartoon The Snowman inform us about the career of David Bowie? Are we ready to consider the mortality of our fathers? Plus a (prearranged?) call from Buxton junior.

  • S05E02 RHLSTP 35 - Jenny Eclair

    • March 7, 2014
    • YouTube

    You Go! Rich meets his audience, some familiar, some new. His guest has had an interesting afternoon at the gynaecologists and the cinema, but which was more painful? It's Jenny Eclair. They chat about French kissing Shane Ritchie, how to shoplift the complete works of Herge and ways to improve daytime quizzes. Find out about what it was like to do punk poetry at the legendary Tunnel Club, to be heckled by Woman's Hour and why you should get John Lewis to install your dishwasher. At least one of the people on this podcast has won on Pointless Celebrities. But have they both?

  • S05E03 RHLSTP 36 - Helen and Olly from Answer Me This

    • March 13, 2014
    • YouTube

    Okapi Sandwich Richard is bristling from more anarchic behaviour in the swimming pool and pitching ideas for Dragon's Den. His guests are Helen Zaltman and Olly Mann from rival Sony Gold and Silver (but crucially not bronze) winning podcast Answer Me This!. They seem to hold some kind of grudge for Richard having made them his enemies in the old Collings and Herrin podcasts, but as Richard was under the thrall of his Herrin character he can't really remember anything about that. Anyway, it's an old-fashioned podclash! The conversation scales the heady heights of time-travelling genitalia, British Forces Broadcasting and how to get sacked from the Lorraine show. Is semen a powerful cologne? What happens if you fall in love with someone in an oil painting? Has Helen married a ghost? Will Richard be bummed to death by the end of the show and how would Olly's bumming sushi carousel work in practice?

  • S05E04 RHLSTP 37 - Robert Llewellyn

    • March 3, 2014
    • YouTube

    Charlie Chaplin's Lasts Richard meets his audience, who are predictably much better than last week's to discover a disconcerting leap in the attractiveness and coolness of the people in the front row. Also apparently the queue for the women's toilet was longer than the one for the men's. Something is changing in the world of this podcast and we should all be very afraid. Robert Llewellyn from Red Dwarf and Carpool is the charming and engaging guest. They discuss how the right-on comedy troupe 'The Joeys' got their name, science fiction in which the future is better than the present, a slightly disturbing use of time travelling genitalia, a near fatal car crash, the weirdness of being recognised from behind and how to escape from prison with a piss-drenched shirt. The Big Foot question finally comes good after so many attempts. I told you it was worth it.

  • S05E05 RHLSTP 38 - Alexei Sayle

    • March 25, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard has a pus-filled finger, which is disgusting even in audio, but that doesn't stop the people at Dirtybritcom Confessions pretending to fantasise about him. His guest recently referred to him as one of his 'comedy children', but let's see how far his paternal feelings will stretch, it's the legendary Alexei Sayle. They chat about being expelled from school, why Guildford is funnier than Hatfield, getting Christmas cards from a man who has played chess with death, Keith Allen using his audience as a dartboard (and getting his cock out a lot), why Alexei's cat can never hope to play Sherlock and how his mum can't tell him from a rubber dwarf.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Backstage with Alexei Sayle

    • YouTube

  • S05E06 RHLSTP 39 - Greg Davies

    • April 2, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard chats with his audience and manages to secure himself a TV writing job, as well as marvel at his once IT heavy, bearded male audience is being replaced by people who might actually have had sex. Don't worry, the nerds are still there and they're still the best! This week's guest is very tall and has never been told that before, it's sexually-charged comedian and actor Greg Davies. They converse about how W G Grace upstaged Greg's sister's wedding, how Guy Fawkes died and whether he'd welcome a time-travelling penis, how Greg embarrassed himself in front of Rik Mayall in a supermarket and bum-based encounters with doctors. It's raucous and very funny. This is one that might be worth paying the £3.50 to see on video. Not only does Greg have some amazing facial reactions, but Richard carries out one of the dirtybritcom confession fantasies on him. It's very, very sexy.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 Backstage with Greg Davies

    • YouTube

  • S05E07 RHLSTP 40 - Danny Baker

    • April 12, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard is still recovering from his important educational work on International Women’s Day, but luckily he isn’t going to be taxed by having to speak very much, because his guest is the loquacious and unsinkable Danny Baker. In a show overflowing with content you will find out, amongst much else about a laserdisc signed by David Bowie, how Danny’s amazing dad took umbrage with Harry Enfield, where talcum powder comes from, how to go to Hawaii with no money in the bank and how surviving cancer taught Danny nothing. Is Baker responsible for Bob Marley’s demise? Is having no ambition or plan the key to showbiz success? Can you do a consumer affairs programme if you have sympathy with the villains? is there any point in me trying to list all the stuff that happened? Baker is an amazing force of nature. This one could have gone on for days.

  • SPECIAL 0x6 Backstage with Danny Baker

    • YouTube

  • S05E08 RHLSTP 41 - Josie Long

    • April 18, 2014
    • YouTube

    After being unnecessarily rude to his audience again, Richard introduces this week’s guest, comedian, cartoonist and film maker, Josie Long. They chat about sharing car journeys with Stewart Lee’s misbehaving (embodied) anus, how to respond to Twitter abuse, suncream that beams into your hand and killing Hitler by pushing his eye into his brain. Plus there's an extraordinary story of an almost impossible survival of a spectacular car crash, that leaves it uncertain as to whether Josie is actually just a ghost. Plus more odd dirty brit com confessions and the weirdness of Josie being told them by the bloke from Fist of Fun.

  • S05E09 RHLSTP 42 - Harry Shearer

    • April 25, 2014
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP #42: Harry Shearer - Creative Differences. Richard has some news of an amazing time travelling finger and is clearly super excited to be meeting one of his all-time comedy heroes, Harry Shearer from off of This is Spinal Tap and The Simpsons. Rich was too scared to talk to him when he saw him improbably travelling on London's Tube, but hopefully he won't just sit quietly, staring at him and saying nothing this time. The pair discuss Harry's career which seems to break the space-time continuum as he's worked with such legends as Abbott and Costello, Jack Benny and Mel Blanc. Why does Derek Smalls wrap his courgette in tin foil and what's his affiliation with Shrewsbury Town? How much creative control do the actors on The Simpsons have over the characters they have helped create? Is stubbornness a pro or a con when trying to make it in show business? What is the Jerry Lewis film, The Day The Clown Cried really like? Will we hear from Simpsons character Hugh Jass? It's an amazing interview with a driven and hilarious genius man. And Harry Shearer is in it too.

  • SPECIAL 0x8 Backstage with Harry Shearer

    • YouTube

  • S05E10 RHLSTP 43 - Susan Calman

    • May 2, 2014
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP #43: Susan Calman - Helen Mirren Mask. Richard is still a bit giddy and over-excited from meeting Harry Shearer and, after being on his best behaviour for 75 minutes, is now off the leash and at his most childish and pathetic. And who dares walk into this hurricane of smut? Only Susan Calman... who feels, possibly correctly, that she isn't being given the respect of the previous guest. Find out how one of the tallest comedians in the UK snuck one of the smallest into a party, how Richard is planning to win the Gay Celebrity of the Year 2015, who has the tiniest hands in comedy, and if you watch the video you'll get to see the ultimate guide to fingering. In spite of Richard offending the Scottish, the Chinese and Susan's dead grandma, there's no real danger of Richard 'doing a Merchant' and somehow they manage to steer the puerile conversation towards depression and Section 28. Plus which celebrity would you like to stroke your hair as you die? And more on the proposed Edinburgh Fringe show where Rich and Susan are forced to have sex with each other, against both of their wills.

  • SPECIAL 0x9 Backstage with Susan Calman

    • YouTube

  • S05E11 RHLSTP 44 - Jon Ronson

    • May 9, 2014
    • YouTube

    An almost imperceptibly slimmer than the beginning of the series Richard Herring takes the stage to find a slightly sinister pair of men in the front row. What do they do? Do we really want to know? No, because the guest this week is journalist, screen-writer and broadcaster Jon Ronson who is a man with some good stories. Find out what happened when he met the politically correct arm of the KKK, was outed as a Jewish man whilst with jihadists in Crawley, how he went UFO Spotting with Robbie Williams, was chased by the Bilderberg group's less expert henchmen and how being keyboardist for Frank Sidebottom led to him writing his latest film. Also what was in Stanley Kubrick's archive, visiting a dado-masochist porn set and being confused with Louis Theroux. Plus Jon comes armed with his own emergency question, which to be honest Richard totally nails.

  • SPECIAL 0x10 Backstage with Jon Ronson

    • YouTube

  • S05E12 RHLSTP 45 - Nick Helm

    • May 16, 2014
    • YouTube

    Przepraszam. Richard harangues the willing fools on the first row as usual, though it's a man on the second row who will inadvertently make the most impact on the podcast. The guest this week is Nick Helm, instantly recognisable in face if not voice to everyone in Poland. The pair carry out some onstage sex acts which will delight the perverts on Dirty Britcom Confessions (if you buy one of the series on video you might want to make it this one) and disgust all decent minded people. You will find out how the team of Uncle got round BBC compliance issues, what to do in St Albans when your dreams have been shattered, where the Bermuda Triangle of the Edinburgh Fringe is, what it's like to perform there, and experience a ham-hand based pun that it's astonishing hasn't been stumbled across before now. All this and there's a chance that the series will end with the mysterious death of someone in the theatre.

Season 6

  • SPECIAL 0x11 Backstage with Nick Helm

    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x12 Backstage with Mike Wozniak

    • YouTube

  • S06E01 RHLSTP 46 - Katherine Ryan - Pissing in a Money Tin

    • October 8, 2014
    • YouTube

    A new series of RHLSTP and Richard has a whole raft of new emergency questions, to the consternation of his audience who just want to hear the old ones. Predictably he is a bit obsessed with Tory MPs sending pictures of their winkies to pretend women, but less predictably concerned that the Tory party might be made up of actual penises. His first guest comes from Sarnia, the no-nonsense, no-holds-barred Katherine Ryan. There's some interesting conspiracy theories revolving around Beyonce, what it's like to work in Hooters, the dirty protests at a Crouch End Primary School, the stupidity of American tourists using their children as bear-bait and as she's from Canada so she's got to have seen a BigFoot, right?

  • SPECIAL 0x13 Backstage with Katherine Ryan

    • YouTube

  • S06E02 RHLSTP 47 - Mark Gatiss - T R Assmagik

    • October 14, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard is still reeling from the lurgy he had in last week's show and his guest is also not very well, it's Mark Gatiss from off of League of Gentlemen and Fear of Fanny. Inevitably there is a lot of discussion about obscure 1970s TV and Tim from the Office being in Sherlock and you'll find out which Doctor Who monster Mark would most like to have sex with. But other questions include: How did Mark prepare for the role that made him famous, the voice of Greg Evigan on TMWRNJ? What characters DIDN'T make it into the League of Gentlemen? What is the biggest fossil that he has ever discovered? Should Rich buy a metal detector? And there's a terrifying real-life ghost story and more on conspiracy theories. It's gentle and largely dignified, as one would expect from two middle-aged men with colds and bad backs.

  • SPECIAL 0x14 Backstage with Mark Gatiss

    • YouTube

  • S06E03 RHLSTP 48 - Brendon Burns - Not Even The Go To Guy With This Face

    • October 22, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard forgot to lube his nipples and now he's in all kinds of pain, but he's mainly glad that his nipples get to experience any sensation at all. And hopefully his guest this week will steer clear of his breast area and who to make up for his Edinburgh Fringe Podcast no-show, turned up two hours early, Brendon Burns. They chat about why Stewart Lee fans are "the worst", whether certain words are unsayable, how splitting yourself into two different comedic personalities can only lead to mental breakdown, if the loss of libido is a blessed release and what it's like to be mistaken for Ferris Bueller.

  • SPECIAL 0x15 Backstage with Brendon Burns

    • YouTube

  • S06E04 RHLSTP 49 - James Acaster - Two Men in a Field with Walkie Talkies and it's All Clear

    • October 29, 2014
    • YouTube

    Psychic Richard manages to divine the life of someone in his front row merely by looking at him, though what he finds out about this person's nipples will change your life forever. His guest this week is the Rod Hull faced comedian James Acaster. You will find out what it's like to survive three car crashes and two train derailments, how much you could expect to earn selling slurpies in Kettering in the 1990s and what it is that draws the police to conspiracy theorists. Acaster also completely Mitchells the new emergency question. But has he ever seen a Bigfoot? You'll have to wait until the end of the podcast to find out. But it's unlikely I reckon.

  • SPECIAL 0x16 Backstage with James Acaster

    • YouTube

  • S06E05 RHLSTP 50 - Steve Coogan - Ghost Train

    • November 5, 2014
    • YouTube

    Rich is still alive and kicking (and dancing) only a day after completing a Half Marathon in record breaking time (though to be fair he had a ringer to do it for him) and he's disappointed in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" for all kinds of reasons. But he has a very special guest to help him celebrate his half century of RHLSTPs, it's the go-to guy if you want someone to play a small toy figure, Steve Coogan. A-ha! (Steve loves it when people do that). They chat about getting laughs at the Leveson Enquiry, why so many people that Steve has done impressions of have ended up in gaol, Stewart Lee's Partridge-inspiring encounter with a superfan and why Around the World in 80 Days really needed more martial arts in it. And finally we're going to find out who created Alan Partridge. Will Steve pay Richard the £250,000 he demands in royalties? No he won't.

  • SPECIAL 0x17 Backstage with Steve Coogan

    • YouTube

  • S06E06 RHLSTP 51 - Sara Pascoe - Kamikaze Sperm

    • November 12, 2014
    • YouTube

    Even though eight days have passed since the Half-Marathon Richard still aches like it was all just yesterday. But he will soon forget his woes when he chats to the great-grandaughter of music writer Rosa Newmarch (and you never know who here great-grandfather might have been) Sara Pascoe. In what is one of Rich's favourite ever RHLSTPs the chat encompasses whether a vegan can eat a ham hand, how a six foot tall penis man would cope with his terrible life, what it's like to be part of a younger generation of comedians who are about to storm the comedy citadel and claim their rightful crown and why there should be more women on "Would I Lie To You?". Sara and Richard chat about how they fell in love (with other people) as their significant others possibly get together in the darkness of the auditorium.

  • SPECIAL 0x18 Backstage with Sara Pascoe

    • YouTube

  • S06E07 RHLSTP 52 - Sarah Millican - Why Won't You Tell Us Your Exact Address?

    • November 19, 2014
    • YouTube

    Rich has some surprising and life-changing news to share, but that doesn't mean that gloves (and pants if it's cold enough) aren't off for the annual sparring match with TV's Sarah Millican. Who will win the flirtatious/offensive battle of wits this time. You'll find out why she appeared on TV without her underwear, why she kept her first husband's name and be asked to consider whether she was unreasonable when she refused to tell a journalist her exact address. And would her DVDs sell better if she included a free sample of her own excrement? But you will learn more about Rich than his interviewee this week, because he was a bit tired and unable to control his mouth or brain. What does he have for breakfast on tour? Who was right and who was wrong during Cornetto-gate? Is money real or a meaningless abstract? And what happens if he ceases to be before he sees his own sexcrement?

  • SPECIAL 0x19 Backstage with Sarah Millican

    • YouTube

  • S06E08 RHLSTP 53 - Rebecca Front

    • November 26, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard is very excited about his Nostradamus-like abilities to predict the future and makes another audacious claim about future-tech. Only time will tell if he is right again. His guest is the ubiquitous and claustrophobic Rebecca Front, a woman who has appeared in all manner of award winning TV and Radio roles, but never, it seems, if Richard has been involved in the production. You'll discover the confusion that can be caused by a mistimed fan shouting out one of your catchphrases, what Patrick Marber is really like to work with, how Morse will never be allowed to die and what happened when Lauren Bacall ate one of her husband's chips. Rich is embarrassed to ask his usual stupid, sexual questions to someone he considers to be purer than the Virgin Mary, especially when her 15 year old son is in the audience. But he still asks them. Because he is trapped in a nightmare of his own making that he can't escape. And was "You Can Choose Your Friends" one of the great lost TV series or the worst thing ever to be on television (according to the Evening Standard)?

  • SPECIAL 0x20 Backstage with Rebecca Front

    • YouTube

  • S06E09 RHLSTP 54 - Josh Widdecombe - Celebrity Juice

    • December 3, 2014
    • YouTube

    Rich is excited to reveal his new "grown-up" question notebook, but will having a baby make him stop finding some jokes funny? His guest has both a Mastermind and a Pointless trophy, it's Devonian Josh Widdicombe. Find about the Pret a Manger lifestyles of the rich and famous that you can only dream of emulating, what the secret behind Josh's impressively swollen genitalia is and whether he prefers comedy or something else. The comedy/awkwardness of awkwardness around the Stephen Merchant interview continues. Richard fails to make amends.

  • SPECIAL 0x21 Backstage with Josh Widdecombe

    • YouTube

  • S06E10 RHLSTP 55 - Andy Zaltzman - Pogo Stick Assassin

    • December 10, 2014
    • YouTube

    Rich has more ideas for terrorist atrocities and wondering if vitamin supplements might be the key to bringing down an aeroplane. His guest is crazy-haired satirist for hire, Andy Zaltzman. What would the TV rights to the destruction of the Houses of Parliament be? What's the best thing a terrorist has ever said? What's the appeal of cricket? Is a shed the ultimate goal for any writer? Is dating a six foot tall penis man really the best way to get over the death of one's wife? How different would the world be if John Oliver and Andy switched places like in the film Freaky Friday? It must be tough when your double act partner goes on to be much more successful than you. Poor Andy.

  • SPECIAL 0x22 Backstage with Andy Zaltzman

    • YouTube

  • S06E11 RHLSTP 56 - Richard Osman - Desert Island Dicks

    • December 17, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard has been considering his own mortality after a visit to Highgate Cemetery, realising that one day he himself might die. But it's unlikely. So let's sniff Dicks whilst the sun shines and we have the biggest Dick so far in the series (though not the biggest guest) with host of Two Tribes and Pointless, Richard Osman. Rich pitches all manner of TV shows to the highly successful TV producer, who seems unimpressed (even with Goodnight Goodnight Sweetheart Sweetheart. You'll also find out what was with Prize Island, who won the World Cup of Chocolate (also what is the best crisps and chew) and Rich's performance on Pointless is roundly mocked. And in a segment that is bound to have a Sachsgate style repercussion on all internet programming, Richard Osman is very rude about Richard's mum, Barbara Herring, who has done nothing wrong, but point out a gross error made by the Egghead presenter (sorry he doesn't present that show).

  • SPECIAL 0x23 Backstage with Richard Osman

    • YouTube

  • S06E12 RHLSTP 57 - Michael Legge - Spreading All Your Nits About

    • December 24, 2014
    • YouTube

    For the first time in RHLSTP history, a guest has been unable to make the recording at the last minute. Al Murray had to drop out due to illness and so Rich was forced to find a new guest who could, get to central London in an hour. And that guest was Michael Legge - no not the one from the film Angela's Ashes or the blind or deaf Hereford-based massage therapist. The one from the Bollings and Nerrin Podcast. I can only apologise. But it turns out that the podcast might be even better with no preparation (ha, as if there's any anyway) and last second bookings cos Michael has funny stories about how he copes with people playing music on the bus, falling out with Robin Ince, Richard's inability to clap and why he won't eat stuff that's come out of an animal. And there's more serious chat about the rise of the new-sexism in comedy and an almost entirely successful comedy of nostalgia about a show that nobody in the audience seems to have heard of. It gets awkward and weird, but they push through that and find some funny stuff again. He's no Al Murray and he might not even be the Michael Legge that you're thinking of, but he was the best we could do in the time available.

  • SPECIAL 0x24 Backstage with Michael Legge

    • YouTube

  • S06E13 RHLSTP 58 - Milton Jones - Kids Writing Set

    • December 31, 2014
    • YouTube

    Richard is excited about having been shopping for his as yet unborn child and having seen a daring theft from Pret a Manger and is freaked out to think that although recorded in November 2014 this podcast will go out on the cusp of 2015 - the future! His guest is high-haired, loud-shirted gagsmith Milton Jones. They discuss killer heckles and when gigs go wrong, more obscure 1970s TV shows, the Men's Health Abs Challenge and how many people remember the show Planet Mirth. There's some more serious talk about charity work in Uganda which makes it hard to segue back into cock based questions. But that doesn't stop Richard trying.

  • SPECIAL 0x25 Backstage with Milton Jones

    • YouTube

  • S06E14 RHLSTP 59 - Victoria Coren Mitchell - What's It Like Being the Unattractive One from Lee and Herring?

    • January 7, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is gifted a front row audience member who is not only wearing red glasses but is also called Aanth (that is not a typo) and vents as much as he can whilst in a position of strength, knowing his guest should be able to wipe the floor with him, it's record-breaking poker player and the stern host of Only Connect, Victoria Coren Mitchell. She has the requisite disdain for the emergency questions and Richard's foolishly competitive nature and there are fun chats about her attempts to make a porn film, how she faced up to and exposed some weirdo funeral crashers, who puts the bins out in the Coren Mitchell household and how different the Universe might have been if Richard had realised that there was a possible flirtation beneath their first ever meeting. Richard also considers the Universe in which he now has £4 million and Victoria has some good advice about gambling.

  • SPECIAL 0x26 Backstage with Victoria Coren Mitchell

    • YouTube

  • S06E15 RHLSTP 60 - Sue Perkins - Superkings

    • January 14, 2015
    • YouTube

    A new website to rival dirty britcom confessions has emerged and Richard is fascinated to find out his fans' favourite food. His guest is a woman who has more bakery based puns than you have had obscure Eastern European cakes, it's Sue Perkins. Find out what it was like working on "Don't Scare the Hare", why Sue nearly turned down the Great British Bake Off and the highs and lows of travelling up the Mekong river. Find out what it's like being the judge of the Booker prize (and who Sue thinks should have won) and why you should never ask the audience to ask the questions. Plus an appearance from our dildo expert.

  • SPECIAL 0x27 Backstage with Sue Perkins

    • YouTube

  • S06E16 RHLSTP 61 - Ben Goldacre - I Think You'll Find It's More Complicated That That

    • January 28, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has bought (and definitely not shoplifted) a present for this week's guest, the author who thinks you'll find it's more complicated than that, Ben Goldacre. It's a change of pace from the usual podcasts, with some serious chats about medicine, quacks, how a dead cat became a doctor and the ways that data and statistics can be abused. But there's still time for Goldacre to raise questions about his sexuality, talk about his pop star mum and discuss his "friend's" attempts at auto-felatio. Can nutritionalists work out your allergies by moving your limbs? Are Beroccas just homeopathy for sceptics? Is Lancaster a real place? Is it possible to get a simple yes or no answer as to whether you should wear a cycle helmet? I think you'll find it's more complicated than that.

  • S06E17 RHLSTP 62 - Paul Putner & Trevor Lock - TMWRNJ RHLSTP

    • February 4, 2015
    • YouTube

    In this and the next podcast Richard is catching up with some of the stars of the failed 1990s comedy show, “This Morning With Richard Not Judy”.

  • S06E18 RHLSTP 63 - Stewart Lee (TMWRNJ Special) - This Morning With Richard and Nick

    • February 11, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is joined by his erstwhile partner Stewart Lee to chat about This Morning With Richard, Not Judy. Stew discovers that there was nearly a very different host, they chat about the Edinburgh Fringe genesis of the idea and how they managed to give away a car, the terrible fate of Histor and Pliny, how ice and gas played a part on the stand up circuit and the Rod Hull sketches that never were. They are then joined by Paul "Curious Orange" Putner and Trevor "Small-Face" Lock to chat about the gravity behind the gravity sketch and how Mark E Smith responded to the Curious Orange. The stink of the past hangs over the occasion like a fetid cloak made of carrion.

Season 7

  • S07E01 RHLSTP 64 - Bob Mortimer - On The Redundancy of Calpol

    • June 10, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is back and exhausted from fatherhood and trying to remember how these work and he's smarting from Alan Sugar rejecting his proposed titles for the saggy-faced Lord's autobiography. And there are a few changes and additions thanks to the successful video Kickstarter campaign. The guest has worked with Richard before, but has no memory of it at all, it's Middlesbrough's finest Bob Mortimer. There is some quite specific conversation about the roads in Linthorpe, speculation that Richard may have unknowingly played with a future rock star in his childhood, and the revelation of why Chris Rea was quiet when he was on Shooting Stars. Plus some fantastically and worryingly detailed conversations about terrorist atrocities and how to dispose of a body. Where would we be in a world with no lime? Many thanks to Duncan Thorley for gamely being the first person to sponsor an entire episode. Check out his minecraft sitcom, Maximum Whimsy. To sponsor a future episode, please contact Richard via herring1967 -at- gmail -dot- com

  • S07E02 RHLSTP 65 - Lou Sanders - The Pink Bike Helmet of Doom

    • June 17, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard chats to his audience, with faces old and new, including a mum and daughter that lead him to some dark thoughts and a laughing financial advisor. His guest is eccentric, comedic barmpot, Lou Sanders who reveals her sexy French inner clown, how she foresaw her own death and how she used comedy to cope with breaking up with her fiance. Richard reminisces about their short-lived show on Fubar radio, tries to discover what raiki actually is and is forced to contemplate whether aliens exist. Surely this is the guest most likely to have ever seen a Bigfoot. But even Lou isn’t as strange as the inhabitants of LA. You will see this fantastic comedian in all her confident fragility and uncompromising honesty as she achieves a rare accolade: confusing some Reeves and Mortimer fans.

  • S07E03 RHLSTP 66 - Emma Kennedy - Which came first Yazoo or Yazoo?

    • June 24, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is reeling from a missed opportunity to assassinate a government minister and a mystery cloaca based attack, but is delighted to be chatting to a woman he’s been messing about with (not like that) since 1987, it’s Britain’s premier Subo impressionist and poo annecdotist, TV’s Emma Kennedy. The pair revisit finding a Tardis in the lost basement of a Masonic Lodge, wonder when the people of Wales will finally all have shoes and discuss what fluids and solids there must be in every jacuzzi in the land (especially if Richard Herring has been in them). Find out how Emma almost killed Richard before he could go on to commit his atrocities, what kind of hands a 6 foot penis man would have and whether the pair will ever be married as they have always secretly dreamed.

  • S07E04 RHLSTP 67 - Romesh Ranganathan - Yoghurt Smearing Ethics for the Vegan

    • July 1, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has a controversial theory about the recent FIFA controversy and gets paid by a man to call him a fucking idiot to his face before introducing former maths teacher and toilet cryer Romesh Ranganathan to the stage of Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre. In possibly the longest RHLSTP they discuss the problems of trying to procure adequate vegan cheese, cost analysis of airline food, whether a lazy eye is really a trademark and what it would take to get Romesh to have a tattoo of Richard on his arm. Find out how you can break your penis and what to do if you then get some jalfrezi on it. Ramesh also has to answer the cash for questions that Richard forgot to ask Emma Kennedy. It goes on for a very long time and a lot of it is about babies, but remember you can stop listening any time you like, unlike the poor captives in the theatre.

  • S07E05 RHLSTP 68 - Robert Webb - I think I've explained Peep Show to my satisfaction

    • July 8, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has been making T-shirts for Kickstarter donators but has made quite a basic error on one of them, and also considers a song-based justice system. His guest is the scourge of continuity departments everywhere, Lincolnshire’s small-toothed Robert Webb. What was it really like working with Tim from the Office? Is Robert responsible for World War II? Worse is he responsible for the queues at Shepherd’s Bush Post Office? What went on in the Kinema in the Woods? Webb discusses how he felt about appearing nude in the film Confetti and plans an atrocity at a football stadium and reveals how he found out he wasn’t going to be doing the Apple ads any more.

  • S07E06 RHLSTP 69 - Louis Theroux - Pathetic

    • July 15, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is very excited to meet the man who made him give up viewing porn (temporarily), Groove is in the Heart dancer and park ranger Louis Theroux. With a bad choice of words Richard almost Merchants the podcast early on and the interviewer becomes the interviewee as Herring gets Therouxed and opens up about his pre-marital life. Will he be the subject of one of Louis’ future documentaries? Can there be a more insulting thing to happen to a person given the broken people he generally focuses on. Louis’ interview with Jimmy Savile is analysed in depth. Should he have spotted the monster lurking beneath the surface? Plus revelations about fagging for Nick Clegg, the bullying of Max Clifford and having your bits ripped off by a chimp. It’s a fascinating 90 minute chat, more serious than usual, but still very funny.

  • S07E07 RHLSTP 70 - Roisin Conaty - Amstrad Emailer Sex Doll

    • July 22, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has come close to death, choking on an apricot stone and in his possible final moments only felt embarrassment, but hopefully he has overcome the shame to interview the woman with the smallest oesophagus in showbusiness, Roisin Conaty. They discuss the problems encountered in having 80 first cousins, the varying careers of East 17, whether it is considered cheating to have sex with a robot and anal itchiness. It’s literally got everything.

  • S07E08 RHLSTP 71 - Johnny Vegas - Maniac in a Suitcase

    • July 29, 2015
    • YouTube

    Giving away a prize to a lucky audience member, Rich reminisces about schoolday bags and realises how much work he has got to do to relearn his 11 old stand up shows for his insane attempt to do them all at the Leicester Square Theatre in August and September. His guest is a man who has done Chekov, Dickens and Celebrity Juice, Johnny Vegas. It’s a truly fascinating discussion about the duality of the stand up and where a Johnny ends and Michael Pennington begins. Michael discusses the lengths that Johnny would push him to and his total commitment to being a dog on stage, whether contentment and success mean the death of the character, how to make your own audience out of balloons, why he got the worst degree in his year at University and how he got his revenge, how Monkey has clung to his back like a monkey and the funniest sex show in history. It’s really good.

  • S07E09 RHLSTP 72 - Mark Watson - Improvisation, my Dear (Mark) Watson

    • August 5, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is reeling from forgetting about his daughter and another attack on his home (how will he ever sell it?), but excited to be welcoming the eponymous star of Improvisation, my Dear Mark Watson to the stage and hoping to talk about nothing but that title for a full hour. Alas he gets distracted into discussing aversion to non-binding cheese, how thunder storms are the UK’s biggest killer, advertising pear cider and the criticisms that that engendered and Watson’s love of dry stone-walling. Richard continues to try and pinpoint where having sex with a machine counts as infidelity and tries to encourage Mark to enact some of his fans’ sexual fantasies. Also find out why Watson was the Rachel Dolezal of Wales.

  • S07E10 RHLSTP 73 - Robin Ince - Punching a Watermelon with the Face of Vernon Kay

    • August 12, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard concludes the story of his disastrous romantic break with his wife and gives away an exclusive RHLSTP mug to one of the RHLSTP mugs. His guest is Britain’s premiere John Peel/Oliver Hardy/Stewart Lee impressionist, Robin Ince. They discuss the autobiographies of Don Estelle and Syd Little, how Robin created the Office, a swearing Su Pollard, Iain Lee on a pink tricycle, the funniest serial killer and being the Giant Sand of comedy. Richard also quizzes about his decision to (at least temporarily) give up stand up. It would be a shame. He’s very funny. Having said that, he does seem to be in a very happy mood so why ruin that?

  • S07E11 RHLSTP 74 - Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaney

    • August 19, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has broken his mirror, but wondering if that gives him 7 years bad luck or frees him from the ghosts of the past. His guests are the non British writers and stars of Britain’s most exciting sitcom this decade, Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan. Does their onscreen sexual chemistry spill over into real life, even when Rob’s genitals are in a bag? Does a filling make you a robot? How exactly do you kill a turkey? Is there a wrong way to try and get Mark Lamarr’s attention in a bong shop? Is it better having a baby in America or the UK? And what things would our guests never tell their mother?

  • S07E12 RHLSTP 75 - Jessica Hynes - A Child’s Drawing of the Enola Gay

    • August 26, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard rewards an audience member for his Top Cat like trick of never having to buy a poppy again and then introduces his guest, a woman who has tried out more different names than eskimos have for snow, it’s Jessica Hynes. What’s it like working with Pudsey? Who was in Six Pairs of Pants? Why did Jessica sleep in an abandoned children’s home? Is there a God or just a hand chucking things up? Is the talc dispensing tit the safer option? Who would rule on an island of King Richards? Find out about the horrendous ant massacres perpetuated by a young Richard Herring and why refusing to cut your hair or put on a bikini can be bad for your career.

  • S07E13 RHLSTP 76 - Bridget Christie - No Man Is Faster Than a Cheese

    • September 2, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has just had his third sixteenth birthday and has returned from Amsterdam with a hangover that might just last two weeks. His guest is former milk-maid, fellow West Country cheese enthusiast and Russell Brand lookalike, Bridget Christie. They discuss webbed toes, being the responsible one in a gang of Hell’s Angels, John Inverdale’s slip of the tongue, the deferred creative revenge on the tedious admin of life and who of the two of them is a more realistic representation for the hopes and dreams of new comedians. Plus a proper serious chat about feminism. Also ghosts that eat crisps and a disembodied hand that Richard somehow failed to equate to the time travelling finger or the ham hand, so seriously was he taking this as a proper interview.

  • S07E14 RHLSTP 77 - Brett Goldstein - Routines About Buttons

    • September 9, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is still hungover from his birthday - what a day that was! He is joined by a man who once ran a strip club with his dad, Brett Goldstein. They talk about looking dead eyed into a camera on Weekend Kitchen at Waitrose, working with the Hoff, what it’s like on Halloween when you’re the only single man on your street, whether sex with a faceless robot counts as cheating and how important it is to get the full consent of the big man and the tiny man. There’s another inexplicable ghost story and a disastrous meeting with a comedy hero and a discussion about whether we can ever be truly happy and what effect happiness has on a comedian.

  • S07E15 RHLSTP 78 - Paul Sinha - A Stopped Clock is Right About Ted Heath

    • September 16, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has witnessed a man carrying out his ultimate fantasy, but realises that sometimes maybe fantasies belong in our heads, not in reality. He is joined by the delightfully gossipy, quizzer, doctor, comedian and Sinnerman Paul Sinha. Obviously they mainly talk about quizzes and their own disastrous TV appearances, but also discuss the least funny sitcom flatshare of all time, John Oliver’s tyre knowledge, the subplot running through these 78 podcasts, the difficulty of knowing it words begin and end with the same letter, notorious joke thieves, David Icke - madman or genius and Rich’s plans for an appearance on Tipping Point. What happened when Sinha told Herring that he used to fancy him? And can you work out which famous comic asked him to diagnose a sexually transmitted disease? Who will be done for libel? There’s also a revealing discussion about the nature of happiness.

  • S07E16 RHLSTP 79 - Al Murray

    • September 23, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard delves into the seedy personal life of Dean and Matilda on the front row, before introducing failed politician and thwarted parachutist Al Murray. They chat about whether it’s possible to gauge how an audience is laughing at comedy, running around in some wasteland in your pants at night, the Downfall of Farage and the bizarre social media exchanges that Al’s attempt to become an MP led to. Also some glider based history anecdotes, fears for the Westfield shopping centre and peach stones in the dishwasher. Will the audience choose to leave or encourage the two to waffle on into the night and what is the magic that holds them there? Is it due to their racism?

  • S07E17 RHLSTP 80 - Limmy - Normal

    • September 30, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is a bit worried about the psychological similarities he shares with murder spree killers, but maybe that’s just all comedians. If you read his book you might worry the same thing about this week’s guest, cult comedy genius and normal-faced man Limmy. The pair try and fail to remember an ancient Twitter spat, and Richard threatens to reignite it by trying to welcome his guest by talking to him in his own language. There’s a lively discussion of Scottish politics, the sexual allure of fake tan and whether it’s funny to envisage the death of your own father. Plus an exclusive reading from Limmy’s highly entertaining book, Daft Wee Stories.

  • S07E18 RHLSTP 81 - Joe Lycett - A Fan Who’s Won a Competition

    • October 7, 2015
    • YouTube

    It’s the last show in series 7 and there’s an end of term atmosphere and a lot of good natured heckling from a slightly inebriated crowd. Richard’s final guest is Peter Dickson impersonator and product of 1988, Joe Lycett. The podcast largely turns into the vehicle for a RHLSTP clips show as Joe quizzes Richard about his favourite and least favourite guests and what the future might hold for the valuable RHLSTP franchise. But there’s also time to talk about identifying fish as they are slapped into your face, how much money Richard turned down to appear on TV with Katy Hopkins and the varying depravity of ex Blue Peter presenters. It’s a fittingly low key and relaxed end to the series.

Season 8

  • S08E01 RHLSTP 82 - Stuart Goldsmith - Rear Window

    • October 14, 2015
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP is back (it feels like it never went away) and another kickstarted series begins ALL FOR FREE. Richard is worried that David Cameron has just made all his emergency questions irrelevant and amazed by the way the world has changed in the brief hiatus between series. And it’s a PODCLASH as his first guest is the host of the brilliant comedian’s comedian as well as Richard’s backdoor neighbour, Stuart Goldsmith. With (pretty much) all new emergency questions to try out there’s a lot to talk about including how to breathe fire, what Rumpel the Kangaroo King is really like, the BBC’s plans to transport all children to the future and … Also there’s speculation on egg-gate and shit-by-the-gate-gate, as well as the opportunity to purchase a property with a direct view of Stuart Goldsmith’s penis.

  • S08E02 RHLSTP 83 - Diane Morgan - A Bad Dream

    • October 21, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard discusses some zombie based movie ideas he has had, before introducing the dry-witted and incredulous Diane Morgan who isn’t quite sure what she’s let herself in for. And it’s a surreal, dream-like and occasionally mildly awkward chat about working with Ken Campbell, Richard’s failure to see one of Diane’s first performances, Bruce Willis on the One Show, Richard’s ever spiralling shoplifting problem, the slight let down of earliest memories (and what is the latest earliest memory that anyone has ever had?) and the importance of making it clear that you’re not dating Joe Wilkinson. Find out who Diane would kill if she had one bullet and no repercussions and what she thinks might be in a medieval pie.

  • S08E03 RHLSTP 84 - Lee Mack - The Centurion

    • October 28, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard makes more predictions of atrocities that will have occurred in the news on the week of release for this podcast and is impressed by the skills of another astrologer he has encountered. His guest is a man who knows how to clean a horse’s anus, it’s Lee Mack. Find out the truth behind his claims about cutting mustard, how to pick apricots, whose lawnmowers are in the Southport lawnmower museum and hear more musing over what is more morally acceptable, necrophilia or bestiality. Also can you run a marathon if one leg is shorter than the other, why aren’t there more women on Would I Lie To You? and what it’s like to work with the baby from the Railway Children.

  • S08E04 RHLSTP 85 - Janey Godley - I’ve Never Stabbed Anyone…Oh No, I Have

    • November 4, 2015
    • YouTube

    A tired and possibly ill Richard Herring tries to get through another podcast without vomiting on his guest, the disaster-magnet that is Janey Godley. She talks candidly about marrying the son of a Glasgow gangster, her many family tragedies and how she survived them plus how Jerry Sadowitz was almost killed at one of his first gigs, what she’d like to do with Roland Gift, witnessing horrific accidents and heart-warming scenes from daily life. Plus the Bay City Rollers, Vesta curries, working with your daughter, performing in a prison and that wonderful moment when you forget that you’ve stabbed someone. Some truly incredible stories from this brilliantly funny, mildly terrifying, but ultimately rather lovely woman.

  • S08E05 RHLSTP 86 - Robert Popper - Beef Scarecrows

    • November 11, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is somewhat affronted to have been compared to Marmite by the box office at the Leicester Square Theatre, but never mind as his guest (who doesn’t carry money and needs his wife to send sandwiches to him in a taxi) is Robert Popper from Friday Night Dinner, Look Around You and the conduit for the brilliant Robin Cooper. Find out what it was like being the assistant to the director on the Glam Metal Detectives, how Leigh Francis attempted to infiltrate ITV, how Popper convinced the Japanese that Gordon Brown had thrown a tangerine into a laminating machine, why elephants get less cancer than humans and whether the guest or host would use nuclear weapons if they were Prime Minister. Also a new puppet based emergency question and a special introductory call by Robin Cooper.

  • S08E06 RHLSTP 87 - Luisa Omielan - The Former Queen of Angola

    • November 18, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard chats to a man in the audience who is unexpectedly in IT before introducing “over-night” success and internet sensation Luisa Omielan. Find out how pulling her trousers down in front of some Americans was the key to her success, more than you will want to know about frenulum breve, how to have a break out Edinburgh Fringe hit show, why Big Bird is a prick and why Richard is too self-conscious to ever enjoy sex. Plus past lives, body image, casual racism, puppet/robot sex and remembering a snack that Rich thought he’d forgotten but hadn’t forgotten. It’s literally got everything.

  • S08E07 RHLSTP 88 - John Finnemore - Peeps at Syria

    • November 25, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is stupidly hungover after a rare night out at a top showbiz party and wonders what you buy the man who has had everyone. His guest is the affable and probably sexually vanilla John Finnemore. They discuss the stupidity of working hard for the radio, the three-legged dog that gives John all of his ideas, when Richard was embarrassed by thinking a zombie apocalypse had begun, working with Benedict Cumberbatch and things that make you feel sick. Is Finnemore cursed to live the life of the other John Finnemore and the small print of the holiday with the Spitting Image puppet is thoroughly explored.

  • S08E08 RHLSTP 89 - Sarah Kendall - You Can Not Be Serious!

    • December 2, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is amazed how a joke on Twitter now pretty much always gets taken at face value by someone, even if it’s in an open letter to an 8 month old baby. His guest is Nicole Kidman impersonator and fantastically thoughtful yet and puerile stand-up Sarah Kendall, fresh from her nomination for the big comedy award at the Fringe. They discuss the horrors of child birth, the redundancy of the hand job, growing up in New Newcastle, how audiences can sometimes laugh in the wrong way, the plot holes in Back to the Future, loads of stuff about cocks and vaginas (obviously) the inevitability of nuclear destruction, plus some surprisingly serious bits about the nature of being a stand up. To be honest most of the time we forgot that we weren’t sitting in the lounge in our Edinburgh flat having the kind of conversations with one another that are totally unacceptable in the actual world. She’s the best. Go and see her perform live. You’re welcome.

  • S08E09 RHLSTP 90 - Eddie Izzard - Magic Ian’s Nephew

    • December 9, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is unnecessarily unpleasant to someone in the audience (what’s new?) before quickly bringing on a man with a drive that burgeons on insanity, but it’s the good kind of insanity, Eddie Izzard. It’s an unsurprisingly sprawling but incredible conversation that takes us through why God doesn’t reveal himself, through the clumsy religious allegories of CS Lewis, through what kind of madness would make a man run 43 Marathons in 51 days, how to pronounce Calippo, how Eddie would have fared in the army, his political ambitions and philosophy, performing in languages that you were recently unable to speak, the short-sighted nature of the Ocean’s Eleven franchise, the years of struggling to make it (with some great stories about his street theatre days) and why the world needs to come together and give everyone hope. It’s electrifying and inspirational and Richard hardly says anything (because he’s not an idiot who is going to waste this opportunity). It’s just a proper treat so stop reading this and ingest it NOW!

  • S08E10 RHLSTP 91 - Phill Jupitus - (Never Mind) (The) (Buzzcocks)

    • December 16, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard has written his first joke of 2015 and can’t wait to share it with the underwhelmed audience, but luckily he is riding high from his incredible level of public recognition on Pointless Celebrities. His guest is the immaculately dressed and multi-talented Phill Jupitus, who isn’t so good with names. They chat about giving U2’s new song a minute of air play, whether stand up is harder than acting, how the most difficult person to please is always your mum and why the BBC is doomed. Get the behind the scenes info on Buzzcock’s guests Jedward and Jamelia and witness an old emergency question morph into something new and even more disturbing. Lots of funny stories and a great Mark Steel impression.

  • S08E11 RHLSTP 92 - Jack Whitehall - Moving the Trees

    • December 23, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard successfully guesses the job of a bearded man in the audience before introducing the luckiest man on planet earth, who knows what it is like to have sex with a robot, Jack Whitehall. Seething with unconcealed jealousy at Whitehall’s career and more pertinently his partner, Richard contrives several different ways to kill his guest and his own wife and child. Don’t worry it’s just a joke. It’s almost certainly a joke. Find out the real reason Kate Middleton married Prince William, how Whitehall screwed up a gold-plated publicity opportunity, what it’s like working with Shearsmith and Pemberton and rugby’s homoerotic origins. A man exhausted from childcare interviews a man exhausted from jet lag and robot sex and the result is predictably indiscreet and hilarious. Richard also forgets Jack’s name right at the end, but no one will notice that.

  • S08E12 RHLSTP 93 - John Robins - Noel Edmonds’ Toilet and Johnny Vaughan’s Shower

    • December 30, 2015
    • YouTube

    Richard is reeling over the news that pregnant women are giving public blow-jobs in the Westfield (surely this can only drive Shepherd’s Bush property prices upwards) but still has time to introduce his guest, the twice sacked Deal or No Deal warm up man, John Robins. They discuss what it was like sharing a flat with Jon Richardson and Russell Howard, why Richard thinks of Mark Lamarr every time he boils a kettle, daring to challenge the comedy Sauron that is Stewart Lee, the dangers of drinking at gigs and what it’s like being in a relationship with a comedian.

  • S08E13 RHLSTP 94 - David Mitchell - Bumming C3PO

    • January 6, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard talks briefly to a semi-retired postman and considers bumping his guest to chat with him more, but instead introduces perhaps the perfect RHLSTP guest David Mitchell. It’s David’s second time in the hot seat (though the chairs have got nicer since he was last here) and Richard is determined not to be as childish and rude to him as he was last time. But will he be able to keep a lid on the simmering mayonnaise vat of bitterness? Find out if David swears during sex, if he would allow himself to be raped by a ghost, why he’s so obsessed with war that he’s apparently wearing a poppy in January and if he enjoyed working the cloakroom for TFI Friday. There are also some more serious chats about the mindset of someone who paps a couple going for a walk with their baby and why there is so much antipathy towards Ben Elton. But it’s possibly the funniest episode yet, with Mitchell, once again, giving possibly the definitive answers to some of the emergency questions. What a treat.

  • S08E14 RHLSTP 95 - Hal Cruttenden - Sexomnia

    • January 13, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard has noticed a new development in police technology and is annoyed that there is no shop for British sweets on Leicester Square. His guest went to school with “Pencils” Osborne, it’s Hal Cruttenden. The pair discuss whether equality encompasses the middle-classes, gigs turning into armed sieges, being too star-struck to act with Anthony Hopkins, killing their wives for the insurance, having sex with ghosts (of course) and forming a Human Centipede with Eddie Izzard. Hal reveals for the first time a rare condition that he suffers from, though possibly just to give himself an alibi and Rich reminisces about working in Ealing.

  • S08E15 RHLSTP 96 - Scroobius Pip - Nuking The Moon

    • January 20, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard chats with the audience in his usual unpleasant manner, before introducing stuttering rapper and apron salesman, Scroobius Pip. They discuss the mysterious town of Stanford-le-Hope, how close Pip came to going into middle-management at HMV, how to trick people into thinking you’re a successful musician in just one year and how drive and determination can help you do the job you love. Find out how Pip accidentally gave out his phone number on Twitter and what animal he would readily have sex with.

  • S08E16 RHLSTP 97 - Aisling Bea - Minstrels

    • January 27, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard is worried about the psychological impact of Winnie the Pooh’s skull being on display in a museum, but overcomes his fears long enough to introduce ex-philosophy student Aisling Bea. Find out what it’s like making love to Enya, whether a degree still counts if you cheated all the way through your studies, how trying to impress someone by riding a horse can leave you in the shit and some baffling Irish references that must have been doubly confusing for the man who had come from India to see the show.

  • S08E17 RHLSTP 98 - Ray Peacock - You Won’t Tell Us If You’re Married or Not!

    • February 3, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard proposes his new sinister and upsetting edit of the 1970s film “Adventures of a Taxi Driver” before introducing another guest who has been sacked as warm-up man from Deal or No Deal, it’s Ray Peacock. Find out why the new Muppets are offensive and wrong, if a house in Pontefract is really haunted and why being childish is a good thing. A baffling interjection from a couple of people in the audience, leads to a discussion about rudeness in comedy clubs, the nature of offence, how different people can interpret the same events in wildly different ways and how being a comedian can lead you to some dark and deadly places, that are only very occasionally amusing as well. It’s an extraordinary podcast in many ways, hilarious, slightly terrifying and then unexpectedly moving and revealing.

  • S08E18 RHLSTP 99 - Cariad Lloyd - I Fucked Jane Austen’s Corpse

    • February 10, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard is exhausted again because of his stupid, idiot daughter, but at least she’s given him the excuse to finally get to have a go at soft play. He’s got 99 problems, but his 99th guest isn’t one, it’s the multi-talented actor and improviser, Cariad Lloyd. There’s another dissection of the short film “Hallo Panda” which Richard once again promises to watch, even though he clearly won’t, plus find out what it’s like to be a fan working on Peep Show, the abrasive character of genius improviser Ken Campbell, how George Osborne comes to Fringe shows in the hope of getting pencils, how Cariad very nearly destroyed the marriage of David Bowie, what connects Taylor Swift and the tax on tampons. Plus there’s some more serious chat about whether the BBC can survive (don’t worry, they’re not watching) and some less serious chat about how much it would cost to employ a successful comedy actor as a Christmas elf (as well as the danger of working with Santas who’ve been in James Bond films).

  • S08E19 RHLSTP 100 - Richard Bacon - A Series of Apologies

    • February 17, 2016
    • YouTube

    It’s the 100th Leicester Square Theatre Podcast and the last in this series, so we’ve flown a special guest in all the way from America at the licence fee payer’s expense, it’s Blue Peter’s bad boy, Richard Bacon. And in typical fashion he turns up at the theatre having been out all night celebrating his imminent 40th birthday. Where does he get his energy from?… oh right. Find out about how he once cried salty tears on to Mansfield Macdonald’s salty gherkins, how he became Top of the Pop’s most notorious ever presenter by accidentally calling some people fat, why he has been banned from the state opening of parliament, how he took a forgetful plate-spinner to Las Vegas, what he knows about the Tales of Robin Hood, what part of his anatomy (other than his mouth and nose) he can breathe out of and why this gives him another kinship with Herring on top of his Dicky first name and food-based surname. Plus what he REALLY thinks of Una Stubbs (he thinks she’s nice). And he gives himself something else to apologise for in a lifetime of apology. He’s a very entertaining and lovely idiot, but as you’ll see, it’s all down to genetics. Hard to believe his one attempt at stand up ended so badly.

Season 9

  • S09E01 RHLSTP 101 - Iain Lee - Weeing Next to a Monkee

    • June 15, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard is back (in his weightier incarnation) and has forgotten how to do this, but is excited about the possibilities of growing body parts in pigs, but worried about the implications of penis transplants, so it’s business as usual, but with some new (but the same) emergency questions. His guest is the Wild Man of radio (and must always be referred to as such) Iain Lee. The pair discuss the pointless 17 year grudge that has hung over them, their mutual envy and the disastrous filmed meeting in 2001(, but they are united by their relative lack of success compared to their nineties contemporaries and after all this time attempt to heal the rift betwixt them. In an attempt to fill in Iain’s early life on wikipedia they discuss the perils of going to a school named after William Herschel, what it was like living in the town where Buddy’s Song was filmed and how to embarrass yourself in front of Roger Daltry. Richard tries to steer the Monkees based conversation towards Metal Mickey (no doubt to discuss if it would be cheating to have sex with him), but Lee skilfully swerves and ends up talking about Monkey instead. There is also a frank discussion about whether the BBC were right or clearly wrong to sack Lee and the effects this had on his career and psyche. Good to be back.

  • S09E02 RHLSTP 102 - Tony Law -

    • June 22, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard finds a bona fide cool kid in the audience and inexpertly attempts to mock him (you’d think he’d be better at comedy after all these years, but no), before introducing a force of nature and veritable river of consciousness, Tony Law, in his new mutton-chopped, ice-cream eating, alcohol-shunning, heavenly body impersonating incarnation. It’s like his brain is a radio and someone is constantly swivelling the dial so that one moment you’re on history, then fantasy, then insanity and then pinpoint sane philosophy. It’s a discombobulating journey to go on, especially if, like Richard, you’re getting a bit tired, but Herring gamely attempts (and largely fails) to get some questions in. In the end he more or less gives in, but Law is an unstoppable force of nature and cannot be silenced. Though the fear is that at any point something might happen to upset the fragile mental balance that somehow remains teetering on equilibrium and that thing might very well be Desert Island Dicks. Finally when the conversation turns to the supernatural things start to make sense. But Richard is knocked out and defeated and was right to say he wasn’t looking forward to writing this blurb.

  • S09E03 RHLSTP 103 - Lauren Laverne - How Many Hours Do Women Need?

    • June 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich has been on an after hours visit to Westminster Abbey and is now obsessed with being interred in the Cathedral, but how will he make it in? And will Tony Blair be with him? His guest is from Sunderland and thus the mortal enemy of the Middlesbrough-spawned Herring family, it’s charming and multi-talented Lauren Laverne! They chat about what it’s like to become a pop star whilst you’re still at college, roadies, how to skip PE lessons and how to spend long drives in the country’s biggest limo. Also Lauren reveals her special place in the history of Shaun of the Dead, the "10 o clock Show” and why it didn’t take off and whether she’d have sex with Robert the Robot from Justin’s House (and whether he’d have sex with her).

  • S09E04 RHLSTP 104 - Ben Bailey Smith - Things To Do In Willesden When You’re Alive

    • July 6, 2016
    • YouTube

    Doc Brown aka Ben Bailey Smith. Rich interviews a member of his audience and it’s going to well he almost decides to bump his guest, but in the end relents and brings on the battle rapper turned stand up turned actor and author, Ben Bailey Smith. It’s a frank, fascinating and unusually sensitive chat taking in growing up in North London as a geeky mixed race kid, why it’s not fair to use talent to get ahead of the other talentless stand ups, working with Ricky Gervais, how producer Ben helped keep Doc's career on track (and why hasn’t he done the same for Richard) and trying to work out why Doc Brown’s family are such a hotbed of artistic skill. Find out what you have to do to get on to CBeebies and what Doc would jump into a pool of and if he’s capable of spotting the colour purple. Once again the emergency questions copied off the internet prove more effective than Richard’s rubbish ones.

  • S09E05 RHLSTP 105 - Marcus Brigstocke - Sushi Aquarium

    • July 13, 2016
    • YouTube

    In the face of horrible world events and future uncertainty for the UK, Richard recounts how his wife distracted him from the horror in an unexpected way, before introducing former pole-dancer and oil rig worker, Marcus Brigstocke. They discuss an impressions battle with Kevin Spacey, the full script of Love Actually, the second worst thing that Clement Freud ever did and Marcus provides a scintillating new emergency question. Find out the many reasons Marcus got expelled from schools, why he is glad he is not part of the governing class and which puppet Richard would like to violate now. More discussion about the West London phone book of 1989 and the science of a swimming pool full of custard. Plus the chance to find out what the Wales score was at half-time in the final group match of the Euros.

  • S09E06 RHLSTP 106 - David Cross - Away or Towards?

    • July 20, 2016
    • YouTube

    A weary Richard films the audience as evidence of dissent for the future fascist government of the UK, before introducing a man who comes with his own magical minor ticker tape parade, David Cross. Starstruck and clearly in disbelieving awe, Rich flounders around and mainly embarrasses himself, but luckily Mr Cross is able to come up with some amazing riffed comedy about frozen vegetables, Abraham and taking cocaine near President Obama, whilst getting a bit more serious about Donald Trump, the responsibilities of fatherhood, why Richard should probably not take hard drugs, the benefits of the middle-aged sketch show and David’s part in the creation of kickstarter. Richard hoped that he would so impress David that they would become good friends and could appear in Doctor Doolittle 3 together as method-acted monkeys, but I think it’s safe to say that that will not happen. Cross put away an impressive amount of bitter during this podcast and still remains focused and coherent, but clearly needed the toilet near the end, which turns into a battle of the obstinately pedantic 1990s underrated sketch show stars.

  • S09E07 RHLSTP 107 - Vic Reeves - Hitchhiking with Rose and Fred

    • July 27, 2016
    • YouTube

    Last week’s jokes about the consequences of Brexit seem to have fallen on stony ground with the revelation that the pro-Remain audience has been executed by Farage’s goons, but the show must go on, even if some of the audience were foolish enough to give up their tickets to watch the football (ha!), so they missed the force of nature that is Vic Reeves. There’s a danger the whole podcast might just be a chat about Britain’s best and worst tourist attractions, but luckily things move on to Luis Bunuel, where comedy meets art, what a baboon sounds like when it ejaculates, whether Sue Lawley liked Vic and a potential return of the Big Night Out! Also Terry Scott lookalikes, ghostly orbs, eating humous and the Moir family history. Plus what it’s like to be a magnet for serial killers. And you can find out what the score of the England/Iceland game was at half time too. It was 1-2.

  • S09E08 RHLSTP 108 - Susie Dent - Cheg On!

    • August 3, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich is surprised by the sartorial elegance of some of his audience. Being out of Europe is clearly paying dividends His guest this week is a woman who has been on TV more consistently than possibly anyone else over the last 25 years, Susie Dent. It’s more intellectual than usual, but there’s plenty of stuff about cocks in it, so don’t worry. Find out about the rudest words in the dictionary, the cruder rival to Doctor Johnson, plus Rich attempts to get some words added to the dictionary, partly so he can cheat at Scrabble. Lots of chat about quizzing and TV gameshows as always, plus the advantages of going to bed with a lexicographer and Richard reveals a bit too much about his latest obsession with Rebecca from CBeebies. Plus news of how England did in the last 16 of the Euros! You will be the first to hear.

  • S09E09 RHLSTP 109 - Nish Kumar - Hello, I’m Godot

    • August 10, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard is worried that it is he who jinxed 2016, though hopefully by the time this comes out he himself will have succumbed to this cursed year. The guest is Richard’s backdoor neighbour (no literally) Nish Kumar. They discuss working with Blue in Ibiza, the kinds of things that go on on Alan Carr’s New Year Specstaculars, Bush based egging and shitting, what Nish and his girlfriend and he were in deep discussion about when Rich passed them at the Westfield the previous day, worrying post-Brexit developments and the difficulty of maintaining anger when you’re successful. Also we find out about the St Olave’s Grammar School Comedy Mafia and appearing in a groundbreaking production of Waiting For Godot (coincidentally alongside next week’s guest).

  • S09E10 RHLSTP 110 - Matthew Crosby - Windsor Davies or Your Wife?

    • August 17, 2016
    • YouTube

    Mean podcast Richard Herring delights in continuing to torment the people who pay his wages, but I think they largely enjoy it (possibly). Believe me the real Richard Herring is more embarrassed by his performance than you can ever imagine. His guest was another star of St Olave’s Grammar School’s production of Waiting for Godot and remembers the shock denouement that turned the theatrical establishment on its head, it’s Matthew Crosby. Find out how “Improvisation My Dear Mark Watson” actually got its name, how Matthew made a bloody reentry to a gig he’d died at, the dangers of high-fiving children you don’t know, why his wife is a celebrity in India and witness what a monster Richard becomes on the rare occasions he meets someone shorter than him. Richard is reduced to tears of laughter during a very inappropriate bit of chat (but is it really that funny, or is he just tired?) and after that catharsis there is some serious light night chat about success and working with other people, before the pair wonder about buying a stunt kite.

  • S09E11 RHLSTP 111 - Graham Linehan - Kiefer Sutherland’s Pregnancy

    • August 24, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard attempts improvisational comedy, but discovers that for this to work your observations must match other people’s experience. He is joined by a man who just won’t shut up about his obsession with German board games, Graham Linehan. They discuss Graham’s first sitcom, why it is flawed and what he learned from it, the impact of the Brexit vote (which was really quite recent when we recorded this), the only funny joke in Zoolander 2, the farce of another American attempt to make the IT Crowd and whether it was a good thing that Richard once wrote nine sitcom episodes in ten weeks. How rewarding is it to work on the least respected on all art forms anyway? See a great comic mind in action as Graham is asked what he’d like to jump into a pool of and find out what was the better film to work on Paddington or Agent Cody Banks 2.

  • S09E12 RHLSTP 112 - Sofie Hagen - Bog Buddies

    • August 31, 2016
    • YouTube

    Unbeknownst to Richard and his guest, a drunken audience member collapsed during last week’s podcast, and Rich wastes no time in calling the man who helped save him a sex pest. It’s just what he does. But even if an audience member dies then the show must go on (especially if it was a slightly annoying audience member), this week’s guest is the former Westlife obsessive, Sofie Hagen. Luckily we’re in a post-Brexit world now, allowing Rich freedom to let everyone know his true thoughts about Denmark and the disappointment that is the talked-up Copenhagen. They discuss what constitutes creepiness from a stranger, what’s going on with the Danish alphabet, what happens when a fan is more famous than the person they stalked and Rich gives Sofie some important lessons in badger-identification and the British Royal Family and kites lead us to some unexpected places. Most of what we said will have to be cut out, but enjoy what’s left and just have a guess about what we said about Prince Andrew.

  • S09E13 RHLSTP 113 - Russell Kane - Minky

    • September 7, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich is wondering if the world will survive long enough to ever hear this podcast, so decides it doesn’t matter if he keeps it topical - His guest is the ageless comedian, author and playwright Russell Kane. Find out how UKIP manages to butter people up to not be nasty to them, how to turn criticism into a creative positive, how to meet your wife in the front row of an audience and who Stewart Lee is generally mistaken for. Is there a class prejudice directed towards this erudite and unstoppable force? What is his record like in TV quizzes? And did he ever work in the Transportation department of “Where the Wild Things Are”? Is it possible to stop a medium getting a read on you? And witness once again the amazing power of the kite question to cut to the heart of things.

  • S09E14 RHLSTP 114 - Tim Minchin - Fish Pie Mix

    • September 14, 2016
    • YouTube

    Tim Minchin: Rich has exciting news that will make other puppet-sex enthusiasts very jealous, but there’s no time for even a brief wank using the hand of a 100 year old ventriloquist dummy as it’s the second coming of, if not the new Jesus, certainly the new Judas, Tim Minchin. The pair bring out the best worst in each other again, alternating between inappropriate chat about wangs and fufus and serious topics like the rise of anti-intellectualism, the imminent destruction of the planet and what motivates anyone to betray a living God. Also what would you do if you had the chance to destroy a space ship where a small majority of the aliens were evil? Should dirty britcom confessions be seen as a compliment? How does David Duchovny spend his spare time on set? Has anyone interviewing Tim not attempted the obvious Groundhog Day joke? And most importantly has Tim Minchin ever tried sushi? This is the one place that will tell you.

  • S09E15 RHLSTP 115 - Tom Parry - Vertical Pizza

    • September 21, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard is reeling from a celebrity encounter and being outsmarted by a 3 year old heckler, but at least he has a plan to finance the rest of the RHLSTP (rhlstp). His guest is neither an estate agent, a footballer or an Elizabethan comptroller. He was in Miranda though. It’s Tom Parry. The pair discuss the lengths that you would have to go to to out-vegan a vegan, why someone from Wolverhampton shouldn’t advertise toothbrushes, another amazing kite story, the woes of the Labour party and what it’s like to work under the dictatorial heel of Robert Webb. Also if you’ve ever wondered if Tom Parry has tried sushi then you’re in for a treat. And here’s hoping Windsor Davies hasn’t succumbed to the curse of 2016 so you can still make the important choice that we’re all having to make about him. Some nice stuff about directing comedy and the insecurities, competitiveness and joys of working with other comedians and whether you ever get too old to dick around.

  • S09E16 RHLSTP 116 - Elis James - Paedophile Postman

    • October 28, 2016
    • YouTube

    It’s the end of the series (but there will be a bonus audio podcast from the Great Yorkshire Fringe next week) and Richard is frankly astonished by the popularity of his final guest, given he has to literally check his name on a pad before introducing him, it’s Elis James. Rich makes the Welshman feel at home by talking to him in his own language before discussing the famous people who’ve come from Carmarthen and the impact of the bridge over Blue Street. They compete to discover the worst hotel in Swansea and Elis wins by a toothbrush. Also find out how James’ act has been ruined by Welsh football success, what we thought of the Ghostbusters controversy (I know that was a long time ago now) and who will have the funniest comedy hybrid child. And who is more oppressed, the Welsh or women? Or Welsh women? Plus Richard’s attempt to get involved with Elis’ next sit-com backfires spectacularly, but at least he has his awards speech all ready now.

Season 10

  • S10E01 RHLSTP 117 - Armando Iannucci - Jeffrey Archer’s Carp

    • October 12, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich has been laid down low with an admittedly indirectly sexually transmitted disease, but nothing can stop him from starting this 10th and now kickstarted series. His guest once dreamed of being a Roman Catholic Priest, but luckily chose a less religious route, it’s Armando Iannucci. The pair discuss the rivalry and tensions in the world of classical music, what a post-Brexit Thick of It might look like, the death of Stalin, how Veep was created, what you can find in the houses of former Tory ministers and how close Iannucci came to being trampled by a hippo.

  • S10E02 RHLSTP 118 - Hans Teeuwen - Heart Slag

    • October 19, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich meets his audience and finds a man who works in genealogy who can trace his family back an absolutely unbelievable distance, before introducing his guest, Dutch cabaretier Hans Teeuwen. In a somewhat disjointed chat, largely due to the virus circulating round Richard’s blood stream, they talk about death, ageing, dementia and giving up comedy. Oh yeah, full of laughs. But you can also find out the Dutch for beak and palate, whether it’s fair to talk of the decline of Paul McCartney and just how difficult it is to describe Teewen’s comedy.

  • S10E03 RHLSTP 119 - Dane Baptiste - The Naked Arsonist

    • October 26, 2016
    • YouTube

    Moral benchmarks and locker room banter are on Richard’s mind, as he gives a kickstarter backer the finest champagne available to man (if the man is shopping in Sainsburys and has £15). His guest is cock-goblin comedian and sitcom star, Dane Baptiste. The pair talk about their experiences of working in advertising sales, which celebrities went to their schools, what was Rick Buckler’s most successful band, the recent Andrew Lawrence documentary, working with Don Warrington, glass ceilings, prejudice, capital punishment and a surprising amount of serious subjects. But you can also find out what it’s like to be a twin, Dane’s sleeping position and why he can’t hook up with any women from one of the Grenadian islands.

  • S10E04 RHLSTP 120 - Caitlin Moran - Cheese Lollipops

    • November 2, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard has been filming the kickstarter extra where he interviews his ventriloquist dummy Ally and the 125 year old terrifying monstrosity at the centre of a possible sex crime is introduced to the crowd. Richard’s guest is the home-schooled, Benedict Cumberbatch botherer, Caitlin Moran. Caitlin discusses her ambitious plans to kickstart the cancelled yet award-winning Raised by Wolves (, (the show has been bumped up in the schedule so apologies for any minor disruptions of running jokes), how she nearly broke into Kate Moss’ house, why you shouldn't give an 18 year old a TV show and possibly the most unconvincing ghost story so far and how she used numerology to help her choose her name. Ally has a question about feminism that is very offensive, but you have to remember that he is from another time.

  • S10E05 RHLSTP 121 - Will Smith - Baked Bean Silo

    • November 9, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard welcomes a newbie audience member from Canada in his usual unpleasant style, before bringing on a man who had the name first, so why should he change it, it’s Will Smith (UK). The pair reminisce about forgotten masterpieces Banter and Time Gentlemen Please, before discussing what they would do if they had Adam Sandler’s money, Will shows he’s still got it when it comes to Six Degrees of Bergerac, they pitch a lot of genius ideas for Dragon’s Den and work out how to have definitely consensual sex with a ghost. There’s time to chat about Marillion, how to be a living statue, growing up in Jersey and the move from stand-up to writing Emmy-award winning comedy and novels - check out Will’s fantastic book Mainlander - And there’s more new emergency questions as Richard struggles to get to the ridiculous kickstarter target he has set himself.

  • S10E06 RHLSTP 122 - Tony Robinson - Pissing in the Queen’s Flowerbed

    • November 16, 2016
    • YouTube

    There are some fine beards on display in the front row as always, but it’s all about the puny moustache that we can see on stage tonight. It’s on the face of the first knight to every appear on RHLSTP, Sir Anthony Robinson. Find out what happened to Fat Tulip’s garden,what inspired Maid Marian, why Brian Blessed attempted to make a citizen’s arrest on Tony, what happened when Time Team came to Cheddar Gorge and if a knight of the realm has every tried to suck his own pork sword. Some great stuff about Blackadder and Rowan Atkinson too.

  • S10E07 RHLSTP 123 - Kerry Godliman - Over to our Human Centipede Expert

    • November 23, 2016
    • YouTube

    Richard has had his topical comedy well pretty much depleted by recording AIOTM the night before this, but considers creating a new beard based podcast, but luckily relents to introduce comedian, actor and wannabe humanitarian Kerry Godliman. They discuss working with Christopher Guest, how Richard could have gone to drama school if only he’d been any good at acting, being rescued by a topless lady, how to pronounce taramasalata, whether political comedy is the be all and end all and what motivates comedians to do charity.

  • S10E08 RHLSTP 124 - Chris Addison - Cut Up By Prince Philip

    • November 30, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich discovers that someone from US TV is in the audience and considers sending the guest home so he can audition for a stand-up special, but Chris Addison is backstage and it would be rude to do that after he’s bothered to come in. The pair chat about wikipedia based factual inaccuracies, the true story of how Chris was nearly Doctor Who, the technical realities of sewing people together anus to mouth, some thoughtful exposition about a world with realistic robots, whether opera is obviously shit or if it’s actually good, why American TV produces the results that the UK seemingly can’t, as well as having a smack down between the average Herring and Addison fans. And can Rich Columbo Chris at the end?

  • S10E09 RHLSTP 125 - Ed Gamble - Harry Potter Trivial Pursuits

    • December 7, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich finds a woman in the audience who doesn’t seem to know where she is, who he is or understand the concept of remembering. She continues to be bamboozled throughout the show. And perhaps with reason as this chat with pretend aristocrat and real diabetic Ed Gamble takes some odd turns. In one of the giddiest podcasts for quite some time Richard tries out a lot of new emergency questions which prompt discussions about the sleeping habits of gametes, the dangers of falling into a river, an impression of Buzz Nigeria and whether asking someone if they’re tried sashima is an acceptable question. A nuclear physicist is on hand to discuss the chemistry of jumping into a pool of something and Ed has to decide if he’d save Rich from crucifixion. There’s also some chat about Mock the Week, Drunk History and how this whole podcast is very much a practice for interviewing a more famous guest. And a quiz about retailers leads to the invention of an exciting new board game. And we see the unwelcome return of Victorian idiot, Ally.

  • S10E10 RHLSTP 126 - Deborah Frances-White - Alien Orifice

    • December 14, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich is reeling from a Pointless betrayal of the twin-Judases, but he rises above it to introduce podcaster, writer, businesswomen, feminist and champion of diversity Deborah Frances-White. There are some fascinating stories of adoption, what Jehovah’s witnesses can and can’t expect from the earthly paradise, whether relationships continue in the after life and one of the best explanations of how privilege works that you will ever hear. Plus there’s clarification on the robot sex dilemma and how it might be acceptable, the orifices of Jesus and the place of humour in dealing with that which is serious. Check out Deborah’s brilliant radio show Deborah Frances-White Rolls the Dice.

  • S10E11 RHLSTP 127 - Dawn French - Mmmmm Yes. Do It That Way

    • December 21, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rich is giddy with fanboy excitement at having one of his childhood (and adulthood) comedy heroes in the off-white seat, it’s the loveliest person in the United Kingdom Dawn French. They discuss what it is like to be in a double act where you actually like your partner, on stage vertigo, the Queen Mother’s teeth, whether it’s worse to lose a pet or be an orphan and a choice between getting students through their exams and international comedy fame. Richard risks derailing everything by asking the Vicar of Dibley some very inappropriate questions, but she is more than equal to them. Witches and ghosts and west country and intergenerational rivalry feature but can Richard make Dawn cry or reveal her evil side? Only one way to find out.

  • S10E12 RHLSTP 128 - Tom Davis - Nervous Lord’s Prayer

    • January 4, 2017
    • YouTube

    You have us at an advantage this week, as you know who the next US President will be and we don’t. What terrible future are you in? Either way. But let’s forget about that and welcome the smiling man-mountain that is Tom Davis. Suddenly he is appearing in everything, most notably the brilliantly fun Murder in Successville, but we’ll find out about how he made it and what he was doing before. Are Scaffolders really the craziest of all the tradesmen? Are footballers good at anything other than football? What if Paddington was 6ft 7 and from Croydon? How healthy is Romesh Ranaganathan’s poo? And how badly can you mess up a chance to play a Biblical figure in a movie? There’s also another addition to the forthcoming volume, “Stories about meeting Brian Blessed”.

  • S10E13 RHLSTP 129 - Susan Calman - Milk Tart

    • January 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    Weeks have passed for you in the Donald Trump President Elect alternate universe, but this was recorded less than a week after the result and Richard and the world are trying to process what he means. He makes a bold prediction that we can only hope has come to pass, before introducing the never efficiently researched Susan Calman. There’s chat about the loneliness of touring, the terror of the new world order and what it might mean for minorities and whether we need more diversity on television. It gets pretty serious in places, but there’s lots of fun chat about filthy Miriam Gargoyles, having a drink with Cliff Richard, eskimo rolls, Princess Anne’s bun and whether it’s really necessary to apologise to everyone for absolutely every joke.

  • S10E14 RHLSTP 130 - Jess Thom - Biscuit

    • January 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich meets some people who have never tried sushi before introducing Tourettes Superhero (though that’s a secret) Jess Thom. It’s a battle to see who will say the most inappropriate thing, but for once Richard is given a run for his money as the pair discuss the facts about Tourettes, the positive effects in terms of creativity, the gatekeeper of the brain and what it’s like to be able to inadvertently create brilliant emergency questions. Plus discussion of the new Leicester Square Theatre Stair Robot (which is a real thing, though in this conversation it is sometimes tricky to tell fact from fiction), why not-yet-disabled people are so idiotic and self-defeating when it comes to access and equal rights in general and who it is who needs to a magic drug to cure them. It’s a fascinating and hilarious chat with some of the best emergency question answers you are ever going to hear.

  • S10E15 RHLSTP 131 - Sarah Millican - Old Man’s Pants Under The Bed

    • January 25, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich has just had to stand impassive in a stranger’s guff for fear of looking like the one who smelt it and thus dealt it and it’s been a bad day all round, but everything should be OK as it’s round 5 of the verbal boxing match (that threatens to become a naked wrestling match) with Sarah Millican. They chat about Daniel Craig’s bum, who invented the lifeboat, whether we only remember the times we were bullied and not the time we were the bullies, who is the bigger workaholic, whether they should both chuck in their marriages and give it a go together and the brilliant Standard Issue magazine and podcast - Plus stuff about snoring and dirty hotel rooms and the usual fizzling sexual tension which has everyone asking will they or won’t they? And Sarah answering, “No they won’t” and Rich saying, “Oh go on.”

  • S10E16 RHLSTP 132 - Simon Munnery - Don’t Die

    • February 1, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard quizzes his audience to find how little they have done with their lives, before introducing the comedian’s comedian and avant-garde comedy genius, Simon Munnery. In a frank interview Simon reveals the unwritten truth of Steve Coogan’s 1992 Edinburgh Fringe hospital visit, how Mark Lamarr did the bravest thing ever witnessed on stage, how Simon met his wife as a voice in the darkness during a gig that was spiralling out of control, setting up a restaurant that doesn’t serve food and what it was like to play Malcolm Hardee’s legendary Tunnel Club.

  • S10E17 RHLSTP 133 - Lucy Porter - Altercation With A Shepherd

    • February 8, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is worried that he’s been experimented on by aliens and about whether a litigious Egghead will be coming for him. His guest this week is pocket dynamo, Lucy Porter. They chat about their varying success on quiz shows, how Danny Dyer saved 2016, what it’s like being married to a Queen-loving giant and what it’s like performing in front of a room full of babies. Also how Kitchen Karaoke and Rich with his top off led to romance and how a sheep-shearer incensed turned a comedian into a heckler.

  • S10E18 RHLSTP 134 - Peter Serafinowicz - Brian Blessed and the Big Foot

    • February 15, 2017
    • YouTube

    It’s the final episode of series 10 of RHLSTP and Rich meets a bearded man who has managed to find a partner (find out how he did it nerds). His guest is the laid-back and yet also intense (and rather beautiful) Peter Serafinowicz. They talk about how it’s almost impossible to parody the new President of the United States, but the effective way that Peter managed it and his fears and plans should there be repercussions from the thin-skinned bellend. Also lots of chats about the two Brian Bs (Blessed and Butterfield) and how a stellar cast does not always lead to a commission. Plus behind the scenes at Guardians of the Galaxy and Parks and Recreation and the Pudsey the Dog movie. Incredibly Adam Sandler’s “The Cobbler” and the strange ego of Mr Tumble come up without Richard even mentioning them.

Season 11

  • S11E01 RHLSTP 135 - Paul Merton - Waiting For Crawford

    • June 14, 2017
    • YouTube

    It’s back for an eleventh series - who keeps commissioning this - and Richard’s new emergency questions are coming true as he’s fresh from irking a postman. His guest is someone who used to only be able to speak to in drunken awe at early 1990s BBC Radio Light Entertainment parties, Paul Merton. They discuss their similarly comedy-nerdy teenage years, the early days of the alternative comedy circuit where Alexei Sayle’s stream of swearing might be followed by flying fish or slowly melting ice. Can Paul remember the very first routine that helped him on the road to stardom (and partially define his persona) - you bet a fortnight’s holiday in Benidorm he can and it’s magical! Find out how close he came to death 30 years ago after breaking his leg and how anti-malarial drugs almost broke his brain.

  • S11E02 RHLSTP 136 - Joe Thomas - Pasta-based diet

    • June 21, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is excited about becoming a father for the second time, but not to witnessing the birth. His guest is, like him, a son of teachers and has a 2:1 degree in history and grew up in a town that begins with the letters Che, it’s Joe Thomas. Thomas shows Herring what his life might have been if only he’d been in a hit show, whereas Herring serves as a dire warning for where Thomas could end up if things go wrong for him. They chat about how Joe nearly didn’t accept the Inbetweeners Job, a radical possible change of direction for the third Inbetweeners movie, whether Jess the cat has an official role in Postman Pat, the buildings and dead businesses of Chelmsford, why you should watch narrative drama in the correct order, the optimum number of Inbetweeners to appear in a non-Inbetweener project and get through a fair few questions from the new Emergency Questions book.

  • S11E03 RHLSTP 137 - Jessica Knappett - Air Mattress

    • June 28, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is worried that he smells of cat wee, but he can’t let that slow him down, he is chatting to the star of his as unyet commissioned sitcom (but it will be commissioned in some Universe somewhere), Jessica Knappett. Under discussion are the horrors of birth and death, the unfortunate associations that belong to the town of Bingley, what one is supposed to be getting out of a massage, the sweet, sweet taste of very long-term showbiz based revenge, sandwich or tampons, how Jessica fell in love with a man who can play a guitar without even having a guitar and the perils of promotional work and when it is acceptable to steal from work.

  • S11E04 RHLSTP 138 - Adam Buxton - How Short Are You That You Can Not Reach?

    • July 5, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard has been gifted an almost free Twirl by the Universe. But has he been moral, immoral or amoral? To help us find out, the first ever three times returning guest on the podcast and multi-award winning podcaster, Adam Buxton. The pair discuss middle-aged confrontations and why the staff at WH Smiths in Cambridge station are maybe overzealous, how Adam appeared like a guardian angel when Richard was in trouble and telepathically summoned him, terror of mortality, what to name a dog, the frustrations of being considered small in stature, what it’s like to play a head in a box, how to keep your family alive when everyone expects podcasts to be free, plus a musical finale,which has maybe come a couple of decades too late.

  • S11E05 RHLSTP 139 - Zoe Lyons - The Camaraderie of the Jam Factory

    • July 12, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard attempts to work out how a waitress in a pizza restaurant with a limited menu might be surprised by every order, before introducing former competent waitress and fudge packer, Zoe Lyons. The chat encompasses Alan Titchmarsh based humiliation, Cherie Blair, the bluntness of the Dutch, almost being the first person to die on reality TV and performing to Australian miners. Plus travelogues to Alaska and Indiana, Voyager and anally inserted chocolate bars. I mean what more could you possibly wish for.

  • S11E06 RHLSTP 140 - Andrew Collins - Frog Tape

    • July 19, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is over excited to find people 2/5ths of his age in the front row and tries to forget he is on the verge of his sixth decade. He’s gone against the advice of last week’s podcast and had a drink and so has his guest, it’s Classic FM’s Andrew Collin(g)s. It’s the first time the pair have spoken in over 60 months and it would be foolish to deny that there might be come tensions bubbling beneath (and all over) the surface, but there’s still time for some banter that will take you back to the glory days of 2008-2011. Armed with emergency questions and an emergency folder of cherished tabloid memories the pair attempt to discuss the country’s worst serial killers, the Mitfords, the evil of Cecil Parkinson, the debt they owe each other, the unresolved sexual tension (at least at the start of the evening), the disappointment of Northampton, decent and indecent proposals, whether it’s OK to add cartoons to the Human Centipede and what the best kind of tape is. You will laugh, you will wince, you will remember the 1980s, but not possibly as fondly as Collings does.

  • S11E07 RHLSTP 141 - David Baddiel - What is the Biggest Ant?

    • July 26, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is pondering what it must be like to buy a flat in BBC TV Centre and appreciating his daughter’s grasp of money. It’s a reunion this week with a man he once shared a bed and a tiramisu in a Presidential Suite, David Baddiel. They talk about double act reunions, the ethics of writing about your family secrets for comedy, the perils of getting older and needing comfort breaks, cat bum coffee, why all comedians are writing children’s books and orgies involving the stars of 1970s television. Plus a brilliant story about Norris Macwhirter.

  • S11E08 RHLSTP 142 - Brendon Burns and Craig Quartermaine - Race Off

    • August 2, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard contemplates the now trickier commute to work that he has thanks to being forced to move to the country because he is 50, before introducing veteran comedian Brendon Burns and a man with only one credit Craig Quartermaine. It’s a more contemplative RHLSTP than usual, as the two Australians discuss the racial issues that many of their countrymen refuse to confront and how comedy can deal with questions of race (especially if a loud and mouthy bloke is teamed up with a quieter and indigenous one). Find out how this unlikely pair got together, how they reluctantly formed a double act, what makes a double act work and the awkwardness that both comedians revel in and have to cope with in their daily life and from people who have seen their show. It’s a fascinating insight into guilt, embarrassment and the horrors of imperialism and how difficult it is to confront these harsh truths. Luckily it’s funny too. Though sometimes uncomfortably so.

  • S11E09 RHLSTP 143 - Dan Skinner - Tape in a Bag

    • August 30, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard has his least successful attempt to meet his audience of all time, but no matter, he has a great guest on hand in the form of Angelos Epithemiou creator, Dan Skinner. They chat about how the character came to life, the audacious way in which he inadvertently auditioned for Shooting Stars, how he failed to get a part in Richard’s sitcom, the story of why Jim Broadbent appeared in Around The World In Eighty Days, working with Ken Campbell and Ben Wheatley and not really working with Alan Partridge. Plus a novel use of a lot of Twixes and what it’s like to appear on Sunday Brunch drunk and the Edinburgh Fringe sober.

  • S11E10 RHLSTP 144 - Katy Brand -Catering for the Dead

    • September 6, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard hasn’t eaten enough in a last ditch attempt to lose weight before he turns 50, but no time for stomach rumbles because his guest is professional Margaret Thatcher impersonator and teenage evangelical Christian, Katy Brand. Questions, emergency and non-emergency are asked like how does Brian Blessed feel about hobgoblins? Where do demons go when they have been dispossessed? Are Medusa and Emily Bronte the only women in history? When is International Men’s Day? What kind of a sad case would use crowd funding? Have any of Richard’s 1990s fans gone on to be less successful than him? And you’ll witness the power of the new embers of a bonfire.

  • S11E11 RHLSTP 145 - Julian Clary - Fist of Fun

    • September 13, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is still bugging last week’s audience about Lego Batman - it’s amazing they keep coming back. His guest is Gillian Pieface, or as she is sometimes known Julian Clary. They chat about how the Universe lets you know it’s time for a break, psychic teeth, burning pianos, perverted monks, the inability to escape innuendo, living next door to hyenas, having a head full of skin, the Tracey family and Aquamarina, Piers Morgan, cocaines, Brian Blessed, Jimmy Greaves, Mike Smith, acting, panto, the continent of the incontinent and disappointing ways to celebrate big birthdays.

  • S11E12 RHLSTP 146 - Limmy - Monopoly Penguin

    • September 20, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich is on the cusp of a couple of massive life changes, but he won’t let ageing and moving get in the way of asking comedians strange questions in an attempt to make them reveal intimate truths. Today he talks to a man with inventive ideas for revenge and murder, Limmy. They discuss being concreted into the pavement, manspreading, swearing xylophones, fake whatsapps, undescended testicles, sea lion genitals, how to save money when touring, the joy of travelling the world and seeing nothing but Columbo and dedicate a lot of time to the best tactics required to win at Monopoly.

  • S11E13 RHLSTP 147 - Arthur Smith - Rage and Balloon

    • September 27, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich tries to find someone older than him in the audience as he tries to squeeze some joy out of the last few hours of his forties. HIs guest is older and sager than he and has been doing the Edinburgh Fringe for a full decade longer, it’s the self-proclaimed Mayor of Balham, Arthur Smith. They discuss smashing bottles over people’s heads, worst and most uriny heckles, the honours system, near death experiences, brushes with the law, Are You Being Served?, Fringe spectaculars, Alexander the Great’s socks, poetry, Hamlet featuring Dick Kipper and what was being said in the backwards episode of Red Dwarf.Plus the benefits of mild fame and what you do when you’ve just been released from Colditz.

  • S11E14 RHLSTP 148 - Robert Webb - The Ideal Age To Die

    • October 4, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is still prickling with mortification after an encounter with Michael Portillo, as if turning 50 and moving house wasn’t enough, but he has still found time to read his guest’s fantastic new book “How Not To Grow Up”, I mean “How Not To Be a Boy”, Robert Webb. They chat about their mutual inability to draw 8s and hours (and relationships) lost to Civilisation II, the way tragedy (or not) can shape a comedian, where you would seek release if you were the only person left in the world, the tricky balancing act of making sure the right people are at your funeral, how we will view ourselves in 10 years time and what our wives might think of us now. Plus imaginary friends, falling down stairs and going to school with Bros. It’s literally got everything.

  • S11E15 RHLSTP 149 - Ed Byrne - Lost Leather Jacket

    • October 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich is getting used to living in the countryside and the action movie that is attempting to get the train home. His guest has painful memories of the show he is best known for, it’s Sudoku king, Ed Byrne. Richard is happy because there’s lots of chances to discuss Celebrity Quiz shows, but luckily he’s not going to dwell on his own successes or failures (whichever they might have been). They also discuss prestigious acting awards, the decline in the standards of Metro columnists, not feeding gondolas, how you might end up 3% Neanderthal, lost New Zealand dreams, rubbing pork, Alanis Morissette, why lawyers are great best men, the effect of gravity on a scrotum and how to get on the right side of an audience from Iceland.

  • S11E16 RHLSTP 150 - Sara Pascoe - Hello, Still a Feminist?

    • October 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich details how he considered stealing a man’s identity to become a chartered accountant. Perhaps it would have been for the best. But instead he’s back for the 150th official episode of the show that the Cool Kids call RHLSTP with one of his all-time favourite guests, Sara Pascoe. She has written a phenomenal book called Animal which you really should buy for all teenage girls, all teenage boys and everyone else too. There’s some pretty serious chat about the chemistry of love, biology, abortion, the future of the world, whether things are getting better or worse and terrible human nature. But it’s contemplative and positive and proves that Richard isn’t actually the worst man on the planet, plus there’s fun stuff about Just a Minute in a brain scanning machine and Sunday Brunch (with surprise guest) and a brilliant new game show where there’s guaranteed to be one woman on every week. Plus all the Emergency Questions lead us to serious answers. It’s an amazing end to what has surely been the best series of RHLSTP so far.

Season 12

  • S12E01 RHLSTP 151 - Ellie Taylor - Catching Clouds

    • October 25, 2017
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP is back and the sky has changed colour and the first of the gang has died, so Richard is a bit unsettled and sad. But on we plough until our own inevitable deaths. The guest today previously worked for Isis, it’s Ellie Taylor, who claims to have grown up in Brentwood, but she doesn’t know much about it or trampolining. Like you’d expect. They talk about the faces you pull when you’re modelling for Matalan, being apparated in a box, the great Josh paedo postman betrayal, why cats are better than babies, having a heart made of diamonds and much too much about genitals, but then some stuff about the cute things kids say to make up for the rudeness. Richard is so tired that his brain either says everything he is thinking or can’t formulate basic words (so no real change there), but luckily Ellie is eloquent as he bumbles around the questions of body image and perceived attractiveness. Plus he gets to ask questions from the brand new EQ app!

  • S12E02 RHLSTP 152 - Armando Iannucci - Deeply Dippy

    • November 1, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is surprisingly appalled by what a sex robot inventor is planning for his sex robot and reeling from the brutal combo of no sleep and attending a funeral, but life goes on and it’s laughter all the way (until the end when it gets a bit bleak) with left-wing Stalin apologist Armando Iannucci. Armando reveals a surprising friendship with a 1990s pop group and the dark underside of Michael Palin before trying to ascertain who is worst: Weinstein, Stalin or James Corden. Rich gets busted about his behaviour at the “Death of Stalin” premiere and there’s lots of chat about this excellent film and how being a director has changed Iannucci into a megalomaniac. Plus find out what happened when Armando started to learn the piano in his 40s and his near death experiences on holiday and how he has once again managed to copy all of Richard’s ideas and pass them off as his own.

  • S12E03 RHLSTP 153 - Rachel Parris - Oh Jesus I have Promised

    • November 8, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich is confused and amazed by horses and apparently alone in being troubled by the lyrics to the new Stereophonics song, but he has a more skilled musician, improviser and ex-Christian rocker on hand to dig him out of his exhausted new-parent hole, it’s Rachel Parris. They chat about obscure advertising jingles, how to improvise entire Jane Austen stories, the excitement of sitting on a “celebrity’s” toilet, usurping elderly organists, emailing the Samaritans, who’s who (or anyone) in Game of Thrones, poo wrangling and funky hymns.

  • S12E04 RHLSTP 154 - John Moloney - Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

    • November 15, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard freewheels about the poor quality of the suit he has had to wear as his nice ones no longer fit him, still giddy from a heady cocktail of tiredness and grief, but he’s in for a relaxed and thoughtful hour, with a man who is not afraid to say what he thinks, John Moloney. They chat about Red Wedge, accordions, out-Catholicing Frank Skinner, performing in German and John’s bold plans to create “Dead at the Apollo” a showcase for comedians over 50. Some lovely stuff about overcoming chips on shoulders and some cheerleading for the unlikely twosome of Jeremy Corbyn and Jim Davidson. Also who is best science or Jesus?

  • S12E05 RHLSTP 155 - Jan Ravens - Just Amazing

    • November 22, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard is excited after spotting a celebrity at Crewe station, but upset that the celebrity wasn’t excited about spotting him. But his guest has snogged that celeb, it’s Jan Ravens. There’s chat about how to personify a can of drink, blazing a trail for women in comedy, sand yachting, Sunday school teaching, what makes for a creepy entertainer, working with Barry Sheen, how to choose a Mastermind topic, how tape led Richard to a rare TV victory, how Konnie Huq nearly killed both Jan and Richard and what it’s like to have a comedian come out of you. Plus plenty of bull semen, but at what cost?

  • S12E06 RHLSTP 156 - Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd - Prime Minister of the Central African Republic

    • November 29, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard’s dog is at war with his eyes, but who cares. He has the Prime Minister from an alternate timeline on his podcast, plus a bloke who bought fags from Mrs Merton, it’s the unlikely twosome of Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd. They discuss the pair’s great new podcast “Reasons to be Cheerful”, plus the Millstone and the sandwich and David Miliband’s shoes. Is losing an election in anyway comparable to a triple loss on Pointless Celebrities? Can you be too clever for Win, Lose or Draw? And is the political system of the UK screwed. There’s some tough questions about Brexit (though to be fair Ed is asking most of them), and the difficulty of being a politician and being yourself. You might end up wishing you lived in the Miliverse. Or at least have some ideas for redecorating your kitchen? And will Richard ask the Emergency Questions you all want to hear answered? And will Ed answer?

  • S12E07 RHLSTP 157 - Greg Jenner - Portuguese Boy’s Urine

    • December 6, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard seems to think he’s the new Frost:Nixon for some reason, but his audience banter suggests he has some way to go. But never mind, he’s talking to historian and Horrible Histories expert Greg Jenner. There’s something for everyone, as long as you’re a fan of Viagra or Leonardo di Vinci. And if not then you can find out about the history of toilets and cantaloupes and penicillin and Papal orgies and William the Conqueror and church-based arson. Richard expounds his boring theory about Rasputin and Greg has some interesting theories about celebrity. And what if you time-travelled to see Jesus and found out you were Jesus. Wow. Is your mind blown? And what if the only thing to survive from our time was Ed Miliband’s Millstone?

  • S12E08 RHLSTP 158 - Simon Brodkin - Vagina Cash Machine

    • December 13, 2017
    • YouTube

    Richard has been belittled by a scaffolder, and is plotting his revenge. Perhaps he should send this week’s guest after him, it’s serial prankster and character comedian Simon Brodkin. We get all the behind the scenes info on his recent quest to give Theresa May her P45, plus stories about Blatter, Trump and what the police do if they arrest you but like you. Plus is it OK to ask Christmas Emergency Questions to someone of Jewish heritage? What if they’re known for their artistic risks? Plus the incredible story of why Brodkin had to repeat his medical exams!

  • S12E09 RHLSTP 159 - Richard Osman - Drifter Charger

    • December 15, 2017
    • YouTube

    Rich’s daughter has made quite a radical life choice, but hopefully is a reincarnation of someone who will make the family a lot of money (if only we can prove it). This week it’s a welcome return for one of the worst guests we’ve ever had on RHLSTP (and I am saying that because that’s what he says about me on Pointless), it’s the charmingly offensive giant, Richard Osman. Will Osman realise where he’s gone wrong with his TV shows and finally commission Richard to write and sing the theme tune? Will Pointless ever take the money and head to Channel 4? What will Osman say about Rich’s mum this time? Why can’t chocolate manufacturer’s put aside their differences? How big is a glass? Is it OK to propose to someone over Twitter? How many times can you lose on Pointless and still hold your head high? What do the Chinese think of Osman? Is it better to be single in your twenties or your forties? As you’d expect it’s a wide-ranging chat and a delight from start to finish.

  • S12E10 RHLSTP 160 - Reginald D Hunter - An Order of Travelling Monks

    • January 3, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard is overly proud of himself for having created a new book of Emergency Questions, but luckily there is someone on hand who will give them short shrift, it’s the comedian with the soul of a poet, Reginald D Hunter. He discusses the one thing that is better than a shrek when it comes to improving existing franchises, how Reg did and didn’t break his leg, how comedic genius can be passed on via the bladder, the ultimate victory of sibling rivalry, the slow realisation of the truth about OJ Simpson, how vanity is the greatest destroyer of men, being the fourth funniest person in your family and many more surprising revelations regarding relativity. Richard worries about ageing and death, but Reginald does not. It’s a revelatory chat with a comedian who possibly unwittingly inspired this whole podcast series. You will dream of loving someone as much as Rich loves Reg.

  • S12E11 RHLSTP 161 - Johann Hari - Cannibal Chicken

    • January 10, 2018
    • YouTube

    The question of ham hands versus suncream armpits has gone international and been introduced to a new generation in the most charming of ways. But hat confusion, decade old Big Brother news and chicken restaurants aside it’s a pretty serious podcast in which journalist Johann Hari discusses his fascinating new book, “Lost Connections”. Are our views on depression and antidepressants correct or do we need to look at these subjects in a new way? Johann discusses how an encounter with an apple made him consider the importance of listening to our symptoms, plus the power that people have to overcome the systems that can make them sad or even give up hope entirely. Is Rich’s dad crazy for wanting to engage with strangers or is Rich insane for being disconnected from his neighbours. Do possessions bring us happiness, do lesbian monkey orgies have anything to teach us and what can bring Muslims, punks and gay men together? No emergency questions. Unless you consider the future of the human race an emergency.

  • S12E12 RHLSTP 162 - Katy Wix - Burned Bunting

    • January 17, 2018
    • YouTube

    ichard hits comedy gold and finds the person with the perfect job to riff about for as long as an hour if he wishes, but he doesn’t wish to, as he has the multi-talented comedian, writer and actor Katy Wix to chat with. They discuss clammy handshakes, horror car crashes, dragon-based misunderstandings, working with Dick and Dom, Princess Fergiana, Hattie Jacques, meeting Dire Straits, an 11-year-old girl’s pebble, the professionalism of the young and cruelty to tadpoles. And the audience decides on who should be invited on to the next series.

  • S12E13 RHLSTP 163 - Paul Chowdhry - Brian Glover’s Walkman

    • January 24, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard is mourning the non-existent victims of the Oxford Circus incident and the personal connection he had to them, but life goes on for all of us not killed in that delusional event and so it’s time to welcome a man with the second best moustache in comedy, it’s Paul Chowdhry. They chat about making movies with Tim from the Office, John Malkovich and Jim Davidson, sadness versus depression, how Paul filled Wembley arena despite a relatively low-key TV appearances, how racism in the seventies compares to 21st century racism Celebrity Squares, Noel’s House Party, New Year’s Eve with the Landises, the tasering of hecklers in Lowestoft and why the critics don’t always see what the public see.

  • S12E14 RHLSTP 164 - Dave Gorman - Nigel Havers-based Injustice

    • January 31, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard celebrates 10 years of podcasting by blowing your comfortable views of the film Toy Story apart like Spike with a firework. His guest has come prepared in an attempt to Louis Theroux Herring, but he isn’t Louis Theroux, he is Dave Gorman. They discuss why Dave stepped down as team captain on the panel show “What the Dickens?”, how to get the Happy Feet knock off Tappy Toes at a knockdown price, how Dave and the short-sightedness of Channel 4 were instrumental in the success of John Oliver, the story behind the righteous take-down of Neil Sean, the next generation of double acts, why you still get incensed when you’re a quiz show winner and how to make your kids’ toys talk German. Thanks so much for supporting us during this twelfth series. Series 13 will be along with almost indecent haste.

Season 13

  • S13E01 RHLSTP 165 - Kathy Burke - I Don’t Do Blow Jobs

    • February 8, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard’s living in a house of horrors and has heard a ghost, so he’s glad to be back in the safety of lovely, undangerous London to find out if Kathy Burke is as cool and amazing in real life as you really hope that she is. She’s cooler than the coolest cool kids. They chat about the many paths taken from Educating Marmalade, where you might unknowingly have first encountered Kathy, when Perry met the Manics, who is best Harry Enfield or Gary Oldman, a reluctant visit to Cannes, why Burke moved from acting to directing and the joys of Oscar Wilde. Also featuring Horne and Corden, the Mona Lisa and not being in Doctor Who. A new notebook, new chairs and new microphones - sorry about the last one of those audiophiles - we will be back to uncrackly next week.

  • S13E02 RHLSTP 166 - Adam Kay - Degloved Penis - Richard

    • February 15, 2018
    • YouTube

    His guest this week is doctor turned comedian turned best-selling author Adam Kay. They discuss his hilarious, harrowing and politically important book, This Is Going To Hurt, witnessing death and birth and sexual misdemeanours at close quarters, the ethics of paying for parking, the past, present and future of the NHS, the stories that were too grotesque for the book, Prince Phillip’s love for Tom Lehrer, performing comedy songs for Prince Harry and seeing vaginas from the inside. Plus what happened when Kay met Jeremy CHunt.

  • S13E03 RHLSTP 167 - John Robins and Elis James - Not My Cup Of Tea

    • February 22, 2018
    • YouTube

    Fired up by his first TV recording in 23 years, Richard decides to work harder on his opening monologue, but is surprised to find how little he’s actually done, but at least there’s one in the eye for Kettle Crisps and luckily his guests are radio and podcast sensations John Robins and Elis James. They discuss pant retirement etiquette, being in a double act that actually like each other (for now), the curse of the Independent comedy couples photo shoot, the most money that’s ever changed hands for GCSE art coursework, the power of being a fan, Celebrity Mastermind humiliations and how not to respond to criticism. Plus who will survive the Josh Widdecombe/John Robins showdown?

  • S13E04 RHLSTP 168 - Danielle Ward - Sting’s Bloody Toilet

    • February 28, 2018
    • YouTube

    Technology delivers a cruel blow to Richard as it deletes his carefully crafted opening monologue about Cheddar Man, but he has a crack at it from memory. Richard is giddy from tiredness caused by nasty bugs from his stupid children and his guest Danielle Ward had a complicated and scary birth only 13 weeks ago, so it’s no surprise that things go a bit giddy and occasionally over the top. How many revelations about Prince Andrew and Dame Judy Dench will make it to air? Not very many is my guess. This is why you should come along and see the show live if you can - https://leicestersquaretheatre.ticket.... Find out what it’s like to work as an economic researcher at the South Korean embassy (when you know nothing about the economy or Korea), which member of Lee and Herring Danielle wrote to in 1996, the difficulty of transferring a successful podcast to television and what the most popular TV show of 1970 was. Find out about two moments from the life of Benedict Cumberbatch, how Rich bonded with Adrian Chiles and why Danielle loves Debbie McGee. You will just have to imagine the bits we had to cut out (and if you listen to some of the bits that stayed in, you’re going to wonder how far we actually went)

  • S13E05 RHLSTP 169 - Trev and Simon - You Are An Idiot

    • March 7, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich is looking for to International “When’s International Men’s Day?” Day, but for now it’s International We Don’t Do Duvets Day, as his guests are Saturday morning TV heroes Trev and Simon. They chat about the Banana Splits, long-eared rabbits, music legends with tummy troubles and BO, fire alarms with the Young Ones, going to school with Bros, double acts on a 70/30 split, the preparation that went into creating such diverse characters and bearing grudges. Pointless might come up. I can’t remember now.

  • S13E06 RHLSTP 170 - Jess Phillips - Jeremy Corbyn’s Salad Sandwich

    • March 14, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich’s daughter seems to be on her way to a mediocre career in comedy and he could not be more proud, but he doesn’t have time to show off too much as RHLSTP is welcoming its second member of parliament, Jess Phillips. There’s chat about the positive side of Brexit, the impressive thing about UKIP, why the left wing are at a disadvantage when it comes to changing things, why international men’s day is not advancing the cause of men, the disappointing representation of lifts in popular movies, the truth about whether Jess told Diane Abbot to f*** off and whether it’s best to have kids young or old. Also who is the sexiest Tory MP? Plus how safe are our elected representatives and are MPs as bad as everyone makes out? And Rich announces his intention to stand for parliament.

  • S13E07 RHLSTP 171 - Mackenzie Crook - Hucknall Forest

    • March 21, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich forgot to do a bit of his tour show for the people of Cardiff so we start with a comity contest, which unexpectedly leads to the podcast being blocked by penguins. Rich’s guest this week is the laid back, all-round genius Mackenzie Crook. Will Rich screw things up as badly as last time he had someone from the Office on? Not quite, but he gives it a fair go. They chat about double-teaming Muppets, the best metal detector, why UK sitcoms are so short-lived, remaking The Office, choosing a field in Suffolk over a ship in the Carribbean, how easy it is to ride a tube train and what happened with Sex Lives of the Potato Men. All this and Rich has a barely noticeable spot on his nose. No wonder he’s out of sorts. The twit.

  • S13E08 RHLSTP 172 - Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean - Chinese Hymen

    • March 28, 2018
    • YouTube

    Red-nosed Rich is still down with the lurgy and a bit befuddled. After an awkward chat with an accountant and a student, it’s time to meet the stars of the All Killa No Filla Podcast, Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard Mclean. They talk about whether serial killers are the stand up comedians of the world of crime, whether any comedians have made the crossover into serial killing, what drives our obsession with the darkness of true crime and how that can sometimes go way too far. Also discussed are meeting Noel Gallagher, running marathons with the bloke off My Parents Are Aliens, being on a plane with Bez and doing a Muppet Christmas Carol in 6 minutes.

  • S13E09 RHLSTP 173 - Katherine Ryan - Shooting Dust

    • April 4, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich is disgusted to be back in filthy London and wondering if a man performs an act of extreme slapstick and no one is around to see it, will it still be funny. Spoiler alert - yes it is. His guest is a comedian who proves that it’s possible to be wise, sane and still funny, Katherine Ryan. They discuss their shared and slightly disappointingly vanilla DNA heritage, how to plan a city, wanting to marry Adam Sandler, if Jimmy Carr has time to spend his money, why comedians want to be taken seriously when being funny is much harder and better, things that you abhorred as a child but you like now, catching out cheating partners, why anyone would get married and how to be happy in life.

  • S13E10 RHLSTP 174 - Peter Baynham - I am Delighted

    • April 11, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich meets his audience. Can he resist being a dick? Spoiler Alert- of course not, but never mind because he’s about to meet the man behind almost every great comedy star of the last 20 years, it’s Too Gorgeous Peter “Too Gorgeous” Baynham. The ex-flat mates discuss what happens when a 16 year old Frank Spencer is put in charge of a super tanker, the most inappropriate way to greet the death of someone’s loved one, who was right in the war over bread, Jean Valjean bumming people while looking like Peter Baynham, what it’s like to meet Adam Sandler, how Peter nearly turned down Borat and somehow didn’t turn down Arthur, what Chris Morris is like in real life (he’s nice), the lost answerphone messages that could destroy careers, Lee and Herring’s part in the creation of I’m Alan Partridge, running away from an audience and the mad thoughts that plague the diseased minds of (at least these two) comedians

  • S13E11 RHLSTP 175 - Brian Blessed - What Was The Question?

    • April 18, 2018
    • YouTube

    It’s finally come to pass. The podcasts can end now, because the whole point of starting them up has been achieved. Richard’s guest is a man who has played all theatrical parts, but most notably the part of Brian Blessed. I couldn’t even begin to describe what happened on this extraordinary night, except to say it is was a bona fide happening. Try and predict how many words Richard will say in this. It’s a free form and extraordinary, yet sometimes beautiful and inspiring, journey through the career, philosophy and madness of a man who might be the greatest living Englishmen. How much of it is true? I can’t tell you. But at least some of it. Includes sticking it to Picasso, toileting on a mountain, biting umbilical cords, working with the young Peter O’Toole and Patrick Stewart, never dying and probably some other stuff. I can’t tell you. I had a little nap through most of it. Worth watching the video version to see my torture on what was one of the best experiences of my life. This podcast is absolutely unbeatable.

  • S13E12 RHLSTP 176 - Pippa Evans - Half an Orange

    • April 25, 2018
    • YouTube

    I mean there is so much of last week’s podcast still to unpack, plus the extra 20 minutes that Rich and this week’s guest, improviser and inspirational human being, Pippa Evans got in the dressing room. We had been Blessed. Thankfully we had at least had a week to recover. It’s a somewhat calmer podcast, with some questions in it and a couple of words from the host, including some dark suggestions for new Muppet movies, Neil Buchanan’s dental hygiene, unusual prophylactics, how improv got cool, Sunday services for the non-religious, rocking with Baptists, getting career goals in perspective, the wonders of Music Hall and basing characters on your 17 year old self. I mean, she’s no Brian Blessed, but thank God for that.

  • S13E13 RHLSTP 177 - Maria Bamford - STD from a Vulcan

    • May 2, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard continues to be surprised by the difference of living in the country and surprises his neighbours with his specialised knowledge about genitalia, but is very excited to be welcoming American superstar comedian Maria Bamford. They talk about the difficulty of telling a joke to people who find out you’re a comedian, how some people have no sense of humour, the difficulty of making love to music, how charity only has any value if its in public, the power of unwanted thoughts and turning the worst moments of your life into comedy. Also how to deal with spousal arguments, the two words that hooked Maria’s husband and using your family for comedic purpose. Luckily Maria proves to be all you would hope and more. Hooray for that.

  • S13E14 RHLSTP 178 - Sophie Willan - How To Twerk

    • May 9, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard is marvelling about a new interpretative dance based on “All You Need is Love” but soon he will be dancing himself with brilliant new comedian and writer, Sophie Willan. They talk about how a trip to Ibiza with your techno-loving gran can ignite a love of theatre, what Rylan is like in real life, the therapeutic nature of stand up (and whetter it’s healthy to work things through on stage), the intersection between madness and comedy, growing up in and out of care, thinking Richard Ashcroft is your dad and why comedy and theatre are so middle class. Plus is it always best to be in a monogamous relationship and how much is comedy like sex work? If you’ve seen Richard dancing, then not very much.

  • S13E15 RHLSTP 179 - Desiree Burch - Do the Hokey Cokey

    • May 16, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich muses on passports and the fruition of John Moloney’s aged comedians TV show, before meeting the fiercely intelligent comedian and writer Desiree Burch. They talk about posters made up of penises, being a virgin dominatrix, the fucked up state of America, the laziness of racism, unwanted and wanted piano lessons, changing your appearance to gauge the reaction of the world and why men send dick pics. But never to Rich. Plus the joy of beautiful destruction.

  • S13E16 RHLSTP 180 - Al Murray - Jimmy Tarbuck’s Bad Day

    • May 23, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich has witnessed the miracle of the birth of some lamb chops near his countryside home and will be contemplating human birth with this week’s guest, back after 101 podcasts, Al Murray. They chat about how Al (with Ben Moor) might have been in the running to replace Trev and Simon, time travel, the risks of app sharing with your children, what it’s like to be sent to boarding school at the age of 9, how Rich and Al’s ancestors may have died in each other’s arms at Dunkirk, having sex with a Frankingstein, how getting sovereignty gives you less sovereignty. Plus working in panto, showing Judy Dench your Bottom and travelling through time.

  • S13E17 RHLSTP 181 - My Dad Wrote A Porno - Vaginal Lids

    • May 30, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich cannot win game shows even in his dreams, but is also convinced that he might be a robot, but these are small worries compared to his guests, Jamie, Alice and James from the My Dad Wrote a Porno podcast. Find out how the gang met, what they blasted into space and why, how they came up with the idea for their world-defeating podcast, the mystery of female genitalis, rivets on the Titanic, celebrity fans and can the paedo postman make it into the film version of the podcast. Also why you must always check for hogs, whether colour or taste is preferable to alter in an ejaculation, pepparami penises and unsurprisingly a whole lot of filth.

  • S13E18 RHLSTP 182 - Mark Steel - Cunt or Wanker

    • June 6, 2018
    • YouTube

    It’s the end of the series and Rich wonders how tourists in Kings Cross will feel if their last action of earth is to queue to stand by a fictional wall. His guest is a man who has a lot of stories about how he got into comedy, it’s Mark Steel. They chat about eating pork pies with Joseph Heller, helping failed escapologists, an idea for a brand new radio 4 panel show, whether you can stand for political office and still be a comedian, the extraordinary story of Mark’s birth parents, what it’s like having a child going into comedy and getting your own back on a snooty Darwin expert. It’s a fabulous end to what has surely been the best series yet. Will the commissioners bring the show back? Yes of course they will - more in September (and a couple of specials coming out before then too)

Season 14

  • S14E01 RHLSTP 183 - Jonathan Ames - The Herring Wonder

    • October 3, 2018
    • YouTube

    It feels so long since we were last here, but Richard is glad to be back for series 14, even if life in the countryside seems to be driving him to stone-based madness. His guest has come from across the Atlantic and a personal hero of Richard’s, novelist and screenwriter, Jonathan Ames. Will Rich once again shame himself in front of someone he hopes to impress? Let’s hope so. There are some marvellous tales of incontinence, food-poisoning and a great new sperm distribution invention (so business as usual). Plus who has come closer to death in the last 24 hours? How do you cope with 20 rejection letters? What happens when the bloke form The Hangover grabs your penis? Also advice on how to see incomplete Broadway shows for nothing, putting a 92 year old woman to bed and a reading from the funny, semi-autobiographical novel, “The Extra Man”. Plus at the finale the author makes an extraordinary sound.

  • S14E02 RHLSTP 184 - Alex Horne - High-Fiving the Pope

    • October 10, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich offers to fill a school library with books, before introducing the multi-talented genius behind Taskmaster and much more, Alex Horne. Find out what it’s like to sit bare-arsed on a cake, the secrets of Tim Key’s kindle, the respective amounts the pair spent on their last hair cuts and whether the first rule of Taskmaster is you can’t go on Taskmaster if you ask to be on Taskmaster.

  • S14E03 RHLSTP 185 - Ross Noble - Harder on the Balls

    • October 17, 2018
    • YouTube

    SPOILER ALERT Rich gives a big spoiler about the new Harry Potter plays which will be bad if you like Harry Potter, but awesome if you hate him and then there’s a welcome return for the fizzling brain (and to be fair, the rest of him) of Ross Noble. Under discussion today: what it’s like to kiss Harold Bishop, a potentially libellous discussion of who was almost cast in the Sky Halloween short instead of Richard, some important corrections about McCoy era Doctor Who, unfortunate ways to find out that someone you care about has died, the mad pleasure of working with Mel Brooks and the find out the tallest building in Cramlington (citation needed).

  • S14E04 RHLSTP 186 - Lou Sanders - Cold Stones

    • October 24, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard has some Hitchin-based stand up, that doesn’t play well with the self-obsessed London metropolitan elite and it’s seat of your pants time for this podcast because booked guest Amanda Abbington is stuck on the M6 so we have parachuted in last-second replacement, crystal obsessed nutjob Lou Sanders. They discuss where comedy and madness meet, dodgy massages, shamanic healing, giving up booze, the sex scene that they shared and tooth-snuggles during blow-jobs. All with no time to research apart from minimal notes from producer Ben. More exciting news on the stone clearing project too.

  • S14E05 RHLSTP 187 - Alice Lowe - Horny Time Traveller

    • October 31, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich has had the time of his life in Manchester and wants to leave the avocado-munching Londoners behind forever - is he no longer one of them? And it’s time for him to create a work of art that will surely make him the richest man in the world, or just feel slightly sickened. But it’s not like living in the country has driven him mad like a character from the dark mind of Alice Lowe. There’s some chat about the insanity of giving birth and how Alice managed to conjure up a hit film whilst seven-months pregnant, the terrible and slightly sexy things that happen on camping trips, the Keswick Pencil Museum, whether TV dulls the creative experience, winning the Perrier with the cult hit Garth Marenghi and maybe the most convincing ghost story yet. Has Alice Lowe met Brian Blessed? This is the only podcast where you’ll be able to find out.

  • S14E06 RHLSTP 188 - Jess Robinson - Doctors and Nurses

    • November 7, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard welcomes an audience member who has come all the way from America JUST to see him and boy, is he pleased about that? His guest is the multi-talented singer, comedian and impressionist, Jess Robinson. She talks about the decision to do Britain’s Got Talent and the seemingly shocking truth about some of the contestants, how she chanced into impressionism thanks to an acting audition, what kind of crimes Noddy can solve in this crazy PC world that had dulled Enid Blyton’s fine morality, and questionable fashion choices. Is the voice behind Virgin train toilets someone famous? What kind of genitals does a Merman have? What have the Chuckle Brothers smeared on Jess’ face? What nerdy madness drives impressionists? Who was the celebrity gimp who danced with Vaginal Tap? Is marriage a good idea? And most importantly, has Jess Robinson ever met Brian Blessed? This is the only podcast where you’ll be able to find out.

  • S14E07 RHLSTP 189 - Drunk Women Solving Crime - How Does She Know So Much About Parachuting?

    • November 14, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard has been publicising his latest book, but it’s not popular with canines, but at least he’s got daytime DJs asking some wholly inappropriate questions. His guests this week are Hannah, Taylor and a slightly familiar Catie, from the Drunk Women Solving Crime podcast. Can the inebriated females solve a mystery that has remained mysterious for sixteen years? What crimes has Richard had carried out upon his small person, can he and his wife get through this podcast without resorting to divorce? What kind of crimes do they have on the Isle of Wight and how effective are the police? Plus sex robots, pond-pushing and the beautiful autonomy of podcasting.

  • S14E08 RHLSTP 190 - Greg Davies - Bowl of Cheese

    • November 21, 2018
    • YouTube

    It’s a showdown battle of who is best, Richard or Hugh Jassburn - in book form at least, but Richard is keen to bring back one of his all time favourite guests: the magnificent beast and Master of Tasks that is Greg Davies. They discuss schoolday soilings, dick-lifters, being related to a ghost, little Alex Horne, the exquisite pain of laughing when you’re not meant to, sex with teddies, the saddest of bachelor meals, the death of two fathers, the devastating surprise of ageing, what it takes to be in your fifties, the weirdest group of celebrities to gather at Buckingham Palace and the wondrous comedy of commitment to joyous stupidity. It’s eye-wateringly funny stuff with two childish old men who should know better.

  • S14E09 RHLSTP 191 - Rose Matafeo - Ladybird

    • November 28, 2018
    • YouTube

  • S14E09 RHLSTP 191 - Rose Matafeo - Ladybird

    • November 28, 2018
    • YouTube

  • S14E10 RHLSTP 192 - Nish Kumar - Not Michael Sheen

    • December 5, 2018
    • YouTube

    Richard’s participation in a PTA quiz in his village, led to an unlikely correspondence with one of his new neighbours, but he’s really looking forward to meeting the star of Twilight and the Damned United - oh no, he had to pull out, so we got Nish Kumar instead. But lucky us (apart from the obvious bad luck) because we get to hear about Nish shitting himself on camera, watching a man get down and dirty with a horse, being the worst Taskmaster contestant ever, the best use of a House of Games trophy and what it’s like to lose it on Question Time. How’s Brexit going to turn out and why can’t Brexiteers stop themselves leaving? Plus the unpredicted but satisfying success of the Mash Report. If you’re hoping Michael Sheen might pop up as a surprise guest at the last minute then I am afraid you will be disappointed (hopefully we can get him to come down in 2019) but there is a brief ray of light as he sends us a message.

  • S14E11 RHLSTP 193 - James O’Brien - Sean Connery’s Macbeth

    • December 12, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich is back on terrestrial TV as a last minute guest on a new Channel 5 gameshow, so cheg on suckers, he’s out of here. He always hated podcasts and was just using you to get back on the telly. But while he’s waiting for the phone to start ringing there’s time for another chat, this time with the journalist and broadcaster James O’Brien. Recorded on a particularly depressing week, but maybe not as depressing as the world you’re living in as you listen to it, there’s some serious dissection of Brexit, Trump and how fake news and indignation have stymied debate. Find out about James’ time as a showbiz reporter, his investigations into the truth behind Interval and more from his book “How to be Right in a World Gone Wrong.” Is there any hope? Are we learning what it was like to live through the rise of Hitler? Has James ever tried to suck his own cock (don’t know, forgot to ask)? And is the way through all this just to drink eight craft beers and let the anti-depressants cheer you up? And there’s a revelation about his Red Dwarf/Star Trek knowledge that will destroy his credibility forever...

  • S14E12 RHLSTP 194 - Amanda Abbington - Chicken Carcass Ghost

    • December 20, 2018
    • YouTube

    Rich has had to deal with the soft poo of his ill dog, but he didn’t eat any of it, even though it looked delicious and anyone who says he did is lying. And he meets some men who work in IT in his audience, which is a novelty, but wait til you hear about the marital status of one of them…. His guest is a woman he worked with just four days before recording, though she seems to have forgotten all about it, Amanda Abbington. Can she name the cast of Man Stroke Woman? How many times has she appeared on the Bill? What is Nicholas Lyndhurst’s acting secret? Has she played Give Us A Clue with Una Stubbs? And Rich recounts how he has twice failed auditions to appear in shows with her. Rich makes a pitch to appear in Death in Paradise, which might not quite work out for him and there’s chat about UFOs, sex robots and more evidence that drinking alcohol might not be the best preparation for a long-form interview.

  • S14E13 RHLSTP 195 - Joe Lycett - Esme

    • January 2, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich has found the mother of all stones and is banging on about that as usual (don’t worry he will syphon this off into a podcast you don’t have to listen to soon). His guest is RHLSTP super fan and fly in the ointment Joe Lycett. They discuss the beauty of being allowed to be silly in a serious world, whether Tom Daley should be sponsored to go to Pride, the Daily Express making mountains out of molehills, how a TV chef did not appreciate a joke about chicken jerk and how envy can eat you up and how age can soften its grip. We also learn about Joe’s new projects, including the Great British Sewing Bee, and hear from Esme, one of the judges of that show, who is in our front row and is rather well refreshed after a day out with Joe.

  • S14E14 RHLSTP 196 - Fingers on Buzzers - Frank Bruno’s Chauffer

    • January 9, 2019
    • YouTube

    Drunk from one beer from last week’s podcast, Richard is indiscrete about one of his former girlfriends, but let’s move quickly on to welcome Lucy Porter and Jenny “The Vixen” Ryan from the excellent Fingers on Buzzers Podcast. Rich finally gets to dedicate a whole podcast to his quizzing failures and to envy Lucy for the number of extra show she’s been on.We hear about behind the scenes on the Weakest Link, how Lucy and Jenny met on a record breaking episode of the Chase, who knows the most about their home town, foot fetishism, sexual awakenings during Hi-de-Hi, how creating a quiz show can make you a millionaire and which celebrity from Croydon Richard would most like to have sex with.

  • S14E15 RHLSTP 197 - Rick Edwards - Bailey’s Comets

    • January 16, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich is back on the telly, even if at this point, House of Games is looking like it might be another House of Horrors, but if he plays his cards right he might be able to get on another quiz show, because his guest is the host of !mpossible, it’s Rick Edwards. Find out how Ruby Wax helped steer his career, what it’s like to get married in Kew Gardens, how Rick upset Jake Gyllenhaal and if it’s true that he has no sense of smell. Richard attempts to pull down the concept of Alternate Universes, but fails (if only we’d been in the Universe where he succeeded in making his point) and the pair discuss whether being incredibly handsome has damaged their careers. Plus Backgammon, Rick and Morty and some pretty successful attempts by Richard to remember pop culture things that no one else recalls

  • S14E16 RHLSTP 198 - Sanjeev Bhaskar - Pert Nipples

    • January 23, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard chats with the audience and struggles to find anyone who works in IT, but discovers a human interest story that would be moving and inspirational in the hands of anyone else, but Herring manages to get laughs instead, the monster. HIs guest this week is actor, writer and a man who might be able to take on Michael Palin for the title the nicest man in show business, Sanjeev Bhaskar. They talk about working with a tiny James Bolam, Richard’s drunken debauchery and theft at a corporate gig in the early 90s, how Sanjeev’s big break rested on the toss of a coin, the real life origin story of The Kumars and how a TV executive attempted to ruin it, how Sanjeev ended up marrying his own grandmother. Loads more stuff in this one including Brian Blessed, working with Pythons, pert nipples (I must have told that one before) and becoming friends with Roger Moore.

  • S14E17 RHLSTP 199 - Terry Hall - Terry Hall Hall

    • January 30, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard has finally won a TV quiz show and I am afraid he will never stop talking about it again, but he’s nervous as Hell because one of his heroes is on the podcast and he’s sure he’ll screw it up, it’s ex-Fun Boy Three-er Terry Hall. They discuss the dynamics and disagreements that come with collaboration, the nostalgic sexual time waves of early 1980s fashion, the one occasion when Terry laughed, being mistaken for a ventriloquist by the taxman, why the greatest album of all time only made it to 95 in the charts and why Terry didn’t end up as a hairdresser. There’s some serious chat about sexual abuse and depression and how Terry had dealt with these traumas and some cruel assessments of the town of Coventry. And can the power of RHLSTP finally get the album Home to number 1 where it belongs? No, I don’t think so. It doesn’t seem to be commercially available.

  • S14E18 RHLSTP 200 - Adam Buxton - Pennsylvania Polka

    • February 6, 2019
    • YouTube

    It’s episode 200 of the podcast and the end of series 14, two insane milestones for this ramshackle lump of podcast. And to celebrate this occasion there’s a record breaking fourth appearance from the grandson of a Batman, Adam Buxton. Adam sets the agenda from the start, bearing gifts, mocking stone-clearing like a philistine, revealing what 1995 Richard Herring had somehow discovered annoyed Stewart Lee and attempting a slightly underwhelming tribute to Groundhog Day. Plus find out how Nile Rodgers responded to jokes by kids, why a head in a jar has to bring its own cloth, whether it’s possible to have a film set at Stonehenge without the stones being knocked over at some point and whether child-men in their fifties have to finally grow up. Plus some extraordinary epistles from World War One and how fields with barbed wire can still cause injury even today. Thanks to everyone who has supported this endeavour over the last 200 episodes and six years. Hopefully we can continue to move onwards and upwards.

Season 15

  • S15E01 RHLSTP 201 - Sathnam Sanghera - Sex in a Bush

    • February 13, 2019
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP is going on the road this year - check for dates (loads more to come) starting with a journey to Bilston Town Hall in Wolverhampton. Richard is incredibly and justifiably rude about the fifth worst city on the planet, but does he secretly love the place? His guest is local boy made good; author, journalist and defender of Wolverhampton (apart from the racist bits) Sathnam Sanghera. The pair discuss what it was like to work on Live TV (with an amazing revelation about Topless Darts); what it was like being an ordinary person going to Oxbridge; sharing a flat with John Oliver; the universality of the story of Bros and whether one of them has had work done; the figurative and literal madness of family life; and losing religion (and sometimes hair). Sathnam reveals that he has in fact met Richard before and it's a another embarrassing story of past foolishness. The next episode sees a new chapter in the RHLSTP story. Thanks so much to Orange Mark and everyone at British Comedy Guide for their fantastic support for this project.

  • S15E02 RHLSTP 202 - Jon Ronson - Alex Jones (Not That One)'s Simon Cowell

    • March 13, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard reveals all the changes that are happening with the podcast, plus what RHLSTP now stands for (and he’s not happy) before introducing the first guest of the new London based series JON RONSON. They discuss giving up internal organs for Jesus, Jon’s part in the election of Donald Trump, how understanding data is the key to ruling the modern world, what it’s like to visit a porn shoot, why people want to have sex with their step-siblings, the insanity of pile-on social media and hypocrisy of humanity and whether the world can survive the internet revolution. Includes NO Emergency Questions.

  • S15E03 RHLSTP 203 - Emily Atack - Not Harry Redknapp

    • March 20, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard reveals his plan to have Thin Rich host the last podcast of this series. But will he succeed or obviously fail? Plus some stuff for the Hertfordshire massive. His guest is I’m A Celebrity Runner-Up, Emily Atack. They discuss the pros and cons of going into the jungle, growing up in a showbiz family, just missing out on meeting Michael Jackson, forgotten Eurovision entries, Emily’s mysterious absence from the Inbetweeners’ reunion, skiving off school, turning 30 and how stand up is really easy, and whether it was good or bad that Richard Bacon survived.

  • S15E04 RHLSTP 204 - Rob Brydon - Basil Brush Phobia

    • March 27, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich has suddenly received a lot of fan mail from suspiciously fluent English students in Mexico who have all given him answers to one specific Emergency Question, but why? Never mind, because it’s time to welcome charming and witty, whisky-giving Rob Brydon - they discuss overacting in crowd scenes, the cheeky persistence that led to Rob’s success, an unfortunate incident with a ladder, which member of the Would I Lie To You team is the most superfluous, impersonating Ken Bruce, stealing from Catherine Zeta Jones, why old people really love cruises and whether Rich really goes to the gym. Plus working on a shopping channel, how Steve Coogan confused America and thinks he is better than a puppet.

  • S15E05 RHLSTP 205 - David Morrissey - Kevin Bacon’s Cock Sock

    • April 3, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich manages to do some successful crowd work for once in his long life, before introducing the man the Adam Sandler film was surely based upon, David Morrissey. They chat about being mobbed by zombie fans, why David’s kids thought he was going to be Doctor Who, the meticulous research that goes into being a great actor, whether you can judge a man by his hands, being chewed up and spat out by the Hollywood machine, being freaked out out acting with Michael Caine and why working class actors aren’t getting the breaks that they used to. There’s some powerful stuff in here, but lots of laughs too and the Governor doesn’t kill any major characters.

  • S15E06 RHLSTP 206 - Peter Lord and Morph - Morpheus in the Underworld

    • April 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP tours to the Bath Komedia and Rich manages to find some tourists who are disgruntled about the Roman Baths that gave the city its name. Let’s face it, they’re just not as good as modern baths. But Rich is delighted to welcome one of the greatest men in the West Country if not the world, it’s Peter Lord. And he’s not only brought Morph with him, but has a crack at making another as he talks. He’s magic, It’s a fascinating chat about how Aardman went from two kids messing around at their kitchen table to running a huge studio making films, TV shows and adverts. Find out about the chicken secrets behind the Sledgehammer video, what it’s like living next door to polar bears, how Plasticine is a magnet for fire, moonwalking at the Oscars and what Aardman was nearly called. It’s an inspiring story about what is possible if you have the imagination and the luck and a little bit of nepotism. And Rich repays a thirty year old debt (without interest).

  • S15E07 RHLSTP 207 - Kerry Howard - Gurt Lush

    • April 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at the Bath Komedia and chats about the planet that was discovered here and the various names it had, but it doesn’t go on too long, cos he has a great guest and has to drive home, it’s Bath resident and daughter of an assassin, Kerry Howard. The conversation revolves around meeting Ken Campbell without knowing who he was, the varying successes of the BBC’s season of revived sitcoms, an unusual pregnancy, how comedy might be cooked in the womb, how Russell Howard convinced Kerry that she was a good goal-keeper, inappropriate teachers and what happened to sketch shows. And an interjection from the audience makes Richard wonder if it was a mistake to bring the show to the provinces, It wasn’t. There will be loads more shows on the road - come along if you can.

  • S15E08 RHLSTP 208 - James Acaster - Sir William Strawberry

    • April 24, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard reveals the terrible secret that he was harbouring throughout the David Morrissey podcast before introducing the man who arrogantly claims to have invented the hypothetical question, James Acaster. They discuss teenage bands, how you find out if you are on Taskmaster, favourite meals, the hidden darkness at the heart of Lembit Opik, the missed opportunities in the film Passengers, skiving off to eat custard creams, the unnecessary cruelty of teachers and the influence of Torville and Dean and the influence of the Netflix special,

  • S15E09 RHLSTP 209 - London Hughes - Catching a Dick

    • May 1, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard has a new prop that he hopes will make him a superstar and has a guest who probably has a better chance of making the big time, it’s the force of nature that is London Hughes. Find out why she was sacked from Babestation, the truth behind the scenes at CBeebies, why she got punched when she was a bridesmaid, if she’s about to make it in LA, the racism implicit in the entertainment industry and the inexplicable decision to turn down a travelogue with London and Whoopi Goldberg. It’s an inspiring and passionate podcast, full of laughs and dicks too!

  • S15E10 RHLSTP 210 - Suzi Ruffell - The Great HMS Victory Robbery

    • May 8, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard has been spending a lot of time with his kids and consequently his stand up is going to be all Kids Do The Funniest Things from here on in. But it’s been a good ride. His guest is the non-award nominated yet brilliant stand up, Suzi Ruffell. The pair talk about where all the working class comedians have gone, Herring’s life of crime and how the police will never catch him, the Portsmouth witch, more horrible teachers, nocturnal worrying and the weirdness of anyone objecting to love. Plus the million to one chance of a man persuading lesbians to have a threesome.

  • S15E11 RHLSTP 211 - Joel Dommett - Lembit Opik Catfish

    • May 15, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard meets a nuclear physicist impersonator and has a friend who will never be any more than that. This week’s guest is disgraceful self-toucher Joel Dommett. They chat about the gamble of going into the jungle, the pitfalls of the modern dating scene, running a super marathon with the runs, being defeated at Pointless by someone who doesn’t understand the rules, the perils of proposing with a Spotify play-list and how it’s possible for two comedians never to gig together in 11 years.

  • S15E12 RHLSTP 212 - Matt Forde - Brian Clough’s Dangerous Remedy For Eczema

    • May 22, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard explains why he is constantly upsetting businesses who ask him to fill in surveys, before meeting this week’s guest, impressionist and satirist, who is still unable to write jokes about the future, Matt Forde. Find out about the extraordinary day where Matt was mentioned in parliament, diagnosed with a surprising disease and chased down the street by a spitting Finn, the rollercoaster of verbal abuse of being a child mascot for Nottingham Forest in 1993, whether Nottingham has anything that isn’t imaginary to be proud of, interviewing Blair and Farage, March based predictions for what will be happening in May, how topical it is possible to be and how broken the political system might be and how 650 idiots might save it. Plus a doctor’s blasé remedy for a fatal allergy and the hubris of claiming you know everything about Mark Lawrenson.

  • S15E13 RHLSTP 213 - Les Dennis - If it’s up there...

    • May 29, 2019
    • YouTube

    Happily-married Rich meets a man who works in a castle and the woman he has found love with, before introducing the legend that is Les Dennis. They talk about a mysterious spate of Norfolk-based graffiti, both types of dying on stage, the strange dynamics of a double act, living your private life out in public, getting tax advice from Ken Dodd and how go survive in showbusiness for half a century and counting. There are stories of the great comedians of the past and a heartwarming story of overcoming tragedy and heartbreak to come out stronger and a career that includes The Comedians, game shows, soaps and the RSC. It’s a truly remarkable and inspiring podcast from one of the loveliest men in the world who isn’t afraid to laugh at himself and make the jokes harsher than even Ricky Gervais can manage.

  • S15E14 RHLSTP 214 - Matt Lucas - The Football Eagle Has Landed

    • June 5, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard believes he will soon be a multi-millionaire but agrees to give 1/365th of this profits to charity. His guest is comedy legend Matt Lucas. They talk about the power of honesty in comedy, even if the comedian comes out of it badly, how Matt became possibly the only person who’s rung up to complain about a TV show to end up working with the stars, the combination of talent, hard work and luck that is required for success, being in a Blur video by accident, dealing with tragedy and a considered look back at Little Britain and how it should or shouldn’t be judged in hindsight. And the importance of talking about issues rather than shouting over the social media divide. Also Rich reveals his gay experimentation and considers changing teams.

  • S15E15 RHLSTP 215 - Rosie Jones - Chicken Plucker

    • June 12, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich’s diet continues to go well, but will he be in his 2015 suit by the end of the series? The anticipation is killing us all I know. His guest this week is the sweet-looking, foul-mouthed Rosie Jones. They chat about her meteoric rise to stand up success, how pacing affects comedic impact and can save you having to write too much stuff, what it’s like to be on shows she once worked behind the scenes on, how Jimmy Carr messed up her jokes, some extraordinary stuff about having sex with dead animals, disabled representation in the media and how inappropriate humour can help us through tricky situations and ultra-serious acting scenes. Plus the other Rosie Jones and a new take on Sliding Doors and how comedy can help people to understand disability. You’ll love her. She’s awesome.

  • S15E16 RHLSTP 216 - Tiff Stevenson - Stevie Nicks Cartman

    • June 19, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard E Grant has foolishly left a bottle of his scent behind and Rich uses it as a pomander to erase the stink from his unwashed crowd, before introducing a woman who has sat on Annie Lennox’s knee, Tiff Stevenson. Find out one of the behind the scenes secrets of The Office, how Tiff ended up working with Dizzee Rascal, how she hopes to level the playing field to gain better representation, what it’s like to go bird-spotting with Ed Byrne, how to dispatch a starling and the ups and downs of appearing on a TV talent search. Plus more on the struggle to become an established comedian in today’s competitive market.

  • S15E17 RHLSTP 217 - Adrian Chiles - Exiting Stourbridge Multi-storey Car Park

    • June 26, 2019
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP comes to Birmingham Town Hall and the biggest audience Richard has ever performed to (outside of charity gigs) with over 1000 people in attendance. Blimey. His guest this week is Adrian Chiles. The pair discuss failing an interview for MI5, the rollercoaster ride of hosting (and watching) the One Show, what people say to you when you were once on TV but aren’t so much now, an horrific childhood accident, an unrequested story about having a wet dream and why God lets bad things happen to good people. Plus if you watch the video version you can see the show being signed and see a lot of rude things being acted out by some nice ladies. Do come and see the show on tour if you can - amazing reception from the unfortunate people of Brum.

  • S15E18 RHLSTP 218 - Nicholas Parsons - An Alligator Named Daisy

    • July 3, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard has been dreaming about the Wiggles and one of them has been tweeting him. But is it Emma? Richard’s guest is the showbiz legend, 75 years in the business and no sign of stopping yet, Nicholas Parsons. Although Nicholas is a bit annoyed about some cab based confusion on the way here, he is as masterful and witty on stage as ever, recounting tales of Just A Minute and Sale of the Century, but also talking about working on Clydebank in the 1940s, his film work with Jerry Lewis and an alligator, why he only appeared in on one Carry On film, his work and break up with Arthur Haynes (and who Ed Sullivan thought was best) and dressing up for the Rocky Horror Show. Also working with Rik and Ade on the Comic Strip and how the show must go on even after a blow to the head. But in the new Herring and Parsons double act, who is the straight man and is he getting too many laughs? WARNING Nicholas Parsons SWEARS!

  • S15E19 RHLSTP 219 - Do The Right Thing - Knowing Your Own Dad’s Smell

    • July 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard chats with a therapist and a photographer in the front row before bringing on his triumvirate of guests, Danielle Ward, Michael Legge and Margaret Cabourn-Smith, otherwise known as the Do The Right Thing podcast. They discuss celebrity snogs and failed celebrity snogs, the attempt to move their podcast to TV, what happens when you meet your dad in a dark room (not photography based), giving birth to the children of Tiny Andrew Collings, why Richard will probably never be a successful actor and a lot about death. Plus some tributes to shared producer Ben and is it better to podcast for free than be a highly paid TV star.

  • S15E20 RHLSTP 220 - Professor Alice Roberts - What Would You Keep in your Marsupial Pouch

    • July 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard has been gigging back home in Cheddar and meets a face from his past. His guest this week is broadcaster, author, President of Humanists UK and part-time Victoria Coren lookalike, Professor Alice Roberts. The pair discuss meeting the Blue Peter team, the behind the scenes debauchery of Time Team and what happened if they didn’t find anything, the great human journey and how much monkey business ended up affecting our DNA, an island of dead hobbits, Australian hypocrisy, how we might improve our useless human bodies, what God was thinking and the Sliding Doors world where dogs never existed.

  • S15E21 RHLSTP 221 - No Such Thing As A Fish - Are There Any Female Cuttlefish Here?

    • July 24, 2019
    • YouTube

    It’s the end of the run at the Leicester Square Theatre and time to find out if Richard can fit into his suit from 5 years ago, as he promised. His guests are the Uber-nerds Anna, Dan, Andrew and James from the insanely popular No Such Thing As A Fish podcast. Find out what obscure facts they have about each other, whether sneaky brains or beauty is more important, their similarity to the X Men, whether holding in wee can kill you, why you don’t see cavemen ghosts and how podcasting has conquered the world (for some of us). Plus sexual superpowers, dreaming octopuses and horses in whale farts. It’s a rip roaring finale for this 18 very separate weeks at the theatre, but podcasts are now coming to you, so please support all of us on tour if you can.

Season 16

  • S16E01 Laura Lexx & Tony Law - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 01

    • August 2, 2019

    Laura Lexx and Tony Law - Can Men Be Funny? The King of Edinburgh is back for his 25th Fringe, though he is feeling under the weather thanks to his bloody stupid decision to breed and his possibly hubristic decision to play a 400 seater venue. But never mind he’s got two of the Festival’s most interesting acts to kick off this cavalcade of 21 podcasts in 24 days, Laura Lexx and Tony Law. Two guests on the same day? What? With Laura there’s discussion about ice lollies, whether global warming is a more pressing issue than Brexit, the repercussions of the Edinburgh accommodation crisis, defective chocolate bars and Johnny machines. And Tony chats about the contrasting previous appearances on the podcast, whether terrifyingly drunk or mind-bendingly sober and will it be third time, unwired? Well it’s Tony, so obviously not. Plus the differences between comedians in for the long haul and those hoping for fame, the craziness of Canadian comics, trying to put your children off performing and

  • S16E02 Lucy Beaumont & Scummy Mummies - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 02

    • August 3, 2019

    Lucy Beaumont and Scummy Mummies - Screw You William Wilberforce. What Did You Ever Achieve? Richard can’t believe that he forgot to tell you about the supernatural thing that happened backstage at the Masonic Lodge yesterday, though surely scarier things have happened here. No matter because he’s got a brilliant line-up of guests: Lucy Beaumont and the Scummy Mummies. He talks to Lucy about Hull and Pocklington, sexual super powers, the candour of Maureen Lipman, encounters with ghost animals and alien balloons, the living Hell of marriage and children and ingesting your twin in utero. The Scummy Mummies discuss their fabulous podcast, Sophie Ellis-Bextor’s frustrating inability to have a female child, the infamous rivalry between Jossy’s Giants and Rentaghost, why it’s better to come to the Fringe without your kids and the impressive number of shows they’ve already seen.

  • S16E03 Jena Friedman & Phil Wang - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 03

    • August 5, 2019

    Jena Friedman and Phil Wang - Raisin Drip - Rich was looking forward to being able to use his topical satirical eye to look at the news, until he looked at the news, but he decided to plough on anyway. His guests are Jena Friedman and Phil Wang. With Jena he discusses the reasons behind American gun crime, whether political comedy does any good, interviewing John McAfee and what kind of people have seen ghosts and what kind haven’t. Phil Wang is grilled about his sartorial choices on Taskmaster, the advantages and disadvantages of being in the Footlights, the unbridled joy of receiving unexpected francs, what Rich would be like as a stepdad.

  • S16E04 Sophie Duker & Vikki Stone - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 04

    • August 6, 2019

    Sophie Duker and Vikki Stone - Tree Huggers - Rich is being ultra topical and that of course means him attempting to value his penis, plus he gives a review of an incredible piece of immersive theatre that he saw at the Meadows. And Colin has returned. Richard’s guests today are Sophie Duker and Vikki Stone. He talks to Sophie about privilege, who got the best A levels, magic forests, who Rich would hate most if he was God, using social media for sex, Whacky Racists and orgies involving human centipedes. With Vikki the chat involves appearing in a gay porn film, a missed opportunity with Elton John, Abba Tribute bands, Philip Schofield and falsified wikipedia facts.

  • S16E05 RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 05 - Jayde Adams & David O' Doherty

    • August 7, 2019

    Jayde Adams and David O’ Doherty - Mr Adjective - Richard is still thinking about his penis, but has just had an encounter with another major politician and failed to get himself into the history books. His guests are the extraordinary lovely Jayde Adams and David O’Doherty. Jayde and Rich discuss the secret truth of the Asda Bristol hotplate, why Rich couldn’t cut it as a mushroom picker, the (Im)possibility of Rich being Jayde’s father and how Jayde missed out on meeting Adele, but scored big with Dawn French. David and Richard talk about how to get into the Irish top 30, the best seat in a bedsit gig, what happens when you win the Comedy Award and are doing more than one show, how David is not 98% mouse and how RHLSTP got his oven fixed.

  • S16E06 Snjolaug Luðviksdottir and John Robins - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 06

    • August 8, 2019

    RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 #6 Snjólaug Lúðvíksdóttir and John Robins - Gibbon Arms - The RHLSTP chairs are getting more press than Richard and also he is doomed to eternity in Hell, but never mind cos he’s talking to Iceland’s Snjólaug Lúðvíksdóttir and Bristol’s John Robins. With Snow he discusses the Penis Museum, The Cod War and trying to turn Iceland into a new Galapagos. With John the chat gets a little more serious with discussions about mental health, gambling addiction and coping with maleness as a teenager. But there’s also time to talk about the tragic secret life of Jools Holland.

  • S16E07 Spencer Jones & Janey Godley & Ashley Storrie - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 07

    • August 10, 2019

    Spencer Jones and Janey Godley and Ashley Storrie - Scottish Russian Dolls. Richard has just witnessed the most arrogant and obnoxious person of Edinburgh 2019 and they aren’t even a comedian or himself reflected in a window, but it’s nice to know that he always sees something worth talking about on his walk to the theatre. His guests are all utter comedy geniuses: Spencer Jones and Janey Godley and the comedian she magically produced from herself, Ashley Storrie. Spencer talks about where he gets his crazy ideas and how to make comedy from mundane objects in life, his tricky first gigs as Herbert Clunkerdunk and what his fifth season would involve. Janey and Ashley talk about how they have conquered the internet and ingratiated themselves with celebs (even if they don’t always recognise them), the dangerous stupidity of taking on either of them on social media, their refusal to compromise for TV folk and whether Catcher in the Rye is a price worth paying for not having John Lennon any

  • S16E08 Steph Tisdell & Jen Brister - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 08

    • August 10, 2019

    Steph Tisdell and Jen Brister- Migaloo - Rich reveals the real reason he’s having so many female guests on the series before introducing two more of the blighters, Steph Tisdell and Jen Brister - Steph talks about how comedy is a great way to deal with and educate about the horrors of genocide, the awkwardness of white guilt and whether a day of being sorry is enough, plus how she Mrs Maiselled her way into comedy. Jen Brister talks about her brilliant book “The Other Mother” and how two women having a baby is pretty much the same as anyone having a baby, though getting the sperm arguably involved more palaver. Also eating ice cream without your kids seeing and bringing up boys and allowing them to express their emotions. Plus an excellent answer to what item she’d take from a museum.

  • S16E09 Isma Almas & Tony Slattery - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 09

    • August 11, 2019

    Tony Slattery and Isma Almas - Carry On Cocaining - Richard is worried that his comments about a royal might lead to his ultimate demise… buy he’s more worried about extreme vaginal temperatures. He’s got two great gigs to distract his lazy ass, Isma Almas and Tony Slattery. With Isma he discusses how it’s possible to tick too many boxes, performing in a burkha, why comedy is the perfect job if you hate working and they hatch a foolproof plan to get back at their critics.. Tony chats about his career and the factors that led to its implosion, how much coke he might have been taking a week, Kenneth Branagh’s campness, the harshness of an industry that loves you when you’re winning and the lessons he has learned. It’s really brilliant, so stop reading this and listen to it.

  • S16E10 Lauren Pattison & Geoff Norcott - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 10

    • August 13, 2019

    Lauren Pattison and Geoff Norcott - Love or Career? - Rich can stop doing Edinburgh now as he has been bestowed with the greatest of honours, plus he has more tips about what you can and cannot insert into yourself. His guests today are Lauren Pattison and Geoff Norcott. With Lauren he discusses what a wonderful person Katherine Ryan is, why everyone now has to live with their parents and whether the Masons and a certain Prince are biding their time before they rub Herring out. Geoff and Richard share their views on why they want a No Deal Brexit, whether we need more referendums, why working class people like a bit of posh and whether climate change really matters. Plus Nuts TV

  • S16E11 Richard Osman - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 11

    • August 14, 2019

    Richard Osman - The Oldest Person In Scotland - Richard has hopefully the definitive list of what people should avoid putting inside their chuffs and maybe we can leave that behind now - HIs guest will finally reveal what nationality he is - it’s TV’s Richard Osman. There is some discussion of who from Lee and Herring has had the more successful career (no spoilers) and whether there is any danger of a Slattery style breakdown from doing too many episodes of Pointless, whether House of Games will ever offer psychological training, how to get into the dying medium of TV and what is an appropriate height differential for lovers.. Plus why is the Express obsessed with Osman? Is he gay? And a also a brand new quiz show for Herring to lose, played live in front of and then involving the audience? It’s the only Edinburgh RHLSTP with one guest, but he’s the size of two guests

  • S16E12 Rob Auton & Lost Voice Guy - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 12

    • August 15, 2019

    Rob Auton and Lost Voice Guy - Baked Beans - Richard may be old or tired or both, but he has just experienced a potentially disastrous misunderstanding of Edinburgh geography that would be embarrassing for a newbie. Never mind, his guests are Rob Auton and Lee Ridley aka Lost Voice Guy. With Rob the discussion takes in working in advertising, Cold Feet, a shopping trolley full of items of the same colour and the worthlessness of existence given the infinity of time. Lee and Herring chat about what it’s like to win Britain’s Got Talent, what Simon Cowell is really like, the leap of faith that persuaded a self-conscious man who was unable to speak to attempt stand-up, the most ridiculous things strangers have asked him about his disability and whether anyone would ever heckle a man with no voice. If this podcast makes you want to give some money to Scope then please Text 'HERRING' to 70085 to donate £5. Or you can give any amount up to £20. To donate £3 text 'HERRING 3’. To donate £20 d

  • S16E13 Bryony Kimmings & Arabella Weir - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 13

    • August 17, 2019

    Bryony Kimmings and Arabella Weir - Baulk - Richard is awaiting imminent arrest for the crime of trying to educate women about their bodies. He welcomes guests Bryony Kimmings and Arabella Weir. With Bryony he talks about her amazing show I’m a Phoenix, Bitch, leaking inner critics, how to write a film with Emma Thompson, glitter ball performance artists and whether he can get an arts council grant for stone clearing. With Arabella they chat about her show about her mother, being the first female Doctor, having David Tennant as a lodger, how the Fast Show cast came together, whether her Scottish accent cuts the mustard and they both fail to remember stuff about Bonjour la Classe effectively. Her bum did not look big in the throne.

  • S16E14 Sunil Patel & Daliso Chaponda - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 14

    • August 18, 2019

    Sunil Patel and Daliso Chaponda - Donkeys - Richard is losing his mind in the Groundhog Day of Edinburgh and still turning up at the wrong venues, but he so far has always made it to his own. His guests today are Sunil Patel and Daliso Chaponda. With Sunil he chats about comedy psychopaths, whether there are any good white people, missing out on, sharing accommodation with comedians and there’s some fascinating stuff for anyone who is interested in beards. With Daliso the talk revolves around insulting flags and when comedy has real consequences, how art can change its meaning over time, why so many people are being blacklisted these days, being a hero in Malawi and meeting Pamela Anderson.

  • S16E15 Fern Brady & Josie Long - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 15

    • August 19, 2019

    Fern Brady and Josie Long - Teeth and Ecstasy - Rich has seen some disturbing poster vandalism that has made him question who the real Jesus is, and his daughter has her first real catchphrase. He has two fabulous guests Fern Brady and Josie Long. With Fern he discusses how she got her fabulous poster shot, crying on the toilet, her return to Bathgate and Edinburgh clamminess. With Josie the talk turns to babies, corresponding with a Black Panther, touring without booking a venue and the incredible behind the scenes stories of her 1999 BBC New Comedian Award win.

  • S16E16 Rich Wilson & Sarah Kendall - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 16

    • August 21, 2019

    Rich Wilson and Sarah Kendall - Nagasaki Spider-man -There’s so much controversy over Joke of the Fringe that Richard can’t work out what to think. Luckily he has guests to do his thinking for him - Rich Wilson and Sarah Kendall. With Rich that chat revolves around why you should never follow the advice of Rob Rouse, what happens when you pretend to be gay so you can work in a gay sauna, why talking a bit might help men’s mental health and honesty in comedy. With Sarah things get giddy as the pair try to work out if they are actually alive, how Victorians coped with mortality, the best place to sit on a plane and how brilliant Bryony Kimmings is. Richard finds this one the funniest of the run so far.

  • S16E17 Sukh Ojla & Tommy Tiernan - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 17

    • August 22, 2019

    Sukh Ojla and Tommy Tiernan - Older Than Sean - Rich is being stalked by Andy Murray’s mum, but he is also only one step removed from The Two Ronnies now. His guests are Sukh Ojla and Tommy Tiernan. With Sukh he discusses moving back in with your parents in your 30s, defiling the corpse of Pochahontas, curing depression with drugs (or a big poo) and being kissed by Jon Hamm (who has a Hamm hand). Tommy talks about how comedy inspiration works (or doesn’t), the incredible bravery of Derry Girls, why he’s looking forward to No Deal Brexit, what he wanted to call his son and performing a show that you’re not 100% happy with. It’s a terrible shame that this had to end, but hopefully both guests will be back

  • S16E18 Susan Murray & Alice Fraser - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 18

    • August 22, 2019

    Susan Murray and Alice Fraser - Robot Sex Again - Rich has found out why he’s not on TV and whose fault it is and he is NOT happy. Never mind his guests Susan Murray and Alice Fraser should cheer him up. Except that Susan is talking about plane crashes (and how to survive them), as well as the plight of middle aged comedians, being bitten in a mosh pit and when comedians have their Christmas party. Alice talks about the unlikely popularity of her show’s title this year, living in a poster, why men think they have to become birds to trick women into having sex with them and the polarisation of discourse. And how she went from being a fan of a podcast to being on it (not this one, but it could happen to you).

  • S16E19 George Egg & Cally Beaton - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 19

    • August 23, 2019

    The Big Hub Is Open - Rich is meeting all the best celebrities backstage at the venue. You won’t believe who it was yesterday. Anyway no spoilers, my guests today are anarchist cook George Egg and gamekeeper turned poacher Cally Beaton. With George the discussion turns to old school variety, the perils of prop building, how to cook a meal in a hotel room and shaving your head to get a part. With Cally the chat is about changing career in mid-life and Joan Rivers, how much child care men do and why all men ruin it for Richard and how amazing it is that any relationship survives having children.

  • S16E20 Thom Tuck & Tom Rosenthal RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 2

    • August 24, 2019

    A Noble Failure - Rich has a visual surprise for his audience (and for you if you haven’t looked at the picture yet, that will infuriate his wife. His guests are stereo philosophy graduate T(h)oms, Tuck and Rosenthal. With TT the discussion turns to International schools, the meaning of life, straight to DVD Disney films and putting Macbeth on in an hour with two performers. With TR they chat about Jim Rosenthal ability to stop Hitler, how to get a free mug with your name on, why some men can’t grow facial hair and there’s a funny, though also serious chat about the penis and whether all of it is essential.

  • S16E21 Flo & Joan & John Kearns - RHLSTP Edinburgh 2019 21

    • August 25, 2019

    Nine Minutes- Rich has just hit the 200 average crowd he coveted and worked out just how much his landlord has made from each ticket sold and there’s an end of term atmosphere as he meets Flo and Joan and John Kearns. With Flo and Joan the talk revolves around time travelling gang bangs, Bros’ Cheddar antics, double act rivalry and memories of Tring.

Season 17

  • S17E01 RHLSTP 222 - Angela Barnes - The Voice of Burnt Tits

    • August 28, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard is wearing his wedding suit, but has forgotten about the secret curse that it possesses that might destroy his esteemed standing in society, but the added jeopardy might help those with erotic expectations from their entertainment. We’re at the Old Market in Hove and the guest is nuclear-bunker obsessed Angela Barnes. They discuss whether we are all just characters in a video game played by an increasingly bored teenager, the secret dangers of hot water bottles, the pranks played on Angela by her swinging father and how Richard could be sued by the people of Brighton for lip damage, why comedians can’t meditate and a Valentine’s Day gesture to rival a Ferrero Rocher pyramid. Plus Angela’s excellent work on the Home Safe Collective.

  • S17E02 RHLSTP 223 - Stephen Grant - Second

    • September 3, 2019
    • YouTube

    Back at the Old Market in Hove for a second (separate) week and Richard has more disappointing reviews of local tourist attractions, plus news of a life-changing bin-based compensation. His guest is a man who is more Brighton than a stick of rock, it’s Stephen Grant. Stephen tells us how he came within a heartbeat of being in Top Gear and might also have been in The Office were it not for excellent advice from his (ex) manager. Also the pros and cons of being followed by a film crew during his first Edinburgh Fringe, the disappointment of not flying in an air ambulance and whether it’s more impressive to lose weight by accident or design. Some classic old Emergency Questions are pulled out of the bag and there’s a more serious discussion about whether comedians should write their own material. Another lovely tour podcast. Do check out the gig guide to see if the show is coming near to you.

  • S17E03 RHLSTP 224 - Mark Charnock and Dominic Brunt - Emmerdale Farm

    • September 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    There’s a weird giddy atmosphere in the room at the Leeds City Varieties, but you’ll have to try and use the clues in this podcast to piece together what you think might have happened, because this week the guests are the supremely polite and sensible Mark and Dominic (aka Marlon and Paddy from Emmerdale Farm). They chat about how to not let fame go to your head, the snobbishness directed at soap actors, Mark being Richard’s number one celebrity fan, what Julia Mackenzie thought of Richard’s acting skills, Dominic’s other life as a film director and what the Attack of the Adult Babies is all about, Zombie nights, Who Wants to be a Millionaire and much much more. Remember if you want to see the podcasts uncut, even the ones that we’re not able to broadcast, you have to come and see us LIVE! The people of Leeds will never forget this night!

  • S17E04 RHLSTP 225 - Jimmy Cricket - Come Closer To The Screen

    • September 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    We’re on the road still and at the Lowry in Salford where the lightest local headline is not really ripe for frivolity, but at least they are paying fitting tribute to their greatest painter. And it’s possible that the theatre is literally on fire, but Richard is not letting that stop him.The guest tonight is showbiz legend and punster extraordinaire, Jimmy Cricket and something that the RHLSTP audience might not be used to, proper jokes. But amongst the silliness, Jimmy reveals some fabulous stories about the days of the working men’s clubs, the summer camps or Ireland, Laurel and Hardy’s last tour, working with the Honey Monster, being a Papal Knight and why he still has the hunger for treading the boards in his wellies. There’s more, how his This is Your Life almost got derailed by a chance meeting and a letter from his Mamie. To buy Jimmy’s DVD or find out about his live dates or performances of his play check out his website - It’s a heart-warming, corny and hilarious hour of chat. But will Rich ask clean-living Jimmy THAT emergency question?

  • S17E05 RHLSTP 226 - Sarah Millican - Clown Pyjamas

    • September 24, 2019
    • YouTube

    After last week’s respectful chat with the great Jimmy Cricket, the gloves are off and it’s time to spew up a gut load of filth with third time RHLSTP (plus guest for three Edinburgh podcasts) Sarah Millican. But who will win the battle this time? Rich goes into a bit too much detail about a bout of food poisoning that, to be fair, he isn’t entirely finished with. But if fire can’t stop him, then neither can the squits. There’s a lot about poo, vomit, sperm and pleasuring yourself to Henry Kelly and kittens (as you’d expect) but there’s also a chance to find out Sarah’s favourite cruciferous vegetable. Plus find out why the last chapter of her audio book might seem a bit faster than the others, Rich’s skill at taking off bras, the cruelty and redundancy of children and whether workaholism is a positive or negative force for comedy. Plus how Sarah’s dad used his engineering skills to try and solve a tricky conundrum.

  • S17E06 RHLSTP 227 - Russell Howard - One Day This Could All Be Yours

    • October 4, 2019
    • YouTube

    We’re at the swanky King’s Place in King’s Cross (with a few teething troubles with the radio mics- sorry audiophiles) for the next few weeks and Rich is amazed at people reviewing the queue to Platform 9 and 3/4 at the nearby station, but his guest is the bachelor comedian (for the next 3 days) Russell Howard. They discuss footballing comedians, how Rich might be Russell’s Willy Wonka, how Russell’s got his first willy wonka, the difficulty of playing yourself when surrounded by brilliant actors, the real story behind Richard’s dismissal from “Good News” (it might not have been the Haribo at all), giving proper credit to writers, what it’s like to perform at an arena (or be in the audience if you’re Richard), an unhappy year at Bedford Modern School, Richard’s mental health, how to hire Russell Howard for £12 and whether chairs made out of newspapers are a good idea.

  • S17E07 RHLSTP 228 - Sara Barron - Jackhammer

    • October 8, 2019
    • YouTube

    Another week has gone by and we’re at King’s Place again and Rich congratulates Kings Cross on another record breaking success and meets his new upmarket audience. His guest is actor turned waiter turned writer turned stand-up Sara Barron. They chat about life in New York and what you do when your toilet isn’t working, waiting on the famous, they weirdness of ex-partners still being in the picture when a new relationship blossoms, the wonders of Warsaw Indiana and Rich’s interaction with his wife’s uncle, whether it’s possible to have kids and lose weight and still be a good parent, where men are going wrong/right with lovemaking and how dated plays from schooldays have become.

  • S17E08 RHLSTP 229 - Michael Sheen - Herring:Sheen

    • October 15, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich has come back from his holiday for this and why wouldn’t he? But will his guest turn up this time? The bad news, if he doesn’t, is that Nish Kumar is ill... there’s no jeopardy here, obviously he turns up or there’d be no podcast. The guest is the fantastic UFOologist Michael Sheen. The pair discuss why the best bit has been missed out of the new War of the Worlds, how Michael would get inside Richard, finding out you’re not in a film when you get to the premiere, the big questions raised by the film Passengers and whether its worth having a robot with no downstairs, a missed Pointless opportunity and an audacious quiz show plan and what motivated Sheen’s decision to reconnect with his childhood home of Port Talbot. It’s funny, interesting with a strong homoerotic charge. Plus they talk about Tron. What more do you want?

  • S17E09 RHLSTP 230 - Ed Gamble - Back, Sack and Crack Salon

    • October 22, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich has a terrible confession to make about this podcast, which somehow shocks and appals his audience, but there will be plenty more appalling stuff to come as he introduces the diabetic comedian, Ed Gamble. Giddy from hunger, tiredness and having to behave properly for last week’s podcast, Rich is the drunkest he’s been in 2019 (even though he still hasn’t drunk a drop) and the podcast spirals in some unexpected and bizarre directions involving dabbling with pubic management, which five diseases should be cured by the Disease Genie, double diabetes, Biblical analysis and the signs of mental breakdown. Rich fancies a sleep halfway through, but bravely mainly continues to talk and to be honest, has little to no memory of what happened in the last twenty minutes, so that can be as much a surprise to him as it is to you.

  • S17E10 RHLSTP 231 - Bobby Mair - The World's Most Successful Homeless Man

    • October 30, 2019
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP rolls into Warwick Arts Centre, but is it really in lovely Warwick or horrible Coventry? And should a city that keeps breaking Cathedrals be allowed another one? Richard’s guest this week has got to the venue despite being man-handled at Coventry railway station, it’s the charming and handsome Herring lookalike, Bobby Mair. They discuss some of Canada’s issues with the English language, Hitler’s shoe size, William Shatner’s wilderness years, whether vegetarians can have pets, whether comedians should marry comedians, whether it’s worse to have a roast battle with your wife or your ex comedy partner, having two dead mums and opening for Jerry Sadowitz. Is “offensive” comedy doomed to disappear or is it possible to weather the Twitter storms.

  • S17E11 RHLSTP 232 - Caroline Quentin - Bohemian Rhapsody Karaoke

    • November 6, 2019
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP is back at the Warwick (Coventry) Arts Centre and Richard is discussing his daughter’s reaction to the Teletubbies and his son following in his footsteps. His guest is actor and temporary expert on ugly pets, Caroline Quentin. They discuss the most terrifying children’s TV characters, being sacked for failing to dress priests, the wonder of Bernie Clifton, the strong women in Men Behaving Badly, why Caroline stopped doing Jonathan Creek and whether she’d return, what Richard will be buying her for her imminent birthday, why she’s worried about Martin Clunes touching her breast and what it’s like to be haunted by a ham-eating ghost. Plus Caroline sings her 1990s top 30 single beautifully, whilst Richard sings the theme to Dream Stuffings less beautifully.

  • S17E12 RHLSTP 233 - Shaun Williamson - Joke Thief

    • November 12, 2019
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP comes to the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury, a town divided by what should happen to the local takeaway shop, but with an audience smart enough to get a Thomas a Beckett joke. The guest this week is sometimes known as dopey Barry from Eastenders, but is actually the quiz champion smartypants Shaun Williamson. They discuss how Shaun went from boozy postman via incompetent Navy recruit to getting more people watching his wedding than a royal. Plus how Shaun failed to convince as a woman, what happened when Ricky Gervais made the call about Extras, hiding in a cupboard from Mike Reid, working with Al Murray and did he slip or was he pushed?. Find out which of Shaun and Richard is the best at Pointless and Prince Andrew gets a couple of mentions.

  • S17E13 RHLSTP 234 - Vic Reeves/Jim Moir - Little Tich's Shoes

    • November 19, 2019
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP returns to the Marlowe Theatre I’m Canterbury for the second week running and Rich is doing some of his topical material about St Augustine. His guest is the artist and musician Jim Moir aka Vic Reeves. They talk about the unique delights of being managed by Malcolm Hardee, how to improve the number 2 Ultravox hit, Vienna, how Morrissey turned nasty, how Vic unmasked Jack the Ripper, the ghost of Freddie Mercury, how only really good double acts have a psychic connection, the impoliteness of looking like you're going to die and then not dying and how an episode of Big Night Out is made in half an hour. Plus the importance of creating laughter in comedy, what Michael Collins saw on the dark side of the moon and the horrifying spectacle of the Top of the Pops audience.

Season 18

  • S18E01 RHLSTP 235 - Max and Ivan - Tiny Teeth

    • November 26, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich is at the Cambridge Corn Exchange and has had a dream about eating lettuce with Blur and that’s pretty much the most exciting thing that’s happened to him this week. His guests are the most bizarre of things, a double act that like each other, Max and Ivan. They chat about falling asleep whilst acting, organising stag dos, watching yourself toilet, the Spanish equivalent of the Tooth Fairy, what it’s like to be the youngest professional wrestler, Richard’s disappointment at not becoming the new leader of Isis and creating a homage to fifties radio comedy. Plus whilst people of different nations should not be allowed to breed - are we finally able to say that in our brave new world? Their new show is called 'Max & Ivan: Fugitives' and can be found in all the usual places. Click here to open it in your native app

  • S18E02 RHLSTP 237 - Annabel Giles - Christmas Presents for Ethiopia

    • December 3, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the Brighton Theatre Royal and in danger of having a deadly secret revealed unless he stumps up the cash, but is it worth the price he has to pay? Never mind, he can forget all about it for now, as he chats with model turned presenter turned actor turned author turned therapist, Annabel Giles. They discuss teenage rebellion, accidentally becoming a model, behind the scenes at Band Aid, saucy Lady Di, how Annabel managed top avoid a Gotcha, Brightonians on Penny Farthings, eating kangaroo anus, losing everything and battling on. Rich attempts to get some free therapy but is beyond help it seems.

  • S18E03 RHLSTP 239 - Simon Evans - Car Porn

    • December 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard has returned to the Brighton Theatre Royal for the second consecutive week and is worried that he has let down a squirrel, but he has no time to ponder as his guest is juggler and writer of erotic fiction, Simon Evans. They chat about finding magazines in the woods, how to make a living making juggling balls, whether future technology will allow us to travel into a virtual reality version of our past to have a second go at stuff and right wing comedy. Plus predictions about what will happen with Brexit made back in September. Were they right? And who has survived?

  • S18E04 RHLSTP 241 - Jenny Eclair - Tilda Swinton’s Guff

    • December 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the Haymarket Theatre in Leicester and his Yorkshire roots mean he isn’t going to let a bone of contention go. Luckily he has the fabulous Jenny Eclair on hand to take his mind off it. They discuss lines of coke the length of a freezer, how Rich may be responsible for Jenny’s menopause, marrying for tax reasons, the sexiness of Mrs Thatcher, farting in front of your daughter’s boyfriend, the importance of hobbies and whether middle age brings madness. Plus Jenny’s fabulous book Inheritance and the challenges of doing an audio book.

  • S18E05 RHLSTP 243 - Grace Petrie - Is Leicester Sh*t?

    • December 24, 2019
    • YouTube

    A week has passed, the costume change proves it, but Richard is back at the Haymarket Theatre in Leicester and still fuming about the bones that he believes are rightfully his. Never mind, local resident and inexpert quizzer Grace Petrie is here to convince him that Leicester is actually all right, despite all evidence to the contrary. They discuss how she accidentally became a protest singer, how it’s ultimately a good thing that her industry can’t box her up, the universality of teenage angst at school dances, the inspiring Hannah Gadsby, how social media is amazingly not the best place to have discussions about human rights and how to get around swearing on Radio 2.

  • S18E06 RHLSTP 245 - Mark Olver - Dual?

    • December 31, 2019
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at the Bristol Old Vic and is just happy to be no longer in Leicester, but what is Bristol famous for? You’ll find out. His guest is legendary Bristol comedian Mark Olver. He discusses how his dad failed to catch a bungee jumper, living with Bristol’s most famous comedians, his move into TV Warm Up and his favourite ever Pointless (non-) player, how he has to carry on performing through vomit, horses and injury, how his birthplace has nothing going for it apart from ice cream and how best to describe the low-point of Richard’s career. A brilliantly entertaining hour from one of Bristol’s most modest sons, with a lot of material that will appeal to people who live within the environs of the city and are particularly interested in the road works of September 2019.

  • S18E07 RHLSTP 246 - Jayde Adams - Gurt Lush

    • January 2, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back in Bristol and surprised at some of the refurb choices apparently made at the SS Great Britain. His guest is the gorgeous force of nature that is Jayde Adams. They chat about the genius of Michael Barrymore, the world of competitive dance. officiating weddings in an inflatable church, Amazon Prime specials, finding comedy in tragedy, working class feminism, why it’s polite to your audience to try and do a good show and how comedians can still shock and surprise. It’s an extraordinary interview from a brilliant comedian in a city that has a lot to be proud about.

  • S18E08 RHLSTP 247 - Tape Face - A Spice Girl Broke My Toilet Seat

    • January 8, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich has had his lactose tolerant choices mocked at the supermarket again, but he will rise above it as he comes to posh old Richmond Theatre to talk to Sam Wills aka Tape Face. They discuss the bizarre world where a child stalked a clown, how to clip through a tennis racquet, the accidental discovery of the character and who thought it up, the gamble of going on a talent show and how it might have just paid off, living and working in Las Vegas, taking props through airport security and the controversy over the cloning of Tape Face. Plus the best kind of tape to use and instructions on how to apply it to your mouth. Richard realised his Boss Cat error after this recording, but to be fair the audience were given the chance to correct him and failed him, so it’s their fault.

  • S18E09 RHLSTP 248 - Nick Frost - Lock Keepers

    • January 10, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard had so much fun at the Richmond Theatre that he’s come back again. Sure he’s wearing the same clothes, but a week has gone by and that’s plenty of time to do laundry and dry-cleaning. His guest this week is first series of RHLSTP hero Nick Frost. They chat about Nick’s amazing, if rather sad autobiography how his mother took on the boys who bullied Nick (and their mum), a night out with Quentin Tarantino, comeuppance for terrible aeroplane passengers, ghosts, acceptable positioning in a Human Centipede, sharing a single bed with Simon Pegg, punching walls, why Captain Pugwash the movie is unlikely to be made and making a tree famous. It’s a more serious chat than last time, with a remarkable and thoughtful guest who has been through more tragedy than you might have imagined.

  • S18E10 RHLSTP 249 - Ahir Shah - Sexy Borg Queen

    • January 15, 2020
    • YouTube

    We’re at the Winchester Theatre Royal and Rich is blaming the city for the loss of one of our greatest authors. His guest is the comedy Doogie Howser Ahir Shah. They discuss how politics will have changed between the recording and broadcast of this podcast, the sexiness of evil, Percy Pigs as an antidote to terror, perpetually burning coffee shops, being accused of plagiarism by the UK’s grumpiest comedian, the possibility that Richard is Ahir’s dad and whether a violent uprising is the only hope for the Millennials. Plus the return of some old favourite emergency questions. See Ahir on tour

  • S18E11 RHLSTP 250 - John Kearns - CBE?

    • January 17, 2020
    • YouTube

    Back to the Winchester Theatre Royal for the second week running and Richard is annoyed at his child’s teacher’s money-making schemes. His guest was also the final guest of the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe run where Richard tried to run the podcast into the ground (dare he do it again?) it’s John Kearns. It’s a giddy and self-indulgent podcast where most of the material is deemed too shoddy or contentious for broadcast, but takes in a possible return for a much-loved comedy hero, the possible return of Top Coppers, the leap of faith required to follow your comedy path, tracing Raymond Briggs, disappointing children at the Science Museum and whether John will be getting a lift home. It’s weird, it’s wonderful and it feels like the birth of an amazing, awkward, intergenerational double act. If you enjoy it half as much as Richard seems to then you should have a good time.

  • S18E12 RHLSTP 251 - Francesca Stavrakopoulou - Christ, the Child Killer

    • January 22, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is a the Corn Exchange in Exeter, a town famous for the the most comical suicide bomb of all time. And Richard is talking religion with Biblical scholar, Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou. They try to ascertain who wrote the Bible, what `Jesus got up to in the bits that didn’t make it into the book, whether anyone in the Bible actually existed, whether gods have genitalia, if God was married, why Eve was Adam’s second wife, whether being a woman or an atheist is a bigger handicap for a Biblical scholar and why St Paul had the wrong idea about sex during the Apocalypse. Plus the logistics of Noah’s Ark and the craziest bits in the Bible. Check out Francesca’s book “God: An Anatomy”, fully illustrated. Yup, even that bit.

  • S18E13 RHLSTP 252 - Mike Wozniak - Giraffe Harpsichord

    • January 24, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard’s house is being haunted by a film star, but he’ll get over it. He’s back at the Exeter Corn Exchange and chatting to the man behind the most employable moustache in the UK, Mike Wozniak. They discuss how many people is too many people for a sketch troupe, children failing to recognise their own parent on TV, the internal voice that attempts to destroy all comedians, why moving to Exeter is not the ideal stand-up career move, how Prevenge was made, local newsletters and sadistic teachers.

  • S18E14 RHLSTP 253 - Dave Johns - Woody Allen Lift Horror

    • January 29, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich is at the Newcastle Stand and mourns the possible end of Pizza Express but celebrates besting Piers Morgan. His guest is bricklayer turned comedian turned fillum star, Dave Johns. Dave takes us on his remarkable journey from Byker to I, Daniel Blake and beyond sprinkling the show with brilliant anecdotes about his brushes with A listers. Hear how Ken Loach ruined Dave's donkey ride business, how he was tricked by Homer Simpson, how he captured Lee and Herring's jacuzzi discomfort, misused modesty pouches, how he ended up sharing chips with Cindy Crawford and his disastrous gig to cross dressers on a nuclear submarine. A great lesson in how to stay down to earth when success comes knocking, from one of the most popular and most cheeky acts on the UK circuit.

  • S18E15 RHLSTP 254 - Seymour Mace - Oklahoma

    • January 31, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich liked the Newcastle Stand so much last week, he's returned to talk about how squirrels ruined his day and to list the questionable achievements of the city. His guest is surrealist and former clown, Seymour Mace. They discuss what God was thinking when he tested Job, stealing from a gold mine, appearing in a terrible non-zombie zombie film, that you're all want to see now, meeting Arthur Bostrom, the genius and kindness of Bernie Clifton, how being on stage can be the only place a comedian feels happy and how a severed cow can bring you love.

  • S18E16 RHLSTP 255 - Robin Ince - Spaceship Moon

    • February 5, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at his spiritual home of the Leicester Square Theatre and has more news about what you shouldn't put up or on your genitalia. His guest is the most well-read man in comedy Robin Ince. They talk mainly about his fabulous book 'I'm a Joke and So Are You' and where comedians get their crazy ideas from. They take in whether childhood trauma leads to a life in comedy, whether comedy calms or aggravates the voices in our heads, wanting to throw babies downstairs, the dangers of looking at the next person up and wishing for what they have and whether it's true that we can't say anything any more.

  • S18E17 RHLSTP 256 - Athena Kugblenu - Psychic Sex Twin

    • February 7, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at the Leicester Square Theatre and filling for time as nothing has happened to him in the week that has passed since last week's show. His guest is comedian and project manager Athena Kugblenu. They chat about disposable nappies, inappropriate work emails, podcasting in your kitchen with your baby on your knee, how stereotypes about a continent the size of Africa do not hold up, whether indiscretions mean a left-leaning politician must resign, whether it's culturally appropriate for Richard to kiss his teeth and how stand up and podcasts can level the playing field. Plus some baby talk, just to annoy the people who don't like that.

  • S18E18 RHLSTP 257 - David Reed - Glass Pyramid

    • February 12, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back in York, this time at the Grand Opera House and he's come up with a plan to rescue the magic football bones of Richard III from the thieving Leicester-folk. His guest is York City's second most famous comedian supporter and food-poisoning victim, David Reed. They talk about crap student impro, working with the Twirlywoos, living next door to your parents, why you shouldn't eat at *****, whether rescuing Jesus from the cross would be good or bad for the world, playing a nervous Peter Cook and how many Herring hands you could fit in one Walliams hand.

  • S18E19 RHLSTP 258 - Jon Parkin - Tub of Spunk

    • February 14, 2020
    • YouTube

    RHLSTP returns to the Grand Opera House, York for the second week running. York is the most haunted city in Europe and Richard finds out what percentage of his audience have seen a ghost. The answer might surprise you. His guest is footballing and eating legend, Jon Parkin. They discuss the journeyman sportsman's slightly unconventional training routine, his writing off of a golf buggy (and almost a goalkeeper), shitting in a bath in Magaluf, missing out on starters, how to lie your way out of being late for training, how he became friends with Jilly Cooper, self-inflicted injuries, gambling problems, depression and where he goes next now his playing career is over and if there's any place for a bluff, proud, honest (except when he's not) old-fashioned Yorkshireman in today's game. Would he do anything differently if he had his time over? Would he f**k? Buy Jon's book here - you won't regret it -

  • S18E20 RHLSTP 259 - Kate Robbins - Cillagrams

    • February 19, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the Liverpool Playhouse and is impressed by the bravest heckle put down ever attempted in this proud city (with the best sense of humour in the world). His guest is one of the many stars of a showbiz dynasty, Kate Robbins. They discuss Eurovision sabotage, writing the theme tune to one of the most controversial TV shows of all time, meeting Cilla Black whilst dressed as Cilla Black, the rudeness of James Franco, creating Fergie's laugh, an awkward meeting with Michael Barrymore and the mysterious curse that befalls anyone who works with Kate.

  • S18E21 RHLSTP 260 - Frank Cottrell-Boyce - Googling Colin Firth

    • February 21, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at the Liverpool Playhouse, making his annual proclamation to fight any University lecturer in the vicinity. His guest is screen-writer, author and Olympic ceremony writer, Frank Cottrell-Boyce, who may be the most charming and awe inspiring man who has ever lived and also seems to be obsessed with robots (pervert). They chat about art theft, how to keep writing with seven kids, how big breaks can come by chance on coffee breaks, impressing priests in Cannes, the amazing destiny of every Duke of York, why the Amish hate buttons, the killer instinct that led to one of the greatest University Challenge performances of all time, writing one of the best loved (as well as one of the least loved) episodes of Doctor Who, plus the amazing story of how the Queen appeared in the opening ceremony of the Olympics and how the Scum nearly ruined the surprise.A truly illuminating and inspiring chat between one of the greatest writers in the UK and the winner of the Carnegie medal.

  • S18E22 RHLSTP 261 - George Monbiot - Capitalism in Space

    • February 26, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the Oxford Playhouse and unsettled by the fact that it's 30 years since he left University and appeared on this stage in Month in the Country. His guest is environmental campaigner and journalist George Monbiot. Is the world screwed? Or can we save it if we all pull together? Why did George deliberately get arrested? Can Extinction Rebellion make a difference? And how can we reform our electoral system? Plus how wolves can change the course of rivers, fortune tellers correctly predicting George's death (almost), being stung by massive hornets and how Thatcher smashed the BBC. An illuminating and terrifying interview.

  • S18E23 RHLSTP 262 - Paul Sinha - Voluntarily Shitfaced

    • February 28, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at the Oxford Playhouse and testing out his daughter's jokes. Is she funnier than him yet? Of course she is. His guest is British Quiz Champion, Paul Sinha. In a honest and moving interview, Paul discusses the impact of the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease has had and the turbulence that has inevitably brought and what comedy can be created from this situation. They also chat about his upcoming marriage, his quizzing triumph, the unpleasantness of tabloids and the weirdness of their afternoon quiz obsession, Taskmaster, quizzing and whether Richard will ever be on The Chase. And is that an upward or downward step from Celebrity Mastermind? Also Richard rolls out a very revealing Spice Girls based Emergency Question.

  • S18E24 RHLSTP 263 - Tim Minchin - Finnish Sausage Party

    • March 4, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is riding high from another magazine article lauding this podcast, but was the journalist right about the audience. If the maths teacher he picks is anything to go by then they are actually much worse. His guest is thoughtful ginger genius Tim Minchin. They chat about how Tim is the tent poles of this podcast, the devastation of having his film cancelled four years into production, Rich pitches a predictable new musical and they discuss if there is any hope left for humanity. See Richard's attempts at skiing here Sadly motorboating exploits were never caught on camera. Check out Tim's new show, Upright.

  • S18E25 RHLSTP 264 - Sara Pascoe - Coin Master

    • March 6, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is giddy from doing too many podcasts in too short a time, but luckily his guest will bring him down to earth about how tough his life really is - it's the brilliant and wise Sara Pascoe. They discuss audience members going on to be stars, the real way to enjoy Going for Gold, space-docking and whether portable fridges have a freezer, chimney-sweep genitalia and why men wolf-whistle and what they hope to gain from it. Lots of ace chat about empathy, evaluation and porn and being in a lift with Harry Potter. Plus Sara reveals a rumour about Rich that will surely rival the high-backed armchair. Order Sara's excellent book here -

  • S18E26 RHLSTP 265 - Janice Connolly - Jeremy Thorpe is Innocent

    • March 11, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the Manchester Podcast Festival and reveals a surprising bit of his father's Mancunian history. His guest is recipient of the British Empire Medal, Janice Connolly aka Barbara Nice. They chat about playing tambourine in a punk band, being discovered by Peter Kay, Simon Cowell's sense of humour and how Janice is the original Fleabag. Plus her work in theatre and why Birmingham isn't that bad (at least compared to Stockport). And a staggering denouement that you might want to check out on video.

  • S18E27 RHLSTP 266 - Bethany Black - Bigger on the Inside

    • March 13, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at the Manchester Podcast Festival and rolling out a 20 year old joke about the Magic Bus. His guest this week is actor and comedian Bethany Black. They discuss the no-man's land between regular and Celebrity chase, what it's like to be a huge fan of Doctor Who and getting to be on the show and witness two Time Lords in one Tardis, plus the motivations to become a stand up and how she was too poor to become bankrupt, how she managed to wrestle victory at the end of a terrible year and the smorgasbord of problems that Beth has to draw on for comedy, whether it's got easier or harder to be Trans and how discussing mental illness in her routines is a helpful thing for us all. It's an honest and heart-felt conversation, but will that stop the toilet obsessed trolls? Probably not.

  • S18E28 RHLSTP 267 - Rachel Parris - Pukka Pie Ring

    • March 18, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is trawling the two days since his last podcast record for stand up material and predictably it isn't gold. But the lack of it being gold, makes it gold. As always. His guest owes everything to her last RHLSTP appearance, it's the multi-talented Rachel Parris. She reveals how all her impro shows are all very carefully scripted and chats about collusion with Debbie Magee, befriending Anna Kendrick on Twitter, the whirlwind year she has when her Mash Report pieces went super viral and whether her 6 weeks old marriage is holding together OK. Plus Richard pitches a new podcast based on regret and Rachel reveals how she was hit by anxiety in the wake of her momentous year. She also gamely defends Leicestershire even though she's not mentioned as a notable resident of her home town on wikipedia.

  • S18E29 RHLSTP 268 - Charlie Brooker - Gulping Robot Toilets

    • March 25, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is hoping he will find his way into the Guinness Book of Records, but Norris Macwhirter is not answering his calls. His guest is making a return visit to RHLSTP after 7 and a half years (but will his hair reveal his success?) - it's the amazing Charlie Brooker. The conversation is predictably dark and disgusting incorporating Charlie's fury at a seven year old who makes an amazing living opening boxes, trying to introduce his kids to the Young Ones, what the best pinball machine is, whether having sex with your best friend via computer game is cheating, the complexity of writing a choose your own adventure TV show, being born with an umbilical cord around your neck and how you can kill sperm with urine. Plus the inevitability of nuclear war and whether all people over 45 need to die to save the world. It's good.

  • S18E30 RHLSTP 269 - Olga Koch - Talking Koch

    • April 1, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the Cambridge Corn Exchange and starts with a joke he first did in this venue 25 years ago. His guest is standup and daughter of the former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Olga Koch. They talk about St Petersburgh and (inevitably) Rasputin and his cock, having sex with a sea creature, making bad man seem slightly better via stand up, how Richard hopes his penis might survive him (again), a confectionery tribute to an ex, how Chelsea Clinton is probably getting more than she deserves, cutting up strap-ons with a paper slicer. The conversation keeps coming back to genitalia for some reason. I can't imagine what prompted it.

  • S18E31 RHLSTP 270 - Konnie Huq - Shy Cock

    • April 8, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard chats with a secretive journalist in his audience before meeting his Boat Race foe, Konnie Huq. They talk about drenched time capsules, small dishwashers, cat name scandals, how she landed a TV job whilst still at school, wrestling for the Olympic torch, chocolate flavoured gametes, Piers Morgan, the unlikelihood of a Blue Peter presenter marrying Britain's angriest man and what they argue about, writing for kids and settling Blockbuster scores and middle-aged forgetfulness. Buy Konnie's fun kids' book here

  • S18E32 RHLSTP 271 - Rev. Richard Coles - Cadging Fags Off The Homeless

    • April 15, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the Northampton Deco and amazed by the local news headlines and tourists' Lady Diana disappointments. His guest is Communard turned Communion-giver, the Reverend Richard Coles. They discuss the terrifying streets of Northampton, the Bay City Rollers in a carpet shop, forgetting you had a speed boat, being the only priest to have tried non-recreational drugs, whether it's possible to be a better Christian than Jesus, the post-traumatic stress of HIV, what it's like when the Prime Minister votes for you and inspiring two fictional characters. Richard forgot to ask Richard if he'd ever seen a Holy Ghost and will never forgive himself.

  • S18E33 RHLSTP 272 - Steve McNeil - The Pale Pirate

    • April 22, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is still in Northampton and reveals how an appearance on RHLSTP can get you on to the front page of a national newspaper. His guest is a man who refused to have cosmetic surgery to get on TV, Steve Mcneil. They discuss his nerd-fascinating book, Hey Listen - the history of video games and some of the surprising stages in the evolution of pinball and Pacman, the compromises required to get Go 8 Bit on to the telly, the genius of Goblin King Rob Sedgebeer, getting married at Bletchley Park, what the Hell Twitch is all about and whether it's a good idea to rescue Jesus. Plus a ghost story that will surely impress the lazy journalists at the Star.

  • S18E34 RHLSTP 273 - Fern Brady - Selfies With Naturists

    • April 29, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is at the huge Theatre Royal in Glasgow and it's the biggest crowd he's ever had at one of his gigs, but he nearly got in a fight on his way here and it's all his pretentious tour manager's fault. His guest is the fierce, outspoken and brilliant Fern Brady. They chat about choosing inappropriate music for You've Been Framed, Shaun Ryder's dodgy veneers, why Fern got the nick name 'hippy' at school, why sexism is worse in the world of comedy than in the world of stripping and what happens if you cut the middle man out of a Human Centipede.

  • S18E35 RHLSTP 274 - Limmy - The Bollywig

    • May 6, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is back at the Theatre Royal in Glasgow and don't worry that he forgets about the cool kids at the start - he remembers halfway through and he's here to mend this religiously divided city. His guest is the 'important' writer and pretend truck driver Brian Limmond aka Limmy. They chat about how they might not have anything left to chat about, the fantastic autobiography "Surprisingly down to earth and very funny", feeling like you've missed a day at school, being called out for wiggling, the poetic beauty of Limmy's first walk and the inefficient masturbatory technique that Richard first employed, giving up booze instead of giving up life, stealing cars when high and what the Hell is going on his Twitch channel and if he'll ever do anything else ever again.

Season 19

  • S19E01 RHLSTP 275 - Michael Palin - You've Got Mail

    • May 13, 2020
    • YouTube

    We've been recommissioned again for an amazing 19th series and Richard is exhausted from his final attempt to let the world know when International Men's Day is and what are you talking about? He always wears a suit. There's nothing unusual going on. His guest is just some guy from some old sketch show and the first Knight (that says Ni) on the podcast, Sir Michael Palin. Obviously Rich is in awe and on his best behaviour, but that won't stop him bringing up one of Michael's rare career disappointments and nearly derailing everything. But Michael is everything you'd hope for and you can find out what he got paid for his script being used in Sliding Doors, how the Fish Dance went down in North Korea, how Life of Brian might have been Python at its height, the perils of being a mud eater, how Mrs Palin ended up on Saturday Night Live, why Terry Jones was the heart of Python and how this remarkable friendship between writing partners was maintained right to the end. Plus the best impression of Cicero that you're likely to hear. Will Richard end up in the diary and what terrible things will be said about him�? We will have to wait. Monthly badgers - your backstage interview includes Michael ad-libbing a brand new scene for Life of Brian which I would say is worth your monthly subscription to the end of time. So sign up to see this - we don't get many emergency questions on stage, but he did a few in the dressing room.

  • S19E02 RHLSTP 276 - Aisling Bea - Bill Murray's Irish Sister

    • May 20, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is still buzzing from last week's podcast. Thank God we only do one a week, or imagine having to follow that! But he has news of his disappointing parenting to move us onwards. His guest is the incredible writer, actor and comedian, Aisling Bea, who didn't realise that she was being filmed last time she was on. They chat about working with Paul Rudd, fearing being spied on from above, the incredible outdated sexual politics of How I Met Your Mother, how last minute you can be writing a script and how sweet it must be being on Taskmaster. There's also some confusion about the lift question and some fierce debate over whether the Coughing Major cheated or not. Plus an insight into Aisling's incredible showbiz life.

  • S19E03 RHLSTP 277 - Adam Buxton - Empty W*nk Bank

    • May 27, 2020
    • YouTube

    The Coronavirus has taken out many planned live RHLSTPs (hopefully most will be rescheduled) and destroyed a promising and lucrative 2020 for Richard, but it CAN'T stop us broadcasting. Rich is joined by the guest with the most appearances on RHLSTP, from Norwich, Adam Buxton. Recorded on the 8th April whilst the fate of the PM hung in the balance they make some bold predictions of how that is going to turn out (apologies if we got it wrong) and how the lockdown is affecting or failing to affect their largely dull lives. Plus Richard reveals some tragic news about his mind's eye and a Lee and Herring story that he hasn't even told Stewart about. Adam reveals secrets of competitiveness from his own double act and talks about his high-profile podcast guests. It's a charming hour and a fitting tribute to either or both men if they don't survive the epidemic.

  • S19E04 RHLSTP 278 - Michael Spicer - Paternal Sunflower Plagiarist

    • June 3, 2020
    • YouTube

    It's another lockdown RHLSTP and Rich is talking to the star of internet phenomenon The Room Next Door, Michael Spicer. They chat about starring together in a film where Rich played a man who uses prostitutes (as usual), the difficulties of making the Mash Report in lockdown, becoming an overnight sensation after almost two decades, appearing on the James Corden show and copying Chris Morris. Rich drinks four shots of whisky which encourages him to be rude about Michael's dad. Which is fun for everyone except maybe Michael. We're doing these LIVE every Wednesday at 8pm during lockdown on and there's loads of other stuff on there too. It's free (though subscribe if you wish - it's free if you're with Amazon Prime. Here's how to do it

  • S19E05 RHLSTP 279 - Mark Watson - Isolation, My Dear Mark Watson

    • June 10, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard has been enjoying the lunchtime hour of lockdown the most so far and discusses chalk shadow drawings reminding him of nuclear war. His guest is author, comedian and lift engineer Mark Watson. They discuss trying to not die in a pandemic and how difficult it is to be motivated, turning 40 before civilisation collapses, how becoming successful is not always the best route for creativity (or making yourself feel better by arguing that), the redundancy of swimming badges, a new 24 hour show for Mark and haircuts with no hairdressers. Plus find out if Improvisation, My Dear Watson is coming back WARNING AUDIOPHILES - Sound quality not as good as usual as Mark closed his computer before the good version could be uploaded to the cloud - the idiot. So sometimes Mark turns all Tweaky from Buck Rogers. We're doing these LIVE every Wednesday at 8pm during lockdown on and there's loads of other stuff on there too. It's free (though subscribe if you wish - it's free if you're with Amazon Prime. Here's how to do it

  • S19E06 RHLSTP 280 - Bill Burr - Ping

    • June 17, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich is peeved that Banksy has been ripping off his ideas, but his guest doesn't realise he's not supposed to talk over him, it's only bloody birthday boy Bill Burr. They discuss their startlingly similar careers (if you ignore Bill's movie and success and money), what the West End is like, head mops, Warsaw Indiana, how fights in films are never realistic, Bill's biggest acting role yet in the King of Staten Island, how a cartoon gives the most realistic interpretation of the 70s (check out the new series of F is for Family, offence in stand up, feminism, masculinity in crisis, Croydon and tiny babies. It's good stuff. We're doing these every Wednesday night at 8pm on (along with loads of other stuff). If you're with Amazon Prime you can give us money at no cost to yourself. This video explains how

  • S19E07 RHLSTP 281 - Robert Webb - Nipples Like Walnuts

    • June 24, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard's daughter has wished him a choice of terrible deaths, but come up with a great emergency question, proving herself superior to him in every way and he's also increasingly obsessed with Sliding Doors. His guest is (hopefully) working on a lockdown episode of Robert's Web, it's Robert Webb. They talk about escaping lava inside a crocodile, time travel and alternate universes, finding out about the death of a family member by means of a note, open heart surgery, confronting death, the forgotten wonder of pornographic magazines and whether it's best to plan your writing or just shagging wing it. Plus an impression of recordings from the past. And a look at Robert's dressing gown. Buy Robert's funny and thoughtful book (that mainly gets alternate universes right) here

  • S19E08 RHLSTP 282 - Kiri Pritchard-McLean - Sheep in Sheep's Clothing

    • July 1, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're 10000 days into lockdown and Richard is going mad, but his dreams are becoming violent or sexy. But is is cheating? His guest is the besequinned and hilarious Kiri Pritchard-McLean. They chat about attempted period censorship, brilliant tour plans foiled by the virus, lockdown comedy at the Covid Arms, the dark things you see growing up on a farm, the best tourist attractions that Anglesey has to offer, Tutankhamen's pencil case, whether we can still push comedy boundaries and what it's like to not remember your dreams (not as bad as not being able to visualise an apple).

  • S19E09 RHLSTP 283 - James Acaster - Mummified Cat

    • July 8, 2020
    • YouTube

    It's an extra special sell-out episode which has been bought and paid for by Ian Oxygen of O2 and that originally went out to Priority at O2 customers. But now everyone can see/hear it! Hooray. The guest is factory visitor James Acaster. They discuss binding agents, annoying Anne Diamond, the Wombles, whether Rich was the best or worst Off Menu guest of all time, Tim Vine, Biblical recordings and having to pretend you liked How I Met Your Mother. Plus the charity work that Richard hates to talk about, Plus Rich has a big surprise for James. Many thanks to Gail Venckner. Buy James' book here Catch us on Twitch (unless someone else is paying us)

  • S19E10 RHLSTP 284 - Richard Osman - Shipham Strawberry Fayre

    • July 15, 2020
    • YouTube

    Lockdown continues in all its exhausting torpor, but Rich has come up with a new game show as well as becoming needlessly annoyed by a very old song. His guest is long time friend of the show and lone self-isolator, Richard Osman. They chat about whether it's better to be married or single during lockdown, dealing with the virus, how Henry Kelly might find himself a new job, how much money Michael Palin has, whether interviewing someone means you are now in their TV show, patricide, Strangers on a Train and Osman's acting role in the greatest sitcom of all time. Plus which tube station has a Z in it? We forgot to tell you, sorry. Pre order R Osman's book here

  • S19E11 RHLSTP 285 - Greg Jenner - Micky Mouse's Unsexy Ears

    • July 22, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is deep in book deadline Hell, but still has time to tweet Lord Sugar about his maths expertise and consider how much human DNA needs to be in a mouse to make it a viable partner. His guest is podcaster, sometimes actor and historian Greg Jenner. They discuss repeatedly falling downstairs, whether historians are duty bound to have sex with Neanderthals, what new history has happened and have a detailed examination of the history of celebrity, thanks to Greg's ace new book, Dead Famous. Find out why Abraham Lincoln grew that beard, why Julius Caesar isn't a celebrity and whether Richard is and how faking a death almost led to a Hollywood actress being killed. Plus bumping into Scarlett Johannson, whether an iPad counts as homeschooling and a great use for the Bayeaux Tapestry. Buy Greg's most excellent book here -

  • S19E12 RHLSTP 286 - Lauren Pattison - Hi-Viz Jacket

    • July 29, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're still in lockdown but Rich is hoping he's managed to secure the future of Emergency Questions in the event or World War, so fingers crossed. His guest is ex-pretend mugger Lauren Pattison. They talk about the devastating effect that lockdown has had on Lauren's personal and professional life, but the positives that she takes from that, the joy of laminating, the mystery of vegetables, how snogging has become illegal and the absence of Soleros. Plus how everyone in Newcastle knows each other and some visual kerfuffle with askew reading glasses. We're doing these every Wednesday at 8pm throughout lockdown on If you're with Amazon Prime you can give us £5 a month at no cost to yourself. This video explains how;t=2s (use a browser, not the app)

  • S19E13 RHLSTP 287 - Maisie Adam - White Chicks Dance Off

    • August 5, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich has been turned into a woman on the internet and so comes a predictable emergency question. It's another lockdown remote record with the West Riding of Yorkshire's Maisie Adam. They discuss whether you should correct people who get your name wrong, putting a Shrek in a February Pantomime, recreating the Bill Grundy/Sex Pistols face-off, epilepsy, phantom drones, a not very close call with Raoul Moat and tweeting on your 18th birthday. Watch the Twitch channel here And if you're with Amazon Prime you can give us a free £5 every month. Here's how

  • S19E14 RHLSTP 288 - Nathan Caton - Lockdown Love Poetry

    • August 12, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich has received his first hand-written Father's Day card, which might also have been a break-up note. His guest is the Chortle Student Comedian of the year 2005, Nathan Caton. They chat about having to spend time with your partner in lockdown, plucking defeat from the jaws of victory in Mastermind, producing a topical podcast looking at only good news (listen here, being a Christian comedian, giving up architecture for a life on stage, whether white lives matter and TV producers are racist. Plus a brilliant video that shows clearly if you have privilege ( Come and check out Richard's Twitch channel - there's all sorts going on

  • S19E15 RHLSTP 289 - Daniel Sloss - Hubris

    • August 19, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard has just finished writing the first draft of his book and is in a giddy mood. He's been practicing his ventriloquism which will be particularly impressive in the audio version. His guest is the hairless arsed Daniel Sloss (I refuse to ask him about his arse, but I am thinking about it all through the podcast). They talk about lockdown madness, the Robot Wars murder spree, working with a translator for a Russian show, whether God got the taste of sperm right, gradually working your way towards wokeness, the crisis in masculinity, the kindness of Frankie Boyle and joking about death and disability. Plus how Daniel is hoping to still appear at the cancelled Edinburgh Fringe and how he's using drive-ins to still perform comedy (

  • S19E16 RHLSTP 290 - Jo Caulfield - Garlic and Vodka

    • August 26, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich is about to hit 53, but at least he's back in the big time with a major TV opportunity as a snookerist. His guest is ex-rockabilly drummer Jo Caulfield. They chat about messing up your one line on a TV show, a drama student taking method acting too far, living in squats, how Dolly Parton gets it right, when to throw out your cereal bowls, the hell of playing zoom quizzes with your family, an unlikely alliance with Neville Southall and how and why Jo got banned and reinstated on Twitter.

  • S19E17 RHLSTP 291 - Bettany Hughes - Ancient Porn Hub

    • September 2, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich has discovered a dark secret about his wife, but there's no way out now. His guest is best served dripping with honey, it's historian Bettany Hughes. They talk about appearing in a play at University with one of them in their underwear, the transformation of Aphrodite from penis-headed goddess to sexy statue, finding fragments of ancient text, how we can learn about societies from their gods, Pompeiian handbags, following in the footsteps of Odysseus, the island of the old women and receiving an OBE from the best member of the royal family (and a missed opportunity for Olivia Coleman) Buy Bettany's Venus book here

  • S19E18 RHLSTP 292 - Bilal Zafar - Twitch Chaplin

    • September 9, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich is being driven mad by a children's song, but at least he's about to finally get back on the telly, so he can leave you losers behind. But he's mistimed it all as TV is about to be usurped by the internet as this week's guest Bilal Zafar is on the cusp of proving. They talk about being an arsehole in someone else's dreams, working as an extra, Percy the Shepherd, the famous people of Wanstead and Bolton, Richard's incredible generosity and vanity, befriending Limmy, the pigeon holing of TV commissioners and what can happen when you're left to your own devices (as long as you have devices). Check out Bilal's channel at

  • S19E19 RHLSTP 293 - Sophie Duker - Postman Potter

    • September 16, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich is back from his holiday and now able to control gulls and make them his lifelong allies and he's also had an amazing gift from a fan of the show. His guest has a lot to say about moisturiser - it's Sophie Duker. They discuss dry knees and crusty feet, being sent nudes on social media, a novel use for cucumbers, how a gardener made Sophie cry, writing for puppets, the genius of Frankie Boyle and the differences between dating now and pre 2008. Watch the show every week on Wednesday night (usually) on Twitch If you're with Amazon Prime you can give us free money every month. Here's how - Don't forget to come back and resub every month!

  • S19E20 RHLSTP 294 - Sindhu Vee - Uterus

    • September 23, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard is coming to you from an exciting new location in time and space and is worried about the lack of jumping 18 year olds. His guest is ex model, investment banker and stutterer Sindhu Vee. They discuss coming to stand up later in life, doing stand up about your kids, tough parenting, soft-boiled eggs, whether it's possible to be a good rat, conveyor belts by the Crown Jewels, 16 letter surnames and dispelling ghosts. A fantastic look at the life of someone who was perhaps always destined to be a stand up even if she didn't know it herself.

  • S19E21 RHLSTP 295 - Maria Konnikova - Snucker

    • September 30, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard has this week performed live on stage for the first time since March, but a certain papier-m�ché drunkard stole the show. But never mind, Richard is delighted to chat to journalist and pro poker player Maria Konnikova. They discuss her rise from someone who didn't know how many cards were in a pack to a poker champion in the space of months, whether luck or skill rules our world, how our hands don't bluff, how poker can help us in the real world and what it's like to meet a world champion self-playing snookerist. Quite a lot of poker content, but it's more about knowing ourselves and coping with the random shit that life and cards throw up. Buy Maria's brilliant book here

  • S19E22 RHLSTP 296 - Michael Fenton Stevens - Groovy Gang

    • October 7, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard has been to Legoland and seen a sight that sums up the compromise of parenthood. His guest is the legendary Michael Fenton Stevens. They discuss the rock star life that even parody pop stars enjoy, how taking a punt on a chicken paid off, Nicholas Lyndhurst's property portfolio, which sitcom star MFS took a dislike to, filming by an airport, appearing on Tiswas and seeing the birth of a comedy classic. Plus the dynamics of a sketch group, the horrors of childhood and Kate Bush getting excited. How can you resist?

  • S19E23 RHLSTP 297 - Michael Ian Black - Polystyrene Vs Worms

    • October 14, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard has found himself disappointed by the action of Han Solo, but never mind, he's back on telly (Taskmaster starts on October 15th, 9pm on Channel 4) and so he won't have to do stupid podcasts where he talks to dead wasps anymore. But for now, here he is talking to the charming and patient and wise Michael Ian Black. They discuss why you'd give up being a Mutant Ninja Turtle, the battle to create the most boring podcast, who has the best Irish accent, Rich's problem with Michael's film "Run Fatboy Run", whether the Universe will be destroyed if they ever meet, the problems with masculinity that has prompted them both to write a book about it and Rich's plans to write a film with the greatest cast list ever. Michael's book is ace, buy it here And/or buy Richard's less good book about the same thing here

  • S19E24 RHLSTP 298 - Stevie Martin - Snail Face

    • October 21, 2020
    • YouTube

    Richard has been causing a Twitter sensation with the ballad of his blocked cupboard, but the real question is how many graters does one man need? His guest only has one and her name is Stevie Martin. They chat about the joy of a well timed silly face, the less joy of having to watch your TV pilots vanish into the ether, witchcraft and finding out your allergies via electricity, the difference between moving to London in the 80s and the 2010s, relationships as a competition, terrible social media experiences and the joys of improvising for an hour on Twitch.

  • S19E25 RHLSTP 299 - John Kearns - Everything Entropies

    • October 28, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're just one show from the magic number 300 (if you ignore all the Edinburgh shows and other specials) and Rich is angry that he hasn't got an MBE and that his cupboard is still giving him problems. His guest is a work of art depicting the young Father Christmas, John Kearns. They discuss the problem of student stand up existing forever online, the mind games of Eamonn Holmes, some mind bogglingly expensive pants, what to do with slightly cracked bowls, the difficulty of getting stuff on TV and shitting yourself at parents' evening. Plus exciting news about the next series of Top Coppers.

  • S19E26 RHLSTP 300 - Richard Herring - Socially Distanced

    • November 4, 2020
    • YouTube

    It’s a momentous occasion, not only the 300th numbered RHLSTP, but the first one since March in front of an audience. We’re at the prestigious Bill Murray pub in North London. Richard sits stage right for the first time (except when he interviewed himself for a kickstarter extra) and is being interrogated by John Robins behind a perspex screen. But is it to save the audience from corona or the people on stage from the unguents that will doubtless be flung by the Die Hard fans in attendance (why have they come to this? Surely they should be watching a DVD of Bruce Willis). They chat about The Problem With Men, whether there are regrets about old material, the philosophy behind stone clearing, the Stewart Lee issue, skirting the line betwixt political correctness and comedy and playing with madness as we plummet towards old age and death. It’s the real Richard Herring, not the crazy character (mainly) and includes new Emergency Questions sent in by listeners.

Season 20

  • S20E01 RHLSTP 301 - Ed Gamble - Forsaken

    • November 11, 2020

    It’s the first show of series 20 (how does this keep getting commissioned?) and Rich is giving a moving tribute to a wrongly disgraced broadcaster and glad to see what’s making the BBC news headlines. His guest is the reigning Taskmaster champion Ed Gamble. They discuss who is doing the most podcasts, the problem with banofee pie, naughty puppets, why heavy metal is childish, whether Ed’s fiancé is a paid actor, the Proustian memories brought up by gladiators and performing whilst looking at yourself in a sheet of perspex. Plus would being caught in an act of self-love on camera be good or bad for Richard’s career.

  • S20E02 RHLSTP 302 - Nell Scovell - Which One’s Melania?

    • November 18, 2020

    It’s November 4th and the world hangs in the balance as they wait to discover if a winner will be declared right away in Taskmaster series 10. Rich is very keen for it to go to court after the upside down fiasco. His guest is comedy genius Nell Scovell. You may not know her name but you will have laughed at her stuff. They chat about playing ping pong with Garry Shandling, Miss Piggy’s Wardrobe Malfunction, giving Homer Simpson 22 hours to live, writing jokes for the President (not that one) and the scripts that got away and how Rich helped a writers’ room to become majority women.

  • S20E03 RHLSTP 303 - Arthur Mathews - Rod Stewart’s Fridge

    • November 25, 2020

    Richard is on TV so much now that it’s actually not funny any more, but his son has come up with an improvement to Star Wars, so that’s something. His guest is comedy scriptwriter and erstwhile drummer Arthur Mathews. They talk about trying to shake off the guilt of a religious upbringing, Dominic Cummings diary, staying in Griff Rhys Jones house, failing to impress Jonathan Miller, Father Ted stamps, the fecundity of 90s comedy and how it took so long to get the Amish meet Bill Grundy on to TV.

  • S20E04 RHLSTP 304 - Kiell Smith-Bynoe - Annoying the Cosmos

    • December 2, 2020

    Richard is recording on International Men’s Day Eve and he’s excited about what the next day will bring. But don’t worry he’s got lots of porridge so he’s ready for Brexit. His guest is actor and writer Kiell Smith-Bynoe. They chat about eating oysters on a boat with Noel Edmonds, the remarkable chemistry of the couple he’s a part of in Ghosts, being a teenage YouTube sensation, how One Direction do Twitter and surviving the rigours of lockdown.

  • S20E05 RHLSTP 305 - Alistair Green - Walt Disney Head

    • December 9, 2020

    Richard has seen a ghost (but it’s of someone who isn’t dead) and is worried about one of the victims of the Pompeii earthquake. His guest is internet sensation Alistair Green. They discuss confusing Serena Williams by running around, the confidence of going on Question Time with a half-thought out idea, the genesis of the character videos that have led to Alistair’s success, sexy Ghostbusters and the logistics of getting to a protest with right wing paraphernalia.

  • S20E06 RHLSTP 306 - Marek Larwood - Pooland (not Poland)

    • December 16, 2020

    Rich is stinging from the snub from Sports Personality of the Year, but at least his acting career is going from weakness to slightly less weakness and his moustache is looking great. His guest is the rabbit-murderer Marek Larwood, inventor of Volfsball and Pooman and semi-professional Guess Who? Player. The pair chat about life on the Isle of Wight, defective pill cutters, the terrible tragedy behind Marek’s Polish name, copying great art in a quarter of an hour, the inventions and ideas spilling out of this potato-headed man and why TV’s loss might be comedy’s gain. Plus how We Are Klang definitely began.

  • S20E07 RHLSTP 307 - Rhod Gilbert - Short Torso, Long Bum

    • December 23, 2020

    Richard is planning to rewrite a Christmas classic and reflecting on the worst memorial to a human being that he’s ever seen. His guest is the formerly sexy Welshman, Rhod Gilbert. They discuss if their separate virginity losses actuality count, being sick 8 times in 3 sickbags, socially crippling shyness, sharing a cab in 2000, whether you can give the kiss of life to a fish, the earwax taste challenge and Rich condemns Rhod to Hell. Also some Christmas Emergency Questions. Plus the extraordinary tale of what happened after Rhod drank 7 espresso martinis, which might be the funniest story ever told on RHLSTP.

  • S20E08 RHLSTP 308 - Lou Conran - Calamari

    • December 30, 2020

    Richard has been admonished by his daughter, but is also fascinated by an old penis-based crime. His guest is comedian Lou Conran. They discuss an amazing case of mistaken identity, their various Press Gang crushes, what it’s like to warm up the audience on Countdown, a disappointing appearance on First Dates, discovering Santa emptying his sack and more ghost stories. Also a spooky break down in communication, but Chris Evans (not that one) manages to save the day, even if he deliberately caused it in order to be the hero. Check out Lou’s new podcast Spit or Swallow in January 2021.

  • S20E09 RHLSTP 309 - Alexei Sayle - Eighty-Nine Pence BLT

    • January 6, 2021

    Recording just before Christmas on Plague Island, Richard wonders what kind of UK listeners will be living in when this is broadcast (in a fortnight), but his guest is legendary actor, author, comedian and expired food eating hobbyist Alexei Sayle. They discuss finding a goose with Keith Allen, having one of the top ten comedy shows of 2020 (but how many were there in total?), Alexei’s new online shows involving politics and cycling and an analysis of the film Siesta. Plus whether the left will ever stop fighting itself and think about fighting the right, mortality, the death of ambition and remaining inventive and fresh as a comedian.

  • S20E10 RHLSTP 310 - Catherine Bohart - Break Them Down, Build Them Up

    • January 13, 2021

    Richard has had his mind blown by a Christmas surprise and his theatrical 3-year-old has been unexpectedly philosophical. His guest has had a bad 2021 and a bad day, it's brilliant Catherine Bohart. They discuss the loves that survived and didn't survive 2020, why priests can't marry and if that's a good idea, being the Frankincense King, boiler maintenance, bad therapy, the greatest ever Roast Battle, why drama school didn't work out and what makes a comedian. Plus setting up her own online gig - Check out Gigless here

  • S20E11 RHLSTP 311 - Nina Conti - Magic

    • January 20, 2021

    Rich is wondering if the Proclaimers have ever had their bluff called as he wearily starts Lockdown 3. His guest has a first in philosophy and has performed in a monkey suit, it's delightful genius Nina Conti. They discuss which of them is the best ventriloquist, how puppet characters can emerge by magic, turning audience members into dummies, whether all ventriloquists are mad or bad, the influence of the amazing Ken Campbell and why security guards are obsessed with ventriloquism. Plus are humans alone in the universe?

  • S20E12 RHLSTP 312 - Dr. Sophie Hay - The Holy Grail of Archaeology

    • January 27, 2021

    Richard is upset by a bottle of bathroom spray - and angry at Ian Vim for not having faith in his name, but he's also a film star now, so you're lucky he's doing this at all. His guest is archaeologist Dr Sophie Hay. They discuss the ethics of showing a 2000 year old man's penis on the news, what to do if you're caught in a volcano, Latin graffiti, why the childish Romans were obsessed with cocks, whether pomegranates hold the key to the date of the eruption and whether Richard's four weeks of archaeology make him more qualified than Sophie. Plus ghosts, time travel and what we'd take home with us if we were allowed.

  • S20E13 RHLSTP 313 - Ashley Storrie - A Shrek Versus A Grinch

    • February 3, 2021

    Richard is furious that homeschooling is carrying on til March 8th (at least) but has made a snowman with a feature that Raymond Briggs never foresaw (no, not that). His guest is the unique and brilliant Ashley Storrie. They talk about aliens, visiting yourself through time, diagnosing autism and its place in comedy, whether TV executives are afraid of women, Scottishness or swearing and how Ashley conquered the internet. But mostly we find out whether people or green fictional characters can change.

  • S20E14 RHLSTP 314 - Danny Robins - Have You Ever Seen A Ghost?

    • February 10, 2021

    Richard is excited that he’s about to get out into an actual theatre to record some shows and that he’s getting his hoover fixed by a shady, underground pensioner. His guest is the brains behind the fabulous Battersea Poltergeist and Haunted podcasts, Danny Robins. They discuss how Robins was Trotskyed from AIOTM, why we’re obsessed with fear and ghosts, the possible historical and psychological reasons for their existence and Richard’s haunted house. Also when spoof reality shows become reality, travelling round the country in a van encouraging men to wank, how Danny had an accidental hit record (but didn’t get on Top of the Pops) and the differences between the Swedes and the British.

  • S20E15 RHLSTP 315 - Nish Kumar - Bread Roll

    • February 17, 2021

    Richard is out of the house and at the Clapham Grand in South London. A virtual audience are on the TV screen beside him, all ready to be insulted for being nerds. The socially distanced guest is a man who foments racism to further his career (according to the Spectator) Nish Kumar. They discuss working for the man who ruined the Muppet Christmas Carol, shaving mishaps, lockdown content, how dying at a charity gig led to actual death threats and the best positioning for a home urinal. Plus the best kebabs in Shepherd’s Bush.

  • S20E16 RHLSTP 316 - Lou Sanders - Skating With Eight Year Olds

    • February 24, 2021

    Richard is back at the Clapham Grand in front of a virtual audience of humans and potentially racist puppets. His guest is his ex-Fubar radio sidekick Lou Sanders. They chat about Lou's new TV show Unforgiveable, why it's good to discuss your most shameful moments, whether Jesus was on magic mushrooms, parental interruptions to adolescent shenanigans, why drunk and unpredictable Lou found it hard to get TV work, the power of cuddles and having your own branded condoms.

  • S20E17 RHLSTP 317 - Iszi Lawrence - Sex Whisk

    • March 3, 2021

    Richard has been in a Total Recall machine (or something like that) but is worried about the manufacturer. His guest has cut her own hair and has thought a lot of Star Trek TNG, it's the brilliant Iszi Lawrence. They discuss Doctor Who self-fellatio, teenage Jesus and his crazy pranks, the little known but most prolific serial killer possibly in the world, but definitely in Reading and Elizabeth I's crazy ass signature. Plus what happens when your balls might kill you and the martial arts skills of the Suffragettes.

  • S20E18 RHLSTP 318 - Alice Fraser - Secret Eyebrow Language

    • March 10, 2021

    Richard has been flying a kite with his daughter and is hoping she will remember it when he is gone, if he ever dies, which he thinks is unlikely. His guest is the leonine and erudite Alice Fraser. They discuss what it’s like to live in the future, why all their conversations must be podcast, how limitations can lead to comedic invention, using daily in comedy, how the Australian lockdown is going, sexual superpowers and why mind-reading might not be a good one.

  • S20E19 RHLSTP 319 - Mary Lynn Rajskub - Cornered by Coyotes

    • March 17, 2021

    Richard is on the eve of surgery and hoped a podcast might take his mind off it all, but his guest, actor and comedian Mary Lynn Rajskub is keen to chat it all through. The pair discuss the ethical issues around Oompa-Loompas, working on the greatest TV show of all time, non-audience comedy and lockdown breakdowns, haunted audiences, forgetful dogs and whether Mary Lynn has ever been in a bad film. Check your bits.

  • S20E20 RHLSTP 320 - Jeremy Paxman - Packalackadackdack

    • March 24, 2021

    Richard is one week into convalescence after surgery, but was his interviewing skill housed in his lost part? He’s worried about some bonus gifts he got in a box of jockstraps and about Ian Amazon trying to steal his schtick. His guest does not suffer fools gladly, which might make the next 75 minutes a bit uncomfortable - it’s Packahontas himself, Jeremy Paxman. They discuss holding John Gielgud’s penis, shooting squirrels on the toilet, having lunch with Lady Di, whether we need the BBC, the bizarre procedure that newsreaders were expected to go through in the event of the death of a member of the Royal Family, being responsible for bringing Boris Johnson to TV and why anyone would want to be a comedian.

  • S20E21 RHLSTP 321 - Brian Regan - Tip of the Hat

    • March 31, 2021

    Richard has just been vaccinated and his balls have been in the Daily Mail, so it's been quite a week. His guest is veteran US stand up and comedians' comedian Brian Regan. They chat about how a desire to stay in bed helped push Brian down the road to comedy, how he earned his stripes in the post headliner spot in a 1980s comedy club, how observational comedy can be like mining in a pit where the seams are empty, where comedy comes or seems to come from, playing the audience like an instrument, how Jerry Seinfeld helped Brian's career, how annoying it must be to be Michael Collins, what to do if you're being executed at 7am and what it's like living in Las Vegas. Plus whether comedy keeps you young and how you stop getting bitter and faded in middle age. Brian's stand up and sketch show are on Netflix and the brilliant sitcom Loudermilk is on Amazon Prime and is well worth your time.

  • S20E22 RHLSTP 322 - John Oliver - Goblin Sweets

    • April 7, 2021

    Richard is either banging on about his ball(s) or a missed joke in a film from over half a century ago. Bet you wish he was still doing the Aphantasia stuff right? His guest might have been Harry Potter, but he's done OK anyway, it's John Oliver. They discuss whether the Love Guru is worth the £3.49 rental fee, facing off to the SAS in a terrible gig in Aldershot, graffiting fruit on a terrible topical news show on More 4, the research required to play a Smurf, working with Dan Harmon, getting emails about medieval poetry from Terry Jones and whether the UK will ever manage to do a great topical comedy show and the one necessity that is required for that to work. Has success changed Oliver? How did he end up with a sewage plant named after him? And is a bad stand up gig equivalent to being in a war zone? Plus experiencing a 100% walk out, what it meant to be able to carry on doing Last Week Tonight (and RHLSTP) during lockdown and the return of an old favourite emergency question. It's a really good one. Get it down your lugholes.

  • S20E23 RHLSTP 323 - Dominik Diamond - Mothersacker

    • April 14, 2021

    Like the bravest person who has ever lived Richard is still churning out podcasts, even though he’s just 5 days out of chemotherapy. But what super powers has it given him? He starts a little weary, but the power of podcasts soon rallies him, thanks to his open and hilarious guest, 1990s Gamesmaster legend Dominik Diamond. They discuss the talented group of comedians that emerged from Bristol University in the 1990s, being conned into buying a llama farm in Canada with no llamas in it, how auditioning for the Word led to the Gamesmaster gig, Lee and Herring’s legendary appearance on the show and what really happened to Richard’s Golden Joystick and how much it might have been worth if he’d kept it, fighting with Mark Lamaar across two continents, marrying Whigfield, how too much cocaine damaged Diamond’s career and how too little cocaine damaged Herring’s, living next door to a Play Away presenter, plus some jolly limericks about cancer.

  • S20E24 RHLSTP 324 - Andi Osho - Double Mastermind

    • April 21, 2021

    Rich is still going on about his ball. This is going to be the case for the best part of the next year or two, so buckle in (and while you're buckled, check your bits). His guest is the actor, podcaster, author, blogger, erstwhile stand up and opera singer, Andi Osho. Not only has she had immense quiz show success for Rich to be jealous of, she's also been in his favourite show, Death in Paradise. Apparently she's in Line of Duty too, but come on, Death in Paradise. Also find out why she became a stand up and why she stopped, what motivated her to go to America and why she came back and how she's managed to base all three central characters in her new novel �Asking for a Friend� on herself. Rich and Andi also compare notes on what they learned when dating for comedy shows and talk about the creative process (as discussed in her podcast Creative Sauce). Plus ghosts and museums and a gallant use of a time travelling finger.

  • S20E25 RHLSTP 325 - Pippa Evans - Paul Mckenna's Talking Thumb

    • April 28, 2021

    Richard is paying tribute to a recently departed Duke, though how long will people remember his name? His guest is ex Buckingham Palace shop girl, Pippa Evans. They chat about accidental headlining, how terrible gigs teach you more than great ones, whether jokes are the last refuge of the humourless, how you can improv your life, Richard's plan for a groundbreaking autobiography, profound life lessons that happen in lifts, children wishing everyone dead and Anneka Rice's jumpsuit.

Season 21

  • S21E01 RHLSTP 326 - Anneka Rice - Depp Fry Rice Ball

    • May 5, 2021

    Great news! RHLSTP has been recommissioned for a record breaking 21st series and Rich has had a makeover to make him look like a rock star. His guest is lifelong liar and former thief Anneka Rice. They discuss Blankety Blank being the pinnacle of the showbiz ladder, how an enforced change of name might have changed everything, the hidden dangers of Treasure Hunt and who might have been the sky runner had they not been so athletic, the down side of fame and how Anneka bribed the paparazzi, what it was like to have your birth canal depicted on Spitting Image, attempting to track down her Madame Tussauds head, why she pretended to be her own agent and how Clemmie took on a life of her own, turning down the chance to be a Bond girl, taking revenge on the school bully and the power of chucking yourself into stuff and hoping for the best. All this and a possible pedo ghost.

  • S21E02 RHLSTP 327 - Catie Wilkins - Double Robert Boris

    • May 12, 2021

    Richard has some serious questions about Gio Compario from the Go Compare adverts and is also surprised to see online that he is currently single. That might make things awkward this week as he's chatting to his (ex?) wife Catherine Wilkins. Will he find out anything he didn't already know? And will it change things now that he's back in the same room as his guest? They discuss whether porn films have it right about pizza delivery, writing a book whilst doing working at another job, how to convince men to do hoovering (and more), whether diarrhoea is a subject fit for a family circular, how Catie nearly committed murder, if she will leave her husband for a woman or have him replaced with a robot. Plus how is she worth so much more than Richard? It's the flirtiest podcast he's done since last week with Anneka Rice.

  • S21E03 RHLSTP 328 - Mae Martin - Playdough Tumour

    • May 19, 2021

    Richard is surprised to discover the scale of what he had (until recently) been carting around in his scrotal sac. Due to his aphantasia he couldn't visualise it until he made a model. Never mind the bollock though, his guest is the wonderfully talented Mae Martin. They discuss how kissing pretty actors on TV isn't the fun it might appear, whether it's better to be beautiful or clever, which member of the royal family they'd prefer to be, why people of Richard's generation are so strung up over gender and sexuality and what it's like to start stand up at 13. There's sex, there's drugs, there's no rock or roll.

  • S21E04 RHLSTP 329 - Felicity Ward - Ominous Shadows

    • May 26, 2021

    Richard is delighted that his daughter has drawn him not falling into lava and impressed with listening and viewing figures for his stupid shows. His guest is stand up and actor Felicity Ward. They talk about Australian drama schools with funny sounding names, premonitions of death, a terrible Covid Christmas, how Felicity fell into stand up, regurgitating honey and pissing pearls and why anyone would want a partner who wasn't funnier than them.

  • S21E05 RHLSTP 330 - Jackie Weaver - Battle of Hastings Nasal Regrets

    • June 2, 2021

    Richard is lamenting the moments from childhood where you move on from something and can never go back. His guest is the formidable Jackie Weaver, who seems to have proven that she did have the authority over Handforth Parish Council. She reveals the secrets of what was going on at the meeting and how the thing went viral and the consequences for the men who questioned her attendance. But also the songs, panto offers and sketch appearances that have followed. As well as her own podcast where she asks her guests weird and wonderful questions (Where does she get her crazy ideas?). Has Jackie Weaver seen a ghost? Would Jackie Weaver like a ham hand? Does Jackie Weaver like always being referred to as Jackie Weaver? You can find out by listening to this.

  • S21E06 RHLSTP 331 - Nigel Planer - Taking the Full Weight of an Eclair

    • June 9, 2021

    Richard is back in Cheddar trying to harvest material for the new series of Relativity. So it's a double remote podcast and the guest this week is a true comedy hero, the brilliant Nigel Planer. They try to remember what the project they almost worked together in the early 90s was (though have very different memories) and talk about the times Richard spent in Nigel's house, without Nigel knowing. Plus some great stories about the early days of 80s stand up, coming up with characters in Peter Richardson's van, the casting of Mike in the Young Ones and why it might well have turned out for the best, being attacked by security guards on the way to a Greek restaurant after being crushed by a huge prop, the genius of Nicholas Craig, how Do They Know It's Christmas could have been even better, being big in Catalonia and the joy of a rejected script being accepted.

  • S21E07 RHLSTP 332 - Geoff Norcott - The Problem with Avocados

    • June 16, 2021

    Rich is overwhelmed to be back on stage in front of an actual audience at the wonderful Clapham Grand. His guest is comedian Geoff Norcott. The pair discuss working with Comedy Dave, the weirdness of the British class system, Geoff's tour of Afghanistan, the limitations of stereotypes in comedy, whether you're allowed to disagree with your tribe and why you should read Geoff's book whether you're Tory or not (and maybe particularly if you're not). Can the left ever win? And is the kudos of being the first person on Mars worth the lonely death.

  • S21E08 RHLSTP 333 - Sarah Kendall - Only Available Together

    • June 23, 2021

    Back at the Clapham Grand for a second week and Rich has had another worrying lump - why is his body conspiring against him? His guest is the poo obsessed Australian Sarah Kendall. They discuss Taskmaster lessons and tactics, the laziest magazine article of all time, professional jealousy, the Thames bidet, smiting your foes by cannon, when bucket lists go wrong, the comedy of lying, why stories don't need to be true, the paternity of Clint Eastwood and regurgitating honey.

  • S21E09 RHLSTP 334 - Jessie Cave - Hermione Hands

    • June 30, 2021

    Richard has had his manhood challenged at funfair and is planning to rewrite history. His guest is actor, author and artist Jessie Cave. They discuss acting based eye infections, upsetting Emma Watson with noodle recommendations, Podcasting with your sibling, exposing your heart in stand up and coping with tragedy and assault. Plus is it possible to publish a novel without ever writing it?

  • S21E10 RHLSTP 335 - Johnny Vegas - The Face of Hobnobs

    • July 7, 2021

    Richard is the proud owner of an exercise machine and also tries out crowd work for the first time in over a year. What can possibly go wrong? His guest was held up on the motorway, but he's here now, it's Taskmaster loser, Johnny Vegas. They chat about Johnny's unexpected move into glamping, the famous gibbons of Malta, why you don't ask Vegas to advertise shampoo, whether success damages the Vegas brand, why his mum preferred biscuits to stand up and returning to the stage after a break and working how much Johnny and how much Michael to put into it. Plus bridges! What are they all about?

  • S21E11 RHLSTP 336 - John Robins - Watching Brian May Have Sex

    • July 14, 2021

    Richard has had his audience analysed and you won't believe how many of them come from the Vatican City. No matter. His guest costs £43.50 on Cameo and is called John Robins. They chat about their chances of making money in the boxing ring, appearing in a comic, being unnecessarily informed about the bad response to your material from a comedy herol, the lights going out in a dying cat's eyes, apples versus conkers, creating your own pub and coming back to stand up (or not) after lockdown. Plus an all important rowing machine report and how Richard plans to make cancer regret ever tangling with him.

  • S21E12 RHLSTP 337 - David Baddiel - Thirty Years of Thirty Years of Hurt

    • July 21, 2021

    Richard has somehow managed to not damage his son during a week of solo parenting, but only just, but he's had an experience that sums up the British holiday experience. His guest will reveal which animal he would prefer to have a conversation with, it's David Baddiel. They talk about failing to get your expenses back from your comedy heroes, why Richard Herring is the funniest person that could lose a nut, whether it's time for a follow up to Three Lions, nostalgia comedy, dealing with trolls - the short game and the long game and Googling zipper accidents

  • S21E13 RHLSTP 338 - Isy Suttie - Papier Mache Penguin

    • July 28, 2021

    Richard's phone is trying to make his life a lot more interesting and Richard is concerned about his stinky sweat, but luckily his guest, Isy Suttie, is socially distanced and safe. They talk about her fabulous podcast The Things We Do For Love and the crazy stuff we all do to try and get people to love us and to stop them not loving us any more, how Isy can get people to open up, even if they are giving her a smear test, throwing coins at Jason Orange, being naughty in parks and Isy's wonderful new novel Jane is Trying Plus having a face made for Wallace and Gromit, vague net worths and why Isy won't be sharing a car with Jimmy Carr.

  • S21E14 RHLSTP 339 - No Such Thing As A Fish - I Don't Want To Go Back To Clown School

    • August 4, 2021

    Richard's daughter has proven that she is definitely funnier than him, but he's cool with that. His guests are too. They are Andrew, Anna, Dan and James from No Such Thing As a Fish. They've come armed with some wince inducing mono testicle facts to help ease Rich into his new reality, but also discuss Aphanatasia, the time to penis spreadsheet, staging burglaries, Alan Alda, Anneka Rice's head, Margaret Atwood's mechanical arm and too many other weird and wonderful facts to mention here.

  • S21E15 RHLSTP 340 - Robin Askwith - Oxo Mum Meets Han Solo

    • August 11, 2021

    Richard is wondering about the photo that will accompany his obituary, but not in a morbid way - he's a lot fitter than he started this run at the Clapham Grand. His guest the incredibly youthful Robin Askwith. They chat about working with giant gorillas, Oliver Reed in a fishtank, imaginative schoolboy pranks, getting shagger's block on the Confessions films, the positive impact of a childhood illness and how in another time Robin might have been a stand up (and how he's making up for lost time).

  • S21E16 RHLSTP 341 - James Acaster & Ed Gamble - Bobby Davro's Notebook

    • August 18, 2021

    Richard has been playing I Spy with a 3 year old, and also reveals the cover of his new book, Would You Rather? His guests are the disrespectful young imps from the Off Menu podcast (after Richard was so well behaved on theirs) Ed Gamble and James Acaster. They discuss how many people believed Richard was a competition winner on their podcast - and how the pair have fared with some genuine competition winning guests, Richard's constructive criticism of Off Menu, how Dan Akroyd turned out to be the Brian Blessed of OM, how brilliant a contestant Richard was on Taskmaster and how Champion of Champions is progressing, plus performing comedy on a cruise ship, what Ed's new advertising slogan means and who would be the funniest person to lose a partner to.

  • S21E17 RHLSTP 342 - Jay Rayner - Hand Carved Penis

    • August 25, 2021

    Richard is finally in a Norwich for a gig rescheduled several times due to Covid and he has a story about his son's attempts to build on his laughs before possibly going too far, the sky potato doesn't fall far from the tree. His guest is food critic and musician, Jay Rayner. They talk about having a better beard than the Archbishop of Canterbury, whether being a restaurant critic is proper journalism, how restaurants respond to having a critic visit them, expensive suits vs expensive meals, what it's like seeing your mum on Spitting Image, the Norwich severed hand kidney pearls, ceramic hip joints, the demise of Rod Hull, whether we should feel sorry for people who went to public school and whether jazz is worthwhile and how the critic deals with criticism. And what will the restaurant critic make of the ham hand?

  • S21E18 RHLSTP 343- Matthew Holness - Sit Down Wees

    • September 1, 2021

    Richard is back in Norwich and has an idea for a new Olympic discipline and gets paid big bucks to finally slag off someone's uncle.. His guest is comedian and horror film maker, Matthew Holness. They discuss whether he is the lost boy of comedy, if growing up in the same town as a horror legend led to his obsession with darkness, the hidden dangers of public information films of the 70s, remembering theme tunes, but not the series, directing a method actor, whether our lives are actually Hell, Jimmy Carr's remarkable memory, the decision to step away from comedy, making the cult hit Garth Marenghi, the amazing cast of Bruiser and being the IT guy on the Office. Plus Sutton Hoo, Pete Townshend lookalikes, another outing for the reverse Peter Kay, impression and beautiful singing. And why would anyone choose to live in Norwich?

Season 22

  • S22E01 RHLSTP 344 - Stevie Martin and Tessa Coates - Send in the Clones

    • September 8, 2021

    It's season 22 melon-farmers and we're back at the Leicester Square Theatre where we belong and Rich has had no sleep and may not be his son's real (or at least only) father. His guests are the hosts of the fabulous Nobody Panic podcast (and soon to be a book) Tessa Coates and Stevie Martin. They talk about meeting someone in the flesh for the first time after a year of working together, dishwasher etiquette, one night stands, the ethics of having sex with your consenting self, homophobic dolphins, the multi-tasking required to be a modern day comedian, the excitement of developing a project in the US, past lives, unused driving gloves and much more.

  • S22E02 RHLSTP 345 - Barry Cryer - Bruce Forsyth's Tobacconist

    • September 15, 2021

    Richard is shedding body parts in his dreams, but making the most of the first class medical treatment that comes from having the Big C in your Big T. His guest is comedy legend and parrot joke expert Barry Cryer. Barry reminisces about the many stars he's worked with over the 60+years of his incredible career including Bob Hope, Graham Chapman, Kenny Everett and basically any big name comedian you can think of. Plus Morecambe and Wise's views on Monty Python, what it was like doing comedy in between nude tableaux, Tony Hancock's ashes, the delight of getting a birthday joke from Uncle Baz, the joy of spoonerisms and some first rate swearing from the 86 year old honorary gay man with the perfect smokescreen. Absolute class.

  • S22E03 RHLSTP 346 - Bob Mortimer - RETRACTO!

    • September 22, 2021

    After four years Richard has noticed a hubristic plaque at his local cricket pitch and is gunning for North Herts District Council - they will regret crossing him. His guest is a return of the number 1 RHLSTP guest and number 2 human being (after Michael Palin) Bob Mortimer. There's so much fun including the benefits of coiling like a snake, the mystery of the tiny sink, retractable genitalia, the magic of having your heart touched, the wisdom that comes from a brush with death, an emergency joke book, why Bob is a fish who has been put back in the water, Bob's part in Jarvis Cocker's showdown with Michael Jackson and the Hells Angel Farmer who shagged his way to making Bob a comedian. And so much more.

  • S22E04 RHLSTP 347 - The Parapod - A Bag of Sausage Rolls

    • September 29, 2021

    Richard is concerned about a doppelgänger who is out there somewhere claiming to be him (and whether it might be him) and why the fraud has such a paucity of ambition and his son has some unexpected good news. His guests are Ian and Barry from the Parapod podcast and MOVIE! They chat about how to turn a podcast into a feature film, the alternate universe where the script of a Disney film is slightly different, how foolish Barry sold a money making idea for 10p and how he met his own doppleganger in a wood and why Tenable makes Richard feel sick. Plus how to ruin your chances of being on TV. And it all ends with a huge scrotal surprise.

  • S22E05 RHLSTP 348 - David Mitchell - Vice Versa

    • October 6, 2021

    Richard has seen a middle aged man score a major triumph over two trainee baristas over the absence of a plate. His guest this week also expects crockery in coffee shops, it's David Mitchell. They discuss the cruel and ever speeding passage of time, how to revolutionise body swap comedies, obituary photos, how David turned out to be right about Upstart Crow and how Covid disrupted his first West End run, why David won't be appearing on Taskmaster and how Richard was spared embarrassment when having his balls scanned. It's got everything.

  • S22E06 RHLSTP 349 - Tim Key - timkey

    • October 13, 2021

    Richard's son is a chip off the old block, though Richard is upset that Lego has introduced things that are chips instead of blocks. His guest is University fraud Tim Key. The pair compare garments before Richard suggests a radical rebrand for the actor/comedian, teases out the story of how Tim got into the Cambridge Footlights, and how Tim's poet character developed. Plus a fascinating discussion on what it is like to work alongside your childhood comedy hero (not Richard as it turns out), how Tim physically injured Richard and his inspirational gift to make up for it, who is the fastest over long distances and whether snow is frozen water.

  • S22E07 RHLSTP 350 - Louise Wener - Docking

    • October 20, 2021

    Richard had written an actual joke and been dreaming of tiny animal attacks, plus performing music in quite an unusual way. His guest it arguably a more accomplished musician - it's the impossibly cool and talented Louise Wener. They discuss the similarities of their experiences of school and the 90s, what it's like to appear on Top of the Pops (and the impossibility of both of them getting on the show), writing your own reviews, the sexism of the music industry, stealing Blur's cheese and why being a rock star is better the second time around.

  • S22E08 RHLSTP 351 - Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish - T n T

    • October 27, 2021

    Richard's daughter has written a story to rival the Men of Phise and Rich has come up with a new sitcom idea. His guests are his 1990s comedy rivals Adam and Joe. Find out how Song Wars nearly caused awkwardness for Joe, whether the documentary voice over man will be in Attack the Block 2, whether a 1990s parody of how rubbish the internet is stands up today, boarding school bullying and comedy revenge, who was the best 1990s mainly forgotten double act and is it possible to still be friends after 40 years of knowing each other. Plus where you can see Lee and Herring nude and what part did Richard fail to get in the Sex Pistols TV series?

  • S22E09 RHLSTP 352 - Katherine Ryan - For Sport

    • November 3, 2021

    Richard has been teaching his kid wrong information, for a payoff that will take years to come and he finally has his hands on a copy of Would You Rather? His guest is inspirational comedian/podcaster/actor/author/role model Katherine Ryan. They discuss why audacity is a good thing, why we should all find our childhood sweetheart and marry them, trying to recapture the funniness of yourself as a child, being a baby genius, getting knocked back by Stephen Hawking, honesty in comedy and whether you can tell if you have long Covid when you have a baby in the house.

  • S22E10 RHLSTP 353 - Shaparak Khorsandi - It Was The 90s!

    • November 10, 2021

    Richard has been tossing logs and that's literally it for this week, so he talks to his audience for the first time in ages. His guest is author and comedian Shaparak �Shappi� Khorsandi. They discuss why she has chosen to use her birth name, the responsibilities of being a dog owner, the life of Emma Hamilton, I'm a Celebrity, performing at the Edinburgh Fringe of 2021, the moon on a stick, why Shaparak's comedy is better now that she has been diagnosed with ADHD and what happens if you don't know you are writing a book for 12 year olds.

  • S22E11 RHLSTP 354 - Dave Gorman - Rufus Arenque

    • November 17, 2021

    Richard can't stop thinking about a man he walked past 30 years ago but is somehow walking taller. His guest can answer the question �Are you Dave Gorman?� in the affirmative, as he is Dave Gorman. They talk about moving to Bournemouth being newsworthy, how to become a crossword millionaire, how Ted Rogered the cryptic crossword, whether logs are sentient, why Covid was a positive (as long as you ignore the negatives), how an Ian Dury song provided the key to Dave's stand up, the shortest lived street performance career, scary Coventry Jesus and the pair try to work out when the last time they will ever be mentioned or thought of might occur (hello people of 2521).

  • S22E12 RHLSTP 355 - Phil Wang - Mind Your Language

    • November 24, 2021

    Richard is excited by the upcoming film Wonka and has some other ideas for origin story films. His guest is the Sidesplitting Phil Wang. They discuss how straddling two cultures can give you a humorous perspective on both, but leave you feeling rejected by both, 1970s television and how harshly we should judge it, racist nursery rhymes, Richard's Asian hair, John Lewis's 150 year old gametes, what box Phil needs to tick on the ethnicity questionnaire, how to get away with pooing yourself at school and why comedians are often introverts.

  • S22E13 RHLSTP 356 - Ben Shephard - Gravity

    • December 1, 2021

    Rich has had what he thought might be the most middle class accident, but he is wrong. His guest is a listener who has won a competition to be on the show, the Dorian Grey of morning TV, Ben Shephard. They discuss how science proves Ben a better singer than a West End star, whether there's a man with a broom behind the Tipping Point machine, revenge as a dish served very cold, why Rich was fired from morning television, how Ben's charity work found him at Buckingham Palace and what Richard had to do for the same invitation, feeling up Julie Walters, plus a classic emergency question and Ben turning the tables and asking some stuff about testicles that he might not do on morning telly,

  • S22E14 RHLSTP 357 - Deborah Meaden - Shamgel

    • December 8, 2021

    Richard wonders if the man who wrote the Grange Hill theme might have been hoodwinking us all along. His guest is the formidable Dragon, Deborah Meaden. Rich is hoping he can get an investment of at least £50 million and pitches some ideas, whilst they also discuss being thrown into Murder in Successville, being parodied by Harry and Paul, ethical business, whether the Dragons are friends, where Meaden can save Cheddar caves and how Richard has become an (arguably more successful) business owner than Deborah. Plus what it's like to be a child prodigy who turns their back on their skill, what Rich missed out on at Butlins Minehead and why a Dragon should never back time travel.

  • S22E15 RHLSTP 358 - Emma Dabiri - Irish Unicorn

    • December 15, 2021

    Richard has an idea that will revolutionise football and is having to explain to his daughter why history killed all the famous women. His guest is academic and broadcaster Emma Dabiri. They talk about growing up as almost the only black person in Ireland, why white people don't like being told what to do next, Richard's �All Lives Matter� conundrum, what's happened to the ugly TV academics, how whiteness and blackness are a relatively modern invention, why we need to destroy capitalism and Emma answers some of Phoebe Herring's Would You Rather questions.

  • S22E16 RHLSTP 359 - Miriam Margolyes - A Face For All Occasions

    • December 22, 2021

    Richard is in giddy mood as he meets a member of the audience. His guest is living legend and national treasure Miriam Margolyes. They discuss Arnold Schwarzenegger's farting revenge, King Edward VII's weighing chair, the sexism of the boys in the Cambridge Footlights, how Miriam's father's life was spared by a diamond, an unusual approach to dealing with a sex pest, some strong opinions about the current government, making a soft porn tape, appearing in a Beckett play despite not liking it, starring in an American sitcom and why a lesbian ended up giving so many blow jobs. It's a stone cold classic RHLSTP from one of our greatest actors. You will love it.

  • S22E17 RHLSTP 360 - Margaret Cabourn-Smith - Monkey Paw

    • December 29, 2021

    Richard has been having car trouble and is worried that his son might have been damaged on his watch. His guest is the actor and podcaster Margaret Cabourn-Smith. They discuss the time they appeared in a long short film together, the glamour of working for Disney, the terrible foot secret of Dan Tetsell, whether you should risk putting your children into show business, the dynamics of the double acts and the lottery of TV commissions, the power of the crush (check out Margaret's new podcast) , working with Dawn French and Rich once again forgets to google King Stephen before a show.

  • S22E18 RHLSTP 361 - Chris Lynam - Hair Length Apartheid

    • January 5, 2022

    It's a New Year (for you, though Richard is just pretending) and Rich looks back on his weird and unsettling 2021, but definitely sees the positives in it all. Will this year be better than the last one or will the years just continue top get worse and worse until we all die? His guest is the king of the clowns and circuit legend, Chris Lynam, who you might know from his firework up the bum routine, but who has a whole lot more to him than that. They chat about what Chris remembers of the early alternative comedy scene, working with Ken Campbell, Malcolm Hardee overestimating how easy it is to light fireworks in your buttocks, what destroyed the spirit of alternative comedy, who destroyed the rainforest of Zimbabwe and how Chris nearly became impaled on a bed of nails. Plus the times that his perilous appearing act actually spilled over into real danger, the heart and soul of the clown and how Chris has managed to maintain the same level of madness without turning any more mad.

  • S22E19 RHLSTP 362 - Peter Baynham - You Start Monday!

    • January 12, 2022

    Wow, what's this, a remote RHLSTP whilst we're still allowed (at the time of recording) to go outside. We're filling a little gap in our schedule with some remote pods, this one from the 6th January at 11am LA time with too gorgeous comedy behemoth Peter Baynham. The old flatmates discuss bad chat up lines, the freedom of podcasting, the brilliant Brain Cigar, why it's probably a good thing that Richard didn't work on Ron's Gone Wrong, where Peter was when Rudi G was undoing his pants, the Sliding Doors moments that made Peter's career and saved Rich's children's lives and what might have been if Peter hadn't stolen some photocopier paper in the early 90s and where Fist of Fun might go next.

  • S22E20 RHLSTP 363 - Laura Lexx - What Women Want!

    • January 19, 2022

    Richard has got Covid 19 - always late to the party - but nothing can stop him podcasting and so this remote recording carries on regardless (with social distancing of 100 miles, which the NHS has determined is fairly safe). His guest is comedian and author Laura Lexx. They discuss the genesis of her hilarious new book, Klopp Actually (Buy here-, how lockdown prompted creative ways of working, whether Somerset should change its name, Perkin Warbeck, appearing in Panto and the worst thing to have in your mouth. Will this be the last RHLSTP ever? And who will host the show if it is. It's all sorted out in the podcast and so this should be considered a last will and testament.

  • S22E21 RHLSTP 364 - Laura Jean Marsh - Naked in Brixton

    • January 26, 2022

    Richard is still isolating, and has had to reluctantly welcome a new son-in-law into his life. His guest is actor, director and musician Laura Jean Marsh. They chat about leaving home at 16 to be in a band, how Laura Jean's experiences in the music scene inspired her to write, direct and star in the feature film, Giddy Stratospheres, how she persuaded Richard to take a part in the movie, how the Hell you get something like this off the ground during lockdown and how taking a punt can lead to all kinds of opportunities. Plus is it too soon to be nostalgic about 2007 and a horrifying emergency question about back lips and some stuff about Scooby Doo. An inspiring chat for anyone who hopes to get a creative project off the ground. You can watch Giddy Stratospheres for free on Amazon Prime (if you are an Amazon Prime member) or rent from all the usual places.

  • S22E22 RHLSTP 365 - Grainne Maguire - Apology to Kris Marshall

    • February 2, 2022

    In another Covid hit remote show, Richard is wondering if Boris Johnson will still be PM by the time this podcast is released (of course he will) and worried about new developments in his daughter’s new relationship. His guest is the actually not political comedian and writer Grainne Maguire. They talk about Grainne’s very entertaining new podcast, The Way They Were, the power of discussing your worst moments, doing stand up for Gerry Adams, terrible things to say on a first date, trying to give a motivational speech to public school kids, a ghostly hangover cure, meeting Seth Meyers and why Grainne tweeted her menstrual cycle to Enda Kenny.

  • S22E23 RHLSTP 366 - David Cross - I Have a Dream

    • February 9, 2022

    Richard has some bad news about Scooby Doo, but some good news about Emergency Questions getting mixed up with Scottish seamen. It’s another TransAtlantic remote podcast, with a return from thoughtful comedy genius David Cross. They chat about poor political predictions, the pain of 18 months away from stand up, David’s new special “I’m From The Future”, the rapid return to health of Bob Odenkirk, getting owl talon marks on your head, whether it’s funny when anti-vaxxers die of Covid and not wanting to repeat the mistakes of your father. A fascinating chat, going into some serious depth about the mindset of a comedian.

  • S22E24 RHLSTP 367 - Ahir Shah - Piss Drip Trays

    • February 16, 2022

    Richard is back live at the Phoenix and has become a bit obsessed with the comedy writers who created the Tory party's worst comedy character - his guest is a man who doesn't eat enough vitamin C, Ahir Shah. They discuss topical issues that may be out of date when this podcast airs, where the Corona virus might have originated, making comedy out of the lockdown experience, the poshest hotel in Swansea, the wonder of sperm.

  • S22E25 RHLSTP 368 - Mark Watson - Cottage Pie Hair

    • February 23, 2022

    Richard is back at the Phoenix and wondering how future robots will judge him for the way he thinks about the robots of today. His guest is my dear Mark Watson. They discuss forgetting about working with Peter Andre, how judging yourself by the achievements of your contemporaries is maybe not the healthiest way to behave, what it's like to be let go by your management, whether death is necessary to make life worthwhile, whether it would be cool to be cryogenically frozen, what you would do if you were a billionaire, what it would be like to be so successful that all your TV ideas got made and how technology brings us closer together and isn't all bad.

  • S22E26 RHLSTP 369 - Jon Culshaw - Les Dawson Gladiator

    • March 2, 2022

    Richard is in Bristol at the Slapstick Festival and starts by paying tribute to a fallen comedy hero (and the third guest to fall to the curse of RHLSTP). His guest is actor, impressionist and astronomer Jon Culshaw. They discuss Queen Victoria's everlasting fire, how a receptionist set Jon on course to his comedy career, getting through to Tony Blair on a prank call, chasing solar eclipses, portraying David Bowie in a serious drama, whether it's ever possible to get to know the person behind the impressions, Bill Dare's bottom, playing a Thunderbird, the joy of Tom Baker and what it's like to interview someone when you are being them (and why that has to become a podcast). Plus the remarkable skill required to become an impressionist of Culshaw's standard.

  • S22E27 RHLSTP 370 - Joz Norris - Melting Caterpillars

    • March 9, 2022

    Richard has headed to Leicester, the home of his enemies, but is here with the offer of an exchange, plus he has a scheme to get infinite free paper. His guest is cuckoo clock reviewer Joz Norris. They discuss acceptable name abbreviations, Mr Fruit Salad, what would happen if everyone in the world blinked at the same time, unusual lockdown flatmates, the unpredictable genius of Ed Aczel, what you would do if you could pupate, ball scanning modesty screens and how Joz's name might live forever.

  • S22E28 RHLSTP 371 - Rebecca Wheatley - Full Body Plaster Cast

    • March 16, 2022

    Richard is back at the Y Theatre in Leicester and you won't believe what experts in the Leicester Mercury have discovered. His guest is actor and singer, Rebecca Wheatley. They chat about Menopause the Musical 2, why it's great to talk about women's issues and why an audience of women are like chickens, why Charlie from Casualty looks over people's shoulders, being blown up by Al Murray, a visit from beyond the grave and the magic of panto

Season 23

  • S23E01 RHLSTP 372 - Paul Chuckle - Arthur Askey's Chair

    • March 23, 2022

    Richard is wondering if comedians might be the solution to all the world's problems (they won't be), but delighted to be back at the Leicester Square Theatre for the start of Season 23 of this amazing podcast. His guest is legendary comedian and DJ Paul Chuckle. They chat about Paul's incredible 59 year career, from working mens' clubs and routines with Charlie Cairoli, through talent shows and learning the craft to the big break with Chuckle Vision. What injuries did the boys have to endure for comedy? What was it like to be so recognisable? How did the distinctive Chuckle look develop? And how did they come up with the iconic To Me, To You. Plus working with Tinchy Strider and moving into DJing. Paul talks movingly about losing his brother/partner and best friend and why he needed to carry on working. And finally the truth about his moped accident.

  • S23E02 RHLSTP 373 - Janina Ramirez - The End of History

    • March 30, 2022

    Richard has more terrifying news about butterflies and his son's attempts to follow in his footsteps. His guest is the only person who can follow Paul Chuckle, historian and broadcaster Dr Janina Ramirez. They talk about (hopefully) living through a major historical event, the incredible range of inspirational Goddesses, how we're able to discover more about the history of regular people (and women) by shifting traditional focus, what it's like to handle (and drop) incredible historical artefacts, the slice of luck that preserved the Sutton Hoo treasure, how to escape a crocodile and exciting news about Nina's next project. Plus finally someone who is in a position to properly answer the Stephen King/King Stephen question.

  • S23E03 RHLSTP 374 - Charley Boorman - I Sure Love Motorcycling

    • April 6, 2022

    Richard has nearly killed someone in his audience and has finally found a good reason for having kids. He's also potentially about to destroy the universe as his guest is Herring doppelganger (even down to the number of testicles) Charley Boorman. He talks about what he got paid for appearing in Deliverance, hanging out with movie stars (past and future) as a kid, thanks to his amazing film director dad, giving Lee Marvin a lift, how planned family trip to Europe turned into the Long Way Round, how no one recognised Ewan McGregor on the set of Star Wars and the extraordinary story of how Charley got back on his bike after smashing himself to bits. Twice.

  • S23E04 RHLSTP 375 - Terry Christian - Coolio Versus Mini Me

    • April 13, 2022

    Richard is furious about the new incarnation of Big Cook Little Cook and is going to be schooled in farts by his audience. His guest is Stewart Lee lookalike and broadcaster Terry Christian. They chat about the professionalism of June Whitfield, being at the centre of the emerging Madchester music scene, the incredible success of the Word, but the disconnect between the posh production team and the working class Christian, arguing with Piers Morgan, an incredible argument in the Big Brother House, stand up comedy as therapy and the tensions around working with Mark Lamarr.

  • S23E05 RHLSTP 376 - Maria Bamford - Barking at the Plumber

    • April 20, 2022

    Hey everyone, it's a surprise transatlantic RHLSTP with one of the greatest stand-ups in the world, and more importantly one of the greatest people, Maria Bamford. They chat about living without hot water, comedy merch, trying out challenging material to James Corden's audience, why it's OK to do (trigger warning) comedy about mental illness and suicidal thoughts (do contact the Samaritans or your local help lines if this is an issue that affects you), how to create a stand up special, why we need mediocrity in comedy, working with Judd Apatow and more excitingly the Storybots and why we'd be better off as kangaroos.

  • S23E06 RHLSTP 377 - Jamie Demetriou - Piss Canal

    • April 27, 2022

    Richard's son has come up with a brilliant new emergency question (and is thus finally helping to pay for his upkeep), though is it worth it for the Hell of attending a three hour kids' party? Richard's guest is fabulous writer/actor/comedian Jamie Demetriou. They talk about how many holes are in a ghost's sheet, the genesis of Stath Lets Flats and why the casting was crucial to its success, working with a sibling, the inconvenience of having a bladder, what it's like having all your clothes stolen and how it's hard to write about North London when you're lockdown alone in LA.

  • S23E07 RHLSTP 378 - Samira Ahmed - Test Card Girl

    • May 4, 2022

    Rich has freaked himself out by attempting to cure the aphantasia (that he suffers with in silence). His guest is John Craven sanctioned Newshound Samira Ahmed. They discuss the legacy of Mary Whitehouse and whether it's OK to point out the positive things that someone with some unacceptable views has done, the bravery of taking your employer to court in order to secure equal pay, whether appearing on Mastermind is more scary than being in a war zone, the young Richard Herring's clumsy attempts at seduction, your mother being prouder of a puppet you than the real you, interviewing Sooty, being at the trail of Madonna's stalker, whether Chrissie Hynde is terrifying or not and what happens when a young reporter can't find the radio van.

  • S23E08 RHLSTP 379 - Armando Iannucci - M&M Apocalypse

    • May 11, 2022

    Richard's son continues to come up with better material than his dad, without even trying. His guest is the unparalleled comedy genius Armando Iannucci. They chat about how Armando once again predicted the future with his hilarious new sitcom Avenue 5, the lows and deeper lows of lockdown, what inspired him to write the mock-heroic poem, Pandemonium, whether he'd make a good PM, why Richard is upset about the casting of David Copperfield, the smell of an angel's fart, the precipice the world finds itself on the edge of and whether there is any hope for us and the most astonishing story of what a supporting actor chose to say to Armando on the set of Veep (which is the highlight of the series so far).

  • S23E09 RHLSTP 380 - Rosie Holt - Hinge Cringe

    • May 18, 2022

    Richard has visited Paddington's house and avoided using the toothbrushes, but is more excited about one of Paddington's neighbours. His guest is online sensation Rosie Holt. They discuss why Rosie moved from acting to comedy, how her videos went viral, whether it's good or bad that people (both stupid and clever) fail to spot that they are a joke, why subtlety is required to mock today's unsatirisable politicians, an unsettling experience with a dating app, what motivates men to send unsolicited dick pics and why is that not illegal? Plus are the posh unfairly maligned and how easy is it to play a trombone. Less flower arranging tips that I'd hoped for.

  • S23E10 RHLSTP 381 - Deborah Frances White - Ayahuasca

    • May 25, 2022

    Richard has a momentous father/son experience and has been made to think about the brevity of life thanks to a charity shop window. His guest is the extraordinary Deborah Frances-White. They talk about whether Dracula was ever young, but the podcast is mainly about the major decisions Deborah had made in her personal life and the way she has chosen to deal with the traumas of her past. She talks about what having an open marriage means for her and how she has reset her brain with the help of a Peruvian shaman. This might not be the way forward for everyone, but she talks openly and honestly about her spiritual experiences. Plus there's an impromptu charity auction. Sex and drugs and RHLSTP mugs.

  • S23E11 RHLSTP 382 - Ardal O'Hanlon - Aer Lingus Babies

    • June 1, 2022

    Richard has a bee in his bonnet about crescent toilet seats, but at least his photo has been in the Daily Express. His guest is actor, comedian and author Ardal O'Hanlon. They talk about how Father Dougal got free shoes, how much research Ardal did into the priesthood, annoying Morgan Freeman, why Ardal left the dream job of Death in Paradise, playing a cat trapped on the motorway in Doctor Who and why it pays to be nice to the person on the airline check in desk. They also chat about his brilliant new novel Brouhaha and why Ardal wants to try everything before he dies!

  • S23E12 RHLSTP 383 - Freya Parker and Celeste Dring aka Lazy Susan - Lebensmüde

    • June 8, 2022

    Richard has been freaked out about eating fish whilst being watched by fish. His guests are Freya Parker and Celeste Dring aka Lazy Susan. They chat about the torpor of playing a 12 year old, the difficulty of coming up with a name for a sketch group, why sketch comedy is so poorly served on TV, confronting your male critics head on, appearing in Jurassic World, unsettling Peter Dinklage, licking James Acaster and what it's like sharing a room with your double act partner.

  • S23E13 RHLSTP 384 - Amy Gledhill - Rolf Harris Tattoo

    • June 15, 2022

    Alleluia Alleluia, He is Risen! It's Easter Monday and Rich has been schooled in Christian traditions by his kids. His guest is the best Edinburgh Comedy Prize by at least one metric, Amy Gledhill. It's an old-school, crazy fun loose chat with a comedian and it's giddy fun all the way, encompassing what is the best crisp to send you into a coma, podcast listening speeds, why Richard will never advertise Pringles, some strong and maybe shocking opinions about Soleros, ice cream spoons, what happens when your double act partner persuades you to be the one to dress as a sausage, artistic toilets, and an extraordinary answer to the tallest building in your home town emergency question. Plus how Richard's work is studied at Universities.

  • S23E14 RHLSTP 385 - Dara O’Briain - Do Not Listen On 2x Speed

    • June 22, 2022

    Richard is disappointed about his daughter's Easter egg, because it's still Easter where we are, in the past and has an ultimatum for Ian Cadbury. His guest returns after just 9 years away. It's the extremely fast-talking whirlwind of a man, Dara O Briain. Chat includes the Irish James Bond, how Stephen Hawking ruined Terminator, the likelihood of Richard speaking fluent Spanish for the rest of his life and the impact of that on the theories of Infinite Universes, sending robots into space (and what happens the night before they go), depriving a comedian of an audience for two years, why Richard will never present Going for Gold and what he'd insist upon if he was at the helm of Blockbusters and to be honest such a depth and pace of comedy that you are going to need to listen on half speed to catch it all.

  • S23E15 RHLSTP 386 - Alan Davies - Thirty-Eighth Choice

    • June 29, 2022

    As the latest run at the Leicester Square Theatre comes to an end Richard is impressed with Adrian Chiles' bathroom choices. His guest is comedian and actor Alan Davies. They chat about avocado bidets, being called a S****bubble by Liam Gallagher, setting off Neil Kinnock's burglar alarm, spending a huge amount of money on a chair you might see in an estate agents, how he managed to get the Jonathan Creek gig in spite of intense competition and why he nearly left QI. They also discuss Alan's heart-breaking but brilliantly written memoir about the loss of his mother and the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father as a child.

  • S23E16 RHLSTP 387 - Dick and Dom - Treading in Bovine After Birth

    • July 6, 2022

    We're back at the Phoenix in front of an audience who are also about to witness the first ever live Twitch of Fun (and are thus just as strange as you'd expect). Rich has played an amazing prank on his wife and tells you all about it. His guests are Richard McCourt and Dominic Wood aka Dick and Dom. They discuss how the pair met and the genesis of their Da Bungalow show, how they are haunted by Bogies, the steam roller delights of working with Brian Blessed, why Dom got expelled from the Magic Circle, what happens to Dick when he falls asleep, rivalry with Ant and Dec and whether you ever get too old to be childish. Stay tuned to the very end to discover which building Dom would like to burn down.

  • S23E17 RHLSTP 388 - Bilal Zafar - Just Dust

    • July 13, 2022

    Richard's 7 year old has been ripping him a new one, but at least he's back in the big time�. His guest is Twitch sensation and brilliant stand up Bilal Zafar. They chat about creating content online and how improv is not the preserve of the posh, what happened when Bilal pretended to be a cake shop that only served Muslims, the balance between ambition and creativity, the pressure of Edinburgh and Richard proposes a fantastic West End Musical which is sure to be a huge hit.

  • S23E18 RHLSTP 389 - Seann Walsh - Kiss

    • July 20, 2022

    Richard is mourning the loss of his best friend, but he has to carry on working through his grief. His guest is Strictly love rat, Seann Walsh. They discuss his incredible new stand up special and whether people overreacted to his admittedly selfish behaviour and why people are so keen to judge and don't seem to care if they will be judged themselves. It's a powerful conversation about the consequences of his self-defeating actions and a story that sounds like a Biblical morality tale, but which shows how it is possible to come back from the pits of despair. Seann talks about why he gave up drinking and the positives of his experience, why Michael McIntyre is the greatest of comedians and creating a short film on a train journey home from a bad gig and Rich explains his biggest social media storms have come from the times he's tries to be nice. Let he who is without sin. I'm not saying I'm Jesus, that is for others to say.

  • S23E19 RHLSTP 390 - Kunt (Kunt and the Gang) - Paperboy

    • July 27, 2022

    Richard can finally reveal the greatest achievement of his (or anyone else's) life and had decided to think about making a change to his attitude to the job. His guest is the mysterious, crude, offensive and hilarious Kunt from off of Kunt and the Gang. They chat about how this incredible act gained traction, why he retired in 2016 and what brought him back, the inspiration for his comeback and how subversive and satirical his childish work has become, whether he could or should be cancelled, whether joking about something is as bad as doing it, whether comedy is a valid response to tragedy and horror, why he's a vegetarian and is he more sensitive and right on that he might at first appear. It's am hilarious and fascinating conversation, but goes into areas that some may find inappropriate or offensive, but there's a clue in the name. So skip this one if you think you might be one of those people.

  • S23E20 RHLSTP 391 - Meryl O Rourke - Where Did We Get Our Porn?

    • August 3, 2022

    Richard has surprisingly found himself being bigged up by a Ukrainian MP for his humanitarian efforts, which is very exciting. His guest is circuit veteran, ex-celeb stalker and writer Meryl O'Rourke. They talk about the comedy scene of the 90s, writing for Frankie Boyle, waiting for your break, scaring Stephen Fry, why it'd be nice to have a Tinder for friends, finding humour in the family traumas of the Holocaust and confronting your abuser, how much the world of sex has moved on since the 20th Century and whether her best comedy years are still to come.

  • S23E21 RHLSTP 392 - Daliso Chaponda - Pegged

    • August 5, 2022

    RHLSTP has travelled to Yorkshire to be part of the Deershed festival and is taking place at the unGodly hour of 11.10pm, but at least it's Gareth's birthday. Richard's guest is Malawian comic and bronze medal winner of Britain's Got Talent, Daliso Chaponda. They discuss the weirdness of performing at festivals, what it's like to play a Royal Variety show with no audience, believing in everything, which is the best angel, dinosaur fellatio and the inexplicably different experiences Daliso and Richard have had with the police. Plus they address the rumours about a certain eminent personage (not that one) and a sexual technique that Richard had to google before the show, but which the mum on the front row definitely didn't want discussed in front of her kids. Some classic EQs and audience requests.

Season 24

  • S24E01 RHLSTP 393 - Harriet Dyer - Vibrator Kettle Mum

    • August 8, 2022

    The King of Edinburgh is back for his 26th Fringe and another dirty dozen shows at the Edinburgh Fringe. His first guest is bipolar comedian and nearly Big Brother contestant Harriet Dyer. They talk about her fantastic autobiography Bipolar Comedian, turning terrible events into comedy and channelling mental illness into something positive, poisoning a contestant on a TV dating show, a coat full of farts, becoming Richard Herring and how the other Harriet Dyers have impacted on Harriet Dyers life.

  • S24E02 RHLSTP 394 - Kiri Pritchard-McLean and Rachel Fairburn aka All Killa No Filla - What's The F****** Point

    • August 10, 2022

    Richard's children are being exposed to the artistic posters of the Fringe, whilst Rich is wondering why anyone is bothering (already). His guests are Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean. They chat about how podcasts are rubbish now everyone is doing them, dodgy tummies, Gollum's suit case, whether you can eat a rescue chicken and whether the working class have more challenges to face when it comes to stand up.

  • S24E03 RHLSTP 395 - Conrad Koch - Koch and Ball

    • August 12, 2022

    Richard is still trying to come to terms with the fact his first Fringe happened 35 years ago, as well as how much his landlord is making from the show. Never mind - his guest(s) today are Conrad Koch and his little friend Chester Missing. They talk about what makes a normal human being turn to ventriloquism, how a puppet can be the best medium to discuss huge political issues (or they can be a carrot that fails to do double entendres properly), how Chester because a huge hit in South Africa and why politicians want to be interviewed by him, plus the revelation that the end of Apartheid was not the end of racism and why racism is white people's problem. Richard decides to show Conrad how to do ventriloquism properly and so there's an appearance from a certain cancerous bollock. Who is the best ventriloquist? See if you can decide via an audio only medium.

  • S24E04 RHLSTP 396 - Vir Das - Dubbed

    • August 15, 2022

    Richard has seen a piece or theatre that has made him question everything, but also a fantastic stand up show by today's guest Vir Das. They chat about how a passionate speech at the Kennedy Centre led to Vir being in danger of arrest in his native India, how the world is split between those looking to the future and those wanting to stay in the past, the difference between patriotism and nationalism, how terrible events are great news for comedians, ghostly experiences, working with Judd Apatow and how Vir got the attention of Bollywood film producers. A really stonking episode with a world class comedian and film star (sadly both Vir). Don't miss it.

  • S24E05 RHLSTP 397 - Janey Godley - Stump

    • August 17, 2022

    Richard has been to the Museum of Scotland and knows which exhibit he'd like to be gifted. He's also bemoaning how left wing the Fringe has become. His guest is the indestructible force of nature that is Janey Godley. They discuss their somewhat different experiences of cancer and chemotherapy, how having cancer doesn't make you brave, writing a love letter to the 1970s women of Glasgow, how to cheat your electricity meter, how Janey got cancelled before getting cancer and whether we should forgive people their trespasses if they are repentant. Plus whether Scotland should become independent and why Tories wear red trousers

  • S24E06 RHLSTP 398 - Flo and Joan - Alien Hole

    • August 19, 2022

    Richard is still obsessing over the Cat in the Hat, though his greatest moment of theatre happened in bed. His guests are the singing spinsters, Flo and Joan aka Nicola and Rosie Dempsey. They talk about whether musical comedy can ever be cool, the perils of dating apps, who will be the first person to have sex with an alien, being made of stone, whether sex with a robot is cheating, the tensions of a double act and how to tackle serious subjects with comedy songs. Plus the Royal Variety performance and whether Richard will ever take part (he won't)

  • S24E07 RHLSTP 399 - John Robins - No Knees

    • August 22, 2022

    Richard has a son who has gone over to the dark side, but is delighted to welcome back the wonderful John Robins for his 7th RHLSTP appearance. They talk about a headphone heist, how you have to want to act in order to act, the dangers of a Fringe that is ever more expensive and ticket prices that have hardly changed, whether a long term relationship is a success or a failure, the secret of double act longevity, a potential name for a new Robins' tour and no emergency questions!

  • S24E08 RHLSTP 400 - Janeane Garofalo - The Spark That Lit the Big Bang

    • August 24, 2022

    RHLSTP has hit an important milestone, but what number exactly and why is Scotland so hot right now? Richard's guest is legendary stand up and actor, Janeane Garofolo. They talk about the tangential nature of Janeane's comedy, being mistaken for a homeless person, why she doesn't have a podcast (or any social media), working with Gary Shandling and giving it up for Saturday Night Live, getting typecast, regretting early stand up and why it's hard to work with executives. It's a fascinating chat about a long and varied career that included parts in the Sopranos, West Wing, Seinfeld, 24 and coming to terms with the changes in fortune and why stand up remains the most important thing.

  • S24E09 RHLSTP 401 - Ed Gamble - Pompeii Sixty-Nine

    • August 26, 2022

    Richard has a problem with a couple of Edinburgh posters (though one of them is for a restaurant) and has been mainly watching Monty Python. His guest is Taskmaster loser (though I'd be surprised if that's even mentioned) Ed Gamble. They discuss how they would have got on with life 1000 years ago, sending Greg Davies into space, whether emergency questions are good for dating apps, how easy it is to hunt James Acaster, getting the Pointless gig, love in an abattoir and Rich does an audition for Mock the Week. Plus why all music is rubbish and Rich tries and fails to boost his feminist credentials by talking cock.

  • S24E10 RHLSTP 402 - Tim Key - Magic Flute

    • August 29, 2022

    Richard has just watched the equivalent of Shakespeare performing Hamlet, and now has plans to make a cartoon with his latest guest timkey. They perform a play, recite poetry and there's some asexual tension and hand holding throughout, plus what it's like to watch a quiz show where no one knows who you are, winning the big Edinburgh Comedy Prize, writing a poem a day to get through lockdown, acting alongside Daisy May Cooper, counting the cocks on the Bayeaux Tapestry and slamming together unsuitable films. Would Parkinson have asked the questions that Richard asks? Maybe he should have.

  • S24E11 RHLSTP 403 - Sanjeev Kohli - Testosterone

    • August 31, 2022

    Richard has been to see his best friends in Edinburgh again and disappointed that any problems he has can't be blamed on anyone but himself. His guest is actor and writer Sanjeev Kohli. They talk about how Scotland welcomed his family, why he went to University in the city he grew up, how he got distracted from the wonderful world of mathematics, stalking Prince, the worldwide success of Still Game, being Hugh Laurie's husband (in Avenue 5) and trying to joke with John C Reilly. Plus the power of the pun and the difficulty of explaining why that are funny!

  • S24E12 RHLSTP 404 - Omid Djalili - Colin Firth Lap Dance

    • September 7, 2022

    It's Richard's last day at the Fringe and controversy over a cancelled show (not this one) is just taking off. Richard is chatting to comedian and movie star, Omid Djalili. They discuss the films that he got cut out of, how he got cast in The Mummy, some surprises from the set of Sex and the City 2, the late, great Sean Lock, performing for the Queen and the role comedy plays in helping us move forwards. A great end to a fab run at the Assembly Rooms and Richard's last ever Fringe show (perhaps)

  • S24E13 RHLSTP 405 - Doug Stanhope - The Black Hands of Doom

    • September 12, 2022

    It's a bonus episode to end series 24 with the world class stand up Doug Stanhope, recorded over zoom from Dublin just an hour or so after Doug arrived on a TransAtlantic flight for his UK tour where people are about to lose their minds due to the death of our beloved monarch. They chat about authenticity in comedy, the self-destructive nature of Doug's lifestyle and how things are changing with age, performing drunk, whether cancellation is a smart career move, making your audience apply to come to gigs and Nicholas Witchell. Plus fans of urine will be glad to find out that you can hear Doug do a wee in this one.

Season 25

  • S25E01 RHLSTP 406 - Reece Shearsmith - Rolf Harris' Creepy Toes

    • September 14, 2022

    Richard is back for a 25th series, but unfortunately pretty much nothing has happened in the news so there's nothing for him to talk about. His guest last appeared on the show almost exactly a decade ago, it's the comedy genius Reece Shearsmith. They chat about his excellent new film See How They Run and working with the starry cast, why he's not really open to public suggestions for Inside Number Nine locations, the League of Gentleman's journey from the Canal Cafe to the stage at the O2, owning a piece of the Wicker Man and meeting the man from inside the Wicker Man and how Bernie Clifton responded to Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room

  • S25E02 RHLSTP 407 - Eleanor Morton - Teleporno

    • September 21, 2022

    Rich has some big questions to ask about a hymn that seemingly most people in his audience don't remember, so maybe he won't do an hour long comedy show about it then. His guest is internet sensation and fab stand up Eleanor Morton. They talk about Leonardo da Vinci's hate mail, the surprise appearance of Pan in Wind in the Willows, the difficulties of getting a pirate sitcom off the ground (or on to the waves), the stinking bins of the Edinburgh Fringe, why crippling social anxiety doesn't stop comedians getting on stage and why the pandemic was the best thing that could happen (for some people, not everyone apparently) and how there are no mentally ill comedians in Richard's generation.

  • S25E03 RHLSTP 408 - Pierre Novellie - Rat Surge

    • September 28, 2022

    Rich is worried that his son is going to become a comedian or worse still a Messiah, but Rich is planning to buy a sex island so all is OK. His guest is superior (in both senses) comedian and possible giant Pierre Novellie. They talk about Charles Manson's bold decision during his trial, being massaged by Dave Benson Phillips, the disturbing consequences of a South African accent, whether Richard is really mentally normal as the internet claims or if he's just lapped everyone else, the untrustworthiness of the neatly bearded, the effectiveness of precise language and why semen doesn't taste like strawberry milk shake. Plus why you don't take the Bee Gees into battle.

  • S25E04 RHLSTP 409 - Sally Phillips - Di and Dodi Threesome

    • October 5, 2022

    Recorded in the week of a tragic loss, at least there is good news for one of the podcast's favourite personalities. Richard's guest is the brilliant actor and writer and also his ex-girlfriend, Sally Phillips. They talk about the girl who smelled of spam and Sally's impressive performance in the film How To Please A Woman, but they can't avoid the elephant in the room and discuss there somewhat different memories of the break up of their relationship and how this impacted on their Edinburgh shows. Can they reach a place of forgiveness for their behaviour? Also Sally's side of the Princess Diana love triangle, how being in a comedy gang in the 1990s gave us all too much confidence, how she got the job in Alan Partridge, what led to her working with Mr Tumble and speculation on why Hugh Grant doesn't talk to her. Also the impact of disablist language, grabbing the reins of power, Dexter Fletcher and a tension that makes this one of the greatest and funniest RHLSTPs ever.

  • S25E05 RHLSTP 410 - Bob Mortimer - Saggy-Faced Satsuma

    • October 12, 2022

    Richard has narrowly avoided a dinosaur based disaster, but never mind because a RHLSTP favourite is returning - the incomparable Bob Mortimer. They talk about holding dominion over the animals, whether questions are necessary in an interview, what prompted Bob to write his first novel and whether satsumas are the best small orange fruit, the adoration for Bob and Paul that the team behind Gone Fishing clearly have, why a double act of two nice men works, what it's like being below average height, aspiring to watch TV, the treatment centre for phone addiction and how to take down coniferous trees. Also how many Bob Mortimers might there be out there and why his book imagines an alternate world for him? Bob has also brought along his joke book for emergencies.

  • S25E06 RHLSTP 411 - Socially Distant Sports Bar - Diplodocus

    • October 19, 2022

    Rich is itching for a change in Prime Minister, but will he get his wish by the time of broadcast? His guests are Elis, Mike and Steff from the dizzyingly successful new podcast that the cool kids are calling TSDSB. They talk about how their podcast is about more than just sport, how sports fans have changed in the last four decades, the new series of Fantasy Football and the new sitcom Mammoth, why Elis' musical career didn't work out, how Mike met his wife when he was a teacher at school and what it was like for Steff when his first live gig was to over 1000 people Plus are warm ups necessary in sport, the most inappropriate dance by 12 year old girls of all time and some neutral opinions about the new Prince and Princess of Wales.

  • S25E07 RHLSTP 412 - Sara Pascoe - Lemony Anus

    • October 26, 2022

    Richard knows a little bit about what Prince George is going through at school and is very excited that his new book is out! His guest is stand up, writer, presenter and actor Sara Pascoe. They talk about the ups and downs of doing improvised sitcoms and films, how long lockdown toilet rolls kept people going, balancing work with parenting, how it's more important that something gets made than it becomes a hit, the magic of being a snowman, whether general anaesthetic proves that the soul does not exist, accepting the ageing process and the terrible things that a parent will do to protect their child.

  • S25E08 RHLSTP 413 - Chris McCausland - Brian Conley's C*ck

    • November 2, 2022

    Richard is discombobulated after returning (briefly) to Shepherd's Bush after five years away. His guest is the fantastic stand up Chris McCausland. They talk about what pushed him towards stand up and why he was reluctant initially to do too much about his blindness, nearly becoming a spy, that amazing BAFTA bit with Lee Mack, performing for Prince William, being on the Jubilee bus and and why Chris hates the name of his own tour. Plus how working hard on a panel show appearance can help your career. Who knew?

  • S25E09 RHLSTP 414 - Ria Lina - Thid

    • November 9, 2022

    Richard returns to his old stomping ground of Balham to take part in the Cheerful Earful Festival at the Bedford pub, a place that holds a lot of memories, some of which occur to him as he's speaking. His guest is the fabulous Ria Lina. They talk about the power of being an outsider in comedy, gigging whilst pregnant, working for the serious fraud office, why the coronavirus helped propel Ria into the spotlight, some behind the scenes secrets from Have I Got News For You? and the extra demands put on female performers.

  • S25E10 RHLSTP 415 - Joe Lycett - Mosquito in the Kitchen

    • November 16, 2022

    Richard recalls a couple of childhood memories that can't possibly hare happened. His guest is the king of mischief and righteous anger (who is also very funny) Joe Lycett. They talk about how Joe brought down a Prime Minister, how he was almost arrested for a joke, how his spoof Sue Gray report fooled some members of parliament, how people decided what snacks Santa would be getting, the personal heartbreak behind Joe's anger about the government's reaction to Covid, why he literally talked sh*t and the extreme steps Joe is taking to try and persuade David Beckham to withdraw from his role in Qatar. This is an exceptional show which is why we are putting it out as soon as possible.

  • S25E11 RHLSTP 416 - James Acaster - John the Mouse

    • November 23, 2022

    Rich has some helpful suggestions to help the footballers support LGBTQ+ rights and is amazed by the press reaction to last week's podcast. His guest is superlative stand up comedian and podcaster James Acaster. They discuss Nasty Nick's funeral, the Richard E Grant mystery, why James never retired from stand up and why he's now inviting hecklers, the weird experience of being a last minute replacement mouse in Cinderella, confusing and angering people with his fantastically funny new book �James Acaster's Guide to Quitting Social Media�, his new audio sitcom and how his brilliant routine about edgy comics has done no good at all. Plus will James agree with Richard's conjecture that all music is terrible?

  • S25E12 RHLSTP 417 - Anneka Rice - Captain Dick

    • November 30, 2022

    Rich and some other Londoners are only alive today thanks to his skilful driving which means he is here to interview the absolutely remarkable Anneka Rice. They discuss her new stand up career and the way she tackles serious subjects like death and Alzheimers in her radio show Anneka Has Issues, why she was recently arrested at an airport, the return of Challenge Anneka and whether there's the same community spirit that there was 30 years ago, the physical imperfection that nearly derailed her entire on screen career (despite it not existing), CB TV Channel 14 (that maybe only Richard remembers), how Anneka nearly killed a man and then considered killing her dad and what she would have to do to change her obituary photo.

  • S25E13 RHLSTP 418 - Victoria Coren Mitchell - Starfish Perineum

    • December 7, 2022

    Rich is back to his usual chair this week and tries to influence an impossible to win bet before being joined by Victoria Coren Mitchell. They chat about the disconnect between Victoria's teenage angst and then partying with Frankie Howerd, the worst celebrity poker players, why the coughing Major should have gone for anal beads, how Victoria charmingly manages to lose money doing her Radio 4 show, how it's possible that she didn't learn to ride a bike as a child, the possible arrogance of the producers of Mary Poppins, the statue that made Victoria cry. Plus are the cracks starting to show in the Coren-Mitchell marriage? (or can the tabloids manage to spin this conversation to make it appear that they are?). Rich is over tired and starts to lose it by the end, so worth hanging around for that!

  • S25E14 RHLSTP 419 - Philippa Perry - Eights as Infinities

    • December 14, 2022

    Rich has an apology to make to the prescient geniuses who voted for Brexit. His guest is therapist and advice columnist Philippa Perry. They talk about the jobs she drifted in an out of in her 20s, how she got to be a mature student thanks to having Mill Aunties, whether therapy makes or breaks a comedian, how to stay sane and how the Perry family have become a 21st Century Vision On. Richard attempts to get some free therapy and desperately looks for reasons to blame his parents for the way he's turned out and tries to find out if stone clearing is a healthy activity for him. Plus he is mocked for his small feet and hands, which I don't think is something therapists should be doing and they chat about the horrors of growing old.

  • S25E15 RHLSTP 420 - Humphrey Ker - Watch Out! Watch Out!

    • December 21, 2022

    Richard has come up with a way to save the UK hundreds of millions of pounds - is it his turn to be Chancellor of the Exchequer? His guest is actor and football executive Humphrey Ker. They discuss his part in the fantastic TV show and community project �Welcome to Wrexham�, what it's like to have an entire football team laugh at you, being observed when doing a self-tape for a huge TV project, why being a giant isn't great for getting roles in the UK, what prompted the decision to make a go of it in America, being possibly the poshest person to ever appear on the podcast, why not everyone who goes to Eton is a monster, why the upper classes are obsessed with putting animals' heads on the wall and what it's like being a Humphrey.

  • S25E16 RHLSTP 421 - Mathew Baynton and Jim Howick - Mathew Baynton and Jim Howick - Gascoigne V Herring

    • December 25, 2022

    Richard's daughter has firm evidence for the existence of ghosts, which is apt because Richard's guests are ghosts too!!! It's Mat and Jim from off of Ghosts and much more. There are some harsh words about the reboot of Bob the Builder and a story of actorly distress from the set of Hellboy, but then we're into a nice long chat about the genesis of Horrible Histories and Ghosts and what the team at the core of these projects saw in each other. Rich is prepared to go to great lengths for a part in Ghosts and there are some definitive answers to the ghost emergency questions, plus find out why the lovely film Bill has been overlooked, why it's nice to get an acting job near your house and what it's like to have played important roles in Peep Show. Plus a disection of the philosophy behind Ghosts and why it's a horrible show that should be taken off air immediately.

  • S25E17 RHLSTP 422 - Sarah Keyworth

    • January 4, 2023

  • S25E18 RHLSTP 423 - Rich Hall

    • January 11, 2023

  • S25E19 RHLSTP 424 - Sikisa

    • January 18, 2023

  • S25E20 RHLSTP 425 - Paul Chowdhry

    • January 25, 2023

  • S25E21 RHLSTP 426 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor

    • February 1, 2023

Season 26

  • S26E01 RHLSTP 427 - Stephen Merchant - Retribution

    • February 8, 2023

    Richard is hoping to get a bridge named after him in Great Yarmouth and hopefully his fans will do better than they did in getting him nominated for a British Comedy Award. It's an incredible guest to start the new series, making his first appearance in almost 10 years, Stephen Merchant. Stephen has some questions for Richard about his first stint on the podcast and Richard doesn't really have any answers. But after a bit of squirming the pair get talking about meeting your heroes, your parents meeting your heroes, how an omelette was the clincher in getting Christopher Walken on to The Outlaws, the KLF style destruction of a Banksy, the Herring's Eye, the surprising news that drugs can be quite good fun, how Stephen made an impression at a Sarah Silverman party and his move into serious acting. Are they friends again by the end? I guess we'll find out in ten years time.

  • S26E02 RHLSTP 428 - Fern Brady - Half a Melted KitKat

    • February 15, 2023

    Richard reveals that he is (according to the press) boycotting the Edinburgh Fringe, but that doesn't mean the end of podcasts from the Festival necessarily. His guest is Taskmaster songstress and sausage painter, Fern Brady. They mainly talk about her remarkable new book Strong Female Character, detailing her life, career and discovery that she is autistic, how the media is weighted against the working class, how TV fails to depict the truth about strip clubs, how comedy was a world where she suddenly fitted in, why Taskmaster was a TV show where she also fitted in, why would anyone get married, unsettling Alex Horn and are your relatives coming back in bird form?

  • S26E03 RHLSTP 429 - Josh Widdicombe - Chlorine Allergy

    • February 22, 2023

    Rich has some cold hard truths for any murderers out there and is also glad to see that his eventless zombie story idea has been so quickly embraced, with a twist. Today is a momentous meeting of Champions of Champions because his guest is Josh Widdicombe. They talk about the worst thing you can take to the hospital when your wife is giving birth, being related to Henry VIII and a man who wiped a king's bum, what Josh's disability is, the true motivations of role players, bumping into Beaumont, Josh's inability to swim, whether we might see the return of the sitcom Josh, tiny women who live in burrows and whether some comedians work so hard that they never get a chance to spend their millions.

  • S26E04 RHLSTP 430 - Tim Key - The Imp from Impington

    • March 1, 2023

    Rich has a problem with his daughter's favourite song, and shows that he is up to date with all the music playing at the discos nowadays. His guest is the irrepressible timkey, back for a third time in 18 months!. They talk about Tim's time as a white van man, a woman who survived eight days in a snow drift (for a bit), the places that Tim is and isn't going for his (basically sold out) tour, where he gets his crazy ideas, the incredible baguette deal in Pret, which comedian would make the best Prime Minister, being the answer to a question of University Challenge and what it's like to do a gig to a mainly Malaysian audience. There's a new and exciting instalment of the adventures of timkey the monkey and the pair compare cancers and then Rich asks the occasionally dynamite question, What's it like being Tim Key? Who can be sure. All I know is it's always a rollercoaster of fun and danger to be in his company!

  • S26E05 RHLSTP 431 - Zoe Lyons - Sleeping Bag Vulva

    • March 8, 2023

    Richard's Valentine's promises have turned to chocolatey crumbs, but never mind, his guest is a woman who built a bathroom from the laughter generated by animals- it's Zoe Lyons. Zoe takes us through the downs and ups of her last few years including a full on midlife crisis, the loss of her hair, how lockdown led her to delivering vegetables when she was meant to be on TV, writing material to impress her therapist and how badly she coped when she split from her wife and the possibly foolhardy decision to run 100km (in one go). But it's a very positive story, which you can see told in full in her brilliant new stand up tour Bald Ambition Plus one of the best ghost stories yet and how getting older and giving less of a toss is a positive thing (though also explains Brexit)

  • S26E06 RHLSTP 432 - Joe Cornish - Womblin' Free

    • March 15, 2023

    Richard has had a crisp and a field disappointment, but it won't stop him interviewing the heck out of director, writer and omelette chef, Joe Cornish. They talk about offending Claudia Winkleman's listeners, how Channel 4 messed up a sketch show with an incredible cast, (briefly) having the number one Netflix show (check out Lockwood and Co), whether being a director is all it's cracked up to be, how losing a Fiat Punto led to Attack The Block, working with a Young One and whether ageing is something to fear. Plus the surprise of finding out that someone who has died was still alive and a bizarre synchronicity on the song with the best intro. And Rich lands himself another acting job, as long as he fulfils one condition.

  • S26E07 RHLSTP 433 - John Kearns - Piggy in the Middle

    • March 22, 2023

    Richard is at the Leicester Comedy Festival and has still not forgiven the city for the king theft or the cheese rivalry, but he gives out his phone number for anyone who wants to call him in 1973. His guest is making his fourth appearance on the podcast, though still not had a whiff of the Leicester Square Theatre, it's the multi award winning John Kearns. There's a Top Coppers update and some amazing new news of how he got the part, plus they discuss the changes wrought by Covid, creating new quiz formats, the magic of Taskmaster, an exciting new twist on emergency questions and wild speculation about the earnings of other comedians.

  • S26E08 RHLSTP 434 - Nish Kumar - Big Nick

    • March 29, 2023

    Richard is back at the Leicester Comedy Festival for the second week in a row, concerned about the historical figures that they venerate here. His guest is Michael Sheen stand-in, Nish Kumar. They discuss the physical and mental health scares they've had since last they met and the secret that Richard was harbouring back then, plus whether therapy helps of hinders comedy, cowardly potholers, horny followers of the alien Jesus, getting to sit in Richard Osman's chair, how little control we have over our lives and an hilariously angry and potentially lethal encounter with Boris Johnson.

  • S26E09 RHLSTP 435 - Eshaan Akbar - Glisten With Mother

    • April 5, 2023

    Richard has had to deal with a persistent heckler (aka his son) and surprised himself with the cliche that he responded with. His guest is banker turned comedian Eshaan Akbar. They discuss not knowing how to wear trousers or shake hands, his inappropriately named dance group, challenging your childhood religion through comedy and why that was potentially more perilous for Eshaan, than Richard, whether it was right that Eshaan ended up doing the brown voices on Spitting Image, not wanting to be the spokesperson for any community or being forced to challenge inequality, when you believe yourself to be everyone's equal. The show included an erudite and interesting alternate point of view from an Asian member of the audience, which sadly was not picked up by the microphones, but which we hopefully discussed fairly nonetheless. Plus the story of a twisted testicle with a happy ending PS Eshaan and Richard successfully shook hands as they left the stage

  • S26E10 RHLSTP 436 - Al Murray - Too Much Farage Piss

    • April 12, 2023

    Rich is mourning the Veneziana pizzas that he bought and the terrible effects they have wrought and the loss of a man whose friend assumed he was joking. His guest is historian, comedian and puppeteer, Al Murray. They talk about the evolution of the new Spitting Image live show and, hosting a chat show with proper famous guests, the toll of touring in your 50s and Al's first proper serious history book Command, including the impact that VD had on the British fighting forces. Plus why being a conformist in real life allows non-conformity on stage

  • S26E11 RHLSTP 437 - Kiell Smith-Bynoe - Adelaide Clowns

    • April 19, 2023

    Richard has had a wonderful Saturday night without his wife doing what most men can only dream of. His guest is ubiquitous comedy actor and extremely good guy, Kiell Smith-Bynoe. They talk about the best acting job in the world, appearing on Death in Paradise, with some insights into what goes on off camera, getting intimate with an ex-Doctor Who assistant on the ace new series Dreamland, searching for real ghosts on the set of Ghosts, rating the catering on different TV shows, making too many omelettes and a rare career mis-step in Australian theatre. Plus the most considered answer to the human centipede question yet, a few hints about the new series of Taskmaster and find out who is the most objectionable cast member on Ghosts.

  • S26E12 RHLSTP 438 - Catherine Bohart - Naked Beach

    • April 26, 2023

    Richard reveals whether Great Yarmouth has given him a multi-million pound honour or not. His guest was having a bad time last time they were on, let's see if they're doing any better now, it's the brilliant Catherine Bohart. The pair talk about their respective visits to Iceland and whether Rich's depleted genitals might end up in a museum, appearing at the ghost Edinburgh Fringe of 2021, whether OCD had any influence over he choice of college, whether the point of life is to experience joy, cats in washing machines and the AI questions finally come good as they prompt an incredible story about a taxidermied squirrel.

  • S26E13 RHLSTP 439 - Mark Gatiss - Cucumber Coward

    • May 3, 2023

    Richard is hoping to replace himself with an AI host and has left the emergency questions and some of the stand up to the robots. His guest, returning after a hiatus of just 400 episodes is the wonderful Mark Gatiss. They discuss the unfair tale of Jacob Marley, the influence of Robin Askwith, playing to camera 3 as Larry Grayson, Mark's many theatre projects, working with Anthony Hopkins after portraying him in TMWRNJ and directing Reece Shearsmith. But will we find out his favourite episode of Sherlock and will Rich be here next week?

  • S26E14 RHLSTP 440 - Jordan Gray - Embracing Your Delicious Fate

    • May 10, 2023

    Richard comes bearing great news for those who seek seduction via pizza. His guest is the hottest new act in comedy right now, the incredible Jordan Gray. They talk about the smell of elephant dung, why she wasn't allowed to set herself on fire on TV, a visit from Magneto, a double-teaming Bros, the erudition of Paloma Faith, Twitter storms, political footballs and why she is first and foremost a comedian and the lengths that people will go to to get into a toilet. Plus another amazing story of ridiculousness emerging from love and a billion Richard Herring sex robots

  • S26E15 RHLSTP 441 - Suggs - Back of the Head With a Plastic Cup

    • May 17, 2023

    Richard has been having weird dreams, but don't try and interpret anything from them. His guest is singer, actor, presenter and legend Graham �Suggs� McPherson. They chat about how Madness might just be the defining band of the 80s, how their songs can make you travel in time, the brilliant social document of their book/documentary �Before We Was We�, the first appearance on Top of the Pops, pranking the clash, the Two Tone tour, plus the Madness sitcom that never was, appearing on the Young Ones, Suggs' first attempt at stand up, the new album and tour in the works and his explosive acting career. Plus being caught up in a deadly riot and the best answer to the chrysalis question yet.

  • S26E16 RHLSTP 442 - Rhys James - Hungover Mastermind

    • May 24, 2023

    Richard is basking in the possibly short-lived approval of one of his kids and is trying to make money off the ideas of the other one. His guest is Mock the Week favourite, Rhys James. They discuss the tallest building in Swindon, the worst place in Hertfordshire, writing right wing and left wing material on the same subject, what Richard said about Rhys when he saw him in a new act competition, the enduring problem of the last packet of crisps falling into a volcano, whether it's better to have one ball or one kidney, wearing a tuxedo on Pointless, why people might think Rhys is deaf and more sad tales of romantic embarrassment.

  • S26E17 RHLSTP 443 - Janet Ellis - Blew Peter

    • May 31, 2023

    Richard has not drunk alcohol for 27 months, but should he go back to his drunken (and more amusing ways). As is now traditional his final guest of the series is a member of the Ellis family, it's the brilliant Janet Ellis. They discuss day time drinking with John Thaw and Dennis Waterman, the irritatingly slow speed of K9 from Doctor Who and the embarrassing googlewhack that happened when Richard searched for his favourite episode of Jigsaw. Plus the sinister presence of Noseybonk, the health and safety nightmare of 1980s Blue Peter, being a nepo mum and what prompted her to become a novelist and the potential awkwardness of reading the steamier bits for the audiobook.

  • S26E18 RHLSTP 444 - Sophie Duker

    • June 7, 2023

Season 27

  • S27E01 RHLSTP - 445 - Thanyia Moore - The Drug Rats of Porthcawl

    • June 14, 2023

    Richard is delighted to be back for series 27 of RHLSTP and to be within the short-lived window where he can do topical stand up material. It's going to be the last time in a while, though there's talk of a RHLSTP tour! Hie guest is dancer turned comedian turned actor and writer Thanyia Moore. They chat about the lost Tango ads, why she wrote a stand up show about being a bully, the mystery of how the unusual spelling of her name came about, what she did to upset some of the people of Wales (though some of them agreed with her), how appearing on Question Team led to her wing-walking and water-skiing, whether the skills on her Spotlight entry are genuine and could she could beat Richard over 100 metres? (Yes).

  • S27E02 RHLSTP - 446 - Jenny Eclair - Hi di Hi

    • June 21, 2023

    Richard is doing more topical jokes that will be slightly out of date at time of broadcast but a valuable resource for the people of the future. His guest is comedian, author and potato hat wearer Jenny Eclair. They chat about the Bay City Rollers, the portrait of Les Gray, how cystitis ruined the bingo, the sexual allure of Greg Davies, childish comedians coping with the devastation of middle age, whether Richard will survive to have any life after his children have left home, their various ear complaints and how Jenny met her husband under a car. Not quite the topics of discussion when they shared a flat at the Fringe in the 1990s.

  • S27E03 RHLSTP - 447 - Ola Labib - A Walking Hate Crime

    • June 28, 2023

    Richard returns to Forest Arts Centre in New Milton, the scene of personal and professional disaster in an attempt to finally win over the citizens of this Hampshire town. His guest is pharmacist turned comedian, Ola Labib. They discuss self-medication, whether Portsmouth is better than Southampton, the work Ola has done to raise funds for and awareness of the situation in Sudan, living next door to her mum, how she stalked her husband (before he was her husband), why it's important to be her authentic self in her stand up and when dealing with TV commissioners and how her new tour show got its name.

  • S27E04 RHLSTP - 448 - Colin Hoult - Scrambled Egg Pan

    • July 5, 2023

    Richard is at Hanger Farm Arts Centre in Totton - where? But at least he's not in New Milton. His guest is ex-Fringe flat mate, actor and occasional woman, Colin Hoult. They talk about being the top guy for Kwik Fit training films, how a depressed Herring broke the dreams of a young double act, how to play Piers Morgan, acting alongside your heroes, addressing your own issues via a character and how Anna Mann came to life and then fused with Colin, the joy of working with Gervais and the perils of being recognised and the surprising insecurities of this ubiquitous and successful actor.

  • S27E05 RHLSTP - 449 - Mike Bubbins - Podcast Teeth

    • July 12, 2023

    Richard risks some Jingle/Mingle material, topical at time of recording, but hopefully nostalgic by the time the podcast comes out. Plus good news for those of you who come to live recordings - he's clearing out his garage, so you might get presents! His guest is Welsh sex-mountain Mike Bubbins. They discuss whether croissants should be wrapped, the power of the moustache, the infamy of Barry Island, the wonder of Parkinson and the unusual combination of confidence and not being an arsehole that Bubbins exudes. Plus news on his new TV series, why he stopped refereeing U13 rugby and an amusing case of mistaken identity.

  • S27E06 RHLSTP 450 - Catherine Tate - Am “I” Bovvered?

    • July 19, 2023

    Richard is now wax free, but contemplating a career change, His guest is actor, writer, stand up and phenomenon Catherine Tate. They discuss whether Catherine and Tom Cruise are friends now, crying in Twickenham station, how Mcfly were the launchpad for Lauren, whether Noel Edmonds is a monster, doing sketches with war criminals and Brexiteers, not being told your series has been cancelled, why the Queen of Oz is NOT based on any ginger prince. Plus find out if Catherine would rather date a man who was a six foot penis or a man with a tiny man instead of a penis.

  • S27E07 RHLSTP 451 - Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman - Ragmags

    • July 26, 2023

    Richard has had some disturbing text messages from one of his kids, but he’s not going to help them. His guests are super nerd magic geniuses, Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman. They discuss why Jeremy chose not to appear on stage with the League of Gentlemen, why Andy is non-plussed to be in Star Wars, how the pair met at a summer camp, the Vagina Monologues production at the Arts Theatre led to TWO new theatre shows that have been performed all over the world, why Andy and Jeremy wanted to retain control of the film version of A Ghost Story, the secretive world of the Magic Circle and how they managed to collaborate on writing the fantastically entertaining novel, “The Warlock Effect”. Plus what would it take for them to fellate Keith Allen.

  • S27E08 RHLSTP 452 - John Robins - Human Voiced Cat

    • July 31, 2023

    Richard has had a novel idea for appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe - interview people anywhere but the Edinburgh Fringe and then pay himself £10,000 accommodation fee. For the first Edinburgh Fringe podcast he is in Wells, Somerset. He discusses the big news in the town that thinks it’s a city and annoying motorway signs, before introducing a man making his 9th appearance on RHLSTP/RHEFP, John Robins.

  • S27E09 RHLSTP 453 - Bridget Christie - Unchained Melody

    • August 2, 2023

    Richard has got very angry with a cold caller - was he in there right? His guest is brilliant stand up and creator of new TV comedy “The Change”, Bridget Christie. In an explosive opening they discuss why Richard isn’t presenting the Masked Singer (amongst much else) and why he is evil for eating chocolate buttons, but then things calm down a bit as they discuss Bridget’s major TV debut, whether men do an equal share of household duties and the app that might help, why there are so few comedy shows about middle aged women, how getting older can be liberating and how amazing it is to have a channel and production team that let you get on with your vision. Plus working with Jerome Flynn and what it was like for Richard to introduce him on Top of the Pops. Also the primeval dance with Greg Davies and the extraordinary power of Taskmaster and getting to appear on Ghosts.

  • S27E10 RHLSTP 454 - Adam Rowe - Thigh-Eyed

    • August 4, 2023

    Richard’s non-Edinburgh Edinburgh Fringe continues as he reveals the latest put downs from his much-funnier-than-him children. His guest is podcast king and fine stand up Adam Rowe. They discuss how doing an advert led to threats of violence, putting your stand up specials on Youtube for free, turning romantic heartbreak into comedy, how the Have A Word podcast has taken the UK by storm, whether sharks are better than dolphins, how you can still say whatever you like in comedy and whether therapy is good for comedians.

  • S27E11 RHLSTP 455 - Elf Lyons - Gunged

    • August 7, 2023

    It’s an Ed Fringe podcast from the wonderful Bill Murray pub in Angel and Richard’s guest is stand up, clown and actor Elf Lyons. They talk about the horror and comedy being two sides of the same coin, how she started doing stand up about London Underground rolling stock, how a show must go on, even if you have concussion, why an Edinburgh greengrocer was happy to have her custom, how Elf became Elf and the awful missteps you can make with sign language.

  • S27E12 RHLSTP 456 - Paul Sinha - Bum Solero

    • August 9, 2023

    Richard continues his genius plan to do the Fringe without going to the Fringe and talks to quizzer, comedian and songster Paul Sinha. They discuss Paul’s 12th Edinburgh stint and why he’s doing exactly what he wants to do, the places that he always goes to at the Fringe, representing the nerds on Gogglebox, why Rich shouldn’t dwell on his quiz successes and failures, why Paul is happy to talk about his Parkinson’s and even happier to be married.

  • S27E13 RHLSTP 457 - Markus Birdman - Platinum Heart

    • August 11, 2023

    Rich is back in New Milton to continue his Edinburgh Fringe without going to Edinburgh run and is a bit perplexed by a T shirt that Twitter has been trying to make him buy. His guest is veteran stand-up and cheater of death Markus Birdman. They chat about his journeyman status on the circuit, whether being at a school where your dad worked propelled both Rich and Markus towards comedy, Markus' decision to go on Britain’s Got Talent and whether Simon Cowell understands comedy, how Markus has turned two strokes and a heart operation into comedy, a scary ghost story and why two motorcycle accidents was enough to stop Markus getting on a bike again (not Rich though - he loves motorcycling).

  • S27E14 RHLSTP 458 - Alison Spittle - Good and Evil Tape Worms

    • August 14, 2023

    Richard has had an unpleasant experience in a fancy restaurant, but it won’t stop him talking to comedian and podcaster Alison Spittle. They chat about an unexpected pregnancy, turning trauma into comedy and when it’s too soon to do that, why comedians shouldn’t take cocaine, the surprise chemistry between Alison and Kerry Katona and a polite, if creepy attempt at seduction in a hotel lift.

  • S27E15 RHLSTP 459 - Paul Foot - Huge Fork, Tiny Knife

    • August 16, 2023

    Richard is at the Hanger Farms Arts Centre in Totton, as safe distance from the Fringe and is wondering what drives people to bother to leave one star reviews of fairly low key tourist spots. His guest is eccentric Englishman and brilliant stand up Paul Foot. They discuss the confusing advert Paul shot in Australia with Richard Branson, why all movies are exactly the same, the fury of John Terry’s cousin and why you shouldn’t go to a comedy show when your mum has just died, how Bjork proved to be a boner killer (the film is Dancer in the Dark, though I am not sure it goes exactly as Paul remembered) and what it’s like to be Paul Foot in real life (just as much fun as he is on stage).

  • S27E16 RHLSTP 460 - Ed Byrne - Perfectly Plated Avocado Toast

    • August 18, 2023

    Richard records his sixth podcast in four days (how is that even possible?) and has a new question about what constitutes cheating. His guest is gazebo building stand-up, Ed Byrne. They discuss why he hasn’t been on the show as often as Sara Pascoe, how many lives he has saved, how Angela Griffin possibly got the edge over Ed and his wife on Mr and Mrs and the humour that can be found in the worst circumstances and why Ed has chosen to write a show about the death of his brother, Paul. Rich also attempts to replace Ed with AI (not so he can cheat with him though) and possibly for the second time questions his Neanderthal heritage.

  • S27E17 RHLSTP 461 - Jazz Emu - Judy Murray Nose Recorder

    • August 21, 2023

    Richard is trying to teach his five year old to swear like someone from the 1980s. His guest is the man behind internet sensation Jazz Emu, Archie Henderson. They talk about where this extraordinary character came from, producing high quality internet content on a tiny budget, touring the USA in an RV, putting himself into the background of every photo of a random fan, the demons of sleep paralysis, whether Archie will follow in the footsteps of Minchin and the Conchords.

  • S27E18 RHLSTP 462 - Micky Overman - Going Dutch

    • August 22, 2023

    The Edinburgh Fringe podcasts are nearly at an end and Richard is back a the Bill Murray to talk to Dutch comedian Micky Overman. They talk about why she chose to start her stand up career in the UK, the curse of coming from an unbroken home, how frankness about sex is good for the repressed British audience, how the internet has changed comedy, how Brexit has changed things for a European, whether it’s right to bring children into this dying world and whether Micky knows the Dutch girl that Richard got off with when he was 14.

  • S27E19 RHLSTP 463 - Mike Birbiglia - Mr Moustache

    • August 23, 2023

    In the last of the Edinburgh Fringe podcasts, the generous sponsor of the NextUp comedy award is proud to be joined by US stand up and actor, Mike Birbiglia. They talk about turning ailments into stand up, why Mike sleeps in a cocoon, how his shows have a very UK sensibility, how the stories you least want to tell are often the best, how Mike messed up his big scene with Tom Hanks, how he became Taylor Swift’s son and Rich recommends some kids’ shows at the Fringe and fails to remember the name of Mary King’s Close.

  • S27E20 RHLSTP 464 - Ben Willbond and Larry Rickard - Missing Mr Tod

    • August 30, 2023

    Richard has been at his kids’ sports day, reminding himself of his greatest sporting triumph. His guests are Ghosts, not literally, Ben Willbond and Larry Rickard. They discuss how the pair met and their initial thoughts about each other, how they plan to prove that ghosts have bumholes, why the next series of Ghosts will be the last, why Robin is trapped within the bounds of Button Hall, why a helicopter came to Ben’s school, what happened when Larry turned up to write for Peter Rabbit with a hangover, the different speech rhythms when working on American comedy shows and doing a comedy version of V.

  • S27E21 RHLSTP 465 - Alistair Green - Pluto

    • September 6, 2023

    Richard has had a surprise whilst doing some perfectly innocent browsing on the internet and is very excited about the RHLSTP tour His guest is internet sensation and Pompeii hater, Alistair Green. They discuss his largely hidden back story, how he came to comedy relatively late and his only interplanetary theatrical experience before that, how working in the city led Al to a breakdown, what prompted his early videos and why they probably wouldn’t work on TV, the intrinsic sadness behind many of them and why he can never decorate his flat. Plus being bamboozled by Alan Partridge, the niceness of the people behind Ghosts and the enjoyable blasé attitude to retakes of Diane Morgan.

  • S27E22 RHLSTP 466 - Peter Baynham - Invisible Cereal

    • September 13, 2023

    Richard has returned to Balham and made the mistake of looking up what his shitty little old flat is currently worth. His guest is another ex-resident of the South London borough, Peter “too gorgeous” Baynham. They discuss getting older, being 60, Richard’s eerily accurate prediction about the kindle, what you do with dead bodies at sea, how many mates you need on a yacht, the improv course where Pete rubbed shoulders with some of UK comedy’s future greats, how he managed to literally back out of sports at school, losing an Oscar in a train station, how Carry On and Weird Science gave a poor example of sexual relations and some somewhat disappointing accommodation. Plus Monsters in the attic, being followed by a rhino and Richard’s glasses break, giving him an incredible new gimmick. It’s a very good one.

  • S27E23 RHLSTP 467 - Nigel Planer - The Great Vowel Shift

    • September 20, 2023

    Richard is nursing a terrible injury and wondering why bad things happen to good people. His guest is actor, writer and character comedian Nigel Planer. They chat about the possibly flawed attempt to bring back a popular film franchise, the surprising (to the cast) endurance of a forty year old TV show, writing for Not The Nine O Clock News, the projects that have been in the works for a decade and are all coming to fruition now, writing a time travel novel and collaborating with (and envying) ex-Young One colleague Adrian Edmondson, regrets and what age it would be best to be Nigel Planer.

  • S27E24 RHLSTP 468 - Sarah Millican - Seven- Nil

    • September 26, 2023

    Richard is wondering about the profits made by the man (or maybe woman) who came up with the most delicious and ubiquitous flavour on earth. His guest, returning for a 7th shot at finally winning a podcast is the wonderful Sarah Millican. They discuss the romantic qualities of meat, who is best at the Chase and Taskmaster, how Sarah’s honesty about her life leads to amazing revelations from her audience, doing stand up in Vienna (and all over the world), whether Richard needs to get divorced to be a good comedian and why comedy about bodily functions is the most profound.

Season 28

  • S28E01 RHLSTP 469 - Adil Ray - Where Are You, Satish Patel?

    • October 3, 2023

    Richard is delighted to be back in bankrupt Birmingham and in front of the third biggest crowd to ever come to RHLSTP. His guest is a man who has succeeded at everything he’s attempted, the remarkable Adil Ray. They discuss what it was like growing up in an Asian family in Yardley in the 70s and 80s, how racists nearly killed Adil as a baby and starting school in Handsworth the day after the riots, how Citizen Khan came about, how does it feel sharing some of your heritage with Suella Braverman, which came first Lingo or Wordle and what it’s like working with Judy Dench.

  • S28E02 RHLSTP 470 - Joe Lycett - Right Little Puck

    • October 11, 2023

    Richard has some more incredible Birmingham facts to share with his Brummie audience. His guest is RHLSTP super fan and mischievous imp, Joe Lycett. They reveal how Richard was one of the few people who was in on the secret of his David Beckham money shredding, the surprising group of people who were offended by this stunt, whether accusations of Qatar-based hypocrisy hold any water (and was it RHLSTP that led to them?) why he wanted to make his new show in Birmingham and gave a leg up to local young people, why he still lives in Birmingham even though he doesn’t have to, putting on an art exhibition with his mum, why he might be taking Harry Styles to the small claims court and the importance of enjoying success whilst it’s happening and whether he fears the late middle-age breakdown that can afflict people in show business.

  • S28E03 RHLSTP 471 - Peter Hooton - Gravy Train

    • October 17, 2023

    Richard finds himself in an unseasonably sweltering Liverpool, at the Playhouse and is joined the the city in human form, Peter Hooton from the Farm. They talk about stealing Joe Strummer’s bananas, tipping over Piers Morgan’s car, how “The End” fanzine came about, why getting a band’s name right might not be that important, Tony Wilson’s funeral and why Peter didn’t end up becoming a priest.

  • S28E04 RHLSTP 472 - Neil Fitzmaurice - The Fonz’s Parking Space

    • October 25, 2023

    Richard liked Liverpool so much last week that he’s come back again and his guest is Neil Fitzmaurice, a man who defied his career’s advisor to become an actor, writer and stand up with an incredibly impressive CV including Phoenix Nights, The Office and Peep Show. They talk about being one of the first people to have to interact with David Brent, terrifying David Mitchell for real, being heckled by Samuel L Jackson, how Neil almost ended up with a major role in The Crown and why he was determined to have a career without leaving his family and city behind and an emotional and passionate explanation of why this city is so unique and the trauma of Hillsborough.

  • S28E05 RHLSTP 473 - Harriet Kemsley - Sexy Nostradamuses

    • November 1, 2023

    Richard has returned to Winchester to help the local people through their swimming pool disaster. His guest is the delightful Harriet Kemsley. They talk about the perils of combining dyspraxia with allergies, how unusually becoming a comedian was her parents’ idea, doing a roast battle with your partner, why she did a podcast about crying and Richard delves deeper into his theory that life is a simulation or possibly a dream in which none of you exist. He is not going mad though. What is about Winchester that makes Richard so skittish?

  • S28E06 RHLSTP 474 - Matt Green - Very Bad Lieutenant

    • November 8, 2023

    Richard is back in Winchester for another week and they are having so much trouble with their clocks (I said clocks). His guest is stand up and actor and internet sensation Matt Green. They chat about working with Idris Elba and Sacha Baron-Cohen, what it’s like sitting in a car for six hours with Harvey Keitel, playing a corpse in the Cambridge Footlights, the perils of being a boyish boy, a drive-by egging, how a tweet about Brexit led to a discussion about supermarkets and Rich had a few ideas on how to improve the Direct Line adverts. Plus the introduction of the tofu hand and Rich attempts some rapping to mixed results.

  • S28E07 RHLSTP 475 - Spencer Jones - France’s Youngest Shepherd

    • November 14, 2023

    Richard has come to Exeter, where there is some very bad news about the bins. His guest is amazing actor and comedy genius Spencer Jones. They talk about how a last minute self-tape got him a recurring role in Ted Lasso, where Death in Paradise meets Milton, how his first double act led to him losing his virginity and then his bottle, the extraordinary sequence of events that led to his first TV show, whether finger-wagging admonishment might make the bad guys of history reconsider their actions, whether moving back to Devon was a good idea, the importance of how you look walking on to stage, the electric heat of creating comedy on stage and how he came up with the character of the Herbert and whether there has been any reaction to Upstart Crow from Ricky Gervais.

  • S28E08 RHLSTP 476 - Peter Richardson - The Mike That Never Was

    • November 21, 2023

    Richard is back in the witch-burning city of Exeter and this time his guest is Comic Strip Presents legend Peter Richardson. They talk about how Peter meet Nigel Planer and invented the character of Neil, the early days of the Comic Strip in Raymonds Revue Bar, why it was a good thing that he didn’t end up playing Mike in the Young Ones (though he might well be wrong about that), how he shocked Steve Martin, getting bottles of piss thrown at him by Heavy Metal fans at Donnington, his instrumental part in Stella Street and why the Comic Strip Presents about Boris Johnson never saw the light of day. Plus the lackadaisical attitudes to Health and Safety that saw him confronted by the police outside Buckingham Palace. An incredible delve into an amazing time for comedy! AND the Keith Allen question is posed.

  • S28E09 RHLSTP 477 - Rob Reiner - Magic Bullet

    • November 27, 2023

    Here’s a bonus remote podcast (because we’re not doing enough at the moment) with superstar actor and director and now podcast documentary (if you will pocumentary) maker, Rob Reiner. With limited time, they discuss which of his films is the greatest of all time, what you need to make a perfect improvised movie, the first toilet flush on US Prime Time TV and appearing in the Batman TV series. But mostly they talk about Rob’s fascinating new podcast series “Who Killed JFK?” and the flimsiness of the official account of the assassination, why it means so much to Rob and why it’s important to get to the truth. Plus what it was like sharing a duplex with Albert Brooks and the moving story of remaking the Princess Bride with his dad, Carl.

  • S28E10 RHLSTP 478 - Stuart Goldsmith - Surprise Postman

    • November 29, 2023

    Richard is in Bath, but spent the night in Cheddar and is wondering about what the last few years of his life might hold for him. His guest is rival podcaster and stand-up, Stuart Goldsmith. They talk about Stuart’s brief acting career, whether Richard listens to The Comedians’ Comedian Podcast, why Stuart might need to go off for a wee at any moment (spoiler - he doesn’t), stand up tips, whether we’re all fucked because of climate change, how Stuart teaches business people resilience and a largely visual surprise for Richard to cap off a terrific chat about comedy and podcasting and how we’re all doomed.

  • S28E11 RHLSTP 479 - Jarred Christmas - Pot Noodle Versus Road Kill

    • December 6, 2023

    Richard is still in Bath and still staying at his parents and has become an unpaid tech advisor (luckily successful). His guest this week is comedian, actor and panto star Jarred Christmas. They discuss how Jarred went from hero to zero on Hollyoaks Later, his foray into the world of advertising and why he nearly had to pay all the money back, what it was like working with Verne Troyer in panto, why he loves living in a West Country village and how the villagers celebrated the return of the bus and what it’s like to appear in a sitcom that you think might make you, but almost breaks you. An absolutely amazing comedian and guest - you’re going to love this one.

  • S28E12 RHLSTP 480 - Lisa McGee - Murder She F***ing Wrote

    • December 13, 2023

    Richard is in Belfast and has some ideas on how to heal the divisions in this great city. His guest is writer and genius Lisa McGee. They chat about first dances at wedding, whether Jessica Fletcher is a typical writer, how Derry Girls is used in schools by lazy (but still correct) teachers, casting (some) comedians, whether a writer knows in advance if a show will be a hit, getting referenced on the Simpsons, the Derry Girls mural and why all nuns aren’t bad, how to catch one and whether you should always obey a ghost one.

  • S28E13 RHLSTP 481 - Shane Todd - What Do They Do With the Foreskins?

    • December 19, 2023

    Rich is back in Belfast and is wondering if they should be as proud as they are of the Titanic. His guest is stand-up Shane Todd. They talk about touring America, being circumcised as an adult, whether soup or yoghurt is harder to eat in public, unusual foods to sneak into a cinema, supporting Kevin Hart on tour and what you do if he doesn’t turn up, taking a charity boxing match a bit too seriously and trying to compete with the mysteriously dead Shane Todd.

  • S28E14 RHLSTP 482 - Vasyl Baidak - May The Force Be With You

    • December 25, 2023

    It’s a very special and moving Christmas episode as Richard talks to Ukranian comedian Vasyl Baidak about performing comedy in a war zone, how comedy has differed before, after and during the conflict, performing in shelters and trenches, how comedy helps process the horror and how absurd comedy seems redundant in the more absurd state of war, converting Stewart Lee tickets into a car, being championed by Stephen Fry, the influence of Andy Kaufman, building the country back one house at a time and keeping the Ukraine in people’s minds and raising funds for the military. How do you tour and celebrate Christmas in a war? It’s an incredible story from a very eloquent man speaking in a second language (where school lessons did not prepare him for talking about war). Please listen and share this one. And tonight don’t thank God it’s them instead of you. Ask God why anyone has to be in this situation.

  • S28E15 RHLSTP 483 - Lauren Pattison - Nit Infestation

    • January 3, 2024

    Richard is at the Stand in Newcastle with an enthusiastic Sunday afternoon crowd and he’s amazed by the number of ginger hues he can expect in the city. His guest is comedian Lauren Pattison. They talk about how low things had got for her during their last chat in lockdown, how the worst day to dump a comedian is April Fool’s Day, how working in Morrison’s during the pandemic was surprisingly creatively inspiring, coping with online criticism and how her last Edinburgh show was literally make or break for her and how, approaching thirty, she is overcoming anxiety and believing in herself.

  • S28E16 RHLSTP 484 - Jason Cook - Giraffe in a Headlock

    • January 10, 2024

    Richard is back at the Stand in Newcastle and in the week that the Northumberland Sycamore was cruelly cuts down, dare he risk making an allusion? His guest is legendary stand-up and TV writer, Jason Cook. Rich might be getting a bit tired from touring, but it doesn’t really matter, as we have a story-teller topped only by Brian Blessed for loquaciousness. Jason talks about being a tiny chef in some biscuit ads and going through airport security covered in flour, working as a merchant seaman and the unlikely zoo based stories of one of his crewmates, representing Germany in the World Stands Up, inventing the dead dad stand up genre, getting Rich very drunk to do stand up, being a Celebrity Mastermind stand-in, Hebburn and the Murder, They Hope series and is this the week for him to dress up as a tree in his monthly comedy club?

  • S28E17 RHLSTP 485 - Jeff Innocent - Chinggis Khan

    • January 15, 2024

    Richard is in Norwich at Halloween and there’s been some terrible pumpkin news. His guest is veteran stand-up and surprise social media smash, Jeff Innocent. They chat about how audience preconceptions are subverted by his brilliant act, his shady family history and why his mum won’t let him talk about it, his choice to go in a different direction with some surprising jobs, how social media has given him fame in his sixties, how diversity doesn’t always include the working class and some discussion of the illegal activity of taking drugs. Plus a healthy mistrust of emergency questions.

  • S28E18 RHLSTP 486 - Robert Bathurst - Punchable Face

    • January 17, 2024

    Rich is in Tunbridge Wells and amazed at the 20th Century news coming from a seemingly 19th Century newspaper. His guest is the superb and charming actor Robert Bathurst. They chat about whether Robert can claim to have had a number one record, the enduring appeal of Joking Apart and how Robert might have screwed u the chance of a third series, the art school appeal of Toast of London, touring Australia with Emma Thompson, playing Jeffrey Barnard in the very pub where everything happened, how Cold Feet nearly didn’t get a series, a late conversion to musical theatre and the (many) ways Mrs Brown’s Boys is superior to RHLSTP.

  • S28E19 RHLSTP 487 - Steve Pemberton -Beige Towel

    • January 24, 2024

    Richard finally has a chance to prove whether his or a rival’s podcast is the most popular, but will he like the answers? His guest returns after 11 short years, it’s BAFTA award winning Steve Pemberton. They talk about that bus episode of Inside Number 9, the official ranking of all of the episodes, Mel Smith punks and non-existent dog poo chocolates, the other Steve Pemberton, surviving a heart attack (according to the Daily Mirror) and using a holiday snap as your acting headshot.

  • S28E20 RHLSTP 488 - Corinne Bailey Rae - Fifty Shades of Rae

    • January 31, 2024

    Richard is in the City Varieties Leeds, the scene of a traumatic RHLSTP that he and the audience are still processing. And he’s booked another rock star, will they be as much trouble? It’s the sublime Corinne Bailey Rae. They talk about the whirlwind of her early success, why on earth she’s choose to still live in Leeds, how a teacher crushed her dreams of playing classical violin, her forays into Christian Rock, why she called her first band Helen, exposing emotion to write music that even touches Richard’s dead heart, being expected to carry on producing happy music in the face of tragedy and the genius of her latest eclectic album Black Rainbows. It’s another absolute classic episode.

  • S28E21 RHLSTP 489 - Amar Latif - Dream On

    • February 6, 2024

    Richard has had a very difficult journey to the Leeds City Varieties and wouldn’t have made it without the genius of tour manager Bec, but thank God he did because this is a terrific podcast with broadcaster and former accountant Amar Latif. He talks about how he coped with losing 95% of his sight at 18, why he was still determined to become an accountant and why he refused to accept that unaccompanied blind people weren’t allowed to travel the world. Richard inevitably attempts to claim that mind blindness is as serious a disability and receives terrible prejudice in return. Also climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, risking a piss in the middle of the night on top of a volcano, sky diving and wanting to fly solo round the world, needing to look more blind for the BBC and a surprising mentor for Amar’s writing.

  • S28E22 RHLSTP 490 - Sooz Kempner - Do Horses Remember?

    • February 14, 2024

    Richard is excited about recent developments in robotics, but he doesn’t have time for stand up (or any stand up). His guest is the remarkable comedian, singer and YouTube sensation Sooz Kempner (plus some interjections from her mum). They talk about personifying a times table, being snubbed by opera singers, how to satirise the almost unsatirisable Tory MPs, why Twitter has gone down the toilet, responding to trolls and reply-guys, the wonder that is the fans of Dr Who and what it’s like stepping into that Universe (and having your head crushed by a Cyberman) and why dressage trumps the Edinburgh Fringe (and will Rich ever return?)

  • S28E23 RHLSTP 491 - Lee Mack - Detached Semi

    • February 20, 2024

    RHLSTP comes to Aldershot, the scene of one of Richard’s most dangerous ever gigs. But we’re all safely off the mean streets to welcome the incredible Lee Mack to Aldershot! They talk about keeping the Inside Number 9 secret, why the woodworking answer to the Bake Off was axed, the manufactured controversy at the NTAs, 100 episodes of Not Going Out and whether Lee is going for the Last of the Summer Wine record, why Lee did not become a darts superstar, which serial killer he’d like to play and why Richard is (presumably) worshipped as a God within the Mack household.

  • S28E24 RHLSTP 492 - Davina McCall - Davinadroid

    • February 28, 2024

    Richard has been frightened by a weeing Samurai and an apparently dead audience member, but he’s back for more RHLSTP, back a the LST and with a guest who is too good for this rubbish, the glorious Davina McCall. They discuss how she (eventually) beat a comedian to host God’s Gift, Street Mate on skis, how Davina is ultimately to blame for the destruction of the world, why Richard was one of the first to know about an historic moment in Big Brother, why sitcom was not for McCall, overcoming addiction to chase her dream, beating Salman Rushdie to book of the year, the best professional to be in a relationship with and a never before revealed royal secret.

  • S28E25 RHLSTP 493 - Ross Noble - Weed Charades

    • March 6, 2024

    Richard’s kids are unimpressed by his appearance on Top of the Pops 95 and provide a scathing critique of his work. His guest is a man with 8 mind-blowing facts about himself, Ross Noble (though an audience member called Kirsty also stars). They talk mainly about frozen things, Ben or Jerry’s funeral, Rod Hull in a freezer and being buried in an ice rink, but also some fantastic stories about appearing on the Australian Apprentice, blowing up a woman, selling cursed sand and responding to Lord Sugartits in the board room. Also some amazing news about Brian Blessed and the birth of a brand new game show, that might not entirely work in audio format (or might be much much better).

  • S28E26 RHLSTP 494 - Emma Sidi - Quiz of the Week

    • March 13, 2024

    Richard is at the Norwich Playhouse, but his microphone is working this time (cf RHLSTP Book Club). His guest is actor, character comedian and writer Emma Sidi. They talk about how she came up with the idea of a parody Mexican soap opera set in Woking, the thrill of getting to be a Ghost, finding your comedy gang, playing Emily Maitlis in Prince Andrew: The Musical, the inadequacies of Sale of the Century and Notting Hill, the brilliant Starstruck and what it’s like to do love scenes with your partner and the amazing and welcome changes in filming intimate scenes that have come about since Richard last got his arse out on TV, coming up with multiple characters and how a simple weird idea can often to be hilariously effective.

  • S28E27 RHLSTP 495 - Joe Pasquale - Speared by a Moose

    • March 20, 2024

    Richard is still in Norwich and has more local news and celebrates the city’s most famous son. His guest is the phenomenon that is Joe Pasquale. In the chat Joe reveals more than any guest has done before, literally and physically as he recounts many tales of clumsiness and accident, including how he nearly died the perfect comedy bath (again literally), the funniest telling of a having a badly broken leg after being run over, how a flight with the Red Arrows ended in excruciating pain and an upsetting encounter with some bum grapes. Plus how Ken Dodd helped the young Pasquale become a hit, the boredom of I’m a Celebrity, an amazing story about what happens if you piss off (or piss on) Christopher Dean, how a comic real life explosion led to Joe playing Frank Spencer, a legendary episode of Doctors and connecting with his son. It’s an amazing podcast from a terrifically funny man. Don’t miss it.

  • S28E28 RHLSTP 496 - Julia Sawalha - Julia Sawalha’s Well

    • March 27, 2024

    Richard has great news about his (pre-breakfast) weight (which may no longer be true by time of broadcast). And in another attempt to get some closure for his romantic past, his guest is fantastic actress and ex-partner, Julia Sawalha. They talk about the impact of Press Gang and the gruelling audition process, working with Rik Mayall and Michael Palin (not at the same time), the process by which Absolutely Fabulous developed and brilliant casting that led to its success and how Julia won Stars in Their Eyes after zero sleep thanks to a Coronation Street actress throwing chairs around. There may be some mention of the relationship, the embarrassment of watching Fist of Fun with Richard’s dad, Rich and Julia’s shared spirit guide, the extraordinary nicknames of her former partners (including Richard’s), some controversy and disagreement about how they broke up and the drunken fights and near death experiences of the Time Gentlemen Please cast. Plus an amazing ghost story and the surpris

  • S28E29 RHLSTP 497 - Jon Pointing - Shoe Horn

    • April 3, 2024

    Richard is in Northampton and astonished to hear the place once burnt down (as well as the stuff that makes the papers). HIs guest is actor and character comedian Jon Pointing. They chat about not sampling the thing you’re advertising, the tricky nature of the double act (especially with your brother-in-law), the surprising depths of his BAFTA nominated performance in Big Boys, playing out of character in the new series Smothered and his early foray into gangster films. He also brings Richard gifts (it’d be nice if all the guests did that) and has some pertinent questions about the suncream armpit.

  • S28E30 RHLSTP 498 - Abigoliah Schamaun - Pig-Tail Sex Toy

    • April 10, 2024

    Richard is back in Northampton where the people are named after Ancient Greeks. His guest is US stand up Abigoliah Schamaun (hard to say, hard to spell). They talk about her reluctance to embrace a showbiz friendly name, the indifference of long in the tooth stand ups, how she won a Grammy at school, why nodules ended her musical theatre career, working as a yoga teacher under a discredited guru, how she possibly caused immigration laws to be tightened and being unapologetic for who you are (and if you’re really daring, confident too).

  • S28E31 RHLSTP 499 - Jon Ronson - A Night in a Haunted House with Robbie Williams

    • April 17, 2024

    Richard, it turns out, loves his AirTag more than his dog, but he’s back in London and eating tofu. His guest is journalist and lord of the podcasts jon Ronson. They talk about the worst decision made by an executive since turning down the Beatles, the brilliant series Things Fell Apart detailing the unlikely genesis of anti-abortion become a big deal for US Christians and a moving story of other evangelicals learning to understand AIDS and homosexuality, a night amongst crack dealers with some self-declared superheroes, whether Jon will be moving back into writing books, his tour to celebrate the anniversary of the Psychopath Test (and why you can’t teach a psychopath empathy) and how Jon learned to love Louis Theroux.

  • S28E32 RHLSTP 500 - Hayley Ellis - Camel Hit and Run

    • April 24, 2024

    Richard has been living the showbiz lifestyle that should be his daily existence, but now he’s landed up in Chorley. His guest is award winning stand up and MC Hayley Ellis. They chat about Hayley becoming a mum after an unplanned pregnancy, the hilarious story of attempting to buy a pillow with a picture of her dead grandma on it, whether we need bad people to get us through certain circumstances, her podcast “The Worriers” and why it’s good to talk about mental health in a comedic way, what it takes to be a great MC and why stand up is easier than being a teacher’s assistant and whether Sarah Millican is the monster to work with that Richard suspects her to be.

Season 29

  • S29E01 RHLSTP 501 - Lloyd Griffith - Thomas Tallis Fan Club

    • May 1, 2024

    Richard is back in Nottingham, refusing to let his love of the Tales of Robin Hood die (and with one actual joke). His guest sings like a woman, it’s the hilarious Lloyd Griffith. They discuss the Anglian Cathedrals of the UK, being the subject of a cruel football chant, how the heartbreaking loss of a plum Hollywood job led to Lloyd’s appearance on Ted Lasso, playing Benny from Crossroads and the genesis of his fab documentary about whether you can beat the bookies. Plus Nottingham based gerontophilia and we find out if Lloyd is still in his forties.

  • S29E02 RHLSTP 502 - Scott and Jemma Bennett - Divorce House Dirty Protest

    • May 8, 2024

    Richard returns to Nottingham with some mind blowing research to prove which is the oldest pub in the city. His guests are husband and wife podcasters and performers Scott and Jemma Bennett. They discuss Scott’s monoball status and whether it should allow him into the club of real wombles, how Jemma felt when she discovered Scott’s deficiency, how Jemma literally edged her way into Scott’s lockdown performances from his shed and how that led to their hit podcast Brew With The Bennetts. Plus Richard’s tip for keeping marriages together based on a horror house viewing, the ukulele orchestra wars and what drew the couple to the city of Nottingham!

  • S29E03 RHLSTP 503 - Katie Mulgrew - Heckling Ken Dodd

    • May 15, 2024

    Richard returns to the Lowry Theatre in Salford for the first time in four years. Last time he was here he talked to Jimmy Cricket and this time he is talking to Jimmy’s daughter, the comedian, actor and playwright Katie Mulgrew. They talk about the horrors of birth and whether an Oscar winning actor could do it, being mistaken for the captain of Star Trek Voyager by a German, partying with Little and Large and the Roly-Polys, being followed around by everyone you’ve ever kissed, the mystery of adenoids, the arrogance of the playwright, whether Philippa McMoss might ever return to Corrie and what it’s like when your brother marries you

  • S29E04 RHLSTP 504 - Justin Moorhouse - Respect Hook

    • May 22, 2024

    Richard is back at the Lowry Theatre Salford and is annoyed about an Amazon review for his book. His guest is comedian, actor and former Edinburgh flatmate, Justin Moorhouse. They discuss doing a corporate for an arms manufacturer, improvising with Eric Cantona, how everyone in the Manchester area has to appear on Coronation Street (as up to three characters), being a cheeky f***er to Danny Boyle, why Justin doesn’t go everywhere with his face painted, why it’s a bad idea for comedians to go on politics TV shows, podcasting with his daughter, how Justin pretended to be a ghost and how Fred Elliot overcame his reluctance to do his catchphrase. It’s a real cracker of a show. Don’t miss it.

  • S29E05 RHLSTP 505 - Bob Mortimer - Cheeky Underground Presence

    • May 29, 2024

    Richard is back to work after the Christmas break (we’re coming to you from the past) and is worried about the door of depravity that he has opened up, but there is no need to fear because his guest is processed meat advocate, Bob Mortimer. It’s a free-wheeling chat as you might be prepared for that takes in farmers, meeting Paul McCartney, whether double acts are still talking to each other or not, a cursed earring, favourite openings and oh, just listen to it. It’s ace. And of course there’s some more jokes from Bob’s little black book.

  • S29E06 RHLSTP 506 - Urooj Ashfaq - Review Rainbow

    • June 4, 2024

    Richard has some dispiriting revelations about what people google when they are looking for him, but is quickly revived by the ready wit of Edinburgh Comedy Award Best Newcomer 2023, Urooj Ashfak. They chat about the difficulties (or not) of taking comedy across international boundaries, the burgeoning Indian stand up scene, being a question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, meeting fleabag, turning teenage diaries into comedy and the only stand up award that Richard has ever won (thanks Daily Telegraph). Plus lots of ghosts, what happens to us when we die and how you can’t repeat the same joke in different performances in comedy (hold my coat).

  • S29E07 RHLSTP 507 - Rufus Jones - Jackie Chan and the 700 Mops

    • June 12, 2024

    #507 Jackie ChanRichard has come to the Brighton Komedia with plans to Mount Everest and a surprising testicular fact. His guest is writer and actor Rufus Jones. They discuss the mystery of the year of Rufus’ birth, getting pissed with Terry Jones, playing an American president with a squeaky voice, the magnificent achievement of the sitcom Home and being observed whilst acting nude, the ever changing technology of supermarket shopping, why Rich will never download Royal Match and the best place to write (if you are not a professional Uno player). and the 700 Mops

  • S29E08 RHLSTP 508 - Maisie Adam - Matterface

    • June 19, 2024

    Richard is back in Brighton and is aghast at the local news of rude waiters and big cats. His guest is football mad stand up Maisie Adam. They discuss how a choice in a writers’ room they were both in led one of their careers to sky rocket (but which one), the disappointment of the wrong Royal at the Variety Performance and how maracas were the sign of a job well done, playing in Soccer Aid the day after your wedding, a Tipping Point humiliation and taking a job where you might get crushed by a boulder.

  • S29E09 RHLSTP 509 - Armando Iannucci - Pot Noodle is Bad For You

    • June 25, 2024

    Richard is doing some stand up that was super topical on 5th February when this was recorded, but for you will be a nice window to see what the people of the past thought was mildly amusing, plus there’s an exciting new addition to the show. His guest is comedy genius Armando Iannucci. They talk about how a Christmas advert was Armando’s proudest achievement, how it’s possible that 30 years have passed since the Day Today (apparently it’s something to do with the linear nature of time), when his novel is going to be published, the effect that ADHD had on his work, how America messed up The Thick of It, why Avenue 5 got cancelled, how he tortured Daredevil and whether Armando is ready to turn into a proper old man in his sixties. Plus Rich finally opens up about his cancer and worries where he stands in touring illness Top Trumps.

  • S29E10 RHLSTP 510 - Rob Brydon - McCartney Set List

    • July 3, 2024

    Richard is still being played on by Scant Regard, but as this long tour progresses his stand up sections get mercifully shorter! His guest is the multi-talented Rob Brydon. They chat about how a birthday message to Margot Robbie led to a part in a potentially Oscar winning film (You’ll know if it won by now, but we poor fools in the past did not), how Brydon pretended to be ill to get out of a guest slot on Would I Lie To You? and how the show has become bulletproof, how America managed to get two series our of the book Green Eggs and Ham, the impressive and old school range of work that Rob undertakes, touring with an 8 piece band and whether it’s ever good when a comedian does serious songs and the disaster and triumph of Rob’s first meeting with Sir Paul McCartney. Plus why family comes first and whether legacy is as important as your kids having you around!

  • S29E11 RHLSTP 511 - Tony Gardner - What You On?

    • July 10, 2024

    Richard is back in Colchester with possibly the greatest example of a local news story that there has ever been. His guest is doctor turned actor Tony Gardner. They chat about being bitten by an over enthusiastic zombie, the decision to go to Edinburgh that would change his life, how it became impossible to keep both his GP job and acting work going, his reluctance to do children’s TV, but how My Parents Are Aliens changed his life and led to a very impressive CV, as well as slight weirdness when out enjoying Glastonbury or filming sex scenes. And no, sorry, he isn’t the bloke who designed the Chucky doll.

  • S29E12 RHLSTP 512 - Nick Wilty - Veteran

    • July 17, 2024

    Rich is back in Canterbury and has some great stuff about medieval archbishops that should play well on Live at the Apollo. His guest is veteran comedian and army veteran, Nick Wilty. He is a man with the most extraordinary life who has talked himself and others out of deadly situation. Amazing stories include convincing someone not to jump off a bridge before returning to the same spot in a different position the next year, having a gun in his face whilst hitchhiking, how he became an unlikely soldier, the incredible bad luck that led him to become a comedian, being arrested for flying a drone and how a chance encounter with the helicopter that he’d nearly died in led him to finally confront his past and do a stand up show about his experience in the Falklands

  • S29E13 RHLSTP 513 - Neil Hannon - Bashful Secrets

    • July 24, 2024

    Richard has come to Dublin and with 900 people in the 3 Olympia it’s an incredible atmosphere! He discusses his Irish heritage and why Ireland should leave Europe! His guest is the man behind and in front of the Divine Comedy, Neil Hanlon. They chat about their authority figure dads, whether “My Lovely Horse” will be his enduring legacy, the Duckworth Lewis Method, Band Aid 20 and Midge Ure’s lack of imagination, what was in the wood shed, plus a toilet mishap when performing as a backing singer for Robbie Williams

  • S29E14 RHLSTP 514 - Marjolein Robertson - Bag For Life Full of Bones

    • July 29, 2024

    Richard returns to his kingdom of Edinburgh and it’s Chriiiiissstttmas (in a few weeks or a few months ago, whichever way you look at it). His guest is Shetland storyteller, actor and comedian and cultural icon Marjolein Robertson. They talk about how a terrible few months in Amsterdam led to her becoming a stand up, a teleporting ghost, a terrifying tale of a haunting entity being passed on to a room mate, playing all the characters in a play about Mary Queen of Scots with a limited range of offensive accents (not Richard amazingly), the unique vocab of Shetland, what it means if you find a fish hanging on your doorknob, what spaegie means in Shetland, Herring’s Viking heritage and why you can’t trust King Charles III. Plus her undoubtedly brilliant new show for the Edinburgh Fringe 2024!

  • S29E15 RHLSTP 515 - Phil Hammond - Sex, Sleep or Scrabble?

    • July 31, 2024

    Richard has travelled to Bristol, a place where they take a dim view of statues (after a while) but name everything after Colston anyway. His guest is broadcaster, doctor and the other half of Struck Off and Die, Phil Hammond. They chat about being slapped in the face by Tony Slattery, infuriating John Redwood, being chastised by Jacob Rees Mogg’s dad, why men are so bad about going to their GP and discussing their feelings, a coping strategy for severe depression, an inevitable discussion about Richard’s balls and why so many doctors become comedians and how to save the NHS.

  • S29E16 RHLSTP 516 - Abi Clarke - Tooth in a Bag

    • August 2, 2024

    Richard is back in Bristol and details some of the things that have made this city so famous. His guest is TikTok sensation and stand up Abi Clarke. They chat about almost going to circus school, how lockdown shifted her focus from stand up to online content and how that helped her find an audience, working with your parents, Rich’s strong feelings for Abi’s mum, death threats from One Direction fans, performing an hour after having a wisdom tooth removed and how to turn round a lethargic audience with a Mexican wave!

  • S29E17 RHLSTP 517 - Phil Ellis - Phil Spins

    • August 5, 2024

    Rich is back with the kingstealers of Leicester (but he’s not going to mention that) and is pleased to be in the home of DNA fingerprints. His guest is the unpredictable award winning comedian Phil Ellis. They talk about working in an airbag factory, delivering pizzas to tight millionaire footballers, the extreme lengths Phil will go to to provide twists for his Edinburgh shows (no matter the cost), the sitcom ideas that TV found too dark, pretending to be an orphan and swapping clothes on stage with a scary man.

  • S29E18 RHLSTP 518 - Simon Munnery - Elbowing Banksy

    • August 7, 2024

    Rich is back in Leicester, trying to work out the sexiest ever UK Prime Minister. His guest is comedy legend and fellow monoball, Simon Munnery. They talk about the crimes of the one-balled community, appearing at the Tunnel Club alongside the much-missed Malcolm Hardee, visiting CERN with the actor Kevin Eldon, travelling the country in a cortina with Simon’s support act, Simon Pegg, some of the problems with the Mission Impossible franchise, how Simon has to pack up his show whoever wants to talk to him, the ultimate response to hecklers and building a Gazebo out of abandoned doors.

  • S29E19 RHLSTP 519 - Olaf Falafel - Everything’s a Piñata

    • August 9, 2024

    Richard is at the Bedford Corn Exchange where he’s fascinated by the animal sanctuary that bears his name and the Bedford cult that was expecting the second coming of Jesus. His guest is the mysterious Swede Olaf Falafel, if that is his real name or nationality. He talks about how he got into comedy, the double edged sword of winning joke of the Fringe, how to come up with one liners, mixing his artistic skills with his comedy, doing comedy for kids and how Twitter helped him find a publisher for his kids book and how he’s managed to write a chapter book about art that is both funny and slyly educational. Plus abseiling off Table Mountain and whether you can make the Edinburgh Fringe work for you if you do the Free Fringe.

  • S29E20 RHLSTP 520 - Susie McCabe - Double Berocca

    • August 12, 2024

    Richard is in Glasgow at the Oran More, remembering the time he was picketed at this venue and almost wrecked someone’s wedding. His guest is Glaswegian phenomenon Susie McCabe. They talk about her getting into comedy due to a drunken bet, working on building sites, estimating the cost of lighting in a velodrome, the ultimate argument as to why seeing gay people on TV will not turn you gay, how much it meant to her to appear on Have I Got News For You?, keeping Fringe tickets affordable and why Glasgow turns out so many amazing comedians.

  • S29E21 RHLSTP 521 - Nerine Skinner - Pork Markets

    • August 14, 2024

    Richard chats to Liz Truss impersonator extraordinaire (and so much more) Nerine Skinner about the creation of the character, her first solo Edinburgh show, The Exorcism of Liz Truss, how she has become obsessed with the politician (thankfully not in the same way as Richard has) and the dangers of the success of one of your characters when you do many others. Plus some great behind the scenes stories from Nerine’s legendary appearance on Britain’s Got Talent (watch here, the part played by panto in the various collaborations Nerine has done and whether it’s better to try and get your break online or at the Fringe (or some crazy combination of both).

  • S29E22 RHLSTP 522 - Stevie Martin - Arse Twins

    • August 16, 2024

    Richard talks to the brilliant Stevie Martin about her show Clout, the weirdness of secretly watching your family on a Ring Doorbell, what it was like to act alongside ventriloquist dummy Ally Sloper, the joys and dangers of mooning, writing fabric-based puns for the Sewing Bee, the pain of rejection and only creating work when you feel the correct inspiration, the brilliant work with Lola-Rose Maxwell, like Screen Time ( and whether she will be as big a star as Jack Whitehall.

  • S29E23 RHLSTP 523 - Dan Tiernan - Dyspraxic Dinner Lady

    • August 19, 2024

    It’s another Edinburgh Fringe podcast, recorded hundreds of miles away from the the Festival to keep Richard sane. His guest today is the multi-award winning new comedian Dan Tiernan. They chat about how to get them to do a retake on the now defunct BBC show Doctors, why being a stand-up comedian is the perfect job for a someone with dyspraxia, how cancer helps a comedian to give less of a fuck (in a good way) about their job, whether Baby Reindeer’s depiction of the Edinburgh Fringe is accurate, being a clumsy childhood magician and how far the UK has moved on (admittedly from a pretty terrible start) for gay people and why encountering a (sort of charmingly) homophobic Jehovah’s Witness helped Dan’s act.

  • S29E24 RHLSTP 524 - Stuart Laws - Burning Vas Deferens

    • August 20, 2024

    More fun from a performer at the Edinburgh Fringe - this time the wonderful Stuart Laws. They discuss the genesis of the gilet that has become his trademark (though not according to imdv),magic realism versus actual realism in comedy, the nitty gritty of a vasectomy and why some procedures use the testicular seam and others do not, the fun twist of the free to view Stuart Laws is All In (watch the special before listening to this podcast), making comedy out of Michael Caine saying Never, Richard’s increasingly terrible memory (Warsaw Indiana was the place that he was unable to recall), being number two on imdb and pretending to be a cricketer.

  • S29E25 RHLSTP 525 - Lindsey Santoro - The Biggest Award in Comedy

    • August 21, 2024

    Richard has been sent to Coventry and remembers a previous visit to the Warwick Arts Centre where he had to turn the other cheek. His guest is the winner of the biggest (and slowest) award in comedy, Lindsey Santoro. Find out what Lindsey spent her money from this RHLSTP backed award and listen as the award itself is inflated. Plus they chat about why it’s so hard for working class acts to attend the Fringe, begrudging Guardian reviews, why still doing her day job keeps Lindsey grounded and gets her 50% off pizza, how her trademark pink hair came about, forgetting to get fully dressed for a TV appearance, the biggest animal she has had to get out of her house and she tells a story that possibly explains all ghosts. And is Lindsey bound for superstardom and how will that affect her trips to Aldi?

  • S29E26 RHLSTP 526 - Tommy Tiernan - Joyfully Reckless

    • August 28, 2024

    Richard is back in Dublin and is intrigued by the Book of Kells. His guest is the superb and philosophical comedian and interviewer Tommy Tiernan. It’s a lovely sprawling waffle encompassing the trouble that being mischievous can get you into, the stress of doing a show with no plan, how studying acting made Tommy a worse actor (only in his opinion), Jerry Sadowitz, hitchhiking in the eighties and swearing on the Late Late Show. A written description will not capture the magic for this one. Have a listen.

  • S29E27 RHLSTP 527 - Charlotte Church - Happy Grammy Birthday

    • September 4, 2024

    Richard has travelled to the home of gofasterstripe, Cardiff in Welsh Wales and his guest is singer and activist Charlotte Church. They chat about her extraordinary rise to fame and the whirlwind of travel and celebrities that came with it. How Frasier was disappointingly weird when she met him at the inauguration of George W Bush, how she sang a requiem at the wedding of Rupert Murdoch and how he didn’t uphold his end of the deal, the unbelievable (and yet totally believable) creepy reaction of the tabloids as Charlotte turned sixteen, how she became political active and put her money where her mouth is and her optimistic hopes for the future. Plus Richard attempts to launch his own career as a child singing prodigy and the pair join in a haunting duet. About as haunting as what was going on in the next hotel room to him in London.

  • S29E28 RHLSTP 528 - Benjamin Partridge - Chemistry

    • September 11, 2024

    Richard is back in Cardiff, informing his audience of their history of weak punishment. His guest is award winning podcaster Benjamin Partridge. They discuss dangerous Welsh language television of the 1980s, how Ben got Nick Offerman on his podcast and their eventual awkward meeting, Rich’s brand new podcast idea to rid the world of a certain type of criminal, an incredible use for passata, an audience with Jeff Goldblum without Jeff Goldblum, why Tesco will be stocking up on rich beef sausages and why podcasting hasn’t yet fulfilled the creative potential that both these podcasters thought it would and the Russian prisoner who had a lateral thinking approach to the auto-fellatio question

  • S29E29 RHLSTP 529 - Tom Wrigglesworth- Fulcrum

    • September 18, 2024

    Richard is in Sheffield where people still remember the rainbow of 1994 whilst he confuses Electric Dreams with Electric Blue. His guest is brilliant story-telling comedian Tom Wrigglesworth. They chat about sharing an Edinburgh flat in 2010, how organising a whip round for a fellow train passenger led to Tom’s arrest and a fantastic Edinburgh show, how a resemblance to an American sports star impacted on his own life, how as a younger comedian you can go with whatever life throws at you and being the highest comedian at the highest comedy gig ever.

  • S29E30 RHLSTP 530 - Paul Heaton - Tudor Spring Onion

    • September 25, 2024

    Richard is back in Sheffield, questioning the Curse of the Crucible. His guest is pop star and song-writing genius Paul Heaton. They talk about Paul’s propensity to collect and audit, why Happy Hour gives Richard unhappy flashbacks, how censorship made one song both worse and also slightly better, the acts of financial generosity which one suspects might just be the tip of the iceberg, how Paul didn’t really win awards until he got a big one at 60, but still carries on regardless, writing realistic love songs for older people and the positives and negatives that booze has had on his life.

  • S29E31 RHLSTP 531 - Adam Buxton - Hello Pervert

    • October 2, 2024

    It’s the final London RHLSTP for a while and a time for goodbyes to the film crew and a very special member of the Leicester Square Theatre staff, whilst Rich discusses the rare occasions when your kids make your hard work on their behalf seem worthwhile. His guest is 8 times interviewee/interviewer in the RH universe, Adam Buxton. They discuss Milky Way adverts, Richard’s attention seeking testicle, Adam’s possibly career ending onanistic habits, Adam’s frankly inappropriate dreams about Richard’s wife, interviewing Werner Herzog, playing the Hammersmith Apollo, and who will be the last person to ever listen to one of the Herring or Buxton pods. Will it be soon or will their voices echo down the ages? Let us know if you’re the last person to ever listen.

  • S29E32 RHLSTP 532 - Exploding Heads - Seat for a Sex Doll

    • October 9, 2024

    Richard is back in Coventry where he was once scared by a picture in the Cathedral like some kind of Maurice Mitchener. His guests are Mark and Anthony from the internet sensations The Exploding Heads and also a disgruntled Colin from Portsmouth. We find out about how this age-mismatched double act got together, how the TV station they worked on seemed to have no idea what they were up to, the genius behind ex-footballer Ian Fiveankles, whether their fans can miss the irony of their material, working with Ron from Goodnight Sweetheart, crashing into the Tottenham Hotspur stadium and a potentially tactless emergency question works out OK

  • S29E33 RHLSTP 533 - Al Murray - Eternal Wee

    • October 16, 2024

    Richard is back in Bedford, reminiscing about his second appearance on Top of the Pops. His guest is ex-Bedford public schoolboy Al Murray. They chat about how many pints you can drink during Ravel’s Bolero, the weirdness of being sent away to boarding school at the age of 9, but the disappointing lack of psychological damage that resulted from this, how Al got into drama and comedy to meet girls, playing Charles II in a Restoration romp, pretending to machine gun trains in a World War Two plane, thirty years of the Pub Landlord and whether he caused Brexit and which PM would Al have sex with if he had to?

  • S29E34 RHLSTP 534 - Fred MacAulay - Keenan Wayans

    • October 23, 2024

    Richard is in Glasgow and by the time you hear this he should have an exciting announcement about a new acting role, as long as he doesn’t blow it by getting angry and slagging the show off. His guest is legendary broadcaster and comedian Fred MacAulay. They chat about why he left the world of accountancy behind to become a stand-up, resisting the temptations of post gig debauchery to go home and change nappies, skiing with Tara Palmer-Tompkinson, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, how he felt when he was unceremoniously dumped from his long-running radio show, why he’s still gigging in his sixties, the only two words that Billy Connolly ever said to Fred and running naked through a field with Al Murray.

  • S29E35 RHLSTP 535 - Tommy Cannon

    • October 30, 2024

    #535 Rock On! - Richard is at Hull City Hall with the biggest RHLSTP audience we’ve had and he’s angry about the city claiming to have the smallest window in the country. His guest is legendary comedian and actor Tommy Cannon. They talk about how Cannon and Ball met at a welding factory, how Bobby cajoled him into forming an act and what he might have seen in Tommy, playing working men’s clubs, coming last on Opportunity Knocks and how the pair were propelled to fame in the seventies. Plus falling out and falling in, a double act being like a marriage, learning the wrong script for Emmerdale, the power of their theme song, working with Rik Mayall and Little Richard and the impact of losing your partner after sixty years. A fine end to the tour with a guest whose sprightliness belies their 85 years,

  • SPECIAL 0x52 The Best of RHLSTP 2024 - Part 1

    • December 23, 2024

    Best of 2024 - Part 1 - IIIT'S nearly CHRIIIISTMAAAS! And we are choosing to look back on the year as any self-respecting podcast should - by putting out a series of highlights from every episode that released in 2024. That said, this time, we're still within the episodes that were recorded in 2023 - including Lee Mack talking about being in the secret Inside No. 9 episode "3 By 3", and Steve Pemberton on the Christmas he spent in a German hospital.

  • SPECIAL 0x53 The Best of RHLSTP 2024 - Part 2

    • December 25, 2024

    Best of 2024 - Part 2 - IIIT'S CHRIIIISTMAAAS! And we are continuing our fortnight-long trawl through every episode that was released this year (2024). This time, we hear about Julia Sawalha's relationship with Rich, and Ross Noble's coincidentally Christmassy game of weed charades - and much more besides.

  • SPECIAL 0x54 The Best of RHLSTP 2024 - Part 3

    • December 27, 2024

    Best of 2024 - Part 3 - IIIT was just CHRIIIISTMAAAS! Why not take some time to relax, play with your new Scalextric, and listen to your eighth favourite podcast? This time, guests include Bob Mortimer talking about The Satsuma Complex and a new off-the-cuff TV concept, and Rob Brydon on meeting Paul McCarney with Steve Coogan.

  • SPECIAL 0x55 The Best of RHLSTP 2024 - Part 4

    • December 30, 2024

    Best of 2024 - Part 4 - It's not Christmas any more. But here's another RHLSTP compilation! This time, guests include Jon Ronson on the time he stayed up all night with real-life superhero Phoenix Jones, and Neil Hannon talking about his cricket album The Duckworth Lewis Method - plus, the Edinburgh Fringe run begins!

  • SPECIAL 0x56 The Best of RHLSTP 2024 - Part 5

    • January 1, 2025

    Best of 2024 - Part 5 - IIIT'S NEEEW YEEAAAR'S! Don't celebrate too hard - surely now more than ever we should be looking back on the ups and downs of 2024. But especially the ups, and especially 2024 viewed through the lens of RHLSTP releases. This time, guests include Tommy Tiernan talking about how he thrives in stressful environments like The Tommy Tiernan Show, and Charlotte Church on how her career changed as she grew up.

  • SPECIAL 0x57 The Best of RHLSTP 2024 - Part 6

    • January 3, 2025

    Best of 2024 - Part 6 - And there we have it, the final Best of 2024 compilation episode. This time, guests include Tommy Cannon talking about his partnership with Bobby Ball, and Peter Serafinowicz on his optimism about technology fusing with art. If you're getting tired of all this looking back, don't worry - new episodes start up again next Wednesday! If you prefer this to the normal podcasts, also don't worry - there will be a new compilation in approximately 50 weeks. In fact, just try not to worry in general.

  • SPECIAL 0x58 Special Episode in Partnership with Cancer Research UK

    • February 6, 2025

    This very special episode is brought to you in paid partnership with Cancer Research UK. At the end of last year, myself, Matt Forde and Mark Steel sat down to have a frank, raw, funny and open conversation about something that has affected us all - cancer. We were later joined by Dr Sam Godfrey, the Science Engagement Lead at Cancer Research UK, who gave us invaluable insight into the incredible work Cancer Research UK are doing and why the future is looking bright. Disclaimer for this one - very strong language and discussions of cancer diagnosis and treatment are used throughout. Disclaimer: CRUK can only accept donations from countries where we are a registered charity. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247).

Season 30

  • S30E01 RHLSTP 536 - Peter Serafinowicz - Part 1

    • November 6, 2024

    #536 Elephant Man Love Token - RHLSTP is back for its 30th series! Can this thing go on forever? Or does it just feel like it. Rich has had a sitcom experience with his bins and his son is disappointed with God. His returning guest is the great Peter Serafinowicz. The pair discuss Peter’s embracing of live work and technology, the return of Brian Butterfield and why Peter stayed in character for two hours after each show, using Deep Fakes on stage to bring the dead back to life, whether Abba turned up every night to do the curtain call for their hologram show, filming Sassy Trump with the guys from South Park and performing with Brian Eno in Venice. Plus which celebrity did Peter live round the corner until recently and is he able to get them on the podcast?

  • S30E02 RHLSTP 537 - Peter Serafinowicz - Part 2

    • November 13, 2024

    #537 New York Ticks and Cockroaches - He loved it so much last week that he came back a week later to do it again. A second interview with the very relaxed Peter Serafinowicz. This time they talk about his film and TV work in America, how getting the dream job of playing The Tick turned into a filming nightmare, general indifference to appearing in the greatest ever episode of Rick and Morty, screwing up your lines in front of of Keanu Reeves’ beautiful face and working with Michael Caine and wondering if you can talk about the impression you do of him. Plus why the Beatles song A Day in the Life needed to be much longer (listen here, why some accents are difficult even for Peter (not for Richard though) and both men’s not fully positive experiences of Camp America.

  • S30E03 RHLSTP 538 - Ade Edmondson

    • November 20, 2024

    #538 Pocklington - Richard has just moved house and is mourning the items that didn’t make the grade. His guest is another comedy hero, Adrian Edmondson. They talk about bad Brummie accents, the shadow that is cast on his life from the 14 weeks he spent on the Young Ones, cutting Rik Mayall’s head open with a metal jug, the boarding school experience that he’s still recovering from to this day, how the tweenager Ade may have passed the toddler Rich on the streets of Pocklington, how lockdown and birds and vegetables finally gave Ade calm, performing in Star Wars without being allowed to see the script, the secrets of a successful showbiz marriage, getting to perform in the band you were a superfan of, getting kissed by Joni Mitchell and keeping David Bowie off the top of the charts.

  • S30E04 RHLSTP 539 - James Acaster

    • November 27, 2024

    #539 Did You See Me in Ghostbusters? - Richard has been haunted by his smoke alarm. His guest is movie star James Acaster. They talk about his new Sky 1 special “Hecklers Welcome”, revitalising the love of stand up and spinning wheel based trauma, the surprise of being in the latest Ghostbusters film and how Rich plans to trump this, some of the secrets behind Celebrity Hunted (one of which was too juicy to share - come and see the show live), why James is not scared of bats, Springleaf, Party Gator and telling Bill Murray about the Bill Murray pub.

  • S30E05 RHLSTP 540 - Michael Sheen

    • December 4, 2024

    #540 You Must Think I'm a Terrible Flirt - Richard is trying out material for his Oh Shit I'm 60! show and, surprise surprise, it's all about his fading genitals. His guest is a man who can inhabit the soul of Nye Bevan, but also talk about his dick, Michael Sheen. They discuss the fantastic interview from The Assembly and how it knocks all of Richard's interviews out of the park, playing Chris Tarrant and the guilt or innocence the coughing major, the dangers of engendering sympathy for the Duke of York and who should have played the role, the heaven and hell of being a dad in later life and what being a not-for-profit actor actually means.

  • S30E06 RHLSTP 541 - Doon Mackichan

    • December 11, 2024

    #541 Hairy-legged Cinderella - Richard is fitting in in his new town and is surprisingly not the weirdest person there. His guest this week is On The Hour alumni, actor and campaigner Doon Mackichan. They talk about a showdown with Jim Davidson, 1980s feminism, whether it's possible to carry on swimming after you are dead, how taking no shit seems to have helped Doon's career, fighting against stereotyping and turning violent crime into entertainment, the revolutionary sketch show Smack The Pony and how the stars doubted it would be a success and why Richard is doing his best to redress the sexist balance of the TV industry by getting his cock and arse on screen as much as possible.

  • S30E07 RHLSTP 542 - Fern Brady

    • December 18, 2024

    #542 Twirling Scary Spice - Richard has been to the Taskmaster experience and is furious to have broken his perfect record of victory. His guest is another Taskmaster alumni, who has turned her appearance into ticket sales (unlike Richard), Fern Brady. They discuss her triumph at the Sky Arts Awards and why she gave a shout out to Irvine Welsh, magic mushrooms, why her tour poster involves her lactating into someone's mouth, why she doesn't want to follow the narrative of TV shows regarding her autism, why Richard thinks she is one of the best stand-ups we have (though doesn't seem to know where she's from), how a doctor made her think she was going to die for a night and how that helped her write her book, coping and not coping with her new found fame and why Richard is funny even when he's just in the audience.

  • S30E08 RHLSTP 543 - Count Binface

    • January 8, 2025

    #543 House of Losers - Richard has had a worrying dream, but what can it all mean? His guest is an alien from outer space and not a man in an impressive but ridiculous costume, the artist formerly known as Lord Buckethead, Count Binface. They discuss his reasons for travelling light years to take on sitting Prime Ministers in UK elections, some of his excellent policies involving hand dryers and Ceefax, whether snooker is already in 3 dimensions, losing a bind, whether old people should lose the vote, improving the House of Lords and how the UK’s future span out of control due to the Olympic opening ceremony and a bacon sandwich. Will Count Binface become Mayor of Croydon? Watch this (outer) space.

  • S30E09 RHLSTP 544 - Ruth Husko

    • January 15, 2025

    #544 Is This About Up the Arse? - Richard returns to Birmingham Town Hall for another couple of weeks of Brum based podcasts. His guest this week is Twitter sensation, Ruth Husko. They discuss how she has shared some great comedy on the moribund social media channel and why she got banned from it, the cockfighting of Wednesbury, why Freddie Starr is schmokin’, Richard’s plan to win the lottery, how much the public would give up to save Bob Mortimer, Scooby Doo porn, Richard’s erotic prejudice against cockneys, how Ruth failed to marry Stewart Lee and whether she should make the leap to full time comedian.

  • S30E10 RHLSTP 545 - Josh Pugh

    • January 22, 2025

    #545 Who Chooses The Sperm? Richard is back in Birmingham, after having iodine squirted through his veins (for some reason). His guest is Twitter sensation and fine stand up comedian Josh Pugh. They talk about how lockdown led to his hilarious videos on social media, his many caps for England, the Atherstone Purge, the disappointment of hosting the coverage of the Paris Paralympics, being a bicycle version of a pantomime horse, wanking in a hospital during lockdown, getting stuck in a puffer jacket for over a day, performing on Live at the Apollo and the lack of realism within Paw Patrol.

  • S30E11 RHLSTP 546 - Chelsea Birkby

    • January 29, 2025

    #546 Smash or Pass? Richard is considering becoming a sex worker, but there’s a line he will not cross. His guest is hilarious newcomer Chelsea Birkby. They chat about what it's like to do support in big theatres (and in your home town), making a gimmick of unusual physical features, the blurred area between objectification and flattery, being made to dress up as a baby by a Frenchman, whether Chelsea is bipolar or not, if the Cheeky Girls know more about philosophy than Plato and attempting to send the lottery results psychically to yourself in the past.

  • S30E12 RHLSTP 547 - Ivo Graham

    • February 5, 2025

    #547 Armadillo - Richard is lonely enough to consider taking up cycling, but is he prepared to cycle 47 miles to end up where he started? His guest is posho stand up Ivo Graham. They discuss the biscuity temptations of writers’ rooms, a dangerously unfocused attitude towards Wordle, disastrous appearances on the Weakest Link, how you can’t really dine out forever on a 15 year old competition win, coming last in Taskmaster, whether we should have sympathy for someone who boarded at Eton and why it’s admirable to embrace rather than hide your privilege as a comedian.

  • S30E13 RHLSTP 548 - Milton Jones

    • February 12, 2025

    #547 The Higher the Hair - Rich has had a bit of trouble getting to the theatre tonight as if he didn’t have enough to put up with being roasted by his kids. But he’s here and ready to give as good as he gets with the fabulous and wise Milton Jones. They chat about bat boxes, falling off stage, turning 60, Sting’s pulling power, what it would be like to be handsome, Tricorn hats, reverse engineering puns. Piers Morgan’s surprising unpleasantness, being a weather girl for a day, 10 second sermons, whether the gospels are funnier than we realise and what’s OK and not OK to joke about as a Christian and the legal case against Ha! Milton is given some evidence that will hopefully see Milton heavily sued.

  • S30E14 RHLSTP 549 - Dave Gorman

    • February 19, 2025

    #549 Noleros - Richard has taken on a huge personal challenge for charity that might affect his ability to do his job (so what was the excuse before?). His guest is crossword compiler (though we never mention that) Dave Gorman. They talk about a jacket potato based autobiography, who the Queen is, how trying to save the planet could help terrorists, why he’s returned to Modern Life is Goodish after 7 years ad the reason there are only 3 episodes in the series, rather than the recorded 4, when snacks mutate and super-long finger nails and will Dave Gorman return to Neighbours?

  • S30E15 RHLSTP 550 - Nish Kumar - Julian Clary’s Glittery Balls

    • February 26, 2025

    Rich pays tribute to a former guest who we have very sadly lost, but is trying to look on the bright side too and get some laughs as is only right at the death of a comedian. His guest is alive at time of recording, Nish Kumar. They talk about the new Tory leader (at time of recording) and how they compare with the sexiness of previous head honchos, how much we should tax billionaires and if we can change their mindset to make them less hoardy, spending millions to regain youth and why Nish should enjoy being 39 while he still can, the possible consequences of the US election (which you may know more about than us, but good to get some predictions in), ideal pre-gig food and what you shouldn’t eat, why Milton Jones (and now Nish Kumar) is the best comedian to support and what happens if his audience takes against you.

  • S30E16 RHLSTP 551 - Andy Zaltzman - Human Dodecapede

    • March 5, 2025

    Richard has a new notebook and is making jokes that were topical in November 2024 (and probably still are) and has met one of his sporting heroes, for whom Rich is an unlikely hero. His guest this week is cricket statistician Andy Zaltzman. They talk about what it is to be a Taskmaster Champion, who might have had the most awkward introduction to their team on the show and the power of dressing like a snooker player. Also how Andy landed what must have been his two dream jobs, how to improve the game Howzat, self-playing Subbuteo, whether John Oliver is in danger in the USA, how Zaltzman has been podcasting even longer than the Podfather, whether cricket pads to Pakistan is coals to Newcastle and some unusual picks for a perennial qesugtion.

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Stewart Lee

    • YouTube

    The first RHLSTP that was recorded in vision as well as sound was destined to be an extra on the DVD release for the second series of Fist of Fun. It features Rich talking to Stewart Lee in an entertaining and honest conversation covering everything from their early partnership though to Fist of Fun, This Morning Not Judy and beyond.

  • SPECIAL 0x7 Backstage with Josie Long

    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x28 Backstage with Trevor Locke and Paul Putner

    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x29 Backstage with Ben Goldacre

    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x30 RHLSTP Special - Tim Vine @ Slapstick Festival - Back to Back

    • February 20, 2019
    • YouTube

    In the first of three special interviews from the Bristol Slapstick Festival, Richard talks to ex-World Record Punster and Pen Behind the Ear supremo, Tim Vine, who picks some of his favourite comedy clips. The pair chat about how to write one-liners, how they have helped and failed to help each other’s sets, the best joke ever from the Edinburgh Fringe and look through some of the influences that have made Tim the child-man that he is today. Will a slightly ill Tim make it to the end of the interview? Let’s hope so, cos there’s a great clip with his dad to enjoy if he does.

  • SPECIAL 0x31 RHLSTP Special - Damon Beesley and Joe Thomas @ Slapstick Festival - Baggy Trousers

    • February 27, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich is still at the Bristol Slapstick Festival, chatting with some of his comedy heroes, including the co-creator and one of the stars of the Inbetweeners, Damon Beesly and Joe Thomas. They chat about the difficulty of casting the show, why it was set in the present day rather than the 80s as originally intended, Rich’s failure to get a part in the show and the phenomenal success of the films. They also discuss whether there will ever be any more Inbetweeners in the future. What do you think? Should they? Of course they shouldn’t! Plus a special message from the other co-creator of the series Iain Morris.

  • SPECIAL 0x32 RHLSTP Special - The Goodies @ Slapstick Festival - War With Babies

    • March 6, 2019
    • YouTube

    Rich is at the Bristol Slapstick Festival and almost bursting with excitement to meet and chat with his childhood and adulthood heroes, Graeme Garden, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor, aka The Goodies. They chat about the origins of the team and the cartoons and slapstick stars that influenced them, how the special effects still stand up today, why they left the BBC and whether they resent the fact they've never been repeated, the kitten, the gibbon, the music and the stunt man that they shared with a legend. It's beautiful to see the boys back together and to see how quickly they slip back into the old triple act and for them to get the ovation that they deserve.

  • SPECIAL 0x33 Kay Mellor - Rhubarb Triangle

    • July 11, 2019
    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x48 RHLSTP Special - Ally and Sally Sloper - Don't Look At Me!

    • September 24, 2020
    • YouTube

    Rich has failed to secure a human guest for RHLSTP and so instead decides to get drunk and talk to some Victorian dolls. It's a very special kind of second lockdown madness, so approach with caution. Find out all about Edinburgh 1987 and the unnamable person who carried out a dummy-based infraction on Herring, plus the sketch that launched the Ally and Herring double act. How did Ally and Sally meet? What is Ally's favourite compass direction? Does the ghost of Richard's dead relatives live on in the dummies? And are they destined to sit on a shelf next to a crap Prince William once Richard has died.

  • SPECIAL 0x49 Kay Mellor - Rhubarb Triangle

    • July 11, 2019
    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x50 Kay Mellor - Rhubarb Triangle

    • July 11, 2019
    • YouTube

  • SPECIAL 0x51 Kay Mellor - Rhubarb Triangle

    • July 11, 2019
    • YouTube