Hallas taucht auf, den Lina zunächst für einen weiteren Kopfgeldjäger hält. Doch der hat ganz andere Probleme: Hexe Cally nistet sich bei ihm zu Hause ein und will ihn mit ihrer Tochter verheiraten, um an seine Reichtümer zu kommen. Er bietet Lina 5.000 Goldstücke an, wenn sie eine Scheinehe mit ihm eingeht. Für eine solche Summe ist Lina zu fast allem bereit.
On their way to Sairaag, Lina and her friends meet a young boy named Harris. He asks Lina to be his bride in a fake marriage because he's been forced by a witch, named Callie, to marry her daughter. Lina reluctantly accepts his request and attends a fake wedding ceremony with Harris, but then Zangulus and Vrumugan jump in. The ceremony is in a chaos and Lina has to fight in her wedding dress. While Callie and Vrumugan fight against each other, Lina recites an incantation and wins the battle. By accident Lina blows up Harris' house in the battle and as a result doesn't receive her fee from Harris.
Camino a Cylor, Reena y sus amigos conocen a un rico joven llamado Harris. Éste le pide a Reena que se case con él y sea su esposa por un día para librarse de una bruja que de lo contrario lo obligará a casarse con su hija en el plazo de una semana.
영문도 모른체 수배범으로 몰리게 된 리나 인버스 일당들은 음모를 밝히기 위해 여행을 계속한다. 방해자들을 물리치며 사일라그로 가려고 했지만 가짜 신부를 해주면 돈을 준다는 왕자의 말에 수락하고 잠시 발길을 멈춘다. 그러나 살아있었던 브루무군과 정글스의 끈질긴 추격전에 싸움에 휘말리게 되는데…