With the welcoming race over, each of the first years is given special training by other members of the team. Onoda is teamed up with Makishima, Naruko with Tadokoro, and Imaizumi with Captain Kinjo. A specific racing route from the front slope of the school to the rear slope of the school is assigned along with the simple mission of learning from their seniors. Makishima debuts his special dancing, similar to a spiders web being weaved, which Onoda tries to duplicate, but Makishima helps him realize that instead of copying others, Onoda needs to realize what his own specialty is and master it. It is also revealed that Sugimoto finished third in the welcoming race.
웰컴 레이스를 마치고 클라이머로서 자신의 가능성을 찾아낸 사카미치. 다음날 부실에 가니 포스타뒤에 숨겨졌던 벽에 커다란 구멍이 뚫려 있는것을 발견한다. 그 구멍을 뚫은건 3학년 마키시마 선배 라는 것을 안 사카미치는 그 날 방과후 연습에서 마키시마와 맨투맨으로 개인 연습을 하게되어 긴장하고 만다!
Una vez terminada la carrera de bienvenida, cada uno de los de primer año recibe un entrenamiento especial por parte de otros miembros del equipo. Onoda forma equipo con Makishima, Naruko con Tadokoro e Imaizumi con el capitán Kinjo. Se les asigna una ruta de carrera específica desde la ladera delantera de la escuela hasta la trasera, junto con la sencilla misión de aprender de sus mayores. Makishima estrena su baile especial, similar al tejido de una tela de araña, que Onoda intenta duplicar, pero Makishima le ayuda a darse cuenta de que, en lugar de copiar a los demás, Onoda necesita darse cuenta de cuál es su propia especialidad y dominarla.