Lina, Goury und Amelia reisen auf einem Floß nach Sairaag, wo ihr Feind auf sie wartet.
Lina and her friends are still pursued by the bounty hunters. They try to lose them in the mountains to no avail. Our heroes have no time for a meal and their empty stomachs is taking a toll on them. They follow their noses into a cave where the smell of delicious food emanates. But it is a trap setup by Zangulus and Vrumugan... They narrowly escape from the cave and escape on a raft in a rapid stream. Zangulus and Vrumugan try to catch on, but finally Lina's magic knocks them out and the pursuers are thrown into the water.
Reena y compañía todavía siguen escapando de los cazadores de recompensas. Tratando de perderlos por las montañas y campo a través, los héroes no tienen descanso ni para comer. Cansados y hambrientos, se encuentran cada vez más desesperados para zafarse de sus perseguidores...
알 수 없이 수배당한 이유로 일단 사일라그로 향하는 리나 인버스 일당, 그리고 끈질기게 쫓아다니는 브루무군 일당을 피해 먼길로 돌아가기로 한 것 까진 좋았는데 그것은 브루무군 일당의 함정이었다. 드래곤 슬레이브로 브루무군을 쓰러뜨리긴 했지만 사일라그로의 여정은 아직 멀었다.