Die Schule soll geschlossen werden!? Anscheinend hängt alles vom Tag des offenen Campus in zwei Wochen ab. Um die Otonokizaka-Oberschule, die Schule ihrer Großmutter, zu retten, sucht Eli nach einem Weg, den Tag zu einem Erfolg zu machen. Währenddessen beginnen die Mädchen mit dem Training für ihre Vorführung, doch Umi macht sich Sorgen um die Tanzkünste der Gruppe. Umi erklärt den anderen die Situation und schlägt Eli als Tanzlehrerin vor, aber...
The chairwoman clarifies the school will be closed down if their upcoming open day is received negatively. As Eli tries to think of ways to attract potential students besides μ's, Umi suggests to the group that they should get Eli to teach them how to dance. Eli eventually agrees to help them out and starts putting them through some intense training, surprised to find them willing to put through with it despite the roughness of it all. As Eli becomes conflicted by what she should do, Nozomi tells her that should do what she wants to do instead of what people expect her to do. Eli breaks down and says she wants to join μ's but doesn't feel she is able to do so. Nozomi informs the others, who formally invite her to join μ's as one of their members. Eli finally becomes honest with herself and joins the group alongside Nozomi, who reveals she was the one who came up with the group's name. The complete group performs at the open day to a pleased crowd.
Les filles de µ's apprennent en écoutant aux portes qu’à moins de réussir à organiser une journée portes ouvertes mémorable, l’école est condamnée à fermer ! Il n’en faut pas plus pour les convaincre de se donner à fond pour préserver leur école, mais leur technique de danse n’est pas au point… Elles décident alors de demander l’aide d’Eri, la présidente des élèves.
학교 개방 행사, 오픈 캠퍼스 앙케트 결과로 폐교를 결정하겠다는 이사장.
이에 반발한 학생회장은 독자적으로 움직이기 시작한다.
한편 뮤즈 멤버들도 오픈 캠퍼스를 위해서 맹연습을 시작하지만...
Cuando creían que finalmente todo estaba bajo control, surge un nuevo inconveniente. ¿Lograrán resolverlo una vez más? ¿Qué nueva sorpresa encontraremos en este episodio?