With ulterior motives in mind, Imperial Central Command dispatches three aides to serve the Generals. Karl Oswald, aide to Selvaria, finds his new commander intimidating and cold towards him. Meanwhile, Prince Maximilian is summoned back to the Imperial Capitol alone, much to Selvaria's chagrin. Sensing a plot behind Maximilian's recall and the three aides' sudden appearance, Jaegar suggests that Selvaria should act according to her instincts. However, Selvaria's initial attempt to go after the Prince is thwarted by Karl's insistence on following regulations. An assassin from the Capital attempts to murder Karl; Selvaria dispatches the assassin, and Karl confesses that he was sent to prevent Selvaria from accompanying Maximilian to the Capital. He proceeds to redeem himself by driving Selvaria and Jaegar to catch up with the Prince, where he subsequently witnesses Selvaria in action against assassins sent against Maximilian, and also discovers the reason behind her nickname, the "Azure Witch". Maximilian survives the attack unharmed, much to his older brother, the Crown Prince's consternation. Karl is relieved that Selvaria accepts him as her aide.
Karl ha sido asignado desde el centro como un subordinado de Cerberia al cuartel general de la unidad de invasión del Ejército Imperial hacia Gallia. Al mismo tiempo, también se asignarán subordinados a Gregor y Jaeger. Mientras tanto, Maximiliano sería convocado a su país de origen por sí mismo ... Sintiéndose impaciente con este movimiento perturbador, Cerberia intenta seguir a Maximiliano. Fue Karl quien lo detuvo con firmeza. En ese momento, una sombra sospechosa se acercaba sigilosamente a Maximiliano, que se dirigía solo a la capital real. ¿Llegarán la Cerberia y otros a tiempo para la crisis del Señor?