Mana, Kitaro, and the others visit Tottori for the first time in a long time, and learn the shocking truth that Tottori has become the Great Tottori Empire and has become an independent nation. Then, they are sent to a rehabilitation facility for the crime of saying a certain phrase, slandering Tottori. Meanwhile, Mana's uncle, Shouji, suspects that the governor is a fake. The governor senses his doubt and has him arrested as a traitor. After escaping, Mana and the others hear from Shouji about the governor being a fake. The governor extends his evil influence. The Special Assassination Squad, Kani-tarou and Nashi-tarou, close in on Mana and Shouji! Kitaro and the others are...?!
Mana retourne à Sakaiminato, sa campagne chérie, avec Misstigri et Kitarô. Sortie de l'avion, elle apprend que le département de Tottori… a fait sécession du Japon ! Qu'a-t-il bien pu arriver ?
久しぶりに鳥取を訪れたまなと鬼太郎たちは、鳥取県が大鳥取帝国として独立したという衝撃の事実を知る。そして、とある一言から鳥取侮辱罪で厚生施設に入れられてしまう。 一方まなのおじの庄司は、知事が本物ではないとにらんでいた。しかしそれを察知した知事により、反逆者として追われる身となってしまう。脱走してきたまなたちは、庄司から知事が偽物だという話を聞く。 しかしそこに知事の魔の手が及ぶ。特殊暗殺部隊・カニ次郎&ナシ太郎がまなと庄司に迫る!鬼太郎たちは…!?
Mana vai passar suas férias de verão em Sakaiminato, mas quando chega ao local descobre que Tottori declarou independência do Japão. A coisa fica ainda mais conturbada quando fica evidente o envolvimento de yokai no caso.
Mana, Kitarō und die anderen machen Urlaub in Sakaiminato, doch müssen feststellen, dass die Präfektur Tottori ihre Unabhängigkeit erklärt hat und zum Großreich Tottori mit vielen absurden Gesetzen geworden ist. Was geht hier nur vor sich?