Direktor Osmond findet es notwendig, einen Suchtrupp nach Fouquet und den gestohlenen Dingen auszusenden. Louise meldet sich freiwillig.
Worried that the princess may be blamed for Fouquet's theft, Louise volunteers to go out and catch her. With Kirche, Tabitha, and Saito tagging along, they travel to the last sighting of Fouquet with Longueville. There, they discover the hiding place of the Staff of Destruction only to have Fouquet's golem appear. Wishing to show her worth, Louise tries to take it head on with a spell, nearly being crushed in the process. Only by Saito's quick reflexes is she saved. Her confidence broken, Louise breaks into tears. Saito is moved by this and begins attacking the golem in her name. After discarding Kirche's sword and drawing Derflinger, the runes on his hands glow once again and his ability greatly increases. Louise tries to help by taking out the Staff of Destruction, which turns out to be a "M72 Light Anti-tank Weapon system(LAWs)" rocket launcher from Vietnam War. Immediately recognizing it, Saito grabs it and quickly uses it, blowing up the golem.
Preoccupati che la principessa possa essere accusata del furto di Fouquet, Louise, Kirche, Tabitha e Saito si offrono per andare a catturare il ladro. Scoprono dove è stato nascosto il Bastone della Distruzione, quando compare il Golem di Fouquet, che si rivelerà essere una persona di loro conoscenza.
En la escuela mandan a llamar a Louise a la dirección, entonces Kirche y Tabitha la acompañan. A ellas le encargan el perseguir y averiguar en donde "Fouquet" había escondido el "Báculo de la destrucción" y la envían con la secretaria de el director a averiguar, cuando llegan encuentran una casa abandonada y se ponen a investigar, entre tanto que Saito, Zerbst y Tabitha investigan Louise que esta fuera es atacada por "Foouquet y su Golem de barro" siendo este destruido por Saito "Gundulf" que utiliza el báculo que no es báculo si no un arma militar de su planeta para destruirlo y salvar a todos.Luego se sabe que "Fouquet" era la secretaria del director del colegio y es enviada a prisión.