Craig, Mitch og Garner tager afsted på en weekendtur, hvor de skal prøve kræfter med at flyve dragefly. Men det går ikke specielt godt for Mitch, som ender i et træ og må have hjælp. Cort møder en kvinde, hvis mand angiveligt druknede sidste år, men noget viser sig ikke at være helt sandt.
Cort trifft einen alten Freund wieder, von dem er glaubte, er sei vor einiger Zeit beim Schwimmen tödlich verunglückt. Mitch, Craig und Garner machen mit dem Drachen einen Ausflug in die Berge. Plötzlich stürzt Mitch mit seinem Gerät in eine tiefe Schlucht.
Mitch, Craig and Garner take a weekend hang-gliding trip. While hang-gliding, Mitch has a terrible accident and crash-lands in some trees. When he falls down from the tree, he breaks his leg. Even more bad luck is to come. Mitch also gets bitten by a rattlesnake and falls down into a rock quarry. After a couple of minutes, Craig goes searching for him and finds him unconscious in the quarry. When Garner is about to get help, the jeep won't start. Then he is forced to use the hang-glider. He can't control it and crash-lands right next to Shauni's tower.
When the Baywatch gang finds out about Mitch, they head for the mountains to rescue him. Eddie, Shauni and Garner drive there in a lifeguard truck, while Thorpe and Newmie take the helicopter, when the storm calms down. Meanwhile, Mitch doesn't show any gratitude whatsoever towards Craig. But when he is finally rescued by the Baywatch gang, he thanks Craig for all he's done.
Meanwhile, while spending some time with a girl on a boat, Cort
Cort semble reconnaître Lance, un ami qu'il croyait mort et découvre que Kate, sa femme, doit toucher un très gros chèque de sa compagnie d'assurance. Mitch, Craig et Garner partent en week-end à la montagne. Mitch et Craig font du deltaplane. Mitch s'écrase au sol, se casse une jambe, puis se fait mordre par un serpent à sonnette. Craig part à sa recherche
Mitch, Craig e Garner decidono di fare un giro in aliante nel week-end; Mitch è bersagliato dalla sfortuna: precipita rompendosi una gamba, viene morso da un serpente e cade in una cava. Garner cerca di aiutarlo, ma la jeep si guasta. Craig allora va a cercare aiuto in aliante e riesce a trovarlo. Cort intanto rivede un vecchio amico che credeva morto, ma scopre che in realtà l'amico si era solo finto morto per truffare l'assicurazione. Cort riuscirà a impedirgli di raggiungere i suoi scopi.
Craig, Mitch y Garner se van de fin de semana para realizar actividades de aventura. En ala delta, Mitch tiene un accidente cuando se queda atrapado en un árbol y, finalmente, cae. Con Mitch inconsciente, Craig y Garner tienen que esperar a que un helicóptero de rescate acuda en su ayuda.