This episode begins with the duel between Hiei and Shigure (the one who gave Hiei his Jagan). Hiei has a flashback to his early. In the Ice World, he was thrown off a cliff because he was "the Forbidden Child". He was found by a demon clan. They were fascinated by Hiei teargem from the Ice World. He made a name for himself as a ruthless killer.
Eventually, Hiei left the clan of demons. He went to Shigure for the Jagan eye. He wanted the eye to find the Ice World and the teargem, which was cut off of his neck during a fight. Shigure refused to give Hiei the eye because he did not think Hiei could endure the pain. Hiei proves he is worthy by sticking his katana through his own hand.
After the operation, Shigure asked Hiei to stay because the operation drained all of his spirit energy. Hiei agrees, figuring he will never see the surgeon again.
The duel begins. Shigure throws his circle sword/boomerang at Hiei. Hiei blocks the sword, losing his left arm in the process. Shigure recovers and cuts Hiei.
Hiei affronte Shigure, le démon qui s'est implanté l'œil Jagan dans le front et qui lui a montré comment se battre avec une épée.
Hiei è giunto alla resa dei conti contro Shigure, il demone che gli ha impiantato il terzo occhio sulla fronte e gli ha insegnato come usare una spada in combattimento.
(前半)飛影、時雨の戦いが始まる。しかし、この戦いで死すら覚悟する飛影。それは、氷泪石を見つけ出すという戦いの目的を意外な所で達成してしまったからだった。全ての戦いの目的であった氷泪石とは一体、飛影にとってどういう物なのか? (後半)飛影に邪眼を移植し、同時に剣術の師でもあった時雨との勝負は、一瞬にして飛影に軍配が上がった。しかし、自らも深い傷を追った飛影に近づく躯は、褒美として飛影自身のものであった、もう一つの氷泪石を渡す。さらに約束である自らの正体を飛影の前で明らかにする。
Durante mais uma longa sessão de recordações, Hiei enfrenta Shigure e sua Espada Circular de Fogo Diabólico. A luta é das mais violentas: o herói perde um braço, mas além de arrancar um braço do inimigo ainda lhe decepa a cabeça na altura do nariz!
Este episodio comienza con el duelo entre Hiei y Shigure (el que le dio a Hiei su Jagan). Hiei tiene un flashback de sus comienzos. En el Mundo de Hielo, fue arrojado por un precipicio porque era "el Niño Prohibido". Fue encontrado por un clan de demonios. Estaban fascinados por la lágrima de Hiei del Mundo de Hielo.
En Hiei lluita contra en Shigure, un dels guerrers de la guàrdia d'en Mukuro. Mentrestant, el secret de l'ull maligne surt a la llum.
受到雷禪的邀請,幽助進入了魔界,日以繼夜地與S級妖怪展開激烈的訓練。 另一方面,來到軀的城堡的飛影在短時間內提升到驚人的妖力,甚至擊倒了軀身邊的時雨。 三大勢力之中剩下的另一個黃泉,也找了一個人來魔界,他就是藏馬。
Hiei heeft een beslissende confrontatie met Shigure, de demon die het boze oog heeft geïmplanteerd op zijn voorhoofd en hem heeft laten zien hoe je met een zwaard vecht.