Sakamichi and Yuto's battle has begun. Yuto is excited to compete against Sakamichi, who has come to be called the Mountain King, and challenges him to a race to reach their teammates riding at the front. Yuto finds Sakamichi's willingness to "ride for the team" strange and races ahead. However, Imaizumi and Naruko realize Sakamichi is coming, and the race ends in a draw. However, Kuroda and the rest of Hakone Academy catch up, and they take control of the race. Will they go after them or wait for Teshima... Imaizumi is forced to make a decision...
"산왕"이라고 불릴 정도가 된 사카미치와 겨루는 것에 흥분을 감추지 못하는 신카이 유토는, 사카미치에게 어떤 승부를 제안한다. 그에 대해 사카미치도 전력으로 페달을 돌리는데...! 두 사람의 배틀이 과열된다!
Das Rennen zwischen Shinkai und Onoda geht in die nächste Runde. Während Shinkai eine Strategie verfolgt, um Onoda zu bezwingen, lässt sich dieser nicht davon abhalten fokussiert zu bleiben.