Am Tag des Finales der Vorrunden machen sich die Mädchen nach einer Rede in der Schule zum Ort des Events auf, aber wegen des Schnees fällt der Verkehr aus. Daher stampfen sie auf eigenen Füßen durch den Schnee zum Zielort, aber...
The day of the Love Live preliminary finals arrives, with the girls overcoming the cold weather to get together to the stage. However, Honoka, Umi, and Kotori are held back by a delay on an address they are giving at the school and become snowed in. Determined not to let their efforts go in vain, the three girls decide to head to the stage on foot, finding that all of their fellow schoolmates have cleared the path for them. Rejoining the others just in time, the girls of μ's take on the feelings of all of their supporters and perform the song that they all wrote together.
Voici venu le jour des éliminatoires finales. Tout est prêt et les membres de µ's sont plus motivées que jamais, mais la météo pourrait bien leur jouer des tours.
드디어 밝아온 러브라이브 최종예선날. 신의 장난인지 날씨는 눈 펑펑. 호노카와 코토리, 우미는 입학설명회 인사 후에 공연장에서 합류하기로 하는데... 시간이 갈수록 눈발이 거세지면서 교통편이 모두 마비되어 버리고 만다!
Es tiempo de la final preliminar y las chicas estarán muy ansiosas y preocupadas. El clima les jugará una mala pasada y hará que el grupo se divida en dos faltando pocas horas para el gran evento.