Es ist Dezember und Bruder befindet sich seit zehn Tagen in Einzelhaft. Heimlich versorgt Aufseher Kumagai ihn mit Essen. Als dieser einen Schlauch bemerkt, der die ganze Zelle unter Wasser setzt, versucht er das Wasser abzudrehen. Doch plötzlich taucht Ishirhara auf und verhöhnt ihn mit seinem teuflischen Lachen. (Text: Amazon Channels)
Ishihara is apoplectic that Sakuragi is still alive after more than two weeks of starvation, unaware that Turtle and later Guard Kumagai have been sneaking him food. Kumagai tells Mario and Nurse Setsuko about Dr. Sasaki's involvement with Sakuragi mistreatment, unaware that Sasaki is secretly listening. That night when Kumagai brings Sakuragi food he discovers that Sakuragi is being subjected to water torture. Attempting to help Sakuragi, Kumagai is ambushed by Ishihara. Some time later after Kumagai fails to return to the hospital, Mario attempts to leave but is confronted by Ishihara, who reveals that Kumagai died in an 'accident'. Mario returns to the school and tells the others about Sasaki and Kumagai. Knowing Sasaki and Ishihara will not allow Sakuragi to leave alive, Mario and the others plot to free Sakuragi and escape, despite knowing that they'll be sent to juvenile prison if caught.
Ishihara es apopléctico de que Sakuragi todavía está vivo después de más de dos semanas de hambre, sin saber que Turtle y más tarde el Guardia Kumagai le han estado escondiendo comida. Kumagai les cuenta a Mario y a la enfermera Setsuko sobre la participación del Dr. Sasaki en el maltrato de Sakuragi, sin saber que Sasaki está escuchando en secreto.
Ishihara è sorpreso dal fatto che Sakuragi sia ancora vivo dopo più di due settimane di fame, ignaro che Mandibola e in seguito anche la guardia Kumagai gli hanno rubato del cibo.
Mario, hospitalisé après s’être fait broyer la main, comprend qu’Ishihara et Sasaki sont prêts à tout pour réduire Sakuragi au silence. Il décide de retourner dans sa cellule et propose à ses cinq compagnons d’aider Sakuragi à se faire la belle…