Eddie og Cort opdager et forladt skib, som viser sig at være et illegalt kasino. Mitch tilbringer stadig mere og mere tid sammen med Hobie's engelsklærer, men det er ikke et makkerskab, som Hobie bryder sig om.
Eddie wird von einem Freund auf ein vor der Küste ankerndes Schiff mitgenommen. Ahnungslos gerät er in eine illegale Spielhölle, wo er nach allen Regeln der Kunst ausgenommen wird. Mitch hat sich in Hobies Lehrerin verliebt. Sein Sohn ist wenig begeistert.
Cort brings Eddie, Shauni and his date Ruby to an illegal offshore casino. A man named Laurence Danvier runs the casino. Eddie is bitten by the gambling bug and returns several times to the casino. He finds himself in debt after a few days of bad luck. When he can't pay, one of the bad guys drag him after a boat. Craig sees Eddie when he tries to reach shore totally exhausted. When Cort finds out about this, he goes to the casino and discovers that the establishment uses marked cards and loaded dice.
After that, Cort and Craig decides to beat them at their own game. Craig and Gina go to the casino as a couple, pretending to play. Cort uses a smoke bomb and thereby makes everyone think that there's a fire on the boat. Then he finds the room with all the money. When Danvier arrives and pulls a gun at him, Craig stands outside hearing everything. It turns out that Craig is wired and that the police are nearby. Cort tries to take some of the money, but Garner and Craig force him to leave i
Cort emmène son ami Eddy dans un casino pirate, ancré en face de Los Angeles. Eddy prend goût au jeu et s'endette auprès du patron du tripot, prêt à tout pour récupérer l'argent avancé à un taux usuraire. Cort et Craig vont l'aider à démasquer les trafics des escrocs. Mitch a une liaison avec une prof de son fils. Perturbé, ce dernier espère bénéficier de mesures de faveurs !
Cort porta Eddie, Shauni e la sua ragazza Ruby a una bisca clandestina. Eddie si fa prendere dal vizio del gioco, perde un sacco di soldi e gli esattori finiscono per minacciarlo e ridurlo male. Cort decide allora di organizzare una retata insieme a Craig e Gina. Alla fine i delinquenti vengono arrestati e Cort viene dissuaso dal rubare dei soldi. Hobie intanto ha dei problemi a scuola con l'insegnante d'inglese e decide di imbrogliare, ma alla fine, pentito, confessa tutto a Mitch.
Un casino ilegal causa problemas a Cort y a varios compañeros. Mientras tanto, Hobie cree que va a aprobar sin problemas la asignatura de inglés cuando Mitch empieza a salir con su profesora, pero pronto descubre que pasa todo lo contrario.