The downhill rain battle continues between Takumi's 86 and the Cappucino. Fujiwara tries to do a counter attack because he misunderstood what Ryosuke told him. The second time Takumi tried to counterattack, he makes a mistake and puts a gap between himself and his opponent. As they come closer to the finish line, Takumi begins to wonder whether or not he should beat his opponent in the straightaway, eventhough he lost in the corners. When Sakamoto tried to block Takumi from passing him, Takumi instinctively uses the blind attack winning him the race. He also almost runs over his friends on the road since his headlights were off and they could not see him. Everyone was shocked the race was over in the first round. Now the second battle in the rain takes place between Wataru Ikiyama and his 86, and Keisuke Takahashi and his FD.
La course continue sous la pluie tandis que Takumi se souvient des conseils de Ryosuke : " conduit comme Kyouichi ! ". Mais l'attaque qu'il place pour reprendre l'avantage le met en mauvaise posture. Va-t-il devoir s'incliner ?
Los segmentos finales de la carrera de lluvias está a la mano como Takumi ahora comienza a realizar el mayor número de ataques audaces contra los locos esquina atacar Cappuccino. Pero como parece que Sakamoto no está dispuesto a dar Takumi ningún riesgo para una victoria segura.
급경사 섹션이 끝나고 경사가 완만한 후반부에 진입한 내리막 배틀 1차전. 그리고 예기치 않게 내린 비는 타쿠미에게 오히려 유리한 요소로 작용한다. 카푸치노를 바짝 쫓는 86, 하지만 막바지 직선주로에서 타쿠미는 이렇게 이기는게 정당한 것인지 갈등하는데...