Mario und seine Freunde begreifen, dass Bruder in Lebensgefahr schwebt. Aufgeflogen heckt einen raffinierten Fluchtplan aus. Als sie sich bereits auf der sicheren Seite wähnen, gehen die Sirenen los und die Suchlichter an. Kann Bruder gerettet werden? (Text: Amazon Channels)
Uncovered devises a plan to free Sakuragi and shares it with the others. Needing to get a key from Dr. Sasaki, Joe volunteers to go to the doctor's office, despite knowing Sasaki's perverted lusts. Joe fakes a stomach ache and is taken to Sasaki's office, where he 'flirts' with Sasaki. Joe convinces Sasaki to strip naked, and when his back is turned Joe strangles him with a cloth rope and ties him up. He returns to the cell and releases the other boys. Reaching Sakuragi's cell, Mario knock Ishihara unconscious and they carry Sakuragi away. A guard finds Dr. Sasaki tied up and sounds the alarm. Uncovered 'sacrifices' himself to draw the guards attention and manages to cut the electricity to the compound and search lights. At the front gate, Cabbage and Soldier stay behind to block the guards. Outside the compound, Ishihara ambushes the others and tries to stab Sakuragi with a knife, but Mario pummels Ishihara unconscious again. After eluding capture, Mario becomes depressed about losing the others, but Joe and Turtle state that it was Mario's determination which allowed them to save Sakuragi's life.
Descubierto diseña un plan para liberar a Sakuragi y lo comparte con los demás. Necesitando obtener una llave del Dr. Sasaki, Joe se ofrece como voluntario para ir al consultorio del médico, a pesar de conocer los deseos pervertidos de Sasaki. Joe finge un dolor de estómago y lo llevan a la oficina de Sasaki, donde "coquetea" con Sasaki.
Bronzo escogita un piano per liberare Sakuragi e lo condivide con gli altri. Avendo bisogno di ottenere una chiave dal dottor Sasaki, Joe si offre volontario per andare nell'ufficio del dottore, nonostante conosca i desideri perversi di Sasaki.
Baremoto a mis au point un plan d’évasion, où chacun de ses camarades a un rôle bien précis. Tout se déroule conformément à ses vœux jusqu’à ce qu’ils arrivent dans la cour de la maison de correction. Il leur faut maintenant franchir le mur d’enceinte, quand l’alarme retentit…