The downhill race between the 86 and the Cappucino starts, and everyone is talking about how much advantage the Cappucino has over the 86. But that advantage is lessen by the rain because the burden of the race shifts from the car to the driver's skills. Iketani, Kenji, and Itsuki goes to watch Takumi's race. Ryosuke gives Takumi some advice in beating his opponent, but he didn't give it clearly because he wants Takumi's skills to grow by figuring it out. This episode ends when Takumi's 86 catches up to the Cappucino by turning early so he spends more time stepping on the accelerator.
La course débute entre la 86 et la Cappucino et tous les spectateurs sont persuadés que la Trueno n'a cette fois-ci aucune chance. Heureusement pour Takumi, la pluie se met à tomber et nivelle les différences entre les 2 bolides.
Una nueva estrategia se ideó por Ryosuke en el último minuto. Parece que la única manera Takumi va a ganar la batalla en la lluvia es si se utiliza la misma estrategia como un oponente anterior que está corriendo en contra antes. El único problema con esto es Takumi se confunde sobre qué hacer, ya que la lluvia es lo que hace aún más difícil durante la carrera contra el Cappuccino, incierta de la ventaja.
경차 카푸치노를 상대로 아키나의 86은 고전을 면치 못한다. 직선주로에서 따라집지만 코너에서 뒤지는 상황은 타쿠미에게는 처음 있는 일이었고, 이는 초조함으로 이어졌다. 어떻게든 필사적으로 카푸치노를 쫓아가는 타쿠미, 하지만 초조함은 상대방이 더욱 심했는데...