When Ashiya and Abeno smell a yokai on the potatoes Yahiko has been sneaking, they head to the farm where they were grown. There they encounter a yokai calling himself Nobou. Nobou has been attempting to leave the farm, but each time he does, he is enveloped in a strange smoke, forced to witness the events of his past, and returns to where he started. Nobou asked to be exorcised so he can leave the farm, but Abeno notices something about the situation.
Zenko appelle en catastrophe Ashiya au sujet de Yahiko : victime de son côté chapardeur, il a semble-t-il mangé quelque chose qu'il ne fallait pas.
젠코의 연락을 받고 절로 찾아간 아베노와 아시야는 몸집이 거대해진 야히코를 보고 놀란다. 야히코가 훔쳐 먹었다는 감자에 묻은 흙에서 지독한 냄새가 나자, 두 사람은 감자 밭으로간다. 그곳에서는 냄새가 진동하고 요괴의 기운이 느껴지는데…
Ashiya e Abeno vão ajudar Yahiko e encontram outro yokai com problemas. Ambos tentam ajudá-lo, mas parece que dessa vez o yokai precisa se ajudar sozinho.