With their duels still unresolved, both Yami Yugi and Joey draw their Legendary Dragon cards at similar times and both summon them to the field. However while Joey successfully combines Hermos with his Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Timaeus vanishes as Yami Yugi summons it leaving him stranded with his main hope for victory gone. Nonetheless, Yami Yugi is determined to defeat Weevil and find out where Yugi's soul is being kept, but the pressure of the guilt residing within him seems to be growing stronger by the minute. Joey is able to defeat Rex easily with Hermos's power, but things look bad for Yami Yugi. He eventually wins using his Berzerker Soul magic card, but he's still no closer to finding Yugi's soul. At that moment, the train derails, and Yami Yugi, Tea, and Weevil's souless body go plummeting into a ravine.
Insector Haga et Rex Raptor semblent avoir beaucoup progressé grâce au Sceau d'Orichalque. Cela suffira-t-il pour battre le Pharaon et Joey ?
Timaeus non vuole attivarsi
Die Duelle gehen weiter. Rex hat sich vorgenommen, Joey zu quälen. Er will versuchen, den Rotaugendrachen zweimal zu zerstören, aber Joey bekommt seinen guten alten Gearfried, den Eisernen Ritter, in die Finger und kann seinen Gegner endgültig schlagen. Damit wandert die Seele von Rex zum Orichalcos. Weevil hat genauso wenig Glück. Mit einer geschickten Taktik und dem Berserker zwingt Yami-Yugi seinen Kontrahenten in die Knie. Nun ist auch Weevils Seele verloren.
Fusionando a "Hermos" y "Dragón Negro de Ojos Rojos" para crear "Espada del Dragón Negro de Ojos Rojos" junto a "Gearfried el Maestro de la Espada", Joey logra derrotar a Rex, prometiendo recuperar su alma junto a la de Yugi. Yami Yugi intenta usar a "Timaeus" pero, debido a lo ocurrido en el anterior Duelo con Rafael, el Dragón abandona a Yami Yugi. A pesar de esto, Yami Yugi encuentra la forma de derrotar a Weevil, quien también pierde su alma; sin embargo, el tren en el que viajaban Yami Yugi y Téa cae por un peñasco.
مع استمرار المبارزات دون حل، قام كل من يامي يوغي وجوي بسحب بطاقات التنين الأسطوري في أوقات مماثلة وكلاهما يستدعيهما إلى الميدان.