The attack went through, but Yami activated the trap card Nutrient Z, which gave him 4000 more life points if the damage done to him was greater than 2000 before the attack. Now Yami now has 1800 life points. However, since Yami lost 2300 life points, Noah gains them, setting him at 8200. He then chains with a Quickplay Magic card from his hand: Sebek's blessing, which lets him gain the damage done to Yami, setting his lifepoints at 10,500. But then the turn ends and the Yamata Dragon returns to his hand, setting off the Spring, which makes Noah's life points 11,000.
Yami plays Alpha the Magnet Warrior in attack mode and attacks directly, making Noah's life points 9600. Noa then turns Tristan to stone. He explains that one person will be turned to stone during the end of each of Yami's turns. Noa draws and plays Inaba White Rabbit which can attack directly, setting Yami at 1100. He ends his turn, recalls the Spirit monster, and gains 700 life points from Shinato and 500 life points fro
Un sentiment de désespoir et d'isolement envahit Yugi lorsqu'il voit ses amis se transformer en statues à chaque échec de sa part.
10000 Life Points contro 100!!
Noah gelingt es sämtliche Freunde von Yugi in Stein zu verwandeln. Dadurch scheint die Situation für Yugi immer aussichtsloser. Doch mit den Geistern seiner Freunde, die in den letzten sechs Karten von Yugis Deck stecken, kann Yugi das Blatt noch wenden.
تزداد جهود يوغي للفوز بالمبارزة تعقيدًا حيث يحول نوح جميع أصدقائه إلى تماثيل حجرية، تاركًا يوغي يشعر بالوحدة وبدون أمل.