Kakeru is unable to recall what happened when he kicked the ball, leading Nana to suspect Suguru's heart is the cause. At the hospital, Suguru's sport counselor, Ayaka Mine, examines Kakeru and reminds him to exercise for his heart. She secretly tasks Nana to watch for Suguru-like behavior from Kakeru possibly resulted from the transplant. That night, Kakeru learns that the masked stranger is Nana and that he received a heart transplant from Suguru. As Kakeru reads through Suguru's dairy, he discovers his brother's frustration with the forwards in Japan's national team and how he desires Kakeru to fill that position. The next day, Kakeru tells Nana he will enroll in Enoshima High where Ryuichi Araki, a passer with skills like Suguru, is located.
Kakeru regresa a practicar al parque y descubre que Seven es la persona enmascarada. Seven le confiesa a Kakeru la verdad acerca del trasplante de corazón. Al enterarse que tiene el corazón de su hermano, llega a casa y lee el diario de Suguru y decide volver al fútbol.
Nach der Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus setzt Kakeru sein Fußballtraining fort. Dabei fallen Seven immer wieder Veränderungen an ihrem Freund auf, die sie stutzig machen. Eines Abends offenbart sie sich ihm als die mysteriöse Spielerin und enthüllt eine schockierende Wahrheit. Kakeru trifft daraufhin eine folgenschwere Entscheidung.
Nana rivela a Kakeru la verità sul trapianto di cuore e il giovane è sconvolto, ma dopo aver letto il diario di suo fratello Suguru decide di realizzare il suo sogno.