As the concluding duel to Battle City rages on, things are looking good for Yami Yugi. His newly summoned Egyptian God card, Obelisk the Tormentor (4000/4000), has taken a big chunk of Yami Marik's Life Points; 4000 to be exact. Despite the major blow, Yami Marik isn't too worried, reminding Yami Yugi that it's Marik who suffers as a result.
Marik, with whatever power he's got left, goes to a still-unconscious Odion. He apologizes for everything he's done, but remembers why Odion stood by Marik to begin with, to control the evil within. Odion knew what Marik was doing was evil, but Odion has protected Marik since he was born, even undertaking his own painful ritual to prove his loyalty. Marik could never repay him for all he's done, and he realizes his time is up. He says goodbye to Odion.
Back in the Shadow Game, Yami Marik activates a trap card, Metal Reflect Slime, which creates a copy of Obelisk, with a DEF of 3000. Yami Yugi sets a card and ends his turn.
Yami Marik brings out Rev
Proche de la victoire, Yugi hésite à asséner le coup final, car le bon côté de Marik sera perdu dans le Royaume des ombres.
Il muro immortale - La divinità di plasma
Das Finale zwischen Yugi und Kaiba geht weiter. Kaiba greift dabei auf einige Tricks zurück. Zunächst erzeugt er mit einem Schleimmonster ein exaktes Ebenbild von Yugis Obelisk den Peiniger. Außerdem schafft er es, seine Lebenspunkte absolut ungreifbar zu machen. Bevor die gute Seite von Marik im Reich der Schatten versinkt, verabschiedet er sich von Odion, der aus seinem Koma erwacht.
مع احتدام المبارزة الختامية في معركة المدينة، تبدو الأمور جيدة ليامي يوغي. استحوذت بطاقة الاله المصرية المستدعاة حديثًا، اوبليسك المعذب، على جزء كبير من نقاط حياة يامي ماريك.