After asking Noe out, Shinichirō tells her about his picture book that he is making about the rooster Raigomaru. Aiko cannot get over what happened with her and Shinichirō. Noe's brother goes out on a date with Hiromi, and she finds out the true reason why Shinichirō is going out with Noe and also why she is going out with Noe's brother. Hiromi cuts her date short after she speaks her mind to Noe, though she realizes that she acted liked Shinichirō's mother since she shows resentment towards Noe. She asks Noe's brother to give her a ride to a "town where it does not snow" in order to get away from things.
Shin'ichirō riflette su quanto è accaduto, soprattutto al fatto di aver rifiutato l'amore di Aiko che vede solo come un'amica e come la fidanzata di Nobuse.
Ha comenzado una extraña relación en la que se entrelazan una serie de vagas emociones. Sin embargo, Hiromi no puede soportar la situación. Jun que le propone un juego. Shinichiro continúa dibujando libros ilustrados para que sea guiado por el cielo que muestra Noe. ¿Dónde está la historia de que los dos empezamos a dar vueltas? ¿Se desarrollará cada conflicto a una nueva etapa?