µ's wird zu einem Gastaufritt auf einem Halloween-Event in Akihabara eingeladen. Diese regionale Unterstützung brauchen sie, um das Love Live zu gewinnen. Durch eine beeindruckende Vorführung hofft µ's, die Kluft zwischen sich und A-RISE vor dem Ende der Vorrunden schließen zu können.
Both μ's and A-Rise are invited to appear in a Halloween event in Akihabara, with μ's hoping to make a big impact to gain support for the Love Live preliminaries. Thinking they need a new look to provide that impact, the group tries various methods to accomplish, such as changing their outfits, impersonating each other, and even trying out a rock look, but nothing seems to work out. On the day of their performance, Honoka realizes they don't need to change themselves, as they already have quite varied members themselves, and they perform together with their natural abilities. Meanwhile, Yukiho comes across a shocking letter whilst rummaging through Honoka's room.
Akiba fête Halloween, pour l'occasion, les groupes A-RISE et µ's sont invités à donner un concert. Les membres de µ's ont l'intention de voler la vedette à A-RISE pour marquer des points auprès du public avant la finale du Love Live. Elles réfléchissent à la meilleure façon de se distinguer…
뮤즈는 아키바 핼러윈 이벤트에서 공연 제안을 받게 된다. 함께 초청된 A-RISE와 비교될 걸 우려한 뮤즈 멤버들은 참신한 이미지로 차별화를 꾀하지만... 이미지 변신 아이디어는 번번이 처절한 결과만 남길 뿐이었다.
Es Halloween y las chicas se preparan para un importante evento. A-RISE también estará presente, lo que supondrá una ansiedad tremenda para las de µ's. Esto las llevará a intentar de todo por destacarse y eso incluirá varios fracasos.