Kitaro and the others celebrate the fishing festival with everyone from Sakaiminato. Then, Mana hears a strange voice calling her and disappears. At the same time, the door to the hidden village of Yumigahama opens. The voice calling to Mana leads her across a bridge and through that door. When she regains her senses, Mana is in a place overgrown with beautiful flowers. There, she meets children dressed in Japanese clothes. The boy who leads them, Ichinoshin, tells her she can't return from that place. He also tells her that they are from the second year of Bunsei, which means they're children from the Edo era. Will Kitaro and the others be able to find Mana? And what about the children...?!
Mana est impatiente de participer au festival du port de pêche de Sakaiminato, mais elle s’égare au village caché, un endroit secret n’apparaissant qu’une fois tous les 200 ans.
境港のみなと大漁祭りを楽しむ鬼太郎たち。ところがまなが、奇妙な声に呼ばれたまま姿を消してしまう。 同じころ、弓ヶ浜では隠れ里への扉が開いていた。声に呼ばれたまなは、橋を渡ってその扉をくぐり抜けてしまう。気が付くと、彼女は美しい花が咲き乱れる場所にいた。そこでまなは、和服姿の子供たちに会う。彼らをまとめる少年・一之進はここから帰ることはできないと言う。そして自分たちは文政二年、つまり江戸時代の人間だと告げるのだった。 果たして鬼太郎たちはまなを見つけ出せるのか。そして、少年たちを待ちうけるのは…!?
Mana está em um festival em Sakaiminato e combina de encontrar Kitaro e Garota Gato. No entanto, estranhamente não aparece. Quando ela se dá conta, está em um local diferente, junto de alguns meninos que não parecem ser desse tempo.
Mana wird von einer Stimme in eine Welt gelockt, deren Tore sich nur alle 200 Jahre öffnen. Dort trifft sie auf eine Gruppe von Kindern, die aus der fernen Vergangenheit kommen. Von ihnen erfährt sie, dass es keinen Ausweg aus diesem versteckten Dorf gibt.