Ein alter Mann namens Isao zieht mit seiner Familie um und lässt einige alte Gegenstände zurück, die ihn viele Jahre begleitet haben. Doch diesen Gegenständen wohnen Seelen inne und sie sind zutiefst traurig, so weggeworfen zu werden. Bedeuten sie Isao wirklich so wenig?
At a certain closed shoe store, there was an old man named Isao who packs up and prepares to move. Afterward, some things pop out of the trash bags that were thrown aside in the building. Those things were Bake-Zōri and other Tsukumogami. There, Nezumi-Otoko appears. He comes up with another money-making scheme, and entices the Tsukumogami to work with him to get back at the humans who don't take care of their belongings. After a while, Kitarō receives letters about things moving on their own, and begins to investigate...
De vieux objets aimés pendant des années ont pris vie, mais ont été oubliés pendant un déménagement. C'est alors que Ratichon flaire encore une affaire juteuse...
Em meio a uma mudança, diversos objetos antigos são deixados para trás. Os objetos no entanto ganharam vida e passam a ser a próxima oportunidade de negócio do Homem Rato.