Antes do Intercolegial, no mês de maio, Sakamichi e Sangaku se encontraram em um aquário. O laço do destino que os uniu naquele momento volta a se reatar na reta final da grande competição do ano.
Two kilometers from the finish line, Sakamichi receives his final orders from Imaizumi and is entrusted with winning the race. He steels his resolve and chases after Manami. In early spring before the Inter-High, Sakamichi and Manami bump into each other at the aquarium Team Sohoku visited on their way back from a race. There they promise to go all out against each other at the summer's Inter-High. When they end up racing for the finish line on the final day, despite their bewilderment and their teams' victories weighing upon them, they are delighted by their fated race against each other.
Retour en mai, quand l’équipe de Sôhoku profitait d’un peu de temps libre après une course. C’est à l’aquarium qu’Onoda retrouvera Manami et que les deux concurrents échangeront sur leurs attentes du prochain interlycée…
Nach zwei Etappen, während denen Onoda und Manami sich nicht messen konnten, haben die beiden gegen Ende der dritten Etappe endlich die Chance zum Duell.
오노다와 마나미는 두 사람이 수족관에서 우연히 만났을 때 전국 체전에서 승부를 겨루자고 했던 약속을 떠올린다. 엎치락뒤치락 대결을 펼치는 두 사람. 오노다는 높아진 고도에 체력의 한계를 느끼지만 동료들과 테시마 선배의 조언을 되새기며 다시 한번 페이스를 올린다.