The finish line of the Inter-High's second day is close. Imaizumi, Yuto, and Midousuji's race to the finish line heats up! Having removed his limited, Imaizumi rides ahead of the others. Meanwhile, Midousuji thinks back on visiting his mother in the hospital to more clearly imagine himself grasping victory. Finally, Yuto recalls a time when he simply enjoyed riding his bike with his older brother Hayato. "Have you heard the demon that appears on Hakone's straight roads has a younger brother?" Yuto becomes a sprinting demon like his brother! Who will win the battle just before the finish line?
얼마 남지 않은 골. 제한기를 벗어난 이마이즈미. 예전에 엄마가 입원해 계시던 병원을 오가던 기억을 떠올리며 승리의 이미지를 선명하게 만드는 미도스지. 형 하야토처럼 스프린트의 귀신으로 변하는 유토. 승부의 행방은!?
Die Ziellinie des zweiten Tages des Inter-High ist nahe. Imaizumi, Yuto und Midōsujis Rennen zur Ziellinie heizt sich auf. Nachdem Imaizumi seine Grenzen überschritten hat, fährt er vor den anderen her. Währenddessen denkt Midōsuji an seine Mutter …