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  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 597797
  • Created September 17, 2014
  • Modified March 4, 2025
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Name First Aired Runtime Image
S2012E01 How do 3D glasses work - Sixty Symbols
January 23, 2012
S2012E02 Five Sigma - Sixty Symbols
February 10, 2012
S2012E03 World's Smallest Magnetic Byte - Sixty Symbols
February 18, 2012
S2012E04 Neutrinos slower than light - Sixty Symbols
February 29, 2012
S2012E05 Was Brian Cox wrong? - Sixty Symbols
March 7, 2012
S2012E06 High above the LHC - Sixty Symbols
March 16, 2012
S2012E07 Inside the Large Hadron Collider (CMS) - Sixty Symbols
March 23, 2012
S2012E08 Type II Supernova - Sixty Symbols
March 29, 2012
S2012E09 Inside ATLAS at the Large Hadron Collider - Sixty Symbols
April 7, 2012
S2012E10 Hand back into the Large Hadron Collider - Sixty Symbols
May 2, 2012
S2012E11 Will the LHC destroy the world? - Sixty Symbols
May 9, 2012
S2012E12 Petabytes of data at Large Hadron Collider - Sixty Symbols
May 16, 2012
S2012E13 Momentum, Magnets & Metal Balls - Sixty Symbols
May 26, 2012
S2012E14 Venus Transit - Sixty Symbols
June 1, 2012
S2012E15 What is CERN? - Sixty Symbols
June 23, 2012
S2012E16 Making Minute Physics - Sixty Symbols
June 28, 2012
S2012E17 Is it the Higgs Boson? - Sixty Symbols
July 4, 2012
S2012E18 Falling into Black Holes - Sixty Symbols
July 18, 2012
S2012E19 Science YouTubers - Sixty Symbols
August 1, 2012
S2012E20 Gargamelle and Neutral Currents - Sixty Symbols
August 8, 2012
S2012E21 Current and Magnets - Sixty Symbols
August 22, 2012
S2012E22 Double Vision - Sixty Symbols
August 31, 2012
S2012E23 Spinning Magnet - Sixty Symbols
September 24, 2012
S2012E24 The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics - Sixty Symbols
October 9, 2012
S2012E25 Rainbows and Double Rainbows - Sixty Symbols
October 26, 2012
S2012E26 More Magnets - Sixty Symbols
November 6, 2012
S2012E27 Problems with High School Physics - Sixty Symbols
November 11, 2012
S2012E28 Northern Lights Flight - Sixty Symbols
November 27, 2012
S2012E29 Weird Surface Tension - Sixty Symbols
December 2, 2012
S2012E30 Why is Stephen Hawking a big deal? - Sixty Symbols
season finale
December 11, 2012

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