Noe once again tries to approach Shinichirō at school, but he shrugs her off, telling her that she does not understand his situation. Following this, Noe seeks out Hiromi but gets in a short fight with her while at school. Shinichirō realizes that Noe does like him a lot, due to all the attention she gives him, and after a little more persuasion from Jun, Shinichirō asks Noe to go out with him, albeit while somewhat embarrassed and looking away from her. Noe even asks him to say it again properly to her face, and write out "I love Noe" on the ground with stones. After school, Shinichirō goes to see Aiko at her shop, and when he tells her that he is now going out with Noe, Aiko rushes up to him and kisses him. While shedding tears, Aiko asks Shinichirō to consider her as well.
Le parole di Hiromi hanno sconvolto Shin'ichirō: Noe se ne accorge e, pensando che sia a causa di Hiromi, ha un battibecco con lei. Shin'ichirō, mentre rientra a casa in compagnia di Aiko dopo una lezione di danza, incontra Jun che gli ricorda che deve chiedere un appuntamento a Noe.
Shinichiro no puede aceptar fácilmente la historia de Hiromi. Noe, que quiere compartir sus preocupaciones con Shinichiro, tiene una gran pelea con Hiromi. Tal seriedad de Noe trae un cambio al corazón de Shinichiro. El día en que la primera nieve tiñó de blanco los terrenos de la escuela, Noe pide sinceridad más allá de las palabras frente a la tumba de Raitomaru. En la nieve que caía, Shinichiro se dirigió a la tienda de Aiko.