Trotz aller Schikanen in Block 1, Zelle 8, lässt Bruder sich nicht provozieren. Ishihara und Sasaki, die Sakuragis Entlassung verhindern wollen, müssen einen neuen Plan schmieden. Sie wollen Sakuragi aus der Reserve locken, indem sie seinen Freunden zusetzen. Die Rechnung scheint aufzugehen. Bruder muss in Einzelhaft und bekommt nichts mehr zu essen. (Text: Amazon Channels)
The other bullies attack Sakuragi, while Ishihara listens from outside the cell. Ishihara leaves content that Sakuragi will be bludgeoned to death by morning. In the morning, Ishihara opens the cell, but is horrified to see all the bullies beaten and bloody on the floor. Cowed by the beating they suffered, none of the bullies are willing to admit it was Sakuragi's fault, causing Ishihara to leave in a rage. Unable to intimidate Sakuragi, Dr. Sasaki suggests Ishihara make Sakuragi break the rules by hurting his friends. Realizing Ishihara's goal, the boys bear the abuse to protect Sakuragi. Sakuragi, no longer able to watch, grabs Ishihara and is in turn placed in solitary confinement. Ishihara plans to starve Sakuragi to death saying that he and Sasaki can't let him out because of what he knows. One year earlier, Sakuragi had a roommate named Ei'ichi who was sexually molested by Dr. Sasaki. Unable to live with the constant abuse, Ei'ichi committed suicide. Guard Kumagai reveals Ishihara's plans to the boys in 2-6. Turtle manages to sneak food to Sakuragi's cell, restoring his will to survive.
Los otros matones atacan a Sakuragi, mientras Ishihara escucha desde afuera de la celda. Ishihara deja contento de que Sakuragi sea asesinado a golpes por la mañana. Por la mañana, Ishihara abre la celda, pero se horroriza al ver a todos los matones golpeados y ensangrentados en el suelo.
Gli altri bulli attaccano Sakuragi, mentre Ishihara ascolta da fuori la cella. Ishihara si accontenta del fatto che Sakuragi sarà picchiato a morte. Al mattino, Ishihara apre la cella, ma è inorridito nel vedere tutti i bulli picchiati e sanguinanti sul pavimento.
Sasaki et Ishihara tentent toujours de se débarrasser de Sakuragi avec les apparences de la légalité. Chacune de leur tactique échoue, mais Sakuragi est au bord de la rupture. Il va néanmoins bénéficier du précieux soutien de ses amis.