Yotos gescheiterte Versuche, mit Tsukushi über die Katzenstatue zu sprechen, führen dazu, dass sie darüber sprechen, was sie mit seinem Zwillingsbruder machen sollen. Ein unerwarteter Gast trifft ein.
On the last day of summer, Tsukiko found Yōto in there storage room sleeping. Yōto explain that storage room has everything found in his house and the only theory he has is that the strange cat-statue has to do something with it. On the next day Yōto asked Tsukushi about the cat-statue and it turned out that is is a god which their family worshiped and she also asked Yōto a favor to trick his "twin brother" to somewhere alone and kill him but Yōto said that Tsukiko would be sad so she must first find a way to discourage Tsukiko from liking Yōto's "twin brother". later that nigh while he was in his "house" Azusa called him and asked why didn't he called her and if he want to see Azusa in her swimsuit. While talking on the phone he said that he wanted to see Azusa in her suimsiut then out of nowhere she suddenly fell on top of Yōto. Later that evening after dinner Yōto explain to Tsukiko what happened and told her that the cat-god must have been the cause, Tsukiko felt guilty and apologized and said that she only wished to be together with Yōto. near bed time while Yōto was thinking about something, Tsukushi barged in and trying to seduce Yōto in attempt to discourage Tsukiko. in their conversation Yōto found out that Tsukushi only did it for Tsukiko because she was afraid that Yōto would take her away and leave her. In the heat of conversation she wished that the world fall into ruins. in an instant the cat-god grant her wish and the whole building came crushing down leaving a scene of devastation
Yôto mène l’enquête sur la statue de chat géante qu’il a découverte dans la résidence de Tsukiko…
츠츠카쿠시 가문에 대대로 전해 내려오는 묘신, 고양이상이 소원을 끌어들인다는 말을 들은 요코데라는 그 힘을 시험하기 위해 아즈키 아즈사가 보고 싶다는 소원을 빈다. 그리고 바로 뒤, 오키나와에 있어야 할 수영복 차림의 아즈키 아즈사가 요코데라 앞에 떨어지는데...
Cuando Yokodera se entera de que la estatua del gato, que ha pasado de generación en generación en la familia Tsutsukakushi, concede deseos, pide un deseo a Azuki Azusa para probar su poder. Lo siguiente que sabe es que Azuki cae ante él en un traje de baño que pertenece a Okinawa...