Onoda manages to catch up to Imaizumi and Naruko. Seeing Onoda ignites their fighting spirits. The three decide to test each others abilities as they race for the top of the mountain and see which of the three of them deserves to be the King of the Mountain from Sohoku's first years. Naruko eventually begins to drift as he doesn't do well in the mountains when the grade changes, but instead of letting Onoda slow down and stay with him, he chooses to give him his fighting spirit. Onoda moves on up and challenges Imaizumi for the title of King of the Mountain. As the third years watch on, they wonder what it is that keep Onoda going on, and the coach talks about how much extra fun Onoda must be having for the first time.
이마이즈미와 나루코를 쫒아서 필사적으로 페달을 돌리는 사카미치는 겨우 두사람을 따라 잡는다. 이마이즈미와 나루코도 사카미치의 경의적인 성장과 그 곧은 마음에 투지를 불태운다. 3명의 배틀은 더욱 더 가속되면서 경주는 산악 스테이지에 돌입. 오르막을 잘 못오르는 스트린터 나루코는 서서히 속도가 떨어지는데…
Onoda consigue alcanzar a Imaizumi y Naruko. Ver a Onoda enciende sus espíritus luchadores. Los tres deciden poner a prueba sus habilidades mientras corren hacia la cima de la montaña y ver cuál de los tres merece ser el Rey de la Montaña de los de primer año de Sohoku. Naruko empieza a quedarse atrás, ya que no le va bien en la montaña, pero en lugar de dejar que Onoda baje el ritmo y se quede con él, opta por darle su espíritu de lucha. Onoda sube y desafía a Imaizumi por el título de Rey de la Montaña. Mientras los de tercer año observan, se preguntan qué es lo que hace que Onoda siga adelante, y el entrenador habla de lo bien que se lo debe estar pasando Onoda por primera vez.